Friday, May 29, 2009

Use The Chinon Zoom Macro Lens

Chinon was a camera company that produced the first auto-focusing lens. Kodak has since bought it out, but Chinon cameras and lenses are still available to buy from secondhand sellers. A Chinon macro lens allows users to take close-up pictures of small objects, such as flowers and insects. The Chinon macro lens will work with any Chinon camera that accepts interchangeable lenses.


1. Place the Chinon macro lens on the Chinon camera and twist it into place. Turn on the Chinon camera.

2. Set the shutter speed on the camera to between 2000 and 125, depending on your film and the brightness of the sun. Adjust to aperture by twisting the F-stop ring at the base of the macro lens.

3. Look through the camera's viewfinder at the object you want to take a picture of. Twist the lens to zoom in and out of the object in macro mode. Twist the focus ring at the end of the lens to bring the object into focus.

4. Press the shutter button on the top right-hand side of the camera to take the picture.

Tags: Chinon camera, macro lens, Chinon macro, Chinon macro lens, take picture

Clean A Portable Dvd Screen

Watching movies on a portable DVD player can make a long evening or a long drive feel a little shorter. The LCD screens on these portable devices are a lot like laptop screens, and suffer from build of up of dust or dirt and finger smudgers. Fortunately, these screens are easy to clean with the right tools.


Mixing and Using the Cleaning Solution

1. Wipe the screen down with one of the dry cloths or paper towels. This will clear the screen of dust before cleaning off finger prints.

2. Mix the distilled water and rubbing alcohol in the bottle or container. If you have a lid, you can mix easily by screwing the cap on and shaking it.

3. Pour some liquid onto the remaining cloth. Wring the cloth out so that it's damp, not soaked or dripping.

4. Wipe the screen with the damp cloth. Focus especially on areas with smudges or dirt, buffing them out. Press gently on the screen, so that you don't crack or damage it.

5. Leave the screen to dry for a few minutes before use. Store the remaining liquid until the next time you need to clean the screen again, or to clean an LCD flat-panel or laptop screen as well.

Tags: Wipe screen

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Why Do Disposable Cameras Use A Large Capacitor

A disposable camera uses a capacitor to power the flash.

To power a flash unit, disposable cameras use an electronic circuit to charge a large capacitor. The flash needs several hundred volts to operate, far higher than the camera's battery can provide. The electronic circuit builds voltage in the capacitor, which then powers the flash.


A disposable camera is an inexpensive, convenient package containing the film pack, lenses, electronics, flash, and battery. The camera is used once, then sent in for film processing. Disposable cameras are handy for parties, sightseeing, and emergencies.


The camera gets its power from a 1.5 volt AA battery. As disposable cameras are single-use, the batteries needn't be rechargeable. This small battery provides more than enough power for the camera's short lifetime.


A capacitor is an electronic component that stores an electric charge. Unlike a battery, it can be charged and discharged very fast. A disposable camera uses a high-voltage capacitor to accumulate voltage from a circuit.

Charge Pump

A charge pump is an electronic circuit used to build a capacitor's voltage in small steps. With a fresh battery, it can accumulate several hundred volts in the capacitor in a fraction of a second. When the capacitor voltage reaches a set value, the charge pump stops.


When you take a picture, the camera dumps all the stored voltage from the capacitor into the flash This discharges the capacitor, bringing it down to no stored charge and zero volts. When you take another picture, the charge pump builds the voltage in the capacitor again.

Tags: charge pump, disposable camera, electronic circuit, builds voltage, builds voltage capacitor, camera uses

Use Focal Length In Photography

In photography, the focal length of a lens means the magnification or telephoto power of the lens and is expressed in the millimeters of the lens, like 100mm, 300mm, etc. The higher the number the higher the magnification the lens will provide. At the higher magnifications, it will be harder to hand-hold the camera without getting a blurry picture. Use your digital camera to experiment with the different focal lengths. You will quickly learn what works for your style of photography.


