Monday, September 30, 2013

How Do Cameras Work

How Do Cameras Work?

Anatomy of a Camera

The parts of the simplest possible camera are a dark box with a small hole or window and some photographic medium on the inside back wall for recording the image. For everyday cameras, the dark box is replaced by a camera body. The window--technically called the aperture--is covered with a ground-glass lens for focusing the light that enters the camera. Between the lens and the window is a shutter that opens to let light into the camera body. The photographic medium is the film on which the light image is recorded.

Light Is Focused by the Camera Lens

The shape of the lens determines how light will be focused. Some lenses are designed to focus on far-away objects. Other lenses are shaped to focus on close objects. Precise focusing is done by moving the lens closer to, or father from, the camera.

The Aperture Controls How Much Light Passes Into the Camera

A large aperture allows a lot of light to enter the camera and is good for low-light photography. But a large aperture also diminishes the range of focus, so the photographer must be precise in focusing. A small aperture lets less light into the camera, and is good for bright-light photography. A small aperture also broadens the range of focus so that the photographer has a greater margin of error in focusing. The aperture on most cameras can be adjusted so you get the best light exposure for your photograph.

The Shutter Controls How Long Light Is Allowed to Pass Into the Camera

The shutter opens briefly when you depress the camera shutter button The amount of time the shutter stays open is called the shutter speed. A faster shutter speed lets less light into the camera. Fast shutter speeds are good for action photography and bright-light photography. Slow shutter speeds are good for still life or low-light photography.

The Light Image is Captured on Film

While the shutter is open, the camera lens focuses light on the film at the back of the camera. The film reacts chemically to the light so that the image is recorded. A lever on the camera advances the film frame by frame until the entire roll of film is exposed. If the film is exposed to additional light after images are recorded, the original images will be obscured. This is why film is enclosed in light-proof cartridges until it is developed.

Developing Makes Film Stop Reacting to Light

Once the film has been exposed in the camera, it is rewound into its cartridge and removed for developing. Developing involves removing the film from the cartridge and exposing it to chemicals that stop the film from reacting to further light exposure. This process is done in complete darkness. Once the film is developed, it can safely be exposed to light and is ready for making photographic prints.

Tags: light into, light into camera, aperture also, bright-light photography, camera body, camera good, Cameras Work

Repair A Sharp Projector

Repair your projector for extended usage.

Making minor repairs and maintenance can extend the life of your Sharp projector. Sharp is an innovative consumer electronics company that makes video projectors for both business and home use. They are built with high-quality components and are easy to use. The projectors are also designed for ease of use and the ability for internal components to be accessed for repair. Most problems such as bulb issues, power problems and connectivity can be repaired without a technician.


1. Change the projector bulb to improve video quality. Sharp projection bulbs have a life cycle and the projector normally notifies users when the bulb's life cycle is low. When necessary, it needs to be replaced by turning off the projector and unplugging it from the power outlet. Remove the lamp cover with a screwdriver to access the lamp unit. Remove the lamp unit from the projector housing and replace it with the new bulb housing. Replace the lamp cover and power on the unit to ensure it works correctly. Reset the lamp timer to keep the projector in sync with the bulb's life cycle.

2. Change the selected input if there is no picture or the projector will not power on. Verify that the lamp unit cover is securely connected to the projector and that the bulb's life cycle is not expired. Verify that the video format and resolution being sent can be processed by the projector.

3. Adjust the focus and verify that the projector is within the right distance of the screen. Move the projector closer to the screen, if possible--and, depending on the model, adjust the "Digital Noise Reduction" setting to improve the video quality. Clean the projector lens if it is smudged or dirty to ensure a sharper picture.

4. Make sure the projector bulb is operational. An expired bulb will cause the projector not to power on. Make sure that the power outlet is active and any surge protectors being used are powered on. If the projector is kept in an enclosed area, it may also have overheated. Reset the projector by unplugging the projector pressing the power button then plugging it back into the outlet.

Tags: life cycle, bulb life, bulb life cycle, lamp unit, improve video, improve video quality

Friday, September 27, 2013

Use Digital Frames

The days of being able to view only a single picture in a frame are over. For that we can thank modern digital technology. Today's digital picture frames allow you to view multiple pictures in one frame. This is because it's possible to insert digital storage cards into the frame to view a variety of pictures.


1. Turn off your digital camera, open the memory card compartment cover and remove the memory card from the camera. Consult the user guide for your camera for the location of the memory card compartment.

2. Slide the memory card into the memory card compartment located on the side or top of the digital frame.

3. Press the "Power" button located on the control panel on the side or top of the frame to turn it on, and the pictures stored on the memory card will display on the screen.

4. Use the operational buttons on the side or top of the frame to set the amount of time each picture is displayed before a new picture replaces it.

Tags: memory card, card compartment, memory card compartment, side frame

What Are Digital Slr Cameras

What Are Digital SLR Cameras?

SLR stand for "Single Lens Reflex," which means when the photographer looks through the view finder, the photographer is seeing exactly what the lens sees. By being able to see through the lens , the photographer knows exactly how the image will look when taken. Paired with manual settings, the photographer can have complete control of the image, which is why the SLR is the preferred camera professional photographers.

Point and Shoot vs SLR

With point and shoot cameras, when the photographer looks through the view finder, they are not looking through the lens. The view finder is calibrated to be a representation of what the lens sees. Point and shoot cameras also do not have as many (if any) manual settings as the SLR, so the photographer cannot control every aspect of the picture.

Conrtoling Aspects of the SLR

With the manual settings on the SLR, the photographer can control the ISO (or film speed), shutter speed and aperture. The ISO (or film speed) controls how sharp the image is and how sensitive the optical disk (or, in film camera's, the film) is to light. The aperture is the hole in the lens that controls how much light can be let in. The shutter speed controls how long the light is let in for. All these things contribute to the exposure of the image. It is taking control of these aspects that can give an picture a motion blur, ambient lighting and different depths of field.


SLRs have interchangeable lenses. It's these lenses that make it possible to have complete control of the aperture, focusing and distance. Every lens has a different use. Telephoto lenses are for sports and wildlife photography. Prime high aperture lenses such as a 50mm f1/8 are used portraits. Being able to switch lenses gives the photographer versatility to work in all kinds of situations.


On most point and shoots, the flash is automatic. With the SLR, the photographer can choose to work with or without flash. Just like lenses, external flashes can be used with the SLR to give more versatile in imagery. Even the new digital SLRs have on-board flash that can be stronger or weaker depending on how the photographer wants to control it. However, most people find that when they can control every aspect of their camera's exposure, they more rarely need to use a flash.

Type of SLRS

Most camera brands makes a SLR. The SLR are a type of camera not a brand of camera. The two most popular brands worldwide are Nikon and Canon, though companies like Sony, Pentax, Minolta and Kodak also make SLRs. SLRs run the gamut in price range: a basic 10 mega pixel Canon SLR can cost as little as $450 and a new professional 22 mega pixel professional Mamiya SLR can cost $6,999.00, as of 2009.

The major differences between these two SLRs (aside from the price) is the speed of the processor, which controls how quickly the camera can snap off shots, and the size of the images it can produce. The biggest difference is the light sensors; the better the sensors, the better the photographer can see in the view finder, and this directly affects how well the photographer can control and tweak her image.

Tags: view finder, manual settings, manual settings photographer, settings photographer, complete control, control every, control every aspect

What Is Aperture Framing

The aperture controls what a movie audience sees.

