The speed of a projectile object describes the distance that object is moving and how long it takes for that movement to be complete. For example, if you throw a ball across your yard and it takes 2 seconds to travel 15 meters, the speed of that projectile can be found by dividing the time traveled by the distance traveled. You can find these measurements with a tape measure, a stop watch and a calculator.
1. Use a stop watch to find the amount of time it takes for your projectile to get from its point of origin to its destination. The point of origin is the position it's at before it starts moving, and the destination is the point it's at once it stops moving. For example, if your projectile is a basketball and you roll it across your driveway, the origin would be the point where you stood when you rolled the basketball and the destination would be where the basketball stopped moving. Find this in seconds.
2. Use a tape measure to find the exact distance, in feet, between the two points identified in "Step 1." For a basketball, measure the distance between the point where you rolled the basketball and the point where it stopped moving.
3. Divide the distance number from "Step 2" by the time number in "Step 1." If you rolled a basketball across your yard 50 feet and it took 5 seconds to get from "A" to "B," 50 divided by 5 is the speed of 10 feet per second for your projectile.
Tags: across your, point where, rolled basketball, your projectile, across your yard
The Epson Stylus Photo 1290 is a small computer printer that can fabricate normal color images and photos. When the ink runs low, an error message appears and it will not go away until a new print head is installed. Replacing the print head takes about two minutes, with one minute used for charging the ink.
1. Turn on the printer.
2. Flip the output tray down and lift the top cover.
3. Press the ink cartridge replacement button on the front of the printer and the print head carrier will move to an accessible position inside the printer. When you press this button, the lights on the printer will flash. If the error light flashes at the same time as the power light, change the black print head. If the lights flash at different times, change the color print head.
4. Lift the lid on the carrier and the print head will pop out. Remove it from the carrier.
5. Remove the tape from the new print head.
6. Insert the new print head into its carrier with the electronic contact facing the inside of the printer.
7. Close the lid on the carrier.
8. Press the ink cartridge replacement button on the front of the printer and the printer will charge the ink. The power light will flash until the ink is fully charged. When the charging is complete and the light stops flashing, close the top cover. The printer is now ready for use.
When you buy a universal remote control to replace a lost or dog-chewed remote, it will have a printed list of codes included for many brands of home entertainment devices. You simply program the remote with the correct code, and the remote should control your device. Sometimes a particularly unusual TV or home entertainment device might not be on the supplied list. In that case, you can use the remote to search for the code.
1. Turn on your TV.
2. Press TV once on the remote control. The remote's TV indicator light will flash once.
3. Press and hold the Setup button until the TV key flashes twice.
4. Enter the digits 991 in sequence.
5. Point the remote at the TV and press the Power button once.
6. Press and release the Channel Up key continually until the TV powers off. When the TV powers off, you will have discovered the code that works for this particular TV. The remote will have sent infrared codes to the TV every time you pressed the Channel Up button. It starts with the most popular codes.
7. Press Power, and the TV should turn on.
8. Press Setup to lock in the code.
Tags: will have, home entertainment, once Press, remote control, remote will, remote will have
Pond fish, such as goldfish, require clean water for survival.
If you find your pond water is starting to look more like pea soup than a crystal clear oasis, it may be time to start thinking about some pond filter solutions. If your pond contains fish, it is especially important to keep the water clean. There are a number of ways to filter your pond water, including mechanical and biological, so choosing the right option for you comes down to a combination of personal preference and tailoring your filtration to the issue you are facing.
Aquatic Plants
If you have a small pond that is not located in direct sunlight, you may be able to get by with just a few aquatic plants for filtration. Aquatic plants, such as water hyacinths, will use dissolved nutrients in the pond water to grow while providing additional shade for the pond and inhibiting the growth of algae. A pond with limited direct sunlight for no more than an hour or two per day can stay crystal clear by being half covered by aquatic plants. As an added bonus, plants with dense root systems, like water hyacinths, provide a hiding place and snacks for your fish.
Biological Filter
If you are facing a mild to moderate pond water quality issue, meaning your water is somewhat cloudy and is receiving a few hours of direct sunlight each day, you may want to opt for a biological filter. A biological filter takes advantage of naturally occurring bacteria and microorganisms that consume dissolved debris. A biological filter is one that allows accumulated material to remain in the filter and be broken down by bacteria, limiting the need for filter changes and servicing.
Mechanical Filter
If your pond water is moderately to severely suffering from water quality issues, meaning you have had fish die off and the water consistency has changed to a slightly thicker, algae-filled mess, you may want to opt for a mechanical filtration system with a changeable filter for water treatment. If you have fish, make sure the filter and its water treatment components are fish-friendly, and change your filter often for the first few days until your water quality improves.
UV Treatment
The final option to consider for your pond is a UV filtration system. This type of filtration system uses ultraviolet light to inhibit algae growth. The UV light is contained within a filter-like device where water flows by a lamp that irradiates the water and kills the algae. This is a worthwhile method if your pond is exposed to long periods of sunlight and there have been one or more algae blooms. It can take some time for a UV filtration system to completely eradicate the algae, and you should change out the water if your pond does not contain fish or they have already died off.
Tags: your pond, pond water, filtration system, direct sunlight, water quality, your pond water, aquatic plants
You can process slide film at home using a E6 processing kit.
Processing slide film at home is process of following specific steps, using specific chemicals mixed at the correct temperature and for the specified period of time. If there is any variance in time or temperature, the results will change. If you use wrong chemical while processing slide film, also known as E6, it may render the film useless. The equipment for processing slide film is the same as other 35mm film, and chemicals for development can be purchased at most camera stores. The chemicals come in a kit, and usually contain enough to develop two rolls of film.
1. Mix the solutions you will use to develop your E6 film. Store them in containers, and number them step one through to step seven, so you can easily identify them when you are developing the film. It is important to prepare the solutions at the temperatures indicated with the instructions.
2. Load the film onto the reels.This has to be in complete darkness. If you have a room in your house that has no windows, that will work well. If there is any light seepage, plug any holes with towels and dark tape. Or you can wait till nighttime and ensure all the lights near the room are off as well. Another option is using a changing bag. With a changing bag you put all the items you need into a double-zipped compartment, your arms go through two openings and you load the film inside the light proof bag.
3. Place loaded reels into the tank and secure the lid. At this point you can turn on the lights or remove from the bag.
4. Pour the premixed "first developer" through the light-tight opening in the top of the processing tank. Set your timer for six minutes. Agitate the tank using quarter turns as you hold tank. Do this continuously for the first 30 seconds, tap the tank on a counter to release air bubbles off of the film. Let the tank sit for 25 seconds, agitate again for five seconds. Repeat this process for the entire six minutes. Pour out the chemical.
5. Wash the film still inside the tank with fresh water at 100 degrees for two minutes. Pour out the water.
6. Pour the premixed "reversal bath" solution in the tank, again through the top opening/ Set the timer for two minutes. Agitate for 15 second. Tap the tank to remove air bubbles and let the tank sit for the remainder of the time. Pour out the used chemical.
7. Pour the premixed "color developer" into the tank. Set your timer for six minutes and agitatethe first 30 seconds, then for five seconds each half minute for the entire six minutes. Pour out the used chemical.
8. Pour the premixed "pre bleach" solution into the tank. Set your timer for two minutes and agitate for the first 30 seconds, then for five seconds every half minute for the remaining time. Pour out the chemical.
9. Pour the premixed "bleach" solution into the tank. Set the timer for six minutes, agitate first 30 seconds, then for five seconds every half minute for the remaining time. Pour out the used chemical.
