Thursday, October 31, 2013

Troubleshoot Bluetooth Problems On An Hp Ipaq

HP iPAQ's are becoming more capable, more complex and more connected. They have more features than ever and can sync up with other phones, your computer and a variety of other devices using features like Bluetooth. Follow these steps to learn troubleshoot Bluetooth problems on an HP iPAQ.


1. Check for the latest version of a Bluetooth patch from HP. HP will periodically update patches and software for the iPAQ to fix or alter the way it interacts with Bluetooth technology.

2. Check the Bluetooth status of each device you're using. For Bluetooth to be functional, you have to have it in the "on" position on both your iPAQ and whatever device the iPAQ is communicating with.

3. Call the HP support line if you have in-depth troubles, or visit their website.

4. Read the owner's manual for your HP iPAQ handheld device. Often you can refine your knowledge of Bluetooth by understanding the way it works with your HP iPAQ.

5. Perform a soft-reset on your device. This may clear up any problems caused by running too many applications at once.

6. Be sure your batteries are charged and all wires are plugged in properly.

7. Use the help feature on your computer and on your HP iPAQ. Search each for the Bluetooth section for ideas about what might be hampering your configuration.

Tags: your iPAQ, your computer

What Is A Flash Slave Unit Over A Master

Slave flash units provide additional light for photographs.

In photography, good lighting is essential. Even if you have a sophisticated flash unit mounted on your camera, it is sometimes helpful to employ "slave" flash units, which supplement the lighting that the main or "master" unit provides.


A slave flash fires when it detects the light from the master flash. Because light travels so quickly, for all practical purposes, the flashes fire simultaneously.

Lighting From Multiple Angles

There are times when a photographer wants to light a subject from more than one angle to reduce shadows or highlight some features. A slave flash can be a nice alternative to expensive studio lighting for this purpose.

Filling in the Shadows

Slave flashes can also provide an easy way to light multiple locations in a scene. For example, if you were photographing a living room, you might aim a slave flash at a dark corner that light from the main flash does not reach.

Disadvantage of Slave Flashes

Slave flashes can be a handy alternative to expensive studio lighting. However, studio lighting is constant, making it easier to gauge whether you have the correct exposure before you take the photo. With slave flashes firing only at the moment the photo is taken, some trial and error may be necessary to get the lighting just right.

Tags: studio lighting, alternative expensive, alternative expensive studio, expensive studio, expensive studio lighting, flash units

Cd Laser Lens Cleaner Information

Many people have a collection of CDs of their favorite music and want to be able to enjoy listening to them as long as they possibly can. A CD laser lens cleaner will go a long way toward keeping your music CDs playing with a high level of quality.


Over time, dust and dirt collects on the laser lens of your CD player. This debris will eventually diminish your CD player's ability to render the digital information on your CD accurately.


A CD laser lens cleaner is basically a regular CD with six tiny brushes attached to the surface.


When this kind of disc is loaded into your CD player, the brushes clean dust and dirt that have collected on the laser lens.


It is common for the lens cleaner CD to play a single track of a high-pitched tone or some sort of electronic music composition while the cleaning process is taking place. And it is equally as common for the CD to automatically stop at the end of cleaning.


There are many manufacturers and types of CD laser lens cleaners, but they all accomplish the same purpose.

Tags: laser lens, lens cleaner, your player, dust dirt

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Wheels To A Tv Stand

If you own a TV stand that has a base with feet instead of wheels, then all you have is a television stand that stays in one spot. Families that use their den for more than watching TV are finding ways to make their living space more adaptable to their lifestyle. When you have family fun night that doesn't involve a television, a TV stand with wheels can move the set out of the way for whatever fun activity your family chooses to do. If you want to customize a TV stand for just this reason, it's an easy task.


1. Position the TV stand with the bottom of the base pointed upward. Keep the surface that is pointed toward the ceiling flat and level. Have your tools and wheels close by and be close enough to an electrical outlet to use an electrical drill to make pilot holes for the screw fasteners.

2. Measure and mark the largest square or rectangular shape that will fit thin the outside edges of the base plate. Leave any pre-existing feet in place and mark around or through the feet that are there. Use the shape to place four caster wheels in position to carry the weight of the stand evenly. If pre-existing feet are in the way of placing the caster in the perfect spot, move the caster inside of the foot just enough to secure it to the TV stand base plate. Now position and mark the locations of each screw hole for all of the caster wheels.

3. Measure the width of the TV stand's base plate. The screws that secure the casters to the base plate cannot be longer than the thickness of the base plate or the screws will come out the top. Measure the width of the base plate and subtract at least 1/16 inch so that when the screw is tightened, the wheel be secure and the screw will not protrude out the top.

4. Wrap the drill bit with a piece of tape so that you will know how deep to drill the pilot hole. Use the measurement you obtained from the thickness of the TV stand's base plate to know where to wrap the drill bit with tape. When done, only enough drill bit should be visible under the edge of tape. Drill into the base plate until you reach the edge of the tape and stop.

5. Position each caster wheel in place and secure it to the TV stand using screws that are of the right length. The pilot holes will let you easily tighten the wheels in place. After all the wheels are secured to the TV stand, check that they operate smoothly and are correctly centered under the base. Turn the television stand over and confirm that it remains level. Move the base around without any weight on top to check that the wheels are working properly before putting the television on top of the TV stand.

Tags: base plate, television stand, stand base, stand base plate, base plate screws, caster wheels

Take Great Pictures Of Yourself

A good DIY photo takes preparation.

We've all seen them: self-taken photographs showing an arm holding the camera, or snapped in front of a mirror with a blinding flash glare. Naturally, you want your photos to look better than that, but the physical limitations of snapping your own picture make it nearly impossible to get a good shot of yourself (unless you're a contortionist, that is).

If you need photos of yourself and don't have someone around to take them, there are ways to avoid the common pitfalls of do-it-yourself photography.


1. Look your best. Don't try to take pictures on a day when you haven't had enough sleep. The camera never lies and the fatigue will show on your face. Be well rested and make sure your hair and makeup look fresh. You'll get much better results if you take photos early in the morning when you're energized and the outdoor lighting is optimal.

2. Have adequate lighting. The most common problem with DIY photography is poor lighting. Even using a flash, indoor photography will often look dark or grainy when there is not enough light on the subject. Turn on every overhead light in the room, open window blinds to let in sunlight, or better yet, take your photos outside. When it comes to photography, there is rarely such a thing as too much light.

3. Ditch the mirror. Forget about trying to take a snapshot of yourself in front of a mirror. Not only will your hand or arm holding the camera be visible, the mirror reflects glare from a flash, often completely obscuring your face. If you have no other choice, be prepared to take 100 or more photos to get one that is suitable.

4. Get a camera with a timer. Most modern cameras have a timer function that can be adjusted to allow you 5 to 10 seconds to move into position before the shutter activates. This feature is invaluable for people who routinely need to take photos of themselves.

5. Use a tripod. This small investment will save you hours of frustration. With a tripod and a timer, you can get nearly perfect photos every time. If you can't afford a professional tripod, the GorillaPod is a cheaper alternative. This mini flexible tripod allows you to twist and turn the three legs in different directions so you can shoot from any angle. No matter what your budget, remember that any tripod is better than no tripod.

Tags: better than, front mirror, holding camera, take photos, your face, your photos

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Save 35mm Slides To Digital

35mm slides with a viewing glass

Before the days of digital photography, the 35mm slide was considered the best way to store photographs. Photographic film was less prone to deterioration than paper, and the 35mm format allowed for easy storage in indexed boxes. The 35mm slides were shown using slide projectors, which, like modern digital image projectors, use an extremely bright light and lens to project the image onto a flat white surface. These 35mm slides can be converted to digital formats by using scanning equipment. The resulting digital images can be stored and manipulated on your computer in the same way as other digitally captured images.


