Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Convert A Holga 120 Camera To A Pinhole Camera

Taking things apart and modifying them can be fun. Especially if you achieve a much better result out of your modified product. Converting a Holga 120 camera to a pinhole camera can result in pictures with a huge depth of field. So if you happen to have a Holga 120 camera on your hands and a little time then follow these steps and you can make a pinhole camera.


1. Cut a small square out of the soda can and flatten it. You can either flatten it by placing it under a stack of books overnight or you can roll it in the opposite direction.

2. Draw a cross through the square piece of soda can to mark the center of it. Slowly drill the needle through the center of the square using your fingers so as not to bend or press the aluminum. The goal is to keep it flat with a smooth hole.

3. Sand the hole lightly on each side of the aluminum can using the sandpaper. You might need to poke the hole through again.

4. Remove the back of your Holga 120 and take out the mask. Unscrew the two screws holding the lens/shutter to the camera and carefully remove the lens assembly without breaking the yellow flash sync wire. Remove the 2 screws from the shutter mechanism and carefully lift it off.

5. Remove the green plastic piece and unscrew the screw below it. Unscrew the lens off the front of the camera and remove it. Reverse all the steps and put your camera back together minus the lens.

6. Attach the pinhole lens you made to the front of the camera using black tape. Check to make sure that you have not covered the hole. You now have a pinhole camera converted from a Holga 120.

Tags: pinhole camera, front camera, Holga camera

Examples Of High Iso Images With Canon 40d

Examples of High ISO Images With Canon 40D

ISO refers to the sensitivity of a camera's film or digital sensor to light. The Canon 40D, a digital SLR (single lens reflex) camera, has a maximum ISO setting of 3200. The ISO number itself does not reveal anything about the particular sensitivity (i.e., ISO is not a unit), but ISO values can be compared to determine sensitivity. An exposure made at 3200 ISO, for example, is twice as sensitive to light as an exposure made at 1600 ISO.


A high ISO value makes the Canon 40D's digital sensor more sensitive to ambient light. This means that a photograph can be taken with a relatively lower shutter speed and still allow for proper exposure. Canon 40D High ISO images can be identified by the qualities of the exposure. For instance, if a fast-moving subject such as a sports player appears well-exposed and not blurry despite an apparently low amount of ambient light, the photograph was probably taken with a high ISO setting.


Noise refers to the amount of grain in a photograph. A very noisy image will have off-colored pixels scattered over the surface of the image. Noise increases as ISO value increases; a low ISO image will produce relatively little noise, while a high ISO image will produce a lot of noise. While noise reduction software can be helpful in reducing the pixelation in an image, you can still identify high ISO images from the Canon 40D by the presence of noise.


The Canon 40D's noise reduction software that helps reduce the effects of noise at high ISO values causes some loss of sharpness in noisy areas. This is typically most apparent in the edges of the subject, which tend to be blurrier than the same edges in a low ISO image. Fine details such as wrinkles on a person's skin or the texture on the surface of a basketball will also be noticeably blurry in high ISO images.

Color Banding

High ISO images taken with a Canon 40D will also exhibit a bit of color banding. Color banding refers to the choppiness of color, whereby a color gradient appears as distinct bands of color rather than a smooth transition between two colors. Color banding can also be the result of highly compressing a digital image, however the banding present in high ISO images will show characteristic noisy patches at the borders of the color bands.


Prints of high ISO images taken with a Canon 40D will show grain similar to high-grain film of non-digital cameras. While digital grain caused from high compression will tend to be patchy, grain in prints from high ISO images will be more uniform. The effects of grain can be minimized by reducing the dimensions of an image prior to printing, and Canon 40D high ISO images (even up to 3200 ISO) will display almost no grain on a full-resolution image reduced to an eight- by 10-inch print.

Tags: high images, taken with, image will, ambient light, Canon digital, Canon will

Monday, June 29, 2009

Record From Tivo To Dvd

If you have footage on your Tivo that you would like to record onto DVD, there are a couple of different methods you can use, depending on whether or not you would like to edit the video. While burning Tivo footage to DVD without editing is simpler, editing allows you to cut out commercials and only keep the footage that you actually want.


Burn Without Edits

1. Upgrade your Tivo. Pioneer's 810-H Tivo unit has a built-in DVD burning drive that allows you to burn DVD while watching your Tivo footage.

2. Hook a DVD recorder up to your Tivo box. If you don't want to upgrade your Tivo, you can also buy a stand-alone DVD recorder. Hook the DVD recorder up to the Tivo with an audio-video cord. Plug one end of the cord into the "Video Out" section of the Tivo and the other end into the "Video In" section of the DVD recorder.

3. Record while watching. Once your stand-alone DVD recorder is connected to the Tivo, you can record while watching.

Burn With Edits

4. Buy a video capture device. Video capture devices are pass-through devices that make it possible to transfer footage from a Tivo onto a computer.

5. Hook the Tivo box up to the computer using the video capture device. Plug the end of the device with the standard audio-video cords into the video and audio out ports on the Tivo and the other end into a USB port on the computer.

6. Capture video. You can use any video-editing software to capture, including Windows Movie Maker or iMovie. Go to the "File" menu in either of these programs to find the video capture feature. Click the "Capture" button to capture and then "Finish" once your capture is complete to return to the editor.

7. Edit the video. Both Windows Movie Maker and iMovie have numerous editing tools. When recording from Tivo, most edits will be to remove commercials from the footage before burning. In Windows Movie Maker, footage is cut by double-clicking a clip in the left pane and viewing it in the preview screen. Use the razor tool beneath the screen to make any cuts. Once an image is cut down to size, drag it into the timeline at the bottom of the screen.

In iMovie, footage is cut by clicking on the clip in the lower pane. A highlight box will appear around a clip. Drag the end of the highlight box to include more or less footage in the clip, then drag the clip into the timeline in the top center of the iMovie window. Only the part of the footage that is selected will be pulled into the timeline.

8. Save the edited movie. In Windows Movie Maker, go to the "File" menu and select "Publish Movie." In iMovie, go to the "Share" menu and select "Export Movie." This will save a copy of the edited video to your computer. Once you have created an edited video clip, you can burn it to DVD using your favorite DVD-burning software. Insert a blank DVD into your DVD-burning drive, upload your edited video into the DVD-burning software and click "Burn" to create the DVD.

Tags: your Tivo, Movie Maker, Windows Movie, Windows Movie Maker, edited video, into timeline

Connect An Esata External Hard Drive

With the increasing popularity of external SATA devices that connect using the eSATA specifications, it is important for computer users to acclimate themselves with this growing technology. The eSATA specification allows computer devices to be connected externally, using the same internal transfer protocols of internal hard drives. Luckily, this high bandwidth external data interface is extremely easy to use by computer users of all levels.


1. Ensure that your eSATA hard drive is unplugged.

2. Connect the eSATA cable from the back of the external hard drive to the eSATA connector on your computer. This connector is usually found on the rear face of the computer, and is keyed to allow connection in only one orientation.

3. Plug you eSATA hard drive into the electrical outlet, and turn on any power switches.

4. Wait for your computer to recognize the eSATA drive, and install any necessary drivers for it.

5. Transfer a file to and from the drive, if this is the first connection to the computer to test the drive's functionality.

Tags: computer users, eSATA hard, eSATA hard drive, hard drive, your computer

Friday, June 26, 2009

Color Laser Printer Developer Problems

Developing the image on a laser printer takes a laser, toner and the fuser.

Color laser printers use four toner colors (cyan, magenta, yellow and black) registered closely to produce the optical illusion of infinite color varieties. Using technology almost identical to xerographic copying, a laser printer uses a laser beam to expose a light-sensitive drum instead of the light wand passing under the original and reflected onto the drum in a copier. Paper is given a static charge, and the exposed laser-printer drum picks up toner and transfers it to the charged paper. A very hot fuser melts the plastic-based toner and seals it on the paper. Correcting poorly developed images on a laser printer usually involves the drum, laser, toner or fuser.


