Friday, October 30, 2009

Test A Coaxial Cable

Most audio/video cables are technically coaxial cable, but the type most people associate with the name is RF or RG cable. This type of cable, with its thick size and threaded connections, is still used to connect cable and satellite TV, and older video devices such as VCRs. A cable must be in good condition to use it. Connecting the cable is one of the simplest ways to test its quality, but you can try another method if it appears to be faulty.


1. Inspect the brass connections at both ends of the cable, checking them for corrosion or other damage. Make sure the center pin is not bent or split.

2. Connect the cable to your TV set's coaxial port and the output port of your other device, like the VCR. Turn on both and see if the recorder's signal goes to the TV.

3. Check the TV set's input channel if you don't get a signal, to make sure that's not the problem. The TV needs to be set to the first or main TV input channel.

4. Disconnect the cable from the TV and other device if possible. You can't perform the next step if this is a cable built into a wall, where you can't reach the other connection.

5. Set a multimeter to a scale more than 75 ohms but considerably less than 1,000, then connect the meter's leads to the center wires at the cable connector ends. The meter should show a reading between 50 ohms and 75 ohms.

Tags: input channel, other device

Differences Between Spotting Scopes & Binoculars

Binoculars have two optical viewing lenses to spotting scopes' one.

Binoculars and Spotting Scopes have some distinct similarities. They are both used for viewing distant objects and fundamentally use the same basic optical principles to magnify them. However, differences in design and the purposes for which they are typically used make spotting scopes and binoculars two very different devices, each with their own characteristics.

Design Differences

The most noticeable difference between binoculars and the spotting scopes is their appearance. Binoculars have two parallel optical tubes that are connected in the center, allowing for each of the viewer’s eyes to simultaneously observe a magnified object. A spotting scope has one optical tube that is looked through with only one eye.


The stability of these two devices is very different. Spotting scopes are typically mounted on a tripod, providing the viewer a stable image. Binoculars are almost exclusively hand-held and the image is subject to the unsteadiness of natural hand movement. Due to the instability of binoculars, a prolonged viewing can be difficult and cause eye strain.

Versatility and Application

Spotting scopes are designed for outdoor use in semi-stationary positions, which is to say that once they’re set up the viewer will be using the scope to watch a specific--and likely stationary--object. Spotting scopes are popular for activities such as target shooting, with a stationary target, or nature watching--objects such as birds’ nests. Binoculars are designed for quick target acquisition and can be used to look at multiple objects in quick succession. Binoculars can be used indoors or outdoors and can be used to follow moving objects. They are practical in situations that require a quick closer look at an object.

Tags: Binoculars have, very different

Smart Media Card Problems

Smart Media Cards are used in various electronic devices such as digital cameras, MP3 players, portable computers and other smaller compact electronics. The cards allow you to store data and then transfer the information to a desktop or laptop computer with ease. Like with other storage media, Smart Media Cards can become corrupt and processing errors can occur. You may have had some photos or all of your photos lost due to a bad Smart Media Card.

How Smart Media Cards Work

Smart Media Cards work similar to 3.5-inch floppy disks. The cards store data within folders and a master boot record is on each card. Your computer reads the card either through a connection cable or card reader device designed to process the transfer of data from the card to your computer.

Issues with the Outside of Smart Media Cards

One major problem with Smart Media cards is static electricity. First generation Smart Media Cards had wide contact areas where the card interfaced for data transfer. Static would build up when the card was removed from the camera or other device. Newer cards are designed with thin contact areas but static can still appear upon removing the card. Another issue with the outside of the card is a buildup of oil/grease on the gold contacts of the card. This buildup is due to the card being removed and reinserted into the device (camera, music player or other device). This buildup can prevent the card from being read by the computer or card reader.

Card Information Structure Issue with Smart Media Cards

Internal problems are the most common issue with Smart Media Cards. One problem is a corrupt Card Information Structure (CIS). The CIS is the master boot record for the card. All data is controlled by the CIS and a failure of this system erases or damages the stored data. The only way to solve a damaged CIS is to reformat the card. A low-level format can also be done through a card reader if you have one available.

"Card Error" Problem

Another common problem with Smart Media Cards is the infamous "card error." One solution is to reset the device if this option is available or you could reformat the card. Like with a corrupt CIS, a "card error" can signal a faulty Smart Media Card. Using the Smart Media Card as a drive can cause "card errors" too.

Unmounting Problems

One problem with Smart Media Cards is related to the card not unmounting from your computer. You must unmount or release the card after you have transferred the data into your computer. This is usually done automatically through the transfer program you are using. If the data transfer is interrupted before the transfer is complete, the card will not unmount and this can cause corrupt data and damage the card. A low battery can also cause an interruption in transferring data and your data/card can become corrupt.

Tags: Smart Media, Media Cards, Smart Media Cards, with Smart, with Smart Media, Media Card, Media Cards

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Make A Microphone Work

Adding a microphone to your computer system gives you the ability to record your voice, make phone calls and talk to your friends and family on instant messenger services. Microphones are easy to install and basic ones come with no software, just plug and play. If you already have a microphone that is not working, check the following to make sure you have installed it properly.


1. Look at your computer tower and check that the microphone is plugged into the microphone jack. The speaker jack is right next to the microphone jack so make sure that the two are each in the correct jack. The microphone jack should have a picture of a microphone on it. Switch them if they both do not work to see if this is the issue.

2. Make sure the microphone is all the way connected into the jack. Check to see that the microphone is not muted.

3. Test the microphone to make sure it works. Go to the "start" button at the lower left hand corner of your desktop and click on it. Then choose "control panel."

4. Open the control panel, choose the icon that says "sounds and audio devices," and double click on this. Open the "voice" tab by clicking on it. Near the bottom of the next screen, you will see a button that says, "Test hardware." Click on that button.

5. Wait for the computer to perform the test after clicking "next." This will take a moment. Then it will ask you to speak into your microphone to test it. You should see movement on this screen, green wavy lines, as you speak into the microphone. Play back your recording to see how it sounds. Adjust the volume if necessary.

6. If your recording didn't work, check to make sure all the equipment is working. Check your speakers to make sure your sound card is working. If they play then the issue is with your microphone and replacement may be necessary. If the speakers do not work either then check your sound card. If your system is old then you may need to replace the sound card in order to use a microphone.

7. Install the software that came with the microphone. If you purchased a basic microphone there is no software program and you can skip this step. If necessary, uninstall and reinstall the software program (see Tips below).

8. Complete this step if your microphone has a software program. Test the microphone again after reinstalling the software by repeating steps 3 to 6.

Tags: make sure, microphone jack, software program, sound card, your microphone

Edit The Video On Canon 5d Mark 2 Equipment

The Canon 5D Mark II is a digital SLR camera that can shoot high-definition video as well as high-definition still images. The compact flash card on the camera, depending on its memory size, can hold video footage of eight minutes in length or more. The camera is designed to seamlessly transfer individual video files by USB to your computer's video editing suite. The Canon 5D, when shooting video, functions in a manner similar to any consumer or prosumer grade video camera.


1. Turn your Canon camera to the "Off" position. Plug the smaller end of the USB cable into the "A/V" input located on the right side of the camera.

2. Plug the other end of the USB cable into one of your computer's USB ports. Turn the computer on if it is not already.

3. Switch the Canon to the "On" position. Your computer will detect the camera and begin to install the proper software for the camera. When your computer prompts you, select "View" to see the files on the camera. A new window will open displaying the files on the Canon.

