Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Use A Nikon 70200 Zoom Lens On A Nikon D90 Camera

It's easy to use different lenses with the Nikon D90 camera.

The Nikon D90 is a 12.3-megapixel digital SLR camera. It not only takes superior photographs but also records 24fps movie clips with sound at 720p HD. This camera has a 3-inch full color LCD high resolution monitor, which allows for in-camera image editing to adjust common photograph errors such as Red eye and picture distortion. The Nikon D90 allows you to attach other lenses to the main body of the camera. Connecting a different lens, such as the 70-200 zoom lens, is simple and takes just a few seconds.


1. Turn your camera off by turning the mode dial on the top of the camera to the "Off" position.

2. Remove the rear lens cap on the 70-200 by twisting the black cap counterclockwise.

3. Remove the existing lens from the Nikon D90 camera by pushing the "Lens release" button, rotating the lens counterclockwise and pulling. The "Release" button is located on the body of the camera, next to the base of the lens.

4. Align the mounting marks on the camera and the 70-200 lens. Insert the lens into the body of the camera and rotate the lens clockwise until it clicks into place.

5. Power on your camera by turning the mode dial to the "On" position. Your camera is now ready to use.

Tags: body camera, camera turning, camera turning mode, mode dial, turning mode, turning mode dial, your camera

Complete Darkroom Equipment For Beginners

Analog photography can produce some interesting effects, often entirely by accident!

The rise in the popularity of digital cameras has seen a decline in the numbers of those developing photographs at home. The upside to this is that a large quantity of secondhand darkroom equipment is out there for anyone wanting to create a photographic darkroom at home. A few basic pieces of equipment are all that is needed to produce your own photographs and start experimenting with different exposure techniques.


Obviously it's important for your darkroom to be just that--dark. Film and photographic paper become discolored and unusable if exposed to light, so it's vital to block out all the light you can. Heavy black cloth is the most practical and logical solution, and it can be purchased by the yard very cheaply. It's also worth hanging a piece over any doors as well as windows, as the small amount of light that seeps in around the edges can be enough.


Appropriate containers are important for storing chemicals and processing film. Film processing baths are shallow trays where prints will lie in the developing solution. For small-scale processing, they may also take the form of a spool in a sealed container. The film is wound onto the spool, then the container filled with developer. Stop baths are the same shallow tray shape found on commercial processing baths. It's important to use genuine developing vessels, rather than generic plastic trays. The developing chemicals can react with certain plastics.


Developing solution acts as a catalyst for the reaction that makes the image appear on the print or negative. Stop Bath solution halts the developing process before the image becomes too dark. It's possible to use water in place of commercial Stop Bath, but it is slow to work, so results can vary. Fixing solution binds the image to the print paper, once the reaction is complete, setting the image in place. All chemicals should be stored in airtight containers, preferably with a vacuum action that keeps additional air from entering as the solution is poured out. They should always be disposed of properly, not poured into drains.


A pair of plastic tongs is essential for moving prints from one tank to another. It prevents finger marks on the prints, as well as keeping the chemicals off your hands.

A drying rack is a useful addition, but a piece of twine strung between the walls and some clothes pegs will work.

Tags: processing baths, Stop Bath

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Clean A Big Screen Protector

Big screen protectors, also called screen shields, are hard plastic covers that are attached to some large screen projection TVs to keep their soft screens from getting damaged by bumps, spills or fingerprints. The quickest way to tell if your screen has one of these protectors on it is to tap on it gently with one of your knuckles. If a loud knocking sound echoes back, your screen has a protector on it. If you don't hear anything much and the screen bulges inward slightly do not use these cleaning methods; your screen has no protector on it.



1. Check and see if your screen protector is permanently attached to your TV. Look at the back of the set and see if there are any straps or buckles securing it. If there are, disconnect them and pull the screen protector off by standing in front of the screen and pulling it toward you from the top down. Don't try to force your screen protector off if it doesn't budge. It could be glued on.

2. Buy a gallon of distilled water at your local supermarket. Pour half of the contents of the jug into a plastic mixing bowl. Drop a clean microfiber cloth into the water until it is totally saturated. Pull it out and squeeze it tightly from end to end so it is fairly damp but not dripping.

3. Lay the cloth out flat in front of you. Fold it so the left and right edges meet. Then fold it from top to bottom, matching up these edges. You now have a reasonably even rectangle.

4. Place your cloth at the top left of your TV's screen protector. Move the cloth from left to right. When you reach the right edge, move the cloth down 4 inches. Then proceed from right to left. Use gentle pressure as you wipe. Scrub using the cloth's corner if there is any stuck-on debris. Continue until you've wiped the entire screen protector. If you removed it from the TV, wipe both the inside and outside.

5. Use your second microfiber cloth to dry your screen protector. Due to the nature of the cloth, it should not leave any lint behind. Don't touch the protector with your hands. Even the cleanest of hands can leave fingerprints.

Tags: your screen, your screen protector, screen protector, screen protector, left right, microfiber cloth, with your

Clean An Olympus Digital Camera

Clean the lens, mirror and focusing screen.

There are multiple parts of an Olympus digital camera that may need to be cleaned from time to time including the lens, mirror, focusing screen, monitor, viewfinder, exterior and the image-pickup device (sensor). Different Olympus models will need different parts cleaned. Olympus cameras without removable lenses, for example, do not require internal cleaning. It's a good idea to clean your Olympus camera thoroughly after an extended period of use.


1. Blow dust off the lens (the glass at the front of the camera) with the blower. Then use lens-cleaning paper to gently wipe the lens from the outside in.

2. Blow dust off the mirror and focusing screen with the blower. These components are behind the lens in the camera body.

3. Wipe the monitor and/or viewfinder with a soft cloth. The monitor is the LCD screen on the back of the camera and the viewfinder is the small glass window on the back of the camera. Some Olympus digital cameras have both and some have one or the other.

4. Wipe the exterior with a damp, soft cloth and dry it with a dry cloth.

5. Clean the image-pickup device if dust gets onto it. (Black dots on the photographs are a dead giveaway that there's dust.) Remove the lens. Select "Cleaning Mode" from the menu. Press the right-arrow button and then the "OK" button and the camera will go into cleaning mode. Press the shutter button all the way down so that the mirror raises and the shutter curtain opens. Blow any dust off the surface of the image-pickup device, which is behind the mirror.

Tags: Blow dust, focusing screen, image-pickup device, mirror focusing, mirror focusing screen, back camera

Monday, March 29, 2010

Compare Megapixel Images

High megapixel images can bring out finer details.

Pixels are the smallest point of information in a digital image. Each pixel records color and intensity. A megapixel is one million pixels. Digital cameras have different sized sensors and different numbers of pixels per sensor. You can also choose different frame sizes when you take a picture. Each of these items affects the number of megapixels in an image. For printing or viewing, consider 300 dots per inch as the minimum acceptable final resolution.


Sensor Pixels and Picture Dimensions

1. Digital images are made up of individual points called pixels.

Determine the sensor's pixel dimensions for your digital camera. This is stated in the number of pixels wide by the number of pixels high. For instance, a 6-megapixel camera might have a sensor that is 3000 pixels wide by 2000 pixels high. Multiplied together, this gives 6 million pixels of information.

2. Determine the frame dimensions for the picture. If you are taking photos in the 16:9 format, you can't use the entire 6-megapixel sensor. The camera will crop the digital image so the full width of the sensor is used, but the height will only be 1687 pixels, not 2000 pixels. The number of pixels in the resulting image will be 3000 x 1687 = 5,062,500 or about 5 megapixels.

3. Image sharpness depends on lens quality and stability as well as megapixels.

Determine the final dimensions for the photo. Common formats are 4 x 6, 5 x 7, 8 x 10. To maintain good resolution, plan on the final photo to have 300 dots per inch (DPI). Multiply the dimensions by 300 DPI to estimate the number of pixels needed for a good image.

