Friday, April 29, 2011

Pixel Art Dithering Tutorial

Dither pixel art

Pixel art is art created with a paint program capable of drawing at the smallest graphical element of your display hardware. That element is called a picture element or pixel. The problem of jagged edges is common to pixel art. Jagged edges occur when you create pixel art with only a limited color palette and draw lines that aren't purely horizontal or vertical but somewhat diagonal. In such lines, the high contrast between the color of your line and the background color makes individual pixels visible. This is the source of jagged edges. The process of smoothing these edges is called dithering.


1. Open two instances of Windows Paint and paste the photo into one of the instances. Locate a clear, straight diagonal line in the photo. The closer the line is to being horizontal, the more dithering you'll do doing.

2. Select Paint's "Zoom" tool (the magnifying glass) and zoom in on the center of the line you found in step 2. Study carefully what you see, which should be a row of progressively darker or lighter values for a single color. "Value" refers to how dark or light a color appears.

3. Select Paint's "Rectangle" selection tool and use it to select a complete row of dithered cells from step 3. Copy the selection to the clipboard.

4. Paste the selection into the other instance of Paint, which you ran in step 2. You now have a mini palette that you can use to recreate and dither the line you selected from the photo.

5. Click Paint's line button to enter the mode for drawing straight line segments. Then, click the "Eyedropper" button.

6. Use the "Zoom" tool to zoom into the maximum extent of the mini palette-row you pasted in step 5. Then, click the row's middle pixel. This pixel will be midway between the palette's darkest and lightest values.

7. Zoom out to the maximum extent, then draw a line segment that matches approximately the slope of the edge you selected in step 2. Notice the jagged quality of the line.

8. Zoom back in to the maximum extent, so that you can see both the mini palette and a complete row of pixels in the line you just drew.

9. Click the "Pencil" tool to enter freehand drawing mode. Then, Use the color "Eyedropper" tool to select the mini palette's leftmost value, which will be either its darkest or lightest. Paint will automatically return you to the freehand drawing mode.

10. Click the leftmost pixel in the row of your line, which you zoomed to in step 9. Your pixel's color now matches the palette's color (which you copied from the original line you selected from the photo).

11. Repeat steps 10 and 11 repeatedly, moving from left to right as you copy the mini palette's values onto your line's pixels. When you're done, you'll have one complete row of dithered pixels.

12. Repeat steps 10 through 12 for a second row of pixels from the line you drew, to create another dithered row. At this point, you've dithered enough of the line to zoom out and see the smoothing effect of your dithering.

13. Complete the dithering by repeating steps 10 through 12 for the remaining rows in the line you drew.

Tags: mini palette, maximum extent, your line, complete dithered, darkest lightest

Waterproof The Ipod

Your iPod is a delicate electronic device that's vulnerable to water exposure, which could short-circuit its components. To safeguard your player against irreparable damage, purchase a water-resistant or waterproof iPod case, which serves as a barrier between the device and moisture. With a waterproof case, you can use your iPod in the rain, at poolside or even in a hot tub without worrying about frying it accidentally.


1. Purchase a waterproof iPod case for your specific iPod model from an Apple, online or electronics store. Don't try to use a case designed for a different iPod model. An iPod Touch case, for example, may not fit a third-generation iPod correctly, and allow water to leak in.

2. Read the waterproof case's instructions and warnings pamphlets. Be sure you understand the case's limitations before using it. For example, check the case's depth rating and the degree to which it will protect your iPod from water. A waterproof case designed to protect your device from rain and pool splashes will not protect your device if you submerge it completely in water.

3. Open the case and insert your iPod. Ensure it is positioned correctly, then close the case. Snap any clasps it may have into place. Double-check the enclosure before allowing the iPod to get wet.

Tags: protect your, waterproof case, your iPod, case designed, case your

Mount & Install A Tomtom

A TomTom is a navigational device that comes in many shapes and sizes, ranging from the standalone products to the ones accessed through mobile phones. This GPS device enables the user to travel to destinations without the need for maps or worries about getting lost. An arrow on the display screen points out your location, and audible instructions are available to alert you to directions without the need to look at the screen.


1. Mount the TomTom on the driver's side of the windshield below your line of vision, ensuring your view will not be blocked. Clean the area with glass cleaner and dry completely. After removing the protective film from the mount's suction cup, moisten with water. Press firmly in place against the windshield. If the TomTom has an easy port dial, rotate it clockwise to lock. Plug the TomTom into the cigarette lighter socket to charge.

2. Hold the "Device" switch up to 20 seconds (it varies on the model and version) until you see the welcome screen. The LED light will also glow green to indicate that the device is on. Select the desired option from the setup menu. To change settings, just click on the "Change Preferences" icon on the main menu.

3. The device takes from three to five minutes to start. For better overall reception, go to a location free of obstructions, then place the TomTom on the dashboard making sure the device has a clear line of sight to the sky. Once it determines your position, it will display "Driving View." Tap the "Navigate" button in the main menu to enter a destination.

4. Tapping the screen presents you with options to navigate to a city center and intersections, zip codes, street and house numbers. The TomTom device also does not require you to input state, town or city information as it automatically displays the matching information, which is time saving and practical. For example, if you type in the name "Boston," the device will present you with not just one but many of the cities named Boston, and from there it is up to you to choose the city you were looking for, type in the street name and number and then click "Done."

Tags: main menu, without need

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Build An Electric Motor

Although it is not widely used today, the homo-polar motor has an incredible elegance and simplicity to it,. making it an ideal electric motor for a first home project. It is the simplest kind of electric motor you can build and can be put together in just a few minutes at very little cost. Make one before you try more difficult and sophisticated styles of electric motor.


1. Put a neodymium magnet on the head of an iron nail. The magnet should be small and disk-shaped, and the nail should be free of any corrosion or coating.

2. Allow the magnetic force to attach the nail to the battery. Hold the nail so that the tip is facing up and hold one terminal of a cell battery (AA, C, and D batteries work well) against it. The nail should dangle from the battery.

3. Take a small piece of copper wire and tape it to the other terminal of the battery. You can either use bare wire or you can strip off a bit of enamel from each end to get a clean connection. Make sure the copper is in contact with the battery.

4. Put on some safety glasses. Once this motor gets going, it can spin at up to 10,000 rpm, so you want to be prepared if it flies off in the middle of things.

5. Touch the side of the magnet with the free end of the wire. It should start spinning immediately.

6. Control the speed of the electric motor by touching and removing the end of the wire in contact with the magnet. It takes a while to climb up to full speed, so you can easily keep it going at a more reasonable rate.

Tags: electric motor, contact with, nail should

Supplies Needed To Develop Color Film

Developing your own color film takes precision, patience and the right tools.

Even professional photographers rarely developed their own color film unless they needed it fast. Developing color film takes precise temperature control and can be time-consuming. However, for a hobbyist, developing color film at home can provide a creative challenge and provide the opportunity to tweak the processing in ways that a computer at the one-hour photo counter at the local department store does not.

Darkened Room

Although you no longer need the traditional darkroom to develop film, you do need a darkened room for the process of loading film into film tanks for development. You cannot have a red or orange safelight on when you load film, despite the depiction of photographers in movies and old television shows. Since at least the middle of the 20th century, film has been too light-sensitive to allow any light to hit it without ruining it. So you need a totally dark space for the beginning of your developing process. You can use a closet, because you will not need much space. But you will need to cover all the cracks around the door to prevent even the tiniest light leaks.

As an alternative, you can purchase a changing bag in which to load your film. This is a specialty plastic bag in which you place the film canister, the film reel, the film tank, a bottle opener and your hands. Once you have these things inside the bag, you can perform the operation in subdued room lighting.