10. Pour the premixed "fixer" solution into the tank. Set the timer for four minute. Agitate for the first 30 seconds, then for five seconds every half minute for the remaining time. Pour out the used chemical.
11. Wash the film while it is still inside the tank with room temperature fresh water for six minutes. Pour out the water from the tank.
12. Pour the premixed "final rinse" solution into the tank. Set the timer for one minute and gently agitate the entire time. Pour out.
13. Take the reels from the tank, and remove the film from the reels. Ideally this is done in a dust-free room, or as dust-free as possible. Hang the film to dry for two hours, placing a clip at the end of the roll to straighten the film.
14. Cut the film into strips of five or six images and insert into archival sleeves for storage.
Tags: Pour premixed, into tank, first seconds, five seconds, time Pour, timer minutes, chemical Pour
Unlike birthdays and sometimes weddings, graduations tend to be once in a lifetime events that mark the close of one stage of life and the beginning of another. Capture that special event of someone you care for with pictures that you'll be able to cherish forever. Follow these steps to take great pictures at a graduation ceremony.
1. Prepare your camera for the big day. Remember to load fresh batteries into your camera and bring some spares just in case. If you're shooting digital, make certain your memory card is empty and large enough. If you're shooting film, bring enough film.
2. Take advantage of great picture moments with lots of pictures. You'll want shots of your graduate, friends and family and the setting. Many things limit your picture taking ability at a graduation ceremony. You might not be able to get close to the stage or perhaps flash photography won't be allowed during the ceremony.
3. Use a flash when necessary. You might think flashes are only for indoors, but sometimes a bright sun at an outdoor graduation ceremony casts deep shadows. When this happens, move in close and turn on the flash.
4. Move in close. Shooting within a few feet allows you to capture the emotion of the occasion, whether it's the glee in the graduate's smile or the dampness in Mom's eyes.
5. Check your point of view and the background. If possible, get on the same level as the graduate or even kneel so that you're looking up at him. Busy backgrounds take away from your subjects. Find a solid color (although not black) curtain or wall to stand your subjects in front of at a graduation ceremony.
6. Take pictures at after parties. Any nervousness has vanished. Limit posed pictures. Take candid photos of people talking, hugging and goofing off.
Tags: graduation ceremony, close stage, your camera, your subjects
In the past, if you wanted to have your pictures on a CD, you'd have to have a photo lab do it for you. Now you can do it quickly and easily at home without any additional software. This tutorial shows you use the Windows CD Writing Wizard on a Windows PC to burn digital pictures to a CD.
1. Save the images you wish to burn to a CD in their own folder on your computer.
2. Open the folder where the images are located.
3. Insert a blank CD into the recordable disc drive on your computer.
4. Choose 'Open Writable CD Folder' when a window pops up asking what you would like to do with the CD. You should now have two windows open on your desktop: this one, and the folder of your images.
5. Go to "Edit," then "Select All" on the menu bar of the folder containing your images.
6. Click on the selected images and drag them into the writable CD folder.
7. Select "Write these files to a CD" beneath "CD Writing Tasks" on the left side of the window.
8. Name the CD when requested to do so, then click "Next."
9. Allow the CD writer to complete the burning process, then remove the CD from the drive.
Digital cameras use simple principle to render complex images.
A few decades ago, digital cameras were the stuff of science fiction, gadgets whose image-capturing abilities bordered on magic. Now they're commonplace in our modern society, so cheap and effective that they threaten to make film cameras obsolete. How do these photographic marvels work?
Digital cameras expose their sensors the same way conventional cameras expose film. Light is focused through a lens containing a variable iris, a circular curtain that controls the amount of light passing through the lens. A shutter opens to allow the focused light to shine onto the sensor for a precise amount of time.
The Bayer Array
Before the light can impact the sensor, it passes through a grid of colored filters called a Bayer array. The Bayer array is made up of red, green and blue filters arranged in a checkerboard-like pattern. Because our eyes are more sensitive to green light, there are more green filters than red or blue. These filters keep light that is not the appropriate color from hitting the sensor, allowing the light that does get through to be sorted into the three primary colors.
The Sensor
The sensor records how much light falls through each part of the Bayer array. The sensor has no concept of color; it simply sorts through the information it is given, the way a bank teller might separate coins without regard to their total value.
Bayer Demosaicing
The camera's computer compiles an image from the sensor's data through a process called Bayer demosaicing. This process records the intensity of each primary color for each pixel (meaning "picture element"), resulting in a mix that potentially includes more than 16 million possible colors.
Writing Files
Each pixel is written to the camera's memory card as a series of ones and zeros that correspond to its primary color values. If the camera delivers "RAW" images, this string of ones and zeros will be left uncompressed. However, if the camera delivers "JPEG" images, the camera's computer will compress the string of numbers and throw out redundant values, greatly reducing file size.
Tags: Bayer array, called Bayer, camera computer, camera delivers, cameras expose, Digital cameras
LED lights can prove useful in several applications.
Light emitting diodes (LEDs) require little power and can prove useful in many tasks, from large signs to small model sets. Many lights you can obtain from a model shop have wires preconnected for you to hook up to a battery. A 9-volt battery is the best to use with these lights because you can easily connect it through an insulated battery strap with the right terminal. The project simply involves connecting the light wires to the strap wires.
1. Twist all the red wires attached to the LED set to the single red wire connected to a battery strap. You should have one red wire for each light, which functions as the power wire.
2. Connect all black wires on the lights to the black wire on the strap using the same twisting method. This step completes the ground connection for all the lights.
3. Wrap electrical tape around the red wire connections and then the black ones, taking care that none of the reds touch the blacks. (Soldering is another more permanent method.)
4. Connect the snap cap on the battery strap to your 9-volt battery; the cap has two clamps specifically designed for this battery's positive and negative terminals. The lights should come on once you connect the battery.
Connecting speaker wire correctly to a car amp takes only a few minutes with a screwdriver and a pair of wire strippers. While the connections are simple, doing the job the right way is important to prevent burning out the amp, speaker or both. Additionally, a wiring mistake can cross the stereo signal and result in inferior sound.
1. Disconnect the amplifier from the car battery by detaching the cable attached to the amp or by removing the negative cable and clamp from the battery's negative post. The negative cable is usually black. Look for the minus (-) sign on the top of the battery next to the negative post.
2. Strip 1/2-inch of insulation from the speaker wires. You'll need two lengths of wire, each containing two attached wires, to connect a pair of stereo speakers in your car.
3. Loosen the terminals on the back of your amplifier with a screwdriver.
4. Wrap the bare speaker wires around the terminal posts on the amplifier by connecting the red wires to the positive (+) terminals and the black wires to the negative (-) terminals on the left and right channel connections on back of the amp. If your wire insulation is a different color, just make sure to connect the same wire colors to the positive terminals and the same wire colors to the negative terminals on the amp and your speakers.
5. Tighten the wire terminals on the amp with a screwdriver.
6. Run the wires for the left channel to the left stereo speaker, and the other pair of wires to the right speaker.
7. Reconnect the amp to the battery or the negative clamp to the battery post.
Tags: with screwdriver, back your, battery negative, from battery, negative cable, negative post, negative terminals
Keeping your camera clean is the key to clear, crisp photos. Dust, dirt and smudges can collect on your camera lens, which then causes the image to look grainy from the dirt. If you get dust or other debris inside of your camera, it can cause the camera to malfunction or not to work as you expected. Clean your camera gently to avoid damaging any delicate parts.
Cleaning the Lens
The delicate lens of your camera is prone to scratches, so you must clean it gently. Do not use abrasive cleaners on the lens, as they can damage it. Avoid using any moisture at all if possible, since moisture can seep through the area surrounding the lens and cause problems. Use a soft microfiber cloth to gently wipe the lens free of dirt, smudges and dust.