1. The photograph shows a focal length of about 36mm. This lens magnification is great for landscapes or large group pictures. This focal length also works great if you are close to your subject and want to include as much as possible in the frame. Any time you wish to include a wide view of what you are photographing, choose a focal length between 20mm and 40mm.

2. Here the focal length is 75mm. This focal length is good for cutting out some of the distracting objects in the background. While this lens setting is not quite long enough for a good portrait, this setting would be good for small groups or if you want to include some background.

3. This photo shows about 125mm of magnification. This length is good for portraits. Move closer to your subject and you can easily fill your frame with a pleasing head shot.

4. Here is a 300mm focal length shot. Use this setting to get right into the action. This setting is great for nature or sports photography. With this setting, you will cut out most of the background and distractions.

5. This photo shows 450mm of magnification. This is an example of an extremely long focal length. This length is excellent for bird photography and sports. Use this length if your subject is far away and you cannot get closer.

Tags: focal length, your subject, length good, magnification This, photo shows

Clean A Sony Vplpx11

The Sony VPL-PX11 is a digital projector that is no longer produced by the company. With the projector, you are able to directly connect to almost any video source, including high-definition televisions and source content. Over time, the projector will become dirty, which may hinder its performance. It is up to you to keep the projector clean, which helps ensure the device functions properly.


1. Power down the Sony VPL-PX11 projector. You don't want it powered on, as you are using some liquids to clean the device.

2. Spray compressed air into the air vents of the projector. This removes dust built up on the interior of the system, which causes the device to overheat.

3. Wipe the air intake vent on the front of the projector off with a damp cloth. Most of the dust collects along this vent and it is important for the projector to have a clear air circulation intake vent.

4. Clean off the projector's lens with a lens cloth. This cloth is the same you use to clean eyeglasses. Do not touch the lens with your fingers, as doing so leaves oil from your skin.

5. Disconnect the cable connections and wipe off the metal areas of both the cables and the connection ports. If the metal connectors are dirty, you will not receive a clear video picture.

Tags: intake vent, lens with, Sony VPL-PX11

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Unlock A Magellan Crossover

Magellan's CrossoverGPS navigation system is made for diversity. This water-resistant satellite navigation system can go practically anywhere, but it won't work well if it's got outdated software or problems with its SD card. Magellan provides the latest software version for your unit for free, and its free computer-based Content Manager will keep you informed of future upgrades. Problems with the SD card should be fixed by a professional.


1. Plug your Magellan CrossoverGPS into an Internet-ready computer using a USB cable.

2. Navigate to Magellan's website for upgrading the CrossoverGPS (see Resources). Version 2.14 software is the most recent upgrade. If you don't know gauge this, watch your screen while booting up; your software version is displayed then. If your device is already turned on, you can find this data by pressing "Options," "User settings," "Diagnostics" then "Product information." If you already have Version 2.14, proceed to Step 6.

3. Click "Download" at the bottom of the Magellan software webpage. Click "Save As" and save the file to where you want to keep it.

4. Double-click the software icon once it has completely downloaded.

5. Hit "Run" when prompted, select a language, then follow the standard on-screen prompts to upgrade your Magellan CrossoverGPS software.

Upgrading to 2.14 should unlock all of your standard maps.

6. Navigate to Magellan's Maps and Software section (see Resources) if you're trying to unlock an SD card. This page displays all of the available maps for the CrossoverGPS. Make sure the one on your SD card is one of them.

7. Call Magellan customer support in the United States --- 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday (PST) as of October 2012 --- at 800-707-9971. Provide the customer service rep with the name of the map you have and the model and ownership information for your CrossoverGPS. The representative will walk you through the troubleshooting steps.

Tags: Magellan CrossoverGPS, Navigate Magellan, navigation system, software version, with card

Import Mp3 Files Into The Music Library Of Your Creative Zen Mp3 Player

Before you can enjoy your Creative Zen MP3 Player, you'll have to import some songs. MP3 files are the type of media the Creative Zen is best suited for. Use these simple instructions to import MP3 files into the music library of your Creative Zen MP3 Player.


