Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Make A Tomtom Map Correction

TomTom is a brand of portable GPS (Global Positioning System) car navigators. The TomTom device displays a vehicle position on the onscreen map, allows a user to choose a route to travel, and provides turn-by-turn directions along the chosen route. Using the TomTom online service, you can periodically download map updates. In addition to that, you can make instant corrections to your map directly on your TomTom device.


1. Press the "On/Off" button to turn on your TomTom GPS.

2. Touch the middle of the device screen to display the main menu. Then touch the "arrow right" symbol to get to the second page ("Main 2 of 2 ") of the main menu.

3. Touch the option "Map Correction" and choose "Correct a map error."

4. Choose one of the following categories to make a correction: "(Un)block street," "Reverse traffic direction," "Edit street name" or "Change road speed." Then touch "On map."

5. Select the road to which the correction will be applied; the selected road will be highlighted by a red line.

6. Touch "Done" and then "Yes" to confirm the street selection.

7. Make a respective correction--for example, enter the new speed limit or a new street name--and touch "Done."

Tags: main menu, Then touch, TomTom device, your TomTom

Phone Battery Problems

Phone Battery Problems

Having a cell phone is great when you need to talk on the go, but if you have a faulty battery, then you may feel like you are chained to your phone's charger. Many things can go wrong with a phone's battery, from the so-called "memory effect" to plain-old worn out batteries. Some issues can be corrected, but unfortunately, most will need to be addressed by replacement.

Memory Effect

The memory effect is a common issue in older cell phones that use a nickel-cadmium battery. This issue occurs when the user charges the battery before it has drained repeatedly, and the battery "remembers" the point at which it was prematurely drained and then only drains from that point onward (thus losing a portion of its full battery potential.) The memory effect is only present in older cell phones, so if you have one that was made in 2005 or before, you may know of it. To prevent the memory effect from occurring, make sure to deplete your battery as much as possible before charging it.


Overcharge is a more common problem in modern cell phones. When you overcharge a battery, it means that you leave the phone on the charger after it has reached 100 percent. While leaving a battery on a charging station for a few hours after the charge has completed will not impact the battery too negatively, if you leave the battery on the charger for more than 24 hours you can overheat and permanently damage the battery.


Did you know that even if you do not use your phone, it still uses battery life? This phenomenon is known as self-discharge. If your phone is switched off all the time, the battery life is still being used. If you do not turn it on every few weeks and charge it, the battery will die permanently. If you have a cell phone that you only use in emergencies or are keeping "just in case," it is a good idea to turn it on and charge it at least once a month to keep it from self-discharging the battery.

Aged Battery

All batteries have a certain lifespan, and after awhile you can expect them to degrade substantially. Most batteries (under normal circumstances) will last between 2 and 3 years and can handle about 500 charge cycles. If you start noticing marked battery loss after a comparable amount of time, it is probably due to your battery being old. Unfortunately, there is not much you can do about a battery getting old, and if enough time has passed, you will need to replace it to ensure your phone continues functioning as it should.

Getting the Most from Your Battery

To prevent most of these problems from happening, and to keep your phone's battery from aging too quickly, the best thing to do is to make the most of your charging cycle. Try and run the battery down as much as possible before plugging it in, and, if possible, unplug it as soon as it has finished charging. You can also reduce strain on your batteries (and thus reduce the number of charge cycles) by toggling settings like screen settings, vibrate function and Bluetooth wireless network connections.

Tags: your phone, memory effect, cell phones, battery from, battery life, Battery Problems

Monday, April 29, 2013

Email Photos To Walmart To Be Developed

How Do I Email Photos to Wal-Mart to Be Developed?

Having your photos developed at Wal-Mart used to require you taking your film or memory card to the store and dropping it off for processing. As advances in digital photography continue, photograph development advances too. Uploading your photos from your digital camera to your computer and attaching them to email, and even emailing photos taken with your mobile phone, is relatively easy, and only takes a few minutes.


1. Set up a personal account on the Wal-Mart digital photo center and edit your personal details to include the email address and cell phone numbers you will be using to send photos from.

2. Save pictures in the proper format before sending. The Wal-Mart digital photo center can only accept photos formatted as .JPG files and ZIP files containing .JPG photographs.

3. Log in to your personal email address and attach files to your email.

4. Send the email with the attached file to the Wal-Mart email address: save@walmart.photos.com. You can also email properly formatted photographs from your mobile phone, using the same address. Choose the option from your cell phone's photo menu to email the photo and insert the address.

5. Log in to your Wal-Mart digital photo center account. There will be a notification on your profile page that you have digital photos waiting to be approved.

6. Follow the link to your digital photos and checkmark the photographs you wish to add to your account.

7. Click the "Send to My Account" link at the bottom of the page. Your photos will now appear in your Wal-Mart digital photo account.

8. Use the control panel in your account to order prints. You can have prints shipped directly to your home or arrange to pick them up at your local Wal-Mart store photo center.

Tags: digital photo, photo center, Wal-Mart digital, Wal-Mart digital photo, digital photo center

Recycle 55 Gallon Drums

Once the pickles are gone, this food-grade barrel could be repurposed into a water-saving rain barrel.

Plastic 55-gallon drums are commonly used to transport and store all kinds of liquids, from tomato sauce to industrial chemicals. Recycling and reusing these drums has become a widespread practice both to be environmentally friendly and to reduce costs. Food-grade drums in particular are prized for their multitude of uses.


1. Decide if the drum can be reused. Before a drum can be repurposed, you must find out what was stored in it previously. If the drum contained hazardous chemicals, it should not be reused for anything else. If the drum housed food or nonhazardous chemicals, such as water-soluble soap, then the drum can be thoroughly cleaned using the triple-rinse method and prepped for reuse.

2. Inspect the drum for damage. Check the barrel for leaks, small holes or dents. If the drum is damaged, it may not be able to hold liquids any longer. It could still be repurposed to store larger items such as rocks, compost, rags or other items.

3. Decide how you want to reuse the drum. A water-tight drum can be used as a rain barrel, while a barrel with small holes would make an excellent composter. A drum with more substantial damage could be cut down and used for container gardening.

4. If you don't want to reuse the drum, or if the drum is in poor condition for repurposing, check with your local environmental services agency or plastics recycling center. Many locations will accept clean, nonhazardous drums for recycling. If the barrel previously held hazardous material, contact your local hazardous waste agency for disposal instructions.

Tags: rain barrel, reuse drum, small holes, want reuse, want reuse drum, your local

Eliminate An Alternator Noise

Alternator whine is one of the most common problems in car audio. All alternators generate alternating current, then turn it into direct current through a full-wave bridge rectifier. The rectifier consists of several diodes, which are devices that let through direct current only. But rectifiers are not perfect, and when some alternating current passes through anyway, car audio sings like a canary, amplifying whine to maddening levels. Eliminating ground loops, inserting power line filters and isolating metal component chassis are proven ways of vanquishing the noise.


Use the Process of Elimination

1. Use 10-gauge wire on your amp power leads, both power and ground. Ground multiple amps separately. Isolate the amp chassis from the car body by running mounting screws through rubber grommets inserted into its mounting slots.

2. Unplug the RCA cable from your amplifier's inputs. Make an input shorting device by cutting a cheap RCA cable five inches from the plugs, separating the leads, stripping the jackets and shorting the center conductor to the ground conductor in each lead. Plug it into the inputs, crank the car, and turn on the amp. If there is no noise, go to the next step. If there is noise, install a power line noise filter: interrupt 12VDC+ down-fuse from the amp, connect the filter's power leads in line, and run the ground lead to the amp's ground point.

3. Reduce the signal chain. If you have equalizers and other processors, bypass them. Using the normal, installed signal line route, make a direct connection between amp and head unit. If the noise goes away, the signal processors need to be power-filtered individually when inserted in the signal chain. If there is noise without processors in line, run new RCA cables over a new route and test again.