1. Prepare your slides, as you would for a slide show, by making sure the film is clean and clear of dust.

2. Make sure your scanning hardware and software are operational. If you are using a flatbed scanner with an attachment, ensure the attachment is fitted correctly. As the majority of 35mm slides are positive images (that is, the colors on the film are as you would see them in reality), make sure your software and hardware are set for positive and not negative scanning.

3. Scan each slide one at a time and check each image as it appears on your computer screen. If the quality seems compromised, check the settings. Make sure light is not getting into the scanner during the scanning process.

4. Touch up each image, if necessary. Old slides, even when stored and cleaned carefully, can be scratched by dust over the years. Many scanning software packages include the ability to retouch images by reducing "noise" from dust and scratches.

5. Save and store your prints. If you are using image database software, catalog the image now in case you don't get around to it later.

Tags: 35mm slides, 35mm slides, each image, sure your, your computer

Phone Handset Finder Work

How a Cordless Phone Base Works

Used primarily with home land lines, a cordless phone works like a traditional phone, except with a two-way radio built between the base and the battery-powered handset. When someone dials the land line phone number, the telephone network sends an electrical pulse pattern through the telephone jack to the base, signaling an incoming call. Once the base receives this signal, it uses a built-in antenna to broadcast an encoded digital signal on a specific radio wave frequency.

How a Cordless Phone Handset Works

Attached to an internal radio receiver, the handset's circuitry is calibrated to only sense radio signals sent on the base's broadcasting frequency. After the handset receives the encoded signal, its circuit directs an electrical component to make the "ringing" sound that indicates an incoming call.

When you press the "Talk" button on the ringing handset, the handset broadcasts an encoded digital signal on a different radio wave frequency. The base, which is calibrated to receive signals on the handset's broadcast frequency, reads this confirmation signal and begins broadcasting the incoming caller's voice continuously. Meanwhile, pressing "Talk" causes the handset to start continuously broadcasting your voice.

How the Handset Finder Works

When you push the "Handset Finder" button on the cordless phone base, the base broadcasts the same type of encoded digital signal used for an incoming call. The signal itself is broadcast from the base's antenna in all directions, spreading outward like an ever-expanding, invisible sphere. Unless there are metal obstructions like steel I-beams, steel-reinforced concrete walls, metal-coated surfaces or metal furniture, the radio wave signal will easily penetrate the surrounding structures to reach the misplaced handset (and the receiver therein).

Upon receiving the encoded signal, the handset will ring normally until you can locate it by ear. When you pick up the handset and press "Talk," the handset broadcasts its response signal back to the base. With no incoming call to broadcast, the base instead sends a final signal back to the handset that causes the handset to stop broadcasting its microphone input. Thus, the handset resumes its normal "standby" mode.

Tags: incoming call, digital signal, encoded digital, encoded digital signal, Handset Finder, radio wave

Make A Microphone Work On A Camcorder

Using a microphone as an attachment with a camcorder has several advantages. An external microphone will generally provide better sound quality; the ability to adjust how near or far the microphone is to the subject provides several options; and internal microphones usually pick up the sounds from the camcorder whereas an external mic will cut down on such sounds.


1. Determine what type of microphone is best. Different mics are good for different situations. Plus, the microphone you choose depends on the type of input on the camcorder. Low-end cameras usually have stereo jacks while high-end cameras have XLR jacks.

2. Put batteries into the microphone. Check which type of batteries the mic needs and place them into the correct compartment.

3. Connect the microphone to the input on the camcorder. Once the microphone is connected, the internal microphone is automatically turned off.

4. If using the XLR input, go into the camcorder's audio settings after connecting it. Then, turn the "XLR Input" to "On."

5. Switch the "XLR Mic" switch to Channel 1 or 2, depending on the terminal to which the mic has been attached.

6. Go to the "Line/Mic" switch and push it to "Mic." Then, change the channel to 1 or 2.

Tags: input camcorder

Monday, October 28, 2013

What Is A Blocking Diode

A blocking diode is a device that controls current flows inside of photovoltaic systems. It is one way that valves are used in electrical circuits, and it is very easy to use and convenient because they save a lot of time. A blocking diode is vital to maintain isolation of power supplies in normal operating situations as well as in emergency electric circuit failures. It makes sure that currents from one power supply does not find entry into another.


What exactly is a blocking diode? It is a device that is used to prevent reverse electrical currents from flowing back from a specified battery bank through solar panels. A blocking diode is generally necessary only when someone is not using a charge controller.


A blocking diode is also used for taking preventative measures. A blocking diode works to protect photovoltaic modules from voltage spikes that are created by permanent magnet producing devices like ones that are used in both hydro and wind generators. It is also necessary for every photovoltaic module to stop nighttime power draw via the modules.


Any solar energy systems with numerous panels should should consist of blocking diodes in order to protect the panels from other panels during times of panel breakdown, ground fault issues, shading, and also for isolating them away from batteries during the night.


Why exactly is a blocking diode important? In essence, a blocking diode performs three major operations. It keeps batteries from alternating solar panels. It is used for preventing the ability of batteries to charge power grids, and it also prevent batteries from charging wind generating devices.


If you do not properly and efficiently install a blocking diode into your renewable energy system (whether that renewable energy system is solar, water or wind), your batteries will never work efficiently. Because of this, it is important to make sure that you properly and correctly install your blocking diode. Also, a blocking diode does not protect against over currents. To protect against over currents, fuses or breakers should be installed.

Tags: blocking diode, blocking diode, against over, against over currents, batteries from, blocking diode device

Get Android On My Fuze Phone

The Android OS is a powerful operating system, which is constantly available for more devices. AT&T cell phone users don't currently have many Android options, but Fuze owners now have a simple solution that can be performed without the risk of damaging your phone. Now, AT&T customers can enjoy the benefits of Google's Android.

Prepare the Files

Download the file "Android for the" This compressed file contains everything needed to run Android on your HTC Fuze. Unzip the contents of the file to a directory on your desktop or another easy to find location on your computer. Copy the files within that directory to your MicroSD card either via your data cable and your phone or directly through a memory card reader on your computer.

Start Android on Your HTC Fuze

Read the files from your phone. If you removed your MicroSD card, reinsert it into the Fuze. Turn the phone on and wait for it to start up. At this point, everything will still start up as the phone normally does. Start up the "File Explorer." Navigate to the root of the MicroSD card in "File Explorer," and tap the file "haret.exe." This will load the Android Operating System version 1.6 on your phone.

Getting Back to Windows Mobile

While this process does allow you to run the Android OS on your HTC Fuze, it is not a permanent change. Simply reset the phone to restore your phone to its normal Windows Mobile functionality. This process does not alter your phone in any way, but for this reason, the Android OS will not load upon the startup of your phone. You will have to load the "haret.exe" file again any time you wish to use the Android OS.

Tags: your phone, MicroSD card, Android Fuze, Android your, Android your Fuze

Friday, October 25, 2013

Compare Digital Camcorders For Streaming Video

Pick the best video camera for streaming video.

There are dozens of different makes and models of home cameras available to the general public. All of the cameras have specialty features for streaming video over the Internet. However, when deciding on a camera for streaming video, there are several different factors to consider.


1. Look for a camera with either a built-in hard drive or removable memory card. These cameras record every video as a single file, allowing for easy uploads. Cameras with video tapes (such as miniDV) require a video editor and additional uploading procedures to obtain the video content.

2. Narrow down your choices to cameras with adjustable recording modes. These modes allow you to change what format the video camera is recording in, including a mode specific for streaming video. This mode records lower quality video but compresses the information so the video files are smaller and easier to upload to the Internet.

