Tuesday, November 30, 2010

What Are The Nikon Mounts

Nikon single-lens reflex, or SLR, digital cameras have several mounts to help you take professional-quality photographs. The mounts are used to attach such accessories as lenses, flashes and tripods. These mounts are universal across the modern Nikon digital SLR camera family.


Nikon introduced the lens F-mount in 1959. It is still used on all Nikon digital SLR cameras. Called a bayonet-type mount, it serves as the communication tool between the camera and the lens. The F-mount works with more than 400 Nikkor lenses as well as hundreds of third-party lenses. The F-mount's longevity is due to its flexibility: it can work with old, fully manual lenses as well as high-tech modern lenses that incorporate auto-focus, metering and aperture controls.

Hot Shoe

Nikon offers a rugged hot shoe to use when mounting an external flash. The metal hot shoe allows for quick attachment and removal without damaging the camera. The center metal connector panel allows the camera to communicate with the flash. Photographers can mount a flash sync cord instead of the flash when needing off-camera lighting. This will allow the camera to communicate with the flash wherever the photographer places it.

Tripod Mount

All Nikon digital SLRs and many of Nikons point-and-shoot digital cameras include a tripod mount, located on the bottom of the camera. This is a small, metal, threaded hole into which you screw the top thumbscrew of the tripod. On some tripods, you simply screw the camera onto the top, while others require a special mounting head to attach the camera more securely. These mounts are universal and should work with nearly all camera tripods.

Flash Bracket

Professional photographers often use flash brackets to enable them to turn the camera vertically while keeping the external flash pointing up. These flash brackets attach to the camera using the tripod mount. Screw the connector bolt tightly into the camera's tripod mount, then attach the flash to the bracket and the flash's sync cord to the camera's hot shoe.

Tags: digital cameras, Nikon digital, tripod mount, attach camera, camera communicate, camera communicate with, communicate with

Troubleshoot A Canon Powershot S3 Is

Troubleshoot a Canon Powershot S3 IS

The Canon S3 IS is an advanced point-and-shoot camera with a six megapixel sensor, a 12x optical zoom and an articulating LCD screen, as well as a viewfinder for shooting in bright sunlight when the screen might get washed out. In addition to many standard point-and-shoot scene shooting modes, the S3 has Aperture, Shutter and Manual modes for advanced photographers, just as on Canon's SLRs. While some problems may require sending the camera to an authorized service center, there are some issues you can troubleshoot at home.


1. Check that the batteries are properly aligned with the polarity if the camera does not power on. There is a diagram on the battery door that shows which side of the AA battery should be up or down in each slot.

2. Rub a cotton swab over the battery contacts and insert new batteries if you can't power on the camera and you have the polarities aligned properly.

3. Replace the small lithium battery if the Date/Time message flashes on. The S3 IS powers date and time from a different battery than that used to take photos.

4. Format the memory card from the S3's set-up menu if the camera seems to take a long time to record images to the memory. Formatting erases all data, so make sure you have downloaded the pictures to your computer before formatting the card.

5. Turn the mode lever from playback to shooting if the lens doesn't retract when you power the camera down.

Tags: Canon Powershot, power camera, Troubleshoot Canon, Troubleshoot Canon Powershot

Difference Between Hipot And Megger

Megger manufactures equipment that deals with power, building wiring, contracting, terminal blocks, test switches, telecommunications and data communications. The company makes High Potential (Hipot) testers. Hipot testers checks for good isolation in wires and cables, ensuring the electrical current does not make it from source to receiving point.

Hipot Tests

There are three common types of high-voltage tests: insulation resistance, dielectric withstanding and dielectric breakdown. Hipot tests high voltage to make sure the electric current will not run free through the wires. These tests are used to find "the highest voltage the cable can stand before it fails," according to Cirris. Some hipot tests allow a small amount of voltage to travel between the conductors, but ideally, no power will go through, or else the test fails.

Megger Company Information

Megger's trademark was registered for the first time in May 1903; it now sells over 1,000 individual products. It was the first company to manufacture "a completely automatic, software-driven protective relay test system" in 1984, according to Megger's website. The electrics company began with insulation testers that ranged from 1kV to 10kV. Megger's products are manufactured in three locations: Dallas, Texas; Dover, England; and Valley Forge, Pennsylvania.

Megger Hipots

Megger's hipots are made for AC/DC test equipment and vacuum interrupter testers. These hipots are portable and check the electrical insulation of motors, insulators, power cables, switchgear, capacitors and transformers. All five Megger hipots meet the UL 120 k-ohm requirement, as well as meeting requirements for electric household cooking and serving appliances, electrical medical and dental equipment, motor-operated household food preparing machines, radio receivers and audio systems. The hipots can also do QA/QC production tests.

Other Hipots

Other companies that make hipots include Associated Research, Inc., and Slaughter Instruments for Electrical Test and Measurement. Slaughter's hipot testers are mostly for AC/DC connections, but the company also makes hipot testers that perform four and six connections. Associated Research's hipot testers are more complex, implementing AC/DC tests with other functional run tests in the same product.

Tags: Associated Research, hipot testers, Megger hipots, testers that

Monday, November 29, 2010

Format A Memory Card For Kodak Camera

Memory cards are commonly used in digital cameras and other gadgets.

Memory cards are a popular form of solid-state (an object without moving parts) storage. Used for cellular phones, MP3 players, GPS units, digital cameras and other electronics devices, you may choose to use memory cards in more than one device over its lifetime. Due to the differences in how devices create directories and format the structure of memory cards, you will need to format your memory card when using your memory card in a different device. Formatting the memory card also prepares a new memory card for use with the Kodak camera.


1. Insert and secure the memory card into the memory card slot on the camera.

2. Set the mode dial to "Preferences" or to "Camera Setup," depending on your camera model.

3. Turn on the Kodak camera.

4. Scroll through the options until you find the "Format Memory" icon, which looks like an aluminum trash can.

5. Press the "Do It" button on your camera.

6. Select "Continue Format" to verify that you wish to format the memory card. Press the "Do It" button again.

Tags: memory card, your memory card, cameras other, digital cameras, digital cameras other, Format Memory

Set Up Home Video Lighting

The proper home video lighting will vastly improve the quality of video that any camcorder records. Light is essential to gathering the information the camcorder needs to record images without color loss or a grainy quality. Improving home video lighting does not require fancy equipment or a great deal of planning. Simply remembering a few home video lighting principles will instantly result in better video.


1. Open curtains and shades to allow as much natural light as possible into the room. Turn on ceiling lights and lamps, even during the daytime. The general rule for home video lighting is that it is better to have too much light than not enough.

2. Switch off all fluorescent lights. These lights give people a greenish appearance and the settings on most camcorders to prevent this will distort other colors and reduce overall video quality.

3. Position the subjects so that the brightest light sources, such as a large bay window, will be behind the camcorder or at least to one side.

4. Set up lights on each side of the camcorder if possible. If taping subjects with a wall behind, a small light between their backs and the wall will create depth between the subjects and background. This works best with stronger lights from each side and a weaker light on the floor near the wall, which helps diffuse shadows and create the feeling of space.

5. Mount a small battery-operated light in the camcorder's shoe (the fitting on top of the camcorder to hold lights or microphones) to illuminate subjects' faces in a low-light situation of interview-style video, such as speaking with guests at a wedding reception or large party.

Tags: home video lighting, video lighting, each side, home video, home video

Friday, November 26, 2010

Upload Pictures From My Kodak Easyshare P850

The Kodak EasyShare P850 camera incorporates many features to help you take quality photos -- including a 12x optical zoom, a hot shoe for an external flash and a 5.1 megapixel sensor. Pictures taken with the Kodak EasyShare P850 can be downloaded to the computer. The Kodak EasyShare software is required to download the pictures to your system. The software will maintain and organize the photos in albums and includes editing tools so you can enhance each photo.