4. Create a folder on your computer in which to store the Canon video files. Drag the video from the camera to that folder. Allow the files to fully transfer before disconnecting the camera from the computer.

5. Open your video editing software. When the software is completely loaded, drag the files from your video folder into the "Library" of the editor. From the "Library," drag your footage onto a new timeline. You may edit Canon video on your project timeline, much like any other video footage.

Tags: your computer, cable into, camera that, Canon Mark, Canon video, video editing

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Use Indoor Speakers Outside

Indoor and outdoor speakers are very different.

If you are considering using your indoor speakers for outdoor use, there are a number of pros and cons to consider before completing your installation. Indoor speakers, as you may have guessed, are not designed for extended use outdoors, and thus can be seriously damaged if used improperly. Likewise, outdoor speakers have many flaws that detract speaker users from buying them.

Sound Quality

Outdoor speakers produce a different type of sound quality than indoor speakers.

The outdoor speaker is specifically designed to be used in wide-open spaces, without the traditional indoor speaker's use of a subwoofer. In order to achieve this, many outdoor speakers have balances that favor treble frequencies more than indoor speakers, oftentimes to favor the use of the speaker as a PA or intercom. If you choose to install your indoor speakers outdoors, be aware that you may not be getting the same sound quality that you would from an outdoor speaker.

Weatherproof Box

Weatherproofing is probably one of the most important benefits of the outdoor speaker. Since outdoor speakers are specifically designed for long-term use in the elements, the box that encases the speaker is usually made of a metal or hard plastic that resists dirt and rain damage. If you use an indoor speaker outdoors, be aware that the box that encases your speaker is probably made out of some sort of compressed sawdust, and may or may not stand up to the elements as well as an outdoor speaker's box would.

Weatherproof Cones

Outdoor speakers are designed to withstand the elements.

The actual components of the outdoor speaker are also specifically designed to withstand the elements. While many cheaply made indoor speakers are designed with paper cones, most outdoor speakers are made of rubber or kevlar lining to resist the weather. Heavy rain on an indoor speaker used outside can cause permanent damage.


Since the outdoor speaker is designed to project across wide-open spaces, its capacity for volume is usually much higher. This means that, if you choose to use an indoor speaker outside, it may lack the same volume capacity that an outdoor speaker has. However, although it may lack high volume output, the indoor speaker produces a richer and more resonant sound quality than the outdoor speaker, so the choice is really about compromising.


Some indoor speakers aren't equipped for wall mounting.

Many indoor speakers are designed to be mounted on a stand or, in some cases, not designed for mounting at all. In contrast, almost all outdoor speakers come equipped with brackets that allow the speaker to be mounted and hung from a wall. If you want to use your indoor speakers outdoors, you will need to find your own way of mounting them, as they may or may not be equipped for this type of use.

Tags: outdoor speaker, indoor speaker, indoor speakers, outdoor speakers, sound quality, speakers designed, speakers have

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

What Is A Digital Tv

Digital televisions replaced older analog sets in mid-2009. The term "digital" refers to the way in which television signals are broadcast and the means by which the information is picked up and interpreted by your TV. Digital TV is able to take advantage of many technological innovations, providing a clear improvement over older analog TV.


Analog TVs pick up an analog signal, which means that the signal is analogous to that of the original recording. Though it is now obsolete, analog proved extremely durable for many decades.


Digital TV signals send their information as a series of identical pulses--read as a code of 1s and 0s by the TV--which can then be reconstituted to form the sound and image of the show.


Digital signals take up much less space on the broadband than analog, allowing them to carry more information (as well as freeing up broadband space for emergency services and similar needs).

Digital Tuners

Digital TVs need a digital tuner built into their system in order to receive digital signals. Older analog TVs can receive digital signals with the help of a converter box, available at most electronic stores for about $50.

High Def

Because digital signals can carry much more information, they can produce a much sharper and clearer image than analog signals (provided the digital TV has a screen capable of displaying high definition signals).

Tags: digital signals, Digital signals, more information, older analog, receive digital

Buy A Singing Machine Karaoke Machine

Buy a Singing Machine Karaoke Machine

The popularity of karaoke skyrocketed in the United States in the 1990's. Today, thousands of people enjoy grabbing the microphone and singing their hearts out. The Singing Machine company distributes a full line of karaoke machines and systems. Established in 1982, it's the first company to offer karaoke machines for home entertainment in the United States.


1. Decide what type of karaoke machine you're looking for. The Singing Machine offers karaoke machines of varying sizes and capabilities. It's also a very innovative company. For example, if you're looking for something for your little music star, the Singing Machine's Karaoke Music Video Maker is equipped with a built-in video camera and a feature that can superimpose objects.

2. Compare products. The Singing Machine's STVD-1001 DVD Karaoke System is considered an affordable, high quality product. It's perfect for the family room and runs about $250.00. There are other systems for as little as $60.

3. Look at the product features. The STVD-919 for instance, runs about $250.00 and comes with a 13-inch monitor, wood cabinet, built in speaker and camera.

4. Check out product reviews. Many websites that sell the Singing Machine karaoke machine offer customers the chance to review the product. Their opinions will help you make a decision.

5. See what song packages comes with the karaoke machine. The STVD-919 includes a CD+G sampler disc. Consider buying additional music discs, for $15 apiece. Choose your favorite type of music.

6. Buy the Singing Machine karaoke machine at a local retailer. See the Singing Machine's website for a list of stores.

Tags: Singing Machine, karaoke machines, Machine Karaoke, Singing Machine Karaoke, comes with

A Guide To Photography Posing Positions

Photographers should know the various poses they can use to make a great picture.

If you are a photographer, you know that the position of your subject's body is very important. Whether you are photographing a group or an individual woman, man or child, you will want your picture to have a certain kind of style. Posing the people in your photo in the correct way will influence how others see the photograph and invoke a certain emotion or reaction.


1. Position a man facing forward, his body having a straight line. It is best to accentuate the chest here and have the man stand with his chest wide open. Pose a woman in a more feminine position. Instead of straight lines, position the woman with her body curved with smooth lines.

2. Make the man's eyebrows the center of the photograph, especially if he has thick and heavy brows. This will give the photograph a masculine attractiveness. Ask the woman you are photographing to look upward or have her tilt her head forward, looking up into the camera lens. Both of these poses will cause her eyes to look large and expressive.

3. Capture the moment a woman is touching up her makeup or smoothing her hair. This will cause her femininity to stand out and accentuate attractive features.

4. Lower the chin of both a man and a woman. This will also help give clear sight to the face. A chin sticking up is not attractive and the face will not appear as clearly as you would like.

5. Position the legs of a man or woman so that their weight is primarily on one leg instead of equal weight on both. Have the man stand with his legs halfway open. The woman should stand with her feet raised if she has shorter legs. Give her the option of wearing high heels to give her legs some length.

Tags: stand with, This will, will cause

Transfer Slides To A Digital Imaging Machine

Convert slides to digital files to use in a digital imaging machine.

Digital imaging machines, whether they are digital camera backs, dedicated scanners or digital imagers at retail camera stores, all perform a similar function: They receive either digital or analog data and create a picture that can be printed, enlarged or saved to another memory device. Transferring slides to a digital imaging machine used to print pictures first requires that the slides are converted into a digital file.


1. Prepare your slides for digital conversion by carefully cleaning them with a anti-static cloth. This specially treated cloth will remove any dust from the slide, and help to prevent dust from collecting on the slide during the scan.

2. Insert the slides into the carrier tray for the scanner, close the top of the carrier tray and insert the carrier tray into the scanner.

