Monday, May 31, 2010

Copy From A Vcr To A Dvd Recorder

When the DVD was introduced, it was only a matter of time before the VCR would finally be phased out by consumers. A problem with transition to DVD use is that all of your VHS tapes will eventually become unplayable because the tape will slowly dissolve. DVD recorders are the answer to this problem. You simply need to connect your VCR to your DVD recorder and you can update your media.


1. Turn on your DVD recorder, making sure it is connected to your TV.

2. Insert your VHS videotape into your VCR and put it into playback mode. Connect the VCR to your DVD recorder with its supplied composite stereo cables, which are yellow, red and white.

3. Place your recordable DVD into the disc drive. Rewind your tape back to the beginning and press play on the VCR while simultaneously pressing the "Record" button on your DVD recorder.

4. Hit the "Stop" button on your recorder when the tape is finished. You now need to finalize your DVD. This is either done automatically when you eject the disc, or by pressing the "Finalize" button before ejection.

5. Playback the DVD in your DVD player to test the disc.

Tags: your recorder, button your, button your recorder

Hook Up A Wireless Security Camera To A Pc

There's no doubting that personal security cameras for use in the home have become popular as of late---a development that can be attributed to both their decline in prices and an ever-growing desire among homeowners to keep watch over their residences. Wireless home security cameras are both inexpensive and easy to install, and with an added step and a little ingenuity you can even hook one up to a personal computer.


Hooking a Camera to a PC

1. Set up your wireless camera in the location in which you wish to keep surveillance, such as a living room or office. It is typically agreed that the best placement of the camera is high and angled downward so as to capture the widest field of view.

2. Connect the video output of the wireless receiver to the video input of the video capture card using the composite video cable, which should have yellow ends. Both the video output of the receiver and video input of the capture card will be marked in yellow, making them easy to spot.

3. Insert the capture card into your PC's card slot. If you are unsure of where your card slot is on your specific model, consult your PC's manual. On laptops, it is normally on the side, near the front of the keyboard.

4. Turn on all devices. If done properly, video captured from your camera should begin streaming on your PC's monitor.

Tags: capture card, card slot, receiver video, receiver video input, security cameras

Make Photo Booth Pictures Online

Make Photo Booth Pictures Online

Adding photo booth effects to your pictures is a fun way to display multiple images at once. Using photo booth type images creates a retro feel to your website or online profile. In addition, you can print your photo booth style pictures and share them with your friends and family.


1. Open your favorite browsing software on your computer.

2. Type in the address field and press the "Enter" key.

3. Left-click the "Browse" button and navigate to the first picture you want to add to your photo booth strip.

4. Left-click the "Upload Now" button. Lunapic will upload your selected picture.

5. Left-click "Animation" at the top of the webpage and select "Add Animation Frame" from the drop-down menu.

6. Left-click the "Browse" button and navigate to the second picture you want to add.

7. Left-click the "Upload" button. Lunapic will add the second picture as a second frame.

8. Repeat Steps 7 and 8 until you have the four pictures uploaded.

9. Left-click "Effects" at the top of the page and select "Photo Booth." Lunapic will add white frames around your pictures and arrange them in a vertical line to complete the photo booth effect.

Tags: Lunapic will, Booth Pictures, Booth Pictures Online, Browse button, Browse button navigate, button Lunapic

Friday, May 28, 2010

Hardwire A Radar Detector To Fuse On A Pontiac Vibe

Replace your Pontiac Vibe's stock 12-volt fuse with a fuse tap to wire a radar detector.

Permanently wiring a radar detector into a Pontiac Vibe interior fuse block provides a constant power source for the device. This eliminates the need for the radar detector's stock power adapter plug, giving the interior of the vehicle a cleaner look. When using a fuse tap, splicing into the stock fuse block is a simple plug and play procedure, requiring only minor modification to the radar detector's stock power cable.


1. Disconnect the vehicle battery to ensure user safety when working with the fuse panel. Use wire cutters to cut off the plastic plug assembly connected to the end of the radar detector's power cable. Carefully strip away approximately 10-mm of isolation from the end of the cable, exposing its wiring.

2. Route the radar detector power cable to the interior fuse box, located to the left of the steering column in the driver side foot well. Remove the plastic fuse box cover to gain access to the fuse panel.

3. Use a fuse puller tool to remove the stock gauge fuse, located fifth from the left in the fuse panel bottom row. The fuse box cover also has a printed layout diagram for easy fuse location. Plug a fuse tap in place of the stock gauge fuse.

4. Insert the exposed radar detector power cable wiring into the fuse tap wire connection. Make sure that the cable is tight and secure in the fuse tap connection. Some fuse taps have a built-in wire crimper, which can be secured by firmly squeezing the fuse tap and radar detector wiring connection. Wrap the connection in electrical tape to further isolate and secure the wiring.

5. Replace the fuse box cover. Reconnect the vehicle battery. Start the engine and turn on the radar detector to ensure a proper power connection.

Tags: radar detector, power cable, detector power, detector power cable, fuse cover, fuse panel

Remove The Radio Stack In A 2003 Honda Pilot

Honda Pilot vehicles built in 2003 were equipped with factory in-dash radio systems. While these car stereos are functional, many audio enthusiasts opt to replace them with aftermarket models offering better performance and more features. If you haven't removed a radio stack from your dash before, it may look like a daunting task. But with basic tools and step-by-step instructions, it's a job well within the reach of the average do-it-yourselfer.


1. Remove any recorded media, such tapes or CDs, from the factory radio. Turn off the ignition on the vehicle and set the parking brake.

2. Pry around the edges of the panel that surrounds the radio by inserting your panel tool into the joints and levering the panel up. Pull the panel off and remove it when it's loose.

3. Loosen and remove the four Phillips screws on the perimeter of the radio with a screwdriver. The factory stereo should be free at this point, resting in the dash.

4. Pull the radio toward you, out of the dash. As the radio comes out, reach around to the back and unplug the wire connectors hooked into the back of the radio. There will be a wiring harness, or plug, plus at least one other, larger wire, which goes to the antenna.

Tags: Honda Pilot

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Compare Subcompact Digital Cameras For Children

Choose the right camera for your child.

From preschoolers to teenagers, each kid has different needs when taking digital pictures, while parents want a camera that will survive their kids' rough treatment without breaking the bank.

Age of the Child

There are a variety of cameras on the market geared toward specific age groups. There are rugged cameras for toddlers that can survive many drops. There are starter cameras for children, and features-loaded cameras for teens.


Different cameras have different options. Kid-friendly cameras tend to be point and shoot. More advanced cameras include zoom, docking capabilities, USB connections, social media upload, easy scene selection and ISO light settings. These all need to be considered when picking a camera for a child.

Intended Use

A young child documenting her world would probably only need a basic camera. A teenager might want Internet-friendly features to share his photos and scene options so the camera picks the best settings based on the type of picture that is being taken. The budding photographer could use ISO settings to adjust the light exposure for her pictures.


As of 2010, a toddler camera that is drop-proof will cost around $50, while a starter, inexpensive camera can range from $25 to $60 depending on the features. A teenager's camera may run from $60 on up, with the midrange being $125.

Tags: camera that

Restore Deleted Files On A Sd Card

2 Gigabyte SD Cards

Flash memory cards have revolutionized the world of data transfer and storage. Their durability and size have made them ideal for carrying around data and for use in many mobile devices where hard drives might be susceptible to damage. Like other forms of data storage, memory cards can be victims of data corruption and accidental deletion. What can you do if data is deleted from a card and you want to recover it? SanDisk, the original and largest manufacturer of flash memory cards sells "SD Cards" of various sizes. The name "SD card" has become synonymous with flash memory. This article will focus on one option to restore deleted SD card files.