4. Estimate your final image dimensions. For 4 x 6 inches, you need about 2 megapixels of information for a good image. At 300 DPI, that's 4 inches times 300, multiplied by 6 inches times 300 pixels = 1200 times 1800 = 2,160,000 pixels or about 2 megapixiels. For 5 x 7, about 3 megapixels is needed. For 8 x 10 images, you need between 7 and 8 megapixels.

5. When you use "digital zoom" or low-light features on your camera, the resulting image will have fewer pixels of information. Digital zoom works by cropping the image on the sensor to make it appear larger. The resulting image will have fewer pixels than the full sensor capability. When you use the low-light feature on your camera, the camera compensates by "binning" groups of pixels together for greater light sensitivity. The grouped pixels will only produce a single point of information in the final image, thus drastically lowering the number of pixels.

Tags: number pixels, about megapixels, image will, resulting image, resulting image will, 2000 pixels

Hook Up A Phillips Home Theater System To Hdtv

Philips home theater systems are designed to hook up to a television through a number of different possible outlets. The array of choices makes the system compatible with a wide array of televisions, but it can prove confusing for those who aren't familiar with the different types of cables involved. High definition televisions provide additional challenges because they, too, have a variety of cable options. Once you know the difference between cables, however, you can hook a Phillips home theater system to an HDTV easily.


1. Examine the cable outlets in the back of your Phillips home theater system, then those in the back of your HDTV. Note that many of them are similar in size, shape and color coding. To hook your home theater system up successfully, you simply need to match identical cable jacks, then connect them with the proper cable.

2. Check the HDTV and home theater system for a thin rectangular cable jack. This is the high definition multimedia interface (HDMI) jack. Phillips home theater systems usually label this interface "HDMI" or "HDMI Output." It is the best cable for use with an HDTV because it provides the most advanced picture quality possible. If both your TV and your home theater system feature it, use it to hook up the two components.

3. Look for an S-video or component video hook up on both the HDTV and the Phillips home theater system. If an HDMI hook up isn't possible, these are the next best video hooks ups. They provide decent picture quality and are able to make at least partial use of high definition clarity. The S-video jack is large and round. The Phillips home theater systems usually label it "S-Video" and place it under a "Video Out" title, along with a few different types of jacks. Component video jacks are a cluster of three jacks color coded red (Pr), blue (Pb), and green (Y). Phillips similarly clusters them under the "Video Out" label.

4. Check for a yellow RCA jack in the back of both the HDTV and the home theater system. It will be the same size as the component video jacks and may be grouped with a pair of other jacks--one colored white and one colored red--on your TV. (The Phillips home theater system will likely group it under "Video Out" along with the S-video connection.) This is the least attractive option for hooking up your TV. It provides a clear picture, but the sharpness won't be nearly as strong as the other video options.

5. Connect the HDTV and the Phillips home theater system using the best cable option available. Plug the cable into the "Out" jacks on the home theater system and the "In" or "In From Antenna" jacks on your HDTV.

6. Turn on the HDTV and set it to the input jack hooked up to your home theater system, then watch television as normal.

Tags: home theater, theater system, home theater system, Phillips home, Phillips home theater, home theater system, home theater systems

Uninstall Blackberry Tour Apps

The BlackBerry Tour 9630 is a smartphone capable of keeping you connected to everything in your life while you're on the move. The Tour also allows you to install and run applications. These applications will take up some of the Tour's internal memory, with the exact amount depending on the application, so if you find that your Tour is running out of space, uninstall any applications that you no longer use. The Tour has two methods for removing applications, in case the first method doesn't work or the application isn't listed on the home screen.


From Main Screen

1. Press the "Menu" key located directly to the left of the Tour's trackball. The key has the BlackBerry logo printed on it. This brings up the main list of applications for the device.

2. Scroll down to the application that you want to uninstall.

3. Press the "Menu" button to bring up the pop-up menu. Click "Delete" from the listed options. Press "Delete" again to confirm that you want to erase the app.

From Application Menu

4. Press the "Menu" key. Scroll down to the "Options" application, which has a wrench icon, and click it.

5. Click "Advanced Options" from the "Options" menu, and then click "Applications" from the next menu. The Tour takes a few seconds to build a list of all the installed apps on the device.

6. Scroll down to the app you want to uninstall. Press the "Menu" key, and press "Delete" from the menu. Press "Delete" again to uninstall the app.

Tags: Press Menu, Scroll down, Delete again, Delete from, device Scroll, device Scroll down

Friday, March 26, 2010

Set Image Size On A Digital Camera

Digital cameras offer the user several choices when it comes to image size. Most manufactured digital cameras today have a maximum and minimum image size or resolution number depending on the digital camera. Changing the image size and resolution greatly affects the size and quality of the digital image.


1. Read over the digital camera manual for information regarding that specific camera's minimum and maximum digital image file size and resolution. Most cameras are pre-set at the highest resolution the camera offers.

2. Toggle through the digital camera's menu screen until the image resolution feature appears. Choose the image size that produces the results desired. Higher resolution images contain more clarity and are larger in file size than lower image size images.

3. Reduce the image size using the in-camera software features. Many cameras can reduce image file size directly on the camera without having to export the digital image to a digital imaging software application.

4. Bring the image into a digital imaging software program, such as Adobe Photoshop. This programs allows the user to manipulate many aspects of the image, including image size.

5. Choose a digital camera that offers the most image resolution options. The higher the megapixel count on a digital camera, the more resolution options are available. Setting the image size from a higher resolution to a smaller one will reduce the overall image size.

Tags: digital camera, image size, image size, digital image, file size, size resolution, digital imaging

Buy An External Flash For Your Dslr

Buy An External Flash For Your DSLR

Besides upgrading lenses, upgrading your external flash unit on your DSLR camera is a must if you want to capture sharp and clear images. Most DSLR cameras come standard with a built-in flash; however, they are static and point light in one direction. The answer to this problem is the external flash, which lets you better control how the light source refracts off of the subject you are shooting.


1. Review the differences of an external flash; you have two choices, an external flash with a bounce head or a slave flash. The flash with a bounce head allows you to point the flash up or down to diffuse light off of the subject. A slave flash is separate from the hot shoe, but still connected via a wire; a hotshoe is what the flash unit connects to for a power source.

2. Shop the market for an external flash; prices vary from $350 to over $1000, depending on what special features you are looking for.

3. Buy a used flash; the used market for flash units is one way to buy your first flash unit.

Tags: external flash, flash unit, bounce head, external flash, External Flash Your, flash with, flash with bounce

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Convert Low Resolution Pictures To High Resolution

Convert Low Resolution Pictures to High Resolution

The advent of digital cameras has enabled many Americans to have access to vast amounts of digital pictures. Inevitably, some of these pictures will be of too low a resolution to print or post on-line, or a section of the image will need to be enlarged in order to be used effectively. Upon enlarging or raising resolution many images lose a lot of quality and sharpness. With a little practice you can learn to create higher resolution images with as little image degradation as possible.


1. Open your image in your favorite digital image editing software. If you don't have digital image editing software, you can perform an Internet search and will find quality free software for editing digital images. Most photo editing programs have the ability to analyze the image and display information about it for you. What you need to look for is the image size (in pixels) and the the print resolution (in pixels per inch or ppi). Determine what your final image size should be both in pixels and ppi. Keep in mind that most printed images should be about 300 ppi and images on computer screens are generally 72 ppi. This means that an image with a width of 300 pixels will be one inch wide when printed, and 4.17 inches wide on a monitor. So if you need to have a two-inch wide print or an 8.3 inch wide image on a screen, then you would need to increase the horizontal resolution to 600 pixels.

2. Re-size your image using your image editing software's resize function. Depending on what software you are using, the re-size tool will be located on different menus. The re-size tool will present you with a number of options for resizing your image. Most importantly, the tool will display the current resolution and final resolution of the image. For example, if the original image has a resolution of 300x300 pixels and you need to double its print or display size, you would need to change the resolution to 600x600 pixels. Make sure that the "constrain proportions" option is checked if you have it. This protects the image from being re-sized in only one dimension.