The image drum on a laser printer is part of the toner cartridge. On a color laser printer there are four drums, one for each color. If the drum is scratched or left exposed for long periods to direct sunlight it can lose its light sensitive properties. This results in poor toner transfer to the paper.

Fortunately, the drum is easily replaced when the toner cartridge is replaced. "Drilling and filling" a cartridge with replacement toner that has a damaged drum will not fix the problem. Only purchasing a new cartridge will replace the drum.


Although the laser beam scans the entire image width at several hundred or thousand times to the inch, the laser is fixed. A rotating mirror directs the laser across the drum and charges the light-sensitive surface.

If the printer has a damaged mirror mechanism, the image will appear skewed or completely blank. If the laser is damaged there will be no image. As with most electronic components, replacing the laser mechanism is the only repair option. As the laser is the most costly component on the color printer, you will need to decide whether to repair it or to replace the entire printer.


Laser printer toner of all colors is microscopic plastic pellets combined with iron filament. The iron makes the toner magnetic, and the plastic pellets convey the color. When toner cartridges run low, the image can be blurred, faded or appear streaked across the page. Replacing the cartridge will immediately repair the developed image problem.


The fuser roller is the last component the paper passes through before exiting the color laser printer. The assembly is heated to several hundred degrees by a hot light inside the hollow roller. If the fuser goes cold the toner will not melt and fuse the page. It will exit the printer as dry powder. Repairing the fuser may only involve replacing the heating element. The roller itself is a simple mechanical assembly not easily subject to failure. An older printer, however, may see the fuser maintained at a high heat level for several years and the plastic parts damaged from the heat. Replacing the fuser is a simply unplug-and-plug procedure.

Tags: laser printer, cartridge will, color laser, color laser printer, drum laser

Care Of Rechargeable Batteries

Batteries are an important part of our lives. According to Green Batteries, a renewable energy website, more than 15 billion batteries are produced and sold worldwide, most of which are discarded after a single use. Rechargeable batteries are long-lasting, can provide superior power, as well as are environmentally friendly. A few simple steps in caring for rechargeable batteries get the most out of them.

Break In New Batteries

New rechargeable batteries come fully discharged. They should be fully charged before being used at all. It is typically recommended to fully charge and discharge the battery two to four times for it to reach its maximum rated capacity.

Avoid Memory Effect

While the actual battery run time will depend on the power used by the equipment the battery is in, there are actually a number of ways to ensure that the battery lasts longer. Rechargeable batteries work according to the "memory effect." This means that if a battery is only partially charged and partially used, then the battery forgets that it has the ability to charge and discharge more. For example, if you regularly charge your battery, then only use 50 percent of its capacity before the next charge, the battery will eventually become unaware that it has that extra 50 percent capacity. It will remain functioning, but only at 50 percent of its capacity.

To avoid this "memory effect," it is best if you fully cycle the battery, meaning to fully charge then fully discharge the battery. This should be done once every two to three months. To do this, leave your power device on until the battery has discharged completely. Once discharged completely, recharge the battery completely.

Impact and Heat

Avoid dropping or hitting the rechargeable batteries. A hard impact can sometimes result in the exposure of the corrosive cell contents. Similarly, keep the batteries away from fire or extreme heat as this could result in an explosion.

Battery Storage

Dormant batteries will eventually lose their charge, so it may be necessary to recharge if the battery has lain dormant for a long period. If the battery will not be in use for a while, you should remove them from the charger and place them in a cool, dry place.

Rechargeable batteries lose a certain percentage of their charge every day when left on the charger. Due to this, do not leave them on the charger once they have been fully charge. Remember to recharge batteries prior to using them, as they may have lost some charge. According to Energizer's website, batteries should be charged every six to nine months to extend their life.

Clean Batteries

Gently rub a pencil eraser, rubbing alcohol or cloth across the surface of your battery to keep it from getting dusty or dirty. Dirty contact points can minimize a full charge.

Tags: fully charge, percent capacity, rechargeable batteries, battery will, charge discharge

Get A Transparent Dock On The Ipod Touch

iPod touch users who have jailbroken their devices have access to the Cydia market of apps, which contains a number of different customizations. One such customization is the ability to have a transparent iOS application dock. This means that the dock at the bottom of the iPod touch's screen will be transparent as opposed to its solid silver color, a feature not accessible to iPod touch's that are not jailbroken.


Install Winterboard

1. Tap the "Cydia" icon on your jailbroken iPod touch to open the Cydia application.

2. Open the "search" tab, type "Winterboard," and then tap "Go."

3. Tap on the "Winterboard" option to open the app's detail page.

4. Tap the "Install" button, and then tap "Confirm." This downloads and installs the Winterboard application onto your iPod touch.

Enable the Transparent Dock

5. Tap the "Winterboard" icon on your iPod touch's home screen.

6. Tap the "Transparent Dock" option. This places a check mark next to the option.

7. Press the home button to return to the home screen. The iPod touch will restart the home screen and enable the transparent dock feature.

Tags: iPod touch, home screen, icon your, Transparent Dock, your iPod, your iPod touch

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Information On The Use Of Radar Guns By Law Enforcement

Nearly all traffic patrol vehicles today are equipped with radar guns.

Radar guns are useful and reliable tools for law enforcement officers to flag speeding vehicles. Today, with their precise measurements and long range accuracy, radar guns are depended upon by traffic patrol for the vast majority of their speeding citations.

Definition of Radar

Radar stands for radio detection and ranging. A radar device sends out electromagnetic frequencies in the form of radio waves that are able to locate moving or fixed objects and determine their speed and location.

Types of Radar Guns

There are various types of radar: Doppler radar is the type used by most law enforcement officers. According to Radarguns.com, the Decatur model is the standard in law enforcement today, while alternative models such as Stalker contain extra features, such as the ability to detect the direction of moving objects.

How Radar Guns Work

Doppler radar guns function on the Doppler principle, which is a mathematical equation that is used to determine speed based upon changes in wave frequency. The radar gun sends out radio waves at a certain frequency that bounce off a given object and return to the gun's sensor. The contact with the object alters the frequency of the radio waves; with the difference between the original and the newly recorded frequencies, a Doppler radar is able to determine the speed of a moving object with precision.

Radar Detectors

A major obstacle to the success of police radar guns is the growing popularity of personal radar detectors. Radar detectors are microwave radio receivers that search for radar signals within a certain area. The general idea is that these devices are able to detect the presence of radar beams before they are able to locate you and flag you for speeding. Part of the radar detector's advantage is that it is capable of detection over hills and around curves, whereas the beam of a radar gun may only travel in a straight line. When the beams are detected, the device delivers some kind of audio or visual warning. Radar detectors are illegal in some states, so it is important to check local laws before purchasing for use.

Radar Statistics

Out of the estimated 20 million speeding citations issued annually nationwide, approximately 13 million of them originated from the use of police radar guns.

Tags: Doppler radar, radio waves, able locate, determine speed, enforcement officers, flag speeding

Types Of Antenna In Rfid

RFID antennas are useful for keep tracking of inventory and shipments.

Radio frequency identification (RFID) is a technology that uses electromagnetic waves to communicate between a terminal and an electronic tag that is used for tracking and identification purposes. These devices are used by companies that need to keep track of their inventory or need to know where their shipments are in real time. There are three different types of RFID antennas. Each one has different characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. These antennas are used to receive the transmission from RFID tags.

Circular Polarization

The main advantage of the circular polarization antenna is the minimization of fading and signal loss because of its shape. In circular polarization, the electromagnetic waves propagate in two planes completing a 360-degree revolution. The plane of the polarization rotates and makes a corkscrew pattern. It radiates signals in the horizontal and vertical planes and on the planes between them as well. If the rotation is clockwise, it is called right-hand circular, or RHC. Left-hand circular, LHC, results to a rotation that is counter clockwise.

