Friday, June 28, 2013

Steady Weight Loss

Losing weight should be a long-term goal, not a quick-fix or fad diet that promises results that don't last longer than your next meal. While it's not easy to be patient, the results of slow but steady weight loss will be more than worth the effort---now and well into the future.

Forget Starving

For the most reliable results, make eating small, well-balanced meals the norm. Skipping meals does nothing but force your body to wonder when it's going to eat again. The body goes into starvation mode, where the metabolism slows and it hangs onto every ounce of fat it can. On the other hand, eating three to six small meals a day keeps the metabolism revved and provides your body with the nutrients it needs to get through the day with flying colors.

Amp the Exercise

To burn fat, build muscle and shed the "lbs," you'll need to exercise. This doesn't mean you have to run a marathon or lift weights like a professional bodybuilder, but you probably do have to exercise at least three days a week to see results. Exercise keeps the metabolism running in high gear, releases those "feel good" endorphins and tones muscles, which will slowly but surely replace that layer of fat, no matter how old you are or where your trouble areas are. Walking, jogging and weight-bearing exercises are the best for stimulating the calorie burn, and weight lifting (even small to moderate amounts) builds muscle, which in turn, burns more calories. Shoot for at least three cardio/aerobic workouts a week, and two weight or weight-bearing exercise routines a week.


Believe it or not, drinking between 64 ounces and a gallon of water a day will help shed excess weight and keep your body well hydrated at all times. Sure, you'll have to make a lot of trips to the bathroom the first few days, but your body will adjust, and soon you'll feel a lot better, a lot more sated and less likely to start grazing. Drink plenty of fluids in warmer weather and while outdoors as well.

Tags: your body, keeps metabolism, least three

Transfer Music To The Iriver T10 Mp3 Player

To store music files on the iRiver T10 MP3 player, you'll need a Windows XP computer with Windows Media Player installed on it. The files stored on the computer can then be downloaded to the T10 via the USB cable that is included when you purchase the T10. Follow these steps to transfer music to the iRiver T10 MP3 player.


1. Turn on your Windows XP computer. Download or install Windows Media Player 10 or greater on your computer.

2. Connect the USB cable to the USB port on your PC. Connect the other end of the USB cable to the port on the top of your iRiver T10. Turn on the T10 by pressing the Play/Stop button located on the top of the player. The USB connection icon will appear on the screen of the T10. A device attached icon may appear in the windows tray of your PC depending on how you have your PC configured.

3. Start Windows Media Player on your PC by clicking on a shortcut or selecting from a menu. With Windows Media Player open, click the "Library" button.

4. Find an individual music file or a playlist and right-click on it to display a pop-up menu. Select "Add to Sync List" from the pop-up menu. The sync list will be displayed on the right side of the screen. Continue selecting music to be added to the sync list.

5. When you're done selecting music, click on the Sync button and select the T10 from the list.

6. Click the "Start Sync" button to start the file transfer. The transfer time depends on how many files you are transferring. When the transfer to the T10 is complete, the files will appear on the left side of the Windows Media Player in the "Synchronized to Device" list.

7. Right-click on the "Safely Remove Hardware" icon in the Windows tray of your PC. Select the T10 from the "Device to Remove" menu and click "Stop." Click "OK" to confirm the removal of the T10 and close the menu. Disconnect the USB cable from the T10 and your PC and then close Windows Media Player on your PC. Your T10 is now loaded with music and ready to play.

Tags: Media Player, Windows Media, Windows Media Player, cable port, cable port your, iRiver player

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Replace The Bellows On A Mamiya C3

The C3 medium format camera was part of Mamiya's C series, which began production in 1957. Mamiya's C3, first manufactured in 1962, is a twin-lens reflex camera. This means that there is one dedicated lens for composing the scene and another for image capture. The camera focuses using a bellows, which is an adjustable, light-tight material placed between the lens-shutter assembly and the camera body. Removing the C3's lens-shutter assembly is simple, making bellows replacement a basic repair.


Removing the Lens-Shutter Assembly

1. Turn the focusing knob, located on the lower left of the camera body, counterclockwise to fully retract the lens mount.

2. Move the lens-shutter assembly change knob, just above the focusing knob, to the "UNLOCK" position.

3. Push the lens-shutter change lock button, above the assembly change knob, toward the front of the camera body.

4. Press the small knurled knob near the top left of the camera's face. The knob will swing forward, unlocking the lens-shutter assembly. Lift the assembly away from the front of the bellows and set it aside.

5. Rotate the focusing knob clockwise until the lens mount and bellows are fully extended.

Replacing the Bellows

6. Cut away the bellows from the face of the camera and the lens mount using a hobby knife, working gently and slowly. Pay attention to how the bellows are mounted as you remove them--this will aid in the installation process. As bellows are mounted with adhesive, no tools are required. Cut away as much of the bellows material as possible.

7. Remove dried adhesive or bellows fragments with a cotton swab saturated with acetone. The face of the camera and the lens mount should be clean of all adhesive and fragments before continuing.

8. Apply a light coat of bellows adhesive to one end of the replacement bellows, using a small paintbrush. Place this end onto the face of the camera, using the placement of the old bellows as a guide. Hold it in place for several minutes.

9. Apply a light coat of adhesive to the other end of the bellows. Attach this end to the lens mount and hold it in place for several minutes.

10. Allow the camera to sit undisturbed for several days to ensure a firm bond. Replace the lens-shutter assembly by performing the first section in reverse order.

Tags: lens mount, lens-shutter assembly, camera body, face camera, focusing knob, Apply light

Starmate The Instructions

Sirius satellite radios offer a wealth of programming free of the censoring and programming constraints that apply to free terrestrial airwaves. The company's Starmate model of radio, though discontinued as of March 2011, connects to most output jacks on car or home audio systems. Learning to use the system isn't difficult; mastering its programming functions takes a little time though. A remote control, vent mount, power adapter, antenna and docking station should have come with your Starmate.


1. Press the power button in the top right of your Starmate radio to turn it off.

2. Tune your vehicle or home stereo to an empty FM station with no broadcasting content, preferably 88.1, since the Starmate is set to transmit to that frequency. Set that frequency as a preset channel, according to your radio's instructions, for easily accessing Sirius stations later.

3. Power on your Starmate radio. Press and hold "FM Preset" on the face, just below the "Menu" button.

4. Use the radio's directional wheel to scroll down the FM preset list to "FM1." Select the button with the dog icon in the center of the directional wheel. Reboot your Starmate.

5. Subscribe to Sirius radio after your Starmate's transceiver is synced with your radio. Upon reboot, the radio will update channel listings, then revert to channel 184, at which point a phone number should appear on your display -- (888) 539-SIRIUS -- for you to activate your service.

6. Scroll with the directional buttons to channel "000" and your radio's ID number will appear. Write the 12-digit number down before you call Sirius. Call Sirius and give a representative your ID number. Use a credit card to activate.

7. Watch your display for "Subscription Updated." Once that appears, press any button and you can scroll up and down through your Starmate's channel offerings.

8. Familiarize yourself with the display. The channel and channel name will be at the top; the category, time and preset code, if any, will appear at the bottom, and the artist name and song title will be most prominently displayed in the middle.

9. Press and hold the "DISP" button and a listing of channels will appear, which you can scroll through to quickly find the type of music or entertainment you seek.

10. Store a channel to memory by pressing and holding the "BAND" button to choose A, B or C bands, then tune the radio to the channel you'd like to preset. Press and hold the number on the bottom of your faceplate to which you'd like to assign the station. A beep will alert you that the channel was stored.

Tags: your Starmate, Press hold, will appear, your radio, directional wheel, scroll down, Starmate Instructions

Connect A Camcorder To A Tv Using A/V Cables

For those who are using their camcorders for the first time, connecting your camcorder to your TV to watch something you've recently taped could prove to be a difficult task. However, with some basic guidelines and suggestions, connecting your camcorder to your TV may be easier than expected. Here is connect a camcorder to a TV using A/V cables.