3. Sharpen your image. The resulting image may be a little blurry, but this is normal. Should your software have it, use the "sharpen" tool to restore a little sharpness to your image. Alternatively, use the "unsharp mask" tool to better control the quality of your image-sharpening, although this tool requires a little bit of practice.

4. Save your image.When you save your image you have a few options as far as file types go. You can compress the image to save space, or leave it uncompressed to preserve quality. Compressed formats such as jpg or png are ideal for the web, while uncompressed formats like psd or tif are ideal for archiving.

Tags: your image, editing software, image editing, image editing software, tool will

Onkyo T4310r Tuner Specifications

Having a good radio tuner can make the difference between being able to detect your favorite radio station and being able to detect nothing but interference. The Onkyo T-4310R tuner might be the right buy for you, but first you should familiarize yourself with its features in order to get a better idea.


The Onkyo T-4310R contains four ceramic filters to decrease distortion and increase effective pickup range. Two of these operate in the narrow 150kHz bandwidth while the others operate in a wider range to provide a wide listening spectrum for your music.

Tuning Capabilities

The Onkyo T-4310R tunes in minute increments of just 0.025MHz, allowing you to more closely dial in the exact frequency which provides the best radio signal from your current location.

Other Features

The Onkyo T-4310R also contains RDS (Radio Data System), which allows stations using an RDS signal to be immediately identified on the unit prior to the announcement of call letters. This also allows stations to transmit other types of data in addition to the main broadcast, such as text, time, current frequency and the like.

Tags: Onkyo T-4310R, able detect, allows stations, being able, being able detect, Features Onkyo, Features Onkyo T-4310R

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Start A Surveillance Business

Working in the security industry can be exciting and lucrative, and owning your own surveillance company can be even more rewarding. The clients and their jobs can be very interesting and profitable. If you have the ability to run your own business, and you want to work in an industry that is always changing and exciting, a surveillance company may be just what you're looking for.


1. Obtain the proper licenses and permits. Running a surveillance business can be equated to running a private investigation operation, and most states require licensing of all private detectives.

2. Purchase the equipment necessary to begin surveillance. Depending on the type of clients you acquire and their project requests, you may need to videotape or photograph the activities of another person, follow a person or vehicle and document the destinations, or stake out a particular building. Your business needs to be prepared to immediately handle the acquisition of a new project.

3. Market and advertise your business. Depending on your budget, you should place small advertisements in the classified section of your local newspaper, tape or staple fliers in conspicuous places around town, build a website, place a listing in the yellow pages, or record commercials for radio and television stations.

4. Meet with new clients and discuss projects. If your advertising is effective, potential customers will begin contacting you to inquire about your company's services and the prices for your surveillance.

5. Create contracts and agreements. When you agree on the terms of a project with a new client, sign appropriate documents detailing the client's request and your obligations for the project. These contracts will also help protect you and your company from prosecution for any stalking charges that may be brought against you in the event that a subject discovers your operations.

6. Begin the surveillance and recording of your subject's activities with photographs, videos and detailed notes. At the conclusion of the project, provide these items to your client and receive final compensation for your company's efforts.

Tags: your company, surveillance company, your business, your surveillance

Play An 8mm Tape In A Vhs Player

Play an 8mm Tape in a VHS Player

An 8mm video tape, while having similarities to VHS tape in design, is not physically able to play in a VHS player. To play the 8mm tape in the VHS player, you will first need to copy the tape to a VHS cartridge. The procedure is straightforward and only requires a few audio/video cables--most homes will have these already at hand, although they can also be bought for very little money at a local hobby shop or electronics store. Once the 8mm tape has been copied to the VHS tape, the contents of the 8mm tape will be playable on any VHS player.


1. Place the 8mm camcorder next to the VHS player. Insert the 8mm tape into the tape compartment on the camcorder.

2. Plug the video and audio plugs at one end of the 8mm transfer cable into the video and audio outputs on the camcorder. Plug the video and audio plugs at the other end of the 8mm transfer cable into the video and audio inputs on the back of the VHS player beneath "Line-in."

3. Turn on the VHS player. Press the "Menu" button. Select "Video" from the list of choices. Select "Video Input" from beneath "Video." Select "Line-in" from the list of choices beneath "Video Input." Press the "Menu" button again.

4. Eject the VHS player's cassette tray of the VHS tape, insert a blank VHS tape and close the tray, or insert the the blank VHS tape into the front loading slot.

5. Turn on the 8mm camcorder. Press the "Menu" button. Select "Output Mode" from the choices presented. Press the "Menu" button again.

6. Press the "Play" button on the 8mm camcorder. Press the "Record" button on the VHS player. Press the "Stop" button on the VHS player when the 8mm tape has finished playing.

7. Turn off the 8mm camcorder. Disconnect the 8mm transfer cable's plugs from the 8mm camcorder and from the VHS player. Press the "Rewind" button on the VHS player to return the VHS tape that now has the contents of the 8mm tape on it back to the beginning.

Tags: Menu button, Press Menu, Press Menu button, video audio, button player, player Press

How Digital Television Works

Digital Television

Digital television is officially the wave of the future: the way all television will be broadcast in the United States as of June 2009. It replaces analog television---a useful and versatile form of broadcasting that served us very well for many decades. Advances in technology have made the old methods obsolete, however, and cleared the way for the new digital format. Understanding how each format works is key to understanding why the change is taking place.


Earlier analog signals broadcast on a frequency analogous to the information it was sending. The antenna on your TV picked up those frequencies, and you could tune in to a specific frequency by changing the channel on your TV. Anyone who owned a TV before the advent of cable knows that it provided a fairly limited list of options: channels 2 through 13 in VHF and channels 14 through 83 in UHF. That's because analog signals took up a great deal of bandwidth (about 6 MHz per channel), limiting the number of possible stations in any given area. Cable TV provided additional options, but still sent signals in the same analog format.


Digital TV signals aren't sent in an analogous format. Instead, they break the information down into a series of pulses, each exactly the same frequency and rate as the others. A digital tuner interprets them as a binary code---essentially a series of 1s and 0s, which is the same way your computer stores information. That allows the signal to be much more compact, taking up far less space on the bandwidth and thus being able to carry a great deal more information (as well as freeing up parts of the bandwidth for other uses).


Because digital TV signals hold much more data, the onscreen image can be much sharper and crisper. Digital TVs reflect image resolution as the number of horizontal pixels that can fit on the screen and whether the image is interlaced (flickers between one half of the pixels and the other half) or progressive (shows every line of pixels at once). So a digital TV with a 720p resolution has 720 horizontal pixels broadcasting at once, while 1080i has 1080 horizontal pixels flickering back and forth. Older analog TVs displayed their images as about 480i. As of this writing, the best digital TVs are capable of broadcasting in 1080p: exponentially sharper and clearer than the old way.

Digital Converters

All televisions currently sold in the United States are basically digital TVs, though their particulars vary by brand. Older analog TVs needn't be thrown out, however. Digital converter boxes---available at any electronics store for about $50---can interpret the digital signal into an analog format and beam it into your TV. They're very easy to set up and resemble a cable box in many ways. You use them to change the channel instead of your TV and should be able to receive local programming the same way you always did.

Tags: horizontal pixels, analog format, analog signals, channels through, Digital Television, great deal

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Look Up Serial Numbers On Canon 35mm Film Cameras

Canon 35mm film cameras have serial codes located on the base plate of the camera.

You can locate serial numbers for Canon 35mm film cameras by turning the camera upside down. Look for the number on the base plate of the camera, close to the tripod screw. Depending on the date and model of the camera you have, the serial number will tell which factory the camera was made in and the year it was manufactured.


1. Write the first letter of the serial number located on the bottom of your Canon 35mm film camera. This letter will tell you what year your camera was manufactured, according to Bob Atkins' website.

2. Write the next two numbers, these will tell you what month the camera was manufactured (the numbers follow the month during a calendar year --- January is 01 and December is 12). Ignore the next two numbers they are, according to Atkins' website, internal numbers for the company.