3. Check for microphone location (if you intend to use sound on the streaming video). You want the microphone located directly underneath the camera lens. If the microphone is off to the side, it picks up more audio from either the right or the left of the lens. Microphones place on the top of the camera are more likely to record your breathing and sounds the camera operating is producing.

4. Opt for a small, hand-held, inexpensive camera if you just need to shoot short, quick clips. These cameras coast around $100 and are found at most electronic and large retail stores (such as Target and Walmart). The camera records on a removable memory card and uploads the content directly through a USB data cable.

Tags: streaming video, camera streaming, camera streaming video, memory card, removable memory, removable memory card

Convert Projector Slides Into Digital Images

Convert Projector Slides Into Digital Images

One of the most devastating results of large scale home disasters like flooding and fire is the loss easily damaged family mementos such as projector slides. Many families have hundreds of slides storing memories of vacations, holidays and other special occasions. Digital archiving offers a way to protect these valuable treasures for future generations. Converting projector slides to digital is a project that can be done at home using a computer and slide scanner.



1. Collect and organize the projector slides for converting. Depending on the number of slides you have stored, this may be a big project, spanning several weekends. Organizing your slides in the beginning will save you time overall. Organize slides in groups the way you want to store them digitally. For example, you may want to store all family vacation slides together. Or you may want to store your photos by year or by occasion. Determine this in advance and organize your slides so that you aren't wasting time sorting later.

2. Follow the manufacturer's instructions to attach the slide attachment to your scanner and to connect your scanner to your computer. Most current models connect quickly using a USB cable.

3. Place your first slide inside the slide attachment and prepare it for scanning.

4. Open your photo editing software. It should recognize your scanner automatically, but if it does not, follow the program instructions to enable the software to "see" your scanner. Once your software and scanning device are connected, you will need to follow the software instructions for importing an image. Generally, this will be as simple as clicking an "Import" icon or by clicking "File" and then "Import" on the menu options. You should see a "processing" message while the scan is in progress. When the scan is complete, your image will pop up on your screen.

5. Edit the image as appropriate. Although editing the image at this point is optional, it will save you time in the long run if you perform basic imaging editing at this point. Most software offers auto correcting options that will adjust for darkness, red eye, and sharpen the image. Performing just these corrections is often enough to make your image ready for sharing electronically via e-mail or social networking. After editing, save the image. If you've organized your slides, use the "Save As…" function in your program to save your photo into a folder created for that specific category of slide. Repeat this process for each of your slides.

Tags: your scanner, your slides, want store, Convert Projector, Convert Projector Slides

Replace The Usb Cord For A Sanyo Digital Camera

Although Sanyo is best known for its line of televisions, it does have other products, including digital cameras. These cameras record the image onto removable memory cards, but all come accompanied with a USB data cable. This allows you to copy the images from the camera to a computer without removing the memory stick. However, the cable is small so it is possible to lose it. If this happens, it is a good idea to replace it as soon as you can.


1. Open up your Sanyo digital camera user manual. If you do not have the manual, you can go to the Sanyo website and type in your product model and look at a digital copy of the manual.

2. Look into the kind of USB cable used by your camera. Typically it is either going to be a 4-pin or 8-pin cable. This is the only thing you need to know to replace the USB cord.

3. Go to a large electronics store such as Best Buy, Radio Shack or even Target. Look for replacement USB cables that have the correct number of pins.

4. Remove the USB cable from the packaging. Insert the small end of the cable into the data USB port on the Sanyo camera. The other end of the cable is made to be inserted into an available USB port on the computer. As long as you purchased a cable with the correct amount of pins, you should not have trouble connecting the camera to the computer.

Tags: cable This, camera computer

Thursday, October 24, 2013

What Is An Sd Card Adapter

An SD card adapter allows a microSD or miniSD card to fit into a traditional-size SD slot on a computer, PDA, camcorder, cell phone or similar electronic device.


Micro SD and mini SD cards were created to meet the ever-increasing demand for smaller storage devices to fit into mobile phones, according to the SD Association, founded by Panasonic, SanDisk Corporation and Toshiba Corporation (see link in Resources). To allow the smaller cards to fit into other devices for data transfer, the adapter is necessary.

Size of the Standard SD Card

A traditional SD card is about the size of a postage stamp at 24mm by 32mm and is 2.1mm thick.

Size of the MiniSD Card

The MiniSD card is about 37 percent smalle, at 21.5mm by 20mm and is 1.4mm thick.

Size of the MicroSD Card

The MicroSD card, the smallest of the three, is 25 percent the size of the original SD card and measures 15mm by 11mm and is 1mm thick.


SDXC cards, according to the SD Association, have a 2009 release and will be available in SD and microSD sizes with a capacity range from 32GB to 2TB (terabytes). As with other SD cards, the adapter will allow the microSDXC card to fit into standard SD card slots.

Tags: according Association, card about, card into, thick Size

Fix High Humidity In Walls

High humidity in walls can cause paint to peel.

High humidity is most common in bathrooms, kitchens and laundry rooms, where the shower, stove and appliances release steam regularly. When left unmonitored, water vapor can build up on walls, causing mildew, rot and paint peeling or bubbling. You can control humidity and fix these aesthetic and structural problems with improved ventilation, a few home repairs and lifestyle changes.


1. Fill cracks and holes in the wall with drywall compound or wood putty to prevent moisture from leaking through. Spread the filler flat with a putty knife.

2. Apply a polyurethane sealer or a fresh coat of paint to affected walls to protect the surface. If the old paint is flaking off or bubbling, scrape off the paint in these areas before applying a fresh coat.

3. Inspect the condition of your wall's insulation and vapor barriers. A vapor barrier is a layer of plastic sheeting found underneath the insulation. Replace thin or soggy insulation and worn vapor barriers.

4. Install exhaust fans in the bathroom and kitchen and run them while boiling water or showering. The exhaust fans will reduce the amount of water vapor in the air.

5. Run a dehumidifier in high-moisture areas and empty the water tray on a daily basis.

6. Reduce the time and frequency of household activities which cause water vapor, such as washing dishes, boiling water for cooking, bathing and showering or using the washing machine.

Tags: water vapor, boiling water, exhaust fans, fresh coat, vapor barriers

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Hook Up A Spectrum Analyzer To A Home Audio Equalizer

Spectrum Analyzers allow visual feedback of the most active frequencies in an electronic audio unit. They are useful for identifying troublesome frequencies and feedback or where to improve the frequency spectrum. With the aid of a spectrum analyzer, your home equalizer will take on a new dimension in the enhancement of system performance.


1. Turn the power off to all stereo components. Connecting and disconnecting stereo components while powered can result in speaker damage.

2. Disconnect your equalizer from the receiver's RCA connection outputs.

3. Connect a separate RCA cable to the output connections on the stereo receiver. Ensure that the red prong is connected to the red output jack, and the white prong to the white jack.

4. Connect the other end of the RCA cable to the input connectors on the equalizer. Make sure that red goes to red, and white goes to white.

5. Turn the power back on to all stereo units.

Tags: goes white, stereo components, Turn power

Mount An Ipod On A Motorcycle

Enjoy your motorcycle rides with a mounted iPod.

One of the great things about having an iPod is the ability to take your music library with you on the go. Naturally, if you have a motorcycle, you'll want to use your iPod while you ride. There are a variety of kits available that are designed specifically for mounting your iPod, along with many other mobile devices, securely to your motorcycle's body.


1. Consult the owner's manual for your motorcycle to learn its dimensions. Confirm which model iPod you have.

2. Browse the available kits for mounting iPods and other mobile devices on motorcycles. Some of these are designed specifically for a certain model of iPod or motorcycle, so read all of the available information about each kit before you purchase one to ensure you will get a kit that will work for you. Examples of kits currently on the market are the RAM Aquabox and the Rider's Claw. The latter is designed specifically for Harley Davidson motorcycles, while the Aquabox comes in many varieties.