1. Download Undelete Plus from Snapfiles at the link in the Resources section.

2. Extract and run Undelete Plus. Choose the drive letter for your SD card and click "Start Scan."

3. Select the deleted files you wish to restore from the SD card and click "Start Undelete."

4. Close Undelete Plus and navigate to My Computer to open up the SD card drive letter folder.

5. Verify that the deleted files have been recovered.

Tags: memory cards, Undelete Plus, card click, card click Start, click Start, drive letter, flash memory

Get A Nice Silhouette Shot With A Pentax K100

Silhouettes create a sense of drama in a photograph.

A silhouette is a picture shot into a bright light, such as the sun, so the subject becomes a dark, featureless, shadowy shape. The Pentax K100D is a digital single-lens reflex camera with about a dozen shooting modes. You can take silhouette pictures in any of its shooting modes, as long as the flash is off. The best place to start is in "Flash Off" mode, one of the automatic shooting modes in which the camera will select the best exposure for the image.


1. Position your subject between a bright light and the camera.

2. Turn off the camera flash using the "Flash Off" mode. Find the setting on the mode dial on the top left of the camera. It's marked with a lightning bolt with a line through it.

3. Aim the camera toward a bright spot in the frame, just outside your subject, and press the shutter button halfway. This causes the camera to set its exposure settings for the bright light, leaving your subject dark. This creates the silhouette effect.

4. Take the picture. Review the image to make sure you like the silhouette.

Tags: bright light, shooting modes, your subject, Flash mode

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

What Are Some Ways Police Are Using Infrared Cameras

What Are Some Ways Police Are Using Infrared Cameras?

Infrared cameras were first created during the Korean War. The military has long used these cameras to enable night vision for many reasons. Gradually infrared cameras have begun to be used for other purposes. The police are one group that has found many different uses for infrared cameras.

License Plate Scanners

Police use small infrared cameras that are mounted on their police cars. As police cruise and patrol with their cars, these infrared cameras automatically scan license plates of cars that are nearby. The license plate numbers are received and sent through a database where they can be matched to find stolen vehicles and people who have warrants issued for arrest.

Airplanes and Helicopters

Airplanes and helicopters can be fitted with infrared cameras and used to patrol over homes. If a substantial amount of heat is discovered in a particular home, it may indicate a home that is using numerous grow lights to grow marijuana.


Law enforcement can set up infrared surveillance cameras in areas that are prone to high crime. These cameras can be aimed to capture activity and in the event of a crime being committed it may be possible to identify criminals.

Faulty Brakes

Police vans can be equipped with infrared cameras that are designed to detect faulty brakes in semi-trucks and other heavy trucks. When brakes are used, brakes automatically give off heat. The camera can detect this heat as it focuses on the axle of trucks. If the camera detects the heat, the truck brakes are shown to be in good working order. If the camera does not detect heat, the truck brakes are shown to not be functioning properly. The police van can then alert the truck driver that the brakes may not be functioning, and serious accidents may be avoided.

Night Vision

Law enforcement can use hand-held infrared cameras to track perpetrators and criminals who attempt to flee or hide after dark. The infrared cameras can be aimed in the direction that the perpetrators are thought to have gone and the heat sensors can detect people hiding.

Tags: infrared cameras, brakes shown, cameras aimed, cameras that, heat truck, heat truck brakes, infrared cameras

Tips On Scanning Photos

To save scanning time, select only your best photos.

Scan your photos effectively so you can preserve memories and share them with family and friends. With advances in digital photography equipment, you may not have many new printed photos kicking around but you may have piles of photos from the days of film. Not every photo in your collection needs to be scanned, just the ones you want to preserve for future generations. As you scan, you can crop and adjust photos to make the scanned images much nicer to share and save.

Organize First

Since scanning photos can be time consuming, simplify the process by organizing your photos before you begin scanning. Sort photos into two piles as you sort through them: one pile for photos worth scanning and another for those that aren't that great. From the scan pile, divide photos into groups, categorizing them in a logical way, such as all photos from your son's fifth birthday party or your daughter's dance recital. If a group is large (more than 10 photos), consider dividing it further. Work on scanning one group at a time, which will allow you to save similar or related photos in the same folder, label them properly and share them from one folder on your computer.

Watch for Dust and Dirt

Just like any other surface in your home, scanners collect dust. Spray a glass cleaner on a soft towel to wipe the scanner glass, using back-and-forth strokes to avoid swirl marks. Leave the scanner lid open until the surface has dried; otherwise, photos may stick to the moist glass. Photos can also collect dust and dirt over time, as well as fingerprints. Use a soft, dry tissue that doesn't contain lotion, aloe or other ingredients that will leave a smudge mark. Gently wipe the surface of dusty photos with the dry tissue to remove anything that will wipe off.

Position Photos Carefully

Like copy machines, scanners have little arrows or marks next to the glass scanner surface that show where to line up photos when scanning. Position photos on the scanner glass carefully, moving close to a corner to line up two sides of the photo with the edges of the scanner glass. Leave about one millimeter between the scanning surface edge and the edges of the photo to make cropping easier. Lower the scanner's lid slowly, being careful not to create a gust of wind that shifts the photo.

Crop and Adjust

While scanning a photo, your scanner will present options on your computer. With your mouse, adjust the dotted lines that surround the scanned photo so the lines are right at the edges of the photo. Older photos sometimes have a white frame around them; you can include this in the cropped image or crop it out by moving the dotted lines to the edge of the photo inside the white frame. Other options may include enlarging the scanned image, enhancing color, and adding special effects. Click "Save" before moving on to the next photo.

Tags: scanner glass, collect dust, dotted lines, edges photo, photo your, photos from, photos into

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Troubleshoot A Polaroid Izone

Your Polariod I-Zone instant camera takes miniature pictures you can download to your computer and share. Although at times, it might fail to work, take a picture or the computer might not recognize the camera. In most cases, these and other problems can be solved.


1. Check that the serial cable is connected to the camera and computer, and that it is secure if the computer does not recognize the camera, or a "Camera not found" message is displayed.

2. Verify that the camera is on and that the Mode switch is set to "Digital" if the computer does not recognize the camera. The Mode switch is located on the top middle part of the camera.

3. Turn off conflicting hardware and software devices on your computer while the camera is connected to it.

4. Disconnect the camera from the computer if the computer does not recognize the camera. Turn off the computer and all connected devices. Reconnect, then turn on the camera. Turn on the computer. Verify that the computer and camera are compatible if the computer still does not recognize the camera.

5. Check the polarity of the batteries if the camera does not turn on. The batteries should be installed correctly with the positive "+" and negative "-" ends as illustrated in the battery compartment.

6. Replace all four AAA batteries at the same time if the camera does not turn on, the flash takes too long to charge or does not go off.

7. Press the "Power" button located on the back left side of the camera if the camera does not turn on. After a few moments of inactivity, in order to save battery power, it may have automatically turned itself off.

8. Wait until the flash indicator is solid if it flashes and you cannot take a picture in Digital mode. Wait until the green and amber image processing indicators are solid or stop flashing if you still cannot take a picture in Digital mode.

9. Transfer all photos to your computer if you cannot take a picture in Digital mode. Delete pictures from the camera's memory.

10. Set the exposure if you cannot take a picture in Instant mode. The Instant selector switch is located on the top left side of the camera. Turn the switch to the "Outdoors" sun with cloud icon if you are taking a picture outdoors in cloudy weather, and you are two feet or more from the subject. Select the "Outdoors" sun icon if you are outdoors in sunny weather, and you are two feet or more from the subject. Select the "Indoors" house icon if you are indoors and two to eight feet away from the subject. Take the picture after the flash indicator lights up.