The most important piece of hardware you need to develop color film is an accurate thermometer. A thermometer made for photo developing is ideal. You need to be able to control the temperature of certain chemical baths very precisely in order to produce the best color negatives. You also will need a stainless-steel film tank and stainless-steel film reels to fit the type of film you plan to develop, 35 mm or 120/220. Stainless-steel reels are not adjustable and only come to fit one size of film. However, you can get larger film tanks that hold multiple reels inside to develop at the same time.

Next on the list, you will need brown plastic bottles to hold all of the chemicals you will mix for the process. A graduated cylinder or two and a glass stirring rod will come in handy as well. Get four developing trays, because you will need to pour the chemicals from the film tank rapidly. Trays make it easier to do this than trying to quickly pour the chemicals back into the brown bottles. A precision, photographic timer also is mandatory. A simple wind-up kitchen timer will not be accurate enough.


Most often, you can buy color film processing chemicals in a kit for negative or slide film. Such a kit consists of color developer, bleach, fixer and stabilizer. You will need to wash the film in water between the fixer and stabilizer, then again following the stabilizer. You can also purchase these chemicals separately, which is useful if you intend to develop a lot of color film. If you need to develop only a few rolls in the C-41 negative chemicals, a kit will suffice. A 1-liter kit will develop approximately eight rolls of 35 mm film. The added advantage of a kit for the beginner is that it will provide specific instructions about processing times and temperature.

Other Supplies

One thing many people do not initially think of when it comes to developing film is a running water supply. You will need to run water into your film tank between the fixer and stabilizer, and you will need to run water again into and out of the tank for at least 40 minutes for the final wash. For all of that time, you will need to keep the temperature relatively stable. You can use a sink or a tub as long as the water can freely enter the film tank and flow back out of it. You will need a rope or length of twine hung up where you can hang your film to dry. You also will need two film clips per roll of film. These have sharp teeth and work like clothespins. Clip them to either end of the film, then hang it on the twine to dry. The bottom clip helps weight the film down to keep it straight. If you process a lot of film, you might want to consider a film dryer for more consistent drying than open air.

Tags: will need, film tank, color film, color film, fixer stabilizer, your film

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Compare Camera Lenses

A camera lens works by allowing light to travel down a tube fitted with high quality glass elements and pass through a small opening called the aperture. Once through the aperture, the light strikes either film on a 35mm camera or an image sensor on a digital camera. The quality of the lens determines the quality of the image.


1. Make certain the compared camera lenses actually fit the type and model camera. Many cameras have screw mounts where others offer a bayonet type mount. Many cameras don't have removable lenses at all.

2. Consider the type of photography when comparing camera lenses. The lens is responsible for the effect on an image so pair the lens with the scene. Landscape shooting requires a wide-angle lens, whereas a portrait lens uses a shorter focal length.

3. Try out each lens on the camera body and take a few test photos. Reputable retailers allow photographers to bring in their cameras and mount the lens before buying.

4. Compare apples to apples when buying camera lenses. Higher quality lenses are more expensive and typically yield brighter, crisper images due to better construction and higher quality materials. If the deal looks too good to be true, it probably is.

5. Understand that many camera lenses that work with 35mm cameras will not work with newer DSLR cameras. The 35mm lens systems use a different focal length for the full frame of film. Most DSLRs utilize a smaller image frame than 35mm cameras so the image recorded is adversely affected.

Tags: 35mm cameras, camera lenses, camera lenses, cameras have, focal length, Many cameras

Lower Bass On An Equalizer

Equalizers are segmented into sliders corresponding to different frequency bands.

Equalizers take many different forms, but in general they are segmented into at least three bands that each represent specific frequency ranges within the audio spectrum, which runs from about 20Hz to 20kHz. The user adjusts the relative volume of each band by raising or lowering the corresponding slider. Many stereo systems and digital music devices have built-in equalizers, usually segmented into at least eight bands. The lowest, or "bass," frequencies are found on the left. The high, or "treble," frequencies are found on the right.


1. Lower the slider that is furthest to the left if the bass is overwhelming, or "muddying," the overall mix without necessarily being too loud. The furthest-left slider corresponds to the lowest frequency the equalizer can adjust, usually in the 30-40Hz range. Lower the slider to a few decibels (dB) below zero to start with and then adjust downward in small increments until the muddiness subsides.

2. Lower the second slider from the left if the bass is over-dominating the mix. On equalizers with eight or more bands, this slider will correspond to the 50-60Hz range. Lower this slider to a few dB below zero and then downward in increments until satisfied with the bass level.

3. Lower the three or four left-most sliders to reduce the overall bass volume without fine adjustment. On equalizers with eight or more bands, these sliders will correspond to roughly the 20-125Hz range, which encompasses the entire bass portion of the audio spectrum.

Tags: segmented into, audio spectrum, below zero, eight more, eight more bands, equalizers with

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Choose A Telescope

A telescope allows you to explore the skies and see well beyond the capacity of the human eye. The telescope has certainly come a long way from when Galileo first viewed the craters of the moon in 1609. Now, its possible for anyone to buy a telescope, limited only by their budget. However, there are some things to consider when making such a purchase. Read this elearn more.


1. Buy your telescope from a telescope store or online store. A department store telescope will not have the same quality as one sold by a store that focuses on the instrument.

2. Join an astronomy club and look through the telescopes that the other members or the club provide. Ask a lot of questions, and learn which telescopes perform the best, and which ones the other members prefer. You may find such clubs listed at your local planetarium or museum, or even a department store.

3. Decide the size of the telescope you wish to buy. Generally speaking, smaller telescopes are smaller and are easier to carry as well as less expensive. However, the smaller telescopes do not always come with added features like a computer in which you can punch in coordinates.

4. Choose a telescope with a large aperture. The larger aperture allows in more light, thus allowing you to see more and farther.

5. Buy a telescope which has a low-power eye piece with a wide view for both finding things in the sky as well as for larger, diffuse objects. Add eye pieces that are the next power up from the low-power eyepieces that allows you to see the detail of the objects in the sky. As you become more familiar with your telescope, you may add eyepieces of varying powers.

6. Choose which type of telescope you wish to have: a refractor, Newtonian, or Catadioptric telescope. The refractor telescopes have the lens on one end and the eye piece at the other. They help with viewing the moon and also the planets. A Newtonian telescope uses a mirror to collect light which is then reflected into the focuser. The Newtonian telescope is also good for viewing planets. The Catadioptric telescope uses compound optical systems. The mirrors and lenses collect the light. The eye piece is at the end. The Catadioptric telescope is good for astrophotography, as the images viewed through them are very clear.

7. Select a Japanese or American eyepiece. The Japanese eyepiece has a barrel diameter of 0.965 inches, whereas the American eyepiece is 1.25 inches. Generally speaking, the Japanese eyepiece is less expensive. The more expensive and better quality telescopes will be designed to accept the American eyepiece.

8. Carry a good sky chart and an atlas to help you decide where to look. Also take a flashlight with a red light so you can read your chart at night, and a log book in which you can track whet you see and where.

Tags: American eyepiece, Catadioptric telescope, collect light, department store, Generally speaking, Japanese eyepiece

Calibrate A Hi Definition Tv

High definition TVs often come from the factory set to impress. And while the out-of-the-box settings on your HDTV may be initially impressive, they are rarely adjusted for maximum accuracy. Calibrating your HDTV will allow you to watch movies and videos with colors, detail and sharpness intended by the director. Properly calibrating your HDTV can also increase its life and lower its power consumption.


