Thursday, March 31, 2011

Firewire Problems In A Canon Gl2

The Canon GL2 professional-grade digital camcorder has been around since 2002. It offers USB and FireWire connectivity for transferring video content from the camcorder to a personal computer. If you are experiencing problems while using the camera's FireWire feature, try a few troubleshooting methods before taking more drastic measures.

External Hard Drive

Some Canon GL2 users have reported a problem linking the camcorder to a personal computer through the device's FireWire connectivity feature after connecting a FireWire external hard drive to the primary computer. In these instances, the GL2 was connected to the external hard drive at the same time. If you are having this problem, which is manifested by the computer failing to identify the camcorder, connect the GL2 to another computer to determine if the external hard drive had an impact on your computer's or camcorder's FireWire functionality. If the camera is able to connect to the second computer, the problem more than likely lies with the primary computer's FireWire functionality, which could have been disconnected or damaged when you linked the GL2 to the external hard drive. Uninstalling and reinstalling the FireWire drivers might fix the problem, but you'll likely need a qualified repair professional to resolve the problem.


Canon GL2 users have also experienced problems with their personal computer failing to recognize the camcorder after using different devices as a deck to transfer video content to the computer. Some devices can have a negative impact on the camcorder's ability to establish a link, and can even cause the FireWire cable to become damaged. If you run into this type of problem after using a device other than the GL2 as a deck for transferring footage, replace the cable with a new one.


Some video-editing applications, such as Final Cut Pro, can cause the Canon GL2 to encounter FireWire link problems when linked to a personal computer. The application's settings can be at fault in these instances, so make sure the program's default interface feature is set to DV-NTSC and that its device control preset is set to FireWire. If these settings are in place and you still experience problems, remove and reinstall the application to see if this resolves the issue.


Because the Canon GL2 is an older model, it is more likely to experience technical difficulties when it comes to its data transfer features, such as FireWire. If your troubleshooting efforts are not successful, check the computer's FireWire drivers to see if they are up to date. Access the computer's Device Manager interface menu to update the drivers by right-clicking on the FireWire port driver item and then choosing the "Update Driver" option.

Tags: personal computer, external hard drive, after using, camcorder personal, camcorder personal computer

Flash Zip Files To An Evo 4g

The HTC EVO 4G can be updated using its recovery menu.

Android is a mobile operating system that is owned by Google. It runs on many different mobile devices like smart phones and tablet computers. The HTC EVO 4G smart phone runs on Sprint's mobile network. The EVO is the first 4G phone offered in the United States. As with all Android devices, you can install updates to your Android via the phone's recovery menu. These updates come as zip files that are stored on your phone's internal SD card.


1. Press the "Market" application icon on the HTC EVO 4G's homescreen, and press the "Search" button. Enter in "ROM Manager," and press "Enter."

2. Press the "ROM Manager" application that appears, and press "Install" on the next screen. Return to the EVO 4G's homescreen, and press the "ROM Manager" icon that is now on the homescreen.

3. Press the "Flash ClockworkMod Recovery" button at the top of the ROM Manager screen, and wait as the new recovery file is installed onto the EVO 4G. It will display "Success" when complete.

4. Press the "Reboot into Recovery" option on the ROM Manager main screen, and press "OK" to reboot into the EVO 4G's recovery menu.

5. Press the "Volume Down" button on the side of the EVO 4G until the "install zip from sdcard" option is highlighted. Press in the "Camera" button to select that option. A list of flashable zip files on the phone's SD card is displayed.

6. Use the "Voume Down" button on the EVO 4G to highlight the zip file you want to install on the EVO 4G, and press the "Camera" button to select it. Use the "Volume Down" button once more to highlight "Yes" and the "Camera" button to select it. The zip file is now installing on the EVO 4G.

7. Select the "Go Back" option when the screen displays "Installation Complete," and select the "reboot system now" option to reboot your HTC EVO 4G. Zip file installation is now complete.

Tags: button select, Camera button, Camera button select, Down button, recovery menu, homescreen press

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Best Sports For Children

Sports are a great way for kids to build friendships.

Sports are a great way for kids to stay in shape and develop motor skills. They also give children an opportunity to meet peers and form friendships. Sports can teach kids life lessons, such as determination and sportsmanship, and help them develop confidence. Choose a sport that offers your child a positive experience. A child might want to try out multiple sports to see which ones he likes best.


Soccer teaches children endurance.

Soccer is a popular sport worldwide and offers a number of benefits for kids and beginner players. Children can experience being a part of a team and learn about competition. They can find their niche in a variety of positions on the soccer field. Soccer can help kids improve their physical condition due to the running and footwork required. Soccer games are also about endurance, a quality which is beneficial both on and off the field. Parents might be glad to enroll their child in a sport that doesn't use nearly as much physical contact compared to football.


Tennis is a sport that children can play both individually and on a team. A child can practice singles with only one other person, or learn communication by playing doubles. Tennis develops hand-eye coordination, balance, strength and fitness. Many cities have public courts where kids can practice. Tennis is a sport that children can play throughout their life long after school sports are available.


Swimming is an important skill for kids. Learning swim can help keep kids safe at the pool or the beach. It can also be a fun sport for kids. Many schools or sports centers have swim teams. Kids can meet friends through swimming and benefit from being a member of a team. Swimming builds strength and endurance, and it improves cardiovascular health. Like tennis, kids can engage in lifelong swimming activities.


Kids can enjoy baseball at many skill levels.

Baseball is a classic American sport and one that kids can play from a young age thanks to a variety of beginner levels. A child can start by playing on a t-ball team and advance to a coach-pitch level before playing competitive baseball. Baseball can help children with eye-hand coordination, as well as strength building and fitness. Girls can shift to softball later, although many are now playing in previously male-only Little League leagues and higher.


Basketball helps kids learn play on a team. They can develop strength and agility, as well as improved fitness. Basketball requires a lot of teamwork, so kids can learn communication and cooperation. Regardless of the weather, children can play basketball indoors and year-round. A child can practice basketball by himself or with any number of people.

Tags: sport that, children play, child practice, friendships Sports, great kids, kids learn

Install Roady Xt

The Delphi Roady XT is a small, sleek plug-and-play receiver that is easy to integrate into both your car and your home. Since the receiver is designed to be mounted onto your air conditioner vent or dash, there's no difficult installation involved, and any Roady owner can take care of the installation himself. After making a few simple connections, you'll be enjoying satellite radio in your vehicle.


Swivel Mount

1. Choose your mounting option. Roady XT comes with two vehicular mounting options: swivel mount and air conditioning vent mount. The swivel mount allows you to mount the receiver on a convenient place on your dash or windshield. It should not be mounted to leather.

2. Determine where you want to mount your Roady XT. The swivel mount uses strong adhesive, so make sure that you find a place that you'll be comfortable with. The swivel mount can be attached either vertically or horizontally.

3. Clean the mounting area on your car off with the included cleaning kit. If you don't have the kit, wipe it down with a wet paper towel or appropriate cleaner for the type of surface.

4. Take the paper off the swivel mount's adhesive back and press the adhesive down onto your mounting area firmly. Hold for at least 30 seconds.

5. Allow the mount to bond for a full day before putting the receiver on it, or it might get pulled off.

Air Conditioning Vent Mount

6. Locate a horizontal air conditioning vent that will hold the Roady XT and is convenient for the driver to reach.

7. Push the vent mount into the air conditioning vent so that it clicks into place, grabbing onto one of the vent vanes.

8. Push out the bottom support bracket of the mount so that it supports the vent mount.

Receiver Installation

9. For either of the vent mounts above, use the vehicle dock to attach the Roady XT. Push the bottom of the Roady XT into the mount.

10. Line the hook of the vent or swivel mount up with the notch on the Roady XT dock. Push the receiver downward into place so that the dock locks into the mount.

