Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Build A Robot From Junk

Making a junk robot figure is a great way to recycle old odds and ends into a new, original creature. Discarded tin cans, odd buttons from forgotten appliances and miscellaneous unidentifiable pieces of trash can take on new life with a little imagination. Whether your taste in robots is cute or killer, you will soon have one of your own creation. With a little bit of supervision, you can even bring your kids in on the good times.


1. Find a piece for the torso. You can use old cans of oil, tins of sardines, coffee cans, small cardboard boxes or anything else big enough to fasten a head, arms and legs to.

2. Pick out feet, arms and legs. Your legs should have feet wide enough to stand on. Broken toy cars without the wheels, lids from mason jars and other wide flat things work well. Use anything you want for the arms and legs. Set top antennas from old televisions, forks and spoons, crescent wrenches and railroad spikes will all work pretty well.

3. Get parts for your junk robot's head. Make sure that your robot has a mouth and two eyes at minimum, and a nose if you want one. A wooden top with square bolts for eyes and a zipper for a mouth would work well, for example.

4. Assemble your robot. The quick and dirty route is to put it all together with duct tape. You can also use tin snips to cut slits in the torso, then stick the limbs and head into them. Use epoxy or solder to join the pieces together once you have everything in place.

5. Decorate your robot. Metallic spray paint will cover up the rusty spots if you don't want your junk robot to look like a heap of junk. You can also glow on pieces of colored plastic, tinsel, or whatever else you think makes your robot look more menacing and awesome.

Tags: your robot, arms legs, junk robot, robot look, work well, your junk, your junk robot