When taking pictures or movies, you can only photograph what's visible in the aperture of your camera lens. If your subject's face falls out of the aperture frame, for instance, you wind up with a headless figure in your shot. Aperture framing is the art of deciding exactly what you want in the aperture at any given moment. Filmmakers use it to shape audience response to screen scenes.

Aperture Framing

Aperture framing determines which part of a scene a movie audience sees. When characters sit talking in a crowded barroom, the image framed by the camera aperture may shut out the rest of the crowd and focus on the discussion or portray them surrounded by the bar's other patrons. The frame draws the viewers' focus to wherever the director and cinematographer want to call attention. It can follow someone running down a street or shift to emphasize a piece of paper with important information


Writing in the film journal "POV," Jakob Isak Nielsen describes "Casablanca" as a film where the filmmakers use aperture framing to influence the mood. As the film progresses and the struggle against the Nazis becomes more serious, the frame shows us Humphrey Bogart, Ingrid Bergman and other actors seen through small, enclosed windows, creating a sense of confinement and danger. In the silent vampire film "Nosferatu," the camera frames the image to include the vampire's coffin in several key shots.

Technical Tricks

The angle of the camera frame influences viewers' impression of a scene. Shooting from a low angle can suggest the subject is looming over the setting, while shooting down implies smallness and vulnerability of the subject. Canting the frame so that right and left are not on the same level creates an impression of instability. Shooting a character so that she's almost out of the frame, rather than center stage, suggests loss or failure, as if the character failed to find a role in her own story.

Aspect Ratio

One problem that emerges when cinemas or TV stations show older films comes from the fact that the aspect ratio -- the ratio between horizontal and vertical sides of the image -- has changed over time. Up until the 1950s, most film images were square or almost so. After Hollywood developed widescreen formats to compete with television, aperture frames became much wider. Before letterboxing became standard on television, TV showings invariably cropped wide-aperture frames to fit the screen, distorting the cinematographer's original intent.

Tags: Aperture framing, audience sees, audience sees When, movie audience, movie audience sees, sees When

Diy Pvc Dolly

Many photographers and videographers prefer to use a table dolly to get smooth shots when movement is required. A PVC photographer dolly is a table dolly that a camera or video camera is mounted to. The dolly has wheels and can travel in straight lines or in circles. The most common use of a table dolly is for tacking or trucking video shots. This dolly can support small or large cameras.


1. Clean the PVC and remove all stickers and debris. If the pricing stickers are not removed, the parts don't not fit together well.

2. Drill a ¼-inch hole through the screw-on caps. The hole is placed in at the center point on the end of the cap. Place the end caps on the back of the wheels and slide a washer between the wheel and cap. Place a screw through the hole in the other side of the wheel. Slide the axles in to the end cap, between the cap and the wheel, and tighten the nut around the screw to get the wheels secured.

3. Apply PVC cement to the inside of the end cap to hold the axle. Place cement around one end of each of the risers and slide the cemented end into the T-joint on the horizontal holes. Each T-joint has to risers attached to it. Apply a ring of cement on the inside rim of the open port in the T-joints and slide a connector into each port. Allow the cement to dry.

4. Screw the end caps attached to the wheels to the ends of the risers.

5. Place a ring of PVC cement on the inside of the horizontal ports on the threaded T-joint and point the threaded port upward. Slide connectors into the horizontal ports. Apply to the outside rims of the open ends of the connectors and push the elbow joints onto the ends. Point the open port on the elbow port the opposite direction from the threaded port.

6. Drill a ¼-inch hole in the threaded PVC plug. Place a washer and bolt on a screw and screw it through the bottom or threaded end of the plug. The screw will be about ½-inch longer than the plug. Screw the screw into the plug until ¼-inch stick out of the top.

7. Attach the tripod mount to the screw on the top of the plug and turn it to the right to tighten it. Screw the plug into the thread T-joint. Apply a small amount of PVC cement inside the rim of the open ports of the elbow joints and slide the connectors attached to the T-joints on the risers into the elbow ports.

Tags: cement inside, table dolly, between wheel, cement inside open, Drill -inch, Drill -inch hole

Ways To Use A Document Camera

Ways to Use a Document Camera

Digital cameras offer a convenient way to photograph documents or make a record for later reference. Most have a dedicated "macro" setting that allows for close focusing. Some have a specialized "document" mode that sets the lens to macro and adjusts the exposure for the greater reflected light coming from white paper.

Photographing Documents

Practice taking macro shots on small print like the Bible.

Photographing a piece of paper works best in good light. Try to work near a window or large interior light, but pay attention to your own shadow falling on the paper. Select a macro setting or the dedicated document setting if it's provided.

Fill the frame with the document or section of document. Take a test shot with flash and another without it. Sometimes a flash will "bounce" off the page, leaving an over-exposed area. If that happens, turn the flash off.

Look at the exposure values for the test shot without flash. If the shutter speed is longer than 1/30 of a second, it's difficult to hold the camera still enough for a good image. Try moving to a spot with more light, or increase the ISO speed of the camera. Increasing the ISO has the effect of making the imaging device more sensitive, but it comes at the expense of introducing more noise.

Using a Camera for Documentation

Photograph valuables for insurance purposes.

A point and shoot camera is a handy tool for photographing wiring or plumbing around the home. It's not always possible to take a small part along to the hardware store, so a photo is useful, particularly if you don't know what that part is called.

When removing a motor from a heating or air conditioning unit, use a camera to document how the wires were attached. During reassembly, you'll have a record of it and you're far less likely to put one in the wrong position.

Use the camera to make a record of scratches and dents on your car. If someone claims you damaged his vehicle, you'll have a photo with the date.

Photograph your library card. In the camera setting menu, protect the image so it cannot be erased. If your camera is lost or stolen, there's a chance -- albeit a slim one -- that your camera will be recovered and returned.

Make a photo record of your valuables. Be sure to include macro shots of serial numbers. Remove the memory card and keep it in a secure place like a safe deposit box.

The Technician's Friend

If you work on small, intricate devices, take lots of photos.

If you repair intricate, technical devices like laptops, cameras or watches, use your camera to document the disassembly process. This makes reassembling the device much easier and you're less likely to make a mistake. In an industrial environment, photos can be used to train other workers and document failures in an effort to identify trends.

Tips for Sharper Photos

Steady the camera by putting an elbow on the knee. Improvise!

Most blurred photos result from camera movement. Here are a few simple tricks to help you take better photos.

Keep your elbows in contact with your body. Put your hip or waist in contact with the table if you're taking macro shots. Sometimes you can put one or both elbows on the table. Take a deep breath. Let half of it out, then hold your breath and slowly squeeze the shutter.

Use any nearby objects to help steady your hands. Perhaps you can lean on a wall, use the back of a chair or pile up a couple of books as a camera rest.

Tags: macro shots, your camera, camera document, contact with, Document Camera, less likely, macro setting

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Put A Movie On A Micro Sd Card

Devices such as cameras and mobile phones usually use memory cards.

Putting a movie on a micro SD card gives you the capability to have a movie on a mobile device such as a mobile phone or camera. How many movies or the length of movies depends on how much storage capacity is on the card.


1. Insert the micro SD card (in SD adapter) into the correct slot on the computer or into the card-reader device that should be plugged into a USB port on your computer.

2. Open Windows Explorer and find the file that you wish to copy to your SD card. Open My Computer in a second window and locate the external drive for the micro SD card.

3. Drag the file directly from the Windows Explorer into the micro SD card drive. This may take several minutes, depending on the speed of your computer as well as the size of the file. Do not interrupt this process.