11. Connect your antenna. The antenna is magnetic and should go on the middle of your car roof, 6 inches from any window or sunroof. Run the wire down your roof, into the edge of your car door, along the gasket of your car door, onto the dash and to your Roady XT. Make sure that the wire is secure and out of the way of the driver.

12. Plug the antenna into the antenna jack on the Roady XT.

13. Plug the 12V power adaptor into the Roady XT power jack and into your vehicle's 12V power supply.

14. Connect the tape-deck adapter to the audio output on your Roady XT and put the tape into your tape deck. The tape deck adaptor will provide the best quality audio. Alternately you could purchase an FM direct adaptor or use the wireless FM adaptor by placing the XM antenna close to your vehicle's FM antenna and then tuning both the XM radio and FM car radio to the same frequency.

Tags: conditioning vent, swivel mount, swivel mount, your Roady, your vehicle, conditioning vent that, into mount

Connect An Mp3 Player To A Car

Mp3 devices are great for the music lover, allowing direct transfer of music from a computer onto a built-in hard drive on the music player. You can then hook a head phone jack into your Mp3 player and listen to your own mix of music. These players can also be used in your car. Here is one way to do so.


1. Connect the small end of the wireless adapter's jack to your MP3 player's audio port (where you'd usually plug in the headphones).

2. Plug the larger end into any free cigarette-lighter slot on your car. Make sure to remove the lighter first and make sure that the device is plugged into the lighter slot tightly.

3. Power on your MP3 player and either start playing a song or keep it paused with a song ready to play.

4. On the wireless adapter, tune the station to any FM frequency you wish to use. Keep note of what station you have picked.

5. Tune your car's FM radio to the same frequency as the station on the wireless adapter. Hit play on the MP3 player, if you have not already. Your MP3 player will now play music through your car stereo using wireless signals.

Tags: wireless adapter, your player

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Install Pictbridge

PictBridge is an application used on Olympus digital cameras. It gives users the ability to copy pictures from the camera to the computer through a USB cable and the installed firmware. It also allows users to print directly to the printer attached to the computer. PictBridge is a free download from the Olympus website and only takes a few steps to install.


1. Connect the digital camera to your computer with the supplied USB cables. The computer automatically detects the device.

2. Download the PictBridge firmware drivers at Olympus' main web page (see References). Click the "I agree" button at the bottom of the screen.

3. Select your camera model from the list of compatible devices. Click the "Download" button. This initiates the download.

4. Double-click the downloaded executable. It may take several minutes for the installation to complete.

5. Verify the installation by viewing the camera display. The display will confirm update completion, and automatically install the latest version.


Hook A Karaoke Machine To A Computer

A karaoke machine is a lot of fun, but it is even more fun when you are able to record what you sing and make your own karaoke CDs. You could get a karaoke burner for this purpose or you could hook it to a computer or laptop, to achieve this end result. Before you get discouraged by the seemingly incompatible connection, just check the following few steps. You may be surprised at how easy it is to connect your karaoke with the computer. Once you do so, you could also boast of having and using digital karaoke--which is the latest craze in the market today.


1. Check the back of your computer and identify the plug point that connects the amplifier and monitor. Just look at the back of your computer and laptop and plug the wires as indicated for audio and video lines.

2. In case your computer does not have adequate plugs, use adapter cables to do so. The adapters come with explicit instructions regarding how and where to plug in.

3. Put on your karaoke machine and run the software for a trial. In case there is a mismatch and things do not move as you planned, switch the machine and amplifier off, disconnect it from the PC and then reboot your PC or laptop. Reconnect after the computer is fully initialized

4. Use the hard disk storage space to choose songs for playing, as the CD + G drive would be used for burning the singers' karaoke attempts. The screen would give the statistics of both the workstation as well as the play list.

5. Enjoy like there is no tomorrow, because now you can make your own phenomenal CD+G collection of songs, or whatever else you like to use the karaoke machine for.

Tags: your computer, your karaoke, back your, back your computer, computer laptop

Creative Things To Do With A Digital Camera

Apply creative picture effects using your digital camera.

The amount of money a photographer could afford to spend once hampered creativity in photography and the experimentation with different shooting techniques. Aside from the money spent on film, developing and prints, time was invested shooting the pictures and waiting to see the results. Thanks to digital cameras, these limitations no longer exist. Images are immediately available, which makes creative photography techniques easier, faster and less expensive to learn.

White Balance

Use the white balance setting on your digital camera for creative effects in your images. White balance allows you to choose a setting that makes the color white look white in your images. Take several pictures of a subject, and use a different white balance setting for each picture. This technique works well at night when city lights produce different colors depending on the camera's white balance setting. Experiment with various settings to achieve an effect you like. The same effects can be applied in daylight to alter the subject's appearance and give it a warmer or cooler feeling. Common household lighting appears different when alternate white balance settings are used. Try a combination of candle light and household lighting for creative effects.

Shutter Speed

Use camera settings in creative ways to create blur in an image to show movement, speed or the passage of time. Photograph a moving object, and use a slow shutter speed while panning the camera to follow the subject. With proper panning technique, the object stays in sharp focus with a blurred background that conveys the speed of the subject. Use the opposite technique on moving water. Set a slow shutter speed, and hold the camera still using a tripod to photograph a waterfall or fountain. The slow shutter speed captures the movement of the water, making it appear soft and fuzzy, while the background is in sharp focus.


Use the aperture to make the background sharp or out of focus. Small aperture values create a blurred background as commonly seen in portraits. Making the background out of focus draws attention to the main subject. Large aperture values bring more of the picture into focus. Use a larger aperture for group portraits to ensure sharp focus for all of the subjects. Apply the largest aperture values to landscapes to bring everything from foreground to background into sharp focus. Large aperture values mean a small aperture opening, which results in slower shutter speeds. Use a tripod to support the camera and prevent blurred pictures caused by camera shake.

Tags: sharp focus, aperture values, balance setting, shutter speed, slow shutter

Monday, March 28, 2011

Set Crossover Frequency For A Car Audio System

In a car audio system, the crossover settings determine at what frequency sound is sent, or crosses over, to a certain speaker. A simple setup may include a two-way crossover that will send treble and mid-range frequencies to the tweeters and low frequencies to the subwoofer. More complicated systems utilize a three-way crossover to separate out a third bandpass signal exclusively for the mid-range frequencies. Setting your crossover properly takes only a few steps and can greatly improve the sound quality of your car audio system.


1. Determine if your system uses a two- or three-way crossover and whether this crossover is passive or active. Active crossovers will be placed before the amplifier stage of your audio system. Passive crossovers alter the signal after the amplifier, and are usually used in stock car audio applications. If your crossover is active, make sure that its crossover channels are routed to the correct amplifiers, which should in turn be routed to the correct speakers.

2. Locate your crossover and its controls for adjusting cut-off frequencies. A two-way crossover will separate the high frequencies with a high-pass filter and the low frequencies with a low-pass filter. Three-way crossovers also will have controls for bandpass settings. Refer to the operations manual of your crossover for more information on adjust the specific controls.

3. Refer to the literature that came with your tweeters to determine the recommended frequency. Set the high-pass crossover point to match this frequency. If the tweeter is designed to play down to a frequency of 3,800 Hz., set this as the starting point for tuning your system. Adjust the frequency to taste, raising the cut-off frequency if distortion is produced or to increase the volume of your tweeters.

4. Set the bandpass adjustment for mid-range if using a three-way system. Set the high end cut-off to match the frequency cut-off you determined for your tweeters. Set the bottom frequency starting at around 150 Hz or higher. Adjust the bottom cut-off point to taste, and tweak the high-pass and bandpass frequencies to produce a smooth blend between speakers.

5. Set the low-pass frequency at the low end cut-off you determined for the bandpass filter, or if using only a two-way system, set the cut-off to the point you determined for your high-pass cut-off. Adjust to blend the subwoofer output with your tweeter and mid-range output.