Cleaning the Sensor
When removing or switching the lens, you make the sensor in the camera vulnerable to damage and dirt. Switch lenses quickly to avoid harm and keep the sensor pointed down to keep dust from falling in. To clean the sensor, gently squeeze a camera-cleaning bulb so that the air is directed into the sensor area. The air will move any dirt or dust that is resting on the sensor. Read through the owner's manual to determine if your camera manufacturer recommends a particular method of sensor cleaning.
Cleaning Film Cameras
When you open a film camera to switch the film, you leave a large area of the camera open to dust and dirt. To clean this area, swipe it gently with a dry microfiber cloth or blow it gently with air using a bulb. Take care not to touch or get your cleaning materials near the shutters, since they are very delicate.
Cleaning Supplies to Avoid
Harsh cleaners can damage your camera, so don't use anything that is not advised by the manufacturer. Compressed air may seem convenient to clean small parts of the camera, but the air flow may be too powerful and can damage delicate parts. Don't use water to clean the camera unless the manufacturer suggests that technique, because you don't want excess moisture in the camera's electronic parts.
Tags: your camera, camera gently, Clean your, Clean your camera, delicate parts, dirt dust
If you would like to save money by not having to buy a dedicated CCTV monitor you can turn any TV into a monitor for your CCTV security system. If you have a TV with RCA type video input, the process is relatively easy. The output from a CCTV camera is one volt peak-to-peak; this is the same voltage a TV RCA video input requires.
TVs With RCA Video Input
1. Plug the BNC to RCA adapter into your camera or video recorder output.
2. Plug the other end into your TV video input.
3. Turn on your TV and use the remote control to set the video input mode to "Aux 1" or "Aux 2." You will see the signal from your recorder or camera.
TVs Without RCA Inputs
4. Plug the BNC to RCA adapter into your camera or video recorder output.
5. Plug the other end of the adapter into the RF modulator input.
6. Plug the RG-6 coaxial cable into the RF modulator output and the other end into your TV cable or antenna input.
7. Switch the RF modulator to channel three or four and power on the RF modulator.
8. Turn on your TV and change the channel to the channel you set on the RF modulator unit. You will see the signal from your recorder or camera.
Tags: into your, video input, adapter into, adapter into your, camera video
Installing ceiling planks is a simple but tedious task that can place a great deal of strain on the neck and back. With the proper tools, material and instruction a clean looking job will be attainable. It is important that all wood used in the project is dry, free from defects and high quality.
1. Locate all of the ceiling joists in the room with a stud finder. Snap the placement of the joists with chalk lines.
2. Install the furring beginning with the first strip along the edge of the wall perpendicular with the ceiling joists. Use two 8d nails at each joist to securely fix the furring to the joists.
3. Continue installing furring strips parallel to the next 12'' on center. Use a carpenter's level on each furring strip to ensure they're level.
4. Slide a shim piece between the ceiling and any uneven parts of the furring strips. Saw off the end of the strip with a hand saw.
5. Measure the length of the room and divide the length by 6", then add 6" to the remainder. Divide this sum by two and this will be the width the first row needs to be cut lengthwise. Cut the first row of planks to equal these measurements.
6. Nail the ceiling planks to the furring beginning with right hand corner of the room and work from right to left. Place nails in the flange of the planks where it crosses a furring and nail on the ends of the plank. Stagger each row of planks by 12" so the seams do not line up. It works best to begin each row with a plank that is 12" longer or shorter than the previous plank. Ensure that all planks begin and end on furring to add extra support and allow for nailing.
7. Nail the edge planks as close to the wall using 3d nails so that they will be covered by the molding. Cut out any openings in the ceiling for light fixtures.
8. Cut molding strips to equal the circumference of the room. Install molding around the edges of the ceiling ensuring to nail at least every 24 inches.
Nady Systems Inc. manufactures wireless microphones and musical instrument systems in UHF and VHF formats. Differences of Nady UHF vs. VHF wireless systems are primarily situational -- with both types bearing pros and cons -- so users must evaluate current and future performance needs to determine the right type of Nady wireless system.
Wireless System Frequencies
Wireless mic and musical instrument systems emit broadcast radio signals through channel frequency bands set by the Federal Communications Commission. Very High Frequency wireless systems function within 150MHz to 216MHz band ranges, and Ultra High Fequency models function within 470MHz to 698MHz ranges. The wider UHF frequency range allows more wireless channel choices over VHF for flexibility and improved operation under less than ideal conditions. Wireless challenges include outside radio frequency interference and physical barriers that may infringe upon or inhibit the wireless device's operating frequency.
Nady UHF Wireless Facts
UHF wireless systems by Nady and other manufacturers are more expensive due to the inherent complexity and number of UHF frequency ranges. UHF systems offer an improvement through frequency absorbing or deflecting obstacles over VHF, employ more compact antennas and allow channel-switching capability for avoidance of competing radio devices on the same frequency.
Nady VHF Wireless Facts
VHF wireless systems are less costly than UHF systems, but offer less frequency channel ranges. VHF systems operate best when there are no obstacles between the source transmitter and wireless receiver, and employ manufacturer selected frequencies within VHF band ranges. Because of the relative simplicity of VHF wireless units compared with UHF, transmitter battery life and system noise reduction improve.
VHF vs. UHF Conclusion
The choice of Nady VHF vs. UHF wireless units hinges on venue type, desired system flexibility and cost. For wireless users performing in one or several locations known to be free of transmitter-to-receiver obstacles and limited outside radio interference, VHF systems are a logical and cost-effective choice. Traveling users who perform in many locations where physical obstructions, radio interference and optimum operating frequency bands are unknown will appreciate the benefits of UHF wireless systems.
Tags: wireless systems, Nady Wireless, Nady wireless, band ranges, Facts wireless, Facts wireless systems, frequency bands
iPods are portable music devices that let you listen to music while you're on the go. Opt to give your radio a break by connecting your iPod to your car stereo. If you drive a 2005 Volkwagen Jetta, you have two options for connecting your iPod. Your Jetta does not come with an AUX jack but you can use either a cassette adapter or an FM transmitter. In either case, installation is quick and simple.
Cassette Adapter
1. Power on your stereo. The factory stereo in your Jetta will not accept cassettes with the stereo powered off.
2. Insert the cassette adapter into the tape deck with the cord facing you.
3. Press the button labeled "tape side" on your stereo to flip your cassette to side B. You will know the tape is on side B because an indicator will appear on the stereo screen.
4. Insert the adapter plug into your iPod ear jack. Power on your iPod and your music will play through the Jetta's speakers.
FM Transmitter
5. Plug the FM transmitter into the lighter socket located beneath the Jetta's stereo.
6. Remove the "3.5" jack from the FM transmitter installation kit. Plug the jack into the transmitter, then into your iPod ear jack.
7. Turn on your iPod and the Jetta's FM stereo. Click "Play" on your iPod. Tune your radio to the lowest settings on the dial using the tuner knob. Browse through stations until you hear your iPod music playing. The transmitter typically configures automatically to transmit on the lowest unused channel available on your FM radio.
Tags: your iPod, your radio, your stereo, cassette adapter, connecting your, connecting your iPod
Taking digital photos outdoors. Automatic exposure works for most settings outdoors, but if your camera allows manual adjustment, overriding the automatic control helps in some lighting conditions.