3. Press the start button on the scanner to commence the scan. This will also create a saved, scanned file on your computer. Repeat the process until all your slides have been scanned.

4. Plug a memory stick into an open USB port on your computer. Wait for a moment for your computer to acknowledge the new drive.

5. Locate and open the folder containing the scanned slides on your computer. Place your mouse cursor over the first scanned slide, then press "Ctrl" and "A" at the same time select all the files in the folder.

6. Right click on the one of the highlighted file, click on "Send to" in the new menu and select the icon identifying the drive with the memory stick in it. Click on "OK" and your computer will start to copy the files to your memory stick.

7. Remove the memory stick from your computer, take it to the retailer of your choice, insert the memory stick into the stand alone digital imaging machine to transfer your pictures to be printed.

Tags: your computer, memory stick, carrier tray, digital imaging machine, digital imaging

Monday, October 26, 2009

Buy An Earpiece For A Mobile Phone

With the introduction of new laws in many states, earpieces are becoming compulsory accessories for many of us. While you can use your speaker phone to enable hands-free driving, an ear piece is a much better option. Read on to learn buy an earpiece for a mobile phone.


1. Consider a wireless earpiece if your phone is Bluetooth-enabled. Your local cell phone shop will have plenty of options to consider, but be aware that the price range is widely varied. Expect to pay about $40 for a decent one, though some can cost more than $150 if you want a really high end, fashion statement in addition to the technology.

2. Buy a wired earpiece if your phone doesn't have Bluetooth. This simple earpiece connects to your phone and plugs into your ear (like an iPod earphone) and contains a small receiver about 10 to 16 inches down into which you speak. The downside of the wired earpiece is that your callers will often have difficulty hearing you unless you hold the receiver close to your mouth, which obviates the safety of the earpiece.

3. Check the fit. You want the earpiece to be snug enough not to fall out, but not uncomfortable. It should also have the option of an arm that extends around your ear to ensure that it doesn't slip while you're wearing it. Most earpieces include multiple sizes of covers for the portion that fits in your ear, so feel free to try several sizes out prior to deciding the one you like.

4. Consider power. Since you're likely to use the earpiece primarily in your car, be sure that it has enough battery life to make it through a few days of commuting. And also be sure you can charge it easily either in your car or with a charger in your home.

5. Look at the receiver placement. You want to be sure that you can be heard by your callers, so be sure the receiver is placed comfortably close to your mouth, but not so close that you sound like Darth Vader.

6. Check the return policy. Most stores have a 30-day return policy as long as you have the original packaging, but not all do. And you might find that what felt comfortable initially is too loose as you get used to your earpiece, so make sure you can return the earpiece.

Tags: your phone, close your, close your mouth, earpiece your, earpiece your phone, return policy, sure that

Activate Gps On A Nextel Boost Phone

Global Positioning System receivers have become an integral way of getting around in our society, and integrating GPS into cell phones has made the service even more convenient. Not only can we determine where we are or get where we want to go, but also many emergency centers have the capability to see our location information and send help. These services are even available on prepaid cell phone plans, such as with Boost Mobile, which is owned by Nextel.


1. Select "GPS" from the main menu of your Boost Mobile phone. Choose the position option. This shows you the map where you were when you last selected the GPS position as well as the time and date.

2. Stand out in the open away from buildings and trees with an open view of the sky. If you cannot get outside, stand near a window. Hold the phone away from your body and be sure not to cover the phone antenna.

3. Push the "Refresh" option on the phone's screen. Stand still while the phone calculates your position. Even walking can increase the time it takes to determine your position. If you're driving, hold the phone close to a car window. Push the "Cancel" option to go back to the position screen.

4. Choose "GPS" from the main menu and select privacy. Select the privacy option you want; this decides which applications have access to your GPS location. You can set it to "Restricted", "Unrestricted" or "By Permission." "Restricted" does not allow Java applications access, "Unrestricted" allows all applications access, and "By Permission" prompts you to give permission for each application as it tries to access your location information.

5. Download National Marine Electronics Association, or NMEA, 3.0-supported map software or later onto your computer. Connect your phone to the data cable and to the "COM" port on your computer. Set the COM settings to: Bits per second: 4800; Data bits: 8; Parity: None; Stop bits: 1; and Flow control: Hardware.

6. Set your phone to the GPS menu and the "Interface" option. Set the "NMEA Out" option to "On. "When you finish using the GPS from your phone on your map software, set the "NMEA Out" option to "Off." If you turn your phone off, that sets "NMEA Out" to "Off" as well.

Tags: your phone, access your, access your location, applications access, away from, Boost Mobile

Friday, October 23, 2009

Use Firewire Cables

Use FireWire Cables

FireWire cables are high-speed cables used to transfer large amounts of data between multiple devices such as two computers, or a camcorder or external hard drive to a computer. FireWire cables are capable of transferring data much faster than a traditional USB cable. This makes FireWire ideal for working with video and other large files.


1. Connect the smaller end of your FireWire cable to your camcorder, hard drive, or other FireWire device.

2. For most computers, connect the larger end of the FireWire cable to the appropriate port. If your computer does not have a FireWire port built in, then purchase a PC card that adds a FireWire interface to your computer.

3. Click on the icon that appears on your desktop for your device. If an icon does not appear you can typically find your device by going to "My Computer" on a PC and by opening a finder window on a Mac.

4. Transfer data to your FireWire device (or from it) by simply dragging and dropping files. Your device will act as though it is a part of your computer while it is connected.

5. When done, safely eject your device from your computer before disconnecting the FireWire. You can eject a drive on a Mac by dragging and dropping it into the trash can, and on a PC by right clicking on the device's icon and selecting "Eject."

Tags: your computer, your device, device from, device icon, dragging dropping

Use A Garmin Gps On Motorcycle

A global positioning system, or GPS for short, is an excellent navigational tool that helps drivers find their way to virtually any location. As navigational aides, these tools are useful in cars, trucks, and--with a little special consideration--even motorcycles.

Fully Charge the Battery

A Garmin GPS relies on one of two sources for the electrical power required to operate the device: either direct current input from a vehicle's 12-volt power source or the GPS's own internal battery. Since most motorcycles do not offer a 12-volt direct current (12V DC) power outlet, a GPS used on a motorcycle must be powered by the device's own battery. To get the most use out of a GPS on a motorcycle, charge the device's battery fully using a car power source or home adapter before attempting to use the device. On long, cross-country trips, the device may also need to be periodically recharged during rest breaks or overnight stops.

Securely Mount the GPS Device

To operate properly, a Garmin GPS must be able to "see" the sky and lock on to signals from at least six orbiting satellites. The open-air nature of motorcycles is conducive to this task, though the lack of a solid mounting surface presents a unique challenge. On many bikes, the Garmin GPS mounting bracket can be secured to the motorcycle windscreen using the provided suction cups. On motorcycles with steeply curved windscreens, no windshield or little clearance between the windscreen and the dashboard, the device may require a special adapter for mounting (the types of adapters and their availability depends largely on the motorcycle's make and model). When mounting the device, extra care should be taken to ensure the Garmin bracket is securely attached and firmly holds the device, as the bumpy ride of a motorcycle may dislodge the device and cause it to fall to the roadway.

Always Store the GPS Device for Safety

Upon arrival at the destination, a motorcycle rider should take care to remove the Garmin GPS and store it in a secure location. Even if the Garmin mounting bracket is securely and permanently affixed to the motorcycle, passersby can easily remove the GPS receiver from the bracket and carry it away. To prevent theft, always remove the device and store it in a secure location such as under the motorcycle's seat or in an attached saddle bag. If no storage is available in either of these locations, simply place the device in the provided Garmin carry bag and take it while away from the motorcycle.