3. Assemble the kit you have chosen and mount it on your motorcycle according to the manufacturer's instructions. Some mounts are designed to fit on the handlebar, while others will attach in other places on the motorcycle, so read all directions carefully before attempting to fit the mount to it.

Tags: your motorcycle, designed specifically, mobile devices, model iPod, motorcycle read, other mobile

Make A Zoom Lens

Detailed close-up shots can be taken with a DIY macro lens.

There are many possible ways to create a macro lens for your camera. The trick is to find the right combination of lenses in order to create one super macro lens. The created lens works best when a medium focal-length lens is attached to the camera and a fast secondary lens is held at the end of the primary lens. You will have to experiment with the lenses that you already own to see which combination works best for your camera.


1. Attach an18 to 55 mm lens to your camera, as usual. To eliminate creating a photograph with a vignette, you will need to zoom this lens to 55 mm.

2. Turn on the camera and switch the setting to manual focus. Dial in compatible shutter speed and aperture settings and a positive exposure compensation.

3. Invert the secondary lens so that the side that usually connects to the camera is facing outward. You will have to hold this lens steadily in place while you take photographs. Because there will be an incredibly small depth of field, any movement will create the possibility of throwing off the picture completely. To focus your shots, you will have to press the shutter button halfway down and move the camera closer and further away until the subject in the frame is fully focused.

4. Place the ISO at a setting of about 800 so that you will be able to use a somewhat quicker shutter speed. You should then be able to set your shutter speed at 1/100 or higher.

5. Use a tripod to gain more stability and to decrease any chance of blur while taking your shots. While a tripod can help, holding the secondary lens in place while setting up your shots can become tiring to some people. It is more of a personal preference of how you want to set up your shot.

6. Start shooting and experiment with the settings on your camera until you find the one that works best for the lighting you are in and the subject you are shooting.

Tags: your camera, macro lens, secondary lens, shutter speed, will have, works best, your shots

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Create A Dvd From A Flip Video

Flip Video's line of compact video cameras has made life easy on budding filmmakers and people wanting to document their lives. The camera's small size and built-in USB arm make it easy and quick to upload videos to a computer. And, with many personal computers now coming with DVD burners and easy-to-use burning software, creating DVDs at home is just a few short steps away.


1. Upload your video(s) to your computer by connecting your camera to your computer. Start by sliding the latch that holds the camera's built-in USB connector arm down. The latch is located on the side of the camera above the battery door.

2. Insert the camera's USB connector arm to the USB drive on your computer.

3. If using a Macintosh computer, a "FLIPVIDEO" icon will appear on your desktop. Double-click on the icon and another icon--"Read Me"--will appear. Double-click on this icon and follow the on-screen prompts to start the program and upload your videos.

4. If using a Windows computer, open the "My Documents" folder on your computer and double-click the "FLIPVIDEO" icon. This will cause another icon--"Flip Video for PC"--to appear. Double-click this icon to start the program and your video upload.

5. Once your video is uploaded to your computer, open your DVD burning software and import or open (depending on your software) the files you want to burn to the DVD.

6. Insert a blank DVD into your computer and once the computer reads it, click "Record" or "Burn."

Tags: your computer, Flip Video, your video, another icon--, appear Double-click

Instructions On Use A Kodak Digital Picture Frame

Store your favorite photos on an easy-to-use, portable digital picture frame.

If you're like somemostn people, your photo albums stop somewhere around the time that you purchased your first digital camera. Printing digital photos can use a lot of ink and specialty paper and don't last as long as traditional 35mm prints developed in a lab. Instead you can store your photos as a slideshow on a variety of digital picture frames. These portable devices can store hundreds or thousands of photos, depending on the size of the storage card, and are easily transported.


1. Install the software. Using the disc that came with the picture frame, insert it into the optical drive on your computer. The autorun feature will start. Follow the on-screen prompts to install the software on your computer. If you no longer have the disc, check the Help Center page on the Kodak website to locate downloadable drivers for your specific model and operating system.

2. Connect the picture frame to your computer using the USB cable. If the model of frame you purchased supports photo transfer via USB, a cable will have been included in the package. Insert the small end into the picture frame and the larger end into your computer's USB port.

3. Launch the software and transfer your photos. Launch the software that you just installed and use it to transfer your photos to the frame. Normally, you will need to browse to the folder on your computer where your photos are stored and then drag and drop the files into transfer area. You may need to sync the frame and your computer to complete the transfer.

4. Insert a flash media card. If your frame supports flash media, you may be able to insert the memory card from your camera directly into a slot on the side or back of the frame. The frame will then display the photos contained on the memory card when you turn it on.

5. Disconnect the frame and view your slideshow. Eject the frame from your computer by either dragging and dropping the icon into the Trash (Mac) or by clicking the Safely Remove Hardware icon in your lower taskbar (Windows). Disconnect the USB cable and turn on the frame. Your slideshow should begin.

Tags: your computer, picture frame, your photos, digital picture, flash media

Cut Glass Using Block Cutting

Glass cutting is an age-old technique, performed by people all over the world. There are very few limitations when cutting glass. You can create almost anything using block-cutting techniques: bowls, wall hangings, windows and glass blocks. You can even cut your own designs into your creations.


1. Measure the glass with a tape measure and decide where you will be do doing your block-cutting.

2. Mark your cutting points with a washable marker or grease pencil. Washable markers and grease pencils are soft and won't damage the glass. With masking tape, make straight lines for all your marked cutting points. Create a perfect square or a rectangular shape with the masking tape to make the best use of true block-cutting techniques.

3. Apply oil up and down your masking tape, but do not saturate. Oil makes for an easier and cleaner cut. Also, lubricate the blade of your glass cutter with the oil.

4. Cut the glass. Follow the lines and remember not to cut the same line twice. Apply only enough pressure to make a clean cut, but not so much that it will break the glass. Do not run your fingers down the length of the cut, because the edges will still be jagged.

5. Smooth the edges of your glass cuts using a stone. Almost any kind of rough stone will work. Wearing gloves, scrape the rough stone over the glass to smooth the edges. You can use water or oil to help lubricate the edges before attempting to smooth them. This technique avoids scratches.

Tags: masking tape, block-cutting techniques, cutting points, masking tape make, rough stone

Monday, October 21, 2013

What Do Numbers On A Car Battery Mean

Car battery

Automotive batteries provide starting power for an automotive electrical system. It may be daunting, however, to try to purchase an automotive battery without knowing what to look for.

Many of the specifications can be confusing. It may not be readily apparent what reserve capacity is, or what the difference is between cranking amps and cold cranking amps. Once you understand what each specification means, choosing a battery becomes much simpler.

Cranking Amps

"Cranking amps" is a measure of a battery's capacity to provide electrical current at 32 degrees Fahrenheit. This measurement represents how many amps of electrical current the battery can provide for 30 seconds before the battery voltage drops to 7.2 volts.

Cranking amps are also known as "marine cranking amps." The abbreviation for cranking amps is "CA;" the abbreviation for marine cranking amps is "MCA."

Cold Cranking Amps

"Cold cranking amps" is a measure of battery's capacity to provide electrical current at zero degrees Fahrenheit. This measurement represents how many amps of electrical current the battery can provide at that temperature for 30 seconds before the battery voltage drops to 7.2 volts. This number will always be lower than the cranking amps rating.

The abbreviation for cold cranking amps is "CCA."

Reserve Capacity

Reserve capacity, or "RC", is a measure of how long a battery will provide electrical current. This measurement represents how many minutes (at 80 degrees Fahrenheit) the battery can provide 25 amps of electrical current before the battery voltage drops to 10.5 volts.