1. Use automatic exposure for most outdoor scenes.
2. Override automatic exposure when the scene is much lighter or darker than middle gray.
3. Increase exposure to lighten a scene; decrease exposure to darken a scene.
4. Override automatic exposure when the sun is behind or on one side of the scene to be shot.
5. Override automatic exposure when light reflects off of bright sand or snow.
6. Experiment with overriding automatic exposure for high-contrast scenes.
7. Use a light meter to determine the appropriate aperture setting and shutter speed.
8. Adjust the aperture setting and shutter speed in small steps.
9. Shoot a picture and preview it to evaluate settings. Adjust as necessary and shoot again.
10. Try shooting from several angles; you can delete the worst choices on the spot.
Your HP DV6000 CTO notebook PC comes loaded with the Windows XP operating system. Windows XP allows you to capture screenshots on your computer in a way that cannot be done on older Windows systems. Although your DV6000 CTO notebook contains this updated feature for capturing screenshots, you can still use the traditional method. Both methods will only take a few seconds to complete.
1. Launch an Internet browser of your choice. Open the Web page you would like to take a screenshot of.
2. Press the "Alt" + "Fn" and "Prt Sc" keys simultaneously on your keyboard.
3. Open a word-processing program on your HP DV6000 if you want to save the screenshot in a text document. Examples of word-processing programs you can use are Microsoft Word and Open Office. If you want to save the screenshot as an image file instead of a word document, open an image-editing program such as Microsoft Paint or Photoshop.
4. Press "Ctrl" and "V" simultaneously on your keyboard. This will paste your screenshot inside of the word-processing or image-editing program.
5. Click "File" and "Save As" from the top menu bar. Give your screenshot a file name that you can remember. Click the "OK" button to save the screenshot.
6. Use the built-in Windows XP "Snipping Tool" if you don't want to use the print screen method to capture a screenshot. To use the XP snipping tool, click on your Windows "Start" button. Type "Snipping Tool" in the search box. Press "Enter" on your keyboard. The tool will open.
Hold down your left mouse button while dragging your mouse over the area of your screen you want to capture. Release your mouse button after the area has been selected. Click "File" and "Save As." Give your screenshot a name. Click "Save" to finalize the saving process.
Tags: save screenshot, your DV6000, your keyboard, your screenshot, Click File
Thermostats are often used to control central heating systems.
A thermostat is an appliance that regulates the temperature of a system so that the temperature of that system is kept at a particular desired temperature. This desired temperature is described as the 'set point' temperature. The thermostat operates by turning heating devices on or off, to maintain the temperature of a fluid at the set point temperature. The 'main' thermostat refers to the thermostat in a heating system that possesses only one thermostat.
Technological Sensor Methods
One of the key principles of a main thermostat, and indeed any thermostat, is the technological method by which the thermostat senses the ambient temperature. There are two main techniques by which thermostats can sense their surrounding temperature. These are bimetallic sensors and electronic thermistors. Bimetallic sensors use a strip of two metals joined together that have slightly different expansion rates in response to heat, this results in a bending of the bimetallic strip that can be used to break an electrical circuit at high enough temperatures. Electronic thermistors are an electronic component that increases its electrical resistance with increasing temperature, and as such can be used to break a circuit when a particular temperature is reached.
Thermostats are based on the principle of feedback. The thermistor controls the output of a heating system. The heating system heats a fluid. When the fluid reaches a certain temperature it triggers the thermostat to reduce the heat output, usually by simply switching off the heating system. When the heating system is switched off the temperature of the fluid falls until the thermistor reactivates the heating system. This type of control system is called 'negative feedback' and is a key principle in the design of the main thermostat in many central heating systems.
Digital or Analogue
Another key principle of main thermostats is whether they are digital or analogue. This key principle of main thermostats is based around the idea that some thermostats work simply by turning a heating system on or off when a particular temperature is reached or constantly adjusting the heat output of the heating system across a range of possible outputs. The former are digital thermostats and the latter are analogue thermostats.
A key principle of the main thermostat, when that thermostat is controlling a central heating system in your house, is its location in your house. If a main thermostat is poorly located it can lead to high levels of energy inefficiency and poor heating patterns. In a small house a sensible place for the location of a main thermostat is on the staircase or upstairs landing.
Tags: heating system, central heating, main thermostat, main thermostat, principle main, central heating systems, desired temperature
The Garmin 250W is a GPS unit for your automobile that was released in 2004. The 250W comes with loaded maps for the United States and Canada, a 4.3-inch LCD touchscreen and audible directions. The 250W can be set up on your windshield or dashboard.
Attaching to Windshield or Dashboard
The 250W can be placed on your windshield or dashboard, depending on state law. In some states it is illegal to place a suction cup mount on the windshield, as it could obstruct your view. Check your state laws before placing the 250W on the windshield.
Whether you are attaching the 250W to the windshield or the dashboard, you must put the GPS unit in the supplied mount. Start by plugging the power cable into the back of the unit; it is difficult to plug the cord in after the 250W is sitting in the mount. Plugging it in first will save you trouble later.
Next, connect the cradle and the suction cup portion of the mount. The suction cup piece has a ball on the end of it that fits in the circular socket on the back of the cradle. Press the cradle firmly onto the ball until you hear them snap together.
Once the mount is assembled, clean off the part of the windshield where you want to place the 250W. Make sure the glass is dry before attaching the suction cup, or it could slide down the glass. Put the suction cup against the glass and pull the lever down to attach it.
Take the 250W and place the bottom end in the bottom of the cradle. Press on the top until it snaps into place. Check that the 250W is secure, and plug the power cord into a power outlet in your car.
If you want to place the 250W on the dashboard, clean the area of the dashboard where the mount will be placed. Peel the paper backing off the mounting adhesive disc, and place the disc on the dashboard. Once that is set, place the suction cup on the mounting disc and press the lever down to lock it in place. Attach the 250W as described above.
Satellite Connection
The 250W needs to connect to satellite signals to determine your location and plot your routes. To connect with the GPS satellites, stand outdoors in an open area press the power button to turn the 250W on. The connection may take several minutes. Try to stand away from tall trees or buildings, as they could interfere with the satellite connection.
Look at the screen of the 250W while it tries to connect to a satellite. Once one of the service bars turns green, you can use the unit.
The 250W should stay connected to the satellites after this first connection is made, even when you power off the device. The next time you power on the device you should acquire the satellite signal quickly. If, however, you lose the satellite connection or if the 250W cannot make the connection when you next turn on the device, repeat the above process to regain the connection.
Entering an Address for Directions
To set an address for directions, touch the "Where to?" icon on the screen. A menu will pop up with options for finding a location. Touch the "Address" icon, select a state, and touch "Spell City." Using the onscreen keyboard, type the name of the city or the ZIP code and touch "Done." A list of cities will appear on the screen. Select the city of your destination from the list. Enter the number of the address, touch "Done," enter the street name and touch "Done" again.
Once the address is entered, touch the "Go" icon to get the directions for the location. When you start driving, the 250W will give audible directions for each turn on the trip.
Processing slide film is trickier than processing black and white print film. Only attempt this once you are comfortable with processing print film. You need to ensure that you have the chemicals at exactly the right temperature (38C). Also, don't forget that chemicals for processing slides have a much shorter shelf life than those for black and white print film; they can last less than a week. If you feel confident in your processing abilities, then processing your own slide film is a good choice; you will have greater control over your results.
Processing Slide Film at Home
1. Purchase an E6 kit made by Tetenal, Beseler, or Kodak. This kit contains all the chemicals needed to process slide film and will also provide instructions, including strict time and temperature guidelines. The kit might be difficult to find these days; look at B&H or Adorama.
2. Follow the directions included in the E6 kit to prepare the chemicals. You will need to follow the time and temperature guidelines as closely as possible. To get the chemicals to the appropriate temperature, place them in their containers inside a cooler filled with water. Mix hot and cold water until you get the appropriate temperature. This takes some patience.