Treat the Head Unit for Noise

4. Eliminate multiple ground points. Isolate the head unit chassis from the car ground. Use only the attached ground lead to ground it.

5. Try different ground points for the head unit to reduce noise. Try grounding it together with the amplifier.

6. If noise persists, connect the head unit to an external car battery not attached to the car. If there is still noise, replace the head unit. If noise goes away, your head unit is picking up noise through its power line; install a power line noise filter.

Tags: power line, head unit, head unit, there noise, alternating current

Friday, April 26, 2013

Remove Red Eye From Photos With Free Photo Editing


Red Eye" is a common problem that occurs in flash photography. When the camera flashes, the light reflects of the interior surface of the back of the subject's eyes, causing bright red spots to appear in the photo. This creates an unattractive photo, but the problem is very correctable. Using a free program or Web-based tool, you can remove the red eye effect from a digital photo and achieve a more attractive result.


Windows Live Photo Gallery 2011

1. Launch Windows Live Photo Gallery. If you do not see the photo that you want to remove red eye from, click the "Import" button at the top of the window and locate the photo on your computer. Double-click the photo in Windows Live Photo Gallery to view a larger version.

2. Click the "Red Eye" button in the "Adjustments" section at the top of the window.

3. Click and hold the mouse button with the pointer over the upper-left corner of the eye that you need to remove red eye from. Drag the box to the bottom-right corner of the eye and release the mouse button. Windows Live Photo Gallery removes the red hue from the selected eye.

4. Repeat this process for each eye that you need to correct.

5. Click the "Close File" button at the top of the window to return to the main Windows Live Photo Gallery window and save your changes to the image. Alternatively, click the "Revert" button if you do not like the change and want to return the photo to its original state.


6. Open a Web browser and navigate to FixRedEyes.com. Click the "Browse Files" button at the bottom of the window, locate the photo that you would like to correct and double-click it. The Web browser uploads the photo, which then appears in the main area of the window.

7. Drag the box labeled "Drag Me" from the right side of the window to the area of the photo that you want to correct.

8. Drag the "Zoom Level" slider in the bottom-right corner of the window to the right until the "Drag Me" box just covers the red eyes.

9. Click the green "Fix It" button to remove red eye from the photo.

10. Click the "Download" button to save the corrected photo to your computer.


11. Open a Web browser and navigate to Pixenate.com. Click the blue "Choose your image to edit" link in the upper-left corner of the window. Click the "Choose File" button, navigate to the image that you would like to correct and double-click it. Click the "Upload This Image" button to begin working on the photo. A large version of the photo appears in the Web browser window.

12. Click the "Fix Red Eye" button in the bottom-left corner of the control panel on the left side of the window.

13. Position the mouse pointer in the upper-left corner of the subject's eyes. Click and drag with the mouse to create a box over the eyes.

14. Click the "Apply" button to correct red eye in the photo, and then click "Done."

15. Click the "Save to Disk" button on the left side of the window to save the corrected photo to the computer.

Tags: Live Photo, Live Photo Gallery, Photo Gallery, Windows Live, Windows Live Photo, eyes Click

Performance Specifications In Construction

Construction performance specifications may lead to a higher quality project.

Performance specifications in construction refers to the objectives or standards an architect, engineer or project owner desires for particular project. Specifications may include items related to actual performance, performance based on certain specifications and warranties. Performance specifications focus on the final product the contractor delivers to the project owner, including materials, quality of workmanship and other matters controlled by the contractor.

General and Unique Specifications

Most fields have general specifications that members are expected to follow during construction. Organizations such as the Construction Specifications Institute (CSI), American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) and American National Standards Institute (ANSI) issue these guidelines. Other entities such as the American Welding Society, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials or National Electrical Contractors Association list unique specifications for construction trades or facilities. The standards usually reflect local policy conditions, regulations and other factors.

Contractor's Judgment

Some performance specifications require the contractor to exercise professional judgment when drawings, specifications or building codes may not suffice. For instance, excavation of a site must cover an area that allows "adequate" space for inspections, the proper operation of equipment and machinery and other construction-related activities. Each contractor may interpret "adequate" differently. In comparison, standards that require design tolerances within plus or minus six inches require a measurement. The final design of the structure or the layout of the site may make a six-inch tolerance unsuitable. Performance specification requires an understanding between the contractor, designer and project owner that the contractors need the flexibility to interpret certain wordings such as "adequate." Pre-specifying most or all operations may lead to unintended inaccuracies.

Required Performance

Construction performance specification has evolved to where instead of stipulating the construction procedures, the specification addresses the quality of the finished structure. The contractor has the leeway to determine the methods employed to obtain the desired results. For example, conventional roadwork specifications gave precise instructions for the makeup of the asphalt used to construct the road, the temperature of the composition and the procedures for compaction of the material. Today, the contract may specify the performance of the pavement against water penetration, permanence or strength. The contractor would have the flexibility to get the job done.

Pros and Cons of Performance Specifications

Performance specification gives the contractor latitude for creativity. This approach facilities the development of new practices and technologies. It allows "free" competition. This approach works for all kinds of projects. The contractor, not the engineer or architect, is responsible for the technical aspect of the projects. However, performance specification does not put the contractor on an equal basis during the bid process. Also, enforcement becomes more challenging and requires clear definition of all criteria.

Tags: project owner, Construction performance, performance specification, specifications construction, This approach

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Get Higher Audio Quality Using Audacity

Audacity is a free, open-source sound editor with a range of powerful features. When using Audacity, you can improve the quality of sounds that you record or edit by taking a few simple steps. Since sound quality is partly a matter of perception, you may need to do a little experimenting to get the best sound, but there are some general rules that apply to almost everyone.


1. Realize that digital audio is characterized by its sampling rate (how often the device takes a "sound measurement") and its sample format (how many bits the device uses to represent the particular sample). Generally, higher sampling rates and bit depths do a better job of representing sound, but they also require more disk space for storage.

2. Use Audacity's "Quality" tab in the "Preferences" dialog box (located in the "Edit" menu) to adjust the sound quality. Choose the highest available sample rates and sample formats that also keep the sound file sizes within acceptable limits.

3. Avoid clipping of your sounds. Whether you record a sound or edit an existing sound, make sure that the waveform stays within the sound limits, or Audacity will clip it, resulting in distortion. You can use the microphone "Input Volume" slider in the main Audacity window to scale sounds that you record.

4. Choose an appropriate compression scheme (or lack thereof) when saving your sounds. If disk space is at a premium, you may want to use a compression format such as MP3. If you are a true audiophile, however, you can choose to save the sound using an uncompressed format such as WAV.

5. Maintain the quality levels of sounds that you record or import. When editing or recording a sound, if you reduce the sampling rate or format, for example, then you'll lose information and the sound will have lower quality. Also, if you try to increase the sample rate or format, you just increase the file size without adding any new information.

6. Adjust the frequency distribution of the sound using the "Equalization" dialog box, located in the "Effects" menu. It may take you some experimenting to find the type of sound that you like the best.

7. Experiment with the other features and effects of Audacity to optimize the sounds to fit your preferences. Make sure you have an unaltered copy of your sound file saved, then just try as many different effects and options as you can.

Tags: sounds that, sounds that record, that record, dialog located, disk space, format such

Make A Waterproof Bag Or Case For A Camera

Make a waterproof bag for carrying cameras at the beach.

If you are planning a trip to the beach, the pool or even a day out in the rain, keep your valuables secure with a do-it-yourself waterproof bag. Waterproof bags prevent liquids from damaging your camera or other electronics. Create this simple, no-sew project by using common materials like plastic bags and duct tape. In just a couple hours, you'll have a bag looks fashionable and guards your electronics.