4. Eject the micro SD card from the computer or card reader after the process is complete. Look at the window in which your external drive is open. You should see something that says "Safely Remove Hardware." Choose that option and wait until you get a message that tells you it is safe to remove your hardware. Removing it too soon could corrupt the file.

5. Insert the card into the mobile device you will be using to watch the movie. Devices differ in the ways you locate storage cards and files stored to them so consult your mobile device's manual to see locate these files if you do not know how.

Tags: micro card, mobile device, external drive, Windows Explorer, your computer

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Studio Lighting Tutorial

When it comes to professional looking photography, using studio lighting sets apart the pretenders from the pros. Studio lighting is available in a wide variety of configurations and price points, from basic two-light kits with umbrellas that cost $300 to mutli-light setups where the power supplies alone are $5,000. Configuring the lights is an art that can take some trial and error, depending on where you are setting up, but there are some basics that can improve the overall results.

Soft Box

To get the softest, most even lighting, use a softbox on the main light. Placing the light closer to the subject will give softer results as well. Using umbrella reflectors casts a harder light and can result in more glare. Softboxes give a softer, more realistic cast to the illumination. Softboxes are available in a variety of sizes and price points (see Resources). Bigger softboxes also provide a better cast of light from subject to background.


Lights are available in a large number of configurations and power outputs (measured in watt seconds). Monolights are a good entry level point, offering a lot of flexibility, usually an adjustable power output and multiple f-stop measures. They are also designed so that when one fires, it can trip the others. For instance, the main light, with softbox, can be placed next to the portrait subject illuminating the face, and a secondary light can be placed near the subject, casting light down to illuminate hair. When the main light is triggered, the secondary light will also fire. Triggering the lights is simply a matter of running a trigger cord from the camera to the light (or power pack, for more advanced systems).

Another option is the hot light; hot lights are always on, making composition easy and accurate, since the photographer knows in advance what kind of lighting shadows will be cast. Hot lights have gotten much better over the years, and do not run as hot as they used to; they are used commonly for video applications. However, the light is cooler, closer to a tungsten output (3200 Kelvin) than daylight (5400K). Monolights are able to provide daylight illumination, which can give better results in a portrait studio.


Muslin backgrounds are probably the best choice, as they can be reused again and again. Good quality muslins will run $100 and up, and are generally made of a heavier fabric. Some photographers prefer to use seemless background paper instead of muslins, so that they can avoid having and folds or ripples show up in the background. While it is possible to simply tape the muslin to the wall, better results will be achieved by using a background stand that lets you draw the material tightly and avoid folds showing. Background stands can be adjusted to a variety of heights and widths.

Tags: main light, better results, give softer, price points, secondary light

Walkman Disadvantages

It was revolutionary when the cassette tape could suddenly be played anywhere and everywhere.

PC Magazine rated the original 1979 Sony Walkman as the greatest gadget of the past 50 years. Although the Walkman started the portable music trend, the industry has changed by leaps and bounds since its introduction. The old school Walkman - an iconic portable cassette player - could be useful if you still have tapes hanging around, or if you want to make an '80s statement. But vintage doesn't always mean better in terms of functionality.

Music Quality

Audiophiles argue that the vinyl sounds much better than the CD, and the CD sounds much better than the MP3. But no one would argue that the compact tape has superior sound quality over any of these formats. CDs are considered a huge step up in sound quality from the tape. Although people lament over the loss of the mix tape, nobody is missing the tape's sound quality.

Design and Size

Whereas MP3 players use lithium-ion batteries, which are long lasting and rechargeable, the Walkman eats through regular batteries. The Walkman itself is bulky compared to an MP3 player, or even most modern portable CD players. Because of the mechanical parts, carelessly pressing Walkman buttons could lead to accidentally destroying a tape on-the-go. There is also a notable absence of features that today's society expects from a portable music player, including an option to shuffle songs, or equalize the songs for custom music playback.

Accessibility of Music Cassettes

Studio-produced audio tapes just aren't made anymore. To find them, you'd have to go to a record shop and buy them vintage, or hunt around a garage sale. To be able to purchase the most recent music, you'll need to record your own copy on tape from MP3 or CD.

Personalization and Portability

Some people still find value in making mix tapes, which can be done using other tapes, CDs, or even MP3s, but is a time-intensive process and is easy to mess up. Also, there's a cap on how much music you can give someone on a tape. A mix tape might be more romantic than a mix playlist, but it can usually hold only a handful of songs. It's said that the perfect pop song is around three minutes long, and the standard audio cassette is 60 minutes long in total. Therefore, a tape will only hold 20 short songs. The least expensive MP3 players let you take hundreds - if not thousands - of songs with you on the go, including their record art.

Tags: sound quality, argue that, better than, minutes long, much better, much better than, portable music

Determine The Magnification Power Needed On A Rifle Scope

A rifle scope is far superior to the iron sights that come on a rifle for shooting at any appreciable distance. The magnification power of the scope determines how far out you can accurately sight in your target. There are other options to think about when choosing a scope, but the magnification power is the main element to consider.


1. Decide if you want a fixed or variable power scope. A variable power scope is much like a zoom lens on a camera; you can change the magnification power for different situations. A variable power scope is obviously superior to a fixed magnification scope, but they're also usually more expensive.

2. Determine the maximum range you want to shoot. This determines the maximum magnification that you need. A rifle with 7-times magnification (7x) allows you to shoot up to 100 yards, a 9x lets you shoot up to 200 yards and a 12x to 14x lets you shoot a target over 200 yards away.

3. Think about what type of game you want to hunt. You can hunt whitetail deer with a 3x to 9x scope, you can hunt mule deer on western plains with a 4x to 12x scope and you would hunt squirrels with a fixed 4x scope.

4. Consider the distance at which you want to take the majority of your shots. Pick a magnification for the low power of your scope that fits into this shot distance. If you have too powerful a scope, you end up with a limited field of view at your typical shooting distance.

5. Test several different scopes and find out what you like. Use the scopes to fire a few rounds before purchasing. If you can't use the scope to fire a rifle, at least use it to sight in targets at distances from which you typically fire shots.

Tags: magnification power, power scope, variable power, variable power scope, lets shoot, shoot yards, shoot yards lets

Volvo 2009 C70 Speed Dial Instructions

The 2009 Volvo C70 is not only a vehicle that will keep you safe on the road but also features an audio system that will help you stay connected if you spend a lot of time in the car. The audio system in utilizes Bluetooth technology to synch with your mobile phone, allowing you to quickly make and answer calls without endangering yourself or others. Using voice activated speed dial can help you keep your hands on the wheel.


1. Enable Bluetooth sharing on your mobile device. If you are unsure do this, refer to the owners manual that came with your device. Enter the key into the ignition switch and turn the key to "Accessory" to turn on your Volvo's audio system.

2. Press the "Phone" button on the LCD screen to bring up the phone menu and then press "Add Phone." The system will take a moment to search for your phone. When it appears, touch it to select it. A four-digit number will appear on screen. Enter it into your phone to sync it with the vehicle.

3. Press the "Phone" button on the LCD screen to enter the options menu for your phone. You can dial contacts that have already been programmed as speed dial numbers in your phone from this screen. Press the speed dial button that corresponds to a contact you want to dial followed by the "Send" button. The system will dial that number and you will be able to talk to that person through your vehicle's audio system.

4. Hold down the "Enter" button on the LCD screen to activate voice dialing if it is supported by your phone. While holding down this button, speak the name of the contact that you wish to dial and the system will send a call to that contact.