3. Make sure your room is light-tight. Stuff towels under doors if necessary to block light. Load film onto the reel for processing, and seal the reel inside the tank.
4. Process the film, following the time directions in the kit. Make sure to agitate more frequently than you would for black and white film. You should agitate at least every 15 seconds.
5. Remove reel from tank and film from reel. Gently wipe the film to remove excess water and hang to dry.
Tags: black white, Film Home, print film, Slide Film Home, appropriate temperature, black white print
Cingular Wireless LLC was a joint venture cellular phone company owned by AT&T and Bell South. Since the 2006 AT&T and Bell South merger, Cingular Wireless is now owned exclusively by AT&T. The company has been re-branded as AT&T wireless. Therefore, Cingular Sony Ericsson branded mobile phones are now supported by the AT&T wireless network. In order to use a Cingular Sony Ericsson mobile device on a GSM network carrier other than AT&T, the device's SIM lock feature must be unlocked.
1. Turn on the Sony Ericsson mobile phone.
2. Dial *#06# (star, pound, zero, six, pound) to display the phone's IMEI number. IMEI is an acronym which stands for International Mobile Equipment Identity. IMEI numbers are used to uniquely identify specific mobile devices on the Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM), Wideband Code Division Multiple Access (W-CDMA) and Integrated Digital Enhanced Network (iDEN) networks. A mobile device's IMEI number is also printed on the label located inside the device's battery compartment.
3. Write down the IMEI number for your Cingular Sony Ericsson mobile device. You need to know this number to obtain the SIM unlock code specific to your particular Cingular Sony Ericsson mobile device.
4. Contact AT&T wireless customer support if you're currently an AT&T wireless subscriber or pre-paid customer who meets the following conditions:
Your wireless service has been active for at least 90 days.
Your account is current and in good standing
Your phone is not sold exclusively by Cingular or AT&T
Your AT&T service has been active for six months or longer
If you do not satisfy the above conditions, proceed to Step 6.
5. Tell the AT&T wireless customer support representative that you would like to obtain the SIM unlock code for your phone. AT&T will provide you with the SIM unlock code for your mobile device at no additional extra charge as long as you satisfy the requirements outlined in Step 4. You will be asked to provide the IMEI number for your phone. This number is needed to calculate the SIM unlock code specific to your mobile device. After acquiring this code, proceed to Step 8.
6. Shop around on your own to find the SIM unlock code service you would like to use. To unlock a Cingular Sony Ericsson mobile device, you will need to obtain the phone's SIM unlock code. For a small fee, a SIM unlock service will provide you with the unlock code for your phone.
7. Enter the make (Sony Ericson), model number and current network carrier (AT&T) of your phone on the SIM unlock code service provider's website. Also enter the IMEI number for your phone. Then submit an order to purchase the phone's SIM unlock code.
8. Turn off the Sony Ericsson mobile device. Remove the battery cover from the back of the mobile device. Take out the battery. Remove the current SIM card (located within a sub-compartment of the phone's battery compartment) and insert a SIM card issued from a GSM network carrier other than AT&T. Put the device's battery back in and the battery cover back on.
9. Turn on the Sony Ericsson mobile device. Follow the instructions which came with your SIM unlock code to enter the SIM unlock code into the device and unlock it.
Tags: unlock code, mobile device, Sony Ericsson, Ericsson mobile, Sony Ericsson mobile
Some objects are more difficult to photograph than others.
Photographing metal objects can be difficult compared to a normal object. The problems are caused by the object's reflective surface, which tends to display its surroundings, including the camera. Most of these issues can be avoided, however, with some clever lighting. Play around with the position of the camera and the lights for your specific object until you find an acceptable situation.
Lighting Principles
The most important principle to realize about lighting metal objects is that the object isn't "illuminated" by direct light. The object is illuminated by the reflection of the surrounding objects. So, if you want to light a metal object, you need to light the objects around it. For example, instead of shining a light at a faucet, place a white bounce card near the faucet, then shine light on the bounce card. The faucet reflects the shape and light qualities of the bounce card, resulting in a "lit" appearance.
Lighting Positions
In most instances, you'll use two lit bounce cards. The first should be about 30 to 45 degrees to the left or right of the camera, and should be placed as close as possible to the object (without entering the photo). This causes light to reflect slightly from the side and should fill the entire side of the object, resulting in a full and dynamic reflection. The second bounce card acts as a kind of "fill light" and should be placed about 90 degrees from the first bounce card on the opposite side of the camera. Again, place the card as close as possible. Play around with the angle and light hitting the bounce card to change the light reflected in the object.
Camera Position
Once the lights are set up, you can move the camera around (if you wish) to get various shots. Ensure, however, that the camera remains in an area unlit by the bounce cards. Metal objects can only reflect objects that bounce light toward them, so by keeping your camera in the relative dark, it will avoid showing up in the photos themselves.
Unavoidable Situations
In the circumstance that you are unable to hide the camera from reflecting back into the image, try "disguising" it. Take a sheet of black cloth, cut a hole in it and place only the front part of the lens through it. Hopefully, the sheet will absorb most of the light that hits it and disguise your camera's located as simply a dark region of the photo. Try other similar approaches if a black sheet won't work, such as a bush or some creative cloth positioning.
Tags: bounce card, about degrees, around with, bounce cards, close possible, metal objects
Back up VHS tapes on mini DV to take up less space.
Owners of large video libraries on VHS tape look for ways to transfer their collections to various formats. Making digital copies on mini DV tape cuts down on the space a video library occupies and offers the option of transferring media to a computer hard drive later. Mini DV players record analog video and store it in digital files on the tape medium. VCRs record analog video on the analog tape medium. Transferring VHS to mini DV involves re-recording the analog video as a digital file on DV tape.
1. Connect the mini DV player's video output to the television input with an S-Video cable. Connect the player's left and right audio outputs to the television with composite audio cable. Alternatively, connect the coaxial output from the DV player to the television with coaxial cable.
2. Connect the VCR's video output to the DV player's input with the other S-Video cable. Connect the VCR's audio outputs to the DV player with the other composite cable. Use a single coaxial cable for audio and video if you don't have an S-Video cable and your DV player offers this option.
3. Press "Play" on your VCR and watch the picture on the television. Reduce the sharpness on your VCR, and adjust the color, contrast, balance, hue and saturation to your liking. Rewind the tape.
4. Press "SP" on the DV player to record for a shorter length at a higher quality. Press "LP" to record for a longer time at a lower quality.
5. Press "Record" on the mini DV player. Press "Play" on the VCR. Press "Pause" on the DV player to start recording if pressing "Record" automatically pauses your player before it starts recording.
6. Write down or remember the numeric end point of the DV tape if you plan to record more than one VHS tape in "LP" mode on the DV player. Rewind the DV tape to a point in the recording and press "Play" to watch it on the television. Press "Stop" and fast-forward to the end point if you like the quality of the recording.
7. Insert another tape in the VCR and continue to record on the same DV tape from the end point you wrote down from the number counter. Adjust the sharpness, color, contrast, balance, hue and saturation individually for each tape.
Lights with motion sensors have long been the standard for outdoor security lighting. They save money because lights aren't left on all night and they add the element of surprise to alarm would-be intruders. Indoors, motion detectors are all about convenience and saving energy. There's no need to hunt for the switch upon entering a dark room, and you never have to turn off the switch when your hands are full -- when no one's in the room, the light turns off automatically after a preset time delay. Motion-detecting options for indoor lights include battery-powered LED fixtures, screw-in fittings or replacing a standard wall switch with a motion-sensor switch.
