Friday, May 31, 2013

A Hard Drive To A Tivo

For years TiVo has been producing some of the most popular digital video recorders on the market. The device allows you to record TV shows and even pause and rewind live programs. Newer TV models, like the Series 3 and the TiVo HD will allow you to record high definition broadcasts and cable signals. Unfortunately, HD programs take up a large amount of space, and the TiVo's internal hard drive has limited space. A simple solution is to add a DVR expander to the device. Western Digital manufactures the exclusive MyDVR Expander, which can quickly add a 1TB hard drive to your TiVo, and it is the only TiVo-approved method for increasing your storage space.


1. Purchase a Western Digital MyDVR Expander. The device can be purchased at several online retailers including Amazon and NewEgg for just over $100. Refer to Resources for links.

2. Disconnect your TiVo from the power outlet and remove the cord from your TiVo.

3. Connect an eSata cable, which is included with your MyDVR Expander, to the eSata port on your TiVo. Connect the other end to the port on your MyDVR Expander.

4. Connect the MyDVR Expander's power cord to the back of the device and plug the other end into a working outlet. Wait about 15 seconds for the device to initialize.

5. Reconnect the power cable to your TiVo and plug it into a working outlet. The TiVo will boot up and take you to the set-up screen.

6. Select "Yes, set up external storage device" from the set-up screen.

7. Follow the on-screen prompts to finish setting up the MyDVR Expander. Once you are done, the TiVo and MyDVR Expander will reboot. When both devices are fully booted you will have additional storage space on your TiVo.

Tags: MyDVR Expander, your TiVo, hard drive, into working, into working outlet

Set The Selftimer On An Olympus Camedia C3020

Use the self-timer option on your camera to achieve perfect photos.

The C-3020 is a three-megapixel digital camera within the C-series of Olympus cameras. The C-3020 is equipped with a 3x optical zoom and a noise reduction system, which improves the overall quality of images. The C-3020 has different shooting modes, including continuous shooting and shooting on a self-timer. The self-timer is designed to automatically snap the photograph after a 10-second delay. It's important to learn choose the self-timer option for photographs you would like to be a part of.


1. Remove the lens cap from the Camedia C-3020 lens. Move the mode dial on the top away from "Off." The camera will now power on.

2. Turn the mode dial to "P" and press the "OK" button. You will see the top menu.

3. Use the arrows to highlight the "Drive" menu; press "OK" to view the Drive menu options.

4. Locate the icon that resembles a small clock. This is the self-timer option. Use the arrows to select the self-timer option and press "OK." The self-timer is now initiated. Press "OK" once more to return to live shooting.

Tags: self-timer option, Drive menu, mode dial

Block Incoming Calls With A Fairpoint Phone System

FairPoint is an independent telephone service provider that is headquartered in Charlotte, NC and provides service to 32 exchanges in 18 states. The phone service which FairPoint provides includes built-in call forwarding, caller ID and other advanced features. Among these features, all of which are accessed by dialing two digit codes followed by the pound (#) key, is a "Do Not Disturb" feature that blocks all incoming calls. When activated, callers are told that you do not wish to receive calls at this time and it can be deactivated with another code.


1. Find out if "Do Not Disturb" service is available in your area by contacting your local FairPoint business office. If it is, order it and agree to the additional fee. In rural Washington, the fee is $2.00 as of April 2011.

2. Pick up the telephone headset or activate the speaker phone to begin the activation process.

3. Dial 77 followed by the pound (#) key.

4. Hang up. The service should now be activated; test it by calling your number with your cellular phone and make sure you hear a message saying that you do not want to take calls now.

5. To deactivate the service, dial 76 instead of 77 in Step 3. Then, repeat Step 4.

Tags: followed pound

Roof Skylight Installation

A skylight is a great way of allowing natural light into a room.

A skylight is a great way of maximizing the amount of light that enters a room, making it feel larger and brighter. It also lets in heat in the winter and retains heat in the summer, making it a very environmentally-friendly way to warm your house. Some of the more expensive models come with a remote control, with which you can open the skylight to allow ventilation. Installing a skylight is quite challenging, but can be carried out within a couple of days.


1. Go into the room in which you wish to install a skylight, and drill a hole in the ceiling in the location of your skylight. Go outside, climb onto the roof and use your locator hole to measure and cut the opening for your skylight using a circular saw.

2. Install header joists perpendicular to the roof trusses to frame your opening. Use your utility knife to cut the shingles on your roof three inches back from the opening, on all four sides.

3. Fix the skylight into place, securing it with nails or screws.

4. Cut 8-inch wide strips of roofing paper and tuck them underneath the shingles on each side of your skylight. This may be difficult, and you will need to lift the shingles using your pry bar in order to remove any roofing nails that obstruct the paper.

5. Fix a piece of lead flashing onto the bottom of your skylight. This will ensure no rainwater gets into any cracks or gaps between the skylight and the roof. Nail the lead to the skylight, not the roof.

6. For the sides of the skylight, slip flashing beneath the shingles, starting from the bottom and working up. Overlap each piece by four inches or so to ensure a watertight seal.

7. Locate the solid flashing sections that should have come with your skylight and fit them tightly onto your new skylight, starting with the bottom piece first, then the side, then finally the top.

Tags: your skylight, come with, into room, opening your, sides skylight

Thursday, May 30, 2013

How Does Sirius Satellite Radio Work

How it Works

Sirius completed the three satellite constellation back in fall of 2000, using three SS/L-1300 satellites. These three satellites form an inclined elliptical constellation, which makes it possible for each satellite to spend about 16 hours a day over the United States. At least one of these three satellites is over the Continental U.S. at all times. There is a fourth satellite that remains on the ground which will be launched should any of the three satellites experience any transmission problems.

Sirius is planning on launching by fall of 2008 a GEO satellite that was purchased in 2006. The plan is for the GEO satellite to supplement the currently active elliptical satellites and not replace them.

Getting a Radio and Plan

1) Get a Sirius satellite radio pre-installed by the car dealership. Whether you are in a market for a new or certified pre-owned car, find out if this is something you can get with the package. Some dealers throw in a free Sirius satellite subscription for a year if you purchase the car they are selling.

2) Already have a car? Get one installed. You can shop for Sirius satellite radios that you can have installed on your current vehicle. Go to authorized retailers of Sirius satellite radio to buy the equipment and also ask for the subscription packages.

3) Get a Sirius satellite radio for your home. You can shop online or at authorized retailers for the best type of radio and package to use for your home. You can even have this installed in your home where you can listen wirelessly at any part of your home using SONOS or Logitech Squeezebox Duet.

4) Listen online with Sirius Internet radio.

5) Get a portable radio that you can listen to anywhere. Store your own Sirius programming on your MP3 and enjoy it anywhere you go. You can even dock it on an exercise machine such as a treadmill while working out at the gym.

6) If you are a business owner, you can have a Sirius satellite radio installed in your workplace for your employee's and customer's listing enjoyment.

Activate a Sirius Satellite Radio

1) Set up your equipment, installed by you or by a professional installer.

2) Pick out a subscription plan.

3) Have the ID/ESN (SID) number of your Sirius receiver and a major credit card when activating.

4) Install your Sirius tuner with the antenna pointing upwards.

6) Turn your Sirius tuner on and then go to channel 184.

Note: You can also opt to activate online by going to or by calling their customer service number.

Tags: satellite radio, Sirius satellite, Sirius satellite radio, your home, your Sirius, installed your, three satellites

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

How Wifi Range Extenders Work

Move a Wi-Fi router to the center of the house for better coverage.

Wi-Fi range extenders are the wireless equivalent of repeaters in cabled systems. They are sometimes called "wireless repeaters." Their task is to re-transmit a signal so it can travel further from its source. Range extenders are also known as wireless range expanders and wireless relay stations.