11. Retake the picture if it looks blurry. Ask the subject of your picture to stand or sit in a still position until the picture has been taken.

Tags: recognize camera, take picture, camera Turn, cannot take, cannot take picture, does recognize

Program A Keyless Remote In A 2002 Lesabre

The 2002 Buick LeSabre is equipped with a keyless remote that allows the driver to lock and unlock the car, access the trunk and operate a panic alarm all from a hundred to two hundred feet away from the car. Programming a new keyless remote to work with the LeSabre is easy and only takes a few simple steps. There is no complex programming and all that is needed is the remote, an electrical jumper wire and the remote.


1. Insert your ignition key into the LeSabre's ignition and keep it in the OFF position.

2. Look under the dash and locate the Data Port. You will see two rows of slots, one above and one below. Starting from the top left, they are numbered 1 through 8 with the bottom left going from 9 to 16.

3. Locate slots 8 and 4 and, using the jumper wire, connect the metal pin 8 to the metal pin in 4.

4. Close the doors to the car and turn the ignition to the ON position or as far as you can go without actually starting the car. You will know when the ignition is in the correct position because the doors will automatically lock.

5. Press the LOCK and UNLOCK buttons at the same time for about 15 seconds. When the programming is complete, the doors will unlock and then lock again. These two buttons are now programmed.

6. Repeat the same process for any other buttons on the remote until all of the buttons are programmed within one minute of beginning the entire process.

7. Remove the electrical jumper wire from the data port.

Tags: jumper wire, buttons programmed, doors will, electrical jumper, electrical jumper wire

Monday, May 24, 2010

Configure Wireless For Nokia 9500

The 9500 Communicator is a business-class mobile phone by Nokia that offers business features and connectivity options for communication. Along with GPRS, EDGE and Bluetooth, it also offers Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) for connecting to the Internet. Before connecting your Nokia 9500 to the Internet through a wireless network, you must first configure the phone to connect to the wireless network. Your phone can automatically detect wireless networks in its range. All you have to do is connect to the desired network once and the phone will save the configurations.


1. Open the Nokia 9500's menu and go to "Control Panel."

2. Select "Connections" and then select "Wireless LAN."

3. Go to the "Networks" options under the "Wireless LAN" menu. Here you'll see a list of all the wireless networks that your Nokia 9500 can currently detect.

4. Select the wireless network to which you wish to connect and choose the option, "Create Access Point."

5. Select "OK," then enter the security key if prompted and select "OK." If the network you're trying to connect with is a protected network, you'll be asked to enter the security key.

6. Press "OK" on the screen that gives information about the new access point you have created. This completes the configuration required to connect to a wireless network. You can now browse the Web through the phone's built-in web browser. To open the browser, open the phone's menu and select "Web."

Tags: Nokia 9500, wireless network, browser open, connect wireless, connect wireless network

Can Navman Use Other Maps Over Teleatlas

Mobile GPS by Navman offers consumers a variety of devices, including handheld and vehicle-mounted models, to cater to users' needs. One key feature of the company's devices is their mapping function, which can be supported by TeleAtlas or other mapping software.


The majority of Navman mobile GPS, or global positioning system, units support TeleAtlas, including the N-Series, PiN Series, F-Series and iCN Series. TeleAtlas uses basic triangulation to locate a unit through the use of three satellite feeds to pinpoint the exact position of the unit on Earth.


Only one set of maps from TeleAtlas can be downloaded onto a Navman device. If you would like to load another brand of maps, you need to uninstall TeleAtlas and download the wanted software.


Keep in mind that the Navman hardware may not function the same with another brand of mapping software. Designers build the hardware to function within peak parameters of the intended software. By loading foreign software, some features may suffer from failure, or the entire mapping system may not function at all.

Tags: another brand, hardware function, mapping software

Friday, May 21, 2010

Family Portrait Pose Ideas For Three People

There are many different ways to pose for your family portraits.

Having family portraits taken can be a fun and memorable experience---especially if you come to the session prepared. Bringing your own ideas and suggestions will help things go more smoothly and will also ensure that you get the pictures you want. The photographer is working for you, so don't hesitate to let him know what poses you would like to have done with your family.


Babies are adorable---yet unpredictable---when having their picture taken. Plan your session around her sleep schedule and be sure to have her well-fed and in a fresh diaper. If he can sit on his own, have one person cradle him while the other wraps one or both arms around the two. If the baby is able to sit, place her on a chair or little table between the other two and lean in toward her face for a close-up of all three.

Young Children

A playful pose for this age group is to have all three people kneel on the floor or ground with the child in the middle. Try to get a giggle out of her by having the two on the outside kiss each of her cheeks. For another great pose, have one person lie down on their side and lean on their lower arm, while the other person sits in front of their legs. Place the child sitting---with legs crossed---in front of the stomach of the one lying down. Children typically enjoy having photos taken at this age, so it might be helpful to ask him what poses he would like to partake in, as well.

Adult Children

Your grown child may be approaching adulthood, but she's never too old to have pictures taken with her family. A nice pose for this age is to have one person sit on a chair or bench and place the other two people standing behind it with their outside hands resting on her shoulders and their inside arms embracing each other's lower back. For more ideas, visit some of the many websites that offer additional poses (See References). Lastly---if weather permits---ask your photographer if he is able to conduct your session outside, as well. With nature's beauty as your backdrop, you may be able to capture some great seasonal photos of your family.

Tags: have person, your family, family portraits, pose this, poses would, poses would like

Connect A Phone Line Answering Machine & Fax

A telephone answering machine and fax can be connected to a single phone line--avoiding the need for two separate phone lines. To connect the telephone answering machine and fax correctly, follow a specific order that gives the fax machine time to respond to an incoming fax before the answering machine picks up the line. A single telephone cord will be needed, but no special equipment.


1. Place the telephone answering machine and fax machine on a table or desk, next to a telephone. Plug in the power cords of both devices into AC sockets for power.

2. Remove the modular telephone plug from the telephone. Insert the modular telephone plug into the fax machine's "Tel in" or "Line-out" port.

3. Insert one end of a telephone cord into the fax machine's "Tel out" or "Phone" port. Insert the other end of the telephone cord into the "Phone" port on the answering machine.

4. Adjust the "pickup" setting on the fax machine to the minimum number available--this involves rotating a "pickup" wheel fully counter clockwise or sliding a "pickup" switch to the first number setting.

5. Adjust the "pickup" setting on the answering machine's setup menu to the maximum number available--typically this will be four or five rings.

Tags: answering machine, telephone answering, telephone answering machine, telephone cord, Adjust pickup, Adjust pickup setting, answering machine

Make Pictures Look Like A Vintage Polaroid

Polaroids are instant photographs that were commonly used by photographers in the days before digital photography, when they needed to produce the image immediately. When you want to add a retro look to a project you can make your digital images appear vintage by converting them to a Polaroid style with a sepia tint. You will need a good graphics editing software to do this as you will need to work with layers and effects.


1. Create a new document in your graphics software.

2. Double-click on the "Gradient" tool. Select a radial gradient and set the first color stop to a light brown and the second color stop a darker brown.

3. Click on the "Filter" menu. Click on "Texture" then "Texturizer." Select a canvas texture. Click on "OK."

4. Click on "Layer" followed by "New Layer." Name the layer "Polaroid Border." Click on the "Marquee" tool. Click and drag an area on the background the size that you would like the Polaroid to be. Set the foreground color to "#ffffff" and the background color to "#bbbbbb."