1. Set the contrast. The contrast is the white level of the display. It should be set so that when viewing an image, a wrinkled white shirt for example, the shirt appears white while still maintaining a high level of detail. Turn this control up until the white parts of the picture "bloom" or lose detail, and then reduce the contrast until you can see sufficient detail. The appropriate adjustment will vary by make and model of TV, but generally somewhere around 70 percent will give the best results.

2. Set the brightness. Strange as it sounds, the brightness control actually adjusts the black level of your TV. View a shadowy scene from a movie and adjust this setting until the dark portions of the screen are sufficiently dark, while maintaining proper detail in the shadows. Sometimes, there will be a compromise between making the dark portions of the screen true black, while still being able to see 100 percent of the shadow detail. Because of the nature of their respective technologies, plasma HDTVs tend to achieve better black levels while maintaining shadow detail than LCD displays.

3. Set the sharpness. The correct setting for sharpness on an HDTV is off or zero. Sharpness is a form of artificial edge enhancement that became popular during the days of CRT TVs. However, HDTVs offer superior image quality and can resolve every line of detail from any video source. If the picture seems too soft with the sharpness turned off, turn up the sharpness until the edges of text and objects appear sufficiently sharp. Be aware, however, that when set too high, the sharpness control can actually degrade image quality.

4. Set the tint. On an HDTV, the tint control should be left at 50 percent. LCD or plasma displays typically do not require any adjustment of the red and green levels. If the tint on your displays seems overly red or overly green, you may adjust this control to compensate. Be aware, however, that this would most likely signify a defective HDTV display.

5. Set the color. The color control influences the level of color saturation. For the most natural colors, this should be left at 50 percent. However, if you desire the super-saturated, eye-catching look that is often seen on HDTVs displayed in stores, boost the color control to around 70 to 80 percent of the maximum setting.

Tags: your HDTV, adjust this, around percent, aware however, aware however that

Monday, April 25, 2011

Strobe Light Experiments

Strobe lights can make rotation appear to "freeze" when the frequency of the light matches the rotational rate.

A strobe light is a light that flashes off and on at a very quick, regular rate. When other light sources are turned off, objects are invisible when the strobe is off, and can only be seen when the strobe is on. This can create some interesting effects when objects are moving, as they appear to jump from place to place. Because of those interesting effects, strobe lights make excellent laboratory tools.


A strobe light makes continuous motion appear to be separated into discrete steps.

Strobe lights have a variable frequency. That means the rate at which they turn off and on can be changed. Frequency refers to how many times the light turns on per second, and it's quoted in Hertz, which is simply cycles per second. So a light that turns off and on 30 times per second is operating at 30 Hz. The time between flashes is just the inverse of the frequency. So a light with a frequency of 30 Hz takes 1/30 of a second from flash to flash. The velocity of an object can be measured by knowing the distance it moves between flashes, and can be calculated when you know that each flash is 1/30 of a second after the previous one.

General Motion

If you put a ball on a table and illuminate the table with a strobe light, you can tell things about the motion of the ball. You can take a long exposure picture of the table and --- if the ball is moving --- you'll see a group of separate images of the ball in the photograph. If the distance between images of the ball is the same for every flash-to-flash period, then there is no external force working on the ball. If the distance between images changes, that means the velocity of the ball is changing, and the ball is being acted upon by a force. This same kind of experiment can be done with any object in motion.


If you mark a black disc with a white circle on one edge and attach that disc to a spinning motor, a strobe light can be used to measure the rotation rate. You'll have to adjust the timing of the strobe light until the white circle appears to stay in one spot. That means that the disc rotates once in the time between flashes --- or does it? It could also mean the disc rotated twice, or five times or any whole number of times between flashes. You can investigate this by changing the strobe frequency and seeing if you can make the circle "freeze" again. Some turntables use strobe lights to monitor the speed of a disc's rotation and make the sound reproduction more accurate.


One of the most interesting applications of strobe lights is with vibrating objects. Piano strings, drums, wineglasses --- all change their shapes when they vibrate. They vibrate so quickly that your eye cannot see the shapes they take on. But when a strobe light is adjusted to a frequency that matches the vibrational frequency of the object, the motion "freezes" in the same way as the rotating disc. Also in the same way as the rotating disc, the frequency of the vibration could be exactly the same as the strobe light, or 10 times, or 136 times, or any whole number of times greater than the strobe light frequency.

Tags: strobe light, between flashes, strobe light, when strobe, between images, distance between, distance between images

Make A Stereo Out Of A Car Radio

The typical car stereo is a pretty impressive package. Built into its small footprint is an AM/FM tuner, CD player and a powerful amplifier. If you've removed a car stereo from your car but would like to get some more use out of it, consider turning it into a home stereo. The compact, rugged design of the car stereo is perfect for locations like a garage or workshop.


1. Connect speakers to the stereo. Identify these two pairs of wires on the stereo's wiring harness: Front left: white (+) and white with black stripe (-); front right: gray (+), gray with black stripe (-). Solder or crimp these wires to two lengths of speaker wire, and connect them to your pair of speakers.

2. Connect the stereo to a power source. Car stereos operate on 12-volt power, so you'll need a 12-volt power supply (see Resources). The 12-volt power supply will have a positive (+) and a negative (-) terminal. Connect the red and yellow wires from the stereo to the positive terminal and the black wire from the stereo to the negative terminal.

3. Connect an antenna if you want radio reception. The best bet is to purchase a "universal" car radio antenna from an auto supply store. It will consist of an antenna, some generic mounting hardware and a cable terminating in a connector. Mount the antenna as desired, and then plug it into the radio.

4. Mount the car stereo where you like. Given its small size, it's easy to mount a car stereo on the underside of a shelf. A universal mounting kit (see Resources) will give you a clean look.

Tags: 12-volt power, 12-volt power supply, black stripe, from stereo, negative terminal, negative terminal Connect

Homemade Tv Antennas For Camping

Broadcast television is free to watch, providing that you have a digital antenna connected to a television set. You can watch television while camping by making your own digital antenna beforehand to take along on the trip. A few hardware parts are required as are some common tools found in most households. You will also need a few electrical parts from an electronic or computer store. Your homemade digital antenna does not require any electronics expertise.


1. Put a sheet of newspaper on a work surface. Place the wood board on the newspaper with the short end facing you.

2. Measure down two inches from the top, right edge of the wood board. Measure a half-inch across the board from the two-inch mark. Make a dot with the black magic marker. Measure two inches across the board from the dot. Make a dot with the black magic marker.

3. Repeat this entire process an additional three times.

4. Place a wooden screw washer over each of the dots. Screw a wood screw through the wooden washer and slightly into each of the dots using the electric screwdriver.

5. Cut eight 14-inch strips of copper wire using the wire cutters. Bend each wire so as to create a three-inch long end on one side. Pull the two ends of the copper wire towards each other to create a point.

6. Wrap the point of each of the bent copper wires around one of the wooden screws using the pliers. Angle the three-inch wide end of each of the copper wires outward either to the left or right, depending upon whether the screw is at the left or right side of the wood board.

7. Cut two 22-inch lengths of electric wire with the wire cutters. Strip a half-inch of insulation off of each of the ends of the two wires with the wire strippers.

8. Place the end of one of the electric wires around the topmost, left wooden screw on the wood board. Run the electric wire around the second from the top, wooden screw on the right side. Run the electric wire around the wooden screw below the one that was just wound around. Wind the end of the electric wire around the bottommost, left wooden screw.

9. Place the end of the other electric wire around the topmost, right wooden screw. Run the electric wire around the second from the top, wooden screw on the left side. Run the electric wire around the wooden screw below the one that was just wound around. Wind the end of the electric wire around the bottommost, right wooden screw.