Wi-Fi Routers

It is tempting to see a range extender as a second Wi-Fi router. They look similar and they both transmit a radio signal to carry data. However, they are very different inside. The range extender has none of the computing power of a Wi-Fi router. Its sole task it to repeat incoming signals. A router has to distribute temporary IP addresses, convert between MAC addresses and IP addresses (two different addressing systems for networks and the Internet) and forward data to anywhere in the world by maintaining a connection to the Internet. The range extender just parrots anything it hears.


Most Wi-Fi routers are "omni-directional," which means they transmit in all directions, like a sphere of signals. A range extender does not extend the diameter of a router's footprint. It has its own circular footprint, which must overlap that of the router. This extends the footprint of the router in one direction. To extend the range in all directions, a series of range extenders would need to be placed north, south, east, west and above the router.


The range extender has to be within range of the router. The router's messages have to reach the relay and the relay's footprint has to reach the router. This means the extender should be placed just within the signal footprint of the router. A wireless device thus may be out of range of the router, but still be able communicate with it if it is in range of the wireless range extender.


Range extenders are not the best solution to expand router coverage. A range extender indiscriminately retransmits everything it receives, which means network traffic doubles within its signal footprint. Increased traffic causes congestion and slows down the network. A signal booster for the router would produce better results, because it does not require the signal to be repeated and it operates in all directions. Most household users have their wireless router by an external wall, which ends up putting half of their network beyond the outside wall. Simply moving the router to the middle of the building would double their wireless reach within the home, effectively matching the distances a range extender can achieve without increasing network traffic.

Tags: range extender, Wi-Fi router, footprint router, network traffic, Range extenders, range router, router This

The Best Graphic Equalizer Settings For A Cassette

Cassette tape sound quality is different from other media.

Cassettes have tendencies in sound quality that differ substantially from compact discs or vinyl, so the graphic equalizer setting that sounds best for records or CDs might not sound right when you listen to tapes. The best equalizer settings depend on your speakers, amp, song, the room and, ultimately, what sounds good to you.


Cassettes tend to have a muddy low range, meaning that you will have to do some adjustments to bring what you want in the low end to the forefront. If you want to give the bass line or bass drum more presence, you can experiment with conservatively raising the 60 to 140 hertz range. The more accurately you can pinpoint the frequency you want to bring out, the better, as raising the low end too broadly will probably result in even muddier sound and could blow out your speakers.


What to do with your middle frequencies tends to vary by music type. While a common graphic equalizer setting on many home audio systems resembles a "smiley face" -- emphasizing the low and high frequencies and diminishing those in the middle -- it doesn't necessarily represent the best approach for tape. Usually the lower middle frequencies of 100 hertz to 1 kilohertz cause muddiness, but subtracting too much from this range will make your sound hollow or flimsy.


Cassettes are notorious for tape hiss, which occurs anywhere between 2 and 20 kilohertz. You can make this hiss less noticeable by curbing these higher frequencies, but you run the risk of losing clarity, especially if listening to a vocalist or speaker. As with the low end, the more accurately you can pinpoint the frequency where the hiss is most apparent, the more effectively you can remove it without diminishing sound quality.


Except for in extreme cases, users should resist the urge to raise or lower any frequencies past 12 decibels. Doing so will generally lead to trouble, as the cassette is probably already equalized to something close to ideal sound. You'll get the best results by making moderate adjustments and by trusting what sounds good to you.

Tags: sound quality, accurately pinpoint, accurately pinpoint frequency, equalizer setting, graphic equalizer, graphic equalizer setting

Build A Cb Antenna

Although not as popular as in the 1970s and 1980s, Citizens' Band (CB) radio is not dead. This guide offers a quick and dirty means of making a CB antenna that anyone can do with enough patience. It isn't pretty, but this CB antenna design is ideal for children curious about radio, as well as anyone who needs a portable antenna.


1. Strip the outer insulation from 102 inches of coaxial cable using a pocketknife. Be careful not to damage the metal braided shield that lies beneath. The total length of your cable depends on the distance you anticipate running it back from the antenna and to your CB.

2. Pull the coaxial cable metal braided shield down the length of the stripped end of the wire.

3. Push open a hole in the braided shield, and pull the inner wire out through it. You should now have a "Y" made up of the original, unmodified cable, the braided shield and the inner wire.

4. Attach antenna insulators to both ends.

5. Check the total length and tie both ends together. With two 102-inch sections, you will have a 17-foot loop. Seventeen feet equals 1/2 wave, which is ideal for CBs.

6. Tie a string or rope to one end, and haul the antenna up a tree. The length of this rope will depend greatly on how high you are pulling your antenna, but it needs to be at least 20 feet long to get the entire antenna off the ground. Avoid using a metal pole for this, since it will interfere with reception.

7. Plug the open end with the coaxial connector into your CB radio and start transceiving.

Tags: braided shield, both ends, coaxial cable, inner wire, metal braided, metal braided shield, total length

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Get Tomtom Map Upgrades

TomTom GPS units are very helpful in aiding users to their destinations in a timely manner. GPS units calculate the fastest route possible and sometimes are even able to re-route the user around traffic jams. However, these features are pretty useless with out of date maps. Upgrading your TomTom to newly available maps will ensure you are always using the fastest and easiest routes available.


1. Download and install TomTom Home if you haven't already done so. You can install TomTom Home via your software CD that came with your TomTom or by downloading it from TomTom support (see Resources section for link.)

2. Follow the prompts, leaving the default settings intact to complete the installation.

3. Connect your TomTom to your computer via the supplied USB cable.

4. If a new release exists, you will be prompted to install any newly available maps.

5. Follow the prompts to install the new map update. Depending on your device and date of purchase, you may be prompted to pay for the new update.

Tags: your TomTom, available maps, Follow prompts, install TomTom, install TomTom Home, newly available

Rfid Tumor Information

The RFID implant is a small encapsulated radio-signal-emitting device.

Radio frequency identification devices are used for contactless identification, payment and location; rather than swiping a credit card or showing a name badge, an RFID reader picks up a radio signal from the device. Detractors suspect that the chips are both invasive to privacy, and pose the health risk of causing cancer and tumors.


Keith Johnson, a retired toxicologic pathologist, told the Associated Press in 2007 that he observed a link between RFID implants and cancers and tumors in lab mice. Johnson led the study in 1996 while working at Dow Chemical Co. "The transponders were the cause of the tumors," said Johnson. No study links them to the cats and dogs with RFID implants (which are used for identification of lost animals).


The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved some RFID implants for use in humans (for example, in patient tracking). The FDA recognizes no risk of cancer or tumors, but some small risk of interference with pacemakers.


Aside from the FDA, no U.S. government agency has issued any warning against RFID implants, or recognizes any link between RFID and cancers. This includes the Centers for Disease Control and National Institutes of Health. The American Cancer Society has issued no statement on the subject.


Verichip, manufacturers of RFID implants for pets, cattle and later for humans, cites two studies showing there is no link between RFID and tumors in mice. VeriChip cited two studies that find no link between RFID implants and cancer in mice. (See References 3.)

Penal Use

The State of California has banned involuntary implantation with RFID (for example, of prisoners or soldiers). This is a preemptive measure, as no state, federal, military or penal institution in the U.S. mandates RFID implants.

Contactless Payment

The alternative to RFID implants at the Baja Beach Club would be to sew pockets on this outfit.

The Baja Beach Club in Barcelona, Spain, uses the implants for contactless payment, since most patrons wear only bathing suits and do not carry cash.

Tags: RFID implants, between RFID, link between, link between RFID, Baja Beach, Baja Beach Club

Take Digital Photos

Digital photography offers amateurs as well as professionals the opportunity to express themselves. Taking digital photos like any other hobby has pointers or hints that help the digital photographer move from taking flat photos to capturing life's captivating moments.


1. Set up your shoot by preparing the background. Make sure the background is clutter free and that you have sufficient natural light. Have any props on hand and ready for the subject.

2. Take pictures without a flash if possible and use high resolution. Photographs that you print need to be at least 300 dpi in order to have good quality. Using a flash creates a flat picture, lacking dimension.