5. Click on the "Filter" menu. Click on "Render." Select "Clouds." Go to the "Filter" menu, click on "Noise" and "Add Noise." Check the amount to 1.3 percent and the "Distribution" to "Gaussian."

6. Click on "Image," then "Adjustments." Select "Hue/Saturation." Change the settings to "Hue 33, Saturation 30, Brightness +32." The Polaroid background will take on a brown tinge.

7. Double-click on the right side of the "Polaroid Border" layer. Highlight the "Drop Shadow" checkbox in the "Layer Styles" window. Change the "Distance" and "Size" settings to "4." Click "OK."

8. Drag the image that you would like to be the feature of the Polaroid into the work space. Place it in the Polaroid background and adjust the sizing so that it fits properly in the background. To do this click "Edit" and "Free Transform."

9. Click on the photo layer. Click on "Image," then "Adjustments." Select "Hue/Saturation." Change the settings to "Hue 32, Saturation 30, Brightness -7."

10. Click on "File." Choose "Save." Save your vintage Polaroid conversion.

Tags: Filter menu, Adjustments Select, Adjustments Select Saturation, Change settings, Change settings Saturation, Click Filter

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Set Up Surround Sound For A Directv Hd Dvr

So you want to add surround sound to your DirecTV HD DVR box? Depending on what types of speakers you wind up getting, this can be an expensive process, costing $1,000 or more to get what would be considered a good system. This article will teach you set up your home theater system so that you can plug in not only your DirecTV HD DVR, but also a DVD player, Blu-Ray player, Playstation, Xbox, VCR or whatever else you might have...and never have to change the settings on your TV to access any of them.


Hooking Up the Speakers

1. Position the speakers where you want them around the room. For each speaker, take your bolt of speaker wire and measure out how much you'll need to get the wire from the speaker to where you've placed your receiver, then add an extra 6 feet or so. About 6 inches from the end of each wire that you've placed near the receiver, make a mark that will help you figure out which wire goes to which speaker, so you won't have to trace them back later.

2. To connect the wire, strip off about 1/2 to 3/4 of an inch off the end, then pull the ends apart, separating a bit of the remaining wire (maybe 6 inches down). Twist the threads of each side of the wire together. If you've purchased Monster wire, one side of the wire will have writing on it. Connect this side into the red speaker connector. Insert the other side into the black speaker connector. Complete this process for each speaker.

3. Back at the receiver, complete the stripping process for each of the wires, then insert the ends into the appropriate speaker port--these should be well marked on your receiver.

4. Connect your subwoofer into the back of the receiver using your subwoofer cables. Also, if your receiver has a power port on the back, plug your subwoofer into the receiver. This will allow you to shut off power to your subwoofer by simply shutting off the receiver.

Connect Your Electronics to the Receiver

5. Connect one of the HDMI cables to the back of your DirecTV HDMI port. Then connect it to the back of the appropriate HDMI port on the receiver. Some receivers will require you to "assign" an HDMI port to a certain setting on the receiver, for instance, assign an HDMI port to the mode that will control your television. Check your receiver's manual for more information

6. Plug in any other devices you might want to use into the back of the receiver such as a DVD player.

7. If your TV has an HDMI port, connect the second HDMI wire to "Monitor Out" or "Out to TV' or something along those lines on the back of your receiver. Then connect the other end to the HDMI in port on the back of the television. If you do not have an HDMI port on your television, do the same with your component video cables, connecting them according to color code (your receiver will have a Video Out, or Monitor Out for these as well). Set the television to the appropriate mode--you will know which one as your TV should have it marked on the back. If not, check the documentation that came with your TV.

8. Turn the volume on your TV all the way down; if you have sound coming from your TV speakers AND surround sound, it's apt to sound off-balance. You'll just need your home theater system now.

Tags: HDMI port, your receiver, your subwoofer, your DirecTV, assign HDMI

Buy Cheap Picture Frames

Buy Cheap Picture Frames

Learn Buy Cheap Picture Frames and save a bundle! Don't waste money on expensive picture frames when you can buy cheap picture frames!


1. The best place to buy cheap picture frames is at your local garage sales. People are always selling picture frames at garage and yard sales. They will usually sell them for a pretty cheap price. Expect to pay anywhere from .25 to $2.00.

2. Check your local thrift stores for cheap picture frames. People donate picture frames all the time and the thrift store will have a decent supply of these. I once found over 10 Brand New Silver Plated Ralph Lauren picture frames at a salvation army and only paid $60.00 for the entire set!

3. Shop at dollar stores. Dollar stores sell cheap picture frames for only $1.00. If you need to display normal pictures or a certificate then I would buy them from a dollar store. They may not be the best of quality but they will do the job!

4. Craft and hobby stores are also a great place to find cheap picture frames. They will usually have clearance picture frames that you can pick relatively cheap.

Tags: picture frames, cheap picture, Cheap Picture, cheap picture frames, Cheap Picture Frames

Disassemble An Etx125

The EXT-125 is a telescope released by Meade. It comes equipped with mapping and GPS features that allow you to automatically locate objects in the sky with the press of a button. It does this by using its built-in map of celestial objects to automatically turn toward the celestial object in its database, taking the work out of locating objects in the sky. Before you can transport your Meade ETX-125, you will need to disassemble and repackage it for safety.


1. Unscrew the body from the base by rotating the three knobs above each leg of its tripod. Lift the camera body up and off, and set it on a soft or stable surface. Be sure the lens is capped to avoid any damage.

2. Turn the knobs holding the midpoint base of each tripod leg and remove the leg from the tripod. Set each metal bar in the carrying case that comes with the telescope.

3. Hold the tube that contains the lens and unscrew the knobs to the left and right of it. Lift the lens tube out of the body and set it in its protected section of the carrying case.

4. Rest the remaining part of the body in its slot in the carrying case. It should fit snugly.

5. Close the lid on the case and press down each of the latches to snap them into place. You have now disassembled the ETX-125.

Tags: carrying case, each tripod

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Zip Itunes Files

You can zip iTunes files to compress and consolidate the items into one location.

The iTunes folder on your computer may become quite large over time because iTunes files take up significant space. Adding music albums and cover art to your iTunes director can create a situation in which consolidation and compression are necessary to transport your iTunes files. You can use the WinZip software application to Zip your iTunes files and conserve space on whichever hard drive you place the zip file.


1. Download the WinZip software application for your computer and install the program to your system.

2. Create a new folder on your computer and move all of the iTunes files you want to zip into that folder

3. Launch the WinZip program. Press the "Add" button in the main window to start a new Zip file. Use the navigation bar in the "Add" window to locate the folder in which you placed the iTune files. Highlight the folder and click the "Add" button.

4. Press "OK" in the "Add" window panel.

5. Test the new Zip file, which will have the same name as the iTunes folder, by double-clicking the icon; the WinZip application should open if the file has been zipped correctly.

Tags: iTunes files, your computer, your iTunes, application your, folder your, folder your computer, iTunes folder

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Increase The Power Of Fm Transmitters On Xm Radios

If you are experiencing signal interference when using your XM satellite radio, you can strengthen its signal by using a satellite radio signal receiver. Since XM radio is sent from a satellite, sometimes other satellites get in the way of the signal being sent to your receiver correctly. Once you have the signal repeater integrated into your home stereo system, you can enjoy listening to all of the premier channels without nearly as much trouble.


1. Insert the smaller end of the XM receiver's power cable into the "6 V DC IN" port, and the other end into a AC outlet that does not have any other devices plugged in. A light will come on signaling that your receiver is accepting power from your wall outlet.