1. Cut open one side of the garbage bag along with the bottom so it lays completely flat.

2. Tape the flat garbage bag to a table.

3. Draw a rectangle that is 16 inches by 30 inches on the garbage bag.

4. Cover the entire rectangle with strips of duct tape. Overlap the strips slightly to form a tight seal to prevent water from entering.

5. Cut out the rectangle.

6. Cut the 8 feet of cording into four even pieces.

7. Place two pieces of cording parallel along one short side of the rectangle, approximately 1 inch from the edge. Fold the edge over the cording and tape the edge down without taping the cording. Do the same on the opposite side of the rectangle.

8. Fold the bag in half so the two sides with cording meet each other. This will be the top of your bag. Seal the two sides together with duct tape.

9. Hold one piece of cording from each open end and knot them together at both ends. Knot the two leftover pieces of cord together at both ends, as well. This will form a drawstring to pull the bag tight at the top.

Tags: duct tape, both ends, side rectangle, This will, together both

Advantages & Disadvantages Of Cctv Cameras

Closed circuit television cameras are used in a variety of circumstances to provide video surveillance. School districts use CCTV to monitor the activity on school campuses. Businesses use CCTV cameras to monitor the behavior of employees. CCTV can also help retail establishments by providing protection against loss from theft. However, the use of CCTV surveillance is not without controversy. Each establishment must weigh the benefits and drawbacks to decide if CCTV is the right method of protection.

Crime Deterrent

If CCTV cameras constantly monitor a retail business, criminals will likely seek an easier target. If employees know that they are constantly being watched, they are less likely to steal from their employer or waste time on the job. School children who know that their every move is being recorded may be less likely to carry guns to school or engage in criminal activities on campus.

Protect Employees

Customer service employees are often required to handle angry or frustrated customers. Face-to-face interactions with an angry customer can put the employee in physical danger. CCTV cameras may save employees from harm by monitoring these volatile situations. They also serve as a deterrent from violent behavior by these customers.

Keeps a Record

If a crime occurs in an establishment that has installed CCTV surveillance, investigation will be aided by the video. If an argument occurs between two employees, the employer can consult the videotape to determine what actually occurred.

CCTV Doesn't Always Work

Unfortunately, CCTV is usually not able to display every square inch of a business or facility. Even if the cameras are positioned correctly, there is no guarantee that the cameras will catch any crime or unwanted behavior done on the property. These cameras can sometimes be thwarted by covering them up or by sticking a piece of chewing gum on the lenses. Someone who is familiar with the property may still be able to get around the surveillance and avoid getting caught. If the cameras are positioned incorrectly, the high traffic areas of the facility will not be shown on camera. In this case, much of the behavior that the CCTV cameras are designed to detect will not be captured on tape.


CCTV surveillance sometimes causes controversy. Opponents of CCTV systems object to the invasion of privacy that occurs with constant video monitoring. Employees under constant surveillance by CCTV cameras often oppose such monitoring of their daily behavior.

Tags: CCTV cameras, CCTV surveillance, cameras positioned, CCTV cameras, know that, less likely

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Hook Up The Vsxd307

The VSX-D307 is a multi-channel audio and video receiver manufactured by Pioneer. A/V receivers are used to integrate multiple audio and video devices to a home entertainment center set up. The receiver is also used to amplify the audio signal of each device connected to it. Hooking up different devices to the VSX-D307 involves using RCA cables to send the audio and video signals from the different playback devices to the receiver, and from the receiver to the TV and recording devices.


1. Plug one end of the composite video cable into the composite "Video Out" jack located in the "Control" section of the back of the Pioneer receiver. Plug the other end of this cable into the TV's yellow "Video" input jack.

2. Connect one end of the red and white RCA cables to the matching colored RCA output jack on the back of your CD player, turntable or other audio playback device. Insert the other end of the red and white RCA cables into the matching colored RCA input jacks designated for the type of device being connected to the Pioneer receiver. For example, if one end of the RCA cables is connected to a CD player, connect the other end of these cables to the RCA input jacks located within the receiver's "CD" designated section.

3. Plug one end of another set of RCA audio cables into the matching colored RCA input jacks on the back of an audio playback and recording device such as tape or CD recorder. Connect the other end of these cables to the matching colored RCA output jacks located in the "Tape2 Monitor" section of the receiver.

4. Connect one end of the red, white and yellow AV cables to the matching colored AV output jack on the DVD player or VCR. Insert the other end of each AV cable to the matching colored AV input jack designated for the type of device being connected to the Pioneer receiver.

5. Use another set of AV cables to connect the AV output jacks on the back of the VCR (if you're using one) to the color corresponding AV input jacks in the receiver's "VCR" section.

6. Flip open the receiver's "Loop Antenna" latches. Insert the wires connected to the loop antenna into the "Loop Antenna" terminals. Close the latches to secure the wires to the terminal.

7. Connect the FM antenna wire to the "FM Unbal" terminal using the same method outline in Step 6.

8. Connect the speaker wires to the receiver's designated speaker terminals using the same method outline in Step 6. Connecte to the "+" speaker port, and the negative wire connects to the "-" port.

Tags: matching colored, input jacks, audio video, cables matching, cables matching colored, colored input

Use A Flashcube On A Polaroid

A flashcube is a small, clear cube that has a flashbulb on each side and a small stem beneath it. It was introduced in 1965 by GTE Sylvania. The cubes are used with various cameras, including models from Polaroid that generate a print from the camera seconds after a picture is taken. Flashcubes are used to produce light when the subject you are photographing is dim. Each time you take a picture, the cube automatically rotates to a new bulb. Since a cube has four sides, it can provide flashes for four pictures.


1. Insert the stem of the flashcube into the flash slot located on top of the Polaroid camera. Firmly click the cube into place.

2. Take a picture of your subject. The first flash will ignite, and the cube will automatically rotate to the second flash.

3. Repeat Step 2 up to three more times.

4. Remove the flashcube from the top of the camera. Insert a fresh cube in the slot, and continue taking pictures.

5. Remove the cube from the camera when the flash is no longer needed.

Tags: from camera

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

What Holds A Slide In Place On A Microscope

A dissecting microscope, unlike a compound microscope, provides a three-dimensional image of a specimen.

Correct microscope use requires proper, stable positioning of the slide containing the specimen. For this reason, microscopes routinely include stage clips or slide holders to keep slides firmly in place.

Types of Microscopes

Common microscope types include the compound microscope and the stereo microscope (which is also known as a dissecting microscope). The compound microscope uses an objective lens to enlarge the image of the specimen; its eyepiece then magnifies that enlarged image, creating a multiplicatively magnified image. A dissecting microscope uses two lens arrays to create a stereoscopic, or three-dimensional, image.

Stage Clips and Slide Holders

All microscopes have a stage that positions slides for focusing under the lenses. Most microscope stages have clips or slide holders on either side to keep slides in place and control specimen positioning. Once the slide is secure, you can usually move the whole stage left, right, up or down, using knobs placed on the side of the microscope. Some dissecting microscopes have stages that are fixed in place under the lens.

Other Parts

Other important parts of a microscope include the base, the nosepiece, the focus knobs and the light source. The base stabilizes the entire microscope. The nosepiece on a compound microscope allows users to rotate lenses to increase or decrease magnification. Focus knobs sharpen the microscope's image, depending on the desired focal point. Finally, a microscope may have a built-in light source or an external one.

Tags: compound microscope, dissecting microscope, clips slide, image specimen, keep slides, light source

Monday, April 22, 2013

Hook Up A Pc Stereo Tv Dvd & Vcr Together

You want to connect multiple components, but just reading the title of this article is intimidating. Relax. Connecting these components is simply a matter of determining exactly how you want the system to function and what types of cables you'll need to complete the project. Remember: the fewer cables and connections you use, the simpler your system will be to set up and operate.