3. Achieve good picture quality and interest by standing close, about 2 to 4 feet, from the picture's subject. Keep the camera steady by keeping your elbows tucked in and take the picture at an unusual angle such as from above or below the subject.

4. Use the rule of thirds when framing the digital photo subject. Imagine the photo divided by two horizontal and vertical lines that form a nine-square grid. Place the subject or photo focus on one of the grid line intersections, so it is not in the exact center of the picture.

5. Delete unwanted photos during the digital photo session to save space an allow you to take multiple shots until you're satisfied. Have extra memory cards on hand for additional photo storage.

Tags: digital photo

Monday, May 27, 2013

Why Is A Laser So Powerful

Lasers are a unique form of light emissions that have gained a reputation for enhancing cutting edge technology through scientific experiments. But what is a laser, and why is laser light so much more powerful than conventional incandescent light?


The word laser began as an acronym that stands for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. Lasers emit a concentrated, coherent beam of synchronized light waves that travel in a tight, condensed beam without a significant level of diffusion or deterioration over much longer distances than conventional light is capable of. The ability of laser light to stay in a condensed, regular pattern is due to the synchronization of its photons, which are all emitted in the same wavelength and phase. Another term for a laser is an optical maser.


Laser light is created through the stimulation of a substance until its atoms are sent into a high energy state. This is accomplished by the bombardment with photons so that the atoms of the substance continually absorb photons and then emit them in a precise wavelength according to the difference in energy between the atom's high and low energy states. When more atoms of the substance have been elevated to high energy states than their low energy counterparts, an inverted population is created in which the energized atoms emit a steady stream of synchronized photons as long as they continue to be bombarded.


Lasers vary in size from the small beams encapsulated in pen-sized emitters to very large lasers that can take up an entire room. The substance used to create laser light can vary, and ranges from ruby rods, as were used in the first lasers, to various liquids or gases contained in the laser's resonant chamber. The substance used to cause laser emissions directly relates to the laser's color.


The light emitted from a laser is essentially a highly concentrated group of photons that travel in the exact same speed and direction. Because of this concentration and consistency, the sharply focused beam is useful for heating, cutting, range finding, communications, and targeting, to name only a few applications. More recently, lasers have been implemented in many surgical operations, allowing for bloodless surgeries, use in eye surgery, and dental applications.


The extreme focus of laser light has allowed for speculation on a wide variety of its potential uses, the most prominent of which might be laser weaponry. Although laser weapons are not yet commonplace, the United States military has developed lasers with the intention of using them to intercept Inter-Continental Ballistic Missiles (ICBM's) in the event of a nuclear assault. Because of the instant and permanent blindness that all but the lowest powered lasers cause when directed into the human eye, the use of lasers as a nonlethal weapon has also been considered, but the moral implications of such use have thus far prohibited the idea from being implemented on the battlefield.

Tags: laser light, high energy, atoms substance, energy states, have been, high energy states, photons that

The Difference Between An Apsc & Aps Lens

Photographers choose between an APS-C and APS lens based on the picture they are taking.

Many photographers use multiple camera bodies and lenses during photo shoots. A photographer chooses a lens based on the picture they are taking. Many photographers use APS-C and APS lenses interchangeably during a day's shoot. Each lens type gives them a slightly different focal length and distance, allowing them to take pictures in different ways.

Full Frame - APS lens

The APS lens is designed for a "full frame" camera body. A full frame camera, such as the Canon EOS 5D mark 2, has a 36 mm by 24 mm sensor that is equivalent to a full 35 mm film size. APS lenses are compatible with all EOS camera bodies from full frame to crop frame sensors. The lens has a 1.6 magnification on a cropped body sensor instead of being a true 1 to 1 ratio. The lenses are commonly referred to as Canon's EF lenses.

Cropped Frame - APS-C lens

The APS-C lens was designed specifically for digital SLR cameras with a cropped sensor. Cameras, such as the Canon EOS 60D or Canon EOS 7D, have a sensor that is 22 mm by 15 mm. The APS-C lens was developed to take into account the smaller sensor and sit into the body of the camera a little more to accommodate the smaller mirror. The lenses are commonly referred to as Canon's EF-S lenses. The "S" sands for the "shorter" back focus that cropped body cameras have.

Physical Differences

Canon's EF lenses are designated with a red dot. The red dot helps to align with the camera body's red dot when mounting the lens. All of Canon's professional lenses -- or "L" lenses -- are red dot lenses. The "L" lenses are also marked by a red line circling around the lens. Canon's EF-S lenses are marked with a white square on the lens. The white square helps to show the different mounting and that it is only compatible with cropped body cameras.


The APS and APS-C lenses are used in exactly the same manner on the camera bodies. They both have a focus ring and zoom ring if they are zoom lenses. The manual focus and auto focus controls are located on the same side on all lenses. The biggest difference is the shooting distances required between the two. The APS-C lens can not be used on a full frame camera because the body doesn't have the mounting required to accept the white square mount. Cropped body cameras can use both, but the difference is the 1.6 times magnification that is applied to both lenses.

Tags: APS-C lens, body cameras, camera bodies, cropped body, frame camera

Friday, May 24, 2013

Install Media Center

Windows Media Center PC is the latest from Microsoft. It is equipment that allows the users to have the functionality of computer with the added features of a home entertainment system such as TV and radio. Viewers can record, play, rewind and pause daily broadcasts. It is all part of the Windows Media Center (2005 edition). While the system comes pre-installed with specific hardware requirements, you can install the Media Center easily on your existing computer as well.


1. Visit your nearest computer dealer and buy a new PC with the Media Center version of Windows XP. Make sure it has a TV tuner card. This way you will not need to install it onto your old PC.

2. Check the configuration. The most important aspect of running Windows Media Center on your desktop is the configuration. If you plan to use it for 3-D games, the computer requires high-end graphics and a powerful processor with high memory. If you wish to use it only as a TV or as a home theater, you can settle for a basic configuration.

3. Upgrade your current PC or an older computer. Computer supply retailers will be more than happy to sell a stand-alone copy of Media Center (2005 edition). This is usually sold with other hardware, including a TV tuner card and other components to transform your PC into an entertainment powerhouse.

4. Do not install your Media Center OS on any PC having a processing power below 1 Giga Hertz. The minimum configuration required is 1 GH and 256 MB RAM. Check this before the upgrade.

5. Remain alert while upgrading your old PC. You will have to manually open your PC box and plug in the TV tuner card as this is an internal hardware component. Installing the OS from the CD is easy, as you just need to follow the steps as they are displayed on your computer screen during the installation.

6. Hire a software expert if you have trouble installing something.

7. Pick up a guide to install Windows Media Center OS. It is available for free on many websites. You can also buy a copy from the nearest bookstore.

Tags: Media Center, Windows Media, Windows Media Center, tuner card, 2005 edition

Connect A Teac Eqa10 Equalizer

The TEAC EQA-10 is a stereo graphic equalizer with a total of 10 adjustable bands for each of the left and right channels. It contains three separate input channels and switchable modes for live and tape monitoring purposes. The LED display shows the performance of the unit across all the frequency bands, and clipping indicators above each of the gain sliders indicate if there are any overloaded channels.


PreAmp Mode

1. Ensure the amplifier and the EQA-10 are both powered off. Turn the gain and master volume on the amplifier to zero. Set all the EQ sliders on the EQA-10 to the central "zero line."

2. Check the rear of the amplifier panel for the types of connections available. For home audio use, the "PreAmp" sockets are preferable. Connecting the EQA-10 using these sockets will apply the EQ effects to all other devices connected to your amplifier, without interrupting the signal chain. Connect the "PreAmp Out" sockets to the "Input" jacks on the rear of the EQA-10. Connect the "Output" jacks on the EQA-10 to the "PreAmp In" jacks on the rear of the amplifier.