6. Listen to music at a typical volume and further adjust the various crossover points to reach a balance that sounds good with your system.

Tags: your crossover, with your, your system, your tweeters, audio system

Friday, March 25, 2011

Hide Security Camera Lights

The smaller the security camera, the more options you have for hiding it.

Often, security cameras display a flashing light that indicates they are turned on and working. This flashing light can be frustrating for people who're trying to keep the location of their camera hidden. An example of such a situation would be if you're using a hidden security camera to spy on your nanny while she babysits your children. There are several different options to hide the lights on your security camera.


1. Cut a small piece of duct tape with your scissors and place it over the light on the camera. Usually one piece will block out the light, but it fails to block out the light completely. You can apply additional pieces until it does.

2. Find a creative place to hide your camera that will also block out the light. You can hide it behind a light switch panel, inside a toy, or inside a hollowed-out book. Be sure the opening is barely big enough for the camera lens so any lights from the camera won't be visible.

3. Wrap the security camera in an opaque material that won't let the light through. A few examples include aluminum foil, heavy cloths or thick rubber bands. You won't need to wrap your entire camera, just the part with the light.

4. Apply black epoxy putty over the light. Start with a pea-sized amount of the putty and roll it around in your hands until it forms a ball. Press the putty ball over the light on the camera. If the putty doesn't fully cover the light or fails to completely block it out, try using another pea-sized ball. Continue applying putty in this manner until you reach your desired outcome. Set the camera aside and allow it to dry for three to five hours.

Tags: block light, over light, flashing light, light camera, light fails, over light camera

Purchase International Calling Cards

International calling cards is an option open to people who want to save money on their international calls. With an international calling card, you will be given a flat per-minute rate that is typically a fraction of the cost if you made the same call using a long-distance carrier or cell phone provider. You can choose international calling cards for specific countries or general versions that post different rates for each country that you may call.


1. Perform some research to check out different international calling card rates. Websites such as Telcobusters has a comparison tool that you can use to see the different rates available from international calling card companies.

2. Buy an international calling card to use to make calls to a specific country. For instance, Phone Card Smile retails cards that users can purchase to make international calls to India, Punjab and Asia.

3. Purchase your international calling card online. Both Telcobusters and Phone Card Smile allow you to buy the cards directly online. Once you enter your payment information, you will be emailed an access number as well as a pin. Keep these numbers in a safe place since you will need them each time that you make a call.

4. Check with your local convenience store for international calling cards. If you rather have the card in your possession and not give your credit card information online, you can buy international calling cards directly from stores such as Wal-Mart and 7-11.

5. Look at any other charges associated with the international calling card. Although the rate may be low, the company may tap on other fees, such as activation and connection fees.

Tags: international calling, calling card, international calling card, calling cards, Card Smile, cards directly, different rates

The Difference Between A Smartmedia Card & A Multimediacard

There are differences between a SmartMedia card and a MultiMediaCard.

Though both the SmartMedia card and the MultiMediaCard look alike and perform similar functions, there are a few differences between the two that should be considered when determining your media card needs.

SmartMedia Card Overview

SmartMedia cards were developed to replace floppy discs.

SmartMedia cards were developed by Toshiba in 1995 as an alternative to floppy discs. They fit in a standard 3.5-inch floppy drive, with the use of an adapter. The SmartMedia card consists of a single chip embedded in a thin piece of plastic. Storage capacity ranges from 16 MB to 128 MB. SmartMedia cards were most commonly used in earlier models of digital cameras.

MultiMediaCard Overview

The MutliMediaCard has replaced the SmartMedia card.

MultiMediaCard was developed in 1997 by SanDisk and Simens AG using the same format as Toshiba's SmartMedia cards. About the size of a postage stamp, a MultiMediaCard is slightly smaller than the SmartMedia card and has a maximum storage capacity of 32 GB. Most cell phones, smart phones, personal gaming devices and digital cameras use a MultiMediaCard.

SmartMedia vs. MultiMediaCard

SmartMedia cards are no longer in production.

With its smaller size and larger storage capacity, the MultiMediaCard has replaced the SmartMedia card. Companies no longer use the SmartMedia format, and, consequently, SmartMedia cards are no longer in production. Built-in media card ports that can read both cards are standard on most desktop and laptop computers. For older computers, you can purchase an external card reader.

Tags: SmartMedia cards, SmartMedia card, card MultiMediaCard, cards were, SmartMedia cards were

Thursday, March 24, 2011

How Safe Is Infrared Heat

Human exposure to infrared heat provides little risk. Infrared heat consists of electromagnetic waves that are just below the visible spectrum. They have lower energy than both ultraviolet (UV) rays and light rays and are emitted by virtually all objects that give off heat.


Infrared heating has several applications. Humans are directly exposed to infrared waves in homes that have infrared heating systems (also called radiant heating), and many saunas now use infrared heating.


It is a common misconception that because infrared waves are a type of radiation, they share the same health hazards as UV waves and X-rays. All electromagnetic waves are technically a form of radiation, however, including light and radio waves. All heated objects, except those with highly reflective surfaces, emit heat as infrared waves. Even the human body emits infrared radiation.


A study published in "Dermatology Nursing" found that infrared waves emitted by the sun may actually help protect the skin against damage caused by its UV rays. The sun emits a higher infrared wave to UV wave ratio toward dawn and dusk when the UV index is low.

Tags: infrared waves, electromagnetic waves, infrared heating

Memory To A Computer

Learning add memory to your computer is a skill that can save you a lot of money over the years. A lot of people resort to buying a whole new computer when adding more memory to the computer would solve the problem. Also, you can avoid having memory installed by a professional, which can cost an arm and a leg. Learning to add memory to your computer is a simple process.


1. Figure out how much RAM you currently have on your computer. To do so, go to your computer's control panel. Under "System," you can find how much RAM you have under the "General" tab.

2. Decide how much RAM you want to upgrade to. RAM usually can be bought in sizes of 128 MB, 256 MB and 512 MB. If you are adding memory to your computer to better run a specific video game or piece of software, check the user manual for the amount of RAM needed.

3. Determine what type of RAM your computer requires by looking in the computer's user manual. If you have misplaced your user manual, you can go to and use their memory search feature. Simply select the brand and model of your computer, and it tells you what type of RAM your computer requires.

4. Purchase the RAM module from a local computer store, if you need the RAM as soon as possible. You can also purchase RAM online at, which specializes in all memory needs.

5. Install the new RAM in your computer by following these basic steps. Turn off your computer, take off the casing and locate the RAM modules. Use your computer's user manual to locate the location of the modules if you are unable to find it yourself.

6. Line up the notches of your new RAM module and press it into place. Reconnect all cables, put the casing back on and turn on your computer. Check the amount of RAM in your control panel again to make sure that you installed the RAM properly.

Tags: your computer, user manual, memory your, memory your computer, computer requires, computer user, computer user manual

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Can A Camcorder Be Used As A Web Cam

Camcorders allow higher-quality video images than standard webcams.

You've spent good money on a full-featured camcorder and wish to improve the image quality of your webcam with the camcorder. Often, the camcorder will not interface with the webcam software in your computer, causing frustration and possibly a fair amount of time playing with program settings. While some camcorders are capable of webcam plug-and-play use, others require third-party driver software to properly integrate with webcam cam programs.

Webcam Driver Software

Many modern computers are outfitted with webcam-ready software compatible with standard computer-mounted cams. In order to use a camcorder, additional software is often required to bypass the dedicated drivers of the webcam software. These programs simply bypass the existing drivers and enable the computer's can software to recognize the camcorder as the default or preferred unit.

Connecting the Webcam

Camcorders are typically outfitted with USB ports for connection to the computer for uploading and downloading video, and you will use the same connection for webcam use. Although FireWire-type connections are also common for camcorder to computer use, USB is the primary method for connecting standard webcams and should be used to avoid potential communication problems.