1. Locate the RCA inputs on your TV. Most models will have the yellow-red-white connections on the front, side or back of the TV.

2. Attach all RCA cables to the input on your TV according to color. This will ensure that you have enough length on the cable to stretch from your camcorder to your TV.

3. Attach the other end of the RCA cable to your camcorder, again according to color.

4. Turn on your camcorder and TV. Turn the television to the channel which displays the camcorder footage. This could be channel 3, Input 1 or Aux on many standard televisions.

5. Insert the tape and press play on your camcorder and be sure that the footage is shown on the television. If it is not, check that the cables are secure, and that the television is on the proper channel.

Tags: your camcorder, camcorder your, your camcorder your, according color, connecting your, connecting your camcorder

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The Advantages Of Document Cameras

A document camera improves projector visibility during presentations.

If you have ever listened to a presentation in a class or business meeting, you may have seen the presenter use a document camera. It's a piece of equipment that displays objects that are placed under its lens onto a large projector screen. This type of camera works well for displaying information, such as training notes, outlines and graphs to a large room of people. Document cameras have several advantages when used in various fields, such as education and business.


Document cameras allow you to show all types of media in a classroom or office setting. The media used on this type of camera can be in various formats, such as computer printouts, handwritten material, brochures, photographs or transparencies. The camera also can display various types of objects, as long as they are small enough to fit in the camera's visual area. Because the camera accommodates many types of media, a presenter has more choices of material he can display than with other methods, such as an overhead projector.


If you take a college course in a large hall or receive group training in a conference room at work, it may be hard for you to see important notes your professor or boss needs to cover. Document cameras improve your visibility by enlarging media so that everyone in a room can view it. Color printouts, book pages, three-dimensional objects and photos are all types of media that a document camera can project into larger displays on screen.


Any document or item that fits inside of an 8 1/2-by-11-inch area can be placed under the lens of a document camera. This eliminates having to photocopy documents or transfer them to transparencies for use with an overhead projector. It also saves time by eliminating the need to write information on an whiteboard or chalkboard.


When a teacher or presenter uses a chalkboard or whiteboard to write notes for a presentation, he loses a connection with his audience because his back is turned on them most of the time. Using a document camera helps the presenter keep eye contact and establish a connection with the audience. This keeps the audience engaged in the speaker's presentation.

Tags: document camera, Document cameras, types media, connection with, connection with audience, media that

How Make My Cd Player Louder

A CD player's volume relies not only on the technology within the CD player, but also the technology hooked up to the CD player. Many CD player volume control issues-issues relating to the increase or decrease of sound-occur as the result of an equipment issue. Additionally, your perception of sound can play a role: A working CD player at maximum volume may seem quiet to you as the result of noise interference or even a medical condition.


1. Check your CD player's remote control for battery or technical issues. If you don't have a CD player with a remote control, skip this step. Otherwise, swap out the batteries in your CD player's remote control with new batteries and then try the volume. If that doesn't help, reprogram the remote to default settings following the instructions provided in your specific CD player and/or remote control user manual.

2. Tighten the connections running from your CD player to any speakers or other entertainment devices. Loose connections not only impact volume, but also sound quality.

3. Attach new speakers manufactured to provide clearer or better sound quality, as older speakers can create speaker-generated noise pollution such as crackling and hissing caused by wire damage, general wear and speaker malfunction-noise that can alter your perception of volume.

4. Change your current headphones (if applicable) to noise-reduction/noise-canceling audio headphones that feature special ear cushions and other technology that reduces the amount of acoustic noise (noise pollution) that enters your ear from your surroundings so that you can clearly hear your music or other audio. Without this technology, surrounding acoustic noise can make you perceive the volume as low. If you're not using headphones, skip this step.

5. Connect your CD player to an audio amplifier (audio amp)-a device that boosts an audio signal to make it louder-if the volume is still too low.

6. Install a CD player laser lens cleaning disk into your CD player if the volume doesn't improve as a dirty lens can make it difficult for the player to "read" the CD-causing sound distortion, reduced sound quality and other audio issues that can affect volume.

Tags: your player, remote control, player remote, player remote control, player volume

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Metronidazole Use In Dogs

Metronidazole is frequently used in dogs.

Metronidazole is a drug that is commonly used to treat ailments in dogs. It is most often used to treat stomach and gastrointestinal problems, as well as to keep secondary infections in check. Metronidazole is routinely used by veterinarians because it is cost effective and is one of the safest drugs on the market.

What It Is

Metronidazole is most often used as an antibiotic to treat bacterial infections in dogs. It is also used as an antiprotozoal, used to treat parasitic one-celled organisms, such as giardia, that attack the body.

Uses of Metronidazole

Metronidazole is used frequently to treat bacterial infections in dogs. According to the Pet Place Drug Library, the bacterial infections most often treated with the drug are stomach, gastrointestinal, respiratory, skin and urinary tract/bladder infections. Metronidazole's antiprotozoal properties are used to treat the parasite giardia. Viruses are unaffected by Metronidazole.


Metronidazole is available in liquid form, capsules and tablets. Tablets come in 250 mg and 500 mg, capsules come in 375 mg strength and the liquid form comes in vials of 5 mL and 500 mL.


Dosing levels of Metronidazole for dogs is typically 5 mg to 30 mg per pound of body weight. The range is determined by the dog's tolerance to the drug, as well as the severity of the illness.

Side Effects

According to the Pet Place Drug Library, Metronidazole is normally safe, but some side effects can develop, especially in dogs with sensitivity to the drug. Metronidazole should not be used without a prescription from your veterinarian. The most common side effects in dogs include vomiting, loss of appetite, difficulty walking, constant eye twitching and lethargy. Serious side effects can include seizures, ataxia (rapid heart beat), head tilt and liver disease. Metronidazole should not be used in dogs with existing liver problems.

Tags: used treat, bacterial infections, most often, side effects, According Place, According Place Drug

What Is A Relay Phone Call

Telephone companies provide a support service to assist disabled customers in placing and receiving calls. This service is subsidized by the state and federal funds under the telecommunications relay service (TRS). TRS is available throughout the United States for local and long distance calls. These calls are facilitated by an operator at the telephone company who serves as an intermediary with the calling and receiving parties. Depending on the disability, a person can also use specialized equipment for telephone calls.


A relay phone call uses an intermediary operator, called a communications assistant to facilitate telephone calls. This service is specifically designed to assist disabled customers and is subsidized by the government. Relay phone calls are not operator-assisted calls that are accessed by dialing "0," such as for international dialing assistance or collect calls; dialing assistance fees are charged directly to the customer. Calls placed using a calling card or access telephone number are not relay calls; these calls provide an economical gateway to access out-of-area dialing to reduce telephone charges.

Text Devices

Disabled customers contact communications assistants at the relay service through a TTY device or text input device. Types of TTY devices available include: text-to-voice and captioned telephones that have a keyboard and display for the hearing-impaired to place and receive phone calls. Some captioned relay services use voice recognition technology. Voice carry over devices have a handset and display for the hearing impaired to speak in their own voice but receive typed responses from the communications assistant. Hearing carry over devices allow people with a speech disability to listen to the conversation and type his response for the communications assistant to tell the other party.

Other Devices

Some relay call services don't use text input devices. Speech-to-speech services are for those with a speech disability to use a trained communications assistant to vocally repeat (or relay) their responses to the other party; the communications assistant is trained in specific speech disorders to understand patterns. Speech-to-speech is a service that can use a commercially available telephone unit without specialized add-ons. Many states with a large population of non-English speaking residents offer a shared non-English language relay service where communications assistants translate the conversation. Deaf customers can communicate in American Sign Language (ASL) via a video relay service for customer assistants to translate the conversation.