3. Power on the amplifier, and switch on the EQA-10 by pressing the "Power" button on the left side of the front panel. Use the amplifier as normal and adjust the sliders on the EQA-10 to create the desired tone-shaping effects for your music.

Tape Monitor Mode

4. Use tape monitor mode if your amplifier does not have a set of PreAmp connections. Connect the "Line In" inputs on the rear of the EQA-10 to the "Tape Deck" outputs on the rear of the amplifier. Connect the "Tape Deck" inputs from the amplifier to the EQA-10 "Line Out" sockets.

5. Switch on the "Tape Monitor" mode on the amplifier. Switch the "Tape" switch on the right hand side of the EQA-10 panel to "On."

6. Play some music through the amplifier to ensure all the connections are correct. Not all manufacturers use the same conventions for "Input" and "Output." Some of them use the opposite definition, meaning the connections will all need to be reversed to obtain the proper signal path. If you can see the LED display on the front of the EQA-10 moving, the unit is receiving a proper input source.

Tags: rear amplifier, amplifier EQA-10, jacks rear, PreAmp sockets, rear EQA-10, sliders EQA-10

Rca Connector Types

RCA connectors are among the most commonly used audiovisual interconnects.

RCA connectors are a popular audio and video interconnect plug; their simple design is affordable to produce and provides a physically solid connection, allowing for optimal signal transfer. Much like other popular connector plugs, such as XLR or the 1/4-inch jack, they can be fitted to a variety of different cable types to perform different functions.


As phonographs gained popularity in the first half of the 20th century, manufacturers sought to standardize the connectors used to link the separate parts of high fidelity systems. As many of their customers now owned a radio, a record player and in some cases a tape machine, each of these components needed to be connected to a single amplifier, as "all-in-one" units were not yet offered. One of the largest manufacturers, the Radio Corporation of America, introduced a dedicated plug, referred to as a phono -- or RCA -- connector.

Stereo Audio

The small size and solid fit of the RCA are suited to carry stereo signals with each channel on a separate cable. This helps cut down on crosstalk interference, in which each channel can bleed into the other resulting in unwanted noise. Pairs of RCA cables intended for audio use use a standardized color coding system: red connectors denote the right stereo channel, white connectors the left.


Some composite video formats also use the RCA connector to carry visual signals. "S-Video" is an early digital video standard, commonly used when connecting computers to external screens and projectors. It's usually part of a three-part cable, which also includes left and right audio connectors; this is because the S-Video connector is not capable of carrying sound and audio at once.

YPbPr Video

Component analog video, often referred to as YPbPr, is a higher quality video connection that also uses the RCA connector plug. It is also a three-part cable, but in this instance all three strands carry part of the video signal, which is then recombined at the display end into one image. This method provides a great deal more bandwidth, allowing a higher quality signal to be transmitted. Sending different parts of the signal down separate cables also offers the inherent interference protection seen in the stereo audio version of the cable.

Tags: commonly used, each channel, higher quality, three-part cable

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Use An Sd Gps Card

SD cards let you store additional data for use with a GPS device.

According to the SD Association, SD technology is the de facto industry standard for many types of consumer electronic devices, including GPS systems and digital cameras. Measuring only 24mm x 32 mm x 2.1mm, the SD card provides a convenient solution for portable data storage. In a GPS device, the SD card mainly serves to provide maps. Some manufacturers sell SD cards that have been pre-loaded with maps. The SD card can also save multimedia files such as music and pictures.


1. Insert the SD card into your computer's SD card reader. If your computer doesn't have one, use an external USB SD card reader instead.

2. Open the SD card drive from your desktop or from a list of drives.

3. Locate the map or other files on your computer's hard disk that you want to store in the SD card.

4. Click and drag the file you want to the SD card drive window.

5. Remove the SD card from your computer.

6. Insert the SD card into the GPS device's SD card slot. If you are using a pre-loaded SD card, you can skip all previous steps.

7. Follow the prompts on your GPS device to access the content on your SD card.

Tags: your computer, card drive, card into, card reader, device card

Transfer Video From A Security System To A Dvd

Security cameras record video that you can move to DVD.

Many businesses and some homeowners use sophisticated security systems that record video from the security cameras. Some record a constant stream of video, while others record for a few seconds only at certain intervals, such as every five minutes. Most of these security systems save these videos on VHS tape or on a computer's hard drive. Transferring these files from the saved location to DVD is somewhat time consuming, but the steps are easy to follow.


From VHS

1. Place the VHS security tape to be copied in a VHS player. Ideally, this will be a VHS player/DVD recorder combination machine connected to a television. Place a writable DVD in the DVD tray. If using separate VHS players and DVD recorders, make sure both are hooked up to the same television before inserting the tape and DVD.

2. Press "Play" on the VHS player, and play the video until it reaches the point at which you would like to begin recording. Press "Pause."

3. Press "Record" on the DVD recorder. Press "Play" on the VHS player. Allow the video to play until it reaches the point at which you would like to stop recording. Press "Stop" on the DVD recorder.

4. Choose "Menu" on the DVD recorder, and select "Finish Disc," or similar wording. This will format the DVD so that it will play on any DVD player. If you don't finish the DVD, it might only play on that particular DVD recorder/player. Finishing the DVD means you cannot record more video onto it later.

From a Computer's Hard Drive

5. Locate the video files to be copied on the security system's computer. If it does not have a DVD burner, save the video files to be copied onto a USB drive or email them to a computer with a DVD burner.

6. Place a writable DVD into the DVD burner.

7. Convert the video files to a DVD-compatible format if necessary, such as asf, .avi, .mp2, .mpeg, .mpg, .mpv2 or .wmv. Use free converters such as Media Converter or Quick Media Converter (see Resources). If you transferred your files using a USB drive or through email, save them in a file on your desktop before converting them.

8. Open the DVD software of your choice, such as Windows Movie Maker, which comes packaged with Windows operating systems. In Windows Movie Maker, go to the "Movie Maker" button and choose "Import from Device."

9. Choose the device, most likely your computer's hard drive. Select the videos to be copied and click "Import." Wait for the import to finish.

10. Click on "Finish Movie" and select "Save to DVD."

11. Wait for the DVD to finish burning. With larger files, this could take a fairly long time, sometimes up to an hour. Look for a pop-up dialog box to appear or the DVD drive to eject the DVD when the burning is complete.

Tags: Movie Maker, video files, computer hard, files copied, hard drive

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Clean A Dome Camera

A video dome camera provides a 360-degree view of a location. Designed as part of a security camera, the dome is an excellent tool to use for surveillance and security needs. The dome itself is sensitive to smoke and dirt, and often collects debris because of the the environment it is placed in. Improperly cleaning the dome camera can damage the lens and impair its effectiveness. A proper cleaning should be done often; when using a dome cleaning kit, the process does not require a stepladder.


1. Apply Lexan cleaning solution liberally to the washable mitt. Gently wring out the washable mitt.

2. Attach the washable mitt to the mitt holder. Attach the mitt holder to the extension pole.

3. Grasp the pole and lift the end with the mitt up toward the dome camera.

4. Cradle the dome of the dome camera with the mitt so that the mitt surrounds the entire dome.

5. Rotate the pole clockwise so that the mitt rotates around the dome of the security dome camera. Reverse direction and rotate the mitt counterclockwise. Remove the mitt. Let the dome camera dry.

6. Reapply Lexan cleaning solution to the washable mitt. Repeat the cleaning process of rotating the mitt clockwise and then counterclockwise on the dome of the dome camera. Remove the mitt and let the dome camera dry.

7. Remove the mitt holder from the extension pole. Remove the washable mitt from the mitt holder. Clean the washable mitt in cold water and let it dry.

Tags: dome camera, washable mitt, mitt holder, Remove mitt, camera Remove

Instructions For A Nady Uhf7 Wireless Receiver

Mic cables deliver a good signal, but can get in the way.