2. Plug the receiver's antenna into the appropriate port on the back of the device as well. The antenna jack will be labeled as "ANT IN" on all XM receiver models, and will detect the signal being sent from the XM satellite.

3. Connect the XM receiver to your home stereo amplifier with the 1/8th inch to RCA audio cable. Insert the 1/8th inch end of the cable into the XM transmitter's "LINE OUT" jack, and the RCA ends into your amplifier's "AUX IN" jack. The red (right) cable will go into the red connector, and the white (left) into the white.

4. Connect all of the wires that come with your XM signal repeater. Insert the power cable into the "6 V IN" port, and then into an electrical outlet. Insert the antenna cable into the "ANT IN" jack as well. You will be able to see that the device has powered on by noticing the light becoming illuminated. This light is typically blue, depending on color.

5. Adjust the position of the antenna that is housed on the signal repeater, as well as the one that is attached to the cable in order to get a proper signal connection between the devices. Your XM radio signal's power will now be strengthened, so that interference will no longer be as much of a problem.

Tags: cable into, signal repeater, being sent, cable into port, from satellite

Connect A Dvd Recorder To A Tv

With modern technology, sometimes the rear of the entertainment center resembles a rat's nest rather than the height of high-tech with all of the intersecting cables. If you're switching from a VCR to a DVD recorder, the instructions below will help you connect the DVD recorder to your TV.


Coaxial Cable Connections

1. Connect one end of the left speaker (white) cable to the DVD recorder's left output audio jack and the other end to the TV's left input audio jack.

2. Put one end of the right speaker (red) cable in the DVD recorder's right output audio jack and the other end in the TV's right input audio jack.

3. Attach the video cable (yellow). Make sure the video cable goes from the DVD recorder's output jacks to the TV's input jacks. If the video isn't connected, you can't watch the programs.

RCA and S-Video Connections

4. Connect the RCA audio cables (red for right, white for left) to the output jacks of your DVD. Connect the other ends to the corresponding TV input jacks. If the TV has only one input jack for this kind of audio, connect the TV to the right (red) audio output jack on the DVD.

5. Attach one end of the RCA video cable (yellow) to the DVR output jack and the other end to the RCA video input jack on the TV.

6. Put the S-Video cable in the S-Video input jack on the TV. Connect the other end to the DVD's S-Video output jack. You can identify the S-Video plug by its several prongs. The other cables have single prongs.

Tags: audio jack, input jack, jack other, output jack, video cable

How Do Film Projectors Work

Film projectors trick the eye into believing it is seeing movement.

As you watch the latest blockbuster hit in the movie theater, the only thing you're thinking about is being entertained and the fortune you spent on popcorn, Milk Duds, soda and the price of admission. Have you ever thought about how a famous director is able to show you the vision in his head?


The modern film projector was born out of Edison Laboratories (owned by famous inventor Thomas Edison) in 1892, and first demonstrated for the public in 1893 at the Brooklyn Institution of Arts and Sciences. Library of Congress archives state that Edison gave the job to William Kennedy Laurie Dickson to create a moving picture device. The archive says, "Edison called the invention a 'Kinetoscope,' using the Greek words 'kineto' meaning 'movement' and 'scopos' meaning 'to watch.'"

The Mechanics of Film

A film negative operates like carbon-copy paper. Film records images when it's exposed to light. Whatever image is on the opposite side of the light shining through it will be permanently etched onto the negative. American Museum of the Moving Image, "The lens gathers light from the scene that is being recorded and directs it into the film." Lenses are used like magnifying glasses to capture a larger image than the film would capture on it's own.


Film projectors expose negatives to light a second time so that recorded image can be viewed. Media Services Technical Specialist, Michael Nolte, says, "all movie projectors have several basic elements: a supply arm on which the film to be shown is placed; sprocket wheels that grasp the film's sprocket holes and pull the film through the projector; a film gate." As the film rolls through past the film gate, the shutter opens and closes and allows light to shine through every time a new image passes through it. The individual images captured on the negatives are magnified so that they will be seen on an outside surface.


At the speed at which these magnified still images pass through the projector, the human eye thinks it's seeing actual motion. The human eye captures images in a similar way as a camera. Light reflects off an object and into the retina, Marilyn Haddrill defines the retina as "the tissue that lines the inside of the back of the eye, where light-sensitive cells (photoreceptors) capture images." To simulate this continuous flow of light and images, film projectors have to pull more than 18 images per second through the viewfinder.


Digital sounds are recorded on multiple channels onto film in data blocks in a series of numbers between the holes in the film. During playback, digital sound is decoded and broadcast to the audience through a special optical reader that can be mounted onto the projector. Audiences here the audio as closely to the original recordings as technology has allowed thus far.

Tags: film gate, projectors have, through projector

Make A Link To An Mp3 File

Anybody who enjoys listening to music from a computer or who owns an mp3 player has plenty of mp3 files. You may one day wish to make a link to one of your mp3 files. This will allow friends and family members to download this mp3 directly from your created link. Creating this link is a very easy process and, depending on your Internet connection, may take no longer than one minute of your time. Read on to learn make a link to an mp3 file.


1. Log onto a file hosting website. Rapidshare is an example. Rapidshare is one of, if not the easiest file hosting websites available.

2. Select the “Browse” tab found on the Rapidshare home page. From there, search for the mp3 file for which you wish to make a link. You will search for the mp3 file in the same way as you would any file you were making into an attachment for email purposes.

3. Click the “Upload” button on the Rapidshare home page once you have selected your mp3. The Rapidshare server will begin processing the file all on its own.

4. Copy the download link given to you on the next page. The page with the download link will automatically appear on your screen once the mp3 has been uploaded. You can then simply copy and paste the link to those you wish to give it to, or send those people an email with the mp3 link directly from the Rapidshare website.

Tags: make link, directly from, download link, file hosting, home page, link will

Monday, May 17, 2010

Connect Tivo To A Wifi Network

One drawback of TiVo is the pesky phone updates. Your system must always stay connected to the phone line in case of updates, which can cause problems if you don't have a land line or your TV isn't near the phone jack. Thankfully, there's another option. Connecting your TiVo to a Wi-Fi network lets your system update via the Internet and opens up some new features.


1. Make sure that your TiVo can handle a Wi-Fi connection. If your DVR didn't come with one, you need to purchase a wireless adapter that's compatible with the TiVo system. They're available at retailers nationwide and online.

2. Connect the adapter to the USB port located on the back or side of your DVR system.

3. Access the menu to change some settings. From TiVo Central, choose the "Message and Settings" option. From there, choose "Settings" and then "Phone and Network."

4. Set up your wireless network settings. You go through a series of commands that let you gain access to your Wi-Fi network. It may ask for your network ID and WAP code, so have them on hand before attempting to make the connection. When asked about the IP address, let the system automatically assign you one.

5. Confirm that your TiVo is set up properly. Once everything is set up, you'll receive a confirmation message saying that the Wi-Fi network is connected properly. You can then disconnect the phone line and continue to receive updates and show information.

Tags: Wi-Fi network, your TiVo, phone line, that your, that your TiVo

Troubleshoot Home Theater Rear Speakers

Troubleshooting home theater rear speakers--also known as surround speakers--can be a tricky endeavor. You've shelled out lots of money on a home theater with surround sound and you hear this awful, obnoxious humming noise. Don't pack it up and return it yet! Follow these steps to pinpoint the problem.


1. Read your owner's manuals for specific troubleshooting tips. Each manufacturer will have specific tips for their units.

2. To pinpoint a buzz or hum, turn down all speakers but the rear speakers and disconnect everything from your receiver until the noise stops. Reconnect each item one at a time until you find out which device is causing the hum.