10. Screw the wooden screws all the way into the wood with the electric screwdriver.

11. Strip the insulation off of the two electric wires with the wire cutters, with the exception of those areas where one electric wire crosses over the other. Turn the wood board over.

12. Put a reflective mesh grill screen onto the wood board with the long end facing you. Place the other reflective mesh grill screens below the first one with the long end facing up. Separate the top of the reflective mesh grill screen closest to you from the bottom of the reflective mesh grill screen farthest from you by four inches.

13. Screw four wood screws each in a vertical line through the the reflective mesh grill screens and into the wood board using the electric screwdriver. Turn the wood board over.

14. Strip a half-inch of insulation from each of the two wires attached to the coaxial cable connector using the wire strippers.

15. Wrap the end of one of the wires from the coaxial cable connector around the electric wire it is closest to at the right side of the wood board.

16. Wrap the end of the other wire from the coaxial cable connector around the electric wire it is closest to at the right side of the wood board.

17.Screw one end of the coaxial cable into the coaxial cable connector's plug. Screw the other end of the coaxial cable into the coaxial cable input on the portable television.

18. Stand your homemade digital TV antenna up against your camper or a tree. Turn on the portable television and enjoy watching TV while you're out camping.

Tags: electric wire, wood board, wooden screw, coaxial cable, electric wire around, wire around

Friday, April 22, 2011

Outdoor Family Portrait Ideas

Outdoor family portraits

Outdoor family portraits provide a look and feeling that can't be achieved in a studio setting. If your family is looking for professional outdoor family portraits, know what you want before the photographer clicks the camera. Generally, family portraits cost hundreds of dollars, so you want to be happy with the result. If you are satisfied with your portraits, you will enjoy looking at them for years.

Find the Photographer

Look for a photographer who has experience in photographing subjects in outdoor settings. If you have children, be sure your photographer has experience working with children. The photographer should not try to force your children into complying with set poses or they will not be happy, and that unhappiness will show in the portraits. Look for a photographer who is comfortable catching a portrait of you and your children making funny faces at one another while peeping around trees, having a tickle attack in a field of daisies or catching a catnap on a park bench. Don't forget about family pets, if they like the outdoors.

Find the Setting

Your photographer may have some ideas on settings, but ultimately this decision should be up to you. If your yard is a beautiful place, it may be the ideal spots because you and your family will be at ease there. Otherwise, think of places you frequent that are appealing to the eye. Ask your children about some of their favorite places; the photos of your children will be better if they are happy and having fun. Perhaps there is a favorite spiral slide at a nearby park or a pond with ducks to feed. Maybe there is a park where you can take your infant and sprawl out on a handmade quilt.

Know the Process

Let the process unfold naturally, without set ideas on how your portraits should take place. The best family photographs are spontaneous. Keep an open mind and be receptive to suggestions from your photographer and your children. While you might think that an artful shot on the swing set would be perfect, your family might decide to pile on one another football style, in front of azalea bushes. Things such as this create a whimsical family portrait that will bring smiles and laughter for generations to come.

Review the Photos

Meet with your photographer to look at the portraits taken during your outdoor photo shoot. If your photographer was good, she probably caught many candid shots, and you may find that your favorite is one you didn't even know she was taking. Select your favorites. Get input from other family members, if you like. The results will be outdoor family portraits you will be proud to share for years to come.

Tags: family portraits, your children, your photographer, your family, Look photographer, Outdoor family

Load Film In A Pentax K1000 Camera

It is best not to load film in very bright light.

The Pentax K1000 single lens reflex camera was a popular camera for many amateur photographers. The Pentax K1000 is an entirely manual camera, requiring the photographer to focus and set the exposure for the picture. The shutter works on a mechanical system, and the only battery in the camera is used to power the internal light meter. The camera could be used in extremely cold conditions, as it did not need power from the battery to operate. Loading film in the camera is a fairly easy process that is always best done in low light.


1. Hold the camera upright in your right hand. Locate the film rewind knob on the top left of the camera. Pull the knob straight up. This will release the camera back, allowing you to open the camera. Lay the camera down on a table or desk with the back open. Make sure there is a lens cap on the lens to protect it.

2. Hold a roll of color or black and white film in your left hand. Pull gently on the film leader to extend approximately an inch of film from the canister.

3. Feed the leader onto the take-up spool located in the film cavity on the right-hand side of the camera. Turn the advance wheel at the bottom of the spool so that the film starts to wind around the spool. When the film is securely on the spool, place the film canister in the left side of the film cavity. Leave the camera back open.

4. Press the shutter release button on the top of the camera as you slowly crank the film advance lever. Watch to see that the film is advancing correctly on the take-up spool.

5. Close the camera back. Take two pictures, advancing the film each time. Check to see that the film counter is on "1."

Tags: camera back, Pentax K1000, that film, back open, film cavity, take-up spool

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Connect A Sony Handycam Digital 8 To A Computer

Connect a Sony Handycam Digital 8 to a Computer

The Sony Handycam Digital 8 is a digital video camera recorder. Its features include a built in microphone, a 990X digital zoom, and a fold out 2 1/2-inch display screen. With the included Picture Package software, you can view, edit, and save videos on your computer or burn them to DVD. Follow these directions to install necessary software and connect a Sony Handycam Digital 8 video camera to a computer.


1. Install the Picture Package software onto your PC. Insert the software into the computer's disc drive, press the "Install" button. Select your language, press the "Next" button. Select the "I accept the terms of the license agreement" prompt, press "Next." Choose where to save the software on your computer, press "Next." Press the "Install" button, select the "Yes, I want to restart my computer now" prompt, and press "Finish."

2. Install the Picture Package software onto your MacIntosh computer. Insert the software into the computer's disc drive, open the CD-ROM icon, copy the "IMXINST.SIT" program into your "Applications" folder, and open the program to install the Picture Package software.

3. Open the Picture Package program on your computer.

4. Connect the Sony Handycam Digital 8 to your computer via USB cable to transfer standard audio and video to a computer. Turn on the camcorder to begin using the Picture Package program on your computer.

5. Connect the Sony Handycam Digital 8 to your computer via i.LINK cable to transfer audio and video digitally for higher quality videos, transfer photos taken on the camcorder to a MacIntosh computer, stream video on a PC's operating system older than Windows 98, or to create a DVD. Turn on the camcorder to begin using the Picture Package program on your computer.

Tags: Picture Package, your computer, Handycam Digital, Sony Handycam, Sony Handycam Digital

Install The Power Acoustik Ptid7250nr

If you want to add an entertainment center to your car, you can install the Power Acoustik PTID-7250NR in your dashboard. The Power Acoustik PTID-7250NR plays DVDs, VCDs and other digital media; provides FM and AM radio capabilities; and acts as a video monitor. The unit comes with a mounting bracket to make installation simple.


1. Join the power cable to the back of the unit, and then press "P.ANGLE." Undo the screws on the underside of the unit. Press the "P.ANGLE" button again to close the front panel.

2. Insert the mounting sleeve into your dashboard. Slide the main Acoustic PTID-7250NR unit into the mounting sleeve.

3. Connect the audio connector pack into the back of the audio socket. Connect the audio wires for each of the speakers in your car. This uses the standard phono speaker cables, so connect them simply by pushing the connectors into the jacks.

4. Connect a spare power cable from your car's battery into the power slot at the back of the unit. You have installed your Power Acoustik PTID-7250NR.