The equipment for relay services are usually specialized devices, and the communications assistants at the telephone company are highly trained to facilitate different types of relay calls. The features of the devices allow the disabled customer to carry on conversations and to place emergency calls (911). The devices can connect directly to a relay service provider, or customers needing relay assistance can dial "711" on their telephone.


The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) set minimum standards for relay telephone services. As a result, improvements and expanded service hours are being implemented. Internet technology is also expanding the services for relay services and disabled customers for improved speech recognition, video conferencing and texting access.

Tags: communications assistant, relay service, communications assistants, disabled customers, relay services

Measure Heat From Light Bulbs

Although light bulbs are more known for emitting light, it can be important to know measure heat from a light bulb. Some light bulbs are valuable as heating instruments, such as in a greenhouse or baby incubator. By knowing how much heat is generated, it will help you understand regulate the temperature. There are also different kind of light bulbs. Incandescent bulbs generate much more heat than fluorescent bulbs.


1. Inspect your light bulbs. Make sure you know the wattage of each bulb. The wattage of a bulb is its amount of electric power.

2. Place a white towel on a table. Place an adjustable lamp on the edge of the towel.

3. Place a thermometer on the towel. Measure the distance from the bulb to the thermometer.

4. Record the room temperature, and write it down.

5. Insert your lowest watt bulb into the lamp.

6. Adjust lamp to make it angle over the thermometer. Turn on the lamp.

7. Turn the light on, and let it shine over the thermometer for five minutes. Make sure you record exactly how long the lamp was on above the thermometer. At the end of the specific time, record the temperature of the thermometer.

8. Repeat above steps with different watt bulbs. Make sure each bulb is tested under the exact same circumstances. This includes the distance from the bulb to the thermometer, and placing the thermometer in the same location.

Tags: light bulbs, Make sure, bulb thermometer, bulbs Make, bulbs Make sure, distance from

Monday, June 24, 2013

Specs For A Sony Mzne410 High Speed Net Md Walkman Recorder

Get the specs for a Sony MZ-NE410 MiniDisc Player.

The Sony MZ-NE410 is a digital audio mini-disc system that plays standard audio formats such as mp3, wav and wma files. It can record mp3s and CDs at up to 32 times their playback speed and gets up to 56 hours of continuous playback on one AA battery.

Size and Color

The Sony MZ-NE410 is 3.25 inches tall by 3 inches wide by 1.067 inches deep. It weighs 3.8 ounces without the battery and comes in black.

Battery Life

The Sony MZ-NE410 requires one AA battery. Its battery life depends on the playback mode. In SP (normal stereo) mode, the player can get up to 42 hours of playback. In LP2 mode, it can get up to 48 hours of continuous playback, and in LP4 mode, it can get up to 56 hours of continuous playback.

Audio Specs

The MZ-NE410 plays digital audio mini-discs. Discs may be encoded with mp3, wav or wma files, which are then compressed using the Adaptive Transform Acoustic Coding (ATRAC) method, with a 441 kHz sampling frequency.


The Sony MZ-NE410 comes with headphones, a USB cable and a CD ROM with computer software, including drivers and a music burner, which compresses CDs to a format for the player. You may purchase the external speakers separately.

Tags: Sony MZ-NE410, continuous playback, hours continuous, hours continuous playback, playback mode, digital audio

Panasonic Camcorder Model Pvl352 Operating Instructions

Pushing harder on the "Zoom" button increases the speed of the zoom.

Panasonic's compact handheld model PV-L352 VHS-C camcorder was released in 2003. It features a 20x optical zoom, 700x digital zoom, 2.5 inch LCD (color), special effects (strobe, sepia, wipe), a widescreen format, digital color filters, a serial port, and image stabilization (steadies the camera to prevent shake). The VHS-C weighs 2.16 lbs., measures 4.9 by 4.2 by 7.5 inches, and comes with an AC adapter, a shoulder strap, an audio/visual cable, a battery pack, a VHS playpak, a lens cap, and a clock battery. You should become familiar with operate the camera before filming.


1. Charge the battery by first plugging in the AC adapter to an outlet. Slide the battery onto the charging station in the direction of the arrows. A full charge takes approximately one hour and is indicated by the charge light remaining lit. Remove the battery from the station, and attach it to the back of the camcorder. A fully charged battery should keep the camera running consistently for up to one hour and 10 minutes.

2. Take up the slack in the VHS-Ctape (TC-20, TC-30, or TC-40) by rotating the little wheel at the end of the tape following the direction of the arrow. Push the "Tape Eject" button to open the tape deck, and insert the tape with its window oriented to the bottom and facing out to the left. Gently press the outer door to close the tape housing.

3. Zoom in and out from your subject by utilizing the "T" (Telephoto -- zoom in) or "W" (Wide -- zoom out) buttons located on the top of the camera to the right of the "Playback" buttons.

4. Press the "LCD-OPEN" button, and swivel the LCD screen out to the left, adjusting back to accommodate your angle of vision. Using the "Record/Pause" button located by your thumb (if your hand is in the strap, holding the camera) on the right side, flip the "Power" switch to "Camera." Then, use your thumb to push the "Record/Pause" button to begin recording. Press the button to discontinue filming.

5. Play back your footage using the LCD screen by pressing the "Rewind/Search" button located on top of the camera. Rewind the tape, until you reach either the beginning or the time frame mark you wish to view, then push "Stop." Push "Play" to begin viewing video.

6. Hook up the audio/video cable to the TV to play back footage from the camera to the TV screen. Plug the other end into the camera's "Audio/Video Out" terminal located on the bottom right side of the camera body. Set the Power switch to "VCR," turn on the television and push "Play" on your camcorder.

Tags: battery should, button located, camera right, located camera, Pause button

Diy Motion Detector Hacks

Imagine trudging across a darkened lawn when all of a sudden, a light clicks on and you're surrounded by a pool of white light. Motion detectors are useful for home security and energy efficiency. Sensors that react to movement can trigger lights -- or an alarm in the case of an intruder -- or to keep a room dark, when no one is there. You can indulge your inner-James Bond by modifying motion detectors for purposes, both practical and frivolous. In this hack, you can manipulate the motion detector by rigging it up to an event control timer, useful for Halloween props or more practical purposes.


1. Place tape over the middle of the sensing beam and spraypaint the rest of the beam black to narrow its range. The sensing beam is what detects motion in its immediate vicinity. Usually, it's covered by a piece of semi-transparent white plastic.

2. Unscrew the back of the motion detector using a screwdriver. You'll want to gain access to its circuitry in order to "hack" it. Set aside the backing, as well as any screws you remove, in case you need to reverse your work or replace the cover.

3. Cut the red wire with a wire clipper and scrape off the solder residue with the screwdriver, or some other hard, pointed metal object. You'll need to expose the wire itself in order to connect it with other wires.

4. Reroute the black and white wires by soldering them to the component side of the circuit board. The component side is the printed side of the circuit board that contains most of the circuitry.

5. Solder the black and white wires to the large circuit; the one that switches on and off the light itself.

6. Remove and reattach the green wire to the neutral wire of the grounding plug. The grounding plug is a three-pronged, three-wire plug: the left prong is the hot prong, the right is neutral and the one below is the ground.

7. Reroute the remaining wires to act as the event control timer. Solder the wires to the on/off switch.

Tags: black white, black white wires, circuit board, component side, control timer, event control

Friday, June 21, 2013

What Lens Is For 4x5 Enlarging

The main advantages of using a view camera with sheet film include large negatives that produce great contact prints or allow really big enlargements. With a negative size of 4 by 5 inches, view camera negatives produce contact prints large enough for most people to view easily. If you want to enlarge these images, you will need a professional-level enlarger as well as the right lens for the job. You will need something larger than the typical 50 or 75 mm enlarger lens. There are two main focal lengths as well as several manufacturers that produce such lenses.