1. Locate your Creative Zen MP3 player's USB cable. Attach one end to the player and the other to the computer you're importing MP3 files from.

2. Double-click on the My Computer icon.

3. Locate and double-click the Creative Media Explorer logo, which looks like a small flash drive disk.

4. Locate the "Import Media" button (shaped like an arrow). Click it to begin the wizard that guides you through importing MP3 files.

5. Use a compact flash card to transfer files to your Creative Zen MP3 Player.

6. Save files onto your compact flash card, then insert the compact flash card into the drive (usually located at the top of the player).

7. Use Creative Media Explorer (which opens when the device detects your compact flash card) to copy files to your player.

Tags: compact flash, compact flash card, flash card, your Creative, Creative Media

Regular Vs Rechargeable Batteries

Batteries are available in regular and rechargeable types.

Batteries are needed every day for devices such as remote controls and cameras. It's no longer just a matter of picking a battery that's the correct size, because the choices have expanded to different types, including whether you want a regular or a rechargeable battery.


Regular batteries are available in oxyride or alkaline, the most common types. Rechargeable batteries come in NiMH, NiCad, rechargeable alkaline, zinc and lithium forms.

Time Frame

Rechargeable batteries are meant to be recharged and used over and over, while regular batteries run out of power and cannot be used again.


There are more brands of regular batteries (many stores have their own brands), and they usually are less expensive than rechargeable ones.


Both single use and rechargeable batteries must be thrown away at some point per the guidelines of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).


Some items are more practical than others for use with rechargeable batteries. Digital cameras and cordless phones, for example, need frequent battery replacement, so rechargeable ones are a better option.


Check the labels before you buy rechargeable batteries to see if they are cost-effective. If you are purchasing a rechargeable battery that is three times the price of a regular one but will last only twice as long, it is not worth it.

Tags: battery that, rechargeable batteries, Rechargeable batteries, rechargeable battery, rechargeable ones, regular batteries

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

What Are Common Aperture Lens Settings For Indoor Portrait Lighting

The aperture controls both the amount of light and the level of lens blur.

Shooting portraits can be a difficult task. Not only do you need to worry about the subject looking good, but you also need to make sure the technical qualities of the photo are good. The biggest challenge of indoor portraits is typically the low amount of light. Shooting a photo with a small aperture results in an underexposed image that will not have the acceptable level of detail for a portrait.

Natural or Household Lighting

A photo that only has natural light, such as a window, or household lighting has a relatively low amount of light compared to other situations. For this setup, the widest aperture you can get will be better. Most lenses are capable of f/3.5, but as much as an aperture of f/1.8 is preferable. That extra amount of light will allow you to shoot at a lower ISO and have an image with less noise.

Studio Lights

If you have studio lights, your aperture needs will be much different. Strobe lights produce a relatively high amount of light, especially at their peak levels. Typically, an aperture of f/3.5 or higher is necessary, depending on your artistic style. For a photo with a shallow depth of field, you'll need to lower the light levels to shoot at f/2.8 or lower.

Shallow Depth of Field

Depth of field is the amount of foreground and background blurring in a photo. Some portraits look amazing with shallow depth of field, which means only a small area of the subject is in focus. A good example of this is when a subject's eyes are in focus, while his or her ears have a small amount of blur. This depth of field can only be achieved by an aperture of f/2.8 or lower. When using an open aperture, be sure that your focus point is actually in focus!

An Entire Subject

When shooting someone's entire body, your aperture should be more open to compensate for the potential lens blur. An aperture between f/3.5 and f/5.0 should be acceptable. Generally, the more subjects and subject matter that is in your photo, the smaller the aperture should be to prevent blur. If possible, an aperture of f/8.0 generally results in the sharpest photo for most lenses.