1. Install Kodak EasyShare on the computer. To install, insert the Kodak EasyShare software installation disc into the computer's optical drive or click on the download link (see Resources). Follow the installation prompts.

2. Turn off the Kodak EasyShare P850 camera.

3. Insert the smaller end of the USB cable into the mini-USB port on the lower-right side of the Kodak EasyShare P850 camera. Insert the other end of the USB cable into the computer's USB port. The Kodak EasyShare software will detect the connected camera and open.

4. Select "Quick Setup" when prompted by the EasyShare software.

5. Select to "Synchronize" the software. Click "Finish."

6. Choose whether or not to delete photos from the camera once they are transferred to the computer when prompted.

7. Choose either "Select & Transfer" to choose which pictures to download to the computer, or "Transfer All" to download all pictures on the camera to the computer. The photos will be transferred to the computer.

Tags: Kodak EasyShare, EasyShare software, EasyShare P850, EasyShare P850 camera, Kodak EasyShare software, P850 camera

Buy A Tmobile Sim Card

A T-Mobile SIM card is basically the brains of your cellphone. Your SIM card allows you to save photos, phone numbers, pictures and text messages. Your cellphone can't receive wireless service from T-Mobile without a SIM card. If you purchase a phone online from T-Mobile or go to a retail wireless provider, a T-Mobile SIM card should already be installed in your phone. If your SIM card becomes lost or damaged, here's how you can buy a new one.


Buying a T-Mobile Sim Card

1. Log on to www.tmobile.com. This is the official T-Mobile website, where you can purchase phones and accessories and learn about T-mobile wireless plans.

2. Click on the "plans" link from the menu. The page displays all the T-Mobile plan options available to you, such as family or business plans.

3. Click the prepaid link. The next page provides you an opportunity to learn more about prepaid plans. You'll be given the opportunity to register with "my T-Mobile," which gives you the ability to track your phone use and add more minutes to your phone.

4. Click on the graphic that reads "T-Mobile SIM card." If you purchase your T-Mobile SIM card online, you'll receive a $3 discount, reducing your price to $6.99.

5. Click on the "buy" button and proceed to the checkout screen. You'll be prompted to enter your name, billing address, telephone number, email address and credit or debit card information. If you choose the standard shipping option, your SIM card will be shipped free of charge. If you choose overnight shipping, you'll spend an additional $11.99.

Tags: T-Mobile card, your phone, card purchase, from T-Mobile, plans Click

Make A Holga Lens Mountable To An Slr Camera

The Holga camera creates a stylistic photo, in part because of its distinctive lens. If you want to create the Holga look, but want the ease of using your digital SLR camera, you can create a hack to mount your Holga lens onto the camera.


1. Remove the Holga lens from the camera. File the edges smooth so that they will fit.

2. Cut a film canister into a long strip, removing the bottom or use other stiff plastic to wrap around the Holga lens. The plastic should be about 3/4-inches long to avoid damage to your camera. Glue in place. Light leaks are acceptable.

3. Drill a hole in your lens body. The hole should just fit the adjusted Holga lens into place. File the edges smooth. Drill a small hole in the lens cap to create the classic Holga effect.

4. Assemble the lens by putting the Holga lens inside your lens body and then putting the cap onto the lens body.

5. Attach the new lens to the camera and begin taking pictures. You can adjust the vignettes by changing the position of the Holga lens inside the lens body.

Tags: Holga lens, lens body, your lens body, edges smooth, File edges, File edges smooth, Holga lens

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Configure A Cingular Wap

Configure your Cingular WAP settings.

If your Cingular/AT&T Wireless device lost its Internet connectivity, or if the internal browser settings were somehow changed or erased, you can easily reset your device and establish another connection. By knowing the proper settings, you can reconfigure your cell phone to access the Cingular Internet server without the need to contact the customer service department. Each cell phone available through Cingular and AT&T Wireless will have a slightly different combination of menus to navigate, but once you arrive at the Internet connection options screen, the settings are identical.


1. Select GPRS. If your device is able to connect to the Internet using additional methods, such as WiFi, choose the option that allows you to access the GPRS settings.

2. Create a new GPRS connection type. Title this new entry anything that suits your needs, or simply call it "Cingular GPRS."

3. Choose the service type. In the "Connects To" or "Connection Type" box, choose the "WAP" option.

4. Enter the access point. In the "Access Point" text box, enter "wap.cingular" in all lowercase letters.

5. Enter the username. In the "Username" text box, enter "WAP@CINGULARGPRS.COM" in all capital letters.

6. Enter the password. In the "Password" text box, enter "CINGULAR1" in all capital letters.

7. Set authentication type. From the drop-down box next to "Authentication Type" choose "Secure."

8. Click "Finish" to save your settings. Some devices have additional data fields that may be filled in, such as "IP Address" and "Primary DNS," but these are not usually necessary to access the i\Internet using this method, and those settings should be adjusted automatically by your device when you connect.

Tags: text enter, your device, capital letters, cell phone, choose option, Cingular Wireless, Internet using

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Nikon Sb900 Vs Sb800

For many years, the Nikon SB-800 was the flagship of the Nikon flash line. It was the most powerful flash made by Nikon and was used to control a range of slave flashes through Nikon's Creative Lighting System. Recently, the SB-800 was replaced by the Nikon SB-900. There are some notable differences between the two models.


The newer SB-900 is larger and heavier than the SB-800. The SB-800's dimensions are 2.8-by-5-by-3.5 inches. The SB-900 is 3.0-by-5.7-by-4.7 inches in size. The SB-800 weighs 12.3 oz, while the SB-900 weighs 14.6 oz. One of the advantages of this increase in size is a larger LCD that provides more information.

Zoom Range

The Nikon SB-900 has increased its zoom range over the SB-800. The SB-800 offers a respectable 24mm-to-105mm zoom range. The SB-900 has been optimized for newer super-zooms and supports a range of 17mm to 200mm. This increased zoom range allows the strobe to work well with a wider range of lenses, especially with the added ability to adjust for the correct camera sensor.

Sensor Compatibility

In addition to supporting popular single-lens super-zoom options, the SB-900 senses whether the camera has a DX or an FX sensor. FX sensors are larger and have a wider field of view than DX sensors. This feature, combined with the wider zoom range, allows for a wider usable range for the SB-900.

Recycle Times

One of the selling points on the SB-800 was the quick recycle time. The SB-900 has an improved booster circuit that not only cuts recycle times, but also increases the number of flashes per set of batteries.

Thermal Protection

One important new feature on the SB-900 is thermal protection with a thermal overload sensor. Under heavy use, both the SB-800 and SB-900 can overheat. In a worst-case scenario, an SB-800 can become so hot that it suffers permanent damage. The SB-900 contains sensors that warn the user if the flash is overheating and automatically powers down the strobe to prevent permanent damage.

Tags: zoom range, camera sensor, increased zoom, increased zoom range, Nikon SB-900, permanent damage, range allows

Install The Pie Ipod Adapter On An Accord

Precision Interface Electronics (PIE) produces electronic equipment for vehicles, including a line of iPod adapters that you can use to connect your iPod to a vehicle's stereo. PIE makes a line of these adapters designed specifically for Honda vehicles, such as the Accord, that have a factory stereo system. You will need to connect various cables from the back of your stereo to the device to gain control of your stereo system.


1. Flip the fourth DIP switch from the left to the "ON" position if your stereo does not have XM radio capabilities. DIP switches are located on the top portion of the iPod adapter. If your stereo has XM radio capabilities, leave all the DIP switches in the "OFF" position.

2. Disconnect the negative battery terminal from your vehicle before proceeding. The battery is located under the hood. Slide the metal connection ring off the terminal with the "-" symbol. If the battery is connected, you run the risk of electrical shock or damage to the vehicle or the adapter.