Nikkor is a lens brand name of the Japanese manufacturer that makes Nikon cameras and lenses. The company previously made an entire range of enlarger lenses spanning from a 40 mm f/4 to a 300 mm f/5.6. All of these had the name EL-Nikkor. The two most useful lenses for enlarging 4-by-5-inch negatives are the 135 mm and 150 mm EL-Nikkors, both with maximum apertures of f/5.6. These lenses used either a 50 mm screw mount or a 39 mm Leica mount, so you will need to verify which type of mount you have on your enlarger. Since Nikon stopped making enlarger lenses some time ago, you will need to find these used at your local photo store or online.


The German lens manufacturer Rodenstock still makes enlarger lenses and has several extensive lines of them available. The first, an f/4.5 135 mm lens in the Rogonar-S line, is one of the lower-end enlarging lenses available with four lens elements in three groups. The company also produces f/5.6 135 mm and 150 mm lenses in the Rodagon group, each with six lens elements in four groups that provide even lighting. In the Rodagon-G line, there is the f/5.6 150 mm lens with the six and four lens grouping. At the high end is the f/4 150 mm APO-Rodagon-N that helps correct for aberrations of light and color.

Schneider Kreuznach

Another German company, Schneider Kreuznach, produces a variety of enlarger lenses suitable for producing sharp enlargements of 4-by-5-inch negatives. On the low side are the Componar f/4.5 135 mm lens. The middle-quality lenses include the Comparon f/4.5 135 mm and f/5.6 150 mm. On the high end, the company produces the f/5.6 135 mm and 150 mm Componon and Componon-S lenses, as well as the f/5.6 150 mm G-Componon. The company also has a very high end f/4 150 mm lens in the APO-Componon-N class.


Beseler once made some of the best enlargers on the market, from low to very high end. Many of these enlargers still are in use, often in academic settings where professors teach darkroom techniques to students. The company produced a number of lens boards for different types of lenses to be attached, so the enlargers can handle virtually any variety and brand of lenses available. Among the company's own lenses and lens boards, was the Beseler Turret that allowed the user to choose between three lenses on one lens board. The turret included a standard f/2.8 50 mm lens for smaller negatives, as well as an f/5.6 135 mm and f/5.6 150 mm lens for use with large negatives such as a 4-by-5.

Tags: enlarger lenses, will need, 4-by-5-inch negatives, company also, contact prints, four lens, large negatives

Thursday, June 20, 2013

What Is A Directional Coupler

A directional coupler is a passive electronic device, whose basic function is to operate on an input signal and produce two output signals. This is typically done by employing two transmission lines in close proximity, such that the energy flowing through one is "coupled" to the other.

Key Characteristics

The key characteristics of a directional coupler are its operational bandwidth, the range of frequencies over which its performance falls with specified limits, and main-line loss and directivity. Ideally, a directional coupler should sample the energy moving in the forward and reverse directions, and keep the two separated.

Main-line Loss

The main-line loss, or main-line insertion loss of a directional coupler is the change in power caused by the insertion of the coupler into a transmission line. It includes the effect of power transferred to the coupled line.


Directivity is the difference between the power transmitted, measured in decibels (dB), in the desired direction; and the power transmitted in the opposite direction at a coupled port. Directional couplers typically have directivities between 20 and 40 dB.

Tags: directional coupler, main-line loss, power transmitted

Disable Coverflow On The Iphone 3g

The iPhone switches from list view to CoverFlow, a mode used by the audio player to display album covers, when you turn the iPhone sideways. While CoverFlow is a neat feature, you might not always want it on. As of 2010, the only way to disable this feature is to turn off the accelerometer. Doing so changes the orientation mode from landscape to portrait when you turn the iPhone sideways. This locks the screen into portrait orientation so it doesn't switch to landscape mode and Coverflow.


1. Upgrade to iPhone 4 if you haven't already. You can only turn off the accelerometer in the latest version of the operating system. Earlier versions must be jailbroken to achieve the same effect.

2. Double-click the "Home" button on the iPhone. This will bring up the multitasking interface.

3. Swipe from left to right on the multitasking interface.

4. Tap the "Portrait Orientation Lock" icon one time to lock the screen into portrait orientation. Tap it again to turn off the portrait orientation lock. CoverFlow will now be disabled.

Tags: into portrait, into portrait orientation, iPhone sideways, multitasking interface, portrait orientation

Use A Wide Angle Lens In Film

Use a Wide Angle Lens in Film

In both photography and moving film, lenses can make a huge difference for the audience receiving the work. How the piece is presented can be done in many ways, including using different lenses to create different effects. A wide angle lens usage is limited but the effect that a film director is usually trying to create is an intense focal point in the frame, as explained below.


1. Focus on a person's face for emphasis. These types of wide angle frames are usually seen in dramas to tell the audience the character has thought of something or something might happen to the character in the near future.

2. Capture landscapes or important props that you want the audience to keep in their minds. Focusing on a phone that is about to ring or on door that is about to have a main character walk through it are two examples of such usage.

3. Make on object bigger using a wide angle lens. This technique is actually used more in adult films, perhaps proving that what you may see on TV is not always true.

4. Use a wide angle lens to create a depth of field that is more intense and strident than what a normal depth of field image may look like. For instance you can have a character in front of the frame while having another character behind him; that background character, because of the lens, will appear smaller.

Tags: wide angle, angle lens, Angle Lens Film, depth field, Lens Film, that about, Wide Angle

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Specifications For The Canon Fs100

The Canon FS100 is lightweight; good for filming on the go.

The Canon FS100 is a standard-definition flash memory camcorder released in 2008. The compact and camcorder does not come with a viewfinder, but it does have a LCD display screen and features electronic image stabilization. The Canon FS100 is an affordable option for novice camcorder users, and it consumes a minimal amount of power in comparison to similar camcorders.


The Canon FS100 has a one-sixth inch CCD sensor and a total pixel count of 1,070,000. The device has an optical zoom of 37x and a digital zoom of 2000x. The zoom speed includes a variable setting and three fixed zoom speeds. The FS100 uses a through-the-lens focusing system. In addition, it has several programmed automatic exposure settings including TV, Portrait, Sports, Night and Sunset. The white balance on the camcorder include four settings; automatic, tungsten, manual and daylight.

Physical Dimensions

The Canon FS100 weighs 9.2 ounces, not including the battery pack and lens. The camcorder measures 2.3 inches in width, 2.4 inches in height and 4.9 inches in depth. It has a 2.7-inch widescreen LCD display screen with approximately 123,000 pixels.


The camcorder comes with a wireless controller, AC cable, interface cable, wrist strap and stereo video cable. The flash memory camcorder also includes a battery pack, lithium coin battery and compact power adapter. In addition, the system comes with a Pixela ImageMixer 3 SE disc and digital video solutions disc usable on both Macs and PCs.

Storage and Recording Time

The Canon FS100 uses a SD or SDHC memory card. The camcorder consumes two watts in SP mode. When using a 32GB SDHC memory card, the camcorder records approximately 20 hours and 50 minutes of video in LP mode, which is roughly 3 Mbps. In SP mode, it records approximately 11 hours and 5 minutes at 6 Mbps. And at about 9 Mbps, the camcorder records approximately 7 hours and 20 minutes of video footage in XP mode.

Tags: Canon FS100, approximately hours, approximately hours minutes, hours minutes, records approximately

Samsung Digital Camera Troubleshooting

Most problems occuring with Samsung digital cameras can be rectified with simple troubleshooting steps.

Many of Samsung's digital cameras now come with two screens. A screen on the back of the device displays photographs and videos while a screen on the front provides previews for a posing subject or during self-portraits. A common problem occurs with dual-screen Samsung digital cameras when the front-facing screen fails to turn on. Other problems include fuzzy images and abrupt shutoff. Fortunately, most problems are easily rectified with a few troubleshooting steps.