Tags: amount light, aperture should, depth field, lens blur, photo with, shoot lower

Monday, May 25, 2009

Troubleshoot A Video Capture Card

Plug any video source into your computer using a card.

Computers used for a lot of digital video editing often have a dedicated video capture card. These cards provide more options than software-based video capture because they allow capture from any source, including analog VHS. However, video capture cards can be prone to errors, just like any other method of importing video to a computer. If your capture card is not working correctly, there are several steps you can take to troubleshoot it.


1. Check that you have enough hard drive space to capture video. Uncompressed video files are very large. A half-hour of standard-definition video will take up several gigabytes of space in most formats. If your computer or drive is low on space, capture problems will result. Avoid these problems by capturing to a different drive.

2. Check that your computer meets the minimum requirements for your capture device and software. These requirements can be found on the device's packaging or in the software's "Help" section.

3. Check the connection between your card, computer and video device. Many video capture card problems can be solved by replacing the cable between the card and video device. Disconnect the card from the computer and your video camera, VHS or other device, then reconnect and try capturing again.

4. Restart your computer. If video capture is slow or intermittent, the problem may lie with the computer being used to import video. After restarting, open only the software necessary to capture video. Do not open any other programs until the video has been captured.

5. Ensure you are running the latest software and drivers for your video capture card. Check the card's packaging or the help file for the software to find the manufacturer's website and download the latest software. Disconnect your card, re-install the software and try the card again.

6. Connect a backup VHS or camcorder and see if your card captures video more easily from this device. If your source device is faulty, the capture card will be unable to import clean video.

7. Contact the card's manufacturers or the store where you purchased it if all the above steps do not work. If the fault does not lie with storage, software or capture media, the card itself may be faulty and in need of repair or replacement.

Tags: video capture, your computer, capture card, video capture card, your card

Optical Encoder Tutorial

Understanding incremental optical encoders

Optical encoders are feedback sensors that report real time positional information back to a controller, computer, PLC or display. These devices are most commonly used in motion control systems to "close the loop" on positioning or velocity control of a motor. They are found in many common everyday machines: elevators, treadmills, vending machines and even in more exotic machines like MRI equipment and robotic arms. While there are many types of optical encoders, this tutorial will show you mount a bearing style incremental optical encoder to an electric motor and wire it based on the application needs.


1. Slide the encoder onto the motor mounting shaft by holding the encoder with two fingers, one on each side of the encoder body. The female receiving shaft of the encoder should slide smoothly onto the male shaft of the motor. If there is resistance to the fit, remove the encoder and use light grade Emory cloth to lightly polish the inside of the encoder shaft.

2. Align the motor mounting holes with the holes on the encoders spring mount by rotating the body of the encoder.

3. Tihgten machine screws

Tighten the machine screws into the motor mounting holes using the appropriately sized hex wrench. You may use thread-locking compound on the machine screws if so desired.

4. Tighten the two set screws located on the encoder shaft. This will secure the encoder shaft to the motor shaft. You may use thread-locking compound on the threads of the set screws if so desired.

5. Connect the optical encoder power wires, typically red and black wires, to positive and negative on the power supply.

6. Connect the channel A wires to the controller. For a single ended applications this will be the brown wire for most encoders. For differential wired applications this will be the brown and white wires.

A single channel (Channel A or channel B) may be used to provide rotational speed feedback to the controller. The faster the motor rotates, the higher the frequency of pulses coming from the optical encoder.

7. Connect the channel B wires to the controller. For a single ended applications this will be the blue wire for most encoders. For differential wired applications this will be the blue and green wires.

Two channels (Channel A and channel B) are used for directional feedback to the controller, or up down/counting as the motor rotates, and changes direction.

Direction determination is possible as the two channels are electrically out of phase by one quarter cycle. In one direction of rotation Channel A will transition from low to high before Channel B. In the other direction of rotation, channel B will transition from low to high before channel A.

8. Connect the Index or Z wires to the controller. For a single ended applications this will be the orange wire for most encoders. For differential wired applications this will be the orange and yellow wires.

