Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Focus With The Mll3

The ML-L3 can be used for taking self-portraits with your Nikon camera.

The ML-L3 is a remote control trigger for Nikon single-lens reflex cameras, such as the D70, D90, D5000 and D7000. The wireless device, which is small enough to cup in the palm of your hand, is also compatible with two CoolPix models, the P7000 and the P7100. The ML-L3 works from up to 16 feet away from the camera, and can be set to take the picture immediately or on a two-second delay. Set your camera to recognize the remote control through the self-timer option. The ML-L3 will correct the focus as it takes the picture.


1. Pre-focus the picture when you aim the camera toward the subject to set up the image. Press the shutter button halfway down to engage the auto-focus system or use the manual focus option.

2. Move from behind the camera.

3. Aim the ML-L3 toward the front of the camera. This is where the remote's sensor is located.

4. Press the trigger button on the ML-L3. The signal will tell the camera to focus, set the exposure and take the picture.

Tags: camera ML-L3, remote control, take picture