3. Remove the stereo receiver from the dashboard by pressing in on the locks on the four corners of the device and allowing it to slide out. Leave all connections in place.

4. Connect the 14-pin connector of the iPod adapter to the 14-pin auxiliary input on the back of the stereo receiver by pushing it into place.

5. Connect the 10-pin connection wire to the iPod adapter and route the other end to the location where you intend to place the iPod while it is in use.

6. Replace the stereo receiver back into your dashboard. When the radio is in place, go back and reconnect the battery by sliding the metal connection ring back onto the negative terminal.

7. Connect the other end of the 10-pin connection wire mentioned in Step 5 to the input at the bottom of the iPod. Turning the stereo to "Aux" mode will give you access to the files on your iPod, which you can control as normal.

Tags: your stereo, iPod adapter, stereo receiver, 10-pin connection, 10-pin connection wire

Program The Motorola Razr

The ultra slim Motorola RAZR is one of the most popular phones on the market. It's sleek design and varied features make it easy to carry and easy to personalize with special settings. If you would like to program the Motorola RAZR to fit your needs, just follow these simple steps.


1. Open the Motorola RAZR's menu by pressing the "Menu" key. You can find the Menu key at the topmost center of the phone's keypad.

2. Browse the menu that appears by using the 4-way Navigation key. The Navigation key allows you to scroll the menu in four directions: up, down, left, and right.

3. Select Settings from the Main Menu. Under the Settings sub-menu, you have the options to set your Motorola RAZR's ring style, time and date, wallpaper, screensaver, skin, theme, answer options, display brightness and display timeout.

4. Browse the features under the Settings menu and choose the one you want to customize. You will be able to change each particular setting here.

5. Choose the setting you want for your phone by pressing the "Select" button. By doing this, your phone will save the new setting you chose.

6. Exit to your phone's desktop after you succeeded in customizing your phone by pressing the "Power and End" key. This key is located just below the Message key at the far right side of your phone.

Tags: your phone, Motorola RAZR, phone pressing, your phone pressing

Make Your Own Backdrop Stand Support

You can make your own backdrop stand using PVC piping.

Most studio photographers use some type of backdrop when they are shooting studio work. Whether they are shooting portraits, still life or product photography, having a uniformed background goes a long way toward having your subject stand out. You can choose to buy a stand for your backdrop, which are available at most photography retailers. You can also build your own backdrop stand using 1-inch PVC piping and connectors.


1. Insert a 6-foot length of PVC piping into the vertical opening of one of the "T" connectors.

2. Insert a 12-inch length of PVC piping into two remaining openings of the "T" connector, and attach another "T" connector to the ends of the two 12-inch lengths of PVC piping.

3. Insert 6-inch lengths of PVC piping into the openings on the "T" connectors you just attached. Once installed, this forms the base and one support for your stand. Repeat these steps to create the second support.

4. Connect an "L" PVC connector to the top of each stand.

5. Insert the last 6-foot length into the two "L" connectors, forming the cross bar and completing your PVC backdrop stand.

Tags: your backdrop, piping into, your backdrop stand, 6-foot length, backdrop stand, backdrop stand using

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Pick The Correct Camera Lens Filter

Lens filters alter the way a camera uses available light and change the resulting picture's look. Photographers use them for a variety of effects, such as softening hard edges, reducing glare, creating blur and darkening a horizon. Filters have their benefits, but they should be used with caution because they can also ruin a perfect snapshot. A photographer should also consider that filters differ by manufacturer, and effects can vary accordingly.


Evaluating the Landscape

1. Evaluate the landscape you are shooting and the available light. Different filters are needed to capture a waterfall at midday with the sun overhead and waves crashing on a beach at sunset. A static landscape uses different filters than a scene with people or animals in motion.

2. Select a linear or circular polarizer filter to reduce glare from water and other surfaces. Much like polarizing sunglasses, such a filter will also darken the sky and enhance the colors of foliage, rocks and other subjects in your landscape. Keep an eye through your viewfinder as you turn the filter and stop when the desired effect is reached.

3. Choose a neutral density filter for long time exposures. This smooths water movement in waterfalls and waves. It also softens pictures and causes blur if you want a sense of motion in your picture.

4. Use a graduated neutral density filter, sometimes called a "split filter," when shooting dramatic differences in light, such as sunsets. These blend the brilliance of the sun with the darker landscape beneath it. Decide whether the scene needs a gradual or abrupt blending and pick the appropriate shade of split filter.

5. Try a cooling or warming filter to either cast a strange color on a scene or correct the white balance. This is handy for a picture taken with only orange light cast from street lamps. Add warmth to a gloomy picture on a cloudy day.

Tags: available light, density filter, neutral density, neutral density filter, split filter

Buy A Snake Camera

A snake camera allows you to see around corners, under doors and in tight spaces; it bends to fit around almost any obstacle. A snake camera is also so small that it's virtually undetectable, yet it still gives you top-quality images.


1. Determine how you're going to use your snake camera. If you're purchasing it to add to your current collection of surveillance equipment, you may not have as many specifications as you will if you have a specific use in mind.

2. List the qualities you need in a snake camera. All snake cameras are flexible so you can bend them into the shape you want. However, some can go into narrower spaces, some are longer and not all are waterproof.

3. Browse online at stores selling surveillance equipment, such as Brickhouse Security, Advance Security Products and 4 Hidden Spy Cameras. Compare the features to see which camera model best suits your needs.

4. Make sure that the snake camera you choose can attach to the television, portable video recorder or laptop that you're going to use to view the images.

5. Find a local surveillance store to purchase your desired snake camera from. You can often find surveillance or "spy" shops in larger cities. Though you can buy online if there are no local shops, examining the snake camera and discussing your choice with a knowledgeable salesperson helps you find the right camera for your needs. Spy Shop is a respected retailer.

6. Consider renting a snake camera if you need it just for a particular job or event. DPL Surveillance Equipment in Los Angeles rents snake cameras by the week. Local surveillance stores may also have lease options.

Tags: snake camera, snake cameras, surveillance equipment, your needs

Monday, November 22, 2010

Hook Up Pictbridge

The process of printing images from a digital camera commonly includes connecting the device and a printer to a computer. There are, however, special cameras and printers that are able to print images without a computer. These cameras and printers are equipped with Pictbridge technology. With the technology, you can print photos directly from the camera with only a few presses of a button. Some Pictbridge devices even allow users to print multiple images at a time, print a cropped image or print several duplicates of the same image. Pictbridge is a useful tool that speeds up the process of printing images from a camera.


1. Insert the small end of the Pictbridge USB cable into the digital camera and connect the other end of the cable into the Pictbridge USB port.

2. Plug the printer's power cable into a nearby wall outlet, and insert photo paper. Press the power button or switch the digital camera and the printer.

3. View the Pictbridge notification that automatically appears on the camera's screen. Press "Play" on the camera to display the images already saved on the camera. Select the desired photo from the list. Press "Print Photo" on the camera and follow the prompts to print the photo. Wait a few minutes for the printer to create the image on the photo paper.

Tags: cable into, digital camera, cameras printers, from camera, images from

Transfer Super 8 Movies To Dvd

Transfer your Super 8 movies to a blank writable DVD.

Super 8 is 8 mm analog cine film used in video cameras and camcorders. While Super 8 may be ideal as a means of capturing video, you may wish to make the recorded content more versatile or store it in a digital file format. As a result, you may transfer Super 8 movies from their original cassettes to DVD by one of two means. Connect your Super 8 player or camera to either a DVD recorder or personal computer with DVD writer drive to transfer the movies' content to a DVD.


DVD Recorder Transfer

1. Load the Super 8 cassette containing the movie you wish to transfer to DVD into your Super 8 player or camera. Cue the Super 8 movie for playback.