The index channel occurs once per revolution and allows for a verification of pulse count (number of pulses per rotation of the encoder) The index channel also allows for an application to precisely find a home position as the index pulse of an encoder will be much more accurate of a home signal than rotating the motor until it hits a limit switch.

Tags: applications this, applications this will, this will, controller single, controller single ended, differential wired

Qwest Business Voicemail Setup Instructions

Qwest provides Internet access, television programming and telephone service to residential homes and businesses. If you've recently opened a new business phone line with Qwest, you'll want to set up a professional voicemail greeting before handing out the new number. The process of setting up your voicemail is fairly simple and completely automated. You simply have to call using the business line.


1. Dial "*98" from your business phone to begin voicemail setup.

2. Enter a 4- or 15-digit security code when prompted. The security code cannot start or end in zero.

3. Record your name when prompted. This recording will be used to identify your voicemail box to callers.

4. Choose the desired greeting that callers will hear when they get your voicemail. Press "1" for a standard greeting that includes your number. Press "2" for a standard greeting that includes your name. Press "3" to record a 90-second personal message. You will have the option to review your recorded message, after which you can press "9" to save the message and complete the voicemail setup.

Tags: greeting that, your voicemail, business phone, greeting that includes, includes your

Friday, May 22, 2009

Directions On Remelting Permagel

Perma-Gel is used to determine the effects bullets have on tissue.

Law enforcement, forensics experts and bullet manufacturers use ballistic gelatin to test products and study the effects of real life shooting situations. The ballistic gelatin stimulates soft body tissue, so the effects of bullets discharged into it would be similar to that of a person or animal. The experts can observe penetration depth, fragmentation, bullet expansion and size of wound cavity. Perma-Gel is a ballistic gelatin with different ingredients than traditional ballistic gelatin, yet performs in a superior level due to its ease of remelting and reuse.


1. Set up the oven by plugging it in and placing the optional molds into it.

2. Place the used block of gel into pantyhose and tie a knot. The pantyhose is used as a filtration bag.The gel will melt through the hose and the bullet fragments, or any other material, will stay in the pantyhose.

3. Place the used Perma-Gel block into the roaster oven that comes in the kit. Cut the block to fit the mold if necessary.

4. Set the oven temperature by setting the dial at 225 to 250 degrees and placing the lid on top. Turning it higher than 250 degrees may result in burning the gel.

5. Melt the gel. It will take about three to four hours for it to completely melt. Hasten the process by stirring it occasionally with the silicone spatula that comes with the kit.

6. Place the optional divider panel into it by carefully lowering it into the gel while engaging it into the metal channels that are attached to the sides of the pan and place the lid back on.

7. Turn off the oven after one hour or when there are no more bubbles present.

8. Remove the inner pan containing any molds or dividers you used after two hours.

9. Allow the gel to cool on a counter for about 16 hours. The cooling process can be hastened by placing the pan into a refrigerator or floating in a pan of water.

10. Remove the cooled gel from the molds or the pan by pouring a cup of water on the block and separating it from the sides by sliding the fingers of one hand between the gel and the mold or pan.

Tags: ballistic gelatin, block into, effects bullets, Place used, that comes

Use Nikon Manual Lenses On Pentax Cameras

As long as third-party manufacturers make adapter rings, you can use nearly any lens on any camera. There are adapters that even allow the use of medium format lenses on 35mm cameras. Even though there are adjustments to be made in your shooting habits, you can use the Nikon manual lenses on a Pentax camera.


1. Purchase a Nikon lens to Pentax camera adapter. There are available, both new and used. The adapter is a ring that has the Nikon lens mount on one side and the Pentax lens mount on the other.

2. Attach the Nikon lens to the adapter ring as you would to a camera body. It will snap in on the bayonet mount just as it would on a camera.