1. Tap the front screen. Light tapping will often cause the front-facing screen to come on if it hasn't.

2. Smile at the front-facing screen when taking a self-portrait. The Samsung digital camera automatically detects faces and will release the shutter when it detects a smiling face. The camera indicates a frame around the face when it is detected.

3. Check the battery. Make sure the battery is charged and properly inserted if the camera won't turn on or if it turns off suddenly. Batteries sometimes lose power more quickly in cold weather. If it is cold, try taking the camera indoors. Video will use up more power, also. If you have been shooting video, try recharging the battery.

4. Delete unwanted images on the memory card. If the camera won't take photographs, the card may be full.

5. Clean the lens if you get blurry shots. Blow dust off the lens with a bulb blower, available in lens cleaning kits. Apply a couple drops of isopropyl alcohol onto a lens cleaning tissue and wipe the lens. Use a circular motion and work from the outside edge of the lens inwards.

Tags: digital cameras, front-facing screen, Samsung digital, Samsung digital cameras, lens cleaning, rectified with, troubleshooting steps

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Photograph Outdoor Activities

Who doesn't like to get out in the thick of things and photograph outdoor activities. Whether kayaking down a rushing river, playing volleyball on the beach, or shooting a Little League baseball game, here are a few techniques to be sure you get that perfect shot.


1. Shooting outdoor activities requires quick reflexes, anticipation, thorough knowledge of your camera, and anticipating where the action will be. And, plenty of space on your memory card! It can take hundreds of shots to get that one perfect action shot, and in shooting outdoor activities, practice can make perfect. Before going out to the event, be sure that you know where your camera controls are located; practice focusing and switching shutter speeds quickly. You don't want to miss that one great shot because you couldn't remember which button to press.

2. Practice makes perfect! Before an event, or as activities are warming up, take lots of practice shots and review them in your viewfinder. If your camera has a continuous shot mode (versus single shot mode) switch to continuous so you can take multiple pictures without removing your finger from the shot button or your eye from the viewfinder.

3. When you get to your activity or event, scout out the best location to get your shots. For example, if you're shooting a rowing event and you know the boats will go under a bridge or overhang, position yourself above the action. Overhead shots are often overlooked by amateur photographers, yet they can yield interesting and unusual shots.

4. Once the action begins, make sure you're using a fast enough shutter speed to freeze the action, or (if desired) a slow enough shutter speed to blur the action. Take several practice shots at various shutter speeds to see which effect you like best. Because you'll need all the shutter speed you can get for frozen action shots, you'll generally shoot with the lens wide open. This means you will have a narrow depth of field (out-of-focus background), which gives you plenty of light to shoot fast and will draw the eye to your primary subject.

5. Many times amateur photographers shoot only horizontal photos,even though it's just as easy to shoot a vertical image--and many times is a better shot. Which way you hold the camera is dependent on your subject. For a horse race, horizontal works because you're catching the horse coming into the frame on one side, leaving plenty of open space on the opposite side for the horse to "run into."If you're shooting a basketball game, however, you probably will do a lot of vertical shots because much of the action is vertical. Think jump shots, tip offs and dunks.

6. When shooting an activity, be alert for photo opportunities in the crowd. For example, a picture of a cheering crowd, or a scoreboard, or medal ceremony will all result in you capturing the full outdoor activity experience.

Tags: outdoor activities, shutter speed, your camera, amateur photographers, enough shutter

What Is An Atkins Thermocouple Thermometer Type J Used On

Cooper-Atkins was established in 1885 and is a leader in temperature and humidity instrumentation. One of the products it produces is the Thermocouple Type J; it is an instrument intended for use in the food service industry.


The thermocouple is created by coupling two dissimilar alloy wires inside of probe or potting. This allows the unit to measure temperatures on a wide range of products including internal food temperatures and external surface temperatures.

Type J

Cooper-Atkins makes more than one type of thermocouple and more than one type of probe. The Type J is one of the probes the company produces. Different types of probes have different temperature thresholds, uses and cabling. The thermocouple you purchase will need to be compatible with the probe you purchase.

Thermocouple Type J

The "Thermocouple Type J" is a thermometer primarily used in the food services industry. It is a standard thermocouple device that is compatible with the Type J probe.

Tags: Thermocouple Type, compatible with, more than, more than type, than type

Monday, June 17, 2013

Devices To Transfer Mini Dvs To Computers

Mini DV Tapes are used to record and store video by both amateurs and professionals.

Mini DV tapes provide a digital video format used by consumers and professionals for creating and storing video. Transfer the contents of your mini DV tapes to your computer to edit the video or just create a backup. Transferring from tape to computer isn't difficult with the right devices and software. Often, all one needs is the camera on which the video was shot and a FireWire cable -- but there are other options.

Mini DV Tapes

Mini DV tapes are a miniaturized version of DVCAM videotape technology. Mini DV tapes have been a prevalent recording format for consumer-grade and professional-grade digital video cameras. Their size offers greater portability and ease of storage, compared to their larger counterparts. This allows for easy-to-carry cameras for individuals looking to regularly record the events of their lives.

Transferring from Camera to Computer

When looking to transfer mini DV contents you just need a computer and a camera that records to mini DV tapes. These cameras have an output marked DV. This output may be located in a sightly different place on different cameras. But all that's needed to transfer is a DV-to-FireWire cable and a software program to download the video.

Transferring from Deck to Computer

A DV tape deck is an alternative to transferring with the camera itself. The deck will also transfer to the tape via a DV-to-FireWire cable. The deck is most often used by professionals since it offers greater control of the transfer and the video on the DV Tape. A DV tape deck can also be used to record an edited video from the computer onto a mini DV tape.


FireWire is the best connection between your device and computer to transfer mini DV video.

In addition to having either a camera or a DV tape deck to transfer the video, it is important to have the right cables to connect the device to the computer. The cable is important when transferring because of the quantity of data being transferred from the mini DV tape and the requirement of a fast connection. This is why a DV-to-FireWire cable is used. USB cables transfer data too slowly.


Software is required for the computer to be able to read and convert the data from the mini DV tape. Most editing software, including Windows Movie Maker, iMovie, Final Cut and Avid, are capable of capturing the mini DV video. Also, many cameras come with simple editing software provided by the camera's manufacturer that allows for the transfer of mini DV videos to computers.

Tags: DV-to-FireWire cable, mini tape, Mini tapes, tape deck, Transferring from

Description Of Commercial Photo Processing

Commercial Photo Processing is the process of producing black and white or color photographic prints from film or digital media with the use of photo processing machines commonly called minilabs.

Film Processing

In film photography, C-41 developing is the most popular film process in use. A photo film is first processed by a film processor. The image from the film is then transferred to photographic paper by a paper printer/processor.

Digital Prints

In today's digital photography, no film processing is involved as images are stored not on films, but on digital medias such as CDs, flash drives and memory cards. Modern digital paper processors/printers are equipped with input for digital images to do the prints. Images can also be uploaded online for photo labs to process.


To develop film and paper prints, minilab machines use the "Wet -Type" process utilizing three sets of chemicals: the developer, stop bath and fixer. Minilabs have computers and microchips that automatically control solution time, temperature and replenishment rate.


In the traditional dark room only a few prints can be produced in a given time since processing is done manually. On the other hand, a minilab machine such as the Noritsu QSS-37HD can do up to 2,360 prints per hour.

Special Printing

Some commercial processing labs also offer special types of printing. Aside from the commonly used glossy or matte paper, customers can choose to have their images printed in specialty papers such as satin, metallic, fine art, archival or other types of finish.


With the advancement of digital photography, consumers have the option of using do-it-yourself printing technology. Inkjet printing has become more popular than ever, although print life and quality is reduced compared to minilab prints. Retail stores and pharmacies also now have photo kiosks that use dye sublimation for printing digital images.