2. Connect your Super 8 player to the DVD recorder. Insert the RCA end of the Super 8 camera's A/V cable into the DVD recorder's color-coded RCA "Video In" or "Line In" port. Alternatively, you may insert one end of an RCA cable into your Super 8 player or camera's "Video Out" or "Line Out" port. Insert the other end of the RCA cable into the DVD recorder's "Video In" or "Line In" port.

3. Load a blank writable DVD into the DVD recorder.

4. Push the DVD recorder's "Record" button.

5. Push "Play" on the Super 8 player or camera immediately to avoid blank space at the beginning of your DVD recording.

6. Push "Stop" on the DVD recorder when the Super 8 movie's playback is complete.

TV Tuner Transfer

7. Load the Super 8 cassette containing the movie you wish to transfer to DVD into your Super 8 player or camera. Cue the Super 8 movie for playback.

8. Connect your Super 8 player to your computer's TV tuner. Insert the RCA end of the Super 8 camera's A/V cable into the TV tuner's color-coded RCA "Video In" or "Line In" port. Alternatively, you may insert one end of an RCA cable into your Super 8 player or camera's "Video Out" or "Line Out" port. Insert the other end of the RCA cable into the TV tuner's "Video In" or "Line In" port.

9. Launch the TV tuner's utility. Push the "Record" button on the TV tuner's control panel.

10. Push "Play" on the Super 8 player or camera immediately. Doing so minimizes blank space at the beginning of the TV tuner's digital recording.

11. Push "Stop" on the TV tuner's control panel when the Super 8 movie's playback is complete.

12. Save the digital recording of the Super 8 movie to a file format you know to be compatible with your computer's DVD writer, such as MPEG, MOV or AVI.

13. Insert a blank writable DVD into your computer's DVD writer drive. Launch the DVD writer utility if it does not load automatically upon the disc's insertion.

14. Load the newly saved digital recording into your DVD writer's burn list. Click the "Burn" or "Start Burn" button to launch the burn dialog. Select "Video DVD" from the burn dialog. Click "OK" or "Burn" to complete the Super 8 movie's transfer to DVD.

Tags: Super player, your Super, player camera, Super player camera, your Super player, cable into, into your

Phillips Phone Answering Machine Instructions

A good understanding of your answering machine will prevent you from missing important business or family messages. The Phillips answering machine comes built in to your Phillips phone. This answering machine only records missed calls when your phone is activated and holds as many as 99 messages at a time. Get rid of your old stand-alone answering machine and make the most of the Phillips phone and answering machine combo.


1. Press the "On/Off" key located on the phone base to turn on your answering machine.

2. Press the "Menu" key on the handset to playback messages. Use the scroll down button until you read "Answ Machine" and hit "OK." Hit "OK" again to enter the "Play" menu.

3. Enter "OK" in the "Play" menu to start playback. The messages will play immediately starting from the most recently recorded.

4. Press "Menu" on the handset, scroll through to "Answ Machine" and hit "OK" to delete your messages. Next scroll until the display reads "Delete All." Hit "OK." Messages will be removed permanently.

5. Hit the "Menu" button to create a personalized message. Scroll through to "Answ Machine" and hit "OK." Scroll through until "Record OMG" is displayed and hit "OK" again.

6. Scroll through "Record OMG" menu until you find "Answ Record" and hit "OK." Find "Record Message Option," and hit "OK" to start recording your message. To stop recording your message, hit "OK" again. The message will be saved.

7. Enter "Menu" to activate and change ring delay. Find "Answ Machine" and hit "OK." Find "Settings" and hit "OK," scroll to find "Ring Delay" and hit "OK." Select the number of rings you desire before the answering machine turns on, and hit "OK."

8. Call your phone number to access voicemail from the road. When the message is played, wait eight seconds, press the number key # and enter the remote access code or master PIN. Follow the prompts.

Tags: answering machine, Answ Machine, Scroll through, Menu handset, Phillips phone, Play menu, playback messages

Friday, November 19, 2010

Put A Free Date Stamp On My Photos

It's easy to put a date stamp on your digital photos.

At one time, all photos had to be processed and printed from film. The cost and time to complete the process of printing photos from film kept many people from taking too many photographs. With the popularity of digital cameras, many of us find ourselves taking a lot more pictures since images can be easily downloaded and stored on a computer. With so many photos, it is sometimes hard to remember when they were all taken. You can put a free date stamp on digital photos so that you will always know when they were taken.


1. Enter setup on the digital camera. Often, this is accomplished by moving the mode dial on the top of the camera or by hitting the menu button. You may then need to select the Settings or Camera menu. From there, you should be able to access the date stamp. Many cameras will allow you to select how the date is superimposed. Sony Cybershot cameras, for example, will superimpose either the day and time or the month, day and year on each photo.

2. Add a date stamp to a photo manually. There are several free image editing software programs such as Paint, GIMP and Picasa, which will allow you to add your own time stamp to a digital photo. The advantage of manually applying the date stamp is that you can place the stamp wherever you want on the photo and choose a font style and size that works well with the photo.

3. Put a free date stamp on the photos with software such as SafeCopy, Change Case and Time Stamp. The advantage of using a software program is that it will allow you to download all photos without the date stamp superimposed. You can then make a copy of those non-stamped photos. The software program will read the EXIF file attached to the photo, which contains the date information, and can then add the date stamp to the copies, and the originals will be free of any dates that can blemish the photo.

Tags: date stamp, will allow, digital photos, free date, free date stamp, from film

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Hook Your Rooftop Antenna To A Tv

A rooftop antenna draws broadcasting television signals through a coaxial cable to a TV. Depending on the location of the TV inside the building, it may be necessary to route the cable along floorboards. If the building is already wired with coaxial cable, one end of the cable may already extend outdoors for a quick connection to the antenna. If not, you may need to drill through masonry or wood to run the cable indoors.


1. Find a spot along the interior wall where a hole can be drilled to run the cable from the antenna indoors. Ideally, the hole should be at a height so it emerges through an indoor wall as close to the television as possible.

2. Drill a 1/2-inch hole through the exterior wall at the desired spot for the cable, penetrating through the wall to the opposite side indoors. If necessary, go indoors and drill through the spot where the cable will come in. Measure the approximate spot to drill indoors by using a tape measure from a fixed spot on the building, such as a door, to the spot where the exterior hole was drilled. If the spot is 6 feet in from a door, then drill 6 feet in from the door on the inside wall at the same height to punch completely through the wall..

3. Insert the end of the coaxial cable through the outside wall indoors and route the cable along the floorboard to the television.

4. Slip a faceplate over the end of the cable and slide the plate back to the wall, where it can be secured with two screws. This gives the installation a more professional look.

5. Attach the coupler on the end of the cable by turning it clockwise to the threaded ANT. IN jack on the back of the TV.

6. Apply a ring of silicon caulk around the hole in the exterior wall to seal the hole around the cable.

7. Connect the other end of the cable to the threaded jack on the base of the antenna, which typically runs from the roof down the length of the wall. If necessary, you can use a ladder to route the cable up the side of the wall and attach it to the antenna base.

Tags: coaxial cable, route cable, cable along, drill through, exterior wall, feet from, feet from door

Nextar 5 6 Digital Photo Frame (N5103) Specifications

The Nextar digital photo frame displays your JPEG images as a rotating slideshow.

The Nextar 5.6-inch digital photo frame was released in 2001. It displays your JPEG images as a rotating slideshow. However, the frame lacks the polish, wireless connectivity and high resolution available in frames sold in 2011. Additionally, the frame is no longer offered for sale new from the manufacturer, so you will need to look for one for sale on the used market.


