Friday, May 3, 2013

Measure Coffee Into A Coffee Maker

Coffee is consumed all over the world.

Coffee is one of the world's most popular drinks, consumed by roughly a third of the world's population, according to Encyclopedia Britannica. At home, coffee makers allow coffee drinkers to get their daily coffee fix without having to leave the house. Though everyone's coffee differs, so there is no perfect way to measure coffee into a coffee maker, some general rules can help you brew a tasty pot of coffee in your at-home coffee maker.


1. Open the top of the coffee maker and locate the filter basket. The filter basket in the coffee maker is generally a circular or conical shaped bowl-like section of the coffee maker.

2. Place a coffee filter into the coffee maker's filter basket. For the best results, use a coffee filter that is the same shape as the filter basket. Both circular and cone-shaped coffee filters are available.

3. Read the packaging of the coffee that you want to measure. Often, the coffee packaging includes directions with the suggested amount of coffee to use. If the coffee packaging does not offer a suggested coffee amount, a general rule of thumb is 1 to 2 tablespoons of coffee for every 6 ounces of water.

4. Adjust to your taste. When you brew your first pot of coffee, you may find that the amount of coffee suggested makes coffee either too weak or too strong for your tastes. Measure slightly more coffee or slightly less coffee with each subsequent brewing until you find the amount of coffee that tastes the best to you.

Tags: coffee maker, filter basket, amount coffee, coffee filter, coffee packaging