3. Determine if your cable TV box is causing the hum. If it is, disconnect the cable feed while the box is still hooked up to the receiver. If this stops the hum, the problem is the cable ground. To remedy this, buy a ground breaking transformer, but be sure it will work with your cable box.

4. See if the hum comes from your TV or projector. If it does, try plugging it into a different outlet or buy an isolation transformer. If there is no audio connection between the components, buy a video isolation transformer.

5. Check to see if your speakers still hum after disconnecting everything but the speaker cables. If they do, you might have a bad speaker cable. Inspect the cables for openings or discoloration. If the cables are good and you still hear a hum, check to see if the wires are picking up signal from your refrigerator or other nearby power source cords.

6. For speakers that are not humming, but simply not responding: Check to see that everything is properly connected, or change the fuse in the speaker.

Tags: from your, isolation transformer, your cable

Friday, May 14, 2010

Connect A Car Amp Without Rca

Although car amplifiers come with RCA input jacks, your stock stero may not support the option to send audio through RCA outs. You can still connect the amplifier with a "Line Level" connection. You connect one of the audio wires already connected to your stereo into the amplifier's "Line Level" input jack. All you need is enough wire to make the connection from your trunk's speaker to your amplifier.


1. Connect the positive and negative ends of the speaker wire to your pre-existing trunk speaker terminals. The black, or lined, cable will be the negative; the red will be the positive.

2. Measure out enough speaker wire to reach your amplifier, then cut the wire with the wire cutters. Give yourself enough slack so the connection will be secure, without the possibility of becoming unplugged.

3. Connect the other two ends of the speaker wire to the positive (+) and negative (-) "Line Level Input" terminals on your amplifier. Make sure the "+" and "-" wires are connected to the same polarity as the speakers.

Tags: Line Level, speaker wire, your amplifier, ends speaker, ends speaker wire

Connect A Car Amplifier To A Dvd Player

We're all familiar with DVD players and the outstanding sound and video performance they offer. But if you're going to use a DVD player in the car, there are some important factors you must consider. You can send the video output to an LCD video screen, but you'll need a way to amplify the sound if you want to hear the movie you're showing over the car's stereo system. That's where a car amplifier can be helpful.


1. Connect your RCA patch cable to the audio outputs of your DVD player. DVD players will have a set of right and left stereo RCA jack outputs for sound, in addition to their usual selection of digital outputs. Plug the red RCA plug into the DVD player's red RCA jack, and the white RCA plug into the DVD player's white RCA plug.

2. Route the RCA cable to the location of your amplifier. If the two are very close to each other, this is quite easy. If they're in different parts of the car, you'll want to remove the scuff plates along the doors so you can pull back the carpet and put the cable down underneath it.

3. Plug the RCA cable into the RCA jacks of the amplifier. As you did with the RCA outputs of the DVD player, connect the red plug into the red jack of the amplifier, and the white plug into the white jack. This completes the audio connection of your DVD player and car amplifier.

Tags: plug into, white plug, into player, plug into player, white plug into

Use A Mobile Phone In Spain

When you travel internationally, having a cell phone with you can not only be a comfort, but it can help you get out of tight spots. If you're visiting a country like Spain, for example, where not everyone can speak English, having a mobile phone at your side may be your only lifeline if you get lost somewhere and need to find your way back to your hotel. Using a mobile phone in Spain is simple and requires only a few preparations on your part.


1. Make sure your cell phone is unlocked before you leave for Spain. Unless you purchased your phone through a third party, it came locked. In other words, it's programmed so that you can only use it with your current service provider. Visit a mobile phone repair specialist, who can inexpensively unlock your phone so that you can use it with other providers.

2. Visit a Spanish mobile phone retailer and purchase a Spanish SIM card when you arrive. Insert the SIM card into your phone. This gives you a Spanish phone number and the ability to make calls and receive text messages within Span (and, in some cases, internationally). Record your Spanish phone number so that you can give it to your hotels, tour guides and other people you meet.

3. Purchase an inexpensive phone from a Spanish mobile phone retailer if you were unable to have your phone unlocked or if you use a CDMA phone, one that doesn't use a SIM card. Some retailers may even allow you to rent a mobile phone for the duration of your trip, although the cost effectiveness of doing so will vary depending on how long you plan to stay in Spain.

4. Refill your balance by purchasing prepaid credit vouchers from your mobile phone retailer. The vouchers include simple instructions on add minutes to your account.

Tags: mobile phone, your phone, mobile phone, mobile phone retailer, phone retailer, cell phone

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Hook Up Vhs Recorder To Computer

Connecting a VHS recorder (VCR) to a computer requires an analog-to-digital converter box available at electronics stores and online retailers. The box transforms analog data from the VCR into a digital format your computer can understand. Now you can transfer all those old VHS home movies to your computer for editing and burning to a DVD, or you can transfer video files from your computer to the VCR for recording on a VHS tape. Once you have the converter, connecting the equipment takes only a minute.


1. Turn off all equipment.

2. Plug the RCA cables into the output jacks on the back of the VCR. The yellow plug connects to the video input; white and red plugs connect to the left and right audio jacks.

3. Connect the other ends of the RCA plugs to the corresponding jacks on the analog-to-digital converter box.

4. Connect one end of the USB cable to the port on the converter box and the other end to a free USB port on the computer.

5. Power up the equipment and insert a prerecorded VHS tape into the VCR for digital conversion and uploading to the computer.

Tags: your computer, analog-to-digital converter, into digital

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Cf Card Vs Xd Card

As digital media becomes a more permanent part of today's culture, means of storing that media are growing. Floppy disks and zip drives are now obsolete, far outperformed by their quicker, heftier and smaller flash drive and memory card counterparts. With the growth of media storage devices, two memory cards, the compact flash card and the xD Card, are very popular.

History of the xD Card

Many digital cameras store images on a card. However, other data on that card, such as documents or music, cannot be accessed from the camera due to the limited format of the digital camera. These files can consume needed space on the memory card, and older cards can grow crowded with less space available. In response to a need for digital camera-only cards, manufacturers created the xD card.

Uses of the xD Card

The xD card is used solely for digital cameras. There are three main types of xD memory cards, including type M, type H and type M+. The type M card writes at 2.5 MB per second; the type H writes at almost twice that speed. The type M+ card writes 1.5 times as fast at nearly 4 MB per second. This allows for greater processing speed in the transfer of the picture to the camera.

History of the CF Card

The SanDisk Corporation first invented the compact flash card, or CF Card, in 1994. It was intended for use with stationary and portable electronic devices, and it provided a means of backing up data without the use of a battery. The device's 50 pins allow the CF card to conform to PCMCIA ATA specifications.

Uses of the CF Card

The CF card weighs half an ounce and measures 1.7 inches by 1.4 inches by .13 inches, about the size of a matchbook. It supports 3.3V and 5V operation and can operate at either voltage. Its 50 pins allow for stability; it can withstand an impact of 2,000 Gs. They are used in portable electronic devices from computers and digital cameras to mp3 players and personal digital assistants.


While the two cards perform many of the same functions, the xD card is more versatile for digital camera usage. The user can store more information with greater ease, although CF cards used exclusively for digital cameras work well. You can use the CF card in many more devices, and for the user who needs a multipurpose memory card, the CF card is best. In terms of size, the xD card is smaller and more compact overall. However, since the CF card has been around since 1994, there are more devices with built-in CF card compatibility.