Tags: your phone, audio system, button screen, system will, Enter into, number will

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Voltage Regulator Components

A voltage regulator is designed to maintain a constant level of voltage within an electrical circuit, and it is an example of a negative feedback control loop. It can be used to regulate both alternating current (AC) and direct current (DC) voltages if necessary, depending on the regulator's design for use. Voltage regulators are employed in computer power supplies, automobile alternators and large-scale generators for power plants. The regulators have several components.


A resistor serves the opposite function of a conductor. Instead of encouraging electrical current to flow, it consists of a material that makes it difficult for electricity to travel. Depending on the material used for the resistor, the energy from the electricity that is resisted is converted by the resistor into another form of energy, such as light or heat.


A diode is a semiconductor component of a voltage regulator, and it is used to determine the flow of energy in a circuit. A diode works similarly to a valve in that it allows electrical current to flow in only one direction.


A transistor consists of semiconductor material; the material has an electrical conductivity that falls somewhere between that of a conductor and an insulator. In a voltage regulator, the transistor serves two functions: opening and closing a circuit, and strengthening or boosting an electrical signal received before outputting it to the rest of the voltage regulator.


A capacitor stores electrons, or the electrical charge, to act as a repository of extra energy, if needed, by a DC power supply within a voltage regulator. Capacitors can block constant (DC) signals and also are capable of passing changing (AC) signals. The larger a capacitor's capacitance, which is measured in farad units, the more potential electrical charge the capacitor can store.

Tags: voltage regulator, current flow, electrical charge, electrical current, electrical current flow, voltage regulator

Use 35mm Film

Despite digital camera advances, there still are many uses for 35 mm film.

Professional photographers started relying on 35 mm film as the film itself improved and when the first true system 35 mm single-lens reflex (SLR) camera came into existence in 1959. The basic design did not change after that, and has continued into digital SLRs. The system camera meant that a wide variety of accessories, including lenses and flash units were made for the camera, which gave pros the ability to shoot under many circumstances. The 35 mm cameras were also lighter than their predecessors. Consumers started buying more 35 mm cameras as the prices came down in the 1960s and 1970s. You can use the 35 mm film in many ways.


1. Think landscape. Cameras that use 35 mm film, primarily SLRs, are designed specifically to take landscape or horizontal photographs. That means you can get a family reunion image as well as a wide shot of the Grand Canyon. You can increase this horizontal perspective by using wide-angle lenses that will widen your horizontal image area. The negative size will remain the same, but you will gather more image on the left and on the right. Horizontal images can gather wide areas such as cityscapes and river valleys. You also can make interesting portraits this way by placing your subject traditionally in the middle of your frame or less traditionally by moving her off to one side or the other.

2. Think vertically. Even though SLR cameras feel more comfortable in your hands when held as designed, consider turning the camera 90 degrees to get vertical shots. You can shoot tall buildings or close-up portraits. More of the person's features and details will appear in the shot if you close in with a vertical perspective. Shoot things vertically you normally would not see that way. For example, instead of shooting an image of a forest, turn the camera sideways and take a long shot of a tall tree. You can enhance this effect by using a wide-angle lens. Even though the manufacturer may have intended the lens for wide shots, you can increase your vertical image area on the 35 mm film when you turn the camera sideways.

3. Get a panoramic camera. Because 35 mm film is a long strip, you can use it in cameras designed to produce panoramas. This typically will take the same space on the film as two or three normal frames, but can produce stunning panoramas of natural wonders and even widely scattered people at an event.

4. Use infrared 35 mm film. This type of film focuses using a different light than normal, the infrared, and can produce unusual images. You will need to use the "R" on your lens. Focus normally, but before you expose the film, shift the focus to line up with the "R." The result, in black and white, can surprise you. Anything that gives off heat, such as a tree or sun-lit grass or a person's face will turn into a soft, white glow. Colder areas will produce deep, rich blacks.

5. Put filters on the front of your lens to alter the reality coming through your lens to your 35 mm film. For example, if you put a red filter on your lens with black and white film, it will deepen the blacks and accentuate the whites, creating a dramatic effect. Clouds will "pop" in the image while the ocean will gain a menacing, deep black look.

6. Use different types of 35 mm film. For example, get some film with an ISO film speed of 1,600 or 3,200 and shoot without a flash at night. These fast films gather more light quickly, illuminating areas in an unusual way. This will usually add grain, but this itself can add to the surreal look of the images.

Tags: your lens, black white, camera sideways, Even though, film example

Monday, September 23, 2013

Browse The Web On The Iphone

The iPhone has a wireless connection that allows you to connect to the Web from most places in the world through the same network as a regular cell phone. The engineers at Apple have developed the iPhone to allow for intuitive browsing similar to Web surfing on your computer.


1. Make contact with the "Safari" key on your iPhone's main page to get started. The Safari page looks like a compass and provides you instant access to your home page on the Web.

2. Activate the Web address field in order to browse the Internet. Tap the field before you utilize the keyboard to enter the desired Web address.

3. Erase mistaken addresses or search another address using the "Delete" key on your iPhone. This key looks like an X and sits next to the address field for easy access. You can also use this key to stop websites that take too long to load up.

4. Touch an email address, map or other function on a website to bring up the appropriate application on your iPhone. If you must reach a contact person on a website, tap the email address for instant access to your enabled email.

5. Adjust your view of a website by rotating your iPhone. You can turn your iPhone on its ends and browse through a website in landscape orientation. The phone adjusts the width, height and magnification of the website based on the orientation of the phone.

6. Focus on a newspaper article, small picture or other object as you browse a website by making contact with your phone. You can double tap on the desired object to increase magnification for higher visual clarity. Two taps on the screen lets you zoom back out to the original website view.

7. Rotate through multiple web pages on your iPhone. First click on the page number at the bottom right-hand part of the web page to bring up all open sites. You can flip through different pages by dragging each page with your finger until you reach the desired site.

Tags: your iPhone, access your, address field, contact with, email address, instant access

U S Laws On Front License Plates

U.S. Laws on Front License Plates

If you travel widely by car in the United States, expect to encounter a variety of license-plate laws from state to state. The U.S. government only issues license plates for its federal vehicles and for foreign diplomats, and these vehicles are only required to have a rear plate.

All other drivers are issued vehicle plates by their state governments.

Some states require that cars have both a front and rear license plate and some require only a rear license plates. Here are some more details about the regulations specifically regarding front license plates.

State by State

Certain states such as California, Ohio, Iowa, Washington, Maryland and Massachusetts require their drivers to post both a front and rear license plate on their cars and even make it illegal for car dealers to sell a new car without a license plate bracket on the front bumper. Others, like Arizona and Kansas, issue two plates but make rear display required and front display optional. Most other states issue only a single plate for the rear of the vehicle.

This variety of laws from state to state has caused numerous complaints by travelers who display a single rear plate but are frequently stopped by law enforcement in states where both plates are required. If your vehicle is properly licensed in its home state, you cannot be cited in another state for not having a front plate, however.

States that require a front plate report a higher incidence of traffic violations reported by infrared cameras at urban intersections and toll booths.

State by State Plate Rules

If you relocate from a state that requires only a rear plate to a state the requires both a front and rear plate, you have a limited amount of time to re-register your vehicle and obtain two new license plates. In most states you have 30 days from the date of your move to complete the new registration.

You can re-register by visiting the state's licensing office or secretary of state's office, or by mail. In order to receive your new plates you'll need to show a valid vehicle title and a valid driver's license and pay a fee set by the state.

Front Plates and LPR

License Plate Recognition Technology (LPR), which uses cameras and computer software to recognize numbers and letters, has been found to be more accurate when a vehicle has both a front and a rear plate. For this reason, more states may pass laws requiring both.