The frame offers a resolution of 320 by 234 pixels. Over the 5.6-inch TFT screen, this yields roughly as many pixels-per-inch (ppi) as your computer monitor, which is also the normal resolution for a JPEG picture file.


Through various ports in the rear of the frame, the Nextar 5.6-inch digital photo frame accepts Secure Digital (SD) cards, MultiMedia Cards (MMC), and Memory Stick (MS) cards. The frame reads the cards to find the pictures on them and then displays them in a slideshow, which means you can take the card directly from your camera, put it into the frame, and see your images. Additionally, you can connect the frame to your computer via USB 1.1.

File Types

The Nextar only accepts JPEG files, which means that if your camera doesn't shoot in this format you will have to first convert the files on your computer before they can be played on the frame. Also, the frame will not display images that are over 10 megapixels.

Other Specifications

The Nextar 5.6-inch digital photo frame runs on a rechargeable battery which is charged by connecting a 12V AC adapter from a wall outlet to the frame. The full size of the frame is 9.36 inches by 7.08 inches by 0.94 inches and it weighs 1.8 pounds. When displaying images in a slideshow, the transitions are chosen automatically. The screen has a 4-3 ratio, which is the same format as a television, a brightness of 150 candelas per square meter (cd/m2) and a contrast rating of 250.

Tags: digital photo frame, 6-inch digital, 6-inch digital photo, digital photo, Nextar 6-inch

Applications To An Iphone

When Apple unveiled a free upgrade to the iPhone in the spring of 2007, it did iPhone owners a favor by allowing them to easily access and add new applications. Hundreds of iPhone applications include games both nostalgic and new, gadgets like a strobe light, tools such as a weight tracker and novelties--a mobile phone version of the U.S. Constitution, for example, and a hand-held virtual aquarium. Enhance your favorite portable device by reading on to learn add applications to an iPhone.


1. Access the Internet using your iPhone.

2. Visit the web applications page on the Apple website.

3. Browse categories including "Staff Picks," "Most Popular" and "Alphabetical" from the top menu bar. Or use the topic index on the left to choose from among games, productivity, sports, travel or one of seven other listings.

4. As an example, say you want to download a game, and after you get into that category you're attracted by the description of the featured application called "Kenny Rogers--The Gambler Mobile Keno." Click on the "View Web App" button.

5. If you like the game, click on the "+" sign at the bottom of your screen, and then choose "Add to Home Screen." An icon will appear along with your original applications, and you can play Keno any time you like with one touch access.


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Fix The Wiring Inside A Motion Detector Light

Motion detector on an outside light.

Motion detector lights are excellent additions to any home's outside lighting scheme. They not only provide an extra added layer of security, but they also help you manage your electric bill, as they only come on at night and only when triggered by motion. But, because motion detectors feature three wires, inexperienced handymen may have a problem making the correct wiring connections. If you notice that your motion detector light isn't functioning properly, it may be because whoever wired it didn't do the job correctly. Luckily, fixing the problem isn't that difficult to do with the right instructions.


1. Turn off the power to the motion detector light by toggling off the circuit breaker that powers it.

2. Remove the light bulbs from the light. Be sure to wait until the bulbs are cool to the touch before removing them if they were previously on. This is especially the case if it is a halogen light, as they can cause severe skin burns when hot.

3. Remove the bolts that secure the light fixture to the wall box and carefully pull the fixture away from the wall.

4. Test the wires inside with a touch-type voltage tester before you touch any of the wires. Press the button on the tester and touch the tip of it to each wire to make sure the circuit is dead. If the tester beeps or lights up, then the circuit is still live. Try additional breakers until you find the correct one.

5. Disconnect the wires in the box that are connected to the fixture and the motion detector. This will enable the fixture to be pulled clear from the box.

6. Identify the wires you are working with. Separate the fixture wires from the motion detector wires. Make sure the wall box has a black feed wire, a white neutral wire and a ground wire.

7. Check all of the wires to make sure the ends are in good shape. If necessary, use the wire strippers to cut away any bad areas and strip about 3/4-inch of new insulation from the end of the wire(s).

8. Connect the red wire from the motion sensor to the black wire from the light fixture. Secure them together with a wire connector and wrap the connection with electrical tape.

9. Connect the ground wire from the light fixture with the ground wire in the wall box. Secure them together with a wire connector and wrap the connection with electrical tape.

10. Connect the white wire from the motion sensor to both the white wire from the light fixture and the white wire from the wall box. Secure them together with a wire connector and wrap the connection with electrical tape.

11. Connect the black wire from the motion sensor to the black wire from the wall box. Secure them together with a wire connector and wrap the connection with electrical tape.

12. Stuff the wires neatly inside the wall box and secure the fixture to the box using the bolts you removed earlier.

13. Install the light bulbs and restore the power to the circuit.

Tags: wire from, connection with, connection with electrical, connector wrap, connector wrap connection, electrical tape, from light

Fix The L Button On A Psp

The PSP's "L" button is used in several games.

Sony's handheld gaming console, the PlayStation Portable (PSP), allows you take your gaming on the go. Unfortunately this often means it is subjected to significant wear and tear as well. The PSP has two shoulder buttons along the top of the device, designated as the "L" and "R" buttons. These shoulder buttons are used in a variety of games, particularly first- and third-person shooters. Consequently they take quite a beating over time. If you find that your "L" button is cracked, broken or unresponsive, the solution is to open up your PSP and replace it. This guide is based on the newer PSP 3000, but the procedure is similar for the older PSP 1000 and PSP 2000 models.


1. Purchase a safe PSP opening tool and a replacement "L" button. Unfortunately, most online retailers only sell two packs of "L" and "R" buttons. Of course this means you have a replacement "R" button if that breaks later. Refer to the resources for online PSP parts retailers.

2. Press the release switch on the left side of the PSP and remove the battery cover. Use your fingers to pry out the battery. Scrape off the Sony warning label inside the battery bay.

3. Remove the four screws on the back panel of the PSP. There are two in the battery bay and two along the right side of the device.

4. Remove the two screws on the sides of the PSP's USB port. Remove the single screw on the bottom of the PSP.

5. Use your PSP soft opening tool to carefully pry the faceplate off your PSP. Set the faceplate face down on the table. You will use it later to protect your LCD screen.

6. Push the menu bar, located along the bottom of the LCD screen, to the right to disengage the release tab on the LCD screen.

7. Put on a pair of latex gloves to prevent leaving fingerprints on the LCD. Lift up the top of the LCD screen and gently pivot it toward you. When the screen is perpendicular to the PSP, disconnect the screen cables from the logic board. Lift the screen out of the PSP and place it face down on the faceplate to protect it.

8. Locate the "L" button in the top, left corner of the PSP. Remove the single screw that holds it in place.

9. Use tweezers to remove the white plastic bracket connected to the "L" button. Lift the "L" button out of the PSP.

10. Open your new "L" button and insert it into the PSP. Replace the white plastic bracket and retaining screw.

11. Reassemble your PSP by following previous steps in reverse order.

Tags: face down, Lift screen, opening tool, plastic bracket, Remove single

Buy A Vintage Casio Keyboard

Although it now manufactures and distributes dozens of different types of them, Casio introduced its first keyboard, the PT-50, in 1983. In November 1984, the company followed the PT-50 up with the CZ-101, a digital synthesizer capable of producing a wide range of sounds beyond just the basic piano tone. If you wish to purchase any of the keyboard models Casio produced throughout the 1980s and 1990s, you can use several means to do so.


1. Peruse the "Musical Instruments" section of the Classifieds ads in your local newspaper. If anybody in your area is selling a vintage Casio keyboard, this is one place it might be listed.