Webcam and Software Instructions

When the camcorder is initially plugged in, the computer will load the necessary drivers for the camera to operate. Some cameras will require an operating CD containing the drivers to be inserted first, but this is not typical with most units. Booting the webcam software, the computer's webcam software and turning on the camera will result in the camcorder image to be displayed on the screen. You may need to "tell" the webcam program which camera you prefer, and sometimes set it as the default camera on some programs.

Problem Solving

If the camcorder does not show video, check the USB connection, ensure the camcorder is not in standby or photo mode and connect the camera to a wall outlet rather than using battery power. You may also have to turn the camera power on first and boot the software in another order as described in the software user guide. When comparing the driver software, ensure that it is compatible with your operating system and webcam application type.

Camcorder Controls

Use the webcam software to record, monitor or take still photographs as you would a standard webcam. Using the camcorder controls to record will not be necessary, as this is done with the software, but you may have to use manual camcorder controls for zooming, white balance and other features.

Tags: webcam software, camcorder controls, compatible with, driver software, outfitted with, standard webcams, with webcam

Buy The Sirius Sportster 3

The Sirius Sportster 3 is one of the newer versions of the Sportster line of satellite radios. This model has a sleeker designer and also comes with a less bulky dock to put in your vehicle. The Sportster 3 has more programmable options that are sure to make it a hit with Sirius subscribers.


1. Look for a sale on the Sportster 3. The Sportster line of Sirius radios has a tendency to go on sale very often. Check local stores for sales around the holidays and summer months.

2. Purchase the Sportster 3 from an online electronics dealer. You can get a good deal on the Sportster 3 anytime of year on Dogstar Radios and Beach Audio.

3. Opt for the extended protection plan. Most of the extended protection plans are very low cost, less than $30 for a 3-year period. These plans can help protect your investment.

4. Buy the Sirius universal home kit with the Sportster 3. The Sportster 3 is compatible with any of the Sirius universal docking kits.

5. Get the Sportster boombox as well. If you like listening to satellite radio through a boombox, then you should pick up the Sirius Universal Boombox.

6. Activate the Sportster 3 after you have installed it. Once you have installed the Sportster 3, call Sirius to activate the radio and go over subscription plans.

Tags: extended protection, have installed, Sirius Sportster, Sirius universal, Sportster line

Multi Coated Vs Single Coated Camera Lenses

It is not something most photographers--pros or amateurs--think about, but their work would be much harder without lens coatings. The reason is that lenses work better with coatings because they allow more light to come into the camera for better exposures. Plus, coatings cut down on light flares and image ghosts.


Up until the 1950s, camera lenses were not coated. The Germans invented the process, but kept it secret until after World War II. Uncoated lenses let in less light and more lens flare, so photographing images was harder. Exposures had to be longer and precautions had to be taken to prevent lens flare, if at all possible. Contrast also was diminished with uncoated glass. Approximately 7 percent of the light hitting each element of a lens is reflected back. Since modern lenses may have upward of nine elements, this drastically decreases the light reaching the film or charge-coupled device (CCD) digital sensor.

Single Coating

When coating was introduced in the 1950s, it was a single coat. This increased the amount of light coming into the lens and decreased the amount of lens flare and ghost images. This was the standard for both lenses and lens filters until the 1970s. While multi-coating was invented by Katherine Burr in 1938 at General Electric, according to the Glass, Metal and Silicium website, it did not surface for photographers until the Carl Zeiss Oberkochen Company partnered with Asahi Pentax in the 1970s. The two companies created a new multi-coating process that was reasonably inexpensive.


Multi-coating lenses increases the amount of light acquired and decreases reflection more than single-coating does. Pentax called its process super multi-coating and the "SMC" label still is attached to most of its lenses. Other camera manufacturers developed their own processes and soon marketed multi-coated lenses.


You can distinguish between uncoated, single-coated and multi-coated lenses, even if you do not know the year they were made. To do this, take a look at how they reflect light. Uncoated lenses will reflect white light. Single-coated lenses will reflected darker light, usually with an amber and dark blue cast. Multi-coated lenses will appear much darker with a magenta and green cast.


Since nearly all lenses made for single-lens reflex cameras in the past few decades have multi-coating, chances are you do not even notice you are benefiting from it. Single-use and lower-end cameras often use uncoated lenses to keep costs down, so they gather less light and are susceptible to flares. When using these cameras, or cameras with lenses made before 1972, expect longer exposures and consider shooting to avoid lens flares.

Tags: lens flare, lenses will, amount light, lenses made, less light

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Directions For Radio Shack Quick Start Rechargeable Wireless Headphones 33280

RadioShack's quick start rechargeable wireless headphones, model number 33-280, allow you to wirelessly listen to an audio source. When the transmitter is connected to a source, the headphones can pick up that sound within 30 feet. These wireless headphones are powered by two AAA alkaline or rechargeable batteries. If using rechargeable batteries, the batteries can be recharged while in the headset, using the docking station.


1. Slide the battery compartment cover from the left ear cup downward to remove it. Insert two AAA alkaline or rechargeable batteries into the compartment. Slide the compartment cover back on.

2. Connect the transmitter to the audio output on the source device. Turn the audio source on.

3. Turn the transmitter on by pressing the "On/Off" button. Turn the headphones on by sliding the "On/Off" switch to the "On" position. The button is located on the left ear cup.

4. Adjust the volume on the headphones using the volume control knob on the right ear cup.

5. Recharge the rechargeable batteries by placing the headset on the docking station. The charging connectors on the docking station need to be aligned with the headphone charging connectors, located in the middle of the headset. Once properly aligned, the LED charging light will turn green. The headphones take up to four hours to charge completely. When charging is complete, the LED light does not turn off, but remains green until the headphones are removed from the docking station.

Tags: docking station, rechargeable batteries, alkaline rechargeable, alkaline rechargeable batteries, audio source

Use Your Flip Ultra Cam

The Flip Ultra video camera is a convenient, pocket-sized recorder with a built-in USB drive, which allows you to record high definition videos and instantly upload them to your computer, making it easy to upload films to popular websites. The video camera also comes with built-in editing software that you can use to shorten your clips, edit clips together to make a movie, add music and titles to a film or capture screenshots to save as photos.


1. Turn your Flip camera upside down to find a switch that locks the battery compartment. Turn this switch to the "unlock" compartment and slide down the cover located under the camera lens.

2. Insert two AA batteries into your camera, replace the cover and slide the battery compartment switch to the locked position.

3. Turn your camera on by pressing the power button on the side of your camera.

4. Look at the camera monitor. It will indicate the amount of recording time you have left, and will display the image that the lens is picking up.

5. Frame your desired shot and press the big red button to start recording. You will hear a little beep, and the word "Ready" in the left hand corner of your monitor will be replaced with the recording time.

6. Use the plus and minus signs above and below the red button to zoom in and out.

7. Screw a Flip tripod (not included) into the bottom of your camera, next to the battery compartment lock switch, to stand your camera on a flat surface so that you don't have to hold it constantly.

8. Press the big red button a second time to stop recording.

9. Press the "Play" button to the left of the big red button to watch your clip. Use the left and right arrow keys to the left and right of the red button to go back and forth and watch older and newer clips.

10. Delete the clip currently displayed on your monitor by pressing the "Trash Can" button to the right of the big red button, and selecting "Yes."

11. Watch your clips on TV by plugging your TV cable's output plug into the side of your camera, and plugging the input plugs into their corresponding ports on the front, back or side of your TV. The TV adapter plugs are not included with the camera.

12. Edit or import clips by releasing the USB plug on the side of your Flip camera, and plugging it into your computer's USB port. The Flip video software should automatically install on your computer. If it doesn't automatically launch, go to "Start" and "Run," and type "F:\Setup_FlipShare.exe" into the text box to install the editing software.