Tags: Power Acoustik, Acoustik PTID-7250NR, Power Acoustik PTID-7250NR, back unit, Connect audio, mounting sleeve, power cable

Load 120 Film Into A Holga 120 Camera

Load 120 Film Into a Holga 120 Camera

For many years, photo enthusiasts have enjoyed the Holga medium format camera. These little plastic "toy cameras" are prized as much for their extreme affordability as their ability to produce unique and aesthetically pleasing pictures. While the beauty of the Holga is its simplicity, loading the 120 film can be a bit tricky, especially for first-time users. Follow these steps to get your Holga quickly loaded and ready to shoot.


1. Slide down the metal latches on either side of the camera to remove the back cover.

2. Break the paper seal on the roll of film.

3. Slide the film roll into the left compartment with the tapered end pointing toward the take-up spool on the right. Lock it into place by fitting the film compartment pin into the hole on top of the film roll.

4. While gently holding the film in place with your thumb, pull the film leader out and insert the tapered end into the large slot of the take-up spool.

5. Turn the take-up knob to ensure that the film is adequately wound on the spool.

6. Replace the back cover and slide the metal latches back into place. Taping both the latches down with the black electrical tape can help the cover stay in place.

7. Advance the film with the take-up knob until the number "1" appears in the red frame counter window on the back of the camera.

Tags: back cover, Film Into, Film Into Holga, film roll, Holga Camera, Into Holga

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Live Stream A Video On A Mytouch 4g

The MyTouch 4G is a touch-screen smartphone manufactured by HTC for the T-Mobile cellular network. The device is powered by Google's Android operating system. Live streaming is the act of broadcasting a live video feed across the Internet. Live streaming is often used to broadcast concerts, conferences and meetings. But it is also suitable for personal use, such as keeping an eye on your house or simply showing your friends what you are currently up to. There are number of different applications and services available for the Android platform that let a user live stream to others.


1. Live stream with the Qik app (see Resources). Qik is a mobile live streaming app that lets users broadcast and/or record live video. It also allows for chatting alongside the broadcast. Qik was acquired by Skype (which has since been acquired by Microsoft), which means Skype technology is worked into the application for optimal video quality, regardless of connection type.

2. Broadcast live video with UStream (see Resources). UStream is a service that lets users create and broadcast their own shows. When you stream live video with the UStream app, your live stream will have a dedicated URL for easy sharing with millions of viewers across the web.

3. Stream live video with the app (see Resources). is a live streaming service that was born out of the idea to stream an entire user's life, before smartphones were capable of such an act. The application allows for hardware encoding, which means better video quality, especially when broadcasting over a Wi-Fi network. Users can also easily share the live feed directly within the app.

Tags: live video, live video with, video with, lets users, live stream, Live streaming

Listen To The Radio On A Blackberry

1. 2



You may think it would be difficult to use your Blackberry to listen to the radio, but advances in technology have made this huge multi-tasking phenom even greater. Follow these steps to turn your phone into a radio.


1. Purchase XM Radio Mobile for your Blackberry by following the link provided in the Resources section. Although this is a paid service, XM offers the option to try the service free for 24 hours.

2. Open the Internet browser that came with your phone to access Internet streaming radio websites.

3. Follow the link provided in the Resources section to access free Internet streaming radio through Radio-Locator.

4. Select a music format from the drop-down menu and click "Go."

5. Choose a radio station from the provided list in the "Call Sign" column. A new window should pop open featuring the radio station's website. If you are using a pop-up blocker, alter your Internet browser options to allow pop-up windows.

6. Look on the radio station home page for the words "Listen Live," "Listen Now" or some other similar text that links you to the radio station's streaming live feed.

7. Plug a headset into your Blackberry to listen to your music while on the go or exercising. If you do not own a headset, follow the link in the Resources section to determine which headset works with your Blackberry model.

Tags: radio station, your Blackberry, Resources section, Blackberry listen, Internet browser, Internet streaming

Three Types Of Digital Tv

Picture quality is a major factor in digital TVs.

Since its arrival, the digital age of television has provided an array of viewing options, from on-demand shows to interactive entertainment. The television choices themselves have also increased in number, and, in turn, have made selecting the right digital screen for the home a difficult decision. To simplify things, a majority of televisions can be placed into one of three categories.


Of the three types of digital televisions, HDTV is at the top of the list. The most noticeable difference between HDTV and the others is the resolution, which is nearly double that of the next type down on the list. Digital resolution is measured by what are known as scan lines. The more scan lines available, the higher the quality of the picture. Most HDTVs are labeled either 1080 or 720, which refers to the number of scan lines on the screen. Also, nearly all HDTVs are widescreen, much like the screen in a movie theater. The picture size is often referred to as "aspect ratio," and programs filmed in widescreen have an aspect ratio of 16:9, as opposed to the old 4:3 ratio on older televisions.


EDTV is the middle ground between the top-of-the-line digital televisions and the very basic digital models. The resolution of the EDTV is 480 scan lines, which is significantly lower than the typical HDTV but compatible with deinterlacing devices. These devices, of which the most common example is the progressive scan DVD player, are designed to enhance picture quality, especially for televisions with large displays. The result is a much brighter and clearer picture. EDTVs, like HDTVs, come with wide screens, and they can also display anything shot in a 16:9 aspect ratio in its intended format, which again enables large-sized EDTVs with a deinterlacting device to display a clean and smooth picture.


SDTV is considered the lowest quality digital television available. Although any SDTV is a step up from most analog sets, the resolution is still only 480 scan lines at best. And, unlike the EDTV models, these TVs do not come with any type of hardware that will enhance the quality of the picture. Although the resolution is noticeably lower, the most obvious difference between SDTV and the other two choices is the fact that most are not widescreen. The screen on an SDTV is the old-fashioned box shape, which is only capable of displaying images in a 4:3 aspect. Widescreen movies and shows can still be seen on this screen, they are just automatically shrunken in size with black "letter boxes" at the top and bottom.

Tags: scan lines, aspect ratio, come with, difference between, digital television, digital televisions

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Use Umbrellas In Professional Photography

Lighting is one of the most important steps in photography. If you do not have proper lighting then your images will turn out less-than-desirable. Using an umbrella in photography will provide you with professional results that will help get your vision across on film.


Using the Photography Umbrellas

1. Set up your umbrellas so that they allow you to defuse the light to create a softer appearance. You can also use them to reflect harsh lighting so you still receive a bright appearance, but without washing out your subject.

2. Use a white umbrella for a softer light. Once you have opened the umbrella, you can shoot light directly through the umbrella, which will remove the harshness, while still providing you with a soft glow.

3. Angle your lights. If you want to get rid of shadows, you will can use the white umbrella, and while shooting the light directly through this umbrella, situate it so that the majority of the light is behind the subject. This will remove shadowing, and provide a nice outline. You will want to use this type of shooting style for portraits and in other locations where shadowing is common (outside, etc.).

4. Utilize the black/silver umbrella to brighten your subject. This type of umbrella is black on the outside, but when you turn it over, the interior cavity is silver. When you shoot the light directly onto the silver, or underside, of this umbrella it will reflect onto your subject. It may take several minutes to adjust the light on the subject, but once you have done so, your subject will be brightly illuminated without being washed out.

5. Combine both white (translucent) and the black reflector umbrella within one shoot. This will allow you to both hide shadows and give the subject a healthy glow. To accomplish a professional image, use the reflector umbrella as your main light source, and then take the translucent (white) umbrella and defuse light behind the subject.

Tags: your subject, light directly, white umbrella, behind subject, defuse light, directly through

Upgrade To A New Ipod

Sure, you liked your first iPod, but you filled up the memory and now you want to upgrade to a new iPod. Apple has come out with many new upgrades for the iPod since its release, so there are a number of options to consider before you upgrade to a new iPod. Follow these steps to upgrade to a new iPod.