According to the FBI, "license plate recognition software and hardware has gone from something only dreamed about in movies to a viable technological tool for local police and sheriff's departments."

Besides traffic violations, LPR has proven helpful in apprehending wanted felons, prison escapees and vehicles associated with Amber Alerts.

Front Plates and Collector Cars

One of the biggest opponents of the front license plate laws in some states are collectible car enthusiasts. Many are of the opinion that a new front plate mars the look of the older or antique car. Some classic automobile associations have even mounted petition drives to have the laws removed in states where they exist, though these initiatives have yet to meet with any success.

Front Plates Generate Revenue

Besides the success of LPR, the biggest argument for laws requiring front and rear plates is revenue generation for state budgets. When states require two plates they can charge a higher fee for license plate renewal. These fees vary by state, but are generally higher than states that require only a single rear plate.

Tags: rear plate, front rear, both front, both front rear, license plate

Using Lensbaby For Food Photography

Lensbaby lenses, a line of special lenses for a variety of digital SLR cameras, are known for the artistic effects they create.

Photographing food is as much about creating an appealing visual as it is about taste, so Lensbaby lenses are ideal for adding flashy and creative effects that make the food you photograph stand out enough to make your viewers' mouths water.

Using Lensbaby lens effects can help you create the professional food images that could get your food photography featured in print or on the web.


1. Plan the layout of your food. Before using the Lensbaby lens, compose your photograph with vibrantly colored foods arranged on elegant dinnerware. Add a tablecloth that complements the dinnerware. If possible, set up your subject in natural light whether it is the sun shining through the window or even outside on a picnic table.

2. Attach Lensbaby Muse lens to your camera. Pull the front element of the lens back toward your camera until you find the area of the food you want to highlight. A motion blur effect will radiate out from the center point. Move the lens up, down, left or right to change the central focus of the photograph. Snap your photograph and the image will come out with the center, highlighted element in focus and the rest of the image softly motion blurred. This is an ideal effect for highlighting a main course in the center of a lavish food buffet.

3. Place the Lensbaby Composer on your digital camera to capture a predefined area with an added smoothing effect. Focus the Composer in the same way you focus the Muse. Twist the lens to fixate on the area you want to place in a soft, smooth blur. Use this effect to capture elegant candlelight dinner settings.

4. Photograph food textures with the Lensbaby Control Freak. Place the lens on your camera and rotate it left or right to focus, then snap away. This filter has a macro capability which lets you capture water drops on vegetables or the juices on a mouth-watering slice of turkey breast. The macro effect takes place on the area of the image you set to focus, while the rest of the image takes on a soft motion blur.

Tags: your camera, left right, lens your, lens your camera, Lensbaby lens, Lensbaby lenses, motion blur

Friday, September 20, 2013

Free Computers For Lowincome Families

Low-income families can find help from a variety of places to put computers in their homes.

To keep up with the pace of education, news and society, computers have become an essential in the home. But families with low incomes may not be able to afford a computer. Several organizations have developed creative ways for these families to enjoy the use of a computer with little or no fees.

Computer Recycling Center

Computer Recycling Center makes refurbished computers and laptops available to youth groups, low-income families, the elderly, teachers and other community-based nonprofit organizations. Fill out their application form and include the appropriate shipping fee.

Accelerated Schools

Accelerated Schools offers a computer loan program that makes computers available to families through two methods. After submitting a $100 deposit that will be returned when the computer is returned, families can choose a slide show computer or a word processing computer. Call (800) SCHOOL3 or visit their website to learn more about the terms and conditions of this computer loan program.


Freecycle is an online network of charitable individuals who post gifts and donations of many things, including computers, so that others may benefit from their gifts. Click the link in the Resources section to sign up.

Computers 4 Kids

Computers 4 Kids are individual charitable organizations that provide local assistance to low-income families on acquire a free or low-cost computer. Click their link in Resources to view the locations of this computer donation organization.

World Computer Exchange

World Computer Exchange is a portal for rescuing used computers, refurbishing them and distributing them throughout the world. This company has benefited many communities and organizations that otherwise would not have been able to afford a computer or laptop. Visit their website for more information on donating or receiving a free computer.

Tags: able afford, able afford computer, Accelerated Schools, afford computer, Computer Exchange, computer loan

Gifts For Elderly People

Seniors and the elderly usually have enough "things" in their homes and don't need any more slippers, towel sets, sachets or knickknacks. Gifts they value most are the kind that give them more connection to their family and friends, help them manage tasks that are too time-consuming or difficult for them and provide them with new experiences.


As most grandparents will tell you, handmade gifts from grandchildren are a their favorite, so any gift that provides that same connection to family is still appropriate.

Giving a grandparent a new digital camera and perhaps paid attendance to a beginner's camera workshop would be a lovely package gift and will get him started on both a new hobby and a way to participate with family at get-togethers and events. A survey by Barchester Healthcare, which operates senior assisted living homes, found the top gifts desired by seniors were a digital camera and a Nintendo Wii gaming console.

Seniors can play Wii games with their peers, their children and grandchildren and can even connect online with the console. Some games also offer a low-impact physical activity that keeps elderly people more active in an easy, fun way.


Depending on the age and ability of the person, some household tasks, like yard work, appliance cleaning and even regular cleaning, may be beyond their physical stamina. Give your time and hands as a gift; make a weekly date with a senior to come over and clean out her tub, mop her floors or move heavy things, and finish the chores by having a cup of tea and chatting with her for a while. Your company and help will be appreciated.

If they live far, gift them handyman services for the yard or housecleaning help. You also can find stores that will delivery groceries to him or companies that will even deliver full meals if he isn't up to cooking constantly.

You also can help out in other ways; perhaps there is a spot in her home that she always means to organize but never does. Offer to go through all boxes and photos to put them into albums or scrapbooks that they can enjoy with the whole family. Or sort through and clean out an old shed or basement room that is full of items they he doesn't use anymore.

Make sure to present these gifts in a pretty way, such as in a handmade card or attached to a token small gift like a photo frame, seed packet or a new cleaning cloth to symbolize the actual gift.


In the later years of life, seniors and the elderly often prefer new experiences or special treats to the same old routine. Give him perishable foods that are a luxury to him, such as a monthly basket of fresh fruit or a hamper of fine cheeses and wines. Or book a sightseeing train trip, a hot-air-balloon ride, a spa day or some easy weekly lessons, such as senior yoga, swimming or dance. Sign her up for beginning computer courses at the local high school or community college, or give her a season pass to local museums.

For seniors who don't drive, make sure they can still get out around town by giving them a passbook full of public transportation coupons. For the elderly who do drive, give them gift certificates to some favored restaurants or shops in town or movie gift certificates. Or go with him to the movies or dinner, and the gift will be doubly appreciated.

Tags: digital camera, gift certificates, gift will, give them, that will

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Uses For A Diffuser

Compared to blow drying, a diffuser reduces frizz and dryness.

The idea that a diffuser is used only for curly hair is just a myth. A diffuser, which is attached to the end of any blow dryer, helps add volume, helps keep curls intact and helps add curls to otherwise straight hair. It works by evenly distributing airflow without blowing your hair in every direction. A diffuser helps bring out your hair's natural texture. It enhances or adds body and bounce, depending on the type of hair you have.