Tags: your camera, side your, battery compartment, your computer, camera plugging, editing software, Flip camera

Monday, March 21, 2011

Install Car Audio Amplifiers

Installing a car audio amplifier can greatly increase the quality of the sound produced by the head unit. Not only can it increase the signal and make it louder, but it can bring out music nuances that were never noticed before, and deliver crisp, clean highs and thunderous lows. Of course, one of the most common reasons for installing an amplifier is to strengthen the bass signal for subwoofers.


1. Mount the amplifier. Pick a spot where it will get ample air flow, because amplifiers create heat. If an amp overheats, it can momentarily shut down if it has internal protection circuitry built in, but if it doesn't, then permanent damage can be done. If you are mounting the amplifier in the trunk, consider attaching an external amp fan (which can be found cheaply at any electronics store) to the body of the amp. Drill into the body of the vehicle, being careful not to sever electrical lines or put holes in the gas tank. Once the holes are drilled, use self-tapping sheet metal screws to mount the amplifier. Not only will this provide a measure of safety for the amp, but it will also provide what is known as a "chassis ground" for it, meaning the body of the amp will be attached to the ground (body) of the vehicle.

2. Connect the positive (red) wire to the battery. Amplifiers, even small ones, can use big amperage, so it is recommended to use ten gauge or bigger (numerically smaller) wire to connect the power side of things to the battery. Run the wire in such a way that it cannot be chaffed, pinched or broken. Also recommended is to use a round electrical butt connector to connect it to the vehicle's battery post. Be sure it gets connected to the side with the plus (+) sign on it so that the amp gets power and does not ground out and fry up. Simply unscrew the ½-inch or 13 mm nut on the battery terminal clamp, insert the connector with the amp wire on it and retighten. Ensure that the battery cables and posts are clear of any oxidation so that the amp gets clean power.

3. Connect the negative (black) cable of the amp to a suitable ground. If mounting to the body of the vehicle, grind the paint off of the surface to ensure that it is fully grounded. Otherwise, it can be grounded to the frame or the negative (-) side of the battery. If the ground is improperly connected or unsuitable, it is likely that the amplifier will not even turn on. Once again, route the wire in such a way that it cannot become damaged, and use a round, terminal style butt connector with a self-tapping sheet metal screw.

4. Connect the speaker wires to the amplifier. The head unit, or car radio, has speaker wires coming out of the back of it which are routed to the various speakers throughout the vehicle. It is necessary to connect these to the "Line In" side of the amplifier so that the "Line Out" side contains a signal. To access these wires, the head unit can be pulled out and the speaker wire routed directly from it to the amp, or you can disconnect door and rear deck speakers and run that wiring to the amplifier. Once these steps are done, you are ready to run speaker wire to the subwoofers or aftermarket speakers you wish to install. If you are only looking to amplify the factory speakers, the back of the head unit must be accessed so that the factory speakers can receive the wire from the "Line Out" side of the amplifier.

Tags: head unit, body vehicle, Line side, butt connector, connector with, factory speakers, Line side amplifier

Troubleshoot A Flyback Elite Series Pioneer Battery Charger

Japanese electronics giant Pioneer prides itself on the highest standard of service and performance when it comes to its product line, including the Elite Series battery charger, which should, in theory, provide consistent power to several batteries in Pioneer home entertainment products. However, things can go wrong, such as debris on the contacts, a cracked battery pack or a lack of power, which can all seriously impede the charger's operation.


1. Verify that there is power going to the battery charger. This means checking the integrity of the power cable, looking for any loose cable connections and making sure the household breaker has not tripped -- reset the breaker, if necessary, in order to get power flowing to the charger again.

2. Inspect the battery pack closely. Look for any corrosion or leakage which could indicate why the unit is not working properly. If this is the case, have the unit replaced or repaired by an authorized technician.

3. Check the contacts, looking for any dirt or debris, and clean them gently with a small wire brush. The contacts are the small metallic points that conduct power from the charger to the appliance. If there is anything impeding the charging process, this could explain why the charger is not working properly.

4. Verify the compatibility of the battery charger, The charger will not work with a battery not designed for the Flyback Elite Series charger, so you may be using the wrong charger.

Tags: Elite Series, battery charger, battery pack, Flyback Elite, Flyback Elite Series, working properly

Friday, March 18, 2011

Troubleshoot A Ricoh Copier


Ricoh is a Japanese company that makes multifunction copiers in various sizes and abilities. Ricoh copiers are made for professional use and are more complicated than a personal or home copier. Ricoh makes copiers on a platform that is very much like a computer, so while Ricoh copiers are complicated, there are some basic troubleshooting steps you can go through on your own.


1. Turn off the Ricoh machine by first holding down the power button for a few seconds. If that doesn't work, you will have to find the power switch, which on Ricoh copiers is usually a narrow red switch on the side or back. If you have tried this already and it has not helped, you may want to unplug it for a few minutes once it is powered off.

2. Restart the copier and wait a few minutes for it to power back up completely. You should hear a beeping noise when it is ready. If you hear several beeps, that usually indicates a jam or an error. If you start back up with no problems, try your operation again.

3. Look for paper jams. Some small and most midsize Ricoh copiers and above will have a screen showing where the jam is located. Open the front door, paper exit area, top feeder and all paper trays to see if there is paper stuck anywhere. Sometimes there are very small pieces of paper that you can't see very well. Use an air duster to blow out all areas where paper may be jammed if the machine says it has a jam but you don't see one.

4. Make sure the Ricoh copier is clean. Many problems can be caused by dirty glass. Use an all-cotton cloth and non-alcoholic cleaner (often water alone is good enough) to wipe down the entire glass, including the small strip that may exist in front of the big piece of glass. This is what the feeder uses to copy or scan.

5. Look for error codes on the screen. If you have tried everything else and still can't fix the problem, you will need to call Ricoh. If you have an error code, this will help Ricoh diagnose the problem faster.

Tags: Ricoh copiers, have tried, that very, will have

Craft With Pvc Pipe

PVC pipe can be used for more than plumbing.

PVC pipe is a plumbing material that can double as an inexpensive building material for craft projects. This flexible plastic pipe is available in various diameters to make craft projects such as a garden trellis or an arbor. The pipe cuts easily with the right tools and can be camouflaged with both acrylic and latex paint. Join lengths of pipe together with PVC fittings in the same diameter as the pipe to create your designs. Running PVC pipes for pluming requires specific adhesive, but you can use waterproof glue to attach the pipes and fittings together for craft purposes.



1. Cut two strips of 3/4-inch diameter PVC pipe equal to the desired height of the trellis. These are the vertical supports. Cut three strips of 3/4-inch diameter PVC pipe equal to the desired width of the trellis. These pipes are the horizontal supports.

2. Glue a 3/4-inch diameter PVC elbow fitting to one end of each vertical support pipe using waterproof construction adhesive. This end is the top of the trellis.

3. Slide a 3/4-inch diameter slip-T PVC pipe over the open end of one vertical support pipe. Turn the "T" opening to line up with the elbow fitting opening at the end of the pipe. Glue the fitting in the desired location of the top horizontal support pipe. Follow the same process to add a second slip-T fitting to the same vertical support pipe in the desired location to the bottom horizontal support pipe.

4. Follow the same process to glue two PVC slip-T fittings on the second vertical support pipe in the exact location as the two on the first vertical support pipe.

5. Spread waterproof construction adhesive inside each of the fitting openings on both vertical support pipes. Insert the three PVC pipes cut for the width of the trellis into the three opposing sets of pipe fittings. Allow the adhesive to dry up to 72 hours.

6. Insert two rebar poles halfway in the ground where you plan to stand the trellis. Fit the open end of each vertical support pipe over the rebar poles.


7. Cut five 16-inch strips of PVC pipe. Drill 1/8-inch diameter holes straight through one end of each pipe, 1/2 inch from the end.