Linear Polarization

An RFID antenna belongs to the vertically linear polarized antenna and its electric field is perpendicular to the earth's surface. An example for this type of antenna is a broadcast tower used by AM radio stations or the whip antenna mounted on an automobile. A horizontally linear polarized antenna has its electric field parallel to the earth's surface. An example is a TV antenna.

The electromagnetic waves on a linear polarized antenna propagate in one plane only, either on a horizontal plane or a vertical plane. It has the best wave propagation given that the tag orientation is fixed.

Monostatic Circular or Bistatic Circular

The mono-static antenna has only one port and is the most popular type of antenna. The transmitting signal and the receiving signal both come and go from the same port. The mono-static RFID readers can have one, two or four port readers. Some readers have five ports because an additional port (Listen Before Talk) is added.

The bi-static antenna is composed of two antennas that are connected under a common casing with two ports. The transmitted signal is processed and transmitted on one port and the received signal on the other ports. The bi-static readers have eight ports. Four ports are for transmitting and the remaining four port for receiving signals.

Tags: electromagnetic waves, linear polarized, linear polarized antenna, polarized antenna, readers have, antenna electric, antenna electric field

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Use 220 Film In A Holga 120 Camera

There are pros and cons to using 120 film in a Holga 120. On the upside, 120 film has a paper backing to prevent light exposure. Numbered paper allows you to keep track of exposures. The downside is that there are only 12 exposures. 220 film is a smart alternative. With no paper backing, it offers double the shots. A few tweaks will make your Holga ready for 220 use.


Loading 220 Film Into Your Holga

1. Slide down the metal clamps on either side of the Holga and remove the back cover.

2. Load the 220 film into the Holga the same way 120 film is loaded. The film is placed in the compartment on the left side of the camera. Place the film lead into the slot of the take-up spool on the right. If it has trouble winding on, just take the take-up spool out of the camera and wind the film lead onto it that way.

3. Make sure the film and take-up spools are securely in place before replacing the Holga's back cover. Slide the metal clamps back into place, securing them with tape if necessary.

4. Turn the film advance knob slowly. Advance the film until the black portion appears in the red frame counter window. Advancing any further will result in light being exposed to your film.

5. Use the opaque tape to completely cover the frame counter window on the back of the Holga.

Shooting With 220 Film in Your Holga

6. Use the "click counting" technique to advance your film after each shot. The "clicks" refer to the small clicks heard while turning the film advance knob. If shooting in the 6x6 format, count 34 clicks on the knob after each shot. If using the 4.5x6 mask,the click count is 26.

7. Keep track of the number of shots. There will be an average of 24 exposures when shooting in the 6x6 format, 32 exposures for 4.5x6. When the roll is finished, advance the film around the take-up spool until you hear the paper end turning around it.

8. Do not remove the back of the camera until you are ready to wind up and secure the roll of film.

Unloading the 220 Film From Your Holga

9. Find an area with subdued lighting, such as a closet.

10. Remove the back cover of the Holga.

11. Wind the film onto the take-up spool. Use the paper ends to protect the film from exposure. You can secure the roll with a rubber band. If you want further light protection, place the film in a light-tight container or bag until processing.

Tags: take-up spool, back cover, Your Holga, advance knob, after each, after each shot, counter window

Charge Camera Batteries

An external charger is just one method of energizing your camera's battery.

There are number of different ways to charge a camera battery. Depending on the make or model you will usually have more than one option. While some cameras simply rely on alkaline batteries for their energy, others have a wider range of external battery kits, power leads, USB cables and camera docking systems. No matter what technique you follow, ensuring your camera's battery has at least one charging routine is crucial to create those magical photography moments.


Using an External Charger

1. Open the battery slot on the camera and remove the internal battery.

2. Slide the battery into the external charger. Make sure that the arrow on the battery faces toward the charger and push it in so it covers the metal pins at the end of the slot.

3. Plug the power lead into the back of the charger and connect to a wall socket. If the battery needs charging a red light will appear on the top of the charger. Wait until this light turns green. The process will take 30 to 60 minutes.

4. Remove the battery from the external charger and insert it back into the camera.

Using a Power Lead Only

5. Insert the power lead into the power socket of the camera (the slot looks like a small pinhole.) Plug the other end of the lead into a wall socket. If the camera needs charging you will see either a red light or a blinking green light on top of the camera.

6. Charge the camera until this light turns solid green. This process will take 30 to 60 minutes.

7. Unplug the power lead from the camera.

Using a USB Cable

8. Turn on your computer. If you're using a laptop make sure the power lead is connected. Ensure that the internal battery is in the camera.

9. Insert the smaller end of the USB cable into the camera's USB slot which is marked with a symbol representing a three-pronged fork.

10. Plug the larger end of the cable into your computer's USB slot. If a red or flashing green light appears on top of the camera leave it to charge. If there is no light then press the power button on the camera in order for the camera to begin charging. wait for this light to turn solid green. This process will take 30 to 60 minutes.

11. Turn off the camera if required and unplug the USB cable.

Using a Camera Dock

12. Connect the camera to the dock by pushing it gently down onto the metal pins. The correct slot is located on the base of the camera. If it won't connect then try turning the camera around 180 degrees.

13. Plug the dock's power cable into a wall socket. Look for a red or flashing green light on top of the camera or the docking system. If this doesn't appear check that the camera is pushed completely into the dock (but don't force it). Wait for the light to turn solid green. This process will take 30 to 60 minutes.

14. Remove the camera from the dock by gently lifting it upward.

Using Rechargeable or Alkaline Batteries

15. Remove batteries from the camera's battery slot. If they are rechargeable (check the small print on the battery) place them into the external charger (this must be supported for the battery type) and repeat the steps from the above 'Using an External Charger' section. If they are standard, non-rechargeable batteries, throw away the ones you just removed and obtain fresh ones of the same type.

16. Insert the fresh batteries into the camera's battery slot.

17.Turn on the camera. If it won't power up remove the batteries and make sure that they are inserted correctly. Use the instructions on the inside of the battery slot door to check which direction the batteries should be inserted.

Tags: camera battery, battery slot, power lead, process will, process will take

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Types Of Wall Switches

A wall switch can be so much more.

The standard off/on wall switch is but one of many types available for someone putting a little work into his home. There are wall switches that can help conserve energy, adjust the power supplied to a light or appliance with great precision, or control many light fixtures and other electronic appliances at once. Whatever you want to accomplish with your wall switch, there is likely one designed with that purpose in mind.

Dimmer Switches

Dimmer switches give you precise control over the amount of power supplied to the device controlled by the switch. They can make a light shine at various intensities or a fan rotate at various speeds. These switches can be a cylindrical knob that has an off position; once turned on, the switch will supply an increasing amount of power to the light or other device as it it is turned further in the 'on' direction. Another common variation of this switch is a plastic wedge that slides smoothly up and down a track. Because dimmer switches allow lights and other devices to run at lower power settings, the switches can help to conserve energy and drive down electricity bills.

Occupancy Switches

An occupancy switch contains a motion sensor with a timing mechanism. These are useful devices for conserving energy without having to think much about it. These switches turn on lights and other electronics when the sensor detects that a person has entered the room. Subtle movements by the person in the room will keep the power on. When the person leaves, however, the switch will shut down power to the room after a certain amount of time passes without any motion in it.

Timer Switches

Timer switches represent another good way to conserve energy without having to think about it. These devices often contain multiple switches, each representing a predetermined amount of time. For instance, you can walk into a room and flip the 15-minute switch. The switch will supply power to the lights or other devices in the room for 15 minutes before turning off. The advantage of these switches over occupancy switches is that you do not have to stay in the room to keep the switch on.