3. Write the last letter in the serial number, this letter will tell you which factory manufactured the camera.

Tags: Canon 35mm, will tell, 35mm film, serial number, 35mm film cameras, according Atkins, according Atkins website

Connect Pc To Hdmi Tv

Connecting your computer to your HD television is not difficult.

Attaching your PC to the HDMI jack on your high-definition television allows you to view your computer's contents on a much larger, sharper screen. You can also utilize your PC's broadband Internet connection to watch streaming movies and TV shows on your big screen.


1. Turn off your computer and examine the rear of the unit. Find the cable that comes from the computer's monitor and follow it to the back of the PC. The cable will be plugged into the output of the video card, which will be either a 15-pin VGA port or a 29-pin DVI port. If you are fortunate, there will be a second port directly next to it, of either the DVI or VGA variety. On the newest machines, you may even find a regular HDMI port on the card.

2. Choose the connection for video output. If your computer has an HDMI port, you can simply connect an HDMI cable of the correct length between the computer and the TV. Otherwise, you will need to make a few decisions. If your computer has only a single video output and it will not be used solely with the television, you may want to invest in a new video card. Purchase one with either a DVI or an HDMI output, and install it in an available slot, according to the instructions included with it. If your chosen output port is DVI, an inexpensive DVI to HDMI cable can convert your computer's output into the proper HDMI input for your TV. If you intend to use the VGA output on a single-output or dual-output card to drive the HDMI display, then a special device will be needed to convert between the formats. Because the price of the converter is about the same as an entry-level video card that will be easier to use with your TV, you might wish to simply opt for the new video card.

3. Connect the HDMI cable from your television to your computer. Install the correct adapter or converter for your computer, if necessary. Unless your computer has HDMI output, cords will also need to be connected from the sound card output to the HDMI video cable or adapter, because HDMI carries both video and audio signals.

4. Boot your PC and configure the new display by selecting "Control Panel" from the Start menu. Double-click the "Display" icon and click the "Settings" tab. The manual for your HDMI TV will list the screen resolutions it supports, along with the refresh rates. Configure the resolution in the "Settings" tab, and then click the "Advanced" button to set the refresh rate. If you are using the HDMI TV as the second monitor, you will also have to configure how it is used by Windows, according to the instructions pertaining to your video card. Most cards offer a "Clone" or "Mirror" mode, where both screens display the same content. Alternately, the "Extended Desktop" mode will allow each monitor to operate independently.

5. Reboot your PC to apply the changes, if necessary, and prepare to relax on your couch and watch you computer's content on the big-screen HDMI TV.

Tags: your computer, video card, HDMI cable, according instructions, computer HDMI

Monday, March 22, 2010

Install Memory On A Nokia 3250

The Nokia 3250 is a Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM) based phone that features a 2-megapixel camera, built-in music player, Nokia's Symbian 9.1 operating system and a built-in speaker that was surprisingly loud. Music and other files on the 3250 are stored on a MicroSD card. Increasing the phone's memory is as simple as removing and replacing this card. Although not as intuitive as on other phones, putting a higher capacity MicroSD card in your phone is not difficult.


1. Twist the keypad portion of the phone (the keypad rotates on this phone) so that it is at a 90-degree angle to the display. This rotating portion contains the phone's music speaker. This will expose the MicroSD card cover.

2. Open the MicroSD card cover by flipping it up. This will expose the existing card, if one is installed.

3. Press down on the MicroSD card with your fingernail. The socket is spring loaded and the card will pop up.

4. Remove the card by pinching it between your fingers and pulling up. Note the direction of the card contacts.

5. Slip your new card into the socket. Make sure that the contacts are facing the back of the slot. The back is the side with the slot cover.

6. Press down on the card until the spring-loaded mechanism clicks into place.

7. Close the slot cover and twist the phone base so the keypad is in the desired location.

Tags: MicroSD card, card cover, MicroSD card cover, Nokia 3250, phone that, Press down

Write A Speed Sandisk 4gb Ms Pro Duo

Connect with a speedy USB 2.0 memory card reader.

The Sandisk Memory Stick Pro Duo flash memory module is used in a variety of media devices produced by Sony such as video cameras, Play Station 3 devices and digital cameras. The Memory Stick Pro Duo offers higher data transfer speeds as well as larger capacities than the earlier Memory Stick and Memory Stick Pro products. Due to the faster data transfer rate of 30 Megabits per second (Mbps) on the Memory Stick Pro Duo, using USB 1.1 connections for a memory card reader/writer will not allow the memory card to operate at full speed because USB 1.1 runs at 12 Mbps versus the 480 Mbps of USB 2.0.


1. Plug your memory card reader into a USB 2.0 port on your computer.

2. Remove the Memory Stick Pro Duo from the device it's in (e.g. your digital camera). Plug the Memory Stick into the memory card readers.

3. Open the memory card as a drive on your computer by clicking on "Start" then "My Computer" and double-clicking on the drive labeled "Memory Stick Device." Your transfer rate will be the maximum possible for the Memory Stick Pro Duo, 30 Mbps, due to the speed of the USB 2.0 connection.

Tags: Memory Stick, memory card, card reader, memory card reader, data transfer, transfer rate, your computer

Friday, March 19, 2010

Difference Between Optical And Digital Zoom On Digital Cameras

While traditional film cameras typically require you to move the lens -- or your whole camera -- closer to an object to zoom in on it -- in a process called optical zoom -- digital cameras offer you the option to zoom digitally. Many digital cameras come equipped with both digital and optical zoom, each of which present its own advantages and disadvantages.

How Optical Zoom Works

As its name suggests, optical zoom entails moving your camera lens closer to the object you're photographing, with millimeter differences in actual closeness corresponding to more dramatic perceived closeness. How you optically zoom depends on the type of digital camera you have. If you use a compact point-and-shoot camera, you control optical zoom using a button or lever attached to the body of the camera. If you use a digital single-lens reflex (dSLR) camera, you manually extend or retract the lens.

Limitations of Optical Zoom

The primary limitation of optical zoom is that cameras are limited in how far they can zoom. Basic point-and-shoot cameras, for example, might zoom only three times, which is inadequate for photographing objects that are more than a couple dozen feet away. dSLR cameras are more versatile -- an 18-300mm lens can zoom in on objects several hundred feet away -- but it remains that if your lens lacks adequate optical zoom to photograph your desired object, the object will appear small in size.

How Digital Zoom Works

Digital zoom, on the other hand, involves "blowing up" an image to make objects in it appear larger -- the camera does this after you take the picture. You can think of digital zoom as being analogous to cropping a photo -- you essentially select a small part of the field and then augment its size to that of the original field. Digital zoom allows you to increase the size at which objects appear, irrespective of how far you were from them when you took the picture.

Limitations of Digital Zoom

The effectiveness of digital zoom depends on the megapixel resolution of your camera -- in other words, how many dots or pixels it captures per inch. If your camera has a high megapixel resolution, your digital zoom will result in the area of your image you want to highlight being clear and crisp. If it's low in resolution, on the other hand, your digital zoom will produce a blurry image.

Tags: optical zoom, your camera, closer object, digital cameras, digital zoom, Digital Zoom

Soundstream Vir6500 Information

The Soundstream VIR-6500 is an in-dash automobile multimedia/DVD player manufactured by Soundstream Technologies Corp. The VIR-6500 also features an AM/FM radio and can play several media formats including audio CD, VCD, DivX, XviD, CD-R, CD-RW, DVD-RW, MP3 and MP4.

Video Features

Key video features of the Soundstream VIR-6500 include a 6.5-inch monitor that displays at 1440 by 272 dots-per-inch resolution. The monitor contains an electronic touch screen that provides on-screen display and radio tuner functionality. All functions of the VIR-6500 are displayed via OSD and are available in eight languages.

Audio Features

The Soundstream VIR-6500 comes with several audio features including 18 AM/FM presets (12 FM, six AM), subwoofer output, stereo or mono capability, and a digital sound processor. The VIR-6500 radio is capable of U.S. or European frequency stepping.

