Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Focus A Camera Lens

Digital camera technology produces high quality images, and often without doing anything other than pointing and shooting. When you use an SLR camera, you have greater creative control over the aspects that go into creating a photograph. Perhaps most important is learning Camera focus a camera lens.


1. Compose your photograph by looking through your viewfinder. One method that photographers use is the rule of thirds. Divide the frame into thirds to place a subject in the best position.

2. Examine available lighting. A lens is glass that focuses light onto a point. You need to make certain you have sufficient light for a good photograph. A smaller focal length or higher aperture lets in more light to a photograph.

3. Use your aperture setting, also known as the f-stop, to determine the depth of field around the subject. A greater depth of field generally increases sharpness. Determine an f-stop is by the focal length divided by an opening. An f2 setting means the opening is half as large as the focal length of your lens.

4. Determine the best focal length of a lens for your subject. The focal length is the distance from the lens to the where the camera focused on infinity. Telephoto lenses have poor depth of field.

5. Focus your camera lens on one object in the photo, as you can only focus on one object. It's best to fill the viewfinder with the subject. Adjust the aperture until the object is at its sharpest.

Tags: focal length, depth field