1. Consider a massive increase in memory. More memory not only means more songs, it also means more playlists and more of the extra features that you have come to love about the iPod. The iPod nano comes with 3 levels of memory (2, 4 or 8 gigabytes), while the new standard iPod clocks in with 30 gigabytes and the option to get as much as 80 gigs of memory.

2. Take a look at the new iPod nano. The unit is physically smaller, but it has a bigger memory and the iPod nano comes in different colors.

3. Consider the new version of the iPod Shuffle, which has a built-in belt-clip and a sturdy casing so that the new Shuffle can play your favorite tunes no matter where you go. The new Shuffle is smaller than the original iPod, so that may have some appeal if you purchased the original and are looking for an upgrade.

4. Let your expected usage be your guide. The standard iPod is better suited to an office environment, where you will be downloading and playing long podcasts for work or school.

5. Expecting to do a lot of jogging while you listen to music? Look at the iPod Shuffle. This portable music player is strictly meant for playing music and does not have any video screen, so if you are looking to replace that old portable CD player, the Shuffle should fit the bill.

6. Look to the iPod nano when you want a compromise between the features and memory of the standard iPod and the portability of the iPod Shuffle.

Tags: iPod nano, iPod Shuffle, standard iPod, upgrade iPod, iPod nano comes, means more

Monday, April 18, 2011

Transfer Music From My Mini Disc

Your MiniDisc player will connect to a computer

MiniDisc players record music and other audio as MP3 files on small discs that can be easily erased and re-recorded. If you need more space o a disc but don't want to delete the music on the disc permanently, you can transfer the music files from the disc to a computer. Older players had some obstacles in transferring from the disc to the computer, but newer models have corrected those problems--especially since the Hi-MD format was released.


1. Insert the correct disc into your MiniDisc player.

2. Connect the MiniDisc player to your computer. Many MiniDisc players will have the option of a USB or FireWire connection. The USB connection may require a cable with a mini USB plug, especially on a portable player.

3. Look for the MiniDisc player to appear as an auxiliary hard drive on your computer. On most Windows operating systems, this is found by going to the "Computer" or "My Computer" window. On Mac computers, it will appear as an icon on the desktop.

4. Open the MiniDisc drive by clicking on the icon and look for the music files you want to transfer.

5. Drag the file icons you want onto the computer desktop or within a folder on the computer to copy the file to the computer. If you right-click the mouse while dragging on a Windows computer, you can choose to copy the file or move it from the disc to the computer.

Tags: MiniDisc player, disc computer, from disc, from disc computer, copy file, MiniDisc players, music files

Connect Two Vcrs To A Tv

So you want to connect two VCRs to a television. Connecting two VCRs together and then hooking them up to a television will create a crude editing station right in your home. You will be able to copy entire tapes, record parts of several tapes onto one tape, or simultaneously make two copies of the same show you're recording.


1. Take a moment to label your parts. With a small sticker, label one VCR #1 and the other one #2. Label each of your coaxial wires #1 and #2 as well.

2. Hook in your antenna, satellite or cable connection to the "In" port on the back of VCR #1. You will be looking for a round metal screw, and will be labeled something along the lines of "In", or "In from Antenna".

3. Find the "Out" port for a coaxial wire on the back of VCR #1. This will be labeled something like "video out" or "out to TV". Screw in coaxial wire #1 to it.

4. Find the "In" port for a coaxial wire on the back of VCR #2, . This will be a round metal screw, and will be labeled something like "video in" or "cable in". Screw in the second half of coaxial wire #1 to it.

5. Find the "Out" port for a coaxial wire on the back of VCR #2,, and screw coaxial wire #2 into it.

6. Search for the "In" port for a coaxial wire on the back of the TV , and screw the other half of coaxial wire #2 into it.

7. Plug in your TV and both VCRs to the power strip, and the power strip into the wall. Make sure the power strip is on.

8. Tune both VCR #2 and your TV to channel 3.

Tags: coaxial wire, coaxial wire back, port coaxial, port coaxial wire, wire back

Use My Lexar Adapter To Put My Pictures From My Cell To My Computer

The Lexar SD adapter is used to convert microSD memory cards into SD memory cards -- when you place a microSD memory card into the Lexar SD adapter, it functions just like an SD memory card. Place a microSD memory card into an SD adapter to transfer pictures to a computer with an SD memory card port, but no microSD memory card port.


1. Pull the microSD card from the cell phone. Most microSD cards are on the thin side of the cell phone.

2. Fit the microSD card into the Lexar SD adapter.

3. Slide the adapter into the SD card slot on the computer.

4. Click "Start" and select "Computer" on the computer. Double-click the microSD card icon. It may be labeled "SD" because it is in an SD adapter.

5. Highlight the pictures by holding "Ctrl" and clicking "A." Click "Ctrl" and "C" to copy the files. Right-click a folder on the computer and click "Paste." The pictures are pasted into the folder.

Tags: memory card, microSD memory, card into, Lexar adapter, microSD card

Friday, April 15, 2011

Pick A Home Theater Receiver

A home theater receiver is the main component of your whole audio and video setup. This receiver sends the audio from your DVD player to your speakers and sometimes processes video before it is sent to the TV. There are a variety of different units to choose from, so you should pick a home theater receiver that suits your needs and budget.


Pick a Home Theater Receiver

1. Decide if you want to use a wired or wireless setup for your home theater audio. A wireless receiver can help cut down on cable clutter in your theater room, but some audiophiles claim that digital reproduction isn't as good with wireless units. Some wireless transmitters can be added to the audio chain after the receiver, so buying a wired one doesn't lock you out of future wireless possibilities.

2. Look for receivers that have enough power to fill the home theater room. In most cases, 100 watts is more than enough to power a loud home theater audio system.

3. Make sure the receiver is able to handle a wide spectrum of frequencies. At the bare minimum, it should process between 50 and 8000 Hz to ensure accurate reproduction of both low and high frequencies.

4. Check for surround sound format support. Most receivers will be able to process the three basic kinds of surround sound, like Dolby Digital. If you need or want to use a newer or special format of surround sound, you'll probably have to pick a newer and more expensive receiver.

5. Look at the distortion rating to make sure your audio signal won't break up at high volumes or with changing signal loads. Distortion ratings are often expressed as a percentage and most people cannot hear 3-4 percent distortion, but anything higher may upset your movie experience.

6. Examine the other audio capabilities of home theater receivers. You can often run your CD player into the receiver to take advantage of its processing and speaker setup. Some receivers even have built-in radio tuners.

Tags: home theater, surround sound, enough power, Home Theater, home theater audio

How Do Infrared Devices Work

What is Infrared

Infrared is light comprised of electromagnetic energy. Infrared waves are shorter than a microwave but longer than visible light rays. Infrared is invisible to the human eye. The human body naturally receives and gives off infrared light. Objects that aren't hot enough to produce visible light release infrared energy. This explains why many household devices like your TV remote control, thermometers and cameras use infrared.

Infrared Light and Your TV

The "brain" or processor in your remote control detects that you have pressed a button. The processor knows which button you've pressed. Now that the remote knows what you want it to do, it sends a string of messages in binary code to the processing unit. These messages are sent via your Infrared light emitting diode in your remote control. The signal is transmitted to a receiver in your TV. Your TV performs the command you gave it.

Heat and Infrared

Infrared energy is used in manufacturing during the heating process. Some people have infrared heat systems in their house. The jury is still out as to whether infrared heat is a good form of energy conservation. In theory, it seems to be. Since infrared can detect energy, an infrared heating system can apply heat where it is most needed. For example, If you aren't in the living room, there's no need for a great deal of heat to be used there.