1. Determine how you are going to use each component in the system. Do you want to play all of your audio on your stereo speakers? Are you going to watch all your video on your TV or do you want to watch some on your computer? Do you want to use the VCR for recording or simply as a source? The easiest solution is to use your stereo receiver as a command center and route all of your audio and video through it. This way you can use your speakers and TV for audio and video, respectively. The receiver has the most inputs available and is designed to integrate multiple components into one cohesive system. Let's assume you are using a basic set-up in which you route all audio to your stereo speakers and all video to your TV. Your needs may differ, so be sure to detemine them before purchasing cables or connecting wires.

2. Determine the connections available. Once you've figured out the path that the audio and video will take, make note of the types of cables required to get it there. In this example, we'll be connecting audio and video from the PC, VCR and DVD player to the stereo receiver. Then we'll connect speakers to the receiver and send video to the television. Ideally, we'll want matching output jacks from our media sources (i.e., PC, VCR, DVD) and input connections on the receiver. If that's not possible, adapters may be needed.

3. Your VCR should have analog connections (i.e., composite yellow video cable, red and white audio cable). Connect these to an input on your receiver labelled "VCR" or "Video" using basic RCA cables. If you intend to use the VCR for recording, connect composite cables from your receiver's composite video output and audio outputs to the VCR's inputs. This additional connection will allow the VCR to record signals sent through the receiver as well as play tapes.

4. Connect the DVD player video using an available connection such as the one for composite video or component video. If you intend to use surround sound, connect your DVD player audio with digital cable. If you're only using two speakers, you can also use RCA connections as in Step 3. If you're using a digital connection, check the receiver and DVD player to find a matching digital connection (either coaxial or optical) and connect the DVD output to the receiver "DVD" input with appropriate cable.

5. The PC will be the trickiest connection. If you're using an HDTV and want to send HD video from your PC to your TV, you may need to connect the video directly from the PC to the TV, as your receiver may not have an HD connection port. Use an HDMI or DVI cable from your computer's port to your television's input. If you're using HDMI, you must route the audio to the receiver separately by connecting a digital audio output on your TV to the input on the receiver labeled "TV." If you're using DVI, connect audio separately to the receiver using a 3.5 mm mini-jack to RCA cable or digital connection.

6. Connect both audio and video from your PC to your receiver. If you just intend to send standard video to your TV, you can route both the audio and video through the receiver. Connections may vary, but you could likely connect using an S-Video cable from the output on your PC to an available S-Video input on your receiver. Run the audio separately with a mini-jack to RCA cable.

7. If you want to listen to your television audio on your stereo speakers, connect the TV audio outputs to your receiver using RCA cables or digital cable if they're available. Again, digital cable will be necessary if you want to enjoy surround sound formats. Use input labelled "TV" or "Cable" when available.

8. Output the video from your stereo receiver to your TV. Obviously, you can't watch video on your receiver, so you'll need to send it out to the TV. Use an available connection such as S-Video, component video or composite video to connect the receiver's video output with the TV's input. DO NOT connect audio output elements.

9. Connect each speaker to the appropriate speaker output on your receiver using speaker cable (i.e., Left Main, Right Main, Left Rear, Center Channel, etc.). Be sure that the polarity of the cable matches on both the output of the receiver and input of the speaker.

10. With all the components hooked up properly, you can switch between components using your stereo receiver's menu. Be sure to tune the TV to the input with which you have connected the receiver and/or directly-connected video component.

Tags: your receiver, audio video, from your, your stereo, stereo receiver, video from, video your

Make A Protector For An Iphone

Make a Protector for an iPhone

Due to the touch screen on the iPhone, it can be easy for your iPhone's screen to become dirty or even scratched. Because of this, it is a good idea to get some sort of screen protection for the device. If you don't want to pay the money for one that is custom made for the iPhone, you can make your own using a universal screen protector and a sharp object, like a utility knife.


1. Purchase a universal screen protector for PDA and cell phone devices. This is a thick piece of plastic that fits over the screen of your device allowing you to still use its touch screen features while not having to worry about smudging or scratching the actual screen. These can be purchased online, as well as in regular neighborhood retailers that sell PDA, cell phone and iPod accessories.

2. Purchase a sharp object, like a utility knife. This will be necessary to cut the screen protector to match the dimensions of the iPhone's screen.

3. Lay the universal screen protector over your iPhone's screen. Use a soft writing utensil like a marker to make lines on the protector at the top, bottom and each side. You will need to use these lines to accurately cut your protector to match the dimensions of your iPhone's screen.

4. Use your sharp object to cut the universal screen protector along the lines you made in Step 3. You will be left with a screen protector that is accurately cut to only cover the screen of the iPhone, and not the buttons on either side of the device. You can remove the portions of the universal screen protector that you cut off and use what you have left to apply the protector to the iPhone's screen, keeping it safe from danger.

Tags: screen protector, iPhone screen, universal screen, universal screen protector, sharp object, your iPhone

Have A Telephone Conference Call

Conference calls are commonly used as a daily business function.

A telephone conference call is when two or more people are connected on the same line and can all speak to each other as if all participants were in the same room. While many home phone services will allow you to connect up to three people, there are also companies that specialize in providing conference call services allowing businesses or others to hold conference calls with dozens of people on the line.


Only Three Callers

1. Locate the flash button on your telephone. Depress the flash button to switch between calls in the following steps. If you do not have a flash button, you will need to quickly press the button on your phone that would be used to end a call, and use that button to switch between the calls.

2. PIck up the handset of your phone and dial the first caller. Once that caller has picked up the line, ask her to stay on the line so you can add a third caller.

3. Press the flash button or the button on your phone that disconnects the call, whichever your phone is equipped with. Press the button quickly so you do not, inadvertently, disconnect the first participant. Dial the second party you will be adding to the call. Do not switch back to the previous call until the second call is ringing. Switching back to the first participant too early will break the connection to the second party.

4. Check with each person by name to ensure all parties are connected to the conference call. If one party is missing, press the flash button or disconnect button to activate a dial tone and re-attempt the call.

Using a Conference Call Provider

5. Visit the freeconferencecall.com or freeconferencecalling.com website. Both offer free conference calling. Register for an account with your preferred site by providing your name and email address. Once you register for an account, you will immediately be taken to a page showing your pin number, call in number and the password your participants will enter to join future conference calls. Print this page for future reference as the information will remain the same.

6. Log in to the website using the information you received in Step 1 and schedule a conference call. The conference call function is available 24/7 for your use, and you do not need to reserve a call in advance. Schedule the call and provide the call time, date and password to your callers. You will also receive an email with this information after you schedule your conference call.

7. Call the number provided to you in Step 1 a few minutes prior to the start of the conference call. You, as the leader of the call, will be able to set a recording of the call if you choose to do this. As each caller enters the room, you will hear a beep to indicate someone has joined the call. This is helpful so you know to pause and allow the person to announce his presence. Each caller will hear a message that the call might be recorded, however, as an added courtesy, once all callers are present, inform the callers if you will be recording the phone call.

8. Review any recordings of your conference calls by logging back in to the website.

Tags: flash button, your phone, button your, conference call, conference call, between calls, button switch

Friday, April 19, 2013

Fix Vertical Colored Lines On A Plasma Tv

Picture quality distortions and degradations are probably among the most common technical problems experienced by home TV viewers. Troubleshooting these problems can sometimes be frustrating as they can be caused by many factors. With careful preparation and a little know-how, you can diagnose the problem. If you own a plasma HDTV and vertical lines are on the screen, you may be able to resolve the issue in just a few painless steps.


1. Reset the TV by unplugging its power cord for 30 seconds and plugging it back in. This is an essential troubleshooting tool as a simple reset often will resolve the great majority of technical issues experienced by any kind of TV. Power the TV on after plugging it back in and check the picture for any improvement.