In some countries, an additional rating is provided---the amp-hour. Amp-hours are a measurement of available electrical current for a period of time. For example, if a battery is rated at 40 amp-hours, the battery can provide 40 amps continuously for one hour, or one amp for 40 hours.

Month and Year Codes

Nearly all automotive batteries have two sets of consecutive numbers at the top of the battery. One row of numbers is meant to signify the last digit of the year the battery was purchased (such as "7" for 2007, or "9" for 2009). The other row is meant to signify the month of purchase.

Marking these numbers with a permanent marker often helps an automobile owner to see when the battery was purchased.

Tags: electrical current, battery provide, amps electrical, amps electrical current, battery voltage

Know When To Get Rid Of Rechargeable Batteries

Rechargeable batteries can last for years.

Rechargeable batteries have increased in usage because they can be used many times before being thrown away. This saves the consumer money, since they do not have to buy batteries as often. In addition, it prevents discarded batteries from filling up landfills. Although rechargeable batteries are designed to be used for three to five years, they do eventually need replacement. Knowing when to get rid of a rechargeable battery is mainly based on whether it can still power electrical devices.


1. Insert the batteries into a battery charger, paying special attention that the battery ends are positioned as indicated on the charger.

2. Plug the battery charger into an electrical outlet as indicated by the charger's instructions. Some chargers simply plug straight into the outlet, while other chargers are powered by an AC adaptor plug.

3. Allow the batteries to charge for the amount of time recommended by the battery or charger manufacturer. In general, it will take between one to eight hours to fully charge the batteries, depending on the power of the charger.

4. Insert the fully-charged batteries into a device. It's best to choose a device that you have been using for a while, and not a new device. It is much easier to monitor the power usage of devices you have already used.

5. Monitor how long the batteries power the device. Over time, rechargeable batteries will not retain their charges. Thus, they will lose power much quicker. If you notice that the device does not run for as long as usual, it is time to replace the batteries.

Tags: battery charger, batteries into, indicated charger

Calculate The Magnification Of A 250mm Lens Camera

Calculate the Magnification of a 250MM Lens Camera

Magnification is usually expressed as a number with the letter X after it, which represents the magnification multiplier of a particular lens. For instance, a 3x magnification lens magnifies images by three times more than what the human eye can see under normal circumstances. This value is typically not reported with camera lenses, as convention is to report camera lenses by focal length. Focal length, measured in millimeters, refers to the distance between the front of a lens's front glass element and the point at which parallel lines will converge when shone through the camera lens.


1. Write down the maximum focal length of the lens for which you want to find the magnification. For instance, a 70-250 mm lens will have a maximum focal length of 250mm. A prime lens will have only one value listed, and this value should be considered the maximum focal length.

2. Multiply this value by 1.6 if you are attaching the lens to a digital camera. Most digital cameras have a 1.6x "crop factor", which means that the outside edges of a scene will be cropped because they do not physically fit on the sensor, making the effective focal length 1.6 times greater than it would be on a film camera. For a 250mm lens, the effective focal length would be 400 (250 times 1.6).

3. Divide the effective focal length by 100. An easier way to do this is to move the decimal point two spaces to the left. The effective focal length of a 250mm lens on a digital camera is 400mm, so divide 400 by 100 to arrive at four.

4. Multiply this value by two to find the magnification of the lens in terms of viewfinder magnification used in binoculars or telescopes. So a 250mm lens would have an 8x magnification (400 divided by 100 multiplied by two) on a digital camera.

Tags: focal length, effective focal, effective focal length, digital camera, maximum focal, maximum focal length

Friday, October 18, 2013

Astrophotography Using A Pc

Even amateur astrophotographers on a budget can capture beautiful images such as this one.

Astrophotography has produced some of the most breathtaking images of our nearby universe and has inspired countless astronomy buffs to embark upon this fascinating field. You may think you need to break the bank in order to see other planets, stars, and galaxies; in reality, any amateur astronomer with a modest budget can do it. All you need is a personal computer, some software and any image-capture device ---even a webcam--- to capture images that lay bare the wonders of the cosmos.

Digital Cameras

The digital revolution in imaging technology ---specifically the advent of the charged coupled device (CCD), a key component in every digital camera--- has empowered amateur astronomers on a budget. Digital SLR (single-lens reflex) cameras are perfect for astrophotography and have gone down in price over the last years from the thousands to the hundreds of dollars. Two features distinguish SLR cameras from less expensive point-and-shoot models: lens and variable shutter speeds. The ability to change focal length on a lens grants the device a lot of flexibility in capturing images at different distances. According to Neale Monks, author of "Astronomy with a Home Computer," shutter control represents a key feature: the slower the shutter speed, the more light is able to enter the CCD when taking a picture. This usually results in better, clearer images of sky objects (think of a CCD as the digital equivalent of a roll of film in a traditional camera). Also, the slower the shutter speed, the more susceptible the picture is to image blur due to camera movement, so bring a tripod along. Dedicated astronomical cameras with much larger CCD chips also exist for the high-end market.


You don't necessarily need telescopes when taking beautiful pictures of the heavens, although they certainly come recommended, especially if you want to take high-quality images. Several types of telescopes exist, with a Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope (SCT) being among the most popular. A particularly noteworthy subtype of SCT is a "go-to" telescope, which you can connect directly to a computer and control through the computer itself, manipulating its direction and focus, among other parameters. You can also hook up a digital camera to a telescope's eyepiece using a technique called afocal photography, with which you can produce truly astounding images.


A webcam offers one of the simplest and least expensive ways to practice astrophotography. You can combine a webcam with a telescope and its image will show instantly on a computer monitor, allowing for group viewing. It also produces surprisingly good images, particularly of the inner solar system, according to David Ratledge, an author and editor of several astrophotography books. Despite their surprising quality, webcams primarily record digital video instead of still pictures, and the images don't come out as clear as with an SLR camera, for instance. But that's where computer software comes in.


Planetarium (or sky charting) programs are by far the most popular type of astronomical application, according to Monks. As the name suggests, these programs offer a map-like projection of the night sky and some of them come with features that allow you to control go-to telescopes. When it comes to applications for optimizing astrophotography images, there exist multi-purpose (and expensive) image editing solutions such as Photoshop that let you piece together several different photographs of the Moon's surface, for example, into a wide panorama. Several other applications specialize in astrophotography and utilize a variety of image manipulation techniques. Chief among these techniques is stacking, and it works especially well for webcam video. A stacking application takes all of the frames in a video, "stacks" them one over the next, and combines all the visual information from every stacked image, essentially merging them into an ultra-crisp picture.

Online Resources

Between the sheer amount of telescopes, digital cameras, webcam devices, computer configurations and software applications, the combinations for achieving quality astrophotography are endless and run the gamut from really cheap to second-mortgage costly. Luckily, you can find a lot of information regarding this field on respected online sites for enthusiasts. You can also find plenty of free and/or shareware versions of astronomy and astrophotography applications online.

Tags: most popular, shutter speed, shutter speed more, slower shutter, slower shutter speed, speed more, when taking

Install An Sd Card On A Palm Centro

SD cards come in two sizes: Standard sized and "microSD." The Palm Centro uses the microSD card for its smaller and more convenient size. Installing a microSD card into your Palm Centro expands its storage capacity and allows you to easily transfer files and photos to other devices, such as your personal computer. The difficulty with installing the microSD card is due to the memory card slot's location, which is concealed by the battery cover.


1. Place your Palm Centro face-down and slide the battery cover toward the bottom of the phone while applying gentle pressure. Remove the battery cover.

2. Turn the Palm Centro face-up and locate the memory card slot on the top-right edge of the phone.

3. Lift the protective tab on the memory card slot.

4. Insert the microSD card into the memory card slot. The microSD label should be facing up during insertion. Push until the microSD card clicks in place.