Tags: conserve energy, lights other, switch will, wall switch, about These, amount power, amount time

Replace A Wurlitzer Cartridge

Wurlitzer made a number of turntable devices, including older hand-cranked turntables and some home audio turntables. However, Wurlitzer was most known for its jukeboxes. Wurlitzer jukeboxes were very common from the late 1940s through the late 1970s. Modern CD and digital jukeboxes began replacing older vinyl-based jukeboxes in the 1980s. Once all of the mechanical elements of the jukebox have been verified, a common step in restoration is to replace the cartridge. The cartridge is the component that holds the playing needle.


1. Remove the old cartridge by unscrewing the fastening screw located on the bottom of the tone arm. Set this screw aside.

2. Make a mental note of the order of the wires connecting the cartridge to the tone arm. In most cases, it is white on top with the two red wires connecting to the two bottom connectors on the cartridge.

3. Disconnect the wires. If the cartridge on your jukebox is soldered in place, de-solder the wires using a soldering iron and de-soldering pump. If the original cartridge uses screws to connect the wire, loosen the screws and remove the wires. In some cases, the wires may have slip-on connectors, so slip the wires off the pegs.

4. Attach the wires in the same order on the new cartridge. Use the same method as on the original to connect the wires. If the wires were soldered, solder them in place. Otherwise, screw or slip the wires in place.

Tags: slip wires, wires connecting

How Do Multifocus Contact Lenses Work

Multi-focus lenses are a special type of contact lens. They are intended for users who have poor close vision and are far-sighted, rather than near-sighted.


Multi-focus contact lenses are meant to eliminate the need for reading glasses in people who have decreased near vision, due to age or conditions such as presbyopia. These lenses allow users to see both near objects and far objects equally well.


Traditional contact lenses are round and shaped like a bowl, but multi-focus contact lenses are not perfectly round. Because of their specialized shape, multi-focus lenses are able to have different regions on the lens that offer different magnifications.


With a multi-focus contact lens, the center of the lens is meant for near vision and offers a stronger power or magnification than the rest of the lens. As you move out from the center of the lens in all directions, the magnification or strength gradually diminishes until there is no magnification at all on the outer edges.


Multi-focal lenses are different from bi-focal lenses in that they do not provide any long-distance vision correction.


Most multi-focus contacts are disposable; they are meant to be worn for 30 to 60 days and then thrown away.

Tags: center lens, contact lens, contact lenses, near vision

Monday, June 22, 2009

Does Tomtom Navigator 6 Work With Axim X30

TomTom Navigator 6 is a software navigation solution for many different types of PDAs and mobile devices. Maps available cover most of Western Europe. The Axim X30 is a personal digital assistant released by PC manufacturer Dell Computers, which runs the Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition operating system from Microsoft.


To provide a simple answer, TomTom Navigator 6 is compatible with the Dell Axim X30. Depending on your model of the Axim X30, the software may run easily or run into problems, however.

The Dell Axim X30 was released in three different models, known as the Low, Mid, and High.

The Low model features a 312 MHz Intel XScale processor, 32 MB of SDRAM, and 32 MB of flash memory for storage. The Mid model features the same 312 MHz processor but offers a more generous 64 MB of flash memory and 64 MB of RAM. The top-of-the-line High model does even better by providing a quicker 624 MHz Intel XScale processor and 64 MB RAM and 64 MB flash storage.

Owners of the Axim X30 Mid and High should not have problems with running TomTom Navigator 6, provided that you have enough free space for the installation.

Owners of the Axim X30 Low, on the other hand, will most likely run into problems that will either hamper or prevent Navigator 6's smooth operation on the device. Users of Navigator 6 on the Axim X30 Low have reported the software running slow, freezing, as well as fully crashing, which is most likely due to a lack of sufficient memory since this device provides just 32 MB of RAM.

The Navigator 6 software requires approximately 11 MB of free storage space, which may be more of a problem with the limited 32 MB for the Low model, compared to the 64 MB of the Mid and High models.


The Axim X30's amount of storage space can be upgraded through the use of a Secure Digital (SD) card, up to 6 GB. Newer high-capacity SDHC cards are not compatible.

Keep in mind that the Axim X30's RAM cannot be upgraded, so problems with the software performance after installation can most likely only be solved by using a upgraded, more capable PDA.

One Axim X30 Low owner who encountered problems recommended upgrading to the newer Dell Axim X51, which is fully compatible with TomTom Navigator 6.

Tags: Dell Axim, most likely, TomTom Navigator, compatible with, flash memory

Use A Zune As An External Hard Drive

The Zune, Microsoft's answer to the iPod, has received a lot of criticism in relation to its Apple counterpart. One of the biggest complaints from consumers is that the MP3 player can't operate as an external hard drive when connected to a computer. But you can make your Windows computer recognize the Zune as a hard drive. You can manually change the registry for the Zune on your computer, or you can download and run someone's homemade patch for this.


Manual Registry Change

1. Disconnect your Zune from your computer and make sure your Zune software is not running.

2. Open the computer's registry editor. Go to the start menu and select "Run." Type "regedit" and click "OK." Click on "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" and then on "Edit > Find..."

3. Type "EnableLegacySupport" in the box labeled "Find What" and click on the "Find" button. Double-click on the "EnableLegacySupport" value, then change its value data by setting it to 1 and clicking "OK."

4. Repeat the above step to change the value data for "PortableDeviceNameSpaceExcludeFromShell" and "ShowInShell." The PortableDevice value data should be 0 and ShowInShell's should be 1. Close the registry editor after making these changes.

5. Plug your Zune in and open the Zune software. Go to the "My Computer" window in your Control Panel options. The Zune should be included among the available hard drives.

Using a Patch

6. Check what version of Microsoft's .NET Framework is installed on your computer. You need at least Version 2.0.

7. Find a Web site where you can download a Zune HD patch. The original is titled "ZuneHDPatch.exe," but it might not work if your .NET Framework is 3.0. Other versions include "ZuneHDPatch.zip" and "Zune_HDD_Patcher.rar."

8. Download the patch and run it on your computer. You need to have your Zune disconnected from the computer and your Zune software closed while running the patch.

9. Connect your Zune to your computer and go to "My Computer" on your control panel. If the patch worked, the Zune should be listed as an extra hard drive.

Tags: your Zune, your computer, value data, Zune software, change value, change value data, computer make

Friday, June 19, 2009

Connect A Cable Box To A Receiver

A receiver is an electronic device designed to receive and decode cable signals. Receivers only work with digital TV channels; they will not work with analog systems. When you connect a cable box to a receiver, you can take full advantage of features offered by your cable company, such as electronic program guides and parental locks (also known as V-chips).


Connect a Cable Box to a Receiver

1. Gather all your tools, parts and cables together before you start the connection process. Chances are you will need to connect several items at the same time, including your TV, audio system and TV cable receiver. Your cable box manual is likely to include a diagram of make the appropriate connections, so it's important that you read it before attempting any links.

2. Connect the output of the cable box to the input of the receiver. If you are connecting an audio system as well, make sure the audio output cables go directly into the receiver and, from there, to the cable box. Avoid direct connections; instead, go through the receiver for all secondary connections.

3. Select the correct jacks for sound and video. A newer model of receiver should offer several options, including analog TV out and DTV out. It should also offer an S-video and a service port. Depending on the type of cable box you use, one or more of the same jacks will be available there, too. When connecting both systems, make sure cables go between similar outputs.

4. Use an S-video connection cable to link your TV with your cable box. S-video connection cables allow you to preserve good quality in both image and audio. Most cable boxes come with S-video connection cables, but you can get them at any electronics store. Once you have them, simply connect both ends to the right output. It'll be easy to identify, because it's usually the only round one available.

5. Plug the TV, cable box and receiver into an electrical outlet to make sure everything is working properly. If you are getting static or interference, you may need to tighten the connections or change the cables.