Other Models

As of 2010, the VIR-6500 is no longer manufactured by Soundstream but is still available for sale online and at selected retail stores. The VIR-6500 is comparable to other car video players including Clarion's VZ309, Kenwood's DDX516, Audiovox's VOD10 and Pioneer's AVH-P4200.

Tags: Soundstream VIR-6500, manufactured Soundstream

Repair A Cracked Flash On A Nikon D40

The Nikon D40 digital single lens reflex (DSLR) camera has a self-contained, popup flash located on the top of the camera body in front of the hot shoe. When the flash unit is in the up position, it becomes vulnerable to damage. A sudden impact, twisting motion or heavy pressure can cause the flash to crack. However, a quick repair can return the flash and camera to use.


1. Remove the camera lens and attach the camera body cap so cyanoacrylate adhesive fumes do not come into contact with any glass surfaces. Depress the flash mode button (lightning bolt icon) located on the front, right side of the camera body, just below the popup flash. This allows the flash unit to pop up.

2. Remove the two small screws, each located within the recessed well on the inside of the popup flash. Pull the lamp cover away from the popup flash.

3. Place a small amount of cyanoacrylate adhesive on the crack and allow the adhesive to seep into the crack for several seconds. Apply pressure to the cracked flash unit so the broken pieces are forced together and allow the adhesive to set Hold for about 30 seconds.

4. Wipe away any residual cyanoacrylate adhesive with a paper towel. Reassemble the flash unit after allowing 15 minutes for the adhesive to dry completely.

5. Place the camera in a safe location for a day, leaving the flash unit open so the cyanoacrylate fumes may dissipate. If the camera must be used immediately after repair, do not close the popup flash unit for 24 hours.

Tags: flash unit, popup flash, camera body, cyanoacrylate adhesive, allow adhesive

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Use A Canon Powershot S3 Is

The Canon S3 IS has many advanced features that allow photographers to capture quality images in many settings.

The Canon PowerShot S3 IS is an advanced compact digital camera with a number of advanced features. It features a high-quality 6-megapixel CCD sensor, an impressive 12x optical zoom, built-in flash with red eye reduction, auto focus, fully automatic shooting and a range of manual shooting modes. It's easy for anyone to capture impressive photographs in many different surroundings by following a few basic steps.


Taking Photographs

1. Switch the camera off. Press the "OFF" button at the bottom right corner of the camera top. Open the battery compartment by sliding the cover on top of the camera to the left. Insert four AA batteries. Ensure the batteries are aligned correctly. Close the battery compartment. Open the memory card compartment on the right side of the camera. Insert the memory card until it clicks into place. Close the compartment. Switch the camera on. Press the release button beneath the "OFF" button. Turn the mode lever to playback mode. This is marked with a camera icon.

2. Set the shooting mode to "AUTO." Turn the mode dial on top of the camera until "AUTO" is aligned with the horizontal mark on the camera.

3. Compose the shot. Hold the camera securely in both hands. Aim it at the subject. Use the viewfinder or the LCD screen to compose the scene. Press the shutter button halfway down. The camera auto focuses the scene then beeps twice. A message is displayed if the flash is required because there is not enough ambient light in the scene. If this happens, release the shutter button, then manually lift the flash unit on top of the camera. Recompose the shot.

4. Take the shot. Press the shutter button fully down. The shutter sound plays. The photo is taken and stored on the memory card. The indicator light blinks red while this happens.

5. Review the image. Immediately after the photo is taken, the image is displayed on the LCD screen for about two seconds. To display the image longer, keep the shutter button fully depressed after taking the photograph.

Shooting Movies

6. Switch the camera off. Press the "OFF" button at the bottom right corner of the camera top. Open the battery compartment. Slide the cover on top of the camera to the left. Insert four AA batteries. Ensure the batteries are aligned correctly. Close the battery compartment. Open the memory card compartment on the right side of the camera. Insert the memory card until it clicks into place. Close the compartment. Switch the camera on. Press the release button beneath the "OFF" button. Turn the mode lever to playback mode. This is marked with a camera icon.

7. Compose the scene. Hold the camera securely in both hands. Aim the camera at the subject. Use the viewfinder or the LCD screen to compose the first scene.

8. Shoot the movie. Press the movie button on the back of the camera to the right of the eyepiece. Release the movie button. Video and stereo audio recording begins immediately. Press the movie button again to stop recording. You can record movies up to 1GB in size. If the memory card capacity is reached, recording stops automatically.

Storing Images on a Computer

9. Connect the camera to your computer. Turn the camera off. Open the cover of the digital terminal on the right side of the camera. Plug the USB cable's smaller jack into the digital terminal port. Plug the other end of the USB cable into a spare USB port on your computer. Turn the camera on.

10. Download images. A window may appear on your computer. If so, click "OK." Photos should be transferred automatically and stored in the "My Pictures" folder.

11. Disconnect the camera. Turn the camera off. Remove the USB cable from the camera and computer.

Printing Photographs

12. Connect the camera to the printer. Canon recommends using only its SELPHY CP/DS Series or PIXMA Series branded photo printers. Turn the camera and printer off. Open the cover of the digital terminal on the right side of the camera. Plug the USB cable's smaller jack into the digital terminal port. Plug the other end of the USB cable into the USB port on the printer. Turn the camera on into playback mode. Press the release button beneath the "OFF" button. Turn the mode lever to playback mode. This is marked with a play icon.

13. Select a photo to print. Press the print button on the back of the camera to the right of the LCD screen. Press the left and right arrow buttons to select the photo to print. Press the print button. The button blinks blue. Printing begins.

14. Disconnect the camera. Turn the camera and printer off. Disconnect the USB cable from both the camera and printer.

Tags: memory card, Turn camera, battery compartment, camera Press, camera printer

Change 4 Ohm Speakers To 8 Ohm

The ohm rating of a loudspeaker is its dynamic impedance with dynamic acoustic program. This value runs higher than electrical resistance when conducting DC current from a volt-ohm meter. It is only one rating among other factors that allows users to classify speakers so they can be matched to amplifiers. The question, "How do I change 4 ohm speakers to 8 ohm?" usually is asked when trying to adapt 4 ohm automotive speaker drivers to 8 ohm home amplifiers, although this is not always the case.

Speaker Impedance

Originally, most speakers were 16 ohms because this worked best with tube amplifiers. Later, speaker drivers with about 8 ohms were the right match for transistor amplifiers because they provided the best balance of output power, volume, fidelity and low distortion. Early automotive stereos necessitated speaker drivers with the much lower 4 ohm impedance to get the needed volume, albeit with some loss of sound quality because the driving voltage was limited to 12-volt DC automotive battery-alternator electrical systems.

Modern automotive amplifiers are able to internally jack their output voltage as evidenced by those annoying thumpers prowling the streets. An amplifier has to apply twice the voltage to an 8 ohm speaker to get it to allow the same amperage (and thus watts) as a 4 ohm speaker. Inversely, an amplifier intended for 8 ohm loads might pass too much current if used at moderate to high levels with 4 ohm speakers, which would melt its output transistors. For that reason, it is imperative to completely understand the output constraints of the amplifier that will be used, as well as the rationale for changing speaker impedance in the first place--either up or down.

Series or Parallel Connected

The best and easiest way to obtain desired impedance for a system is to play with the number of drivers and their configuration. For example, if two 4 ohm speaker drivers are connected in series (amplifier plus to speaker 1 plus, speaker 1 common to speaker 2 plus, speaker 2 common to amplifier common), the system impedance will be 8 ohms. Connected in parallel (amplifier plus to both speakers 1 and 2 plus, and both speakers 1 and 2 common to amplifier common), the total impedance is 2 ohms. Four 4 ohm speakers with two parallel connected pairs connected in series will result in--yes, 4 ohms all over again. Two parallel connected 4 ohm speakers connected in series with one 4 ohm speaker will yield a 6 ohm system. Two series connected 4 ohm speakers connected in parallel with a 4 ohm speaker will yield 2.67 ohms. The formulas are easy: For series connected speakers, just add all the impedance values, period. For parallel connected speakers, break out the calculator, it will be: 1/R total equals 1/R (speaker 1) plus 1/R (speaker 2) plus 1/R speaker 3 ... and so on.