1. Turn off the power to the switch's circuit at the home's service panel, or breaker box.
2. Remove the switch cover plate by unscrewing the screws holding it in place. Unscrew and remove the mounting screws securing the switch to the electrical box. Pull the switch carefully from the box, without touching any wires.
3. Verify the power is off by touching one probe of a circuit tester to the switch's grounding screw and the other probe to each of the screw terminals. Then disconnect the circuit wires from the switch. Remove the switch.
4. Confirm that the motion-sensing switch carries the same voltage and amperage ratings as the old switch. Connect the new switch to the circuit wires, following the manufacturer's wiring diagram. Typically, motion-sensor switches have wire leads that connect to the circuit wires with plastic wire connectors.
5. Tuck the connected wires into the electrical box. Mount the switch to the box with the screws provided. Position the new cover plate over the switch and screw it into place.
6. Restore power to the circuit. Test the switch. Set the time delay for the shutoff function, following the manufacturer's directions.
Disposable cameras are an effective way to cover every angle of your wedding day
It's your wedding day and you want to make sure that you capture every moment. An efficient way to do this is to use a bulk of disposable cameras. Wedding photography was once the exclusive domain of professional photographers. With the advancement in disposable camera technology it is not a risky concept to trust your friends and family to capture your wedding day memories.
Types of Cameras
Disposable cameras are no longer just for vacation or school plays. Disposable cameras can now be purchased with high-speed shutters, which increases the picture quality. They can be purchased with flashes and with waterproof capabilities. Disposable cameras can even shoot in high definition. They can be purchased with wedding theme covers. You can purchase them in packages that include a table card that explains to your reception guests that you are entrusting them with the task of taking their wedding photos.
Distribution of Cameras
Going the disposable camera route gives you the opportunity to make your guest an interactive part of your wedding. Each guest will give you a unique perspective. The easiest way to distribute your cameras to random photographers is to put a set amount of cameras at each table. If you want to be a bit more selective just hand them to those that you trust to take good and relevant photos. A perspective not often considered is that of the bride and groom. Obviously they may not want to take on an additional responsibility on their wedding day, but if the bride and groom truly wanted to make sure the memories important to them are captured what better way then to do it themselves?
Arranging a wedding photographer is not cheap. As of 2011, it can cost as much $4,250 to photograph your special day. Handling your own photography needs can greatly decrease your wedding day expenses. You can purchase a bulk of wedding theme cameras from sites like the Gift Mall for $2.79 a camera. Order as many cameras as you need and you'll probably even have enough money to cover the cost of developing your film, which can be done at your local pharmacy.
Other Perks
Another perk to handling your own photography is that you own all of the prints. With some wedding photographers you are only able to order a set amount of prints, otherwise you have to contact them again when you want additional photos. If you own the film and prints you have the ability to get reprints and even enlargements at your leisure.
The vast majority of vehicles produced and sold include a factory radio or CD player. For most people, that's fine. But if you're an audio enthusiast, or want to add extra features that your factory radio doesn't have, you'll need to replace your factory radio with an aftermarket model that gives you the performance and features you want. The essential first step in accomplishing this task is remove the existing factory radio from the dashboard of your car. This starting point is the same for all brands of cars, including vehicles produced by Kia.
1. Disconnect the negative battery terminal from your car's battery with the adjustable wrench. This will prevent the possibility of electrical shorts while working on the car.
2. Pull the ashtray out of the dashboard. Pull it out as far as possible, then depress the tab in the back to release it all the way.
3. Grasp the edges of the trim panel surrounding the climate controls and radio. Pull on it firmly until the clips holding it in place release.
4. Pull the panel away from the dash, and remove any wiring plugs connected to it.
5. Loosen and remove the four Phillips screws holding the radio in place.
6. Pull the radio out. Remove the antenna and wiring plugs from the back.
Tags: factory radio, vehicles produced, wiring plugs, your factory, your factory radio
Prepaid phones are a great way to get the convenience of a cell phone without the hassle of a lengthy contract. Cingular prepaid (now called AT&T) GoPhones offer Pay As You Go and Pick Your Plan prepaid payment options and a variety of phone models, making them a popular choice for prepaid phones. While many third party vendors sell Cingular prepaid phone minutes and refills, Cingular (AT&T) is the most reliable and cost effective location to buy a Cingular Prepaid phone.
1. Locate your nearest Cingular (AT&T) store on the AT&T Wireless website. While it is possible to purchase a prepaid phone at third party retailers like Walmart, but buying your cell phone through Cingular is the only way to take advantage of the rebates and discounts that Cingular offers.
2. Purchase a prepaid phone. If you are buying your prepaid phone from a Cingular store, ask the clerk which models are available for prepaid cell phone plans. If you are looking to save a few dollars, ask if they have any refurbished phones available or if any models come with prepaid credits with purchase.
3. Check online. If the store you visit does not have the model or rebates that you are looking for, consider ordering your prepaid phone online by logging onto and selecting "Get GoPhone." You will have to wait longer to receive and activate your phone, but the website has a larger selection: over 100 new and refurbished prepaid phone models available some of which come with a prepaid credit of up to $50. Plus, Cingular features many "online only" deals.
4. Decide which prepaid program you want to join. Cingular offers two prepaid phone options. "Pay As You Go" charges you for usage either by the minute, per day of access to the network, or a combination of the two. "Pick Your Plan" allows you to buy a certain number of minutes and services each month, similar to a monthly contract plan.
5. Activate your phone. If you are purchasing the phone at a Cingular store, the clerk will do it for you. However, if you purchased your phone online you will need to log on to the Cingular Wireless page, select "Prepaid Go Phone" and then "Activate Account."
Tags: prepaid phone, cell phone, Cingular store, your phone, your prepaid phone
Opinions differ over the effect of photographic chemicals during pregnancy.
Women must take precautions when it comes to contact with chemicals during pregnancy. The standard reaction is avoidance due to the caustic nature of many chemicals. Photographic developing chemicals are no different, but with the dilution of the chemicals used in photographic development, the low concentration levels and taking some safety measures can make it a safer experience.
Chemical List
The processing of black and white film requires several chemicals for film developing and printing. The developer reveals the latent (invisible) image on the negative or paper, the indicator stop bath stops the developing process, and the fixer sets the image in place. According to Ilford, a photography supply company, the chemicals required to develop film are not hazardous when used properly.
Chemical Awareness
The March of Dimes advises expectant mothers to avoid contact with chemicals, including those found in some photography jobs. At, an article titled Environmental Risks and Pregnancy recommends that pregnant women minimize their exposure by making sure their workplace is well ventilated and by wearing appropriate protective equipment, including gloves and a face mask. They should never eat or drink in their work area. To learn more about the chemicals she works with, a woman can ask her employer for the Material Safety Data Sheets for the products she uses. A Material Safety Data Sheet provides pertinent information regarding a chemical's toxicity and health effects.
Chemical Safety
The article Pregnancy and Working with Photo Chemicals at says there have been no substantial findings to support the idea that exposure to photographic developing chemicals cause harmful reactions in pregnant women. Kodak recommends following safety procedures, including: gloves, tongs, eye protection, protective clothing and proper darkroom ventilation.
Chemical Identification
According to the Material and Safety Data Sheet for Kodak Indicator Stop Bath, the primary component is acetic acid. This acid may be fatal or harmful if swallowed; is irritating to the eyes, skin and respiratory tract; and can cause severe burns. With the proper safety procedures, the risk is lessened. By working with chemicals in the low level solutions recommended, pregnant women can lower the associated risks.
Proper mixing is imperative when working in the darkroom because the solutions can be caustic in higher concentration levels. Following directions and having a proper darkroom setup are important to making the space a healthier place to work.