2. Unscrew the coaxial cable that attaches your wall cable outlet to either the coaxial cable input on the plasma TV or to any digital cable converters you may use at home. Check the copper needle in the middle of the cable for any bending or damage and screw the cable back on the coaxial input. Again, check the picture for any improvements.

3. Secure the audio/video connection cables that attach the source device you are trying to watch to the plasma TV. This is a particularly important step if you use component cables. Component cables separate a video signal into different colors, so a damaged or loose component cable can lead to noticeable discoloration on the screen. Once the cables are secure, both in the source device and the plasma TV, check the picture again to see if this may have resolved the issue.

4. Scan your channel lineup and check the other TVs in your home to determine the scope of the problem. If you see the discoloration only on one or a few channels, and the same channels are discolored on the other TVs in your home, you may be part of a cable service outage and you will need to report the issue to your cable provider. If all the channels on the one TV have the same discoloration, and the other TVs in the home look normal, the plasma TV likely will need to be serviced for a problem with its picture components.

Tags: check picture, coaxial cable, other your, other your home, plugging back, source device

Set Up Email On An Htc

Setting up an email address on an HTC phone makes it easy to stay in touch with business and personal contacts, even when you are away from your desk. Whether your HTC device runs Windows Mobile or the Android operating system, HTC smartphones have direct integration for email accounts using the Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) and Post Office Protocol (POP) systems. Both classifications of devices can send and receive attachments, and email contacts directly out of your cell phone address book.


Android Devices

1. Tap the "Mail" icon on the home screen of your HTC Android device. If the "Mail" icon is not on your home screen, open the "All Programs" tab and select "Mail."

2. Select the mail provider or account type you want to setup on the "Choose a mail provider" screen.

3. Enter the email address and password for your email account, as well as any other account information you want to enter, like the display name to be shown on all outgoing emails sent from your HTC Android device. After entering account information, press "Next."

4. Enter additional account information, if prompted. This is necessary if your account or server type is not automatically recognized by the Android operating system. Follow the on-screen prompts to provide your incoming and outgoing servers and press "Next" after completing each field.

5. Check your email. The next time you press the "Mail" icon on the home screen or in the "All Programs" menu," you will be taken to the newly-created email account.

Windows Mobile Devices

6. Press the "Home" button on your HTC Windows Mobile device and go the the "Mail" tab at the bottom of the screen.

7. Tap the "Menu" button in the lower-right corner of the screen and select "New Account" to enter the new account setup information.

8. Select the email provider with which you want to sync. Common email providers like AOL and Gmail can be setup automatically by entering your email address and password. If you are using a provider that is not listed, click "Other" to enter your server information.

9. Enter your incoming (POP or IMAP) and outgoing (SMTP) server information to sync up an account if asked. This information varies based on your Internet service provider, but it can vary. Typically, the incoming server is "pop.yourdomain.com" and the outgoing server is "smtp.yourdomain.com."

10. Select the frequency with which you want your HTC device to check your email. The more frequently that your phone connects to the server to download email, the faster the battery will drain. After confirming this setting, click "Done" on your Windows Mobile phone's screen.

Tags: Windows Mobile, your email, account information, email address, home screen

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Kodak Z740 Instructions

Get to grips with your Kodak Z740!

The Kodak Z740 is a 5.0 megapixel camera with a 10x zoom lens. The camera is part of the EasyShare range, which aims to offer high quality cameras with easy-to-use controls. The camera has a burst-shooting mode, self-timer and automatic focus. The Z740 is more suited to less experienced users, and getting to grips with the basics is very simple.


Taking Pictures

1. Ensure the Z740 is switched on. The Power switch is located on the top of the camera, in the center. Move it to the right, toward the silhouetted camera icon.

2. Turn the Mode Dial to "Auto." The dial is located to the right of the display screen at the back of the Z740. Auto mode essentially means that all of the settings are automatically adjusted to suit the situation. This is the simplest way to take photographs, as it removes all technical and difficult elements of the process.

3. Frame your subject either using the LCD display screen or the Electronic View Finder (EVF). Choose which you would like to use by pressing the EVF/LCD button, which is located above the display screen and to the right.

4. Adjust the zoom using the W/T bar at the top of the camera. "W" zooms out, and "T" zooms in. Zoom in to the desired level, and steady the camera in preparation for taking the photo.

5. Half-press the shutter button" to let the Z740 get your subject into focus. The indicator in the top right of the display will show green if the Auto-Focus has been successful. The shutter button is located on top of the camera, on the extended arm on the right-hand side.

6. Press the shutter button in fully to take your picture. Remember to keep your hands as steady as possible to avoid blurring. You will see a five-second "Quickview" of your picture after it has been taken, but you can bring it up properly by pressing the Review button. The Review button is located in the bottom right hand corner of the camera. Scroll through the pictures using the joystick in the center of the Mode Dial. Move it to the left and right to look through your pictures.

Using Self-Timer

7. Ensure that the camera is switched on, and rest the camera on a level surface. The Self-Timer is a useful function that allows you to get into some of your pictures. The Z740 gives you the option of setting a two- or 10-second timer.

8. Press the Self-Timer button once to set a 10-second delay, or twice to set a two-second delay. This can be done in both camera and video camera modes.

9. Frame your picture. Adjust the zoom as required, and half-press the shutter button to get the image into focus.

10. Press the shutter button completely down, and the timer will begin to count down. The picture will be taken in either two or 10 seconds, depending on which you selected.

Tags: shutter button, display screen, Kodak Z740, your picture, Adjust zoom

Make A Telescope Using A 50mm Objective Lens

A 50-mm lens can be mounted inside of PVC tubing to make a refractor telescope.

The objective lens on a refractor telescope is found at one end of a long optical tube, while the opposite end holds the magnifying eyepiece called an ocular. A 50-millimeter objective lens captures about 50 times more light than the human eye, but the amount of magnification depends on the ocular. Building a telescope using PVC tubing, a 50-millimeter objective lens and an eyepiece will allow you to view all of the planets except Pluto, the moon and hundreds of deep-sky objects such as star clusters, nebulae and stars.


1. Determine the focal length of the 50-millimeter objective lens by using a dark sheet of paper onto which you will focus the light of a flashlight. You can determine the focal length of a lens by measuring the distance between the lens and the focused bright light, where the light forms the smallest bright spot on the paper.

2. Select a 6-inch length of PVC tube with an inside diameter equal to the outside diameter of your eyepiece. Amateur telescope eyepieces come with outside diameters of 0.965 inch, 1.25 inch and 2 inches.

3. Cut the 1 inch length of PVC tube in half, around the circumference, so that you have two ½ inch lengths. This PVC tube should have an outside diameter of 50 millimeters. Glue each ½ inch length of tube, using silicon glue, to each side of the 50-millimeter lens and allow it to dry. This forms the objective lens assembly.

4. Cut the long PVC tube that will be the telescope's optical tube (this is the tube that has a 50-millimeter inside diameter) so that it is ½ inch longer than the focal length of the 50-millimeter lens. Spray paint the inside of the tube. After the paint has dried, slide the lens assembly into one end of the telescope optical tube, using light sandpaper to remove any material necessary to allow the assembly to slide easily.

5. When you are sure the assembly will fit, remove it, apply PVC glue to the outside edges and reposition the assembly within the telescope tube so that the edge of the lens assembly is flush with the telescope tube assembly. When the PVC glue is dry, use matte black paint to touch up any exposed PVC tubing, taking care to keep paint off of the lens by covering it with masking tape. Remove the tape when the paint has dried.

6. Slide the 6-inch length of PVC tube that will hold the eyepiece into a 1-inch length of PVC tube. Do not glue this piece. The outside diameter of the 6-inch piece of PVC should equal the inside diameter of the piece of 1-inch PVC. Slide the first 1-inch length of PVC into a second, larger 1-inch length of PVC. (The inside diameter will be equal to the outside diameter of the previous piece.)