Tags: bracket securely, device battery, direct current, Garmin mounting, Garmin mounting bracket, mounting bracket, power source

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Use An Slr Camera Lens

The most important part of a camera, its lens, determines the quality of your photographs. Experienced photographers have long considered Single Lens Reflex or SLR cameras the best. Once SLRs only used 35mm film, but today you'll also find digital SLRs. The best thing about SLR cameras is that you can switch lens to match your photographing conditions.


1. Match camera lenses to your camera. Camera bodies come with a lens mount that tells you what SLR lenses work with your camera. For example, Canon EF lens mounts accept EF lenses. If you want to try a different lens, you must buy the appropriate lens mount adapter.

2. Learn about aperture, which is the opening in your lens where light passes through. Many cameras come with a variable aperture that allows you to adjust the depth of field. Other lenses remain at the same aperture.

3. Choose wide-angle lenses for shooting landscapes and interior shots that benefit from a great depth of field. Wide-angles use a focal length of 35mm or less. A standard lens is 50mm.

4. Select telephoto lenses with a longer focal length to allow you to focus in on a subject that is at a distance from you. Telephotos start at 85 mm and continue up. The focal length of a camera 600mm or larger makes such a large lens that it's difficult to hold steady, so it's best to use a tripod.

5. Find the best in both worlds with a zoom lens. A zoom lens lets you adjust your focal length. Although some zooms include wide-angle shots in a 24-70 lens, most work for zooming in on distant shots, like with a 70-200mm lens.

6. Sacrifice image quality with a zoom lens or purchase a prime or fixed focal length SLR lens for the best quality images.

Tags: focal length, zoom lens, come with, depth field, lens mount, with zoom

How Much Does A Rolleiflex Vintage Camera Cost

The Rolleiflex camera is a wonderful introduction to medium format photography that even today can be bought inexpensively. Prices to obtain one will vary depending on whether you buy the camera from a private market source or a dealer. However, this particular camera's price is also influenced by regional availability as well. Depending on where you are, you can find them as cheaply as $50 to as much as $1,500. However, there are cleaning and refurbishing costs to consider as well.


The Rolleiflex camera design originated with Paul Franke and Reinhold Heidecke, who produced the first Rollei cameras in 1921. The camera itself uses a twin-lens reflex construction in which the user holds the camera in position and aims by looking down through the top of the camera. The Rolleiflex was first sold in 1929 and went on to an overall production exceeding 2 million.

The Rolleiflex was the dominant force among European camera consumers for a good quarter of a century, only to be bumped by the introduction of camera designs by Hasselblad and Nikon during the early 1960s.

Regional Availability

The Rolleiflexes have had an interesting travel life. Many old models were brought back to the U.S. by servicemen returning home from World War II. So one can still find a model easily in the States. Prices run the range of $50 for beat-up, used models, to mid $1,000 to $2,000 for cleaned up, mint units.

However, in Europe the availability varies; In Finland people have a hard time finding inexpensive units, yet they are plentiful in Germany. This is because of country import controls in the past. Much of the regulation has gone away because of European Union rules, but the scarcity remains in some regions. Finns may find prices as much as $3,000 for a mint model whereas Germany may pay only comparable prices to the U.S.

Current Price Ranges for the U.S. by Model

The Rolleiflex connoisseur is fortunate since so many units were produced and are still available. Many of the cameras are less expensive than vintage Hasselblads or Leica cameras. With a recent interest in medium format photography, there is increasing demand and as a result, rising prices for Rolleiflexes.

For instance the Original and Standard Rolleiflex models in good, usable condition cost from $100 to $250. The models are not very rare; more than 130.000 were made.

The Automat models I through V are surprisingly inexpensive. If found in good working order the cost ranges from $75 to $275, depending on model and condition.

The most valuable for the user would be the Model F, and so it is the highest priced: a good specimen with f:2.8 lens and exposure meter can cost you $300 to $1,500, depending on model and wear.

Tips for Buying

The prices vary, as does the condition of the cameras sold. "Inexpensive" does not necessarily mean a good deal based on price alone. For a good working camera, the basic overhaul and cleaning could add another $300 to $400 to your overall expense.

Before buying, also watch eBay for a few weeks and see what the Rollieflex model you are interested in is selling for between private parties. Check with online dealers as well. They tend to list a large amount of used equipment with current pricing. These two sources will give you a real-time perspective of the used Rollieflex market when you're ready to buy.


Many used models of Rolleiflexes are available today and function quite well, considering the age since their first production. The camera affords a convenient experience with the old-style larger size film frame and gives an interesting departure from the generally available digital and 35 mm formats used in most modern photography.

Tags: depending model, format photography, good working, medium format, medium format photography, Rolleiflex camera, used models

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Build A News Tv Studio For Web Broadcasting

Consider technical and broadcast elements in webcast news set designs.

Whether you are a professional television news broadcasting company looking for a webcast-friendly production set for special webcast projects, or you just want to create your own set for a non-professional web broadcast, there are some fundamental technical and design elements to consider which will help make your webcast a visual success.


1. Think small, simple, and "tight." Most viewers of your webcasts will watch on a computer monitor screen, sized anywhere from 24 inches diagonal width, down to as small as a iPhone browser screen. The typical "talking head" shot will be framed tight, usually from just above the chest to the top of the head. Long shots on webcasts can be so small as to make facial features almost impossible to discern on very small screens, so limit their use. In general, the kind of camera work and other production methods commonly used in regular live TV broadcasts are not usually found in webcast productions. For example, webcasts are usually shot with one camera, and are nearly always edited before uploading to the Internet, eliminating any need for floor directors, and two-camera set ups with switchers.

2. Design a plain, neutral-colored background set. Fancy graphics, rear-projected slides, and "Chroma key" or green-screen projections aren't necessary. Since the shots are usually very tight anyway, there is no point in wasting time and resources on very elaborate background sets.

3. Avoid white or black backgrounds: white backgrounds will practically glow on line, and persons with dark hair or dark clothing will disappear in front of a black set. Ban striped or herringbone wardrobes: they will appear to "move" on camera due to moiré effects.

4. Create a neutral-colored "news desk" for a webcast host to use during the webcast. Avoid shiny surfaces like glass or stainless steel to prevent glare from lights. In most webcasts, the desk is framed out of the shot anyway, so an elaborate desk isn't necessary.

5. Determine how many cameras you will use in your webcast production. A single camera is standard for most webcasts. Again, webcasting is usually more simple, technically, than a regular live television broadcast production. You can certainly use multiple cameras to film an event or report simultaneously and then edit the shots together in post-production. But switching from camera shot to camera shot, "live," isn't necessary for a simple webcast production.

6. Light the set carefully. Strong halogen lights should illuminate the host from the front and both sides of the face, as well as the top of the head. A back light will help make the host "pop" away from the background as well. Make the lighting on one side of the host's face, and from the top, a little stronger than the lighting from the front and the other side. This is called "key and fill" lighting and it produces a pleasant 3-D effect. Inadequate and incandescent-based lighting will create shadows, yellow skin tones, and a dulling of colors. Fluorescent lighting should never be used on camera: it produces a sickly, blue tone on everything.

7. Use professional microphones on your webcast set for best results. Wireless or wired lavaliere microphones, routed through a mixer console for quality before being fed into the computer, are best. Microphones mounted on desktop stands don't "follow" the sound coming from a moving narrator as well as a lavaliere microphone will and can visually clutter the scene.