Protecting the Amplifier

While putting a 4 ohm speaker on an 8 ohm amp is risky business, an 8 ohm speaker with an amp designed for 4 ohms is OK, although the highest attainable volume may be lower.

Tags: plus speaker, connected speakers, speaker drivers, speaker plus, speaker plus speaker, connected series, amplifier common

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Import A Sony Handycam Video Into An Imovie

Create your own home movies with a video camera and editing software.

Apple's iMovie allows the user to edit video that is recorded from a digital camera, including the Sony Handycam. With iMovie, video can be uploaded from the Sony Handycam to your computer. From there, you can cut, copy and rearrange the video using the iMovie editing tools. The uploading process is fairly straightforward, but it can be time consuming depending on the length and quality of video.


1. Launch iMovie by clicking the iMovie icon on your desktop.

2. Set the camera to "VTR," "Computer" or "PC" mode by moving the sliding switch on the top of the camera. Your Handycam has one of those three settings.

3. Attach your camera to your computer via a USB cable or a firewire. The jacks for either cable will be located on the back of your camera, the front of your computer's desktop CPU or the side of you laptop. IMovie automatically detects your camera after you have completed the connection. The "Import From" window opens upon detection.

4. Click "Automatic" and then "Import All" to begin the import of your video to the computer.

5. Click "File" and then "Save" after the raw video has been imported. Choose the location in which you would like to save the video. Then click "Save." This saves your video to the computer and allows you to open it for editing.

Tags: Sony Handycam, your camera, your computer, your video computer, video computer, your video

Replace A Micro Mini Sd Card In Your Hero

There's no such thing as "too much storage" on a mobile phone. The microSD memory card packaged with your HTC Hero mobile phone may have held all your pictures and music when you first purchased the phone, but over time, you will likely find that you need more storage than this card can provide. Replace the original microSD card with a new one to expand the storage space on your device.


1. Push the "End Call" button on the right side of the phone's front control panel. Hold it down until a menu appears.

2. Touch the "Power Off" menu option and then touch "OK" to turn the phone off.

3. Turn the Hero so that the back is facing you. Place your thumbnail in the groove between the back panel and the main shell of the phone. Pry the two sections apart and lift up to remove the back panel. Orient the Hero with the screen facing down and you'll find the microSD card slot on the left side of the phone.

4. Push the microSD card in until it clicks and then release it. The card will eject from the slot. Remove the memory card and set it aside.

5. Position the new microSD card so that the notched side is facing the bottom of the phone and slide it into the empty card slot until it clicks.

6. Replace the back panel of the Hero. Hold the "End Call" button on the front of the phone to turn it back on.

Tags: microSD card, back panel, Call button, card slot, memory card, mobile phone

Choose A Camera

There is a difference between just snapping a picture and taking a photo. When choosing a camera, you need to decide what you're going to be shooting and how you're going to have your photos processed. If you are just taking candid photos of your kids, you won't need as advanced a camera as if you're shooting action, such as sporting events. When you go camera shopping, keep the following things in mind.


1. Shoot film or digital. Film offers a higher number of pixels, but digital gives you the instant satisfaction of knowing how your photo will turn out.

2. Decide if you're going to need your camera to shoot your son's football game or just the occasional photo of your kids playing in the sprinkler. A point and shoot camera is great for the amateur photographer so you don't have to worry about manually focusing your lens.

3. For casual shots, use a compact digital camera, such as a Canon PowerShot or Kodak EasyShare. These don't offer the features that a more expensive model has, but they are easy to carry along with you and give you clear, crisp photos.

4. Control your shots better with a more professional single-lens reflex (SLR) camera, such as Nikon D40 or Canon EOS Rebel. These are more pricey than the compact, but you will have more control of your shot and be able to process larger, clearer prints.

5. Use film if you prefer. Olympus still makes a great 35mm point and shoot camera. Film cameras are still popular, and most photo labs do a great job developing your photos.

Tags: camera such, point shoot, point shoot camera, shoot camera, your kids, your photos

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Troubleshooting Noise On A Home Phone Line

Verify Secure Connections at the Telephone

Noise, like static, on a home telephone line may be caused by a number of factors. To begin troubleshooting, first verify whether the noise is on one or all telephones. If the noise can be heard on only one telephone, check the wire connecting the telephone set to the wall jack; this modular wire is designed to be easily removed from both the phone and the jack, and can be easily swapped out with another wire from a nearby telephone. The thicker wire connecting the phone and the handset, affectionately known in the telecommunications industry as the "curly cord," is similarly designed to be easily swapped out. If replacing either of these wires resolves the issue, replacement wires are readily available at most electronics and discount chain stores.

Check Connections at the NID

If the noise is present at two or more phones in the home, the trouble may be a loose connection at the network interface device, known in telecommunications circles as the NID. This device resembles a small plastic box mounted to the outside of the home. It may be held closed by a screw or plastic clips. Open the NID and verify that all wires are securely connected. If any wires seem loose, remove and reset all wires, starting with the red and green wires, then optionally continuing to the yellow and black wires. If the inside of the NID appears to be damp or wet, carefully dry all wire connections and notify the telephone company of a leaking NID.

Test the NID

After verifying secure connections for all wires inside the NID, test the telephone network connection by plugging a phone directly into the network interface. Inside, the NID should feature two standard RJ-11 modular telephone jacks; one or both may appear to be in use. To test the line, unplug the plastic modular plug from the port that appears to be in us, and plug a working telephone into the jack. If no static or noise is heard, the trouble is likely isolated to somewhere inside the house and a professional evaluation may be in order.

For More Complex Issues, Contact the Telephone Company

If noise persists on the telephone line after verifying individual telephone connections and testing the NID, the trouble may be in the telephone network. For more advanced troubleshooting, or to have inside wiring tested, consult the local telephone company's repair department by calling the local business office or dialing "6-1-1" from a working telephone. Some telephone companies offer insurance that covers repair of telephone wiring inside the home, though resilient inside wiring is rarely the cause of telephone line noise.

Tags: telephone line, designed easily, easily swapped, inside wiring, known telecommunications

Learn Cell Chargers

Every cell phone uses some sort of charger to add power back to its battery.

Each mobile phone has its own specific charger. The charger ensures the phone receives the correct voltage and doesn't continually charge the phone once the battery is full. Take into consideration several specifics about cell phone chargers if you are looking for a new one for your mobile phone of choice.


1. Look in your user manual for the voltage required by your phone. Each phone is slightly different, so it is important you purchase a charger that supplies the correct amount of power. The charger's power supply is stated directly on the package.

2. Look at the connection power port on the cell phone. Many cell phones use a mini USB connection, which also allows you to hook up the phone to a computer. However, the port may differ, so take note of the port and make sure the cell phone charger matches the connection.

3. Look at both AC and DC power adapters. These allow you to charge a cell phone from a standard electrical outlet or the power port located in your car (the cigarette lighter port).

4. Check the brand of the charger. Most cell phone providers also manufacturer chargers for their cell phones, though third-party manufacturers often create chargers for the same equipment at a discounted price.

Tags: cell phone, cell phones, charger power, mobile phone, power port

The Best Portable Karaoke Machines

Karaoke is no longer limited to singing in smoky bars in front of a crowd of strangers. Portable karaoke machines allow you sing anytime at home. Just like any consumer electronics, some portable karaoke machines are better than others.

Memorex SingStand Home Karaoke System

The Memorex SingStand features a slender portable microphone on a stand that allows you to plug in your MP3 player to obtain song lyrics. It features auto voice control (AVC) and enhanced vocal effects. Two 4W speakers are built into the base, and you can attach your keyboard so you can feel like a rock star by playing with the band. This is a great machine for kids and adults, and if you are looking for an inexpensive karaoke system, this is a great option. As of early 2010, the price ranges from $75 to $100.