Amplification can help you reach your audience, but if you use many types of amplification at once you can get lost in a tangle of cables. If you find yourself with more cables than you have room for, or if you require more freedom of movement, you may want to consider using wireless transmitters. Nady produces a variety of wireless devices designed to deliver audio signals with a minimum of noise, such as the Nady UHF-7. You can get maximum performance out of the UHF-7 with the proper setup and adjustments.



1. Determine a location for the Nady UHF-7. You may set the device up in a freestanding position or as part of an equipment rack. If you wish to use it in a rack, remove the two small side panels from the unit and slide the rack mounting brackets in their place. Screw the brackets into place on the rack with a screwdriver.

2. Connect the plug end of the unit's AC power cord into a power outlet and plug the opposite end of the cord into the power jack in the back of the unit.

3. Extend the antennae at the front of the UHF-7 for maximum reception.

4. Turn the squelch control knob on the rear of the unit clockwise until it stops. This setting works best for radio frequency (RF) noise control in most scenarios. If you use the unit in an area with high RF interference, the A and B diversity LED indicators on the front of the unit will light up. Slowly turn the squelch control knob until the LEDs extinguish to set the proper squelch control level.

5. Connect either an XLR cable or 1/4-inch audio cable into the jack at the rear of the unit. Connect the opposite end of the cable into the amplification system.

6. Press the power button at the rear of the UHF-7 to turn on the device.


7. Unscrew the battery compartment cover of the UH-7 handheld microphone transmitter and insert a new 9-volt battery in the compartment. Ensure the "+" and "-" terminals on the battery match the terminals in the compartment.

8. Slide the "Off/Standby/On" switch on the microphone to "On" to send a signal from the microphone to the UHF-7. Keep the switch on "Standby" to preserve battery life and switch it to the "Off" position when not in use.

9. Speak or sing into the unit and adjust the input level control at the top of the battery compartment with a small screwdriver until you reach the desired level.

10. Screw the battery compartment cover back in place.

Other Mics and Instruments

11. Remove the battery cover of the body pack transmitter, insert a 9-volt battery and snap the cover back in place.

12. Set the two switches on the body pack to the correct setting for your type of microphone or instrument. For a head-worn mic, set both switches to "H." For a lavalier mic, set both switches to "L." For an instrument, set both switches to "G."

13. Insert the cable input from your chosen microphone or instrument into the locking jack on the body pack.

14. Clip the body pack onto your belt or clothing so that it will remain secure during use.

15. Adjust the input level control on the top panel of the UHF-7 with a small standard screwdriver until the AF level LED display lights extinguish. This will ensure the microphone or instrument signal does not become distorted.

Tags: battery compartment, body pack, both switches, microphone instrument, squelch control, 9-volt battery, back place

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The Best Koss Earphones

Headphones, earphones, stereophones -- whatever you like to call them, you need a good-quality pair in order to enjoy your music on the go. Generic earbuds haven't really been adequate since sometime in 2001. Koss has been manufacturing headphones since the 1950s, and it's known for high-quality, high-value equipment. Not only are Koss headphones highly regarded, they're backed by a limited lifetime guarantee.


The PortaPros have appeared on "best headphone" lists from electronic authorities like CNET and Digital Trends. The latter called them an "established favorite among headphone lovers in the know," stating "at a $50 asking price, these units' value is as relevant now as it was in the '80s." Meanwhile, CNET gave them a four-star rating stating: "Koss hit a home run with the PortaPros."

The PortaPros are headphones that Koss has produced since 1984, and according to the company, are its most requested model. They're meticulously crafted to deliver rich bass and a wide frequency range while limiting mechanical distortion by the moving elements inside each earpiece. As of fall 2010, they cost $50 per pair.


Significantly cheaper than the Porta-Pros, but still a tight, accurate set of headphones, the Koss KSC75 were voted among the best headphones for running and jogging by and were also voted the best budget headphones by The KSC75 headphones include ear clips that keep them in place, a factor that helped them earn their rank in's list. The price of just $20 per pair led both publications on this list to give them high marks for good sound at a price.

Pro4AA Titanium

Another high-rated headphone on CNET, the Koss Pro4AA Titanium earned 3.5 stars from both editors and readers. The site gave high marks for the detailed, realistic sound the headphones delivered. The full-size, pro-quality headphones feature a sturdy build with steel and rubber that inspires confidence in durability. Koss introduced the model back in 1970, canceled it during the next decade, and then brought it back in 1988 due to demand by customers. Designed to combine comfort with accurate, isolated sound the Pro4AAs include elements like a coiled eight-foot cord and titanium-coated high-polymer diaphragms. The cost in 2010 was $100.

Tags: high marks, Pro4AA Titanium

Sync A Blackberry

Technology's parade of electronic devices like the smart phone, laptop and desktop computers have revolutionized the way people live and communicate. Keeping information organized can become a fulltime job. If an individual owns a Blackberry it's easy to synchronize or 'sync' the device with a computer in a few easy steps to organize information.


1. Verify that you have the Blackberry sync software installed on the computer. If not, consult the owner's manual of the Blackberry device for installation instructions.

2. Click on the Blackberry sync icon installed on the desktop of the computer to activate the application.

3. Plug the USB Blackberry connector into the Blackberry and then the computer's USB port.

4. Turn the power to the Blackberry on. You should see a dialog box labeled the "Blackberry Desktop Manager." From the icons in this dialog box, choose "Synchronize" to begin synchronizing the Blackberry.

5. Select the "Synchronize Organizer Data" check box in the synchronize dialog box.

6. Choose the "Configuration" tab in the synchronize dialog box. Then click on the "Configure Synch" button to configure the sync feature.

7. Check the box beside each of the data options you want to transfer between the computer and Blackberry. The variety and names of these options will depend on the communication software you are using on the computer.

8. Go back to the original sync screen by clicking on the "Synchronize" tab. Then choose the "Synchronize Now" button from the dialog box.

Tags: Blackberry sync, choose Synchronize, synchronize dialog

Monday, May 20, 2013

Make A Pinhole Camera

Recycle those oatmeal boxes and used cookie tins by making wacky-looking cameras that will amaze your friends.


Testing the Camera

1. Test the light-tightness of the box by placing a strip of black-and-white photographic printing paper in the camera under safelight conditions in your darkroom.

2. Take the camera out into the daylight for a minimum of 2 minutes.

3. Return to the darkroom, remove the test strip, and process as you would any photographic print. If no dark or foggy areas appear on the paper, your camera is light-tight.

Constructing the Camera

4. Build your camera using any sturdy container. For your first one, we recommend using a cylindrical oatmeal box, which will have the added advantage of creating pleasantly distorted images that can be quite compelling.

5. Start by spray painting the interior of the box and plastic cap with a coat of flat black paint.

6. Wait for the paint to dry.

7. Tape all the seams with black electrical tape.

8. Fashion a tape baffle around the lid to prevent light from leaking in: Make an overhanging lip of tape around the edge of the lid. You'll need to be able to remove the lid to change the film, but you need it to be light-tight when it's closed.

9. Take a 1-inch-square piece of heavy-duty aluminum foil and place it between two pieces of cardboard.

10. Make the pinhole by rotating a No. 8 needle back and forth through all three layers to make the pinhole aperture. Don't puncture the foil; drill.

11. Discard the cardboard.

12. Sand the two sides of the aperture lightly with 300-grit sandpaper or emery paper.

13. Drill or cut a 1/2-inch round hole in the center of the side of the cylinder box and sand off any shaggy cardboard edges.

14. Attach the aperture by lining up and centering the aperture hole to the hole on the outside of the box.

15. Use tape all around the edges of the aperture to attach it to the box.

16. Cut a small piece of electrical tape and place it over your aperture hole. This is the camera's shutter.

Tags: aperture hole, electrical tape, tape around, your camera

Tips On Light Meter Instructions

Photography is all about light. As cameras become more and more powerful, they also become more affordable. This means that the consumer can get their hands on a powerful camera for a price that won't break their wallet. Breaking into the world of SLR photography is scary at first, but it all narrows down to controlling light. In order to do this, you need to be able to read and control your camera's light meter.