Tags: digital cameras, memory card, type type, Card card, card writes, compact flash

Connect A Bogen Paging System To A Cisco Fxo Port

Bogen's line of telephone paging systems are add-on peripherals for telephone systems that connect to speakers installed throughout a physical location. Often known as loudspeakers or intercoms, these paging systems can be used for evacuation notices, alarm relay and ringing sounds in remote or noisy locations where a phone might be missed. Cisco's line of voice over IP PBX systems can be linked to a Bogen paging system, thereby allowing the system to be used as a regular phone extension that can be dialed by other phones on the network. Bogen paging systems use analog signals, so they must be connected to the Foreign eXchange Subscriber (FXO) port of the Cisco PBX.


1. Insert one end of the RJ-45 phone cable into the "POTS-IN" port of your Bogen system.

2. Insert the opposite end into the port on your Cisco PBX labeled "FXO." It will be smaller than the Ethernet ports.

3. Configure the dial plan on your Cisco PBX to assign an extension for the FXO port. This process varies greatly between device models and generations, so consult your manual or network administrator for specific information.

4. Dial the new extension on a phone connected to the Cisco PBX. Your call will be automatically sent to the Bogen device and broadcast on all paging system speakers.

Tags: paging systems, Bogen paging, port your, your Cisco

Create A Sirius Satellite Radio Station

Create a Sirius Satellite Radio Station

Despite the speculation that radio is a dying media form, radio survived the television boom and now is expanding to the Internet and satellite. Do you love radio? Ever dream about owning a station or broadcasting? Understand that a radio station is not that hard to found or run.


Starting the Radio Station

1. Obtain a license to run a radio station from Sirius XM. Licenses cost some money and can be difficult to get. The main point is to stress your original concept and how the audience will benefit from its broadcasts. Doing a little extra homework, such as making a business plan and audience analysis, never hurts.

2. Decide on a station name and type of music. You cannot just play general music from all genres. People tune into the radio because they want to hear a certain type of music. Find a genre and stick to it. Classic rock, top 40, and country are popular, as is talk radio.

3. Purchase the equipment needed to run the station. This includes broadcast transmitters and microphones. You need a computer to play music as well. Automated software is very popular in the radio industry, although music programs like iTunes can work, too.

4. Hire staff and assign shows. Some radio stations on the Internet only use two to three DJs. It all depends on how much you are willing to pay and what types of shows you want. Pick certain special shows or days where you give away prizes or awards.

5. Find advertisers to finance your station. Advertisers in radio, like all media outlets, are the primary source of income. Advertisers want to run ads on radio stations, especially stations that have a large following. Finding advertisers at first is difficult, but will improve with time. Offer special discounts and deals to entice advertisers to join the station.

Tags: Create Sirius, Create Sirius Satellite, Radio Station, radio stations, Satellite Radio, Satellite Radio Station, Sirius Satellite

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Equalize A Sound System

Equalize a sound system to make the most of speakers.

If you've ever listened to a song on your sound system that sounded like it was recorded in a tin can, you were probably hearing a frequency problem. Sound emits a variety of frequencies, ranging from the highness of a piccolo to the lowness of a trombone. You can control the volume of these frequencies using a device called an equalizer, or EQ. Equalizers can be found on most sound systems, from your home theater to a concert stage's PA system. They have knobs or sliders that adjust the volume of individual frequency ranges, giving you control over how each range blends with the rest of the frequencies.


1. Turn on all of the devices in your sound system. Turn off any auto-equalizers on your sound system to gain fullest control over frequencies. This switch might be found on the receiver or the equalizer itself.

2. Play a test song on repeat. Choose a song with both extremely high and extremely low instruments so that you have a wide frequency range to listen for.

3. Listen for any obvious distortions in the highs and lows of the songs. Lower the knob on your equalizer for any distorted frequencies until the distortion disappears. Try at first to find the highest setting possible without distortion.

4. Adjust all frequency ranges in relation to each other to find a pleasing blend for your room, trying not to let any one frequency range dominate the others. Use the highest non-distorting settings found in Step 3 as maximum settings, but don't be afraid to lower a booming bass or a screeching flute that disrupts the overall blend of the music.

5. Play a song from a different genre to test how the EQ works for different types of music. A hip hop song will have louder lows than a string quartet, for example, so make sure your bass frequencies sound crisp on both types of music.

Tags: sound system, your sound system, your sound, control over, frequency range, frequency ranges

Adjust Aperture And Shutter Speed On An Asahi Pentax K1000

The Pentax K1000 exposure meter measures the light coming through the lens.

The Pentax K1000 was sold between 1976 and 1997 by the Asahi Optical Co. The camera, which uses 35 mm film, is designed for experienced photographers and has no automatic settings option. Photographers must set the exposure of their photographs manually. In addition, close attention must be paid to the built-in light meter, and the shutter speed on the camera and the f-stop on the lens both must be set manually. The f-stop controls the aperture, or the amount of light coming through the lens, when the picture is taken.


1. Take off the lens cap to activate the camera's light meter. Look through the viewfinder. The meter indicator is a needle on the right side of the frame. It has a plus and minus to indicate that there's too much or too little light for the picture.

2. Set the shutter speed by turning the shutter-speed dial on the top right of the camera body. Use a fast shutter speed, such a 1/250th of a second, when you want to shoot action or in bright sunlight. Use a slower shutter speed, such as 1/60th of a second, with dimmer light or for stationary subjects.

3. Locate the aperture ring, also called a diaphragm ring, on the lens. It's the threaded ring closest to the camera body and it's marked with a series of numbers.

4. Look through the camera's viewfinder again.

5. Twist the aperture ring clockwise and counter-clockwise until the light-meter needle rests in the center of the indicator in the viewfinder. This means the picture will be properly exposed.

Tags: shutter speed, Pentax K1000, aperture ring, camera body, coming through

Monday, May 10, 2010

Differences Between Cdib100 & Cdib100ii

The Pioneer CD-IB100 and CD-IB100II adapters enable Pioneer head units and audio/video receivers to deliver audio supplied by an Apple iPod music player. These units also provide song information for the Pioneer head unit's screen and let the user search for specific songs in various ways. The CD-IB100 and CD-IB100II connect to the iPod via a cable attached to the iPod's docking connector. They prove useful for playing music stored on an iPod in an automobile. Both adapter models perform the same functions but have some differences in compatibility and exterior design.


The Pioneer CD-IB100 and CD-IB100II adapters each have a square shape, with their model numbers and Pioneer logos emblazoned on the top panel. Despite this, the Pioneer CD-IB100II features a darker-colored housing, along with some other small differences in appearance. They also have lettering and ports with different colors, according to Pioneer's website. However, it's of greater importance to choose the model most compatible with your audio equipment than the unit with the more desirable appearance.


The CD-IB100 and CD-IB100II work with many of the same Pioneer audio equipment models, but do have differences in this area. Both offer full compatibility with many units in the AVH and DEH series, according to Pioneer. The CD-IB100II provides partial compatibility with numerous DEH, AVH, FH, DVH and AVIC models. The CD-IB100 is more compatible with the AVIC-D1, AVIC-N2 and several DEH/FH units than its successor. However, the CD-IB100II offers compatibility with some models the IB100 does not support, such as the AVIC-Z3, AVIC-N3, AVH-P6800DVD and DEH-P800PRS.


The Pioneer CD-IB100 and CD-IB100II adapters also have differences in their cost and availability. An informal survey using Google Product Search indicates that as of July 2011, more retailers sell the Pioneer CD-IB100II, generally at lower prices than its predecessor goes for. The IB100II proves easier to find new, while it's somewhat less difficult to locate a used IB100. Used IB100II adapters often remain slightly newer because Pioneer introduced this model more recently.