Magic Sing ET 18000 Multiplex Karaoke Machine

Magic Sing encourages amateur performers to have their moment in the spotlight with portable microphones with built-in lyrics and sound controls. Featuring more 2,000 popular songs, you will never run out of entertainment and a singing challenge. It includes two wireless microphones, so you and your friends can sing together. Record your live performances or take advantage of the singing tutor function that informs your pitch and tempo so that you get your songs right. A higher-end machine, as of early 2010 it ranges in price from $300 to $450.

The Singing Machine

If you are looking for a high-tech karaoke machine that can be used in large and small venues, The Singing Machine Pedestal CD plus Graphics Tower is a great option. With a 7" monitor, video camera and iPod dock (iPod is sold separately), this is a full loaded portable karaoke machine. To enhance your sound, two microphones are accompanied by tower speakers. If you enjoy singing to the radio, there's an AM/FM radio included, so you'll never be without a random song! As of March 2010, The Singing Machine costs between $400 and $500.

Tags: Singing Machine, early 2010, great option, karaoke machine, karaoke machines, Magic Sing, Memorex SingStand

Monday, March 15, 2010

Choose An Affordable Cellular Phone Service

Cellular phones are a communications device affording their users convenience, luxury and entertainment. Not only can you travel while keeping in touch with your friends and family, you can check your stocks, send an email, and text message your date all from your cell phone. No wonder there are so many phones and service plans to choose from. Learn choose an affordable cellular phone service, blending cost-effectiveness with features.


1. Pay attention to commercials. Yes, you may feel like a victim of consumerism. But, cellular providers often advertise their newest deals and specials via television or radio spots. Many plans are offered for a limited time only, so calling in when an ad catches your eye (or ear) is a must.

2. Go with a flexible mobile phone plan. Prepaid, no-contract providers like Virgin Mobile and Boost Mobile are all the rage these days. Not only can you pay as you go, you can sign up for monthly plans if you should desire to do so. The keyword is flexibility. No hidden costs. No two-year contracts. They're also very affordable.

3. Look at your options. T-Mobile is a cellular provider that advertises family plans, MyFaves plans, and other minute package savers. They offer so many plans, it's virtually impossible not to find one that fits your budget and needs. Speak with a customer service representative and bargain with them. Tell them you're willing to pay a certain amount if they throw in extra minutes or free text messaging.

4. Go for a plan that offers a lot. Sprint, for instance, offers plans specially designed for their Palm Centro PDA phones. You can sign up for plans including unlimited talk time, text messaging, picture messaging, Internet and email usage. Get more for your money with one of these plans.

5. Opt for a service that gives you unlimited talk time. Metro PCS is a great option for many that want to spend a little and get a lot.

6. Sign up for a several-year contract. Yes, you may be wary of doing so. But, you can often bring down your monthly bill by committing to several years of service. If you're happy with your provider, why not go for it?

Tags: talk time, text messaging, unlimited talk, unlimited talk time, with your

Friday, March 12, 2010

Troubleshoot A Pentax Digital Camera

Test a Pentax digital camera autofocus system.

Troubleshooting digital cameras such as a Pentax requires a methodical approach. Testing each camera function separately should allow you to identify the problem. Digital cameras also have a significant amount of electronics and circuitry that may require more specialized servicing.


1. Remove the battery from the camera. Clean the battery contacts in the camera and on the battery using a pencil eraser. Replace the battery with fully charged battery.

2. Turn the camera on and select "Aperture Priority" exposure mode. On most Pentax digital SLRs, turn the exposure mode dial on the top of the camera to "Av," or aperture value. Adjust the lens aperture by rotating the wheel on the front of the camera in the grip. Test fire the camera by pressing the shutter release button at each new setting. Look through the front of the lens as the camera fires to see if the lens blades close. It helps if you put the camera in manual focus mode. When the aperture is set at the widest opening, you will not see any of the lens blades move.

3. Turn the exposure mode dial to "Tv," or shutter priority, and run through the same test. This time remove the lens from the front of the camera by pressing the lens lock button on the front of the camera and rotate the lens until it disconnects from the camera. View shutter blades each time you press the shutter release.

4. Reattach the lens, place the camera back into autofocus mode and test the autofocus system by selecting a point close to you and far away, move the camera focus point to each item and see how fast the camera is focusing. Set the camera to "AF-C," or auto focus continuous, select a point, focus the camera and with the camera held to your eye, walk closer to the subject and then further away. The lens should continue to focus on the subject.

5. Remove the lens and use the cotton swab with a small amount of rubbing alcohol on it to clean the metal contacts on the lens and the camera mount. Use a microfiber lens cloth to remove any residual moisture. Re-attach the lens, turn the camera on and test shoot the camera.

Tags: exposure mode, front camera, autofocus system, camera pressing, exposure mode dial, from camera

Unlock An At&T Android Phone

AT&T and other cellular providers using Global System for Mobile Communications, or GSM, technology install SIM cards in their customers' mobile phones to identify each device to the network. If you want to take your AT&T Android phone to Europe or Canada and use a world plan there, you can do so, but first you will have to unlock the phone for use outside of the AT&T network. Otherwise, the phone won't be able to accept another carrier's SIM card. If you just use your phone without subscribing to a plan on the carrier's network, you may incur much higher charges.


1. Push the "Home" button on your Android phone to go to the home screen, then press the "Menu" button and tap "Settings." Tap "Status" and scroll down to the IMEI number. Write down this number.

2. Call AT&T customer service at 800-331-0500 and ask the customer service representative for the unlock code for your phone. The agent may ask you for the phone's IMEI number that you wrote down in the preceding step.

3. Turn your phone off.

4. Remove the battery cover from the phone, then remove the AT&T SIM card from the device. On some Android phones, accessing the SIM card may require that you remove the battery.

5. Insert a SIM card from another mobile carrier into the phone. Re-install the battery if you had to remove it and close the back cover.

6. Power on your Android phone. When prompted for the unlock code, enter it in the provided field to unlock the phone. You may need to change the APN settings on your phone for it to work properly on the new cellular network. These settings differ depending on which mobile carrier you are using and where you are in the world.

Tags: your phone, your Android, your Android phone, Android phone, card from, customer service

Check Evaporator Coils In A Furnace

The evaporator coil services both the air conditioner and furnace.

The evaporator coil prevents the buildup of condensation from the furnace unit. They are also used in air conditioning units to help cool the air. The evaporator coil is located inside the furnace cabinet and you will have to access the unit and remove panels to check the coil. Usually you can vacuum the coil to clean it and it will work for a while longer, but in other cases you need to replace it. A good way to know if it is time to switch it out is to clean it and then turn on the system. If the blowers don't put out as much air flow as they used to, then you need a new evaporator coil.


1. Locate your furnace. Put on the knee pads if you are in a confined space. They will save you some knee pain from crawling around to access the unit.

2. Unsecrew the front panel of the furnace housing. Use a flashlight to help you locate the evaporator coil. It should be above the furnace unit. Visually inspect the coil for breaks or bends that might affect its performance.

3. Wipe out the reservoir dish the coil sits in. Moisture can cause rust that can break down a metal reservoir.

4. Use a vacuum to clean out the coil. Suck out dust and debris and clean out the interior of the furnace cabinet while you are inside. Close up the cabinet when you are finished.

5. Turn on the furnace and check the air outtake areas for the level of air flow. Turn off the furnace and turn on the air conditioner. If the flow of air is low, you will need a new evaporator coil.

Tags: evaporator coil, access unit, furnace cabinet, furnace unit, need evaporator, need evaporator coil

Thursday, March 11, 2010

What Is A Dcr Tuner

Cable has changed the way television sets receive broadcasts transmissions. In order for this technology to work, the components of a television had to change, too. Cable not only affects the TV; the accessory devices must have the proper equipment as well. Breaking down the pieces that make up a DCR tuner will clarify its role in television and cable broadcasts.