2. Point your browser to your local Craigslist website and click on "Musical Instruments" under the "For Sale" section. Even if you don't find a vintage Casio keyboard listed, you can post an ad in the "Wanted" section requesting that anyone who has one for sale call you so you can make an offer. To post an ad, click "Post" at the top-right corner of the screen and click "Musical Instruments." Enter a posting title, the price you will pay, your location and your request information. Click "Add/Edit Images" to add an image of what you're looking for, then click "Continue." Verify your posting and click "Continue" again, accept Craigslist's "Terms of Use," enter the Captcha verification string, then click post.

3. Visit music stores in your area to browse their selection of vintage Casio keyboards. If you can't find any, ask an associate to recommend any retailers in your area who might carry them. You can also ask if the salesperson knows of any keyboard players nearby looking to get rid of their vintage Casio keyboards.

Tags: Musical Instruments, vintage Casio, your area, Casio keyboards, click Continue, click Musical, click Musical Instruments

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Sharp Wireless Weather Station Instructions

Sharp Wireless Weather Station Instructions

If you own a Sharp Wireless Weather Station machine, it's important to learn use the machine properly. The Sharp Wireless Weather Station provides up-to-the-minute weather information for your area using a digital interface to display the details. The device also functions as a digital clock. As a wireless device, the machine automatically picks up weather conditions using a built-in transmitter within the device itself.


1. Press the "Power" button to turn the machine on. The device takes approximately 5 to 10 seconds to fully load.

2. Press the "Time" button and hold it down for 8 seconds to begin the setting process for the time. Use the arrows on the left side of the device to select the proper hour and minutes. Use the "Up" button to increase the numbers and use the "Down" button to decrease them.

3. Use the arrows to select the time zone that you are currently in. The device automatically adjusts for daylight savings time. Press the "History" button on the right side of the device to view information regarding past weather history.

Tags: Sharp Wireless, Sharp Wireless Weather, Weather Station, Wireless Weather, Wireless Weather Station, side device, Station Instructions

Fix The Cd Player In Your Vehicle

Repairing an Automobile CD Changer

Music is a large part of our everyday lives -- many of us bring it with us wherever we go. Without music, ordinary routines like driving seem mundane. If the sound system in your automobile becomes defective, it can cost hundreds of dollars for a professional to install a new CD player. However, you can avoid spending unnecessary amounts of money by first troubleshooting your car's CD player. The first step to fixing your vehicle's CD player is to identify the specific problem.


1. Check the radio volume of all speakers. If the speakers are uneven, tune the fade and balance controls to ensure that they are working correctly. If no sound at all, unscrew the speaker covers and remove the speakers from their casing. Attach an electric meter's alligator clips to the speaker wire to get a reading on whether or not the speaker is blown. If the speaker is blown, there will be no reading from the electric meter.

2. Investigate the fuse box to make sure the fuse controlling the CD changer is in working condition. Take out the fuse and hold it up to a source of light. Check to see if the metal fuse inside the fuse casing is frayed or disconnected. Replace any blown fuses with the spare fuses in your fuse box. Refer to your vehicle's specific owner's manual to determine which fuse is for the CD player.

3. Check the wires below the dashboard for disconnected cables. Refer to your vehicle's owner's manual to check if and where you should reattach specific disconnected or loose cables. Ensure that the power cable of the CD player is connected to the positive terminal of the battery. If not, reconnect the power cable and wait ten minutes. Insert the key into the ignition and turn it to the accessory position (first part of the ignition, sometimes marked by the roman numeral "I"). Allow your CD changer time to restart.

4. Insert a CD lens cleaner into the disc drive. Press "Play" on your CD player and allow the lens cleaner to run for one to two minutes. Press "Stop" and eject the lens cleaner from the disc drive. Insert an audio CD to test the repaired CD player.

Tags: lens cleaner, your vehicle, disc drive, electric meter, owner manual, power cable, Refer your

Monday, November 15, 2010

Fix The Battery Life On An Htc Diamond

If the battery on your HTC Diamond smart phone isn't lasting as long as the manual says it should, you may be running too many programs on the unit. You can ensure optimum battery life and performance by turning off certain programs or features on the phone. This won't take up very much time and you don't need to know much about electronics in order to do it.


1. Turn on the unit and tap the "Settings" tab on the touch screen, and then select "Bluetooth."

2. Select the "Turn off Bluetooth" option on screen. Then close the window.

3. Select "Settings" once again and then select the "WiFi" option. Select "Turn off WiFi" and then close the window.

4. Select "Settings" and then select "System" from the list of options. Select "Battery," then "Light" from the list of options that appears.

5. Slide the background light arrow on screen down to dim the screen light, then close the window. With the background light down and WiFi and Bluetooth off, you will ensure maximum battery life.

Tags: close window, then select, background light, battery life, close window Select, from list, from list options

Fix Smart Media

Smart Media is a type of flash-based memory card used with a wide variety of portable devices as well as with computers. Smart Media can be used to supplement existing memory on devices like a cell phone or a digital camera. It can also be used to transfer files from one of these devices to your computer, similar in concept to the operation of a standard flash drive.


1. Verify that your Smart Media card is inserted into your card reader in the proper way. The metal pins on the side of your Smart Media card should be facing inward toward the reader, and the label on top of the card should be facing up. The card should be pushed all the way into the reader. Inserting the card into the reader in any other way will result in your device or computer being unable to read the data on the card.

2. Format your Smart Media card to reinstall its file system. Open the "Computer" icon in the "Start" menu and right-click your Smart Media card icon. Click "Format" and then "Start." This will reinstall your Smart Media card's file system, which is how your card is able to communicate with your device or computer. A problem with the file system will result in data on the card being lost, so reinstalling the file system will fix those issues.

3. Check your Smart Media card reader for errors using the Device Manager (for computer users). Your problem may not actually be with the Smart Media card but with the reader itself. Open the Device Manager via its icon in your Control Panel and right-click the icon for your Smart Media card reader. Click "Properties." The "Status" window will tell you whether the drive is working or has errors, and if errors are found click "Troubleshoot" to see a list of things you can do to fix your specific errors.

Tags: Smart Media, Media card, Smart Media card, your Smart, your Smart Media, file system, card reader

Friday, November 12, 2010

Dissolved Oxygen Meter Work

Dissolved oxygen meters measure the amount of oxygen dissolved in a medium.

Dissolved oxygen refers to the measure of a percentage of oxygen that dissolves in a given medium. The measurement can be determined with a dissolved oxygen meter --- a device that uses oxygen-sensing probes. The probes contain optical fluorescence sensors, galvanic sensors or polarographic sensors.

Optical Fluorescence

An optical fluorescence sensor is coated with fluorescent properties. Light is exposed to this coating, producing a light and subsequent afterglow of fluorescence. The oxygen level of a medium is measured based on the duration of the afterglow.

Galvanic Sensor

A galvanic sensor acts as a battery and is able to generate power without external voltage. Galvanic probes contain an anode and cathode in an electrolyte. Oxygen enters the electrolyte via a membrane, which generates voltage between the anode and cathode. This difference in potential voltage is used to measure the amount of dissolved oxygen.

Polarographic Sensor

Polarographic sensors operate in a fashion similar to galvanic sensors, but require a connection to an external voltage source. The difference in voltage potential between the anode and cathode yields a measurement of the dissolved oxygen.

Tags: anode cathode, between anode, between anode cathode, external voltage, galvanic sensors, measure amount, probes contain

Extend The Battery Life Of Rechargeable Batteries

Rechargeable batteries are generally viewed as superior to their traditional counterparts for their ability to be used on multiple occasions and the money saved as a result. As rechargeable batteries become more commonplace, it is important to know keep them functioning at an optimal level. The best way to keep your rechargeable batteries working properly is to take a few small precautions every time you use them.


1. Charge your batteries at room temperature, ideally 68 to 72 degrees Fahrenheit. Batteries get warm during charging, and any overheating can weaken the batteries' ability to function. Many current chargers are built to combat overheating, but taking the precaution yourself is still advised.