Locating and Recognizing Your Camera's Light Meter

While it's possible to purchase stand-alone light meters, it's generally accepted that they are rather redundant with the advent of internal light meters. Internal light meters are standard on DSLRs, and some later film SLRs have them as well. In order to access the light meter, look through the optical viewfinder and depress the shutter release partially. This brings up the light meter, a number line, typically starting at -2 and working its way up to +2. Underneath this line should be a small notch, pointing to some point on the number line according to the lighting at hand.

Understanding Your Camera's Light Meter

The light meter is one of the most basic yet vital aspects of producing properly exposed shots on any camera. The rule of thumb is that you want the guide arrow to line up right under zero or the in-between mark, which would be a properly exposed shot. If the guide arrow is to the left of the middle mark, the shot will be underexposed. To the right of the middle mark, the shot will be overexposed.

Control the Meter's Light Reading

There are multiple ways to change how the light meter reads out. Aperture, shutter speed, lighting, and ISO are all taken into account by your camera. In other words, it's key to understanding how each affects the meter. Pointing the camera into a brighter light source will increase the reading, opening your aperture wider will increase the reading, slowing down your shutter will increase the reading, and notching up your ISO will increase the reading. It's a good idea to experiment with different combinations of the four to see how they work in conjunction with each other.

Tags: increase reading, will increase, will increase reading, light meter, light meters, become more, Camera Light

Advantages Of Hdmi Cables

You can't get away from HD television, HD video and HD-DVD--high definition is everywhere! And any tech guru will be the first to tell you that if you want the best HD quality available, you simply must use HDMI cables.


HDMI cables offer uncompressed digital video and sound through a single connection.


HDMI cables have a 5 Gbps bandwidth potential. HDTVs only take advantage of half of that bandwith, meaning that HDMI cables will long be capable of keeping up with technological innovations in the field.


HDMI cables bridge a digital gap between a digital source and a digital output, meaning that the video and audio are never converted to analog during the process. This means that both the picture and sound will be a clear digital representation of the originally recorded media.


HDMI cables are capable of supporting a wide range of high definition resolutions. The cable is also capable of delivering standard definition video in both PAL and NTSC formats.


HDMI cables offer full backward compatibility with DVI.

HDMI cables offer two-way communication between sources making new innovative functions a possibility.

A single HDMI cable replaces the need for multiple wires, resulting in less mess, easier management of your home theater system with a dramatic increase in performance.

HDMI cables support multi-channel digital sound, making your digital surround sound system sound its best.

Tags: HDMI cables, cables offer, HDMI cables offer, meaning that

Friday, May 17, 2013

Buy A Gps And Satellite Radio Receiver For Your Car

You can now buy a GPS (Global Positioning System) navigation system that includes satellite radio. This combination may be expensive but worth it if you want both functions. Follow the instructions below to buy a GPS and satellite radio receiver for your car.


1. Be prepared to spend a good chunk of money. GPS and satellite radio receivers cost between $1,000 and $1,500.

2. Decide which type of satellite radio service you wish to purchase. XM Radio and Sirius Radio are the two types of satellite radio service. Choose a device that is compatible with the radio service you want.

3. Consider buying an in-dash model. This is convenient for you but also vulnerable to theft. Weigh your options and decide whether an in-dash or a removable receiver is right for you.

4. Assess the display of the device, especially its user-friendliness. This is important to test before spending your money.

5. Shop around for the best deal. Check the Internet before shopping at an electronics store, as online deals are often better.

Tags: radio service, satellite radio, satellite radio, satellite radio service

Identify Iphone 2g Or 3g

The iPhone has seen many changes since its release in 2007, but the original model (the 2G) has a variety of distinct features. Though the basic features, such as the ability to use applications, connect to iTunes and access Wi-F remain the same, today the iPhone is an advanced smartphone with a camera and video capture features as well as 4G coverage. There are a number of ways to determine if your iPhone is a 2G or 3G iPhone.


1. Look at the outside of the iPhone. The 2G iPhone has a silver back and sides, while the 3G model is completely black and shiny.

2. Examine if the phone lies flat on the table. The biggest difference in the appearance of the iPhone 3G is that the phone lies completely flat on the table. The 2G iPhone has rounded edges and is rounded in shape, so the top and bottom rock back and forth when laid with the back of the phone on the table.

3. Compare the hardware. The iPhone 2G has limited Internet capability because it supports only Wi-Fi, GSM and Bluetooth, whereas the 3G also supports UMTS/HSDPA and the AT&T network.

Tags: flat table, iPhone iPhone, phone lies

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Record An Evp

EVP or Electronic Voice Phenomenon is the recording of unexplained sounds or voices on a tape recorder. EVP is often associated with picking up the voices of the dead or demonic entities. This is not an accepted fact of science and most people don't pick up any sounds on their tape recorders. However, there are numerous people claiming to have recorded ghostly voices, often giving unpleasant sounds such as crying, screaming or sardonic laughter. Here are some tips on getting EVP's on a tape recorder.


1. Purchase a tape recorder. You may use digital if you wish.

2. Go to any place where you know for certain that people have died. Try remote and isolated areas. Go to cemeteries, mortuaries, ruins, old and unused buildings. Closed down hospitals and mental institutions are usually choice areas as well. Have your flashlight ready in case there is poor lighting. Some places may justify a hard hat, such as underground construction sites or abandoned prisons.

3. Turn on the tape recorder, then ask your first question. Give your spirit friends at least 20 seconds or longer for a response before you ask your next question. Ask questions about the surroundings, their name and what they do. Also ask why they are there. They might ask you the same question, so don't be too surprised.

4. Wear headphones that do not allow noise to come in from outside. Try BOSE headphones for blocking out the noises that could distract you from listening (see Resources). Another good thing to do is to rewind the tape a second time and listen again. This way you know that whatever you heard was from the tape and not imagined or heard from external noises.

Tags: tape recorder, heard from

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Buy A Panasonic Camcorder

You've researched camcorders and found that you like Panasonic best. Buying a Panasonic camcorder can be a rewarding experience, which will produce generations of memories on film. The first step in making your purchase is to narrow down the extensive list of Panasonic products. Are you a serious videographer, or do you want something casual? A little research will go a long way when you buy your first Panasonic camcorder.


1. Identify what you want in a camcorder. Will you be taping family events, such as weddings? Are you a student in a film class? Or do you need something to capture those everyday moments? With many Panasonic products to choose from, narrowing your search will be a big time-saver.

2. Visit Panasonic's Web site to locate a Panasonic dealer near you. Once at the Web site, click the 'buy products and parts' and then 'find a dealer/retail store.'

3. Visit electronic departments and camera stores that distribute Panasonic products and speak to knowledgeable representatives. What can they tell you about your specific products in mind?

4. Ask sales associates to allow you to hold the camcorder. If possible, tape footage around the store. This will give you a feel for how the camcorder works.

5. Accessorize. When you make your camcorder purchase, be sure to remember accessories that will improve your results. If you're shooting weddings, look into a tripod.

6. Purchase the camcorder either at the store or online, depending on who has the best price. Save all packing materials and receipts in case you have to return it.

Tags: Panasonic products, Panasonic camcorder

Problems With Digital Photo Frames

Digital photo frames usually connect to a computer via a USB cable.

Digital photo frames are electronic photo frames that display one or more digital images on an LCD screen. Digital photo frames vary in size and memory. The more memory the frame has, the more photos it can store. Some digital photo frames also support digital video.

File Formats

Digital photo frames accept only certain file formats. If the images are not in a specific format they will not be displayed. Some photo frames come with software for converting images to compatible formats; most do not. The most commonly accepted format is JPG or JPEG. Some frames accept only this file format. Other frames might accept TIFF, GIF, BMP, PSD and PDF. Converting picture formats is not hard to do with most graphic design software.