5. Push down on the memory card slot cover to close it.

6. Turn the Palm Centro face-down again and slide the battery cover back onto the phone.

Tags: Palm Centro, card slot, memory card, memory card slot, microSD card, battery cover

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Program A Ringtone For The Motorola K1

The Motorola K1 KRZR phone includes both a 20 megabyte internal memory and a micro SD expansion card port for holding numerous ringtone files. If you want to program your own ringtone for the K1 you can easily edit any sound file on your computer using the Phone Tools software included with the phone. Once you have transferred the file to your phone you then only need to change the ringtone in the settings menu.


1. Install the Motorola Phone Tools software that came with your K1 phone if you haven't done so yet. Attach the connection cable that came with the cell phone to the port on the side of the K1. Connect the other end of the cable to your computer's USB port.

2. Open the Phone Tools program and select "New Profile." Click the drop-down button and choose "K1 KRZR."

3. Click "OK" and then click the "cable" button. Click "Next." Choose "Customize" and then click "Melody Editor." Select the "My PC" tab.

4. Click the drop-down button and choose your computer's hard drive. Locate the music file you want to program into your K1 as a ringtone. Click "OK."

5. Select "Crop." Use the slide bar at the bottom of the window to crop the specific portion of the sound file you want to save as a ringtone.

6. Click the green check mark button and then select "Transfer to Phone." Close the Phone Tools software and unplug the USB cable.

7. Press the menu button on the K1 phone. Navigate to "Settings" and then "Ring Styles." Select "Ringtone." Choose the ringtone file you transferred to the Motorola K1 phone.

Tags: Phone Tools, Phone Tools software, Tools software, your computer, button choose, came with

What Do You Do When Your Iphone Screen Flickers White

If you're in the middle of something, whether sending an SMS message or playing your favorite songs, and your iPhone screen begins to flicker white, it is not only distracting, it raises concerns about the condition of the phone. Some troubleshooting tips and guidelines may help you solve this hardware problem.


Turn off your iPhone by pressing the power button. In some cases, powering down the phone and then turning it back on reboots the system and solves the problem. If the screen is still flickering white or suddenly turns solid white, press and hold the "Sleep/Wake" and "Home" buttons together for at least 10 seconds or until the Apple logo or battery symbol appears on the screen. If the battery symbol doesn't appear, charge your iPhone to see if the white screen disappears.


Restoring an iPhone is a final resort that can solve most problems. Restoring your iPhone erases saved data and resets the settings. The phone is restored to the default status it was in when you purchased it. Connect your phone to iTunes and run the "Restore" utility in the "Summary" tab of the program. Before restoring your phone, back up saved data and settings from the same tab in the iTunes panel. When the restoration process completes, restore the backup to your phone.

Recommendations and Warnings

If the flickering persists, the phone could have internal damage, so it may be necessary to contact Apple support. Back up your saved data and settings before sending it to the Apple Store for additional troubleshooting and possible repair, because the technician may give you a new phone or reset the information on the old one. Trying to disassemble and fix the phone yourself is tempting but doing so may damage the iPhone further, in addition to nullifying a valid warranty if you still have one.


A flickering white screen is a problem that may appear suddenly, and it may not be because of something you have or haven't done. However, if you take care of your iPhone, you're less likely to run into problems. Charging it when the battery is running low is one necessary maintenance step. If the screen is dirty, cleaning it with a soft, slightly damp, lint-free cloth can do the phone a world of good. Try not to drop your phone. If you're a dropper, invest in a solid, sturdy case that can protect the internal and external components.

Tags: your iPhone, your phone, saved data, battery symbol, data settings, flickering white

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Clean An Lcd Camera Screen

Clean an LCD Camera Screen

An LCD camera screen is delicate, and must be treated gently while cleaning. There are many expensive commercial preparations that can be used for the job, but making your own at home can be a cheap alternative. Most LCD screen cleaners consist of nothing more than alcohol and water. Use this simple method to make your own, and clean your LCD camera screen easily, safely and inexpensively.


1. Combine 4 oz. of rubbing alcohol with 4 oz. of water in a plastic bottle. Place the lid tightly on the bottle and shake well to combine.

2. Label the bottle with its contents to avoid confusion later. Include the date when the solution was made. Store the bottle in a cool, dry place, away from children, when not in use.

3. Use a soft cloth to apply the alcohol solution to the LCD camera screen. Gently wipe in one direction, and then back in the opposite direction. Do not move the cloth in a circular motion.

4. Use a dry, soft cloth to gently wipe away any excess solution from the LCD camera screen. Allow the screen to air-dry thoroughly before using.

5. Use the homemade solution to clean your camera screen as often as necessary. It can also be used for LCD computer, television and cell-phone screens. The solution will store indefinitely, but replacing it every 6 months will ensure the best performance.

Tags: camera screen, camera screen, Clean Camera, Clean Camera Screen, clean your, clean your camera

Transfer A Video From A Flash Card To A Dvd

Video from most any memory card can be burned to DVD.

In the past, videotape was the only medium used to store video captured on camcorders. Digital camcorders, however, generally record onto a hard drive built right in to the device or use external digital storage mediums, such as flash cards, also called memory cards. Digital cameras that can record video also usually store the information on memory cards. If you have a memory card with a video that you would like to keep, you can transfer the video to DVD.


1. Connect the flash card, or memory card to your computer. Some computers, like Sony systems, have built-in memory card readers. To connect a memory card to these computers, just insert the memory card into the slot with the metal contacts facing down and toward the port. If your computer does not have a memory card reader, you can leave the memory card in the camera and connect the camera to the computer using the interface cord provided with the camera, or you can plug an external memory card reader into a USB port on the computer and insert the memory card into the reader.

2. Open the flash card as a drive on the computer. When the computer recognizes the memory card, it automatically brings up a window of options. Choose "Open folder to view files" to open the contents of the card in a window.

3. Transfer the video from the memory card onto the computer. First, find the video file you want to burn to DVD by double-clicking any video file in the memory card window to view the video in the computer's default media player. When you find the file you want, click on it, hold down the mouse button, drag the file icon to the desktop of the computer and release the mouse button to add it to the computer desktop.

4. Launch a DVD-burning application, such as Windows DVD Maker on a Windows computer or iDVD on an Apple computer. Add the video file that you transferred to your computer to the burning application. To add the file, click the "Add Items" or "Add Video" button, find the video file in the window that comes up and double-click it.

5. Place a DVD-R into the computer's DVD drive. Click the "Burn" or "Write" button in the DVD-burning application to write the file that you transferred from the memory card to the DVD.

Tags: memory card, video file, your computer, card into, card reader

Find Internet Tv On Windows Media Player Mobile

Find Internet TV to watch on the go on your Windows Media Player mobile phone.

Internet TV is a popular technological advancement. The days of waiting for an appointment or on public transportation reading yesterday's news are gone. Now you can watch today's most popular TV shows on your Windows Media Player-enabled mobile phone when you're away from home.


1. Attach your mobile phone to your computer via the USB cord provided with your phone. Your computer will recognize the device after you use it the first time.

2. Open Windows Media Player. Search for the Internet TV shows you want to transfer to your mobile phone, and select them. You can search by the name of the show or do a broad TV search to get ideas. You might be surprised by the TV choices that are available.

3. Select "Tasks" in Windows Media Player. Click "Sync."

4. Choose the Internet TV files you want to transfer to your mobile phone. Click "OK." The TV selections will begin syncing to your phone.

Tags: mobile phone, Windows Media, Media Player, Windows Media Player, your mobile, your mobile phone

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Get Answer Tones

Preinstalled answer tones for cell phones can become boring and annoying. A wide variety of answer tones can be downloaded from the Internet, allowing you to express your individuality or show off your favorite music.