Tags: make sure, S-video connection, audio system, Connect Cable, Connect Cable Receiver

Compare A Flat Panel Tv With A Flat Screen Tv

With so many types of television sets flooding the market it can be easy to get confused. When you go searching for a new set, you will notice that some are known as flat screen TVs and some are flat panel TVs. Use the tips below when you're ready to hit the shopping trail.


1. Look at the dimensions of the TV. Flat screen TVs are normal tube sets where the screen is "flat" or level instead of being a curved surface, and their overall size is still large. The flat panel TVs also have flat screens but are less bulky than standard flat screen TVs and won't have nearly as much depth.

2. Understand the positioning properly. Flat panel TVs can be mounted on a wall like a painting, whereas the flat screen version is just an ordinary TV with a flat screen that allows for a larger viewing angle.

3. Compare the prices. The tube versions have been evolving around 80 years or so making the technology much more affordable than the non-tube TVs such as the flat panel type. There is a significant price difference between the flat screen and flat panel TVs of similar size.

4. Check the top models of different brands. The technology updates are so rapid that in order to stay in competition, every electronic manufacturing company produces a pretty wide variety of versions and models. The difference is usually the weight along with its features and functions.

5. Match the models between similar brands. Choose between the models that have features you are looking for. Sound, picture resolution and distortion should also play important roles while comparing TVs.

6. Consider the durability factors. The warranty on parts replacement, availability of parts and likely wear and tear are very important when comparing different brands and models.

Tags: flat panel, flat screen, different brands, flat screen, screen flat

Motorola Radius P200 Specifications

Portable two-band radios are mainly used by rescue and emergency services, and it is essential that the radios are able to function under diverse environmental conditions and communicate well with each other.


According to the operation manual, the P200 fulfills the U.S. Government Military Standards 810C and 810D for low pressure, low temperature, temperature shock, solar radiation, rain, humidity, salt, fog, dust, vibration and shock. It also complies with the Electronic Industry Association RS316B electrical and mechanical specifications.


The Radius uses Push-To-Talk to select between transmit or receive mode. It can operate on six channels, scan for other low-band radios and store telephone numbers. It also has an on/off/volume level control, antenna, mode select switch, universal connector, and LED indicator that shows low battery, normal transmission or channel busy. The radio's frequency and codes can be reprogrammed using a computer or another radio that has the desired characteristics.


Extra accessories for the P200 include antennas covering different frequencies, batteries, chargers, and various carrying and audio accessories, such as clips, cases, microphones and ear pieces.


Thursday, June 18, 2009

Diy Tripod Leg Covers

Leg pads protect the tripod during outdoor work.

A sturdy tripod is one of the most useful accessories for any photographer or videographer. The adjustable legs can be manipulated to provide a level, steady platform on almost any terrain. This allows the photographer to concentrate on getting a perfect shot, rather than simply holding the camera steady. Modern carbon-fiber tripods and older aluminum tripods are both lightweight and easy to handle. Some photographers like to pad their tripods' legs to protect them against damage and provide a better grip for carrying.


Tape Method

1. Purchase two to four rolls of padded self-adhesive tape, either the type used for bicycle handlebars or for the grips on tennis and badminton racquets.

2. Clean the upper section of the tripod's legs by wiping it down with a paper towel soaked in rubbing alcohol. The tape will adhere better to a clean surface.

3. Start at the bottom of the first leg. Wrap the tape around the leg twice, immediately above the lock mechanism for the lower portion of the leg. From there, wind the tape up the tripod toward the camera mount. Allow the tape to overlap slightly as you wind it.

4. Finish taping at the top of the tripod's leg by wrapping the tape in a double layer as you did to begin the leg. Stop approximately 2 inches from the top of the leg while there's still room to wrap the tape easily. Cut the tape with scissors then move onto the next leg.

5. Repeat the wrapping process for the remaining two legs.

Tape and Foam Method

6. Wrap the bottom of each tripod leg with sports tape, the kind used for hockey sticks. Make a band that is two layers deep and two turns wide then cut the tape. Make a similar layer of tape at the top of each leg, 2 to 3 inches from the camera platform, then a third band of tape midway between the first two sections.

7. Purchase a length of foam pipe insulation from your local hardware store. This is a cylindrical piece of foam, split down one side, that's designed to go over copper pipe. Choose a small size that will fit tightly over your tripod leg.

8. Measure the tripod leg, from the top of the upper band of tape to the bottom of the lower band of tape. Measure the strip of foam insulation to the same length and cut it cleanly with a utility knife.

9. Slip the insulation over the first tripod leg, with the seam facing inward. Wrap the top tightly with sports tape. Repeat at the bottom and in the middle, where you previously taped the tripod legs. The tape underneath provides friction to prevent the insulation from sliding and rotating.

10. Repeat the process for the remaining two legs. Finish the project by wrapping each foam-covered leg from bottom to top in sports tape while applying enough tension to hold the foam firmly in place.

Tags: band tape, sports tape, inches from, insulation from, process remaining, process remaining legs

Use Digital Camera Memory Cards

Capture memories with your camera -- to your camera.

Most digital cameras store the pictures you take on removable memory cards not much bigger than a postage stamp. One of these cards can hold hundreds of photos, even if you use a digital SLR that takes high-resolution pictures and stores the images in an uncompressed format. Once you insert the memory card in your camera and prepare it for use, the camera does the rest each time you press the shutter release to take a picture.


1. Search online for a good price on a high-quality brand of memory. Consider buying at least two cards so you'll have a backup. Consult the owner's manual for your camera or the manufacturer's website to determine which memory card size and format your camera will accept.

2. Insert the memory card in your camera's card slot while the camera is turned off. Most cameras protect this slot with a cover that slides or flips over the card. Close the cover once you insert the card.

3. Follow your camera's instructions to format the card for use. Set any other preferences related to file storage on the card, such as the name of the folder in which your camera writes your photo files. Set your file preferences to the largest, least-compressed format you can use so your picture quality will be as high as possible.

4. Take your pictures. Be sure to turn off your camera when you finish and cover the lens to protect it.

5. Turn off your camera and remove the memory card. Insert the card into a card reader connected to your computer, a digital photo frame or other media storage device.

6. Copy your photo files to your computer or storage device so you can view, edit and share the pictures with family and friends.

Tags: your camera, memory card, card your, card your camera, files your, format your, memory card your

Upload A Photo From A Droid Sd Card To Facebook

Unlike regular cell phones, smart phones, such as the Android line of phones, can upload pictures to your e-mail, Twitter and Facebook accounts from the phone itself. Most traditional cell phones require you to send pictures via text or e-mail to Facebook to upload a picture to your profile, but with a Droid ,you can simply select the picture you want to upload and press "Share" to upload the picture to Facebook.


1. Turn on your Android phone. Open the application list. Most Android phones have a "Menu" button or a small square button at the bottom of the screen that opens the application list.

2. Touch the "Gallery" icon. Press "SD" card to access the pictures on the SD card.

3. Touch the picture you wish to upload to Facebook. Press the "Menu" button. Touch "Share" and press "Facebook." Facebook will open and show you a preview of your picture. All mobile pictures are uploaded to your "Mobile" album by default. Press the "Change album" button at the top-right of the screen to select a different album.

4. Enter a caption in the "Enter caption here" box if you want, or just press "Upload" to upload the picture. A status bar will show you when the upload is complete.

Tags: upload picture, application list, cell phones, Enter caption, Menu button

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Load Film Into A Box Camera

Box camera with winding knob

A box camera offers the photo enthusiast a chance to experience photography at its most basic, unadorned level. Only a shoebox pinhole camera has fewer moving parts than a box camera. However, since compact film cameras and digital cameras have replaced box cameras for most photography applications, it may not be immediately obvious load film into a box camera. Fortunately, loading film in a box camera is a fairly straightforward procedure, and you can successfully load a box camera on your first try.