Tags: Commercial Photo, Commercial Photo Processing, digital images, digital photography, from film

Use A Vivitar 730 Flash Gun

Equipment is crucial to the work of the photographer and one of the most common and important types of photographic equipment is the flash. A camera-mounted flash gun provides light in any setting and with an adjustable flash gun like the Vivitar 730 series, there are many options for flash use. Knowing your Vivitar 730 flash gun properly is vital for capturing quality images.


1. Open the battery compartment located on the side of the flash.

2. Insert 4 AA batteries according to the diagram inside the battery compartment.

3. Close the battery compartment lid. The flash is now ready for use.

4. Attach the flash to the camera by sliding the square base of the flash horizontally into the square flash mount at the top of the camera. The red plastic panel at the front of the flash should be facing the same direction as the camera lens.

5. Tighten the flash in place by screwing the adjuster at the base of the flash.

6. Flip the switch labeled "ON-STBY/OFF" to "ON-STBY". The flash will begin charging for a few seconds. The flash will recharge for a few seconds after every use.

7. Set the type of lens you are using by flipping the switch at the back of the flash to "28" for 28 mm, "35" for 35 mm, "50" for 50 mm, and "85" for 85 mm lenses.

8. Rotate the flash horizontally at its base by pressing the button at the side and twisting the flash.

9. Tilt the angle of the flash by pressing the button at the side of the top of the flash and tilting the flash.

10. Flip the switch labeled "LO / HI" to "LO" for a dimmer flash or to "HI" for a brighter flash.

11. Flip the switch labeled "OFF/STBY" to "OFF" when the flash is not in use.

Tags: battery compartment, flash Flip, flash Flip switch, Flip switch, Flip switch labeled

Friday, June 14, 2013

Video Phone Work


A video phone has a video screen and camera for visual output and input. The screen on older designs used cathode ray tubes (CRT) similar to analog TV screens and, as such, was quite bulky. Newer designs have liquid crystal display (LCD) screens and are much smaller. Digital technology has also made the camera, which is usually attached just above or below the screen, more compact in size.


As two-way audio communication is the original function of the telephone, the traditional handset for audio output and input remains intact. However, the speaker or hands-free mode is a common feature in all video phones (as well as regular telephones) because of the added convenience to the user.

Data Handling

Inside the video phone is a data conversion device. This device enables compression of outgoing video and audio and decompression of incoming video and audio. This device also handles translation of the signal from digital to analog as transmission goes through analog telephone lines.


Video data create a heavy load to transmit even through a digital telecommunication network. The video quality of a video call depends on bandwidth (i.e., the amount of available data communication resources in the network). Bandwidth, often measured in terms of how fast data can be transmitted, is commonly expressed in kilobits per second (kbps) or megabits per second (Mbps). Networks that can transfer data at a speed of at least 1.5 to 2 Mbps are called broadband. A video call needs a network with this much capacity to be successful.

Data Compression

The video quality of a video call also depends on how efficiently the data are compressed and decompressed. Data compression is essentially a way of encoding information such that it uses the least possible amount of bits--the smallest unit of information. Compressed data are easier to transmit because they take up less network resources. However, for the data to be usable, they must be decompressed once they reach the destination. Because a video call occurs in real time, this process operates simultaneously and must be synchronized for both communicating parties. Efficiency then is largely based on the hardware and the encoding scheme or format used. One of the most recent compression formats utilized by video phones is MPEG-4. MPEG stands for Moving Picture Experts Group, which is the organization that developed this form of data compression.

Tags: video call, output input, quality video, quality video call, This device

Transfer Slides & Negatives To A Computer

Transfer slides and negatives to your computer by using a film scanner

You can easily transfer slides and negatives to a computer by using a film scanner. This is a device that reads the slide or negative and converts it to a digital file. Unlike flatbed scanners, film scanners are designed specifically for slides and negatives. They range in price from a few hundred dollars to over $3,000, depending on the quality of the scanner and the features it offers.


1. Attach the scanner to your home computer using the included cables. Turn on your computer and install the software for the scanner, if you haven't already done so. Turn the scanner on, open the scanner program, and specify whether you are scanning negatives or slides.

2. Specify the resolution for the scanning process. Resolution refers to the amount of information the scan will record; the higher the resolution, the more information is recorded.

Don't confuse information with detail, however. The detail of the picture is already recorded in the slide; increasing the resolution reduces the amount of pixelation that occurs when you enlarge the picture. Therefore, you normally want to set the resolution as high as possible.

Some film scanners will scan at 2000 dpi (dots per inch) or higher. You wouldn't print at this resolution, though, as most prints are processed at 300 dpi. Scanning a slide at 2000 dpi produces a file of 3000 x 2000 dpi, which is equivalent to a 6-megapixel file.

3. Create a folder on your computer for the scanned images. Choose a descriptive name, and include the date.

4. Prepare the negatives and slides for scanning by cleaning them gently with an antistatic cloth. This specially treated cloth removes dust from your slides and negatives, and helps to reduce the amount of dust that will collect on them during the scanning process.

5. Place the slides or negatives into the scanner’s carrier tray. Insert the tray into the scanner and start the scanning process.

6. Save the scanned images into the folder you created in Step 3. It's best to save them as TIFF files. Because TIFF files are larger than JPEGs, they take up more room on your hard drive. However, they contain all the data from the scan, while JPEG files process and eliminate some of the data. Therefore, you get the most accurate results by scanning the originals as TIFFs, editing them, and saving the edited versions as JPEGs for printing or emailing to family and friends.

Tags: computer using, scanning process, slides negatives, your computer, computer using film, film scanner, film scanners

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Hitachi Big Screen Tv Troubleshooting

Hitachi Big Screen TV Troubleshooting

Hitachi big-screen television sets offer a large viewing area for TV and other video programs. Problems with the power, picture and sound may arise during normal use of your Hitachi television. However, you can troubleshoot and fix your big-screen TV to return it to a normal working condition.


If the television does not turn on when you press the "Power" button, see if the television power cable is plugged securely into an electrical outlet. Plug a second device into the outlet, and see if it operates. You may have tripped a circuit breaker or blown a fuse, blocking current to the outlet. If that's the case, reset the breaker or replace the fuse.

If you are trying to turn on the television with your remote control, make sure have installed the batteries correctly. If the batteries are exhausted, you need to replace them.


Picture problems on the Hitachi big-screen television can come from a variety of sources, each of which requires different repair methods. If you have cable or satellite television service, make sure the coaxial cable is securely connected to both the wall jack and the "Ant A" jack on the back of the television set. Check the cable for breaks and the connectors for damage. You may need to replace the coaxial cable.

Next, change the channel on the television to see if the problem is with the broadcast. If other channels have picture problems, you may need to contact your television service provider.

You can also adjust the picture settings on your Hitachi big-screen television to correct problems. Press the "Menu" button on your remote control to bring up the on-screen display. Choose "Video" with the "Select" button to bring up a list of picture settings, such as contrast, brightness and color. Press the up and down arrow buttons to highlight the setting you want to adjust, and make the adjustment with the left and right buttons. Look for settings with a value close to the minimum or maximum, since they are likely to cause picture problems.


User error causes many sound problems. For example, you may have accidentally enabled the mute feature or turned the volume down. Press the "Mute" button or the "Vol +" button on the remote to return the volume to a comfortable setting.

Adjust the audio settings by pressing the "Menu" button and selecting "Audio." Highlight the audio setting you want to adjust, and press the right or left arrow buttons to adjust it. Look for anomalies in the settings, as they often cause problems.

You can fix some sound problems by using the same methods used for fixing picture problems. Check the coaxial cable connections, and look for damage on the wire. Change channels to see if the problem persists. Contact your cable or satellite service provider if necessary.