2. Avoid going long periods of time without having charged the batteries. Rechargeable batteries function best when recharged, at minimum, every six to nine months. Leaving batteries uncharged for extended periods of time weakens them, decreasing the longevity of a charge.

3. Use only chargers that are designed to accommodate your specific type of battery. Consult the manual on your charger to find a list of the exact battery types the charger was designed for. Otherwise, you could get an incomplete and damaging charge.

4. Charge your batteries a few hours before you wish to use them. Rechargeable batteries lose a percentage of their power each day that they go unused. Charge batteries only on days you will use them.

Tags: Charge your, Charge your batteries, periods time, rechargeable batteries, your batteries

What Is An Nicd Rechargeable Battery

NiCd rechargeable batteries account for more than 50 percent of rechargeable batteries.

Rechargeable NiCd (nickel-cadmium) batteries are a popular, versatile type of battery that comprises nickel hydroxide -- Ni(OH)2 -- for its cathode (positive electrode) and cadmium -- Cd -- as its anode (negative electrode).


The NiCd battery was invented in 1899 by Waldmar Junger. This was the advent of alkaline nickel battery technology. In the mid-1900s, the NiCd battery technology was developed into the form available to consumers today.


NiCd rechargeable batteries make up more than 50 percent of rechargeable batteries used for portable equipment. They are used to power two-way radios, power tools, toys, emergency lighting, electric razors and many other devices.

Pros and Cons

Some of the advantages of NiCd rechargeable batteries are that they are reasonably priced, they recharge quickly, they have a high number of charge/discharge cycles (more than 1,000 if properly maintained), they have a long shelf life, they are rugged, and they come in many different sizes and performance options.

Some drawbacks are that they are made with environmentally unfriendly toxic metals, they have a low energy density when compared to more modern battery types (NiCd stores less energy for the same weight battery), and they can develop an issue known as "memory effect," when the battery will not carry its maximum charge because it has been improperly discharged.


To avoid "memory effect" with NiCd batteries, simply let them fully discharge (run out of power) through normal use in a compatible electronic device before removing and recharging them. Also, let them fully recharge before using them again.

Tags: rechargeable batteries, more than, NiCd rechargeable batteries, they have, battery technology, memory effect, more than percent

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Change The Toner For An Hp Laserjet 1012 Printer

The HP LaserJet 1012 is a monochrome printer designed to work on both the Macintosh and PC platforms. The 1012 is capable of printing at a maximum resolution of 600 by 600 dpi on a range of media, including cards, envelopes, labels and transparencies. These features, combined with the printer's compact design, make it an attractive choice for the home office or corporate user. Replacing the toner cartridge on an HP LaserJet 1012 is a straightforward procedure, and is easily accomplished in a matter of minutes.


1. Turn off the printer and remove the power cord. Wait several minutes for the printer to cool down.

2. Slide your finger under the right edge of the print-cartridge door and lift the door open. Grip the old print cartridge by the front handle and pull it up and out of the printer. Set the print cartridge aside.

3. Use a dry cloth to clean any excess toner out of the print cartridge cavity.

4. Prepare your new print cartridge by shaking it in a gentle, horizontal motion. This will help distribute the toner throughout the cartridge.

5. Locate the tab on the print cartridge and pull on it until all of the tape is removed. Align the print cartridge with the print cartridge cavity in the printer; insert the cartridge into the printer. Once the cartridge is properly seated, close the print-cartridge door.

6. Reconnect the printer and turn it on. Your printer is now ready for use.

Tags: print cartridge, cartridge cavity, LaserJet 1012, print cartridge cavity, print-cartridge door

High Definition Dvr Recorders

High-definition (HD) digital video recorders (DVRs) are revolutionizing the way people watch television. Satellite and cable TV companies often offer them as incentives for signing up for their services, though they can be purchased separately. They serve the same purpose as a VCR: to record and save shows for later viewing. However, the advanced technology of HD DVR recorders makes them infinitely superior to VCRs in a number of ways.

Digital Recording

DVR recorders save programs as data on their hard drives, rather than recording them onto tapes like VCRs. Because there are no moving parts, they last for much longer, and the recordings will never wear out in the way VHS tapes do.

More Storage Space

DVR hard drives are capable of storing much more information than an old VHS tape or even a DVD. They let the user preserve hundreds of hours of programming in some cases, compared to 6 or 8 hours on a VHS tape.

High Definition

Shows broadcast in high definition contain much more information in the signal than standard shows. The sounds and images are much sharper and clearer.


In order to properly view a show in HD, you need an HD television set, which has the screen capacity to broadcast the show as it was meant to be seen. Standard TVs will show an HD program, but it won't have the same clarity as it would with HD.

More Space

An HD DVR recorder allows HD shows to be stored and broadcast in original clarity on an HD television. The recording process is not different, although an HD program takes up more space on your HD DVR recorder (leaving less space free for other programs).

Tags: hard drives, more information, much more, much more information

Calculate Camera Equivalent Exposures For Night Photography

Light meters are excellent tools for photographers looking to figure out long exposure times.

Nighttime photography requires that you shoot with a fast lens or use flash to capture a moving subject. However, if a subject is not moving, for example, in a nighttime cityscape shot, you need only a steady tripod, and a reciprocity failure chart if you are shooting film, and you can take well-lit shots with exposure times longer than 30 seconds. Because all film suffers from reciprocity failure, where the film does not stay accurate to its box speed in long exposures, it adds an additional element that you will need to calculate in finding the correct exposure time.



1. Mount the camera on your tripod. Take a meter reading using either the camera's meter or a hand-held light meter.

2. If the exposure must last a second or longer and you are using film, consult your reciprocity chart to find the correct exposure time. For instance, Kodak Tri-X 400 suffers from reciprocity failure at one second or more exposure. According to the chart, Tri-X has a reciprocity failure factor of 1.5 at one second and 2 at two seconds. That means that if the meter reads a two-second exposure, you must multiply the meter's reading by the reciprocity failure factor of 2; so Tri-X 400 requires a four-second exposure to get the same exposure level as a digital sensor would get at just two seconds. Digital sensors do not suffer from reciprocity failure.

3. For longer exposures continue to calculate the proper exposure length using the meter reading and checking that against your reciprocity failure chart.

4. Take the exposure. If you are using a digital SLR, check the exposure by previewing the image to see if the results are bright enough and take another exposure if you need to.

Tags: reciprocity failure, from reciprocity, from reciprocity failure, meter reading, correct exposure

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Specs For An Rca Portable Dvd Player

The technical specifications of a piece of hardware describe the exact characteristics under which that hardware operates. For a computer, for example, processor speed and memory amount would be among its technical specifications. For an RCA portable DVD player, screen size, recognized media and similar things would be technical specifications of the unit.

Screen Size

RCA makes portable DVD players with built-in screens that vary in size from 7 inches to 14 inches. The screen size is measured diagonally, from one corner of the screen to the other. All RCA portable DVD player screens are in the 16:9 widescreen aspect ratio, identical to the aspect ratio on an LCD or plasma high-definition television.

Compatible Media

Certain RCA portable DVD players are compatible only with DVD video discs and CD audio discs. However, some models can play VCD discs, which are CDs with videos burned on them using a computer. Also playable on these models are photo slideshow CDs, which can effectively turn your portable DVD player into a rudimentary digital photo frame. The compatible media types for your specific model will be listed on the box.

Foul Language Filter

Certain models of RCA portable DVD players have a feature called the "Foul Language Filter." When your portable DVD player is connected to the Internet, the device scans the information contained in the subtitle files on your DVDs. Whenever objectionable words are found, the sound is muted when the actors say those words on screen, protecting your children from harsh language that you don't want them to hear.