1. Unlatch any safety latches holding the back of the camera closed. Pull out the film winder knob, which is the large knob on the side of the camera.

2. Pull out the inside box from the outer box camera casing. This inside box is known as the "cone." Observe the hole on the cone where the winder knob fits.

3. Insert an empty film spool into one side of the cone. Each side of the cone contains a film-holder assembly. The empty film spool should go into the film-holder assembly on the side of the cone where the winder knob fits into the cone. This is known as the take-up side of the film-holder assembly.

4. Flip the cone so that you see the opposite film-holder assembly. This is the side of the cone that will receive the new roll of film. Completely unwrap the tape from a new roll of film.

5. Load the film into the empty film holder assembly with the paper backing facing out. Pull the paper backing up around the side of the cone, over the back of the cone, and down to the take-up side containing the empty film spool.

6. Insert the paper backing into the empty film spool. Pop the empty film spool out of the take-up film-holder assembly and twist the film spool until the paper is tight. Reinsert the empty film spool into the take-up film-holder assembly.

7. Insert the loaded cone back into the outer camera casing. Make sure that the winder knob is still out. Push the winder knob back in when the cone is in place, and relatch any safety latches.

8. Turn the winder knob until the number "1" appears in the film counter window on the back of the camera.

Tags: empty film, film spool, empty film spool, film-holder assembly, winder knob

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Diy Record Cleaner

It's not difficult to clean your old vinyl records so they will deliver optimum high fidelity sounds. You don't need expensive equipment or even a stand-alone record cleaner. Mix an effective homemade cleaning solution and use easy-to-find supplies for removing lint, dirt and grime from your LP grooves.

Make a Cleaning Solution

Contaminants get deep into the grooves of your records. Loosen and lift them out by preparing a solution of 25 percent rubbing alcohol to distilled water with 2 to 3 drops of liquid dishwashing detergent. Pour this mixture into a clean spray bottle with a mist setting.

The Right Cloth for the Job

When combined with the homemade record cleaning solution, an anti-static microfiber cloth works just as well as a $40 record cleaning kit. Microfiber cloths are available at hardware stores and in home cleaning supplies section of many grocery stores. The cloths are made of synthetic materials and woven together from fibers much finer than a strand of human hair. The result is a cloth with an overall greater surface area for capturing contaminants than a paper towel or old T-shirt used for polishing furniture. Even better, microfiber cloths are gentle to records and won't scratch the surface of your vinyl.

Revitalizing Your Records

The speed adjustment knob on most turntables has a neutral setting that allows you to rotate the platter freely without engaging the motor. Set your turntable to neutral and place the record to be cleaned on the platter. Spray a light mist of the homemade cleaning solution on the record. No need to soak the vinyl; just give it a quick misting.

Spin the record by turning it with the tip of your finger pressed against the label, then gently apply the microfiber cloth to the surface of the record itself. You can fold the cloth into a rectangular shape that's easy to hold and will cover the entire radius of the record, from the edge to the innermost groove. Gradually lift the cloth away from the record surface at a slow, steady angle. You may be amazed to see how much dust and filth you are able to lift from the grooves with these simple DIY strategies.

Tags: cleaning solution, homemade cleaning, homemade cleaning solution, microfiber cloth, record cleaning, your vinyl

Graphing Calculator Work


A graphing calculator is necessary for many different kinds of math. Not only does it do math much faster than almost any person, but it is also capable of performing mathematical functions that no person can calculate because the numbers are too large or small. A graphing calculator is especially useful for geometric equations and plotting lines. All the user has to do is plug in the right coordinates, and the calculator draws the lines. There are several different parts of a graphing calculator, and each one is necessary for the function of the whole.


A graphing calculator uses all of the same functions as a normal calculator. All of the basic math formulas and calculations are programmed into the calculator so that the answers can be found. Multiplication, subtraction, addition, division, logarithms, fractions, decimals, square roots and all other math functions can be preformed by the graphing calculator. When a problem is typed into the calculator, the pre-programmed results and functions give the user the correct answer.

The Bbrain

The computer inside a graphing calculator is fairly complicated. Not only does the calculator have to be programmed to solve algebra and geometry equations, it also has to be programmed to draw the solutions on a graph. The calculator is given formulas to carry out when a user types in graphing commands. Some of the most common functions are matrixes, logarithms and plotting lines. If the user types in a command such as "-10,10," then the calculator is programmed to give the correlating solution. Many graphing calculators use the Zilog Z80 CPU system, which is a small microprocessor.

Graphing Capabilities

Usually the graphing capabilities of a graphing calculator are somewhat limited. The results of any equation (such as "-10,10") are divided between how many pixels are in the screen. For a 127-pixel screen, the graph is divided into 127 dots that arc across the screen according to the graph specifications. Sometimes the dots do not get connected, so it is necessary to connect them manually when re-recording the graph results on a piece of paper. Unless the user knows input the graph coordinates, the resulting graph will be no where near the correct answer. The graphing calculator inputs the literal commands that are entered, which can be way off from the desired result.

Graphing Calculator Flaws

The flaws of the graphing calculator are somewhat minor, but can cause serious problems. As mentioned above, in many cases the resulting graphs are not complete due to screen issues. This can be a serious problem for a user who does not know what the graph should look like. Another flaw is the fact that each calculator has specific ways that graphing equations need to be entered. A slight deviation from the required formula can cause incredibly different results. Another problem with graphing calculators is that certain shapes cannot be completed.

Tags: graphing calculator, calculator somewhat, correct answer, graphing calculator, graphing calculator somewhat, graphing calculators, into calculator

Install Speaker Wires

In order to wire stereo speakers, you'll need to understand the basic installation requirements of speaker wires. While the configuration of your speakers may vary, the installation of wires will be the same.


1. Determine where the speakers will be placed. Measure how much wire you'll need to run and purchase the correct size wire. Run string where the wire will be for the most accurate measurement.

2. Strip the ends of the speaker wire. You'll need about ½ inch of wire to connect the terminals. If you're using bare wire, be sure to twist the small strands together to prevent them from shorting out the speaker. If you're using add-on connectors such as pins or banana plugs, connect them to each strand of wire.

3. Be sure the power is off and connect the speaker wire to your receiver or amplifier. Use the outputs for the specific speakers you are connecting, and connect one strand of the speaker wire to the negative output terminal and one to the positive. Some speaker wires may have one side marked or color coded as positive or negative to make connection easier.

4. Run the wire to to the speaker. Connect the positive strand of wire to the positive input terminal and the negative strand to the negative terminal. Use connectors or bare strands of wire secured to the terminals to make the connection. Be sure that the negative and positive strands do not touch.

5. Repeat Steps 2 and 3 for each speaker you're connecting.

Tags: speaker wire, make connection, strand wire, wire need, wire sure

Monday, June 15, 2009

Diy Pvc Hydroponic Systems

Many hydroponic gardeners choose PVC pipes for their hydroponic needs.

Hydroponic systems are often made from PVC products. PVC is versatile and long lasting with hydroponic applications. Square tubes work better than round pipes for hydroponics because they do not have to be stabilized to prevent rolling. You can find ready-made PVC systems of many designs, but they often cost much more than the raw materials. Building your own PVC system will not only save you money and allow you to modify it to you needs, but it will also help you understand conceptually how these systems are supposed to work.


1. Drill four 4-inch holes in your square tube, with the centers starting 6 inches from the end and spaced 12 inches apart. The centers should be 3 inches from each 48-inch edge as well.

2. Drill four 1/8-inch holes in the 1/2-inch PVC pipe with the centers spaced the same as they are with the square tubing. Screw the sprayer nozzles in each hole and epoxy the end cap on one end. Epoxy this tube to the inside of the square tube so the sprayer nozzles are centered underneath the 4-inch holes, and pointing up.