Tags: big-screen television, coaxial cable, Hitachi big-screen, Hitachi big-screen television, arrow buttons

Edit Digital Pictures With Photoshop Elements

No matter what version of Photoshop Elements you use, you can easily edit your digital photos for printing or Internet use. The program helps you along the way. You may just want to make some basic edits, or you may want use special effects to create works of art out of your images. Either way, it takes only a few basic guidelines to get started. As you use the program more, you will learn do different things with it, but to start you only need a few tools.


1. Open Adobe Photoshop Elements and the "Welcome" window will appear. You can use this window to select digital photos from saved files in your hard drive, directly from your digital camera or to create digital photos from negatives or prints using a scanner. Assuming you already have saved your photos to your hard drive, select "Browse With Bridge." Use Bridge, a secondary organizing program packaged with recent version of Elements, to find the photo you want to edit. Double-click the image and it will open into Elements.

2. Save your digital image under a new name. Go to the "File" menu and choose "Save As." You can save the copy of your photo in the same folder or create a new folder. Do all of your editing work on this copy, not on the original image. If you intend the photo for the Web, save it as a JPEG image. Select "JPEG" in the bar next to "Format:" If you plan to print the photo, select "TIFF."

3. Resize your image. Digital cameras typically save images in unwieldy sizes, so you will need to change the size according to your intended use. Go to the "Image" menu and select "Image Size." In the dialog box that appears, you will make your size adjustments in the bottom section. If you will only use the photo on the Internet or email, set the "Resolution" to 72 pixels per inch and adjust the "Width" and "Height" accordingly. If you plan to print your image, change the "Resolution" to at least 300 ppi and set your other dimensions according to how you will print it. When set, click "OK."

4. Move to the "Enhance" menu and select "Auto Smart Fix" if you want to have Elements make standard adjustments to your image. This will produce good photos in most cases, but sometimes you will have to go beyond this. The basic things you will need to edit in most photos will be the color and the light and dark levels. "Auto Smart Fix" can do this for you most of the time. Otherwise, you will need to use other tools.

5. Use "Layers" to get more control over light and dark levels in your photos. "Auto Levels" in the "Enhance" menu can do some of this, but you can do more. Go to the "Layers" menu and select "New" and then "Layer..." to create an adjustment layer. Select the "Edit" tab at the top right. In the bottom right, you will see a thumbnail of your image and another layer. Select the new layer, then click on the black and white circle just above it and select "Levels." In the dialog box that appears, you can adjust light and dark levels two ways. You can use the sliders under the histogram of the image. The left one is for darks and the right is for lights. You also can use the eyedroppers under the "Auto" button. To do this, first go to the "Window" menu and select "Info." While watching the number in "Info," select the left eyedropper and move it to the darkest areas. When any of the numbers reach zero or close to it, click. Select the right eyedropper and move it to the lightest areas of the image and click.

Tags: menu select, your image, dark levels, digital photos, light dark, light dark levels

Pictures Off My Easy Share Kodak Camera

Using a Kodak Easyshare camera to share pictures is simple.

The Kodak Easyshare camera line is a popular line of digital still cameras. Models are categorized according to price. C-line cameras (i.e., Easyshare C195 and C182) are the cheapest, M-line cameras (i.e., M530 and M340) are the mid-line models, and Z-line cameras (i.e., Easyshare Z950 and Z915) are the most expensive. There are nearly 30 varieties of Easyshare cameras, but the process of getting pictures onto your computer is similar for each.


1. Place the Kodak Easyshare memory card into your camera.

2. Connect your camera to your computer via the mini-USB-to-USB cable included with your camera.

3. Turn on the camera and computer.

4. Click "Import photos" in the window that pops up asking how you'd like to proceed. The window will appear if you have installed the software included with the Kodak Easyshare camera.

5. Access the camera as if it were a hard drive if the window does not pop up or you do not have the software installed. It should mount as an "UNTITLED" drive in the Finder window if you have a MacIntosh. Or it will appear as an extra external hard drive in My Computer if you have a PC. If you copy the files from either of these drives to your desktop, you can still access your photos in .jpg format.

Tags: Kodak Easyshare, Easyshare camera, Kodak Easyshare camera, your camera, cameras Easyshare, hard drive, included with

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Design Recessed Dining Lighting

Dim dining room that would be brighter with recessed lights.

Designing recessed lighting for a dining room requires a close look at how the room will function and the types of lighting that you wish to achieve with your combination of lights. Most dining rooms feature a central chandelier fixture as the main source of lighting. Task lighting is used to highlight artwork or a buffet top, drapes or other features. Recessed ceiling lights can shine straight down for direct light or they can be angled to highlight special features. This makes them an excellent task lighting choice for a dining room light plan.


1. Measure the dimensions of your dining room. Transfer the measurements to 1/4-inch graph paper. Be sure to include the location of windows, doors, niches, fireplaces, built-in cabinets, columns and any other feature. Recessed lights should always serve a purpose in a room such as: task lighting, wall washing, accent or artwork. They will always contribute to overall lighting.

2. Note the height of your ceiling and the location of any central light fixture (like one or more chandeliers). Each light fixture casts a range of light. Your light manufacturer can provide you with the amount or radius of light your fixture will provide based on the height of the room. Use a circle template to indicate the primary radiance area of your existing lights.

3. Design your recessed lights in two groups. The first group will be lights that will shine down directly on the table surface. In general, four recessed lights will illuminate an 8-person table if there is no central light fixture. By keeping your recessed lights on a separate circuit this will give you a secondary way to light the room. The four recessed lights should be at the approximate corners of the table.

4. Design a second row of recessed light fixtures for smaller lights that are directional. These lights should highlight artwork, drapes, room features or accents. They may also illuminate a buffet or other type of furniture in larger rooms. You may want to have this second row of lights on more than one circuit to allow you to use two or three at a time rather than all of the lights. This second row should be positioned closer to the walls and the objects they are lighting. Base your optimum distance on the recommendations of the light manufacturer for best illumination of your object at the distance of the fixture. In general, you will want your outer ring of lights to be the same distance from the wall even if the light spacing varies of the individual lights.

5. Select a dimmer switch for each light or a smart light panel that will allow you to control the amount of illumination and the specific fixtures that will be illuminated at any given time or event. Large dining rooms with many features may require a computerized panel to run the system. This panel can be tied into other mechanized features such as hidden bars, mobile draperies and control of heating and air conditioning systems.

Tags: dining room, light fixture, lights should, recessed lights, that will

Photography Lighting

In order to understand photography you must understand light. If you have poor lighting you will have bad photographs. Good lighting creates brilliant pictures. Every photographer needs to pay close attention to lighting conditions and, whenever possible, manipulate those conditions for effect. There are basics of photography lighting that every photographer should know. After mastering the fundamentals, it is up to the individual photographer to use light in her own unique way.

The Facts

Photography lighting basics require three light sources. The most important is the "key" light source. This is the brightest light and must shine directly on the subject of the photograph. The key light should be behind the photographer at an angle. The second light source is the "fill" light. It shines across the key light with less intensity and softens shadows. The fill light should ideally be close to a right angle to the key light. The third light source is the "back" or "background" light. This goes behind the subject of the photograph. If the background is important then the light should point away from the subject and light up the surroundings. If the subject is blending into the background the light can be pointed at the subject's back. This will distinguish the subject from the background. Other light sources can also be added to highlight specific things in the frame.


Many amateur photographers believe that the automatic flash on a camera will take care of all lighting needs. The opposite is true. Automatic flashes usually wash out a photograph. They do not adapt for specific situations. They just saturate the frame with light. This is why people often appear to have red eyes when there is a flash in a dark place. Sometimes a flash will light up something close to the camera while leaving the background dark. Flashes are also ineffective at lighting up things at a distance. To get good photographs you must deliberately light what you are shooting.