Maintaining Curls

Brush hair to remove tangles before washing it. Then wash hair with shampoo. Gently blot with a towel, but do not brush or comb to ensure waves or curls naturally clump together. Use a small amount of curl-enhancing product by spreading it evenly through hair. Turn your blow dryer, with the diffuser attached, to a high "high heat slow" speed setting if available. Dry hair underneath and go toward the top of your scalp, tilting your head from side to side and upside down for extra lift or volume. Finishing at the top helps control frizz since this area dries out the fastest and can't be over-dried. You may lift hair with fingers to add volume, or you may scrunch it if using a low heat setting. Leave some moisture in the hair by letting the ends dry out to prevent frizz. When hair is dry, tousle with fingers or style.

Curling Straight Hair

A diffuser will not add the same type of curls to straight hair as a curling iron or rollers would, but it does bring out hair's natural texture and gives it a natural wave. One way to do this is to add a curl-enhancing product to hair and set the blow dryer to a "high heat low" speed setting. Keep the diffuser three to six inches away from hair and, lifting hair away from scalp, scrunch it while tilting head sideways. Turn your head down to add volume all over. Let hair dry naturally for the last 15 minutes, and add some wax, mousse or hair gel to set the style. Another way is to just dry using circular motions from a 90-degree angle without scrunching. Diffusers imitate the way hair dries on its own, giving it natural movement.

Adding Volume

A diffuser can also add natural volume to your hair. To do this, dry your hair while tilting your head down the entire time. Add a styling product before blow drying. Tilt your head downward and point the diffuser toward your roots, moving down toward the ends of your hair. The warm air from the diffuser adds volume to roots, which are lifted away from the scalp using this method. When done, throw your hair back and brush. Finally, lock the style in by drying it using the coolest setting for about a minute.

Drying Hair

Use a diffuser to simply dry hair. A diffuser can be less destructive to hair than a traditional blow dryer. Start at the roots and dry hair using circular motions in the same direction, going toward the ends. Use a cooler setting when hair is almost dry, and don't dry hair completely. Always leave a little moisture to prevent over-drying, which causes frizz.

Tags: your hair, blow dryer, your head, away from, away from scalp

What Is The Difference Between M & H Olympus Xd Type Cards

Extreme Digital (xD) memory cards are a type of flash memory primarily used in digital cameras. Olympus and Fujifilm developed the flash memory card system in 2002. The xD memory card comes in four varieties: Standard, M, H and M+. In Spring 2010 Olympus abandoned the usage of xD cards in its digital cameras in favor of SD memory cards.

Speed & Size

The Type M card had capabilities to extend to 8GB of storage space, though only offered up to 2GB. The Type M has a write speed up to 2.5MiB/s, with a read speed of 4MiB/s. The Type H cards were developed as a faster card for photographers who needed fast read and write capabilities. The Type H offers write speeds up to 4MiB/s, with read speeds up 5MiB/s; however, storage space is limited to 1GB.


Both types of xD card feature capabilities for Olympus' Panorama feature, as well as multiple art effect functions. Such functions include 3D, cartoon and watercolor effects.

Size and Weight

Both xD cards are 20x25x1.7mm in size, and weigh 2 g.

Operating Functionality

Both the Type H and Type M cards can operate at temperatures between 0 and 55 degrees C, and in humidity up to 95% with full functionality.

Bundled Extras

The Type H card comes with the xD picture card holder (to store your picture cards), as well as a pair of 3D glasses with which to view your 3D images. The Type M is bundled with the xD picture card holder, but does not offer the 3D glasses.

Tags: card comes, card holder, digital cameras, flash memory, memory card, memory cards, picture card

Compare Digital Sd Cards For Digital Cameras

An SD card is a postage-stamp-sized piece of technology that provides removable extra memory for digital cameras and other devices. SD cards can store pictures, videos, music, and other digital media.


SD memory cards carry familiar and trusted brand names as well as names new to the market or crossing from data storage into photography. As of September 2010 they include SanDisk, Kodak, Kingston, Lexar, Panasonic and Canon. Not all SD cards are manufactured by the companies whose names they bear, but since they have no moving parts, there's little difference in manufacturing processes.


SD cards come in a range of memory sizes from 128 megabytes to 64 gigabytes. Check your camera's operating instructions for limits to the size it can handle. A digital picture's memory size can range from 500 to 700 kilobytes. A digital video will take up a larger amount of space depending on the length, usually about 50 megabytes per minute of video.


SD cards are generally priced by capacity, from as little as $11 to as much as $74.


Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Fix A Fisheye In Photoshop

The fisheye effect can be corrected in Photoshop.

The fisheye effect is also known as "barrel distortion" and is a type of image distortion that makes and image look wide and circular, as if looking through the eye of a fish. While some photographers use a fisheye lens to intentionally create this effect, some cameras may exhibit some of the distortion and characteristics of a fisheye lens, especially when taking photos in macro mode, which you may wish to correct using Adobe Photoshop.


1. Open Photoshop by clicking its icon on the desktop or in the "Programs" section of your "Start" menu.

2. Click "File" then "Open" and navigate to the image you wish to correct and click "Open."

3. Click "Filter" in the top toolbar, then hover the mouse over "Distort" until a new menu appears. Click "Lens Correction" in the new menu. This will open the "Lens Correction" window.

4. Click the "Settings" menu and try each of the presets in the drop-down menu. If the presets do not give you the results you seek, continue to the next step.

5. Click and drag the slider in the "Remove Distortion" field to remove the fisheye effect from the photo. If the correction caused blank areas to appear at the edges of the image, you can click and drag the "Scale" slider to scale the image and cover the blank areas.

Tags: fisheye effect, blank areas, fisheye lens, Lens Correction, wish correct

Sync A Plantronics To Bluetooth

Sync a Plantronics to Bluetooth

Bluetooth headsets allow the user to make conversations over a cell phone or listen to music from a PDA privately, without anyone else hearing what's going on. In addition, there are also no wires to hook up or worry about, giving you more flexibility. One of the biggest makers of Bluetooth headsets is Plantronics, whose headsets can be paired with almost any Bluetooth device.


1. Browse to the Bluetooth menu of the device you will be connecting to the headset, then set the device to "Discoverable mode." This will allow the device to be seen by other Bluetooth gadgets.

2. Press the connect button on the Plantronics headset. The other device should notice the headset trying to connect to it.

3. Enter the four-digit code when prompted. Usually, this code is "0000." However, some Plantronics headsets may have different codes. Refer to your owner's manual for the proper code.

4. Make the connection a "trusted connection" at the prompt when it appears. This way, you won't have to enter the code you entered in Step 3 again when connecting.

5. Connect to the device from here on out by pressing the connect button.

Tags: Bluetooth headsets, connect button, Plantronics Bluetooth, Sync Plantronics, Sync Plantronics Bluetooth

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Copy Movies From The Tv Screen With A Camcorder

You can record television programming with a video camera.

There are many devices designed to record programming from a television. These range from VCRs to DVD recorders and even digital video recorders (DVR). It is also possible to record movies and other television content directly off the TV screen with a video camera. The camera works just like the other recording methods; it just isn't commonly thought of as a television recording device.


1. Plug the 3.5 mm end of the cable into the "Digital In" port on the side of the video camera.

2. Insert the red, white and yellow RCA audio-video cables into the "Video Out" ports on the television.

3. Power on the video camera and the TV, then set the television to the station you want to record.

4. Press "Record" on the video camera to begin the recording process. Press "Stop" at any time to stop recording.

Tags: video camera, with video, with video camera

Types Of Tracking Devices

Types of Tracking Devices

The concept of tracking goods, people and animals has long been used by humans as a method to control their surroundings. Early tracking devices--such as the astrolabe and compasses--were used to help people track the movement of heavenly bodies. Modern technology has given people the ability to track nearly anything, provided it either contains a device or is in a certain proximity.