3. Epoxy the square end cap to the square tube on the side where the 1/2-inch tube has its end cap attached. Drill two half-inch holes in the second end cap so one of the holes lines up with the end of the 1/2-inch PVC pipe, and so the second is at the same level, but an inch to either side. Epoxy the end cap to the square tubing, and epoxy around the 1/2-inch pipe. The 1/2-inch hole is the drain hole, the 1/2-inch pipe will have water constantly pumped to it, so water cannot leak around it. Let the epoxy dry according to instructions.

4. Position the tote so it is laying flat and horizontal. Drill two 1/2-inch holes spaced 1 inch apart along the left side of the tote. The holes should be 5 inches from the top of the tote, each one-half inch from where the center of that side of the tote is.

5. Cut your vinyl tubing into two 24-inch pieces. Set your water pump in the reservoir and connect one piece of tubing to the pump, run through one of the holes in the tote, and connect it to the 1/2-inch pipe with your double female connector. Place the second tube in the other 1/2-inch hole on the square end cap and run it through the other hole on the tote.

6. Drill a 1/2-inch hole through your lid, set the lid on the tote, and run your power cord through this hole. Fill your tote with your nutrient solution and secure the lid.

7. Set your net pots in the 4-inch holes, and position your starter plugs that contain your seedlings or cuttings so that the top of the plug is flush with the top of the net pots. Fill the net pots with the clay pebbles around the plugs. Set your system underneath your grow lights and always run the pump.

Tags: 2-inch pipe, 2-inch hole, 4-inch holes, inches from, square tube, 2-inch pipe with, Drill 2-inch

Keep Fungus Out Of A Camera Lens

Don't store lenses in poorly lit or damp places.

Camera lenses, like many things, can be sensitive to any kind of fungus. Whether it's on a lens's coating or even deeper inside, fungi can spread and severely impair the device. Perhaps the best way to aid the fungus problem is to take measures to keep it off your lenses. There are a few different things you can do to ensure that your lens is protected from fungi. Most of them require a consistent eye on your camera's welfare.


1. Clean your lens on a regular basis with cleaner provided with your camera or purchased at a specialty store. Keep dust and grease off the lens.

2. Keep your lens out of poorly lit or damp areas to avoid fungi getting in. Try to either keep the camera out of a camera bag that may have open gaps or purchase a lens pouch to keep the area around it dry.

3. Avoid having the camera lens close to anything but dry goods and materials. Don't pack a meal and put it in your camera bag.

Tags: your camera, your lens, poorly damp

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Use The Hdtv Commercial Skip Feature

HDTV receivers such as TiVo have a feature that allows you to skip past commercials on recorded shows. Of course, you can always fast forward through them just as you do on a VCR, but the commercial skip feature makes the process much more accurate. It's a simple process that requires just a few pushes of a button. Once its set, you can use it as long as the power source from your remote is uninterrupted.


For TiVo

1. Turn on your TV and HDTV TiVo device. Select a recorded show and push the "Play" button.

2. While the show is playing, press the "Select" button, then the "Play" button, then the "Select" button again, then the number "3" followed by the number "0," then the "Select" button a final time. The TiVo should emit a series of three beeps.

3. The "Skip To" button has now been set to 30-second intervals instead of skipping all the way to the end. Whenever you push it, it will skip 30 seconds ahead. To return it to its original format, simply repeat the steps.

For DirecTV

4. Turn on your TV and DirecTV DVR.

5. Press the "Menu" button on the remote, Maneuver the cursor to the "Search for Shows" bar and press it, then press the "Keyword" bar.

6. Instead of typing in a keyword, type "30SKIP" exactly as it appears here. There should be no spaces between the number and the letters. Then push "Continue." You're now set and can return to the broadcast from the current menu without taking any further steps.

7. Play a recorded show and press the "Skip To" button. It will advance the show forward by 30 seconds.

For Dish Network

8. Turn on the TV and the Dish Network receiver.

9. Play a pre-recorded show.

10. When the commercials begin, press the yellow button just above and to the right of the "Pause" button, labeled "Skip Fwd." It will automatically advance the show 30 seconds.

Tags: Select button, advance show, button then, Dish Network, Play button

What Is The Difference Between An Sd Regular Card And An Sdhc Card

Smaller sizes of SD cards increase the capacity of portable game consoles.

SDHC and SD cards are used in MP3 players, cellphones and cameras that have a slot to expand the storage capacity of the devices. Both formats are used to transfer data from these devices to a computer for further processing and manipulation of video and photographs. Both formats are useful to transfer data between computers.


Secure digital (SD) cards range in storage capacity from 512MB to 2GB, While secure digital high capacity (SDHC) cards range in storage capacity from 4GB to 32GB. A 2GB card will be able to store 770 photos or 20 to 40 minutes of video depending on the quality setting.

Card Class

Card class refers to the minimum writing speed of the card. An SD card labeled as SD 2 means that the card can write at a speed of 2MB per second. SDHC cards are rated as class 4 or 6 and can write data onto the card at 4MB or 6MB per second.


SD cards are used in older video camcorders and digital cameras to store photos and take standard definition video. They are useful to transfer documents and music from one computer to another and portable game consoles. SDHC cards are used to store and transfer high-quality video and photographs taken with newer video and digital cameras as of 2011. The higher writing speeds makes SDHC cards ideal to use with professional digital and video cameras. SDHC cards are backward-compatible with products that use SD cards through a firmware upgrade.

Price and Availability

With higher speed cards and competition among manufacturers, smaller capacity and lower-speed cards have become more affordable. 2GB SD cards can be purchased for $3 or less and SDHC cards range from $6 to $50 dollars based on capacity and brand.

Tags: SDHC cards, cards range, cards used, storage capacity, Both formats, capacity from, cards range storage

Scan 35mm Slides To Jpeg

Preserve your old slides by converting them to JPEGs

If you own a scanner with the 35mm Slide and Film attachment, you will be able to scan your 35mm slides and convert them to JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) format. This slide attachment is usually placed on the top of your scanner glass so that you can use your existing scanner software to scan the 35mm slides into a digital format, such as JPEG.


1. Open the scanner slide attachment, insert the slides and close the attachment to secure the slides in the holder.

2. Attach the slide holder to the scanning surface on your scanner. Most devices sit on the scanner glass or clip on to the scanner glass surface.

3. Make sure the scanner is connected to your computer that has the scanner software installed. In many cases, the scanner is connected to your computer via USB (Universal Serial Bus).

4. Execute the scanner software, and the scanner dialog box will appear.

5. Choose the Photo option that scans slides. Canon scanners give two photo scanning options, one for 35mm film and one for 35mm slides. Make sure you choose the one for slides. A Photo slide dialog box will appear where you can specify how you would like to scan in your slides.

6. Look for the Save As options in the dialog box, and make sure they are set to JPEG.

7. Click the box next to the Save the JPEG file in AdobeRGB if this option is available in your scanner software.

8. Look for the external program section of the dialog box. Click the "Browse" or "Set" button to scroll to the external program that will allow you to save your file in JPEG format. Browse to the program Adobe Photoshop or Adobe Photoshop Elements or any other graphics program and click on it. This will make sure that the slide is scanned to the graphics program chosen. Adobe Photoshop or Adobe Photoshop Elements will allow you to save your slide image in JPEG format.

9. Click "Scan" or "OK" to start scanning your slides. The method for initiating a scan will depend on the scanning software you are using. For example, if you are using a Canon LiDe 600F scanner, you will see a "Scan" button instead of "OK."

10. Your 35mm slide will show up in the external program selected. If you selected Adobe Photoshop as your external program, then you will be looking at your slide image in Adobe Photoshop after the scan is complete.

11. In Adobe Photoshop click "File > Save for Web" and the Save for Web dialog box will appear. You should see the JPEG option chosen in the Preset section. If not, use the drop-down menu to choose JPEG and click "Save."