Photographers use a variety of light sources. The sun is the most obvious one. It provides great natural light but can cast harsh shadows. The sun is often in the wrong place from a photographer's perspective. In that case the photographer must change position or wait for the sun to move. Artificial lights can be moved at the photographer's whim. Photography lights can flash, strobe or provide constant illumination. They come with different kinds of bulbs that produce different color light. Filters, barn doors and gels are useful to diffuse and reduce harsh light. Reflectors act like light sources even though they don't produce their own light.


A well lit photograph is a thing of beauty. It brings out elements in a scene that are not witnessed or appreciated by the naked eye. A little effort lighting a photograph goes a long way toward improving the picture. It doesn't have to be complicated. Simply having the sun behind you at a 45 degree angle to your subject and a reflector on the other side of the camera to remove shadows can produce a stunning picture. Since it is daytime, a background light probably isn't necessary. When taking pictures indoors use the lights you have around you. Turn as many on as you can find then position your subject to take advantage of where the light shines. As long as you understand photography lighting basics you can adapt to improve your photos.


Photography lighting allows you to create special effects. Colored lights and filters can change shades of what you see. Over lighting, under lighting and back lighting can create dramatic images with shadows. Focused lighting can illuminate specific objects while leaving the rest of the frame dark. The options are limitless when manipulating light for photography.

Tags: light sources, background light, light should, light source, fill light, light shines, light sources most

Download Ringback Tones

Ringback tones and ringtones allow users to customize their cellphones with music and other sounds of their choice, but there is one very big difference between them. While you can download and store ringtones on your phone or computer, you cannot download ringback tones. Ringback tones are stored on your carrier's computers, and your carrier implements the ringback tone feature.


Choose Ringback Tones for Your Phone

1. Sign up for your cellphone provider's ringback tone service. This usually requires you to consent to a monthly subscription fee in addition to the fee associated with each ringback tone. Both fees are typically nominal, though they can add up fast.

2. Browse through your favorite musical categories to find artists and songs you like. Some pages display the most popular or featured ringback tones to help you choose tones that are currently in fashion.

3. Consider what type of ringback tone you want. Choosing popular songs, movie themes, college songs and messages from celebrities are all options.

4. Buy ringback tones you like with one click. You don't have to supply a credit card or other form of payment. Your ringback tones and your subscription fee will be included in your monthly cellphone bill.

5. Manage ringback tones in your account setting on your service provider's website. You can assign different ringback tones to different times of the day or days of the week, pick specific callers to hear the tones and change your default sound.

Tags: ringback tone, ringback tones, ringback tones, Ringback tones, your carrier

Monday, June 10, 2013

Take Good Photos From An Airplane Window Seat

The avid photographer has a great opportunity when traveling by air. It is challenging to take good photos from an airplane window seat, but with the right camera, the right settings and some practice, amateurs and professionals alike can capture beautiful images from this unique viewpoint.


1. Book a window seat that is not on or behind the wing of the aircraft. The wing can provide some interesting angles photos, but it can also block much of the view. Photos taken from seats directly behind the jet engines can be blurred by exhaust fumes. Front or rear window seats usually afford the best photo opportunities. If possible, sit on the side or the aircraft that is not in the sun to avoid glare through the window.

2. Organize camera equipment and film and stow it in your carry-on luggage. 28-80 mm is a good choice. 28-200 mm zoom lets you crop photos as you capture them. Bring extra batteries and films or memory sticks.

3. Clean the window glass to remove any debris that can blur your photos.

4. Adjust camera settings. Disable the flash, since you will be too far away from your subjects to get any real benefit, plus it can cause reflection. Use the infinity or landscape setting on a digital camera, especially compacts. If a compact camera lacks the infinity mode option, point the camera to the far end of the airplane cabin and lightly press the shutter to hold it halfway down. Then point the camera back out the window with the shutter still half down and take the photo. Use the default settings on auto exposure camera.

5. Watch for good photo opportunities, such as the moon, a rainbow, a cloud bank or striking landscape below such as an island. Areas of your aircraft visible from the window seat or another aircraft can also make great photographic subjects.

6. Take pictures as early in your journey as possible. Water or ice can build up on the windows at the higher altitudes reached later into the flight.

7. Keep the camera as steady as possible when shooting. Hold the camera lens close to the window glass, but don't let the camera touch the window surface or any other surface on the plane. Vibration can blur any images you shoot. A lens hood lets you place the camera closer to the window.

8. Cup your free hand around the camera lens to block reflections.

9. Remember that many great photos taken from airplane window seats have to be cropped later. Don't immediately discard an otherwise wonderful shot just because part of the window is visible.

Tags: airplane window, camera lens, photo opportunities, point camera, taken from, window glass

Smartparts Digital Frame Troubleshooting

The Smartparts digital photo frame is a form of technology that allows you to upload pictures from your computer onto the frame, and set it on a table to view many different pictures at one time, instead of just one. Smartparts digital photo frames, just like any other electronic device, can have problems that may need to be fixed. Most of the time these problems are an easy fix, but some may require repairs that can only be done through the manufacturer.


1. Unplug the USB cable connecting your picture frame to your computer if you can't view the pictures you have uploaded. The Smartpart digital photo frame doesn't allow you to view your uploaded photos if your frame is still connected to your computer.

2. Make sure the power cord is connected into a power outlet or into the side of the frame correctly if the photo frame is dark or not displaying photos. Also, check to make sure the power button is pushed to "ON." The power button is located on the same side as the power cord that plugs into the frame.

3. Switch USB ports on your computer if the photo frame is not recognized in a USB port.

4. Download the Optipix software located on the Smartparts digital photo website (see References) if your computer is not recognizing the photo frame when it's connected or will not upload pictures properly. The Optipix software also will automatically rotate pictures displayed on your frame the correct way.

5. Place the memory card into the photo frame if your photo frame is dark and displaying no images. Without a memory card in the picture frame and no photos uploaded to the photo frame itself, the photo frame will not display any images.

6. Use the remote control to select the power button to turn the photo frame on if the power button is still switched to on, but no picture is showing. If the power of the digital photo frame was powered off using the remote, then the remote will need to be used to power it on, or just switch the power button on the side of the frame to "OFF" and then back to "ON" again.

Tags: photo frame, digital photo, power button, your computer, digital photo frame, Smartparts digital

Friday, June 7, 2013

How A Solar Battery Works

How a Solar Battery Works

The Basics

A solar battery is a battery that draws energy from the sun. For as long as these batteries (by way of an attached solar panel) are exposed to the sun they are drawing energy and storing some away for periods where the sun is not present. A solar battery can be used to power small devices like calculators all the way up to entire homes if the batteries are large enough. After the initial cost of purchasing the battery (which can vary by thousands of dollars depending on the size of the battery) solar energy is considered a cheap, clean and efficient way to power everyday devices.

Solar Panel

A solar battery is made up of cells. Each cell can hold a specific amount of energy depending on the size of the battery. These cells are attached to semiconductors which are attached to solar panels. As light hits a solar panel, a certain portion of that light's energy is absorbed by the panel and processed into the semiconductor. The semiconductor sends it to the cell for either storage if the device being powered by the battery is off or for powering the device if it is on. The semiconductor material inside a solar battery is typically made of silicon. These solar cell batteries operate much the same way a standard laptop battery does with the exception being that they draw their energy from the sun as opposed to an electrical outlet in your home.


Once light is absorbed by the solar panels and transferred into the semiconductor electrons inside the semiconductor, they begin to vibrate and flow in a certain direction. The movement of these electrons is actually what generates the electricity used by the battery to power devices. The movement of the electrons acts as an electrical current. Metal contacts similar to those found on a standard electrical plug can transfer the current generated by the electrons to whatever devices it is powering. Smaller solar batteries are either built-in to devices like calculators or can only generate enough power to operate small devices one at a time. Larger solar batteries, once fully charged, can generate enough electricity to power a home for a day or two.

Tags: attached solar, Battery Works, depending size, depending size battery, devices like, devices like calculators, energy from