Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Build A Simple Light Box

It was once said that a picture is worth a thousand words. Now, thanks to search engines like Google Images, a word is worth a thousand pictures---if not more! And it's getting increasingly more difficult to weed out the professionals from the amateurs. If you enjoy taking pictures and want to give them that polished, shot-in-a-studio look, you're going to need a good light box. Lucky for you, this can be done easily and cheaply. Here's how.


Build a Simple Light Box

1. Take two pieces of foam board and tape them together so that the edges are touching. When taped together, the pieces of foam board should form an "L" shape. Run the tape along the outside edge where the corner you just formed juts out. This way you won't see any tape seams in your photography. This forms the top and the back of you light box.

2. For the bottom of the box, tape a third board on the opposite end of the back of the box. This third piece should mirror the top piece so that the box now has a "U" shape when the back panel of the box is laid on the floor.

3. Attach the sides, taping them in the same manner as the top and bottom panels. You should now have a square that is open on one end. Use the straightedge blade to trim any overhanging edges.

4. Insert the light bulb into the clamp-on lamp. Use the clamp to attach the lamp to either side of your light box.

5. Place the object you wish to capture on film inside the box and snap away until you get the perfect photo. Lamps can be readjusted and more lamps can be added to get the desired effect.

Tags: Build Simple, Build Simple Light, foam board, pieces foam, pieces foam board