1. Find the tone. You can download from your cell phone company, an online music site or an independent website that specializes in answer tones.

2. Create the tone. If it's not a pre-made tone, make it. Many sites allow users to select a 10-second section of a song to use as a tone. This gives you a customized tone that no one else may have.

3. Buy it. Add the tone to the shopping cart, and proceed to checkout. Most websites accept all credit and debit cards.

4. To actually obtain the answer tone, you'll need to enter the applicable phone number during checkout. Be careful to enter the correct number or someone else will get your tone.

5. Make sure the tone comes through. The website sends the answer tone directly to the phone number specified at checkout. Allow a few minutes before checking that you received it. If you don't get it, follow the websites procedures to have the tone re-sent.

Tags: answer tone, answer tones, have tone, phone number

Diy Photoflash Diffuser

Digital photography is a fun and rewarding hobby, but professional quality equipment can be too expensive for an amateur's budget. Improve your photography with a flash diffuser that provides great quality without breaking the bank.

Diffuser Basics

When taking photographs with a standard flash, the single light source can create harsh lighting and very dark shadows. This is especially common when using the built-in flash on many camera models. A flash diffuser breaks up the light from the flash, spreading it out and giving softer light to an image.

By softening the effects of the camera flash, many photos are improved. Portraits look more flattering, presenting a more attractive image that represents a subject far better. Close ups, especially shots of smaller items, benefit best from diffuse light, allowing a cleaner, more detailed picture. A diffuser is most beneficial when shooting in enclosed or low-light environments.

Types of Diffusers

The most common style of diffuser is a manufacturer made built-in unit that is incorporated into the flash. These flash diffusers are often made of semi-transparent plastic, providing a soft filter for the flash. These diffusers are most easily replaced with a softbox, sometimes called a stoffenbox. A softbox slips over the flash, allowing light out through a semi-transparent filter. Unlike camera-specific models, a softbox will generally work with a variety of flash models.

Bounce flash diffusers redirect light from a flash towards the ceiling, which then further diffuses the light back down onto the subject. Other diffusers work with external flash units. Some of these styles will reflect the light off of a reflector disk. Other external units will use a larger diffuser to filter the light.

Materials and Construction

With a basic understanding of how a diffuser works, it is relatively simple to construct your own. While many styles and variations of flash diffuser can be made, the basic components are the same.

Before beginning, determine what sort of flash or light source you will be using with the diffuser. If the flash is built into the camera, you will need to design your diffuser accordingly. If using an external flash, you may have more freedom in your design.

Once you've determined the light source, you will need to decide whether you are building a filter diffuser or a reflective diffuser. Filter diffusers may be made from many materials, from velum paper to semi-transparent plastic. Hobbyists have used everything from lotion bottles to airsick bags. Keep your eyes open for materials that might work, and experiment with them to get the best results.

Reflection diffusers are also simple to make. Because they merely redirect the light instead of allowing light to pass through, there are many more options available to the do-it-yourselfer. Bear in mind that such reflectors should not necessarily be mirror-like surfaces, but merely capable of reflecting light without absorbing too much. A reflector should also be lightweight, allowing for easy transportation and simple positioning. Reflectors may be made out of poster board, silver wrapping paper or even windshield sun shades.

If you decide to attach your diffuser to the flash, there are some steps you can take prevent light from being lost, allowing you to get more illumination out of your existing equipment. The interior of the softbox can be lined with aluminum foil or coated with silver spray paint. This reflective interior allows more light to flow through the diffuser.

Tags: flash diffuser, light from, light source, allowing light, diffuser flash, external flash

Print A Poster From A Photo

One of the biggest advantages of modern graphic software is the ability it gives you to create your own poster images. You can use this option to create posters of enlarged family photos, beautiful country scenery or busy cityscapes. These personalized posters can become your home's favorite piece of art or a treasured gift. Additionally, once you create the base poster design, you can print off as many copies as you'd like.


Printing a Poster from a Photo

1. Draw sketches of your poster ideas, incorporating your photo in your sketches. Don't look to create perfect replicas of your photos---you just want to draw the basic shapes so that you know where you'd like to place the other design elements in your work. These elements include text, font styles and other photos or illustrations.

2. Make a file folder on your computer where you can store your work.

3. Select the photo you'll use from your photos. If the photo doesn't exist, take the photo. If you must take the photo, consider taking it with a digital camera, because old photos require that you take the extra step to scan them into your computer so they can exist in a digital format.

4. Scan the photographs that still exist in hard-copy format. Opt for a scan ratio of 200 to 300 dots per inch (dpi). This produces higher quality photo reproductions. Save these (and all your photos) into your file folder.

5. Open your graphic design program. While many art professionals working in the design industry opt for programs like Adobe Illustrator, you can opt for other programs if you're more comfortable with them. For example, Publisher offers quite a few design features and gives the budding designer some advantages like templates that other more advanced programs don't offer the beginner.

6. Set the parameters of your poster project in inches or centimeters. Many design programs come with a default setting---usually 8 ½ by 11 inches. If your poster fits those specifications, then you just need to click "OK" when the pop-up menu appears. Otherwise, you need to set the specifications for your desired size.

7. Add your photos to your poster template. Many photo-based posters feature the photo as its primary image and take up a large amount of space on the poster. If you opt to do this, the photo becomes the background of your poster as well as its focal point.

8. Adjust your photos if they are too small or too large. Additionally, if your photo poster consists of a large photo image covering the whole poster area, make sure you include some bleed space on the borders. Otherwise, you may inadvertently cut off some of the graphic elements.

9. Insert any text you would like on your poster.

10. Make final adjustments to your poster and do a test print to see if you find any flaws. If so, correct them. If not, create a PDF (portable document file) of your work and burn it onto a disc to take to the printer. Your printer will subsequently print off as many copies of your photo poster from the PDF as you order.

Tags: your poster, your photos, your photo, your work, file folder

Monday, October 14, 2013

Size A Room For A Video Projector

With a few steps you can size a room for your video projector.

Rooms arranged for optimal viewing of a projector and projector screen allow viewers to see the details correctly. Viewers seated too close to the screen are distracted and lose the ability to make sense of all the elements at one time. Expensive systems become less valuable if the screen is too far away because important details are lost. Seating placed according to the room and projector screen's measurements is the best way to size a room for ultimate viewing.


1. Measure the projection screen's width with a tape measure. Record this number in feet.

2. Multiply the width of the screen by five. Measure this distance from the screen into the room. Seating placed at this location will still be in the optimal viewing range. Do not place seating farther than this, for the best visuals.

3. Multiply the width of the screen by two. The closest seating should not be closer than twice the width of the screen.

4. Measure the distance as one-and-a-half to two times the distance from the closest seating for an HDTV projector and screen. The furthest seating for an HDTV combination should be three times the width of the screen. HDTV becomes less important after this because you will not be able to see finer details.

5. Place the projector and screen in a different location if these calculations and measurements do not work in the room.

Tags: projector screen, width screen, closest seating, distance from, Multiply width, Multiply width screen

Install Coaxial Cable & Phone Lines In A House

A satellite receiver requires a signal from the satellite dish to convey a signal to an attached television. To accept charges for video-on-demand (VOD), a telephone line must be plugged in as well. Running a coaxial cable from outside the house to the receiver requires placement so that it doesn't disturb the decor or constitute a potential hazard to those walking inside (people or pets). This also applies to extending a telephone line from a telephone wall plate to the receiver. You will need a few tools but no electrical expertise to install the coaxial cable and telephone line.


1. Drill a hole in the wall or beneath a window sill where the coaxial cable connected to the satellite dish is to enter the house. Use a portable drill to do this. Apply silicone sealant to both sides of the hole once the coaxial cable has been pulled through to insulate the house from the elements.