Tags: portable players, technical specifications, aspect ratio, Foul Language, Foul Language Filter

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Fix Camera Lcd Glare

Camera LCDs are prone to glare.

Nearly everybody with a digital camera has difficulty previewing the results of their expert shooting while taking photos in bright sunlight. The glare on a camera's LCD can sometimes be so bright that it's impossible to see anything on the display. This not only makes it hard to see your photos, but can also make it very difficult to make any adjustments in the camera menus. There are, thankfully, some measures you can take to overcome this all-too-common inconvenience.


1. Step into the shade. More often than not, there will be a place you can easily move to get out of an area that is prone to creating camera LCD glare. This can be beneath a tree, under an awning or as easy as stepping inside. Without the bright sunlight bearing down hard against your LCD, it will be easier to see the photos you just took and edit the menus inside your camera. Be sure to try this before touching the LCD so as to avoid any potential damage to the screen.

2. Place your hand around the LCD. If you can't find a shady spot nearby, you should try using your hand to block out the rays of the sun that are reflecting off of your LCD screen. When you do this, try not to touch the actual screen. Doing so increases the risk of smudging, scratching or otherwise damaging the LCD. Instead, curve your fingers around the screen without actually touching it.

3. Try a film or acrylic LCD protector. If the use of shade or your hand fails, LCD protectors reduce the amount of glare coming off the LCD screen while protecting it from other types of potential damage. A film protector goes directly on top of the screen, so be sure to smooth out any air bubbles upon applying it. If you go for an acrylic protector, keep in mind that it may be more expensive. Either option is optimal for getting rid of glare, but an acrylic protector may be desirable if you don't want anything to touch your LCD screen.

4. Attach an LCD cap. These caps attach to a camera around its LCD screen, and they flip up so that the screen can be viewed. They are three-sided, and they reduce the LCD's exposure to excessive light in addition to protecting it from any additional damage. Depending on which digital camera you have, the addition of an LCD cap may be permanent, so be sure it is comfortable for you before purchasing.

Tags: acrylic protector, your hand, around screen, bright sunlight, digital camera, potential damage

Ways To Organize A Camera Bag

When using a digital or film camera while traveling you may need to bring along a collection of accessories. This could include extra batteries, lenses, straps, media, film and filters. The best way to keep it all organized is through a camera bag, but a certain strategy must be implemented through the bag as well. These strategies will help you when you need quick access to your camera and protection as well.


Most bags contain a pre-made compartment for certain sized cameras. In most cases, the easiest way for quick camera retrieval is by sticking the lens down into the bottom of the bag. This way, you can pull the camera straight up and start shooting. Always keep the lens cap on while putting away the camera. This helps prevent scratches, dust and other damage to the camera.


Extra batteries should be in a compartment for quick retrieval. Keep dead batteries separate from charged batteries and try to stick them in outer compartments. For example, always keep charged batteries on a bag's right compartment and dead batteries on the left. Use masking tape and a permanent marker to label these compartments, if necessary.

Media Cards

Media cards are one of the smallest objects in the camera bag so they should be stored with the most care. Store the media cards in a zip-up pouch on the inner side of the bag. If no zipper pouch is available, attach a small Ziplock bag to the inner side of the camera bag. This gives an easy location where the cards cannot slide around, become damaged or get lost.

Cleaning Supplies

Always keep a small collection of lens cleaning cloths in a separate part of the camera bag. These are great for on-the-go cleaning and do not take up a lot of space in the bag. For more detailed cleaning, consider a small turkey baster. The pressurized air can easily clean a film sensor from any dust or dirt and is convenient on trips in nature.


Always keep as much padding as possible within the camera bag. Keeping items tightly together and next to padding prevents any shaking, rolling or banging of equipment. The more packed the better, but do not overfill your bag so that it becomes impossible to close.

Tags: Always keep, camera This, charged batteries, dead batteries, inner side

Track A Vehicle With The Global Positioning System

Fortunately for frequent travelers, using the Global Positioning System to track your vehicle is a cinch and can be performed via a variety of devices, from numerous GPS-dedicated units to smart-phones equipped with GPS functionality and map applications. All of these devices are generally designed around ease of use, and vehicle tracking can be achieved, so long as an active connection with an EDGE or 3G network can be made and sustained.


1. Power on your Garmin or similar dedicated GPS system. Wait for it to load up. It is important to note that installation into your vehicle is not necessary for the GPS unit to operate correctly, and may even be disadvantageous for many users due to the lack of portability even partial installation may entail. Instead, keep the GPS unit in hand and use the touchscreen to input the directions.

2. Input only the address of your desired location into your Garmin. The GPS unit will automatically note your current location and track your vehicle for you. Unlike some cell phone solutions, a dedicated GPS system such as the Garmin will also provide vocal turn-by-turn-directions as it tracks your vehicle.

3. Use a cell phone to track your vehicle. Smartphones that have GPS capability are a viable and useful alternative to traditional, dedicated GPS systems such as a Garmin. However, the process for tracking your vehicle with a phone is a bit lengthier, and varies from phone to phone, although the iPhone's method bears similarities to most smartphones. To track your vehicle, first hit the "Maps" application on your iPhone touch screen. It should be on the first page of your iPhone menu, unless you manually adjusted it.

4. Hit the "Directions" tab on the menu, once the Maps application opens. Input your desired address.

5. Fill in the words "Current Location" to allow the iPhone to use your exact vehicle location in relation to where you want to go. Once you input these directions, hit the blue "Route" button on the bottom right of the iPhone screen.

6. Press the touch screen button on the bottom left hand side of the iPhone if the phone fails to use its GPS ability to actively track your vehicle. Hitting this button, which looks like a white target sign, will tell the iPhone to track your vehicle.

Tags: your vehicle, track your, track your vehicle, button bottom, cell phone, dedicated system

Monday, November 8, 2010

Make A Stereoscopic Picture With Photoshop

Although stereoscopic photography has been a practice for more than a century and a half, the technique of using two slightly differently positioned pictures to make one has received an update to modern times. Instead of configuring specialty stereoscopic equipment, Adobe Photoshop can provide the same effect digitally. You will need two pictures taken on any camera at any setting, and then you can manipulate Photoshop's tools and features to create your own "stereo" design.


1. Open Adobe Photoshop. Click the "File" menu. Click "New." Enter "Stereoscopic" into the "Name" box. Enter the "Width" and "Height" for the image canvas in their appropriate boxes. Remember that the width must be the combined width of the two photos set side by side.

2. Pull down the dimensions menus for each and select "inches." Pull down the "Background Contents" menu and select "White." Click the "OK" button to open the canvas.

3. Click the "File" menu again. Click "Open." Browse to where the two photos are located. Double-click each image to open it into a new tab on the workspace. If both photos are in the same place, press and hold down the "Ctrl" key, click each picture once and click the "Open" button.

4. Click the tab of the leftmost image, which is the image taken with the camera's focus on the left part of the landscape or subject. Click the "Select" button. Click "All."

5. Press the "Ctrl" and "C" keys to copy the image. Click into the "Stereoscopic" tab and press the "Ctrl" and "V" keys to paste in the picture. Drag the picture so it aligns with the top-left of the "Stereoscopic" canvas. To adjust the canvas length and/or width, click the "Image" menu and select "Canvas Size." Enter new dimensions as required.

6. Click the "X" of the tab you just copied a picture from to close it. Repeat the copy and paste process with the other picture. Drag the picture so it exactly abuts the first picture. Make sure there is no overlap and that no white Photoshop canvas shows through the crack between the two images.

7. Right-click any of the layers in the "Layers" palette on the right side of the screen. Select "Flatten Image." The pictures combine into one single stereoscopic image.

Tags: Adobe Photoshop, button Click, Click File, Click File menu, Ctrl keys, Drag picture, File menu