Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Digital Camera Instructions

Digital cameras have a number of features that are similar across models

There are numerous kinds of digital cameras. Specific instructions for each camera will vary a bit, but there are a number of things that almost all digital cameras, point-and-shoot and high-end digital single-lens reflex (SLR) models alike, share.

Suitable Subjects

When capturing a photograph using a digital camera, be careful of framing very bright objects, like the sun or a light, behind the subject. Because of the nature of digital sensors, very bright areas of an image render as pure white, without any image data. Backlighting a subject can cause the background to completely wash out and leave the face of the subject too dark to see details. If your subject is backlit, either move the subject to a location with less light in the background or use your camera's built-in flash to add light to the face of the subject.

Menu Settings While Taking Pictures

Most digital cameras have menus where items can be set before taking a picture. In many cameras, the light sensitivity, or ISO, can be set, as can white balance and resolution settings. In higher-end point-and-shoots and most DSLRs, the shutter speed and the size of the opening in the lens, or aperture, can be set. On DSLRs, these settings are in similar places as they are on film SLRs. In higher-end point-and-shoot cameras, you can often set shutter speed and aperture by exploring items in the shooting menu. Some cameras allow for overlays, such as humorous cartoons or scenes. In these cameras, these overlays are selected in the shooting menu, allowing the photographs to be composed with the subjects in the proper place.

Menu Settings While Reviewing Pictures

In most digital cameras, the options will be different if the Menu button is pressed while reviewing images. Some cameras will allow limited image editing via the review menus. Pressing the menu button while reviewing images will often allow you to delete a single image or all images and is usually found where the memory card format command is located. Some cameras will allow you to "protect" an image to prevent it from being deleted. Still other cameras may have a "hide" function that will prevent the image from being displayed on the camera's review monitor.

Best Settings for General Photography

Although many cameras have a variety of specialized settings, for general picture taking, setting the camera to automatic and using the flash in automatic mode will give excellent results. Modern digital cameras have built-in computers that analyze the scene and are very good at selecting the proper settings for a good exposure.

Tags: cameras have, digital cameras, Some cameras, cameras will, cameras will allow