Cable Ready

Cable ready is a label that manufacturers put on some electronic devices to indicate they do not require an external device for cable reception. The label applies to TVs, DVRs and any unit meant to receive a broadcast signal. An appliance earns the "cable ready" stamp if it is able to pick up transmitted radio signals via a coaxial cable or wireless technology. This differs from TVs that can only pick up signals with an antenna, which would require a separate cable ready unit to function.


Digital cable ready devices are a step up from the standard "cable ready" label. Digital technology provides a faster and smoother transmission then the old-fashion analog broadcasts. Digital television compresses the video so it takes up less room. This is a plus for cable services because it opens up space for more channels and provides better images at the user end. DCR devices have a distinct tuner card that is able to handle the compressed transmission.


Without a proper tuner, your TV will not pick up a cable broadcast. The cable company has the equipment to receive the data from the stations. The communication is sent to your television via a coaxial cable, but first the company encodes it. This means only a television with a proper tuner can decode the transmission and display the broadcast. A DCR tuner is already cable- and digital-compliant.

External vs Integrated

A DCR tuner is an external device that hooks up a TV for digital cable service. Some televisions have internal components that make them cable and digital ready in which each piece is built into the circuitry of the TV. These units do not require a DCR tuner. Even if your television is cable ready it may still require a DCR tuner. Older televisions do not have digital tuners and still need a converter of some sort.

Tags: cable ready, coaxial cable, external device, proper tuner, ready label, require tuner, television cable

Charge Rechargeable Aa Batteries

Charge Rechargeable AA Batteries

A double A, or AA, size battery is commonly used in small electronics. Specifications are determined by size and voltage. Size of an AA ranges between 49.2 and 50.5 millimeters in length, or just under 2 inches. Width is approximately 14 millimeters. AA batteries are available in alkaline, lithium and nickel metal hydride, or NiMH, varieties. While rechargeable batteries are practical for use in digital cameras, alkaline batteries are also available in a disposable form.


1. Check the charge of the battery. Insert it into an electronic item. If the battery powers the device, there is a remaining charge. Continue to use the battery until there is no power remaining before attempting to recharge. When half charged batteries are recharged, the life of the battery is shortened. A charger cannot measure the existing power level of a battery and overcharges it. Unlike adding fuel to a car, batteries should never be "topped off."

2. Locate an appropriate battery charger. Some batteries are packaged with the applicable charger and some are not. If no battery charger is present, visit a grocery store or electronics store for a suitable substitute. Read the package to select the appropriate charger. A charger will only be compatible with one variety of battery. Read package to determine whether charger is intended for lithium, alkaline or NiMH batteries. Purchase the charger that is compatible with the batteries on hand.

3. Snap the batteries into the charger, insuring that the positive and negative ends are in the correct place. If unsure, look for plus and minus symbols on the charger or consult the manufacturer provided instructions.

4. Plug the charger into the wall. Some chargers mount directly to an outlet. Others rely on a long cord.

5. Monitor the time. Some chargers have a light that changes color when charge is complete. Others do not. Record charging time to prevent overcharging in the future. The most common way to overcharge a battery is to use chargers that claim to "quick charge" a battery. These chargers do not shut off automatically when full battery power is achieved.

6. Unplug charger. When indicator light changes or recommended time is elapsed, charge is complete.

7. Test batteries. Place batteries in the intended device and turn power on. If the device does not work, try the newly charged batteries in another device to troubleshoot. If the newly charged batteries still have no power, they may be defective or the charger was not properly powered. If batteries work, recharge periodically. Some electronic devices have battery indicators that display battery power remaining.

8. Repeat process every six to nine months unless use dictates more frequent charging.

Tags: charged batteries, battery charger, battery power, charge battery, charge complete, Charge Rechargeable

Open A Nokia 6230i Back Cover

Nokia phone manuals describe the functions, buttons, bells and whistles on your phone, along with use them. Many times the manual's description is detailed but hard to decipher anyway. Taking the back cover off the 6230i is a prime example.


1. Turn the phone screen-down so you're looking at its back cover. Look for the release button located near the bottom of your 6230i. It's under the groove that extends out from the camera.

2. Use your thumb to press the back button down. You may have to use both thumbs, as the button can be hard to press. While pressing the button with the top part of your thumb, the bottom should press the phone case down so the cover can pop up.

3. Listen for a click that indicates the cover has come loose. You may not hear the click, and instead just find that the cover has come loose.

4. Slide the cover toward the top of the phone. Most phone covers lift off or slide to the bottom, but Nokia's 6230i's cover slides up. It will only slide about 1/8 inch before you can lift it off.

5. Pull the back cover gently off with your free hand. Don't pull if there is resistance, or if the button is still attached to the cover.

Tags: back cover, come loose, cover come, cover come loose, Nokia 6230i

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Set The Time On An Alpine Cd Stereo

A running joke in consumer electronics has revolved around people's inability to figure out set the clocks on their appliances. Sadly, it's taken electronics manufacturers a while to realize there was some truth behind the jokes and make their clocks easier to set. Now, many manufacturers -- including Alpine, with its CDA-7965 stereo -- have added a clock button to simplify the process.


Set the Time on an Alpine CD Stereo

1. Locate the "CLK" button on the left-hand side of the faceplate. The "CLK" button is directly above the main "MODE" button, to the right of the "INTLZ" button.

2. Pressand hold the "CLK" button until the time on the CD player's display starts blinking. This should take about three seconds.

3. While the time display is blinking, turn the "MODE" button until it shows the desired hour.

4. Press the "MODE" button to set the hour.

5. While the time display is still blinking, turn the "MODE" button until it shows the desired minutes.

6. Press the "MODE" button again to set the minutes.

Tags: MODE button, button until, Alpine Stereo, blinking turn, blinking turn MODE

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Booth Display Tips

Having clear, legible signs helps draw people in.

Whether you have a booth at a trade show, the county fair or a craft market, having a dynamic booth display is essential for drawing in passersby. Not only should a display booth attract, it should also inform. Through simplicity and clarity, a visitor should be able to quickly understand what your booth is offering. Having signage, uncluttered displays and clear contact information is a major part of delivering your message or selling your product.

Roll-up or Retractable Banner

Having a sign printed on a flexible material will allow you to easily roll up, store or transport the sign. Signs can be printed on paper, but using vinyl will give you a sign that is much more durable. Vinyl signs can be backed with Velcro for easy hanging and removal and can be hung from the front of a table or on a sign stand. Signs that retract into handy sleeves are also available. The sign should include your business or organization name using a logo that is consistent with other printed materials. The sign can also include bullet points of your services, important messages, slogans, product comparisons and your contact information. Just remember to keep it simple so that readers can take in important information easily and quickly.


Pedestals are an effective way to create isolated displays that punctuate one or just a few items. A pedestal can be used to display and highlight an item that best represents everything else you offer. With a pedestal set to the side of the booth, passersby will be able to quickly ascertain what your booth is offering. Furthermore, a pedestal display will help people identify your offerings from a distance, unlike the more crowded nature of the actual booth. Pedestals come in a wide range of sizes and fold-up pedestals are available for easy transport. You can also make your own basic pedestal out of plywood, which can be painted to match the color scheme of the rest of your booth.

Mailing List

Starting a mailing list will allow you to keep in touch with people who expressed interest in your business or organization. A sign-up sheet placed on your booth table will allow these potential customers to provide their mailing and email addresses so you can continue to send them information about products and services. This will help ensure that you do not become obsolete, as you will be periodically reminding people that you still exist. As people find out more about your business or organization, it is also more likely that they will recommend it to their friends and family. For a mailing list, it is important not to share or sell the information, which can damage your reputation and make you appear unethical.


Handing out free samples or having a prize raffle is another way to draw people to your booth. Freebies can include anything from a sample of a product, to small items such as button pins or pencils that are printed with information about your business or organization. While handing out freebies or or raffle tickets, people can also be encouraged to sign up for your mailing list. Prizes would likely be one of your products, or if you are not product-based, you might offer a gift certificate or even cash.

Tags: your booth, business organization, your business, your business organization, mailing list, will allow