The Global Positioning System uses a series of roughly 32 satellites located in medium Earth orbit to triangulate the position of an object. While it was developed by the US Air Force, it was put into civilian use in the early 21st century.


Radio-frequency identification tags is one of the easiest and smallest devices that can be installed in nearly any component to enable tracking. These are commonly seen in retail items for warehouse management.


Received Signal Strength Indication is a tracking system that uses real time locating technology to identify the position of an object or person. RSSI features wireless technology that can be installed into name badges or items.


Location-based service is the type of tracking device used to make a person's cell phone reveal a location. Similar to GPS, this system can be installed in nearly any communications device or vehicle.


Inertial tracking devices are mechanical in nature and use gyroscopes to detect a change in orientation. These are fast and accurate, but limited in the distance in which they can identify movement.

Tags: installed nearly, position object, that installed, Types Tracking, Types Tracking Devices

Monday, September 16, 2013

Types Of Surveillance Cameras

Video surveillance is defined as the use of one or more cameras for the purpose of monitoring an area or facility, in the interest of observation or safety. There are a variety of video surveillance cameras in use for a number of purposes. Commonly, video surveillance is thought of as the tiny cameras hidden in corners of shopping malls and supermarkets, but it's important to realize that surveillance cameras are also used in the observation of experiments and for public safety as well.

Bullet Camera

The bullet camera is one of the most popular types of surveillance cameras. It is essentially a camera lens mounted inside of a compact container shaped like a bullet. These types of cameras are easy to install and maintain, and they provide security officials with surveillance footage without being overly obtrusive or visually distracting.

IP Cameras

IP cameras are the future of video surveillance, and include a new form of technology called "video analytics" to more accurately survey a scene. For example, an IP camera might be able to recognize suspicious movement based on parameters programmed by the owner. These types of cameras are relevant outside of security concerns as well, as they can help retailers track foot traffic patterns through their stores.

Board Cameras

Board cameras are similar to what you might find in a typical espionage movie. These cameras consist of a tiny lens connected to a circuit board. The board can then be placed in or on an inconspicuous object, such as a purse, briefcase or coat lapel. Board cameras are excellent for covert surveillance, where hiding the presence of a recording device is crucial. Board cameras are also sometimes placed in the tinted domes you'll find in supermarkets as a stationary surveillance device.

PC-Based Surveillance Systems

PC-based surveillance systems generally involve a small, inexpensive video camera, such as a webcam, connected to a computer. This camera is often hidden inconspicuously in a home or business, and the connection to the computer is wireless. The camera will record streaming video that can be saved to a computer hard drive, or streamed in real time to an Internet website. Owners of these systems can monitor the video stream with any Internet device, including a mobile phone.

All-in-One Surveillance Systems

Integrated surveillance systems are generally used to protect large business and government facilities. These systems include expensive, highly advanced cameras, include features such as motion detection, facial recognition and infrared sensors. If valuable items or information are at stake, an all-in-one surveillance system will probably be the option of choice.

Tags: Board cameras, surveillance cameras, cameras also, surveillance systems, surveillance systems generally, systems generally

Get All The Directv Channels

DirecTV is a satellite alternative to cable television. It offers more options than the typical cable service, though with one drawback -- the service is vulnerable to interruption in heavy weather. DirecTV offers hundreds of channels, with many different entertainment packages and tiers of service. For those who want all the DirecTV channels possible, they will need to select the top-tier package, as well as several add-ons.


1. Go to the DirecTV website at and log in to your account.

2. View your current DirecTV package and click "Upgrade." This will bring up all the available packages.

3. Select the "265+ Digital Channels" package. This is the largest overall package available through DirecTV. This package will include all premium movie channels and sports channels.

4. Select "Premium," and this will bring up all of the other premium packages available. These include "BabyFirstTV," "Game Lounge" (which allows you to play games over your DirecTV service) and "Adult Entertainment." If you want every available channel, select all of these packages to add to your service. You can also add international packages. You will need to add every international package one at a time (to receive all possible DirecTV channels). For high-definition channels, you will need to add HD access, too. This will add all of the available HD channels for all packages.

5. Click "Submit Changes" once you have finished making your selections. You will then be asked to confirm your changes. If your satellite dish needs to be realigned (for international services), you will be informed of this and asked to select a time and date for a technician to come out to your location and adjust the dish. Confirm this, and your new channels should be unlocked on your dish momentarily.

Tags: will need, DirecTV channels, This will, will bring

The Battery Is Not Charging On My Casio Np 20

The Casio NP-20 rechargeable lithium-ion battery is designed for use in several Casio digital camera and camcorder models. As with all rechargeable batteries, your Casio device can experience problems when attempting to recharge the NP-20, but you can take several steps to deal with these problems, which require little tech know-how.


Most digital cameras and camcorders include a cable that connects to a standard power socket or converter for the purpose of recharging the device's battery. Over time, the cable can become damaged or non-functional, especially if you use it frequently. If your Casio NP-20 battery is not charging properly when plugged into a power outlet, the problem can be caused by a damaged cable. Checking the cable for signs of wear and tear, especially around the parts where the wire links to the connectors, can help you identify whether the cable is damaged. If the cable is damaged, replacing it will likely fix the situation.

Power Source

Occasionally, a rechargeable battery can fail to accept a charge because of the power source's ability to transfer electricity. If your wall outlet is not properly ground or you have recently experienced a power surge or outage, the socket might have lost its ability to conduct power. Plugging your Casio camera or camcorder into another power outlet can help you identify if this is the reason why you are unable to recharge the NP-20 battery. If you're using a power adapter, such as one that's designed to charge your camera in a car, the adapter might be damaged, in which case you should replace the adapter.

Battery Life

With each successive recharge, lithium-ion batteries lose a fraction of their power capacity. Eventually, the NP-20 will lose all of its ability to hold energy and will not respond when placed into the camera or camcorder for recharging. In these situations, replacing the battery with a new one is all that you can do. However, you can prolong the battery's life by employing several energy-saving techniques, including turning the camera off when it's not in use and refraining from recharging it until the device's battery indicator is less than half full.


Although the Casio NP-20 lithium-ion battery is designed for use in Casio cameras and camcorders, you can also use batteries manufactured by other companies, such as Delkin. Using an extended-life battery, whether manufactured by Casio or one of its competitors, can help you get a longer battery life for your camera. Most digital cameras and camcorders are able to function while using a traditional power source, such as a wall outlet, so using this feature can help you use the device in a pinch when its battery is failing to charge.

Tags: camera camcorder, cameras camcorders, Casio NP-20, your Casio, battery designed, battery life, cable damaged

Friday, September 13, 2013

Make Your Own Music Recording

In the past, only rich record companies could afford to make recordings. The rise of digital technology makes it possible for anyone to record music with almost the same quality as those recordings made in a professional studio.


1. Download Garage Band or another software program that allows users to record and edit music. There are a wide range of programs out there, and they are geared toward different audiences. Apple’s Garage Band software is directed toward beginners, while others feature 64-track recording with pitch correction capability.

2. Prepare your studio. Hook a microphone up to your computer using the microphone jack, experiment with the software and choose which instruments you will use to produce your music. Gather those instruments and have them ready for performance by arranging them in your room according to what's convenient for your computer. If you have neighbors, you’ll have to soundproof your little studio by putting foam insulation on your walls. Experiment to see where you get the best sound from your microphone.