Tags: Material Safety, Material Safety Data, pregnant women, Safety Data, with chemicals
You may be able to fix dead pixels on your JVC mini camcorder.
When viewing uploaded video content from your JVC mini camcorder, you may notice a small, white dot in the same location of all the shots recorded. This is known as a dead pixel. Occasionally, pixels die out on electronics, leaving a void of space. These pixels are typically difficult to see, and often times, unless you point it out, the viewer is not going to spot it (although once it is seen it is hard not to watch the dead pixel). There are a few ways to work around this and possibly fix the problem, although it may be best to just let the dead pixel go.
1. Shut down the JVC mini camcorder, leave it off for a few minutes, then turn the camcorder back on. It is possible the pixel is just frozen and not dead. Occasionally, pixels lock up and don't record properly. However, if this does not correct the problem you know you have a dead pixel.
2. Upload the video content into your video editor. If you have a higher-end editor (such as Avid, Final Cut and some Pinnacle systems) you are able to crop and zoom into the image. If the dead pixel is near the edge of the recorded subject mater select the "Crop" option, then zoom into the image until the dead pixel is no longer seen. The video is going to appear slightly grainy, but it removes the pixel from your footage.
3. Take the JVC mini camcorder into a local repair shop. Often times this costs several hundred dollars to fix, and it may be almost the same price as a new camera. Take this into consideration when deciding if you really want to fix the dead pixels.
Tags: dead pixel, mini camcorder, zoom into image, from your, into image
Back in the day, people had no options for recording TV shows. Each show broadcast whenever it was scheduled, and if you wanted to see it, you had to be firmly in front of your TV set at the appointed time. The VCR revolution changed all that, and the advent of digital technology took the concept of recording to an entirely new level. Nowadays people have a number of options for recording their favorite shows, including some "obsolete" ones that still work just fine.
Digital video recorders like TiVo remain the go-to technology for recording and storing television programs. They essentially act like a computer drive, saving the TV show as a digital file and storing it for future playback. They also contain a number of other advantages, including the ability to record an entire season's worth of shows with just a single touch of a button, and smart features that find and record shows you might like based on your overall viewing habits. DVRs tend to contain much more storage space than other recording mediums as well. Their only drawback entails their non-portability: once you fill up the hard drive, you either have to record the shows on another medium or delete existing shows to make room.
Recordable DVDs
DVD recorders allow you to record TV shows on a DVD and play them back later. They don't have as much storage space as a DVR--each DVD only holds a few hours' worth of programming--but because each DVD is self-contained, you don't need to worry about running out of space. Recordable DVDs come in two distinct types. DVD-Rs may only be used once; the show is "burned" onto them permanently. DVD-RWs, on the other hand, may be used to record and re-record as often as you like: erasing earlier shows the way you would with a VHS tape. DVD-Rs tend to be cheaper than DVD-RWs, which constitutes their most tangible advantage.
Though it has almost gone the way of the dodo, don't count out the venerable VCR when considering recording options. VHS tapes suffer from a number of disadvantages: limited recording space, an inability to record shows in high definition and a delicate medium that degrades much more quickly than other formats. On the other hand, they are extremely inexpensive these days, and people who may be intimidated by newer technology still know program their VCR fairly easily. VHS tapes also share the benefits of DVDs in that they don't have any hard drive space to fill up. As long as you have more tapes, you can record as many shows as you want.
Tags: record shows, hard drive, much more, options recording, other hand, Recordable DVDs
The myTouch 3G is a cellphone manufactured by HTC and branded for the T-Mobile network. In March of 2011, AT&T announced plans to merge with T-Mobile. Following the merger, the T-Mobile network will be wrapped into AT&T and myTouch users will be able to continue using their phones without interruption. Until then, using a T-Mobile myTouch 3G on the AT&T network requires that the phone's SIM card be unlocked, allowing the phone to operate on alternate GSM networks other than T-Mobile.
1. Turn off the myTouch 3G phone.
2. Hold the phone face down in the palm of your hand. Push down firmly on the upper left corner of the battery cover to release the locking mechanism. Remove the battery cover.
3. Lift the battery out of the compartment. Write down the IMEI number listed on the exposed label inside the battery compartment. Be sure to jot down this number correctly; you will need it to unlock the SIM card on the phone.
4. Slide the T-Mobile SIM card installed in the myTouch 3G out of its slot. The SIM card slot is located in the battery compartment. Insert a new SIM card programmed for the AT&T network into the card slot. The gold contacts on the front of the SIM card should be pointing down as the card is inserted and the chipped corner of the card should be facing out of the card slot.
5. Reinsert the battery and reinstall the battery cover.
6. Contact T-Mobile customer care at 1-800-937-8997 to obtain the SIM unlock code for your phone. You will need to supply the T-Mobile representative with the phone's IMEI number. T-Mobile will provide a SIM unlock code for a T-Mobile phone to either a current T-Mobile Postpaid plan customer with a minimum of 40 days of active service or a current T-Mobile Prepaid plan customer with a minimum of 60 days of active service, a current account balance of at least $10, and a prior refill within the last 30 days. Former T-Mobile customers can obtain the SIM unlock code for the myTouch 3G only if T-Mobile has the code on file or can obtain it from the phone manufacturer.
If you are unable to obtain the SIM unlock code for your myTouch 3G from T-Mobile, you will have to pay a commercial SIM unlock service such as "nlockitnow.conm" or "" to obtain the code.
7. Turn on the myTouch 3G. With the new SIM card inserted into the phone, you should see "SIM network unlock PIN" appear on the display.
8. Tap "Unlock." A number pad should appear on the phone's display. Enter the SIM unlock code you obtained from T-Mobile or from a SIM unlock service. Tap "Done." If you entered the correct unlock code, you will see the message, "Network unlock successful" on the phone's display.
DIY photo equipment sets you apart from the crowd.
With the millions of digital images that are taken everyday, it is hard to stand out form the crowd. Buying the necessary equipment to make your photos pop is quite difficult too, as it is very expensive. Fortunately for amateurs, the functions of professional photo accessories is quite simple. They generally control light so that photographers can reach a certain outcome quickly. At the expense of looking less professional, amateurs can easily create homemade equipment that mimics the fancy items that professional photographers use.
1. Create homemade ring flash by gathering two bowls that both have a base diameter of eight centimeters. The rim of one bowl should be bigger than the rim of the other bowl. Cut the base out of both bowls and glue the small inside of the big one so that one is centered inside of the other. The combined bowls will make circular space. Line this space with tin foil and glue it so it is securely attached. Trace the rectangular shape of the flash head into the side of the bowl and cut it out. Insert the flash into the rectangular hole and you will have a functioning ring flash. the ring flash enable you to spread out light without diffusing it. It also casts a soft halo-like shadow around its subjects, which is currently common in pop culture photography.
2. Create a DIY honey comb grid by cutting several black straws into 1/4 or 1/2 inch pieces until you have enough to cover the entire surface of your flash's head. Hot-glue the pieces together and use tape to attach it to your flash. The honey comb grid is used to direct light so that it does not spill into unwanted parts of your photograph. Black straws are the only way to go for making a traditional grid, but feel free to try using colored straws if you want to get creative. The light will not be as direct, but the colors of the straw will create a corresponding hue wherever it is used.
3. Glue aluminum foil to one side of a piece of foam core board to create a double-functioning reflector. The side with the foil will act as a silver side for reflecting hard light. The white side will diffuse and reflect light for a softer look.