LCD Screen

Over time the LCD screen can burn out. If the frame does not cycle through photos and only one picture is displayed constantly, that image can become burned into the screen. Repairing an LCD screen is difficult, and it is cheaper to replace the digital photo frame if the LCD screen goes. Keep at least two or three images on the hard drive so that one image does not become burned into the screen. Avoid touching the LCD screen or pressing on it; this too can damage the screen.


Most digital photo frames connect to a computer via a USB cable. The user then loads photos from the computer onto the frame. If the connector port on the frame is damaged, then the computer can not upload the photos from the computer. The connector port can be damaged by trying to use other types of connector cables or by over/rough use.

Hard Drive

All hard drives eventually fail. The hard drive in the digital photo frame might take many years to fail, but eventually it will stop working. Make sure that all images on the hard drive are backed up somewhere else. Some digital photo frames have replaceable hard drives, others have USB drives, and other drives can not be replaced.

Power Source

Digital photo frames are powered either by a battery or a wall outlet adapter. If the batteries are low quality or are not replaced often, the battery can leak and corrode the battery terminals inside the unit, ruining them. Use brand-name batteries and change them often, or take the batteries out when the frame is not in use.

Memory Cards

Many digital photo frames have slots for memory cards, such as SD and flash cards. This lets the frame display photos directly from the memory card without being connected to a computer or a camera. Problems can arise if the wrong kind of memory card is inserted into the slot, if it is inserted the wrong way, if it is not inserted all the way in, or if the card becomes stuck in the slot. Some frames will not properly display any images that a card stores in RAW format.

Tags: photo frames, digital photo, accept only, become burned, become burned into, burned into

Program A Norstar 8x24

Programming a Norstar 8x24 is fairly quick and simple.

A Norstar 8x24 is corporate telephone conference control device with capabilities for eight telephone lines with 24 telephones. This means the control device, or "brain," has the ability to work eight separate telephone lines, each with a different number, while extending to 24 separate telephones within the corporation. During the initial setup process, certain administrative tasks must be configured for the Norstar 8x24 to perform properly. The most important feature required during the setup process is programming internal and external extensions into the control device's key panel. Programming a Norstar 8x24 is simple and doesn't require a lot of time.


1. Locate the "Feature" key on the Norstar 8x24 keypad. The "Feature" key will play a large role in most of the device's functions and programming.

2. Press the "Feature" key, followed by *2.

3. Press the key that the extension number will be linked with. These keys are individual buttons and not part of the number. The display will then read "Extension #." Enter the extension number.

4. Press the "OK" key. Some older versions of the Norstar 8X24 may not have an "OK" key. If you cannot locate one, do not hit anything after entering the extension number. The device will automatically detect and save the extension.

5. Program external telephone numbers in a similar manner. Press the "Feature" key, followed by *1, then follow Steps 3 and 4 to complete this task.

Tags: Norstar 8x24, control device, extension number, Feature followed, Norstar 8x24, Press Feature

Send A Video Text Message

Sending video text messages is a great way to communicate with your friends and family members and send them videos that you shoot with your cell phone. In order to send a video text message, you need to have a cell phone that has video capabilities. Sending a video text message is fairly easy if you're familiar with the basic functions of your phone. Once you learn send video text messages, you'll be able to better communicate with the ones you love.


1. Locate the video that you want to send. Go to the "Main Menu" on your phone and find the "Video Text Message" button, and click on it. Then click on "Send New Video." Navigate through your list of videos to determine which video you want to send and click on it.

2. Click on the "Send Message" button in your main menu and type in the email address or phone number of the person you want to send the video text message to. If this person is listed in your phone contact list, you may navigate your way through your contact list and click on that person. Keep in mind that in order for that person to be able to view the video text message, they have to have a cell phone that is video enabled.

3. Create a caption and subject line for your video. Most phone types allow you to do this. Type your caption and subject line, and when you're finished click on "Send Message."

4. Check for the message that alerts you the video text message has been sent. Once you've clicked on "Send Message," your phone should show you a message that confirms that your message has been sent.

Tags: video text, your phone, cell phone, Send Message, text message, video text message

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Do Mp3 Files Play On A Cd Player

Do MP3 Files Play on a CD Player?

Today, the most popular format for music is digital MP3 files. While compact-disc players are still quite common, the shift toward a digital rather than physical format for music is more and more evident. While CD players are typically not capable of playing MP3 files, there are exceptions to this rule.

MP3 Files Burned to an Audio CD

Normal CD players are not typically able to play MP3 files. They can only read audio CDs that have recordings that conform to the Red Book audio standard. For this reason, the only way to enable regular CD players to be compatible with MP3 files is to first burn these MP3 files onto an audio CD. To do this, you will need a computer with a CD burner and CD-writing software such as iTunes, Windows Media Player or Express Burn. These applications will first convert the files into an audio format compatible with CD players and then burn the files onto the compact disc. Use the software to create a playlist that contains the MP3 files that you wish to put on the audio CD. The normal capacity of compact discs is approximately 80 minutes, so you will need to create a playlist that has less than 80 minutes of playing time. Insert a blank CD-R or CD-RW into your computer, and click the "Burn" or "Write" option on the CD-burning application. The writing time will vary depending on the speed of your CD burner and the number of MP3 files you are writing to the blank CD. Once the burning process has finished, you can eject the disc and play this CD, which contains recordings originally formatted as MP3 files, in any regular CD player.

MP3/CD Players

While most CD players are not capable of playing MP3 files, some of the newer compact-disc players include advanced technology that allows the player to read CDs that contain MP3 data files. This is an advantage because MP3 files that are written on CDs as data instead of audio will take up much less space, enabling you to put 150 or more MP3 song files onto each disc. A typical blank CD-R has a capacity of 700 MB, while an MP3 file of a 5-minute song at a bit rate of 128 kbps will be approximately 4 MB. In order to burn a CD that recognizes MP3 files as data instead of audio, you must first download and install software that is capable of burning data CDs or simply adjust the settings on your current software to burn the MP3 files as data. In an application such as iTunes, you can do this by choosing the "Preferences" tab, clicking the "CD Burning" tab and enabling the "MP3 CD" option before you begin burning your playlist of MP3 songs. Once you have successfully burned an MP3 CD, you must use a compact-disc player capable of reading MP3 CDs, such as the RioVolt SP50, the Philips EXP401, or the Panasonic SL-SX430, to play the disc.

Tags: files onto, blank CD-R, burn files, capable playing, capable playing files

Use A Pentax Espio 24ew

The Pentax Espio 24-EW is a consumer-focused film camera.

The Pentax Espio 24-EW is an automatic point-and-shoot film camera. Most photographers today are used to digital cameras, so using traditional film may have a steep learning curve. Fortunately, the Espio 24-EW is designed for a simple shooting experience. The camera's automatic exposure will adjust all the necessary settings to match the image composition. This will allow you to explore the creative elements of photography, such as unusual angles and lighting effects.


1. Insert a charged battery into the bottom of the camera with the positive terminal facing outward.

2. Release the back cover by pulling up on it and insert the film. Pull the film leader to the "Film" mark, then close the back cover.

3. Turn on the camera by rotating the dial on top to "On."

4. Aim the camera at the subject and use the zoom buttons, located on the back near the top right, to compose your image.

5. Press the shutter button halfway to focus the image. The green icon lamp will activate when the camera is ready. Press the shutter button fully to take the photo.

6. Open the back cover and remove the film once the roll has been used. The camera will automatically rewind the film.

Tags: back cover, Espio 24-EW, Pentax Espio, film camera, Pentax Espio 24-EW, Press shutter

Monday, May 13, 2013

What Lenses Fit A Pentax K Mount

K mount lens fit cameras made by Pentax and other manufacturers.

The Pentax K mount is a popular lens mount that is used on many cameras and works with a wide variety of lens types and brands. Pentax introduced the K series in 1975. Its bayonet-lens mount was a big hit at the time, and more recent Pentax cameras have updated versions of the K mount. With a K mount camera body, you can find the perfect lens for every photo situation.