Tags: remote control, your remote, your remote control, infrared heat, Infrared Infrared

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Know If A Tracfone Is Activated

TracFone is the largest prepaid cellular service provider in the United States. TracFone offers its customers no-contract cell phones and service. Once you purchase a TracFone, you will need to activate your phone prior to using it on TracFone's cellular service network. If you are unsure if your TracFone is activated, you can attempt to complete a call, try to activate the phone using TracFone's website or call TracFone Customer Service.


1. Try to complete a call using your TracFone. Dial the 10-digit number you want to call and press your phone's "Send" button. If the call connects, your TracFone is activated.

2. Go to the website. Click the green "Activate Phone, Add or Buy Airtime" box located on the right side of the website. Click the blue "Activate/Reactivate Phone" button. Select the option to "Activate my TracFone with a new number, or Reactivate my TracFone." Select the TracFone cellular telephone you currently use from the list of available phones and click the "Submit" button. Enter your TracFone user ID and password and click the blue "Sign In" button. If you see information about your phone, your TracFone is activated. If you see a TracFone activation Web page, your TracFone is not activated.

3. Call TracFone Customer Service at 800-867-7183. Ask the customer service representative if your TracFone service is activated. If your phone is not activated, the customer service representative will provide you with activation options.

Tags: your TracFone, your phone, your TracFone activated, TracFone activated, activated TracFone, cellular service, complete call

Unlock A Tracfone W376g

Tracfone offers prepaid cellular service and a variety of different phones to its customers. The Motorola W376g is one of Tracfone's popular "flip" phone models. This cell phone comes "locked" from Tracfone. Locked is the term used to describe a phone that is programmed to only work with a particular service provider. Through the use of a special code, you can unlock the phone to be used with any service provider that uses a SIM card.


1. Turn off the phone, and remove the battery.

2. Write down the International Mobile Equipment Identification (IMEI) number, and replace the current SIM card with a SIM card from a different provider. Dialing "*#06#" will also display the IMEI number on most phones.

3. Choose a company that specializes in cellular phone unlock codes, and navigate to their website (see Resources).

4. Fill in the required information about the make, model, network, IMEI of your phone and your contact details. Order the unlock code, and wait for it to be delivered to the contact email.

5. Turn on the phone with the new SIM card inserted, and enter the code provided by the company.

Tags: IMEI number, service provider, Turn phone, with card

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Set Up Live Video Streaming With A Camcorder

Keep in touch live with your friends and family using a camcorder.

Whether it is a birthday, Christmas party or you just miss your loved ones, don't miss out on streaming the event via camcorder. Sending a video file takes time to upload and edit. Instead of sharing a recorded event, set up a live video streaming with your camcorder. You will be able to interact with family and friends through live streaming. Your husband or wife does not have to miss the next birthday because of a business trip. He or she will be able to see what is going on in real time.


1. Register at a software streaming site. and are sites that host live streaming.

2. Click the "Live Broadcast" or "New Broadcast" button.

3. Choose a title for your live stream.

4. Place one end of the USB cable in the output of your camcorder. Place the opposite end of the USB cable to a USB port in your computer.

5. Click on video source. Select your camcorder as the video output. Click on audio source. Select your camcorder as the audio output. Click on the "Done" button.

6. Press the "Broadcast Now" or "Start Broadcast" button. Your stream is now live and ready to be viewed.

Tags: your camcorder, Broadcast button, live streaming, output Click, Select your, Select your camcorder, source Select

Prolong The Life Of Cordless Phone Batteries

Proper care of your cordless phone's battery will save you money in needing fewer replacements and will help your phone function at its full capacity. Most of today's chargers automatically shut off when a battery has been fully recharged, but there is other maintenance involved to maximize its life cycle.


Maximizing Use of a Cordless Phone Battery

1. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for charging the battery for the first time. This is the most important step in maximizing the life of the battery. Many people plug in their phone and immediately start using it as soon as the light indicates that it is charged. What they don't realize is a battery should be put through three or four cycles where it is completely charged and then allowed to discharge before it's used.

2. Once you properly charge the phone, don't put it back in its cradle until it indicates that the battery is low or about to die. Why? If your battery is not fully discharged before you rejuice it, the battery will eventually fail to recognize how much of a charge it has left at its disposal and it won't maintain its functionality. Let your phone totally discharge every two or three weeks. But don't overcharge your battery, either. It can cut down its life and damage it.

3. Use the specific battery designed for your phone's brand and model. These components were designed to work together so they will give you the best performance. If you use a generic battery for your phone instead of a name brand, make sure to select the proper equivalent.

4. Keep the phone in a place where it's not exposed to extreme temperatures or moisture. Those factors can damage not only your battery but also the phone itself.

5. Remove the battery if the appliance isn't going to be used for 30 days or more. Store the battery in a clean place that's dry and cool. If the phone hasn't been used in a few weeks, let the battery discharge and recharge it, since it's not good to let it sit dormant in the phone.

6. Clean the battery contacts if necessary with swabs and alcohol. This enhances the connection between the battery and the phone.

Tags: your phone, your battery, battery will, indicates that

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

How Does An Inverter Work

A power inverter is a device that converts Direct Current (DC) to Alternating Current (AC) safely. Direct current is the type of electricity that works simultaneously to positive and negative electrical poles. For example, it is the type of electrical current found inside a battery. Alternating current, is the type of voltage found in the home. It flows back and forth between poles, rather than at the same time.

The two basic types of power inverters are either "modified" or "pure wave" sine. This simply refers to the type of repetitive wave output of an electronic signal--how it might look if it were visible to the naked eye. Modified inverters generally cost less than pure wave inverters. Pure wave inverters can generate the same level of power as your local electric company. Both inverters can operated a wide range of electrical equipment or household appliances.

To choose a power inverter, consider the size and how much money you want to spend. Be careful not to pick a significantly cheap inverter as it coulddestroy valuable electronic equipment. Cheaper inverters cause different voltages to skyrocket or "spike," causing irreparable damage to delicate circuitry. Resonance technology may be one way to improve future power inverter performance.

Tags: power inverter, current type, pure wave, wave inverters

Digital Camera Asm Function

The ASM functions give you a lot of control over your camera.

Most digital cameras have a set of easy modes to help you quickly find the settings you need for the photos you are about to take. However by using some of the more advanced settings---such as the aperture priority ("A"), shutter priority ("S") and manual ("M") options---photographers have even more control over their work.

Understanding Your Camera

What we think of as a camera is actually two main pieces of equipment working together: the SLR body and the lens.

The body takes the photograph when the shutter opens to allow light to the sensor.

Lenses help change the view of what we see with our eyes. They can also control how much light is received by the camera body through use of a diaphragm, called the aperture.

Aperture Priority

By selecting aperture priority, you determine how much light enters the camera---the lower the number, the more light. The "A" setting lets you choose the f-number for the camera, and it will automatically select the appropriate shutter speed.

The side effect of that is to change the depth-of-field of the image--- that is, how much of the picture is in focus and how much is blurred. A higher f-number will keep more of the image in focus; however, it also reduces the amount of light entering the camera, so your shutter speed will be slower.

Shutter Priority

By choosing the shutter priority option, you decide how long the shutter is open. Your camera then selects the ideal aperture setting. The "S" setting is useful to prevent excessive motion blur when shooting fast action, but you may not be able to use fast shutter speeds in low-light situations.