8. Cut five 12-inch long strands of fishing line. Slide one pipe to the center of each line.

9. Tie the ends of each line over a 7-inch diameter metal craft ring. Space the pipes evenly around the ring. Glue the lines to the ring with waterproof construction adhesive.

10. Tie two strands of fishing line across the center of the craft ring so that the lines cross in the middle. Hook a small S hook over the crossed lines to hang the wind chimes.

Tags: support pipe, vertical support, vertical support pipe, 4-inch diameter, construction adhesive, diameter pipe, waterproof construction

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Clean Your Camcorder Lens

The lens of your camcorder is a very delicate piece of equipment and should be taken care of to the best of your ability. Though most lenses rarely need to be cleaned, when they do, it is a very careful process and should be taken seriously. Here is clean your camcorder lens.


1. Examine the lens. You need to see what is making your lens dirty. The most common items are dust, dirt, and fingerprints.

2. Gently blow on your lens. This should remove any dust or dirt that lingers. Be sure to then recheck the lens to see if it is still dirty.

3. Look into purchasing special cleansing cloths. Go to a store that specializes in cameras and ask them for specific cleansing cloths for your lens.

4. Gently use the cloth for cleaning. Don't press to hard on the lens or break the protective lens coating.

5. For dirt, consider using a brush. They also have special cleansing brushes at camera stores. Use the brush very lightly as well as not to scratch the lens' protective coating.

6. For fingerprints, consider lens cleaner solution and cleansing cloths. These can also be purchased at camera stores. If you purchase these, ask for specific directions on usage so you do not damage your lens.

Tags: your lens, cleansing cloths, camera stores, dust dirt, should taken, special cleansing

Install A Wrist Strap On My Flip Ultra

Flip Ultra camcorders, a Cisco Systems product, came onto the market in September 2007 as an upgrade to the more basic Flip Videos. More compact than the average camcorder, Flip Ultras allow use with one hand. Shooting a video on a Flip Ultra is similar to capturing video with a cell phone. The Flip looks like an overgrown cell phone. Installing the wrist strap onto the camera helps avoid damage if the Flip Ultra slips from the user's grip. Made from wire, metal and flexible plastic, the strap will fit almost any wrist.


1. Open the Flip Ultra box and remove the packaging layer that holds the camera. Look for the wrist strap, which will be in a small, clear plastic bag.

2. Remove the wrist strap from its bag and discard the silica packet.

3. Place the Flip Ultra on its side so the power button faces up. The wrist strap installation site is located below the power button.

4. Pass the small loop of the strap underneath the bar in the middle of the installation site. Once it's through the bar, insert the large loop through the small loop and pull until the small loop passes over the metal section.

5. Slip the large loop over the wrist and hold the camera in the same hand to use.

Tags: Flip Ultra, small loop, wrist strap, cell phone, installation site, large loop, power button

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Install A Wireless Video Security System

Wireless video security systems are great to have in your home as well as in the office. Outdoor systems are commonly used to monitor the outside perimeters, while indoor systems are great for keeping an eye on children, employees or incoming customers. Outdoor cameras are specially made to withstand extreme weather conditions, so it is important that you decide where you want to use the system and choose the appropriate model.


1. Choose a camera type. Wireless cameras come in a variety of types. For example, you can purchase a night vision camera; a pan, tilt and zoom camera (PTZ); a black and white camera; a color camera; and many more. Night vision cameras work great in low light. A PTZ camera is great for scanning a larger area and zooming in on specific areas. Black and white cameras are less expensive and color cameras give you a clearer picture.

2. Select the area you wish to observe. Some of the most common areas are doors, windows, exits, cash registers, bank teller windows, back yards and playrooms.

3. Select a location for your monitor. If you are using the system in a business, the most common area to have the monitor is at the front desk or in a security room.

4. Mount your brackets. Your system will come with brackets for mounting your camera. Place the brackets in the desired spot and mark the spot lightly with a pencil. Remove the brackets and drill small holes in preparation for installation. Place the brackets back in place. Using a screwdriver, tightly secure your brackets. Be sure to mount your brackets high enough or discretely to avoid tampering.

5. Test your camera. Wireless cameras will normally come battery operated. Check with your system to ensure the batteries are included. Turn your camera on to test it.

6. Test your complete system. Return to the area where your monitor is located and configure your wireless system. To configure your system means to link your monitor to the camera using a frequency signal. For example, you may have to change the channel on your monitor until you see the camera view on your screen. Each model will be different.

7. Attach your camera to the brackets. Use a screwdriver to securely attach your camera.

Tags: your camera, your monitor, your brackets, configure your, most common, Place brackets, systems great


You're shopping for stereo equipment and all the terms have gotten confusing. Pre-amplifier, amplifier, tuner, receiver; what's what, and more importantly what do you need? While the terminology can be confusing at first, it's important to identify your options and make an informed purchase.

General Information

A pre-amplifier or preamp is one of the main components of a stereo system. It is connected between the audio sources and the amplifier. A pre-amplifier can be part of an integrated amplifier or receiver or can be a separate component in the system.


The pre-amplifier serves several key functions. The primary function is to receive the audio input signal from a source component, such as a CD player, read and process the signal, amplify sub line level signals to line level and then send the signal on to the amplifier where significant power is added. In addition, the pre-amplifier is the command center of the stereo and contains controls such as input switching, program modes and volume.


In the purest sense of the term, the preamplifier is a device used to increase low level source signals to line level, necessary for further amplification by a power amplifier. Such sources like microphones are common in musical and recording applications. In home audio, only older sources like record players send out weak low level signals. Most modern inputs such as CD players transmit a line level signal. In this case, the pre-amplifier simply serves to switch between various input sources and control basic stereo functions like volume and balance.


In a basic configuration, the audio sources are connected to the inputs on the back of the pre-amplifier with digital or analog audio cable. The pre-amp's line out jacks are then connected to the amp or amps with RCA cable. Some pre-amplifiers may have a "Sub Out" or extra line out jack that can be connected directly to a powered sub-woofer. Powered sub-woofers have internal amplification.

Audio Signal

To demonstrate what a pre-amplifier does, here's an example of the path of an audio signal. Audio is read from a CD and transformed into electrical current by a CD player. The signal is sent from the CD player to the pre-amplifier (which is in "CD" mode). The pre-amplifier reads the signal, which is already line level (no extra power is needed) and then sends it out to the amplifier. The amplifier powers the signal so that it can properly drive the speakers and then sends to the left and right speakers. Each speaker uses a series of drivers for different frequencies and a crossover network to transform the audio into sound.


Though a receiver or integrated amp actually contains a built-in pre-amp, the most common home audio configuration with which a pre-amp is associated is a component stereo system. A pre-amplifier is used in conjunction with a separate power amplifier to provide the best system performance and audio quality. A separate radio tuner can be added for radio reception. Separate components also make it easier to upgrade aspects of the system and repair breakages. Pre-amplifiers are more common in 2-channel stereo applications than in home theater/surround sound, which often use a home theater receiver.

Tags: line level, audio sources, home audio, home theater, level signals

Sd Card Quality

Are all SD cards the same?

SD cards come in various sizes and storage capacities. It is a flash memory chip that can store all types of data and can be inserted into a growing number of readers such as cameras, printer, cell phones and MP3 players.

SD card

The original SD card is about the size of a postage stamp. It can conveniently hold images, music and data and can be removed from one device reader to another with ease. For example, you can take pictures with your camera, remove the card and put it directly into your PC or printer to perform other tasks.


The current capacity maximum is 32GB. Companies are competing heavily to be the first to increase that incrementally, maxing out at 2TB (2,000GB).

High Capacity

The SD Association has developed standards for the SD industry. One of the ways is by labeling the card with an HC to designate its approved high capacity index. They have established three speed classes of data transfer: Class 2, Class 4 and Class 6, which translates into 2, 4 and 6 MB per second. If you need speed, be sure you get a Class 6 SDHC card.