Pentax K Mount Cameras

Pentax created the original K mount, and it has made many cameras over the years that have the K mount for lenses. Pentax K-series, M-series and LX body cameras have the original K mount. Some popular models from these series include the K2, K1000, SE, ME, MV and LX.

Pentax Lenses

A variety of Pentax lenses will fit Pentax K mount cameras. The K1000, KX, MX and KM camera body is compatible with Pentax F, D FA, FA, AF, M, K and A series lenses. ME, MG, MV and MV1 body cameras work with Pentax K, AF, M, D FA, FA and A series lenses. ME Super, K2, K2DMD and LX body cameras with the K mount will work with Pentax F, D FA, FA, AF, A, M and K series lenses.

Other K Mount Lenses

Other camera makers have also used the K mount over the years on their camera bodies. This includes many of the Vivitar, Cosina and Ricoh brand cameras with interchangeable lenses. Many of these manufacturers also made lenses for their cameras. Many of these lens will fit Pentax cameras with the K mount. You can also use adapters that make many lenses with different mounts compatible with the Pentax K mount.

Third-party Lenses

One if the best features of a Pentax camera is how compatible it is with other brands. You can find lenses manufactured by independent lens makers that are made to fit your Pentax K mount camera perfectly, without making adjustments or needing adapters. Sigma makes a wide variety of lenses that work with the K mount. Some Sigma models that are compatible with the Pentax K mount are the 28-300 mm F3.5-6.3 DG Macro, the 70-300 mm F4-5.6 DF Macro and the 70-300 mm F4-5.6 DG OS. Tamron is another manufacturer that makes Pentax K mount compatible lenses. Some of their lenses that work with the K mount are the Model A14, A061, A031, A09 and A001. Tamron also sells an adapter to make some of their other lenses adaptable to Pentax K mount and other camera brands.

Tags: with Pentax, compatible with, Pentax mount, work with, body cameras

Good Apps For Windows Mobile

Microsoft released its new Windows Phone 7 smart phone operating system in November 2010, essentially scrapping its previous mobile phone operating system developments. Like competitors Apple and Google, one of the selling points of Windows Mobile 7 is the ability to install add-on apps such as games, reference materials and productivity tools from Microsoft along with third-party developers.

Communications Apps

Integration between Windows Live and Facebook lets users see Facebook status updates of their friends through their smart phone's contact lists. However, a separate app is available for people who wish to easily access Twitter from their Windows Phone 7 devices. The Twitter app includes full access to the timeline of friend's Tweets, user suggestions, messages and lists. Through "pivots," a user can move from different elements of their Twitter account, such as going from their timeline to direct messages.

Business and Security Apps

Business users and other customers who want enhanced security for their Windows Phone 7 smart phones can install Find My Phone, an app designed to help locate lost or stolen phones. Users can determine where the location of their phone, lock the phone remotely or even wipe out all information from the phone including potentially sensitive business documents. Windows Mobile 7 phones also come with 25 GB of free storage on the Windows Live SkyLine cloud computing network, which can be used to save files and share them between a phone and a PC.

Entertainment Apps and Games

Instead of watching YouTube videos through the Internet browser, Windows Phone 7 users can view clips through a free YouTube app. This application streamlines the viewing process and allows videos to load faster and more smoothly than watching through the browser. Another option for viewing video content on Windows Phone 7 devices is the Netflix video service. Subscribers can download a free app which allows them to stream Netflix content like movies, TV shows and other video over their smart phones.

Microsoft has also created mobile versions of video games previously available through its Xbox LIVE system, allowing players to use their existing Xbox LIVE avatars and share their gaming achievements with their friends. Among the titles available at the launch of Windows Phone 7 in November 2010 were mobile versions of shooter game "Rocket Riot," "Star Wars: The Battle for Hoth" and puzzle game "Bejeweled Live." (References 6)

Tags: Windows Phone, Windows Mobile, from their, mobile versions, November 2010, operating system

Use The Sp And Lp Recording Modes On Your Camcorder

With the increasing popularity of digital systems, people are forgetting some of the basic terms of analog recording. Several years ago anybody that recorded television on their VCRs knew what SP and LP meant (along with their lesser used cousins SLP and EP) but now those terms don't come up as often. In short, they tell the recorder how much tape to use when recording, SP uses more tape and LP uses less. Read on to learn use the SP and LP recording modes on your camcorder.


Setting Up Your Recorder

1. Open up your camera menu and find your recording options.

2. Look over your options. While SP (Standard Play) or LP (Long Play) are the most common modes, some recorders have SLP (Super Long Play) or EP (Extended Play). Each of them uses a different tape speed when recording; the faster the speed, the less you can fit on a tape. From fastest to slowest the speeds are SP, LP and EP/SLP.

3. Select your camera speed and you are ready to record.

Choosing a Mode

4. Recording high activity scenes, like a sports event, require a high speed to avoid blur. In these cases, you need to use a fast speed.

5. Use a slow speed to record slower or less active events such as a classroom lecture.

6. Decide the level of picture quality you want. Fast speed gives the truest images, while slower speeds are often a little fuzzy. The trade-off is that the faster speeds go through tape much quicker.

Tags: Long Play, when recording, your camera

Friday, May 10, 2013

Help In Deciding What Kind Of Camcorder To Buy

Many camcorders like this one are capable of shooting HD video, which is much sharper than SD video.

There are literally hundreds of different camcorders available, with so many options that a new consumer may at first seem overwhelmed. The type of camcorder you should buy depends primarily on what you plan on using it for, and there are several things you must take into consideration, including the video quality, features, and, of course, the price.

Video Resolution

The video resolution is one of the biggest factors when picking out a camcorder today. In the current market there are two types of camcorders available: SD, Standard Definition, and HD, High Definition. High-definition camcorders are capable of capturing video at 1280x720 pixels and above, with many models capable of capturing 1920x1080 pixels of video. SD camcorders can capture video at only 720x480 pixels, but are typically much less expensive. If you are a serious hobbyist or want your videos "future proof," then HD camcorders are the way to go. However, if you're interested in saving money and aren't concerned with video resolution, then look for an SD camcorder.

Frame Rate

Frame rate is how many frames of video a camcorder can capture in a second, with higher frame rates leading to more life-like video. Most camcorders capture video at either 60 frames or 30 frames per second, while higher-end camcorders can capture video at 24 frames per second, which is the standard for feature films. If you're an amateur filmmaker, then you should definitely invest in a camera capable of 24fps. However, if you're looking to record sporting events or home movies that generally use faster frame rates, then 24fps capability should be of no concern.


The type of media the camcorder uses can go a long way in determining what's most convenient for you. In today's world, there are generally four options available: tape, disc, HDD and flash. Tape camcorders, as their name suggests, use mini tapes that can be rewritten, but the tape's video can be time consuming to transfer to a computer for editing. Disc-based camcorders have become somewhat obsolete, as the discs often have very small recording times and tend to be jumpy. HDD camcorders and flash camcorders are among the most convenient, as you can save video files either to SD flash cards or internal hard drives on the camera.


Many camcorders have the ability to take still pictures, as well as video. Though many professionals may not be concerned with this, average consumers may like the idea of being able to take pictures and video with a single device. The size and quality of the still photograph the camera can take is measured in megapixels, which will be labeled on the camera's specs. The higher the mega-pixel count, the larger the still image it can produce.

Other Features

Professional-grade camcorders are full of features like manual focus, frame-rate adjustment, white-balance adjustment, and all sorts of other things. If you're an amateur filmmaker, then certain features like manual focus or an external microphone jack are a must if you want to give your movie a film-like quality. However, if you're a casual shooter just looking to save some memories, then you should consider a "point and shoot" type camcorder that doesn't require adjustments and has minimal features, as every added feature adds to the price.

Tags: camcorders capture, camcorders capture video, capture video, amateur filmmaker, amateur filmmaker then