Other Differences

The remaining differences between these two models have little practical significance. Their weights vary by a tiny amount; the CD-IB100II weighs 1/100th of a kilogram more, according to the manuals. Also, the CD-IB100II's instruction manual runs somewhat longer. Including all languages, it consists of 84 pages, whereas the CD-IB100's manual is 69 pages long. Otherwise, their manuals list the same exact dimensions, voltage requirements and other specifications.

Tags: CD-IB100 CD-IB100II, CD-IB100 CD-IB100II adapters, CD-IB100II adapters, compatibility with, Pioneer CD-IB100

Store The Liion Batteries For The Jvc Camcorder

Remove Li-Ion batteries form a JVC camcorder if storing for more than a month.

Some JVC camcorder models use Lithium-Ion (Li-Ion) rechargeable batteries to power the unit. Li-Ion batteries can hold a charge for several months, but the batteries last longer if precautions are taken before storing the batteries for a prolonged period. Removing batteries from the JVC camcorder eliminates risk of leakage, which can damage the electronics inside of the camera.


1. Slide off the battery cover on the JVC camcorder and remove the Li-Ion battery pack from the compartment.

2. Recharge the battery to at least 50 percent power. The meter on the battery charger indicates the current power percentage. Li-Ion batteries last longer before replacement is required if they are not allowed to fully discharge.

3. Store Li-Ion batteries in a cool, dry location. Do not reinstall into the camera.

4. Insert the battery in the JVC camcorder at least once every two months. Use the camcorder until the charge is less than 20 percent, then recharge the battery to at least 50 percent.

Tags: Li-Ion batteries, batteries last, batteries last longer, battery least, battery least percent, last longer, least percent

Lcd Projection Vs Dlp Tv

Flat-panel LCD television

Large-screen high-definition televisions are currently all the rage. Not only do these TVs come in different sizes, but they also come in different technologies: LCD, plasma, DLP and projection.


DLP TVs are very large, and while not as deep as a tube TV, do have some depth, thus they are not really portable. LCD projectors are compact, and light enough for a person of average strength to carry.

Contrast Ratios

Both DLP TVs and LCD projectors provide good to excellent contrast ratios. It can be difficult to accurately determine the contrast ratio, and manufacturers tend to display data that make their products appear to be the best.

Screen Sizes

DLP TVs can be very large, some over 80 inches diagonally. LCD projectors can produce viewing areas that are much larger because as long as they produce enough lumens, they can produce an image the size of a typical living room wall, but this relies heavily on the presence of a very bright bulb.


DLP TVs generally produce a visible image regardless of lighting conditions, whereas an LCD projector may appear bright enough only in a darkened room. Higher-lumen projectors overcome this weakness.


An 80"+ DLP TV will cost about $3,000 to $4,000. A high quality LCD projector with high lumen output and high contrast will cost roughly the same.

Tags: come different, they produce, very large, will cost

Friday, May 7, 2010

Chroma Keying Tutorial

Chroma-keying is a process of creating a composite of two images by photographing the foreground subject against a solid colored background. The solid color is then removed and made transparent, allowing the background image to show through. Thus, the illusion of an object being in a place where that object or person has never been is created.

Creating the Foreground

The first step in creating a chroma-keyed image is to photograph, film or video tape the foreground subject against an evenly lit, solid-colored background. Common colors for chroma-key work are either blue or green. The size of the background will depend on the size of the foreground subject. For example, if the foreground is a plastic model, such as a car, the size of the background can be fairly small. If a person is being filmed or photographed against a chroma-key background, the size of the background will need to be larger. In some cases, the background may need to be fairly tall. For example, if a model is photographed from a low angle, the chroma-key background will need to be tall enough to fill the frame to the height of the final composite image.

Removing the Key Color

In the past, chroma key colors were chemically removed on film and the film was physically laid over a second image. With the advent of digital imaging and digital compositing, removing the chroma key is achieved by digitally selecting the color and luminance of the background. By simply deleting the colored background, the transparency for overlay on the new background is generated.

Compositing the Image

Digital composite images are created by overlaying the foreground image with its transparent background over a background image. A person photographed with even light against a chroma-key background can thus be placed in a variety of locations. A well done chroma-key composite can quickly move a person from Times Square to Trafalger Square. In some cases, the edge where the person meets the background needs to be smoothed and blended to create a believable photograph.

Amateur Chroma-Key Techniques

In many cases, a specialized chroma-key background is not necessary. With Photoshop's ability to select based on color, any evenly lot solid-colored background can often work for digital chroma-key type compositing. In some cases, with careful selection techniques, the background can be removed from a photograph that isn't a solid color. For example, the New York skyline could be carefully selected and removed and the resulting person against a transparent background could be placed against a Seattle skyline.

Tags: chroma-key background, background will, foreground subject, size background, some cases, against chroma-key, against chroma-key background

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Use An Xm Radio Player With A Stereo

Most stereos accept phono plugs.

XM radio is a satellite broadcast service that beams transmissions to XM radio players. If you connect an XM radio player to your stereo, you can listen to satellite radio wherever your home entertainment center is set up. At some point, you will have to set up an account with XM. There are several pricing tiers available. Choose the one the matches your budget and listening needs. Once your account is set up, you will be able to access hundreds of channels of talk, sports and music.


1. Turn on your stereo, but lower the volume all the way to avoid damaging the speakers.

2. Connect your XM radio player to the stereo. Use an audio cable that matches the XM radio player's audio outputs on one end, and the stereo's audio inputs on the other end. Typically, an XM radio player will accept either two phono plugs (also called RCA or "red-and-whites") or a stereo 1/8 inch phone plug (which looks just like a headphone plug). Stereos often have phono jacks, but they rarely have 1/8 inch phone jacks. You can purchase adapters and connection cables to match your needs at most retail electronics stores.

3. Turn on your XM radio player. If it is not receiving a satellite signal (typically indicated by a reception symbol on the radio player's screen), move the antenna to a location that has a direct line of sight to the sky.

4. Raise the volume of your stereo slowly until you hear the XM broadcast. If you have not activated your XM account yet, the broadcast you are hearing will tell you do so. Typically, you will have to call the provided number, give them your credit card information and choose a service plan. They will then send an activation signal to your XM radio player, which will allow you to access all the channels.

5. Tune to other stations after XM activates your account. Your XM radio will allow you to save preset stations, or you can tune manually by pressing the channel up or down buttons.

6. Check the cable connections and antenna position if you do not hear any sounds. Make sure to lower the volume before disconnecting any plugs, or you may damage your speakers. If you still cannot hear anything, call the support number that came with your XM radio. They will help you determine whether the problem is with your stereo or the XM radio player.

Tags: radio player, your radio, your stereo, your account, your radio player, inch phone

Definition Of A Cable Network

ESPN, CNN, USA. These are all examples of cable networks. Similar to their broadcast cousins, cable networks can be national in scope. But rather than have local affiliates that broadcast their signal in major markets, cable networks form partnerships with satellite and cable providers to carry their network and pay for the privilege.


Cable networks carry a variety of television programming. This programming can be generalized in nature, such as the USA Network, or specific, such as the NFL Network, which carries only programming related to football.


Cable networks have evolved over the past several decades and now are considered major players in the television industry. Many original programs developed by these networks have won industry awards and have propelled their actors into stardom.


Cable networks are not broadcast solely through cable. They can also be picked up with satellite dishes.


Companies such as HBO and Showtime are not considered cable networks. They are called premium services because they are generally not included in a cable company's basic programming offering.

Time Frame

Cable networks provide time to their local cable carriers which can be sold, providing local businesses the opportunity of low-cost advertising on a national network.

Tags: Cable networks, cable networks, networks have, such Network, with satellite