Physical Sizes

There are many different sizes of SD cards. There is the standard SD, miniSD and microSD. Other than size, there is little difference in capability. It is just a matter of what size your device requires. The mini and the micro have adapters so they can be used in the traditional SD slot. If you are in the market for a new card, it's best that you get the more versatile mini with an adapter so you can use it in more devices.

Extended Capacity

SDXC cards are capable of retaining from 32GB up to 2TB of data files with a bus interface of up to 104MB per second, with capabilities in the future of up to 300MB per second.

Tags: Class Class

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Block The Emf From Cell Phones

EMF protection is available for your cellular phone.

Electromagnetic fields, or EMFs, are an unavoidable part of daily life. EMFs are produced from electrically charged objects such as televisions, CD players and mobile phones. Various products are designed to shield a cell phone and/or "soak" up an EMF, thereby reducing the amount of radiation the body is exposed to. Although research into the effect of EMF radiation on the body has proved inconclusive, generally EMF radiation in excess is considered never good for the body, especially for pregnant women, young children or those with poor health.


1. Place the cell phone into a radiation shield pouch. You can place a pouch in your pocket or carry it in a purse. They are designed to reflect the radiation emitted from the cell phone.

2. Utilize an EMF "patch." This device simply sticks to the back of your cell phone and lowers the EMF output by soaking up the radiation by using earth elements and paramagnetic substances.

3. Place your phone inside of a shielded cell phone holster specially designed to block EMF radiation. These resemble any other cell phone holster and can be purchased at numerous retailers online.

Tags: cell phone, cell phone holster, phone holster, radiation body

Install A Turning Tv Antenna

Many indoor TV antennas deliver poor performance because they are affected by walls, movement of people and improper height and directional focus. This is especially true of TVs with built-in combination VHF/UHF telescoping rod antennas. A turning TV antenna with separate UHF and VHF components can overcome many of these issues by allowing you to turn it to the direction that delivers the optimal reception for the channel you are viewing. Installation is easy if you follow these simple steps.


1. Turn off the TV and place the antenna on the TV.

2. Attach the coax cable from the antenna to the TV’s coax input jack. Screw it on by hand until it is finger tight, then give it about a quarter turn with an adjustable wrench.

3. Attach the UHF twin lead cable to your TV’s UHF input jack. Loosen the screws just enough so that you can slip the wires under the screws. Tighten the screws securely, but not too tight.

4. Turn on the TV and adjust the turning portion of your antenna until you’ve located the best reception.

Tags: input jack

Differences In Telephoto Lenses

Differences in Telephoto Lenses

If you are taking pictures with a SLR, or single-lens reflex camera, you are able to change the lens attached to the camera based on the subjects of your picture. Telephoto lenses are camera lenses that are are used for zooming in on subjects. Medium telephoto lenses have focal lengths that run from 70mm to 135mm. Any lenses with a focal length longer the 135mm is referred to as a telephoto lens. Most telephoto lenses are used for taking pictures of portraits, sports and wildlife.

Focal Length

The zoom of a telephoto lens can vary largely from 70mm to 600mm or higher. Each time the focal length of the lens doubles, you zoom in twice as far. For example, a 400mm lens has twice the zooming power as a 200mm lens. Typically, the longer the focal length, the more expensive the lens will be. Also, some telephoto lenses are primes while others are zoom lenses. Prime lenses have only one focal length, such as a 400mm lens, while zoom lenses cover a range of focal lengths, such as a 100 to 400mm lens. In general, prime lenses offer a slightly higher image quality than zooms. However, for many people, the minor loss of quality is more than made up for by the flexibility a zoom lens offers. With a prime lens, you must physically move to change the composition of your photo. With a zoom lens, you can adjust the composition with a twist of the focal length ring.


The aperture refers to how much light the lens allows to hit the camera's sensor. Lenses that have a wider aperture have smaller numbers and allow more light to hit the sensor. For example, a lens with a maximum aperture of 2.8 will allow more light to hit the sensor than a lens with a maximum aperture of 5.6. Having a wider aperture is especially helpful for shooting sports because more light allows you to use a faster shutter speed to freeze fast moving athletes, and indoor or night shots, because of the limited light in those situations. Some zoom telephoto lenses may have a range listed as the maximum aperture, such as 3.5 to 5.6. When a range is listed, the smallest number refers to the maximum aperture at the widest zoom, and the larger number refers to the maximum aperture at the tightest zoom.

Image Stabilization and Vibration Reduction

Telephoto lenses are generally the largest lenses and can weigh several pounds, so it can be hard to hold the camera perfectly steady when taking a picture. Image stabilization and vibration reduction are two technologies developed by Canon and Nikon, respectively, that minimize the blur caused by your hand shaking while taking the picture. These technologies make the lenses more expensive, but can be worth it for the improved photo quality. However, these technologies will not improve your photos if you are using a tripod, nor will it help freeze fast moving sports.

Tags: maximum aperture, focal length, 400mm lens, lenses have, more light, telephoto lenses, allow more

Monday, March 14, 2011

Keep A Refrigerator Smelling Fresh

Keep your refrigerator smelling fresh with items around your home.

Refrigerators need cleaned often to help prevent bacteria and odors from forming. A refrigerator will smell fresh as long as you properly store food and care for the unit. If you notice odors emitting from the refrigerator, you can remove them with items in your home pantry. A fresh refrigerator will make the food more appealing and it will help protect your perishables.


1. Maintain the refrigerator temperature between 34 and 40 degrees Fahrenheit to help keep foods fresh. Always check the doors to ensure that they remain closed tightly and avoid opening them for longer than you need.

2. Wipe spills as soon as you notice them. Use hot and soapy water to clean the spills, and then rinse the area with clean water. Always dry any wet areas in the refrigerator to prevent bacteria from growing.

3. Throw away perishable foods weekly. Examine the foods and throw away anything past the expiration date or leftovers that have sat in the refrigerator for longer than four days.

4. Place an opened box of baking soda on the shelf. This will help to eliminate odors and keep the refrigerator smelling fresh.

5. Wipe the inside of the refrigerator with a solution that contains an equal amount of vinegar and water. This will eliminate any areas of mildew and mold and it will neutralize any odors.

Tags: longer than, prevent bacteria, refrigerator smelling fresh, refrigerator will, smelling fresh, This will, will help

Install A Settop Box

The installation of a set-top box is relatively easy. If you purchased or rented one from your cable company or Internet Service Provider, the directions that came with it should guide you through the process. If you have built your own it is a little more complex, but just as straight-forward. Here are few tips to get you on your way to installing a set-top box.


1. Choose a network that has interactive television capabilities and services. Telephone and cable companies provide interactive television capabilities in most areas.

2. Connect your set- top box to the network of your choosing so it can communicate with the servers.

3. Install the tuner and Personal Video Recorder (PVR) that you feel will best work with your box. There are many online sources to help you find good tuner and PVR software for your system.

4. Find and install quality buffer and synchronization software for your video hardware. Check with the maker of your video card and CPU to find the recommended software for their equipment. You can also check online to see what other resources are recommended.

Tags: interactive television, interactive television capabilities, software your, television capabilities, your video

Friday, March 11, 2011

Install A Secure Digital Card In An Hp Ipaq

Secure Digital, or SD, is a type of flash memory card format that is used in nearly every portable media and PC device made today. These cards are used to expand the storage space on PC's and personal media devices. While the cheapest SD cards hold only megabytes of information, newer and more expensive SD cards will upgrade your device's memory by gigabytes. SD cards are very good investments because of their compatibility with nearly every digital device you own. They can be removed from your iPAQ and shared with your digital camera or mp3 player. Follow these steps to install a Secure Digital card in an HP iPAQ.


1. Locate the slot. Locate the Secure Digital memory card slot on your HP iPAQ. Most personal media devices come with an SD slot. Often this slot is on the side of the device, though in some instances the SD slot can be found inside the battery cavity.