7. Continue building up the diameter of the PVC tubes until you have built a large ring with an outside diameter of 50 millimeters. Insert the whole group into the 50-millimeter telescope tube and glue it in place with PVC glue. Do not glue the 6-inch-long piece that holds the eyepiece.

8. Focus the telescope by inserting the eyepiece into the 6-inch length of PVC tubing and then moving the PVC tube in or out. Refocus when you change eyepieces.

Tags: length tube, outside diameter, inside diameter, objective lens, tube that, 1-inch length

Install A Motion Sensor Light Switch

Motion Sensor Switches Have Different Ranges

Motion sensor switches offer excellent energy-saving opportunities. Fifteen-, 30-, 60-minute and 24-hour timers are available depending on the one you prefer. The motion sensitivity can be either 150 or 180 degrees. This innovative way of saving energy will make a difference well worth the investment. Using these switches in the home or a business setting will allow you to start saving money immediately.


Install a Motion Sensor Light Switch

1. Turn the power off at the circuit box to the light switch you will be changing. If the breakers are not identified by labels in the circuit box, you will have to turn them off randomly until you find the right one.

2. Remove the wall plate from the switch you will be replacing. Using the circuit tester, test the switch to make sure there is no power.

3. Clip the wires on the old switch with wire cutters. Using the wire stripper, remove the plastic insulation from the ends of the black and white wires.

4. Connect the black wire on the motion sensor switch to the black wire coming from the outlet. Twist them together, and use a wire connector to hold them. Do the same with the red wire on the motion sensor, connecting it to the white wire coming from the wall.

The green wire and the yellow wire will not be used. They can be capped with a wire connector.

5. Put the wires back into the switch box carefully, and place the motion sensor in the switch box. Using the screws that came with the switch, attach the sensor to the outlet. Your new motion sensor is ready to use.

Tags: with wire, black wire, coming from, Install Motion, Install Motion Sensor, motion sensor, Motion Sensor Light

Replace Front Screen On Nextel I580

If you've been having problems with your i580 flip phone, you can open it and replace the screen yourself. Because of phone's flip design, it will take a little longer than it would on a phone without moving parts. But there's no need to be worried, because the whole process shouldn't take longer than a few minutes.


1. Turn off your i580 and remove the memory card from the slot on the right side of the phone. Turn the unit over, then remove the battery door and battery.

2. Remove the four screws from the corners of the battery compartment and remove the antenna on the top of the unit.

3. Lift the back housing off the unit and disconnect the thick ribbon cable holding it to the front of the unit. Set the back housing aside.

4. Unplug the ribbon cable connected to the top of the motherboard located in the front housing. Lift the motherboard out of the housing and set it aside.

5. Flip open the phone and insert the tip of your hobby knife in the seam where the screen cover meets the top of the phone. Work your way around the sides until the screen cover comes off. Set it aside.

6. Remove the six screws on the sides of the screen and then remove the screen frame.

7. Unplug the ribbon cable at the bottom of the screen and then remove the screen itself from the phone.

8. Fit a new screen in the old one's place and reverse the steps for reassembly.

Tags: ribbon cable, then remove, back housing, housing aside, longer than, remove screen, screen cover

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Install A Receiverbased Home Theater System

Before you can enjoy your home theater, you need to install it. Installations are tricky because there are a wealth of options on do it. This article will give you some ideas and insights into correctly install your receiver-based home theater system.


1. Analyze the room where your home theater will be located. Plan out where the wires will lay, which way the television will face, and how much space you actually have. Be sure electric outlets are nearby.

2. Remove all components from the box. Save the packing materials in case you have to return anything.

3. Lay out the RCA wires and speaker wires before you start setting up, and purchase more if necessary. There is nothing worse than starting installation on your home theater and finding out you don't have enough wires to get the job done.

4. Connect the VCR or DVD player to your receiver. Make sure to plug the color-corresponding wires into the "in" slots on the receiver, and the "out" slots from the VCR or DVD player.

5. Now connect your CD player or other audio components into the receiver. It will have labels on the rear, corresponding to the audio components.

6. Connect your television or projector to the receiver. Once again, you will need to use the red, white and yellow RCA cables to complete this step. Connect your TV's "audio out" to the home theatre receiver's "TV" or "Aux" input. The RCA cables will redirect your television's sound output through the receiver.

7. Set up all of your speakers. The center speaker should be right above your television, the left and right speakers to the side, the subwoofer below, and the surround speakers installed on the back wall.

8. Test your home theater using a new movie. Adjust settings and placement to meet your needs.

Tags: your home, your home theater, home theater, your television, audio components, Connect your, home theater

Connect & Use A Remote Video Security Camera

Installing a security camera can mean peace of mind.

A network camera lets homeowners monitor areas inside and out of their homes and grounds, transmitting live images of the chosen site that they can watch from any computer that has Internet access. Installing a security camera is simple, as long you pay attention to your user manuals. Your security camera's instructions will guide you in setting up an IP address for your camera feed. According to Home Security Guru, a web resource for home security: "Understanding basic home security best practices could mean the difference between keeping your home safe and becoming the victim of a break-in."


1. Choose the optimal location for your camera and mount it. Place it close to a power outlet and your wireless Internet router. The camera's cable will need to reach both. Your camera's mounting equipment will include a rod to connect to the camera, which attaches to a base. Screw the base to the wall with the screws that come with the camera mount, and connect the camera to the rod. Some camera models do not mount to a wall at all, but do nestle in a cradle like a phone. Setting up your camera's view after you have it connected to the Internet may take some trial and error.

2. Plug the camera's supplied A/C power cord into the outlet. Connect the network cable that comes with the router to the designated port on its back side. Plug its other end into the camera.

3. Install the software that came in your camera equipment package onto whatever computer you have connected to your router. This is to establish a connection with the camera. The procedure will vary, depending on your manufacturer and model, but will involve getting the camera's IP address from your manual or the body of the camera and entering it on the computer. Create passwords and user information as the computer prompts you to.

4. Go to a computer somewhere outside your home to test your ability to access the camera's live feed remotely. Type your camera's IP address into the browser bar. This should bring up your camera's menu. Enter your user name and your password when prompted. You can now watch your site from any computer.

5. Practice using your camera from a remote location. Depending on your camera's capacities, see your user manual to practice watching in real time, recording and storing video of the site, zooming, moving around corners, etc.

Tags: your camera, your user, camera address, camera mount, connect camera, from computer, have connected

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Wire Speakers In A Hyundi Sonata

The Hyundai Sonata sedan is equipped with a stereo and two sets of speakers--front door and rear deck. Audio enthusiasts who want to improve the car's sound system will often replace the speakers with higher-performance aftermarket models. When wiring new speakers into a Hyundai Sonata (or any other vehicle), it's important that the wiring is connected correctly. If the wires are not attached correctly, the performance of the sound system will suffer.


1. Disconnect the wiring from each of the factory speakers in the car. The factory speakers are connected to the car wiring with plugs that are specific to the factory speakers. Remove these plugs by cutting them off.

2. Strip the insulation from each wire lead so that 3/8 of an inch of bare wire is exposed.

3. Connect a slide terminal to each of the stripped wire leads by crimping it on with your crimp tool. Be sure the size of the slide terminals matches the size of your new speakers' terminals.

4. Examine your speakers and note which terminal is positive (+) and which is negative (-). This will be marked on or near the speakers' terminals.

5. Connect the speaker wires in the right front door to the speakers as follows: brown/yellow to positive; black/yellow to negative.

6. Connect the speaker wires in the left front door to the speakers as follows: brown/white to positive; black/white to negative.

7. Connect the speaker wires in the right rear deck to the speakers as follows: brown/white to positive; black/white to negative.