8. Create a stable web camera mount. A tripod with a fluid "head," and one that is mounted on high quality casters, is best if you need to move the camera at all during the recording. "Steadicam" rigs should be used for any hand-held mobile camera shots to eliminate camera "shake."

9. Make sure all the web camera controls, such as focus and angle, can be operated by a remote control: you don't want the live camera to be bumped whenever camera adjustments are necessary.

10. Set the camera at an interesting angle, rather than "dead on" in front of the speaker, if you are using only one camera. A position just to the side of center is most pleasing.

Tags: your webcast, camera shot, from front, help make, most webcasts, move camera, regular live

Candid Camera Ideas

A camcorder for catching silly moments on film

"Candid Camera", a long-running television show that aired filmed amateur pranks, has inspired generation after generation of similar prank activities. From humorous clips for social networking sites, to personal home video enjoyment, making your own candid camera moments proves to be an enjoyable task. All you need is a camcorder, and the ability to creatively prank those around you.

Kitchen Mayhem

A single raw egg.

Sharing a house or apartment with roommates can be a pain, especially when it comes to sharing kitchen duties and food bill obligations. To prank a roommate who has a hard time replacing what they eat, host a disruptive breakfast on your handy camcorder. Whittle the tip of a thin stirring straw into a sharp point and carefully puncture the bottom of a raw egg with it, without cracking the entire egg. Make another small, pin-sized hole at the very top of the egg and use the straw to blow the yoke and white out of the hole in the bottom. Repeat this with an entire dozen eggs, and hide your camcorder in the kitchen where it won't be detected. The following morning, when the unsuspecting prankee tries to cook breakfast, he or she will be curious and a little freaked out as to why each egg in the carton is hollow. Filming their reactions brings laughs to you and your friends for years to come.

Shrieks and Terror

Spooking people and making them jump and shriek has always been a popular way of pulling pranks. Have a friend of yours dress up as a scary zombie with a latex mask and ragged clothing. Have them hide in a closet, behind a tree or even in the backseat of another friend's vehicle. With your camcorder in hand, watch your victim or victims shriek and run in terror as the zombie approaches to satisfy his craving for fresh brains.

Are You Gaining Weight?

The object of this prank, as mean-spirited as it may be, is to gradually convince your victim that they are gaining an uncomfortable amount of weight. Hide your camcorder in a place where it won't be detected so it can catch your victim weighing his or herself on a weight scale. Every day, adjust the dial on the scale by turning the small knob counterclockwise. Doing this throws the balance off, resulting in erred readings when someone stands on it. Documenting the reactions of the unsuspecting dieter makes for a load of laughter.

Camera Tips

Make sure you have adequate lighting when working a camcorder to film your pranks. Some camcorders come with a built-in light in order to film in dark areas, but if you're trying to catch someone unexpectedly, nixing the light makes more sense. Study your camcorder to make sure you are familiar with all of its settings and features to assure the best quality of video for your candid pranks.

Tags: your camcorder, your victim, Candid Camera, where detected, your candid

Make A 6 Volt Battery Pack

From the MP3 player we listen to while at the gym, to the automobile we drive to work in, there are many devices, machines and equipment that require a battery to operate. A hobbyist who wishes to power an electric or electronic device without having to plug a power adapter into a wall socket can use a 6 volt DC battery pack to power that device.


1. Cut a length of wire and strip each end of the wire of ½ inch of insulation. Solder one end of the wire to the positive terminal on the battery holder. Solder this connection. Attach the other end of this wire to one of the ring terminals, and solder the wire to the ring terminal.

2. Cut a second length of wire and strip each end of the wire of ½ inch of insulation. Solder one end of this wire to the negative terminal on the battery holder, and solder this connection. Attach the other end of this wire to one of the ring terminals, and solder the wire to the ring terminal.

3. Insert the first battery (with the negative battery terminal placed on the spring) into the first battery slot in the battery holder. Insert the second, third and fourth batteries into the second, third and fourth battery slots in the same fashion. Connect the battery pack to the device to be powered.

Tags: wire ring, battery holder, this wire, Attach other, Attach other this, connection Attach

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Standard Vs Hd Swarovski Spotting Scopes

Swarovski Optik offers precision optics ranging from binoculars, rangefinder, rifle scopes and spotting scopes. They offer several different models of spotting scopes with different features that fit the needs of the user.


For over a century, the Swarovski family has been supplying superior optics. Standard and HD spotting scopes make up the 12 models available from Swarovski.


HD models are offered with coated prisms that provide crisp, high-quality images. Standard spotting scopes still have Swarotop and Swarodur coatings that produce high-contrast images.


The standard and HD models are available with ATM (angled) or STM (straight). The user needs to determine which model is more comfortable for them.


Sizes center on the objective sizes and are available in standard and HD in 65 mm or 80 mm. If you are concerned with weight, select the 65 mm. If you need to gather as much light as possible, pick the 80 mm.


When looking for overall quality, the HD spotting scope has better glass than the standard model.

Tags: models available, spotting scopes, spotting scopes, Standard spotting, Standard spotting scopes

Identify An Hmc Lens

Hoya makes a number of popular camera lens filters.

"HMC" stands for the Hoya Multi-Coating (triply-layered) that many of the company's premium photographic filters are treated with. Established in Japan in 1941, Hoya quickly became a respected manufacturer of optical glass accessories. Hoya's product line is vast and varied, ranging from standard ultraviolet (UV) filters to fancy special effects filters. HMC filters are among the most popular items offered by the company as they render reflections and lens flare nearly undetectable.


1. Remove the cap or hood from your camera's lens.

2. Locate the filter, which is screwed onto the front of the lens. If the filter is stored in a pouch or plastic container, remove it.

3. Look closely at the small print on the edges of the filter. Hoya's multi-coated filters will read "HOYA SUPER HMC" or "HOYA HMC." Following this script will be the filter's thread size, such as 72mm, and type, such as UV.

4. Hold the lens at an angle so you can see a reflection on the surface of the filter. If the reflection is tinted green, your lens is affixed with an HMC filter. This step can be used if the script on the filter's edge is illegible or has been rubbed off.

Tags: camera lens

Monday, October 19, 2009

Magellan Explorist 200 Instructions

The Magellan Explorist 200 is a handheld GPS unit released in 2004. The Explorist 200 uses satellite connections to pinpoint your location and provide directions for any destination. Once a destination is placed in the unit, the Explorist 200 maps the quickest route which is updated regularly depending on the route you take.

Connecting to Satellites

Before the Explorist 200 can provide directions to your destination, it needs to connect to GPS satellites to find your position. The unit needs at least three satellites to accurately compute your position, or you may receive errors. To connect to the GPS satellites, stand in an open area and power on the Explorist 200. Make sure the antenna is pointed toward the sky and that you are not near any trees or buildings. It may take several minutes to connect to three satellites. You can see the status of your connections by pressing the "NAV" button three times to bring up the "Satellite Status" screen. You will see a positioning map of the satellites you are attempting to connect to and a status bar for each satellite. Once you are connected to three satellites, you can enter your destination.

Entering the Destination

Once you are connected to three satellites, the Explorist 200 knows your position. To navigate the route to your destination, press the "GoTo" button to bring up the "Points of Interest" list. The "Points of Interest" list contains destination points that were preloaded in the Explorist 200 as well as user-generated destination point. Using the navigation joystick, scroll through the list and highlight your destination. Press the "GoTo" button again to select the destination. The Explorist 200 will create a list of directions for your trip.