12. The Save Optimized As dialog box will appear where you can name your JPEG file and save it in the directory of your choice. Once you have chosen a name and a location for your image, click "Save" and you are done.

Tags: Adobe Photoshop, dialog will, dialog will appear, external program, scanner software

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Convert A Digital Camera To Ir

A digital camera can photograph infrared light.

Normal digital cameras have the ability to capture infrared light, which the human eye cannot process. Manufacturers put filters over the the digital sensors, however, so that the camera only captures what the human eye can see. This produces a "normal" photograph--one that mimics people's field of vision. If you want to convert your digital camera into an IR camera, you simply need to remove this filter and replace it with one that filters visible light.


1. Open your digital camera using a screwdriver that fits the screws.

2. Find the digital sensor, which is usually behind the lens and is smaller than a postage stamp.

3. Find the infrared filter, which is on the digital sensor. It will appear to be a translucent, blue/green piece of plastic or glass.

4. Remove this infrared filter with a sharp object such as a screwdriver. The filter may be held onto the digital sensor with glue.

5. Bring a roll of new, unused film to a photo developer and have him develop it as usual. Cut out a piece of this blank, but processed, film to the exact same size as the infrared filter you just removed. Wipe any fingerprints off the film.

6. Attach the small piece of film to the digital sensor in the same way the infrared filter was attached. You may need to use a dab of regular, white glue. The film will filter all visible light (that humans see) and allow the camera to only capture infrared light.

7. Put your camera back together and replace any screws.

Tags: digital sensor, infrared filter, infrared light, your digital camera, camera only, capture infrared, capture infrared light

Coordinates On A Magellan Sportrak Gps Map

Waypoints are visual map markers that plot defined coordinates--they plot the elevation, longitude and latitude. GPS systems use waypoints to route users to a destination or to mark places they've already been. And if you need to set the coordinates of a location on your handheld Magellan SporTrak Map GPS unit, all you need to do is set up a new waypoint to plot your coordinate.


1. Press the "Menu" button on your SporTrak. Navigate down to the "Mark" option in the menu.

2. Enter a name for your coordinates, or waypoint, into the "Name" field at the top of the Mark menu.

3. Use the arrow keys on your SporTrak to navigate down to the "Location" field. Enter the longitude and latitudes of the coordinates into the field.

4. Navigate down to the "Elevation" field and then enter your waypoint's elevation.

5. Select the "Save" option at the bottom of the menu to store your coordinates or select the "Route" option to get directions to the waypoint.

Tags: Navigate down, your coordinates, your SporTrak

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Qsc Ex4000 Specs

QSC Audio makes dozens of amplifiers and loud speakers for a variety of volume-boosting needs. Though the company's EX4000 is no longer in its current lineup, this amplifier is made to last as a professional-grade power amp, providing high power and efficiency despite requiring 50 percent less cooling and voltage than many standard models.


The QSC EX4000 amplifier provides 1,600 watts of output power a channel at 2 ohms and 800 watts a channel at 8 ohms. Distortion is less than 0.5 percent. A variable-speed fan keeps operations quiet and a built-in limiter lessens distortion. Also, the EX4000's thermal management system changes its fan speed to suit different heat exchanges, even reducing the gain to prevent overheating.

The unit weighs 69 lbs. and measures (W/H/D) 19-by-5.25-by-17.9 inches. Under normal operations, it requires less than 12 amps of power at 4 ohms per channel. At 2 ohms per channel, it requires 58 amps. It requires 100-, 120- or 240-volt power.


The EX4000 protects itself from short-circuit, open circuit, ultrasonic and RF interruptions with its variable speed fan. Its has input ports for a barrier strip and XLR, as well as binding posts and Neutrik connectors for speakers. Different-colored LED lights (green, yellow and red) allow you to monitor power and temperature levels. It has an AC switch, two channels of gain knobs in the front, and a parallel/stereo/bridge switch in back.

More Features

The EX4000 has a damping factor of more than 200 and dynamic headroom of 3 decibels at 4 ohms. Noise level is 100 decibels below the standard output range of 20 Hz to 20 kHz. Input impedance is 10,000 balanced, 20,000 unbalanced. The system comes with a three-step output circuit for further heat control and less power consumption. It also has a parallel switch that also bridges with mono sound. Older-model signal processors are compatible with the rear panel architecture, as well as newer, computer-based sound applications.

Tags: channel ohms, less than, ohms channel

Solve Digital Tv Problems

All televisions now produced are digital.

All televisions currently produced have an installed digital tuner. This is because all broadcast signals are digital, forcing older analog sets to be connected with a digital to analog converter box. Regardless of how you are receiving programming on your digital television, you may run into problems with the audio or picture. When this occurs there are a few specific areas you are able to inspect on the television in order to determine what is causing the problems.


1. Power down the television, and disconnect it from the electrical outlet. This performs a hard reset of the internal hardware, allowing everything to boot up fresh (you do not lose your system settings performing this). After a few minutes, power the TV back on and any electrical or hardware issues you encountered are now corrected.

2. Inspect the connection running from the digital TV to the hardware hooked up to it. If the cables are not fully inserted into the connection ports, the audio and video signals are lost. Also look over the actual cable for damage, such as cuts in the cable. If the cable is damaged, you must replace it.

3. Select a different video input if you experiencing problems with one of the video connections. If the second input functions correctly, you know the problem is with the connected hardware, not the television. If the inputs are damaged on the TV, you must take the TV into a local repair shop to correct the problem.

4. Move signal-based devices (telephones, radios and Bluetooth equipment) away from the TV if the set uses an antenna. These devices often cause interference with the television, causing distortion in the audio and video signals.

Tags: audio video, audio video signals, damaged must, problems with, video signals

Monday, June 8, 2009

Wire A Motion Detector

Motion detectors are a great addition to any outdoor lighting scheme. They offer improved security measures, and they help to keep your electric bill down by reducing the amount of time a particular light is left on.


1. The first step to wiring a motion detector is to choose which light you want to have the capabilities. It can be an entryway light, a light on the garage or pretty much any other exterior light on your home. You want to make sure that, where you are installing it, the detector will have a clear line of sight to the area you want it to scan. If there are bushes or tree branches in the way, then the motion detector will be sensing movement all night long and the light will never go out!

2. Once you have the light chosen, turn off the circuit that powers the light. You can turn the switch off if you want, but for safety reasons, it's best to turn off the breaker.Next, remove the light fixture from the wall. Before you disconnect the wires, use the touch-type voltage tester to ensure that the line is turned off. After you check the voltage, disconnect the wires.

3. Many exterior lights come with pre-drilled holes suitable for installing a motion detector or photo sensor. These access holes usually have a cap that can be unscrewed. Look on your light fixture for a knockout or access hole cap and remove it. If your light fixture does not have an access hole, you can create your own by drilling one in with a 3/4" hole saw or simply purchase a newer light fixture.

4. Take your motion detector and make sure that it has the rubber weatherproof grommet inserted over its threads. Then, insert the wires through the access hole on the light fixture. Use the accompanying lock nut to secure the motion detector to the light fixture.

5. Next, use your wire strippers to strip away any necessary insulation from the wires. You should have about 3/4" of exposed wire at the ends of each wire. Take the white wire from the motion detector and connect it to the white wire from the light fixture and the white wire coming out of the wall.Take the red wire from the motion detector and connect it to the black wire coming from the light fixture.Take the black wire coming from the motion detector and connect it to the black wire coming out of the wall.Make sure all of the wire connectors are on tight and wrap electrical tape around each one.

6. Secure the light fixture back to the wall box and turn the circuit breaker back on. Now, when it gets dark outside, and something or someone walks in front of the motion detector, the lights will automatically come on!

Tags: light fixture, motion detector, motion detector, wire coming, access hole, black wire, black wire coming