3. Determine what you’re going to record and start laying down your track. This is the fun part. Multi-track recording allows you to add each audio element on its own so you can tweak them one-by-one in the end mix. Begin with drums or percussion. Most software programs have drum beats you can automatically use, or you may use your own drums. You may want to listen to a click track in your headphones so you don’t mess up the rhythm.

4. Add all of the other sounds you want in your recording, one by one. If you’re recording a song with vocals, record those last. Each time you add something new, you can play along with yourself as you listen through your headphones. The best part about digital recording is that if you don’t like something, you can change it easily.

5. Mix the sounds together piece by piece using the software. Drag each new track onto a new track line on the software program. Listen to the overall sound moving forward to make sure you're creating the sound you're looking to get.

6. Tinker with the final audio mix and listen to your recording several times. Determine which parts of the recording should be “brought up” so they are louder. This is your last chance to change a part of your performance to make sure you get what you want. Once the mix is perfect, you can share the music with anyone you like, no matter where they are in the world.

Tags: Garage Band, make sure, music with, software program, your computer

Pose For A Family Photo

When taking family portraits, remember to relax.

Assembling the family together for a portrait is not always easy, but when family photos are done correctly, they become a keepsake for years to come. Aside from choosing a top-notch photographer, who should provide you with samples of previous family-photo work before you book him, shooting for naturalness on picture day is key.


1. Relax and try not to focus on the pose. Posing can cause a tension that can ruin a family photo. Focus more on natural interaction: Talking, laughing, and playing with a baby or young child can produce an unforgettable shot. Arrange for your family photo to be taken at a familiar location such as local park or at home. This will help each family member feel more at ease.

2. Create intimacy. You want a beautiful snapshot that shows feeling and love, with the group looking like a family not a group of strangers. Members should be close and touching one another. Tilting heads toward each other also creates intimacy.

3. Add personality. Use props and themes to make the portrait more special. When the shot includes children, props can be used to engage them and keep them interested in the photo shoot. Choose a location associated with a family holiday, pastime, event or tradition; it will help to naturally stimulate joyful reactions for the photo.

4. Don't expect the click. When it is time to take the picture, let the photographer snap the shot without warning. The result will be a more candid, relaxed shot. Avoid the traditional countdown or "Say cheese" commonly used during picture-taking. The photographer should then be able to capture a moment that will please all family members.

Tags: family photo, photographer should, will help

Scan Photos At Kinkos

Let Kinko's help you digitize your photo collection.

In the age of digital imaging technology, regular pictures still populate bookshelves and photo albums of the world. If you do not have a scanner, you cannot view these photos on your computer. You don't have to buy a scanner to use one. To convert your favorite photos into digital images, log on to a Kinko's workstation and save your photos to a CD or a portable flash drive.


Scan Photo

1. Visit a Kinko's store.

2. Locate the help center desk and ask the assistant to direct you to a computer workstation.

3. Find a scanner near the workstation. If you do not see one, ask for assistance. Kinko's places printers and scanners near its workstations.

4. Lift the scanner's lid and place your photo on the glass surface. Align it so that it fits squarely into one corner of the scanner's surface.

5. Return to the workstation. You will see a computer desktop with a limited number of icons. Different Kinko's centers might have different programs on their workstations. Many applications can scan an image. These applications include dedicated scanning programs, image editors and even Microsoft Paint. A quick way to scan your photo is to use the MS Paint program built in to every Windows version.

6. Click the Windows "Start" menu button to display the search box. Type "Paint" in the search box. The "Paint" icon will appear in the list of search results.

7. Click that icon to open the Paint program. Press "Alt" and "F" to open a drop-down window. Click the "From Scanner or Camera" option. A window will open and display multiple scanning options.

8. Click "Color Photo" if you have a color photo. Otherwise, click "Black and White Picture or Text." Click "Scan." Paint will scan the image and display it. You can then save the image to a CD or flash drive.

Save to Flash Drive

9. Plug your flash drive into a USB port on the computer. (If you don't have a flash drive, go to the next section.)

10. Press "Ctrl" and "S." A window opens and displays the devices attached to the workstation. An icon for your flash drive appears in the list.

11. Double-click the icon to select it, and then type a name for your photo in the "File Name" text box. Click "Save." Paint stores the image on the drive.

Burn to CD

12. Insert a writable CD-R or CD-W CD into the workstation's CD drive slot.

13. Press "Ctrl" and "S" to open the "Save As" window. You will find an icon for the CD drive in the window. Double-click that icon.

14. Type a name for your photo in the "File Name" text box. Click "Save." Windows displays a pop-up message balloon at the bottom of the screen. The message reads: "You have files waiting to be burned to disk. To see the files now, click this balloon."

15. Click the balloon. Windows Explorer opens. Locate the "Burn to Disk" button, and click it. The "Burn to Disc" window opens. Follow the instructions as Windows walks you through the save process and burns the photo file to your CD.

Tags: flash drive, your photo, Click Save, computer have, File Name, File Name text, have scanner

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Nikon Mll3 Instructions

The Nikon ML-L3 is an easy to use infrared remote, similar to the one pictured here.

The Nikon ML-L3 is an infrared remote control designed to work with Nikon digital single lens reflex cameras and some of Nikon's Coolpix compact digital cameras. Before electronics and this technology became commonplace, if you wanted to remotely activate a camera shutter release, you needed to attach a shutter release cable that screwed into the top of the shutter release button.


1. Mount your camera to a tripod and position it toward the scene you will be photographing.

2. Turn the camera on and press the "Menu" button. Rotate the main selector dial until "Delayed Remote" or "Quick Response Remote" is visible in the LCD (liquid crystal display) screen.

3. Press the "Set" button located in the middle of the four-way controller on the back of the camera to select the shooting mode for the ML-L3 remote.

4. Look through the camera viewfinder to compose the picture you will be shooting.

5. Hold the ML-L3 remote control in your hand, aim it at the camera and press the button to take the picture.

Tags: shutter release, camera press, infrared remote, ML-L3 remote, Nikon ML-L3

Format A Memory Card For Kodak Dx7590

The Kodak DX7590 Zoom Digital Camera is a 5.0MP, 10x optical zoom lens/3x digital zoom camera that features 32 MB of internal memory to store high-resolution pictures. The Kodak DX7590 also offers additional picture storage through its SD/MMC memory card slot via a Kodak SD or MMC memory card or generic brand SD memory card. When you insert a new memory card, you must format the card to work in your camera. Kodak has designed the DX7590 with a formatting submenu and memory card command within the main menu for quick memory card formatting.


1. Turn off your Kodak DX7590 digital camera. Turn the camera so that the LCD screen faces you.

2. Open the memory card door on the right side of the camera.

3. Insert your Kodak SD or MMC memory card or generic SD card that has the "SD" logo on it gently into the memory card slot until it locks into place. Close the memory card door.

4. Power up your camera once more and push the "Menu" button located between the "Delete" and "Review" buttons on the back of the camera near the bottom right corner.

5. Push up or down on the "Joystick/OK" button to highlight "Setup" on the menu, and then push the center of the button to select the "Setup" menu. Push the "Joystick/OK" button up or down again to scroll through the "Setup" menu and highlight the "Format" setting and icon. Push the center of the "Joystick/OK" button.

6. Highlight the "Memory Card" option on the "Format" menu and push the "Joystick/OK" button to begin formatting the memory card. Push the "Menu" button to leave the "Format" menu. Wait for the camera to finish and alert you when the memory formatting process has completed.

Tags: memory card, Joystick button, Kodak DX7590, Setup menu, camera that, card door