8. Connect the speaker wires in the left rear deck to the speakers as follows: brown/red to positive; black/red to negative.

Tags: Connect speaker, Connect speaker wires, follows brown, positive black, speaker wires, speakers follows, speakers follows brown

Format A Motorola K1 Microsd Card

With its abilities to store photos, play videos and music, the Motorola K1 is almost more of a portable media device than it is a cell phone. The one drawback to having all of those options is that they take up more space than your phone has the ability to store. Fortunately, the K1 is compatible with microSD memory cards, which give you a place to keep all of your photo, music and video files, as well as text messages that you can't stand to part with. Before you can do that, however, you will need to format the microSD memory card so that it works with your phone.


Install the MicroSD card

1. Turn the power off on your phone.

2. Remove the battery cover from the back of the Motorola K1 by pushing the release button near the top of the phone and sliding the cover off.

3. Place the metal connections of the microSD card facing down and slide the card in below the metal band that is located below the battery.

4. Replace the battery cover by sliding it back into place.

Format the MicroSD card

5. Press the center key, which is located in the middle of the circular navigation keys. The navigation keys are located in the center of the phone, below the phone's screen.

6. Use the navigation keys to scroll down to "Settings" and press the center key to select it. Scroll to "Phone Status" and press the center key.

7. Scroll to "Storage Devices" and press the center key. Scroll to your microSD card and press the center key.

8. Press the "left soft key" in the upper left corner of the keypad to select the "Options" menu.

9. Scroll down to "Format" and press the center key to complete the process.

Tags: navigation keys, press center, your phone, battery cover, center Scroll

Monday, April 15, 2013

Make Things Binocular Tripod

A binocular tripod can hold binoculars in a fixed position for extended observing.

Binoculars can be used by hunters, wildlife enthusiasts, hikers or campers to visualize prey or areas outside of normal eyesight limits. Extended viewing with binoculars can be difficult due to arm strain from holding your arms up and bent at various angles. A tripod can be purchased or built, and a pair of binoculars can be mounted onto it, for a steady viewing platform.


1. Measure, mark and cut a piece of metal closet rod that is three feet long. Mark three marks around the circumference of the rod that are approximately 2/5 inches apart. This will be the tripod body.

2. Draw horizontal lines along the length of the closet rod that originate at the marks from Step 1. The lines should be two feet long and start six inches from the top of the rod. These will be your tripod arm adjustment channels.

3. Stand an adjustment brace up against a flat surface. Hammer one end of each brace until it forms a 90-degree angle to the main body of the brace.

4. Slide a screw into the tripod body, and push the threaded section of the screw through one of the adjustment channels. Slide the unbent end of one support brace over the screw. Secure the brace into position using a nut. Repeat this process with the remaining screws, two support braces and nuts.

5. Coat the top of the tripod body with a thin layer of super glue. Slide one piece of the flange set over the top of the tripod body. Allow the glue to dry.

6. Measure, mark and cut a two-inch piece of 2-inch-by-2-inch lumber. Center this piece over the flange. Secure the lumber to the flange using screws threaded through the three holes in the flange.

7. Drill a ½-inch deep hole in one side of the lumber piece. The hole should be vertically and horizontally centered.

8. Squeeze a small amount of glue into the hole. Insert the head of the ¼-inch bolt into the hole and allow the glue to dry.

Tags: tripod body, adjustment channels, closet that, feet long, into hole, Measure mark

Replace A Standard Car Radio Antenna

When that old antenna has given up the ghost, a car audio retailer can sell and install a new one. If you're game, however, follow the steps below to do it yourself.


Removing the Original Antenna

1. Determine where you will gain access to the antenna (see the Tips).

2. Using a wrench or needle-nose pliers, loosen and remove the original retaining nut on the base of the antenna mast, which houses the antenna.

3. Remove the mast.

4. Gain access to the underside of the area where the antenna is located.

5. Pull out the antenna coaxial cable, the thick wire that connects the antenna to the interior of the car.

6. Unplug the coaxial cable from the extension coaxial cable, a second cable that completes the connection from the antenna to the radio. If the distance from the antenna mount to the radio is short, there may be no extension coaxial. In that case, unplug the coaxial from the antenna lead in the back of the radio.

7. Remove the original antenna coaxial cable, noting the route the cable follows.

Installing the New Antenna

8. Read the instructions that come with the new antenna.

9. Inspect the fender area, where the antenna mast will be mounted, for rust.

10. Clean the area before installing the new antenna.

11. Plug the new antenna coaxial cable into the extension coaxial cable. (On some General Motors and Ford cars, you may need an adapter to mate the two cables. Car audio retail stores sell such adapters.)

12. Plug the new antenna's coaxial cable into the antenna lead of the radio, if there is no extension coaxial cable. Tie or tape the string you put on the extension cable to the new antenna coaxial cable. This step assures that the two cables will stay together as you route them to the antenna mount in the fender.

13. Direct the new antenna cable through the route of the original antenna cable, on up to the hole in the fender in which the mast will be mounted.

14. Insert the mast into the hole from above and screw it into the coaxial cable.

15. Replace the retainer nut at the base of the antenna mast and tighten securely.

16. Replace the panel that covers the antenna mount area.

Tags: coaxial cable, antenna coaxial, antenna coaxial cable, extension coaxial, antenna mast, antenna mount, extension coaxial cable

Fix Broken Tail Light Seals

Sometimes you need to replace your tail light seals.

If the seal around your tail light is not working properly, you can get dirt, rain, little critters and various other debris inside your trunk. By learning remove the old broken seal and apply a new seal, you should be able to rectify this problem. There are several sealer options that you can choose from, such as butyl tape, liquid adhesive or sealant gel. You can purchase all of these sealants at an auto parts store.


1. Loosen your tail lights by opening the trunk or tailgate. Then use a Phillips screwdriver or socket wrench to remove the screws or bolts that hold your tail light into place. You can leave the wiring connected during the cleaning process or you can grab the wiring connector at the back of the tail light and pull it directly away from the tail light assembly.

2. Remove as much of the old tail light seal with your hands. Scrape the rest off with a hard edge plastic scraper and a plastic scouring pad. Finish cleaning the area with a cleaner such as Goo Gone and a shop rag. Allow the area to dry thoroughly.

3. Apply the butyl tape, weatherstrip adhesive such as 3M, or liquid seal such as Permatex according to the product instructions. Immediately after applying the product to the surface around the tail light, put the tail light assembly back into place and secure it there with a clamp for at least 10 minutes or time specified on the product. This will help ensure it gets a good bond between the two surfaces.

4. Replace the screws or bolts that you removed in step 1 while you are waiting for the sealant to adhere. Reconnect the wiring as well (if you disconnected it) but make sure you do not disturb the adhering process when you do so.

5. Remove the clamp after 10 minutes or longer if the product specified a certain amount of time.

Tags: tail light, your tail, your tail light, bolts that, butyl tape, into place

Friday, April 12, 2013

Enlarge Pictures With Megapixels

Enlarge Pictures With Megapixels

Current digital-camera models have tremendous capability. The top-of-the-range models have the ability to produce large image files, which in turn allows the photographer to make large, high-quality prints based on the native resolution, or number of pixels, in the original file. However, sometimes the native resolution of an image isn't large enough, or the image has been cropped or resized and the number of pixels is too small to produce a print. Using photo-editing software, it is possible to enlarge a photo based on the number of pixels, creating a larger version of the image.


1. Determine what type of photo-editing software you have access to. High-end editing software suites, such as Adobe Photoshop, use a complex algorithm to enlarge your photo. This is called reinterpolation, which means that the software will examine the existing pixels and make a decision on enlarge the photo while keeping the same quality. Photoshop offers several options for reinterpolation, since different images may have different requirements.