You can create a "Point of Interest" by pressing the "Menu" button and selecting "POI." Press the "Mark" button and use the joystick to highlight the "Location" box. Press the "Enter" button and adjust the coordinates using the joystick. Press the "Enter" button once finished, highlight "Save" and press "Enter" again. The new location will be saved in the "Points of Interest" list.

Following the Directions

The Explorist 200 will give you the starting directions for your trip once the destination is chosen. The original directions are a straight line from your position to the destination. It is rare, however, that you will be able to follow a straight line direction to your destination. The Explorist 200 will continue to update your directions in relation to your changing position. Be sure to pay close attention to the route as you travel so that you stay on course for your destination.

Tags: your destination, three satellites, your position, directions your, Explorist will, Interest list

Unlock A Samsung X530 For All Sim Cards

You can unlock your Samsung X530 cell phone using the remote unlock method. This involves getting an unlock code from a website that provides phone unlocking services. Just give the website your phone's IMEI number, pay a small fee for the service, and obtain your unlock code. Once your phone is successfully unlocked, you can use it with any network carrier instead of being restricted to a particular carrier.


1. Find your phone's IMEI number. Type *#06# on the phone keypad and the IMEI number will appear. Write down only the first 15 digits of this number. Do not add dashes, dots or spaces.

2. Go to the website GSM Liberty (see References). Enter your Samsung X530's IMEI number, then click "Add to Cart" button ($19.99 as of August 2010). You can pay with a credit card, after which the code will arrive through e-mail.

3. Go to the website Unlocking (see References) and click the "Unlock Now" button (the cost was $19.95, as of August 2010). On the next page, you must provide your name, e-mail address, password and cell phone's IMEI number. Click the "Continue" button and provide your credit card details to purchase the code, which will then arrive through e-mail.

4. Go to the website Samsung-unlock (see References), and provide your e-mail address and name. Enter your IMEI number in the required field, then click "Unlock now." The website will tell you how much it costs you the code. If you want to purchase it, enter your credit card information and confirm the purchase. The code will be delivered through e-mail within 12 hours.

5. Unlock the phone using any of the codes obtained by the websites mentioned above. When you purchase the code, you will get detailed instructions on use it. You typically must switch on your Samsung X530 phone without any SIM card, then enter the code to see the message "SIM Restriction Off."

Tags: IMEI number, Samsung X530, code will, credit card, phone IMEI

Prepaid Cell Phone Work

Prepaid cell phones have ushered in an easy and convenient option for those who need cell phones for temporary use without credit checks and complicated contracts and without paying a large deposit upfront.

Types of Cards

Prepaid cell phones have three types of cards. The first type has several cards of varying amounts of money for cell phone usage according the number of calls made and the duration of the calls. The Hybrid type of prepaid cell phone has recurring charges that need to be renewed after the expiration of each charge amount. The third type of prepaid cell phone is one that offers unlimited talk time on the prepaid card within a local area. This type of cell phone does not allow roaming. Prepaid cell phone companies offer disposable cell phones with prepaid cards to monitor air time or sell prepaid cards only and the customer buys a cell phone to insert the prepaid card. Prepaid cards are available for local and international usage.

The customer must be very careful before buying a prepaid cell phone because there are many hidden costs. The airtime expiration policies are usually part of the fine print and the cell phone company may be charging more than what the customer bargained for. Some prepaid cell phone companies give discounts and free points. It is important to check for these incentives before buying a prepaid cell phone. The customer must make sure that the prepaid cell phone option gives adequate airtime coverage and adequately covers the area where the customer resides or works.

The convenience of prepaid cell phone cards are that they are easy to get and easy to terminate. There is no credit check required and a person with a bad credit history can get a prepaid cell phone over the counter. There is no contract to be signed or strict terms to adhere to. There are no monthly bills to pay. The customer can terminate using the cell phone after the expiry date or choose to buy minute refill cards for the span of time required. The customer chooses the amount of talk time he requires on the card and buys the card accordingly. Prepaid cell phones are available at electronic stores, office supply stores and agents of the company.

Prepaid cell phones are convenient purchases for travelers, occasional users and customers with a poor credit history. They are extremely useful for emergency use. Parents who wish to purchase a first time cell phone for their teenagers while keeping an eye on the budget generally choose to buy prepaid cell phones. Prepaid cell phones give the customer freedom of choice and they are not tied down to or contracted to a particular cell phone service.

Popular prepaid cell phone companies are Tracfone, Virgin Mobile, Boost Mobile, Verizon and AT&T. The prepaid cellular services cost less than $100 and one can obtain cards as cheap as $10, $25 and $50. The customer is given talk time for up to 60 days.

Prepaid cell phones revolutionized communication making mobile telephone technology available to all. They are easily available and easy to dispose off and this is why most cell phone customers consider prepaid cell phone plans the most convenient of all cell phone plans.

Tags: cell phone, cell phones, prepaid cell phone, prepaid cell, Prepaid cell phones

Friday, October 16, 2009

A Tripod Socket

A tripod socket is an addition that is placed on the bottom of any camera. Tripod sockets allow cameras to stay secured on a tripod. The socket looks like a typical bolt but it has the ability to keep a camera on any tripod. If you want sharp images, a camera must be mounted on a tripod. Some cameras have tripod sockets already added. If your camera is not among the lucky ones, you can add a tripod socket on your camera quickly and easily.


1. Thread the two flat-sided nuts onto the bolt. Make sure they are tight against each other. The nuts should be tight enough that they rotate as a unit on the bolt. You can use a wrench to make sure the nuts are tight enough.

2. Mix a small amount of epoxy on the disposable cardboard with the toothpick. Rub the mixture along the seam between the two nuts. Make sure you completely cover the seam with the epoxy mixture and don't glue the nuts to the bolt. The bolt is used only to align the nuts and keep them together. Allow a few minutes for the epoxy mixture to dry.

3. Remove the nuts from the bolt.

4. Apply a dime-size amount of epoxy to the top of either side of the nuts and apply it to the base of the camera. It may be best to apply pressure to the item so it doesn't fall off. You can choose any flat area on the base of the camera. Allow a few minutes for the epoxy to dry.

Tags: Allow minutes, Allow minutes epoxy, amount epoxy, base camera, epoxy mixture, Make sure

Thursday, October 15, 2009

How Long Will It Take To Charge Kodak Batteries In A Kodak Charger K620

AA batteries

Many personal electronics take batteries such as cameras, personal media players, and flashlights. It is important to keep a fresh set of batteries around if these items are needed.


Charging the Batteries

1. Make sure the battery charger is plugged into a power source.

2. Insert the batteries properly by making sure the positive side is pointing up. The positive side has an extension pointing away from the battery.

3. Depending on your battery type, the time to charge will vary. The charger's green light will come on when the batteries are fully charged.

Ni-MH AA (2500mAh) batteries will take 13.5 hours.

Ni-MH AA (2100mAh) batteries will take 11.5 hours.

Ni-MH AA (1800mAh) batteries will take 10 hours.

Ni-MH AAA (900mAh) batteries will take 11 hours.

Ni-MH batteries, or nickel-metal hydride batteries usually come in the AA or AAA sizes. To tell the difference between AA and AAA, the AA batteries are slightly longer and thicker than the AAA.

Tags: batteries will, batteries will take, hours Ni-MH, take hours, take hours Ni-MH, will take hours, will take

How Long Keep My Film Before Developing It

How Long Can I Keep My Film Before Developing It?

