Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Ideas For Iphone Apps

From devices used to merely make and receive calls, mobile phones have evolved into multi-functioning tools offering features such media playback, digital cameras, voice recording and personal information management. The iPhone is a major success in the smart phone market in part because it supports third-party applications that extend its functionality. Despite the plethora of available applications, there is room-and the market-for more.

Auto Order

Sometimes you see something you want to buy, but can't at that moment even though you have the money for it. This can be due to the item's weight or dimensions, the fact that you're in another town and can't get it home, or simply because you're headed somewhere and can't take that item along. And you fear that you'll forget about it if you don't do so right away. If only you had a personal assistant to take care of it for you. Technology writer Merlin Mann at 43 Folders suggests your iPhone can be that personal assistant. All it needs is an application that scans the bar code of the item and automatically places an order using your credit card information and address. Your phone could make sure you never miss a chance to buy something you want just because you spotted it when you weren't out to shop.

Location Aware Reminder

The iPhone, just like any other modern smart phone, features reminders by default without the need for a third-party application. However, with the advent of GPS and location-aware services, this function can be improved. How many times have you heard about a shop, restaurant or special place and made a resolution to visit it the next time you're in the area-only to have forgotten it by the time you get there? Again, your iPhone could take care of that--if an app were built for this purpose. Another suggestion by Merlin Mann is an app he calls That Reminds Me. This location-aware reminder app would store reminders based on locations, and the next time you are near that location, your iPhone would alert you.

Inquisitive Tasks

Just like a default reminder system, the iPhone features a default tasks list used to track things-a basic "to-do" list. When you've got something on your to-do list, it always helps if someone reminds you of it and asks if it has been done yet. This is a feature lacking not only on the iPhone, but also on most smart phones. Create an iPhone app for the purpose, one with a pop-up prompt asking you whether you have done a specific task or not, with the option to mark the task as done, or pending. The frequency of these prompts could be set in the options. This could certainly be a productivity booster.


Have you ever really needed a day off work after you've run out of leave days- the only option left being to "chuck a sickie"? The Sickie iPhone app would help to make the ruse convincing by changing your voice in a live conversation to that of a cold or flu sufferer. The app would, as described by the UK Telegraph, convert a healthy voice into one that mimics the genuine frailty of a sick person. Then you could tell your boss, "You can tell by my voice just how sick I am."

Tags: your iPhone, iPhone would, Merlin Mann, next time, personal assistant