2. Run the coaxial cable along the baseboard of the wall until you reach the satellite receiver. Screw the free end of the coaxial cable into the coax input (labeled "Sat") on the back of the receiver. If multiple transmissions are being sent through the cable, screw the cable to the coax input on a coax adapter, screw an end of a 1-foot coax cable to each of the two coax outputs on the adapter and screw the free ends of the 1-foot coaxial cables into the two coax inputs on the back of the receiver.

3. Staple the coaxial cable to the baseboard of the wall using U-clamp staples from a stapler gun.

4. Look for a telephone line wall plate that is as close to the satellite receiver as is possible. Pull out the modular plug of the telephone line that is plugged into the modular socket at the middle of the wall plate. Push the tab at the bottom of the modular plug first.

5. Insert the modular connector plug of the dual phone line adapter into the modular socket on the wall plate. Insert the modular plug of the telephone line into one of the two modular sockets on the adapter. Insert the modular plug at one end of an extension telephone cord into the other modular socket on the adapter.

6. Run the extension telephone cord along the baseboard of the wall until you reach the satellite receiver. Insert the modular plug at the end of the cord into the "Tel" labeled socket on the back of the receiver.

7. Staple the extension telephone cord to the baseboard of the wall using a staple gun.

Tags: telephone line, coaxial cable, modular plug, baseboard wall, Insert modular, satellite receiver, wall plate

Friday, October 11, 2013

Use A Codec For Tivo

You can transfer the TV programs that you have recorded on your TiVo to your PC by using TiVo ToGo transfers. These files can be played back on your PC by special software known as codec. Codec is a technology used to compress and decompress data so that the video files on your TiVo can be converted to a compatible format for your PC to replay. Most PCs come equipped with a compatible codec for TiVo. If not, you can purchase the suitable codec online. Here's how you can use codec for your TiVo.


1. Have you watched DVDs on your PC? It uses the same MPEG-2 codec that is used by TiVo. The codec that is used to determine the high quality of picture and sound effects for DVDs on your PC is the same one used by TiVo. This ensures that your transferred shows will have the same high quality.

2. Watch your transferred shows on your PC and convert shows for your iPod, PSP, Treo or other MPEG-4 compatible device using the MPEG-2 codec.

3. Watch the TiVo ToGo transferred programs on Microsoft Portable Media Center devices such as Zen Vision or Toshiba Gigabeat using specific and compatible codec.

Tags: your TiVo, codec Codec, codec that, codec that used, compatible codec, DVDs your, high quality

Do A Photo Shoot

Photo shoots always look glamorous on television and in the movies. Beautiful models, bright lights and a talented photographer clicking away behind the lens are the images most of us have come to associate with a professional photo shoot. However, a lot of planning goes into these shoots, and a good photographer knows that taking the pictures is the easy part. Whether you're shooting a book cover in a studio setting or an album cover in an open field, it's important to plan everything. Knowing the general steps necessary will help you to come across as professional to clients and will help you get great results that will enhance your portfolio.


1. Meet with your client or subject before the shoot to decide on a location. The location can make or break a photo shoot. Do you want to do it outside? In someone's home? In a studio? Are you shooting to accompany a magazine feature? If so, it would be a good idea to request that the client bring a copy of the article to this meeting. This is also when arrangements for makeup and hair (if necessary) are finalized.

2. Arrive early to set up your lighting. Ideally, you will have been able to test out different lighting setups in advance. However, if the first time you are working with your lights on location is the day of the shoot, give yourself an hour or two to experiment and make mistakes. Even if your only light is the sun, you will need to figure out use diffusers or reflectors. If you have an assistant with you, ask him to stand in for the model. Remember, it's easier to troubleshoot on the front end than to try to fix problems later.

3. Set your exposure and white balance. This will happen after your model has arrived. Use a light meter if you have one, but if you don't, then your camera's built-in exposure meter should suffice. Every camera is different--make sure you understand the logistics of your particular model. If you're shooting with film, it's not a bad idea to use a small point-and-shoot camera for test shots. If you're shooting digitally, go ahead and use your DSLR to shoot as many shots as you need to get your exposure and balance right.

4. Start taking pictures. Make sure you have extra film and/or memory cards. Some digital cameras can be tethered directly to a laptop, which allows you to view the high-quality copies of the photos as soon as they are taken. If your client is present, you can show her the photos as they come in, and allow her to offer suggestions.

5. Once you have finished shooting, make sure that everything is turned off and (if you're not in your own studio) torn down. Lights can burn very hot, so it's a good idea to turn them off first before packing up your camera and lenses. Then, when they've had time to cool down, you can pack them away.

Tags: good idea, photo shoot, taking pictures, will help, with your, your camera, your client

Set The Wallpaper On Windows Mobile 6 1

Windows Mobile 6.1 allows you to set the home screen wallpaper, also known as the "Today Screen," to any picture of your choosing. Changing the wallpaper allows you to give your phone a personalized touch and give your phone a new look whenever you would like. When setting the background picture, you can also set the opacity, which is the level of transparency displayed in your wallpaper.


1. Tap "Start" from the Today screen, then tap "File Explorer."

2. Navigate to the picture that you would like to use as a background using File Explorer.

3. Open the image, then tap the "Menu" tab, located at the bottom-right of the screen.

4. Tap "Set As Today Background." When the thumbnail appears to select the area that you would like to display on the Today screen, set the transparency to "0" to prevent the image from appearing washed-out.

5. Click "OK" in the top-right of the screen to set the image as the Today background.

Tags: would like, File Explorer, give your, give your phone, that would

Use Shutter Speeds On A 35mm Camera

Adjust camera settings to show speed, stillness or a combination of movements.

A camera's shutter speed controls the length of time light can enter a camera's film surface or image sensor. Shutter speed is measured in seconds and fractions of seconds. The correct shutter speed for the lighting conditions and subject can produce a well-exposed and clear image. Experimenting with a variety of shutter speeds on a 35mm camera at one photo shoot can create static or dynamic imagery.


1. Use a slower shutter speed to compensate for low light situations, such as interior locations or twilight. A wider aperture and a slower shutter speed allow more light rays to travel through the lens barrel and reach the film plane or image sensor for a correctly exposed image. Support the camera with a tripod for slow shutter speeds such as 1/60 second on a standard 50mm lens.

2. Select a higher shutter speed for a longer lens, such as telephoto lens, to reduce camera shake. The longer lens barrel or focal length can emphasize camera shake that causes blurry images. A suggested shutter speed can be 1/(Focal length). For example, for a 100mm lens, select a shutter speed of 1/100 second.

3. Capture fast action by selecting a higher shutter speed, such as 1/500 second to freeze the action for a crisp, clear image. Shutter speeds from 1/1,000 second and faster can catch a high-speed train or soaring jet.

4. A bulb setting records light for as long as the shutter release is pressed.

Select the "bulb" or "B" setting to keep the aperture open for long exposures. This setting especially works for night scenes, such as multiple bursts of fireworks and cityscapes with the glow of electric lights. Attach the camera on a tripod or other stable support. Connect a cable release or remote switch to operate the shutter release and to prevent camera shake.

5. Break the "freeze the action" mode by using a slower shutter speed to show blurred action for vitality. Support the camera on a tripod and then select a slow shutter speed, such as 1/8 second. For example, shoot a field when a breeze ruffles the foliage. The image may show a soft, swaying movement. For a panning effect, swivel the camera on a tripod or monopod, while focusing on a still object, like city lights, or a moving object, like a car. The effect mimics a whirlwind of action.

Tags: shutter speed, camera shake, camera tripod, shutter speed, slower shutter, slower shutter speed