2. Open your photo in your photo-editing software. This procedure will vary based on what type of software is being used. Open the software, then select the "Open" option and select your photo. This will bring the photo up on your screen.

3. Select the option to resize your image. In many editing suites, this will bring up a dialogue box showing the current number of megapixels and the image size. Enter the desired number of pixels into the box. Be aware that entering numbers may change the dimensions of your photo unless your program offers the option of keeping the current dimensions. If the ratio is not kept, the photo may be distorted. Once the desired number of pixels is entered, confirm your decision and allow the software to enlarge your picture.

4. View the finished result. Enlarging pictures can sometimes lead to a loss of contrast around the edges or blurring. Many programs, such as Photoshop, offer sharpening filters. These tools use another complex algorithm to refine the edges of color areas, presenting a more defined image with sharper contrast.

5. Save the newly enlarged image.

Tags: number pixels, your photo, photo-editing software, complex algorithm, desired number, desired number pixels

Set Up A Blackberry Pearl

You finally broke down and ordered a Blackberry. Pretty soon, this pretty box with all kinds of miscellaneous parts arrives at your house, and now it is time to assemble you Blackberry and get it in working order. It may seem overwhelming, but it really is simple to get this Smartphone up and running.


1. Install your SIM chip if you are on a GSM network. Take the SIM chip out of your old phone. Take off the battery door and look for your SIM card door. Slide the holder to the unlocked position, line up your SIM card, insert the SIM in the door and lock it into place. Now all your content from your old phone should be on your Blackberry. If you have CDMA phone, they do not use SIM cards; you will need to wait until your battery is installed before you can import your contacts.

2. Install the battery. Remove the battery from the shrink wrap. When you look at the battery, it will be pretty obvious how it needs to go in. Line up the pins at the bottom of the battery bay with the pins on the bottom of the battery. Load that end first, and the rest of the battery should just snap into place. Replace the battery cover.

3. Activate it. Use your online activation or call your provider to have service turned on to your Blackberry.

4. Charge it. Plug your phone in to your charger. The batter will come with a little bit of a charge, but it won’t get you far. The good news is these batteries charge up quickly. Even a completely dead battery will charge up in a few hours.

5. Boot it up. Press the "Power" button and wait for the phone’s software to boot up. This will take a minute or two, so do not be alarmed when you are greeted by the flipping hourglass--your phone is not broken, it just takes the operating system a bit to warm up.

6. Take a CDMA phone in to a carrier store. If you have a CDMA phone (you will not have a SIM card), take your Blackberry and your old phone to one of your wireless carrier’s stores. They will transfer your contacts and pictures over for you. If you have a lot of contacts, this might take a while.

7. Set up your BIS. Go to your carrier’s Blackberry site. You will need to get your PIN and your ESN number for your phone. You can find this info under the battery or by going to the icon on your menu that looks like a wrench. That is your options menu. Select "Status" and the PIN and ESN should be listed there. Once you are on the website, select "Create an account." Put in your PIN and ESN number, then select the user name you will be using for your phone. From here you will be able to set up the email, reply-to fields, signature and other email preferences.

8. Personalize it. Check out the applications available on the Blackberry and Blackberry user sites. Some applications will be free; others will have a small charge. You can also download ring tones and wall papers off the fan sites (see Resources below).

Tags: your phone, CDMA phone, your Blackberry, battery will, bottom battery, have CDMA

Thursday, April 11, 2013

When To Use A Polarizer Camera Lens

A polarizing camera filter is a special attachment put on the end of the lens that affects the way light hits the camera sensor. A polarizing camera lens filter is made of two slices of glass, one that rotates and the other that doesn't. There are two types of polarizing filters: circular and linear. Linear polarizing lenses work best with manual focus cameras, while circular lenses are preferred for auto focus cameras. A polarizing camera lens filter has three main effects: to saturate colors, to reduce reflection, and to limit light.

Saturating colors

A polarizing lens filter saturates the colors in an image. Polarizing lens filters work best when they are pointed perpendicular to the sun's light. The amount of contrast can be increased or decreased by turning the filter up to 180 degrees. Any more than this simply repeats the already seen effects. This filter also leaves whites unchanged, which increases the contrast in the image. One of the most dramatic effects of using a polarizing lens filter is darkening blue skies while leaving the white clouds untouched.

Reducing reflection

Another powerful effect of a polarizing lens filter is its ability to reduce reflection in a photo. This effect is particularly useful when shooting through glass or into water. For example, using a polarizing lens filter allows you to take a picture of a fish in a tank that focused on the fish rather than your reflection. This effect is most effective when the camera is aimed perpendicular to the reflective surface. If you were to take a picture looking straight down at a river, for example, the water would be clear. The limitation of this filter is that it will not reduce glare from metallic surfaces.

Limiting light

The polarizing lens filter also limits the amount light that gets to the sensor by between a stop and a half to two stops. This can be beneficial because allowing in less light can decrease the shutter speed of the camera, which can be used for special effects photos, such as a photo of a rushing river. However, the camera cannot stop high-speed action, such as athletic events, as well as without the filter.


The polarizing camera lens filter is not without its drawbacks. Because it is made of two pieces of glass, a polarizing camera lens filter is thicker than other lenses and can cause distortion on the edges of photos. Also, polarization can be uneven, so sometimes there will be great variation of the colors in the photo---in the colors of the sky, for instance.

Tags: lens filter, polarizing camera, polarizing lens filter, camera lens, camera lens filter

No Signal After Installing A Converter Box

If you're not receiving a signal after installing a digital converter box to a TV set, you can check several things. Before anything else, check your connections to make sure everything is properly hooked up. Following this, you should execute a "Channel Scan." This operation is what programs the converter box to pick up the over-the-air TV channels. If the box is not programmed for your local broadcast area, it won't pick up any of the local TV channels. Finally, if nothing else works, you should experiment with the TV antenna.


Check Your Connections

1. Verify that the TV antenna is connected to the converter box's "RF In" port (sometimes labeled "Ant In" or "Antenna In").

2. Confirm that the output from the converter box goes to the corresponding input on the TV set. If a coaxial cable was used to make this connection, this means there's a coaxial cable connecting the converter box's "RF Out" port to the TV set's "RF In" port. If a set of A/V cables was used to make this connection, one end of each (of the three) A/V cables should be connected to the converter box "A/V Out" jack that matches its color (red plug to red jack, white plug to white jack and yellow plug to yellow jack). The other end of each A/V cable should be connected to the matching "A/V In" jack on the TV.

3. Make sure the TV is set to Channel 3 if a coaxial cable was used to connect the converter box to the TV.

4. Use the "Input" button on the TV remote control to make sure you have the TV set to the proper video input channel. If you used a coaxial cable to connect the converter box to the TV, the input channel should be set to the RF source. If you used A/V cables to connect the converter box to the TV, the input channel should be set to the proper A/V source.

Perform a Channel Scan

5. Press "Menu" on the converter box remote control.

6. Locate and select the "Channel Scan" option.

7. Wait for the channel scan complete. You should see a meter bar on the TV monitor indicating how much of the scan has been completed. The scan is complete when the meter bar reaches 100 percent.

Experiment with the TV Antenna

8. Try changing the position of the TV antenna and performing another channel scan. Raise the antenna above reflective surfaces (such as a refrigerator or anything metallic) to avoid "multi-path interference" reception problems. Move the antenna closer to a window. Sometimes, simply changing the angle of the antenna is all that's needed.

9. Invest in a higher quality indoor antenna. Digital broadcast signals do not travel as far as analog broadcast signals. A weak signal could be the problem. The TV antenna that you used to pick up analog TV signals might not work as well for picking up digital TV signals.

10. Consider purchasing an outdoor TV antenna if you're still experiencing reception problems even after purchasing a high-quality indoor antenna.

Tags: coaxial cable, Channel Scan, connect converter, input channel, antenna that