Manual Setting

You set both the shutter speed and the aperture setting when you select the "manual" setting. That setting should be used by more experienced photographers, as it involves understanding the light conditions and the limitations of your camera and lens. With practice, you will be able to strike the balance of shutter speed and aperture to make the most of available light.


The lens is typically more important than the camera body when taking a photograph. Having an SLR camera that allows you to change lenses gives you more flexibility. Having lenses with the widest range of aperture settings will give you the most flexibility.

It is important to consider your ability to keep the camera still when choosing a shutter speed. Speeds faster than 1/160th of a second may be difficult to hand hold, but are easy to obtain with a tripod.

Tags: shutter speed, aperture priority, aperture setting, camera body, choosing shutter, control over

Keep A Camera Lens Clean

Regardless of whether you are a weekend shooter or a seasoned photographer, it probably has happened to you: After shooting your best work, you find that the pictures are useless because there was dirt on the lens. In some cases, small spots can be eliminated, but by and large, you will have to shoot the pictures again. Here are some choices you have to keep your lenses clean without doing them damage.


1. Buy a lens cap and keep in on your camera when it's not in use. Also, make sure it's free of dirt and dust before attaching it to your camera.

2. Keep an ultraviolet filter on your camera at all times. You will no longer have to worry about dust and dirt, and you will be running less risk in scratching your lens. Though UV filters are relatively inexpensive, choose a good one that won't distort your pictures. Do remember that you will probably have to purchase one for each lens because they might have different diameters.

3. Keep dust from getting inside of the body of your camera because it will become attached to both the image sensor and the back end of your lens. This mostly happens when you change lenses. Always pick a place that's dust-free, and point your camera toward the ground as you make the change.

4. Buy a can of compressed air and use it on your lens and inside your camera. Although it is not as effective if your equipment is particularly dirty, it is a good way to clean the lens without touching it.

5. Consider using a cleansing fluid that contains alcohol on your lens if it is dirty with fingerprints or oils from your hand. Simply apply the fluid with a dust-free cleaning cloth. Under no circumstances should you pour it directly on the lens, because it could enter the body of your camera. At the same time, make sure there is no dirt on the lens that will scratch it. If only a little dirt is on your lens, simply breathe on it, then clean with a dust-free cloth or tissue.

Tags: your camera, your lens, body your, body your camera, dirt lens

Monday, April 11, 2011

Read A Digital Camera'S Light Meter

Selecting the Manual mode allows a reading of your light meter.

Reading your digital camera's light meter is a straight-forward task. Most digital cameras have a similar exposure level indicator that consists of a series of dots and bars. In the manual shooting mode, the light meter clearly indicates under or overexposure, and immediately responds to the changes made with aperture and shutter speed.


1. Turn on the camera. Press the button that shows your camera's image information, often labeled "Info." A series of settings will appear on the LCD screen.

2. Set the appropriate ISO number for your situation by holding down the ISO button and using the dial to scroll through choices. The darker the lighting, the higher the number should be.

3. Set the metering mode for your situation, if desired. Hold down the button with a symbol of a circle within a rectangle and scroll through choices. Most cameras have a center-weighted mode that meters primarily from that area of the image. Scenes that have a wide contrast in lighting may benefit from ESP metering, which averages the light in the entire scene rather than just the center.

4. Find the exposure level indicator. It will likely appear as a line of dots, with a minus sign in the beginning, a plus at the end, and a bold dot in the center.

5. Set the camera to Manual (M) mode. In Program (P), Shutter Priority (S) or Aperture Priority (A) mode, you will be able to observe the exposure level indicator, but not be able to read light from it. Setting the mode to Manual and lightly tapping the shutter release button reveals small bars just below the exposure level indicator dots.

6. Observe whether the small bars appear to the left or the right of the bold center dot. If bars approach the plus side of the indicator, too much light is entering the camera. If the bars approach the minus side, too little light is available.

7. Turn the dial to allow in more or less light as your meter indicates. The goal is to have no bars appear either to the left or right of the bold center dot. You can choose either the shutter speed or aperture to change the amount of light entering the camera, although your camera will default to one of these methods. For example, your camera may default to highlighting the aperture as the method of changing exposure, but you may want to change the shutter speed instead. Locate a button that has a plus and minus sign, or one that says "AV." Pressing this button highlights the shutter speed instead, allowing you to make changes through this method.

8. Press the shutter release button to make your image once no bars appear on either side of the bold center dot. If your image still appears too bright, change either the shutter speed or aperture to make bars appear towards the minus sign. If the image is too dark, make a change that lets the bars appear towards the plus sign.

Tags: bars appear, shutter speed, bold center, exposure level, exposure level indicator

Recover Deleted Text Messages On A Motorola K1

Recover your deleted text messages.

Perhaps you accidentally deleted some important text messages off of your Motorola K1 and you desperately need to get them back. Maybe you need to know what your teenager is up to and they won't talk to you. Whatever the case, retrieving deleted messages off your Motorola K1 can be done easily provided you have the right tools.


1. Get a cell phone SIM (subscriber identity module) reading device. These will allow you to transfer data from your phone to your laptop, where it can be read and even undeleted in some cases. You can find these at most online spy shops such as, and As of 2010, they cost between $50-$100.

2. Install the software by inserting the CD that came with your kit into your drive. Follow the directions on the screen. This will install an application that will retrieve and organize the data from your cell phone.

3. Turn the power off on your Motorola K1. Remove the battery cover and take out the battery and the SIM card.

4. Insert the SIM card into the reading device and then plug it into your computer via the USB port.

5. Go to the "Start Menu" on your computer and open up the application that you installed. Go to file and "Download text messages." All of your messages will appear in a window including the ones that have been deleted and are recoverable. The deleted ones will be marked in red. To undelete them right-click on them and select "Undelete."

Tags: messages your, your Motorola, application that, cell phone, data from, data from your, from your

Typical Communication Devices

Telephones are still a primary source of communication

Communication is more than just talking. In disaster or emergency situations, good communication can be the difference between life and death. The ability to hear instructions, to talk to an authority figure who has a plan or simply to check on someone who may be in the path of danger is vital. It's a good idea to know not only the typical means of communication, but also what might be needed in an emergency.


Telephones remain one of the most used communication devices on the planet. Home installed telephones, or "land lines" are still used by a large percentage of homes. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 75 percent of all homes had a telephone connected by way of a cord. The ability of Emergency Systems to trace the call back to a home makes this type of device desirable. But, in an emergency, wires phone systems are often damaged, causing an interruption of service.

Cell Phones

Cells phones are giving land lines a run for their money. In the same study, the CDC noted that almost 25 percent of all homes had abandoned land lines and lived only with a cellular phone. Rather than sending a signal over lines, a cell phone takes its signal from a cell tower by means of a specific set of bandwidths. Cell phones can be a good alternative to land lines in the case of an emergency. Although, if one or more cell towers are damaged, service may be spotty or distorted.

Walkie Talkies

Walkie talkies have come a long way from two cans connected by a string. Modern walkie talkies look much like a cell phone. They use cell towers to bounce an individual signal directly to another walkie talkie. They differ from cell phones in that, since all of the walkie talkies are part of am integrated system, there is no need for phone numbers. However, unless you have a model that doubles as a cell phone, you may only communicate with others on the same system. Like cell phones, walkie talkies are susceptible to problems if the cell towers are damaged.

Home Radios

Still used, but less popular, are home radio sets. These include Ham radios, Citizen Band, or CB radios, and Emergency Radio systems. These types of communication devices don't rely on land lines or cell towers. However, in addition to the radio itself, these will need an antenna in order to function appropriately.

Tags: land lines, cell towers, cell phone, cell phones, cell towers damaged, communication devices, from cell