4. Black construction paper can be equally effective as manufacture lens hods in preventing lens flare.
Create a lens hood by simply cutting out a five by 12 inch piece of black construction paper. Wrap this piece of paper around the end of your camera lens. Ensure that the outer rim of the homemade lens hood is slightly wider than the filter thread of the lens itself. Secure the lens hood with tape. Lens hoods block out lens flare, which is unwanted lighting that comes in from side angles and refracts light around tiny scratches on the lens.
5. Attach an index card to your flash to make a homemade bounce card. Point the flash head upward and tape the index card to the backside so that half of it is exposed to the flash. The bounce card reflects a small percentage of the flash's light forward while the rest hits the ceiling and illuminates the room. The bounce card fills in unflattering shadows on human subjects and is popular in wedding photography.
Tags: bounce card, flash head, lens hood, ring flash, your flash
Visit the Canon website to register your PowerShot camera.
Canon U.S.A. Inc. sells different types of small consumer electronics for business or recreational use. For example, Canon offers a variety of digital cameras for professional and novice photographers. The PowerShot line includes several different models. Register your PowerShot camera as soon as possible to hasten customer service should it be needed. You can complete the registration online.
1. Navigate to to register your PowerShot camera.
2. Hover your mouse over "Consumer & Home Office" in the top menu and click on "Product Registration."
3. Create a new account by clicking "Create a Canon Account." Enter a user ID and password and click "continue." Enter your email address, name, mailing address, phone number and answer to a security questions. Then, click the submit button to create your account.
4. Click the area of your screen that says "Click here" to be redirected to the log-in screen. Enter your user ID and password and click the sign-in button.
5. Click "Product Registration" and then "Digital Compact Cameras" from the Product Type list (the PowerShot cameras fall into this category).
6. Choose the PowerShot series for your camera. If you are not sure, you can click "Other PowerShot."
7. Click on the model number for your PowerShot camera.
8. Enter all the information needed to register your product, including your name, mailing address, email address, date of purchase and your PowerShot camera's serial number. Click the submit button to register your product with Canon.
Tags: PowerShot camera, your PowerShot, your PowerShot camera, register your, email address, Enter your, mailing address
Polycom's SoundStation 2W is a wireless conference phone that uses 2.4 gigahertz worldwide digital cordless telecommunications (WDCT) or 1.9 gigahertz digital enhanced cordless telecommunications (DECT) technology. It can be used in rooms that do not have a telephone connection via a base station. The device also can dial through a mobile phone. The device displays a "Ready" message when it has connected with the base station. Problems can be eliminated by following these troubleshooting steps.
1. See whether the base station has power if a "No Signal" message appears on the phone instead of the "Ready" message. Also, stay within the device's range of 150 feet. Concrete and brick walls also can interfere with the phone's range. If there is no dial tone, check that the base station is connected to a telephone line.
2. Speak closely into the phone if your correspondent says that you sound muffled. Concrete and brick walls also cause sound problems. Try adding fabrics to the walls or upholstered furniture to the room to increase sound absorbency.
3. Keep the device still if you experience silence, echoes or clipped speech when on a call. Moving the device also will cause interference.
4. If problems persist, try moving the Polycom SoundStation 2W to a room that measures 10 feet by 20 feet or less.
Tags: base station, brick walls, brick walls also, cause sound, cause sound problems, Concrete brick, Concrete brick walls
The iPhone 3G is a touchscreen smartphone manufactured by Apple that runs iOS, the mobile variant of Apple's desktop operating system, OS X. The iPhone 3G runs both free and paid-for apps, or applications, that can be downloaded from the App Store through iTunes or directly on the device. Synchronizing music, contacts, email and other data with a computer is simple using Apple's iTunes software, which is available for Windows Vista as well as Mac OS X.
1. Download and install iTunes for Windows Vista from the Apple website as listed in Resources.
2. Open iTunes on your Windows Vista PC.
3. Connect the Apple iPhone USB cable to the "Dock Connector" on the bottom of your iPhone 3G.
4. Plug the Apple iPhone USB cable into a free USB port on your Windows Vista PC.
5. Select your iPhone 3G by clicking on it under the "Devices" column on the left-hand side of the iTunes window.
6. Click the "Sync" button in the bottom right corner of the iTunes window to initiate the synchronization.
7. Wait for the synchronization to complete before disconnecting your iPhone 3G from your computer.
Tags: Windows Vista, your iPhone, your Windows Vista, Apple iPhone, Apple iPhone cable
SanDisk MobileMate Micro Memory Card Readers connect microSD, microSDHC and Memory Stick Micro (M2) memory cards to a computer. Once the memory card is slid into position and the reader is inserted into the computer, the memory card is seen by the computer as a removable hard disk. Files such as digital pictures can then be copied to the card without any problem.
1. Place the appropriate memory card into the SanDisk MobileMate Micro Memory Card Reader. All the slots are labeled on the front of the reader.
2. Place the SanDisk MobileMate Micro Memory Card Reader USB transfer cable into a USB port on the computer.
3. Click "Start" and select "Computer."
4. Double-click the SanDisk MobileMate Micro Memory Card Reader inside the "Computer" folder.
5. Open the folder storing the picture files that you want to put onto the memory card. Hold down "Ctrl" on the keyboard and click every picture that you want to put onto the memory card. Right-click one of the selected pictures and choose "Copy."
6. Open the SanDisk MobileMate Micro Memory Card Reader's folder. Right-click a blank area and select "Paste." The images are copied over to the memory card in the SanDisk MobileMate Micro Memory Card Reader.
Sony's DCR-SR40 Handycam is a hard-drive digital video recorder with 30GB of storage. That's enough space to store seven hours of footage shot at the Handycam's highest quality setting and even more footage if you shoot in SP or LP modes. But when the hard drive fills up, you'll need to start to delete videos or transfer them to your PC. The DCR-SR40 comes with the software you need to do this.
1. Make sure that your camcorder isn't attached to your computer. Insert the CD-ROM disc that came with the DCR-SR40 into your CD or DVD drive. If you've lost the disc or bought the camera used without it, you can download the software from Sony's Support site (see References). You have three options on the CD's splash screen: Image Mixer for HDD Camcorder, Product Registration and Handycam Handbook. Click on Image Mixer for HDD Camcorder, and then click "Install" on the next screen that appears.
2. Choose your language and click "Next" and then click "Next" again to read the license agreement. Accept the terms and click "Next" again to view the folder selection screen. Change the location of the installation, if desired, and click "Next" to "Continue." You now have to choose a video format -- NTSC or PAL. North American countries, Japan and Korea and some South American nations use NTSC format, whereas Europe, Africa, most of Asia and parts of South America use PAL. Choose the format that's correct for your location and click "Next." Then click "Install" to accept these settings, and to install the Image Mixer for HDD Camcorder software. Restart the computer when prompted.
3. Place the DCR-SR40 Handycam into the Handycam Station and make sure the dock is plugged in to AC power. Slide the power switch to "On" on the Handycam Station. Now connect the USB cable to both the Handycam Station and your computer's USB port. Look on the LCD screen on the Handycam, which now displays three options: DVD Burn, PictBridge Print and HDD. You can burn videos directly to a blank DVD using "DVD Burn" or copy still images using PictBridge. To copy your videos to your PC's hard drive, touch "HDD."
4. Click "Easy PC Back-up" on the computer screen. The first time you connect the DCR-SR40 Handycam to your PC, it might take a few seconds for the computer to recognize the device. Select the kind of media you wish to transfer -- you can pick videos and still images. Select a destination folder and then click "Start Importing" to begin transferring the videos. This process may take anywhere from a few seconds to an hour or more, depending on the quality and quantity of the videos. A "Browser" window opens when the process completes. It's now safe to disconnect the USB cable and turn off the Handycam Station.