Most people, at one time or another, discover a roll of exposed film from a long-ago vacation and wonder what treasures lie within, or they find a valuable unused roll just waiting for use. Whether you have a number of canisters of unused film or simply some exposed rolls lying around, there are a few things you should know about that film before having it developed--things that may very well save the important photos that you've taken or are contemplating.

What Film Is

Common photographic film is a sheet of thin plastic, coated with an emulsion containing light-sensitive materials of different densities. When exposed to light, an invisible image is transferred to the plastic where it waits until processed in a mixture of chemicals to create a visible image.

Film Expiration

Generally, all new photographic film from a manufacturer is marked with an expiration date between one and two years in duration. This is because the emulsion starts to break down over a certain amount of time. Degradation of the chemicals may cause the image captured on the film to slowly deteriorate over time becoming foggy or losing contrast.

Extending Film Life

There are ways to extend the life of your film by many months or even years. Chilling film and reducing the humidity will slow aging and prolong the film's usefulness. Refrigerated, factory sealed film can effectively change the period of usability to between two and five years. Freezing film also is an option and essentially stops the aging process. To freeze film, seal it in a zip-lock bag and remove as much of the air as you can. When you're ready to use it, thaw the film slowly and naturally by letting it reach room temperature before use (this applies to refrigerated film as well). Only thaw the film you plan to use at any one time.

Heat and Humidity

Whether or not you plan to cool or freeze your film, you should also be aware of what to explicitly avoid environmentally to safeguard your film. Just as a cool, dry environment can prolong the life of film, heat and humidity can equally take its toll. Avoid storing film in extremely hot areas--never in a car, or on a windowsill--and if the film is already loaded in the camera the same rules apply.

Developing Old Film

Black and white film can be surprisingly robust and forgiving, and develop to produce prints of perfect quality even decades after being exposed. Color film, on the other hand, is not nearly as stable and can produce color shifts as it ages. If you have very old color film--or film damaged environmentally--consider taking it to a specialty processing professional. It costs more in some instances but the extra care developing it can sometimes save the film. Taking it to a one-hour lab likely will doom old or damaged film.

The Bottom Line

Although not guaranteed by the manufacturer, film can actually sit for some time before developing. The newer the film stock used the better in almost every respect. But if you find yourself with newly discovered film canisters or more film than you can use right away, take steps to properly preserve it and you can keep that film for a considerable amount of time before finally developing it.

Tags: your film, amount time, Before Developing, Film Before, Film Before Developing, film from, film slowly

Compare Photo Storage On Dvd Or Cd

Both CDs and DVDs offer a means to permanently store photos for archiving or display.

Creating a permanent storage medium for your photos is often a desirable activity. CDs and DVDs both offer a similar means of allowing you to store and display your photos in a secure format.


The biggest difference between CDs and DVDs is the storage capacity. CDs can hold 650 megabytes of data, and DVDs can store 4.7 gigabytes (4,700 megabytes). Dual-layer DVDs can hold 8.5 gigabytes. The number of photos stored on either format depends on the photo's own size, which is determined by its own quality and format.


Blank CDs and DVDs are similar in price. The only concern with cost is if you have a large collection of photos that you're looking to store you'll have to purchase many more CDs than DVDs to make up for the approximately seven times difference in storage capacity.


In older model DVD players, photo DVDs have had some compatibility issues during playback. Newer models, however, should offer the same abilities as CDs. Both are fully compatible on any computer as long as you have the appropriate drive.

Tags: storage capacity, your photos

Put Videos On A Mp4 Digital Player

An MP4 file is a proprietary file format for computer video files designed by Apple. It is the standard video file format used by the iPod line of digital media playing devices, though similar devices from other brands are also capable of playing these files. To put one of these videos on your MP4-compatible digital media player, all you have to do is "sync" your device with your computer's file library. This takes only a couple of seconds to do.


1. Open the computer program used to transfer files from your computer to your digital media player. For example, if you have an iPod, open iTunes.

2. Add the MP4 file(s) that you want to transfer to your digital media player to your computer program's file library. Do this by selecting the "File" menu at the top of the program window and selecting "Add Files."

3. Connect your digital media player to your computer using the included USB link cable. Plug one end of the cable into your computer and the other into the appropriate port on your device.

4. Sync your digital media player with your computer. On some devices, such as Microsoft's Zune, you will have to physically press the "Sync" button in the computer program with the device connected. Other devices, such as Apple's iPod, will sync automatically when connected to a computer.

5. Disconnect the digital media player from your computer. The MP4 video file(s) will now be stored on your device's internal hard drive and can be accessed through its main menu.

Tags: digital media, your computer, digital media player, media player, your digital, your digital media, computer program

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Sell Sports Photos

Taking sports photographs that are good enough to sell takes knowledge of the game, good timing and some luck.

There are several possibilities if you are trying to sell sports photographs you have taken. Parents of children playing recreational-league sports will often buy action shots because they do not have the photography equipment needed. Newspapers and magazines, from weekly community papers to monthly national circulation magazines, often use sports photographs in their publications. Finally, teams and sports leagues often need photographs to use on their Web pages and programs.


1. Examine the photographs you have taken and determine whether they are at least the same quality of those published in newspapers and magazines. If you are trying to sell sports photographs to parents of players, ask yourself if you would buy similar photographs.

2. Compile a portfolio of sports photographs, divided by sport. A portfolio should have your best images. Do not include your favorites if they are not your best. A sports portfolio should include action shots and non-action feature shots that show emotion. Include vertical and horizontal images.

3. Research publications you think may purchase your photographs. For example, if you are trying to sell photographs from a high school football game to a nearby newspaper, find out whether they cover one or both of the teams that were playing.

4. Check the publication’s submission guidelines. Make an appointment to show the photo editor your portfolio if the publication does not publish submission guidelines.

5. Submit the photo following the submission guidelines to the letter. If you are trying to sell your sports photos to parents, take a contact sheet or small prints of the images you have for sale to the next game or practice.

6. Know what price you will accept and the rights to the photograph you are willing to sell. Some publications have set pay scales that consider where the picture will run (cover, section front, inside), how big and the rights purchased. For instance, first publication rights allow a magazine to publish the photograph first.

Tags: sports photographs, trying sell, submission guidelines, action shots, have taken

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Open The Hood Of A Ford Explorer With A Broken Hood Cable

The hood cable in a Ford Explorer runs from the hood latch to the hood release lever, inside the vehicle. This cable connects the interior hood release lever to the hood latch underneath the leading edge of the hood, and allows the driver to open the hood without leaving the vehicle. When the cable breaks, the hood release lever won't open the hood. Replacement hood cables are available from Ford dealerships and automotive parts stores.


1. Place the Explorer's transmission into the "P" position, turn off the engine and engage the parking brake.

2. Peer through the gaps in the vehicle's front grille and locate the hood latch mechanism. It is located in the center of the hood's leading edge, just behind the top center portion of the grille.

3. Locate the exterior hood latch release lever, on the right side of the latch mechanism. The hood release cable attaches to the exterior release lever.

4. Slide a flathead screwdriver through the vehicle's grille and pry the release lever approximately 1 inch to the right until it releases the hood.

Tags: release lever, hood latch, hood release, hood release lever, Ford Explorer

Set Up A Sony Home Theater System

Whether you have the high-end Platinum Dream or the entry-level Bravia home theater system, most are 5.1, which means that they have 4 main speakers, a center speaker and a sub-woofer. It's a snap to set up a Sony home theater system. Follow these steps to find out how.