2. Insert the Secure Digital memory card. Secure Digital memory cards slide and click into place. When the SD card meets resistance, remove it and make sure that you are inserting it correctly. The side with the metallic parts showing should face down and in.

3. Access the SD card. The HP IPAQ utilizes a File Explorer program that allows you to explore the files and directories in your devices internal and external memory. To access the information written onto an SD or CF card, click on the Start menu. From the Start menu, access Programs and then File Explorer.

4. Remove the SD memory Card. When the time comes to remove the Secure Digital memory card, simply press on it with your finger and its will click inward and then pop out far enough for you to pull it out of the slot.

5. Locate the Write-Protect Tab. On the top of the card there is usually a tab in the corner opposite of the notched diagonally cut corner. This tab resembles similar tabs that have appeared on floppy disks, video tapes and cassettes for years. When closed, this tab allows information to be written to the SD card. If the tab is open or removed, the SD card will not allow new information to be written nor stored information to be deleted.

Tags: Secure Digital, Digital memory, Secure Digital memory, Digital memory card, information written, memory card, File Explorer

Lipo Vs Nimh Battery Technology

LiPo and NiMH support the radio controlled hobby industry.

Both Lithium Polymer (LiPo) and Nickle Metal Hydride (NiMH) batteries are used heavily in the radio controlled car, airplane and hobby industry. NiMH batteries have been the industry standard for years. But now, LiPo is replacing NiNH as the standard in this industry because they provide a better overall performance.

Energy and Weight

LiPo batteries weigh less and produce 350 percent more energy than NiMh. This is a significant advantage considering remote control enthusiast seek to reach the highest power levels while carrying the lowest possible weight.

Internal Resistance

LiPo has a lower internal resistance than NiMH. Low resistance produce less heat and a more stable and efficient discharge of the energy necessary to power systems.

Discharge Curve

LiPo batteries have a much slower discharge curve than NiMH batteries and as a result, the battery performance is constant until used up. For example, it's common to experience a slow degradation in the audio of a battery powered portable CD player as the battery runs down because non LiPo batteries have a fast discharge curve. If using batteries with a slower discharge curve, the audio will remain constant until the battery's energy is depleted.

Tags: batteries have, discharge curve, LiPo batteries, NiMH batteries, constant until, hobby industry, LiPo batteries have

Other Lenses That Fit Pentax Cameras

Many different lens brands will fit on your Pentax camera body.

Interchangeable lenses allow a photographer to add both diversity and versatility to their kit. Depending on the type of mount your Pentax body has -- either the M42 or the K mount -- lenses from a number of different manufacturers will fit on the front of your camera.

M42 Mount

M42 lenses use a screw-mount threading to attach to the front of a camera. Predating the more popular bayonet style mount now exclusively used on Pentax bodies and lenses, the M42 mount first appeared in 1949 on the Zeiss Contax camera. Other camera companies, including Zenit, Pentacon and Praktica, used the M42 mount and produced many M42 lenses. Although new Pentax bodies require an adapter for M42 lenses, you can use M42 lenses on a Pentax Spotmatic without an adapter.


One of the most popular lenses among Pentax users is the M42 mount 50mm f/1.4 Super-Takumar, especially on Spotmatics. Although Takumar was a division of Asahi Pentax, it produced lenses for other camera companies as well. You can use K mount Takumar lenses of all focal lengths -- wide, normal and telephoto -- on any Pentax body.


The Japanese lens manufacturer Sigma manufactures a significant line of K mount lenses. Most commonly used with Pentax DSLRs, Sigma lenses come equipped with precise autofocus and auto-metering functions. New Sigma lenses may be used on old K mount Pentax bodies, but autofocus and metering will not be possible.


Many lenses produced by Ricoh in the 1970s and 80s sport the K mount, which means they are compatible with Pentax bodies. The lenses from many Sears brand cameras, often thought to be re-branded Ricohs, are also compatible with Pentax K mount bodies.

Tags: Pentax bodies, with Pentax, bodies lenses, camera companies, compatible with, compatible with Pentax

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Adjust Eyeglasses For A Photo Shot

Pay attention to the position of your camera flash and your subject before taking a photograph of someone wearing eyeglasses.

Taking photographs of people who wear eyeglasses can cause a challenge when using a flash. Because of the position of on-camera flashes, the sudden burst of light tends to create a glare if the light bounces off of the glass lenses. When taking photos of someone wearing glasses, pay careful attention to the position of the glasses they are wearing in relationship to the flash on your camera to minimize the chance of flash glare.


1. Turn off the red-eye reduction setting on your digital camera. Newer model digital cameras have a built-in feature that helps to eliminate red-eye in photographs by emitting two separate bursts of light from the flash. By turning off the red-eye reduction feature, you allow the camera flash to only emit a single light burst and minimize the chance of flash glare on eyeglasses.

2. Position your photo subject with his chin pointed downward slightly or have him push his glasses up farther on the bridge of his nose. By making these position adjustments, you will eliminate the direct path of the flash to the subject's eyeglasses.

3. When using a digital camera, take advantage of the preview screen located on the back of the camera to test your positioning. Look for any glare from the flash that may be present, and change the position of either the subject or the position of her eyeglasses slightly to correct for the flash glare.

Tags: flash glare, attention position, camera flash, chance flash, chance flash glare, digital camera

What Is The Purpose Of A Compound Microscope

The purpose of a compound microscope -- that is, a microscope consisting of two lens systems -- is to view smaller specimens, such as cell structures, which cannot be seen at the lower level of magnification offered by a lower power or stereo microscope.


A compound microscope, used everywhere from a medical research laboratory to a police crime scene to a home, helps diagnose disease in human cells or tissues, identifies drug samples or simply reveals the structure of flowers or plants collected on a country walk.


A compound microscope consists of structural components, a base, body and arm, which house and support the optical components, and the optical components themselves, an eyepiece lens and an objective lens.

How a Compound Microscope Works

A light source illuminates an object or structure to be viewed by a compound microscope. Light passes through the object lens--the lens nearest the object--where the image is magnified and the eyepiece lens--the lens you look through--acts as a further magnifier to produce the image you see.

Tags: compound microscope, compound microscope, lens--the lens, optical components

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Use Slingbox Pro Overseas

Use Slingbox Pro Overseas

The Slingbox Pro, and all other models of the Slingbox, allow users to take their favorite TV programs with them wherever they go. The Slingbox Pro is connected to the user's home entertainment system, configured to work on his high speed Internet, and the Slingbox software does the rest. The software is available on most SmartPhones including the iPhone and both Mac and Windows computers. The user simply installs the software and connects to his Slingbox wherever he has Internet, even overseas.


While Still at Home

1. Write down your Slingbox's ID. The Slingbox ID is displayed when you launch the Slingplayer software while connected to the home network, click "Help" and choose "About [Slingbox Name]." The Slingbox ID and the password chosen during the initial set up are required for accessing the Slingbox remotely.

2. Register for a Sling Account. Visit the Sling Account homepage (see "Resources") and follow the onscreen instructions to complete the registration process. The Sling Account saves all of the information required to connect to the Slingbox in one location. This makes it easy to configure multiple devices quickly.

3. Click on "Slingbox Directory," then press "Add Slingbox" and enter all of the required connection information including the Slingbox ID and password in the Sling Account and save the changes.

While Overseas

4. Connect the Slingplayer compatible device to a high speed Internet connection. Compatible devices include SmartPhones, computers and PDAs. The connection may be wired or wireless, but the streaming quality will be affected by the overall speed of the connection.

5. Launch the Slingplayer software on the device.

6. Press the "Connect" button and enter your Sling Account log in information to establish the connection. Use the virtual remote control to navigate through the available channels or access your recorded programs by using the program guide interface.

Tags: Sling Account, high speed, high speed Internet, Slingbox Overseas, Slingbox password, Slingplayer software, speed Internet