1. Find the best spot for the front speakers. Many Sony home theater systems come with adjustable floor-standing front speakers, rather than the traditional speaker cabinets.

2. Set up the rear speakers. These speakers need to be about as far behind the listeners as the front speakers are in front of the listeners for the best surround-sound effect.

3. Find a spot for the center speaker. The center speaker handles most of the movie's dialogue. It needs to be close enough to the TV screen so that the sound it emits seems to come from the television.

4. Place the sub-woofer near the couch or love seat. The sub-woofer is the heart of a home theater system. It makes those deep, movie-theater rumbles and helps create the move-going experience at home.

5. Make the connections. Red goes to red. White goes to white. Yellow goes to yellow. Color coded cables make getting the right connections easy.

6. Turn it on. Your Sony home theater system is ready to entertain you.

Tags: center speaker, front speakers, home theater, home theater system, Sony home, home theater, Sony home theater

Monday, October 12, 2009

Use A Video Camera As A Capture Card

Capture VHS videotape through your digital camcorder.

Video capture cards convert analog video sources into digital form. Video must be in digital form in order for computers to process it as data. Once converted to digital, the video can be edited, manipulated in other ways (such as adding titles) or stored on a hard drive. Capture cards tend to be expensive, but it is also possible to use a video camera as a capture card using the analog passthrough function.


1. Insert the video material you wish to capture into the player. The player might be a VHS deck, 8mm video camera or Hi8 video camera. Find the spot where you want to begin converting the video by using the play and rewind buttons to scroll to it.

2. RCA connectors for a digital camcorder.

Connect the video and audio outputs on your player to the video and audio inputs (also known as the "AV input") on your digital camcorder. The digital camcorder is the device that will be used as a capture card.

Refer to the instruction manual specific to your equipment for the proper cables. Special RCA cables are often provided unique to the individual device.

3. A common USB Connector.

Connect your digital camcorder to your computer using either FireWire or USB, depending on the camcorder you own.

4. Check your camcorder's instruction manual.

Enable the analog to digital function on your digital camcorder if necessary. For example, in some models it is necessary to turn "AV to DV" on. Refer to your model's instruction manual if you are unsure.

5. Turn on your computer and load your video capture software. This is the software that allows you to capture video from your digital camcorder. It might be software specific to your make and model, or it could be video editing software such as iMovie or Final Cut Pro (Mac computers) or Windows Movie Maker or Adobe Premiere (PC).

6. The camcorder passes the analog video in digital form to the computer.

Press play on your analog video player. The analog video material will enter through your digital video camera and exit to your computer through the FireWire or USB connecting cables in digital form.

Capture the material using your video capture software as you would normally capture footage you shot with your digital camcorder. Check the instructions for your video capture software if you are not sure do this.


Tags: digital camcorder, your digital, your digital camcorder, analog video, digital form, your video capture

Process 35mm Film

Film can be processed at home with a little practice.

Processing 35mm film is a fairly straightforward process. The most challenging part of the entire process is removing the film from the canister and loading it onto reels; this entire step has to be done in complete darkness. Once that is done and the film is in the processing tank with the lid on, the rest of the processing can be done under normal light.


Processing 35mm Film

1. Remove the exposed film from the film canister and load it onto the developing reels. Use a bottle opener or needle-nose pliers to pry off the lid of the film canister, and remove the film. Handle the film only by the edges, and carefully cut the leader of the film.

Loading film onto reels takes some practice. Should the film come into contact with itself, it will be ruined. It is a good idea to practice using a discarded or unneeded roll of film with the lights on. When you think you are ready, close your eyes and try to load the reels. Once you are able to load the film on the reels two or three times without looking, you are probably ready.

2. Place the reels that are now loaded with the film into the processing tank, and secure the lid onto the tank. Now it is safe to turn on the lights.

3. Pour the film developer and 72-degree water you have premixed into the processing tank through the lightproof opening in the top of the lid. The amount of developer as well as the temperature will vary depending on the size of the tank and the type of film. Seventy-two degrees is used when processing black and white film. Developing times and temperatures will be included inside the box your film came in and or are available online.

To learn how much fluid your tank holds, before you start, put the reels in the tank, and with the lid off fill with water. Pour that water into a measuring beaker, and you will have a good idea of the amount of fluid you will need. Once the film is loaded on the reels, it will take some space in the tank, but you will have a good starting point.

4. Agitate the tank by holding it in your hand and rotating your wrist a quarter-turn. Do this for the first 30 seconds, then tap the bottom of the processing tank on a table to release any bubbles from the film, and let sit it for 25 seconds. Then agitate for five seconds in the same fashion, tap on the table, and let sit for 25 seconds. Continue this process for seven minutes, at which time you will pour and dispose of the used developer. The developing time for film will vary depending on the brand of developer you are using. Refer to the instructions on the bottle of developer for the correct time and temperature.

5. Pour the correct amount of premixed stop bath into the processing tank and agitate for half a minute. When done, pour out and dispose.

6. Pour in premixed fixer and agitate for 15 seconds. If the fixer is fresh it will take four minutes to work. At the end of four minutes either pour the fixer into a jug to save for another time, or dispose of it the same way you did with the developer and stop bath. Although 20 ounces is what you would need for a typical two-reel tank, there are other sizes and type of tanks, and the amount of chemical solution will vary. On the bottom of some tanks is a guide for the amount of solution you need.

7. Wash the film with cold water, and add two drops of a wetting agent or diluted soap to help the water run off the film. Remove the film from the reels, hang the film using film clips, and allow it to dry for at least two hours.

8. Cut the film and place into archival storage sleeves for safekeeping and easy viewing.

Tags: processing tank, film from, into processing, into processing tank, will vary, 35mm Film

Media Storage Problems

A hard drive is a media storage device that contains programs and applications.

Various media storage devices can present challenges to users and system administrators. Physical care of these devices will eliminate data errors. Storage media has evolved in the last few years to include new devices, such as USB flash drives and external memory cards, that can store temporary data.

USB Media Storage

A USB drive is designated to store large amounts of data --- up to 16 gigabytes. Many USB drives are recognized by the Windows operating system's plug-and-play feature, which has a built-in interface to communicate with the drive. However, there is a problem with USB drives: newer drives use 2.0 USB technology, which would not work in a USB 1.0 port. USB flash drives are small and if mishandled, they can easily break. Extreme care must be taken when using a USB as an external storage device.

Tape Media Storage

Some mainframe computers use tape media as a source of backup and secondary storage for programs. Tape media can back up an entire information system network. Most tapes are archives and can be used several times to backup data. The problem with tape media is that the tape may be worn or defective, which causes a read error. Tapes can also become defective if they are not stored in a temperature-controlled climate.

Hard Disk Storage

Hard disks are internal storage media devices that contain system programs and utilities. Internal hard drives are used by system administrators as an audit trail and backup program. Hard disk storage problems can start with the boot record, which is read before the disk is accessed. If the boot record is damaged, the hard disk drive can become defective. Another media storage problem for hard drives are defragmented files that collect from a lack of disk maintenance. System hard disk utilities should be launched once a week to check the integrity of the hard disk.

CD-ROM Media

CD-ROM media disks can store up to 700 megabytes of files and programs. The problem with most CD-ROM media is that they are easy to break or scratch. This causes a program error when trying to download files. There are various "red book" classifications for CD-ROM media and a person must know which kind of media can be used as a rewritable disk (usually CD-RW media).

Tags: Media Storage, problem with, become defective, boot record, CD-ROM media