3. Attach the Nikon lens-and-adapter combination on the Pentax camera as you would a regular Pentax lens. For example, if you have the quite bright Nikon 50mm f/1.2 "normal" lens, it will work in the normal range just as well as a Pentax lens with better glass. This manual lens has a wider F-stop than most 50mm lenses, so use it in low-light situations you might not be able to use another, standard lens.

4. Use the manual focus on the lens to focus and the manual aperture ring to set exposure. If the Pentax camera has a built in light meter, it will work through the Nikon lens. It will tell you the settings for the aperture and shutter speed.

5. Shoot at least one test roll of film or one memory card of photos through the Nikon-Pentax combination system to make certain your exposures are correct before shooting any serious assignments. Another lens to use is the Nikon 35-70mm f/3.5 AI-s manual focus lens. It is a wide-angle to portrait zoom with good clarity. It has a short zoom that is a good test lens because it lets you use varying focal lengths, all at the same maximum aperture.

Tags: Nikon lens, Pentax camera, Pentax lens, adapter ring, Attach Nikon, focus lens

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Download Photos To A Usb Flash Drive

One of the great things about having a digital camera is the ability to easily download pictures to a computer for viewing or printing. Since the pictures are stored in the form of digital files, it is also easy to download the files straight from your camera to a back up drive, such as a USB flash drive.


1. Make sure the computer is on and not in the middle of a process (e.g. opening a program or doing an anti-virus sweep). Plug the flash drive into one of the USB ports.

2. Make sure that your computer recognizes the flash drive. Open the directory window so you can see all available hard drives and verify that the drive is attached to the computer.

3. Plug one end of the USB cord into the camera and the other into an open USB port. Turn the camera on. Repeat Step 2 with the camera to make sure that your computer recognizes it.

4. Double click on the camera drive icon in the explorer window to open the drive. Browse through the drive until you find the folder the pictures are in.

5. Select one of the pictures by clicking on it. The picture should be highlighted. Right click on the picture and select "Cut."

6. Click on the explorer window again and double click on the flash drive icon. This will open up a new window. Right click in the new window and select "Paste." The picture will then be moved from the camera directly to the flash drive. Repeat this process for the remaining pictures.

Tags: flash drive, your computer recognizes, computer recognizes, drive icon, explorer window

Film Vs Digital Lenses

A standard 50mm lens.

Many camera manufacturers now produce lenses that are designed solely for digital cameras. These lenses are not compatible with traditional 35mm film SLRs, despite modern digital SLR bodies being compatible with older lenses. It is important to take your camera type, shooting habits and future upgrade plans into consideration when deciding between a new digital or traditional lens.

Digital SLR Camera Conversion Factor

A digital SLR camera.

Many digital SLRs use sensors with a smaller frame size than 35mm film. APS-C are popular sensors used in many digital SLR cameras. The format has been adopted for the consumer and semi-professional camera market. There is a crop factor when using a traditional 35mm lens with an APS-C censor. The digital image will include a margin of the scene that was beyond the boundary of the viewfinder. The conversion factor also changes the actual focal length of a lens. The focal length of a 24mm lens becomes approximately a 35mm focal length.

Digital Lenses

A digital lens.

Lenses created specifically for digital cameras correct the crop factor created by APS-C sensors. Digital lenses have a smaller frame to match the frame size of the small sensor, Ken Rockwell said in an article on the Nikon DX format. Many manufacturers have their own sensor formats that use the APS-C standard: Nikon's DX format, Canon's EF-S lenses and Olympus' FourThirds system.

35mm Lenses

A 35mm telephoto lens.

Many lenses made for 35mm cameras have manual aperture control directly on the lens. Make sure to lock in the aperture setting on the lens so that it can be controlled by the camera's buttons. Some manufacturers have introduced cameras such as Nikon's D40 that do not support auto-focus on older lenses. Many photographers exploit certain aberrations in older lenses for creative purposes.

Digital Full-Frame

A digital SLR camera.

Camera manufactorers now off full frame sensors---a sensor the same size as 35mm film. The result is more information captured on a larger surface. Images can be printed larger and with grater detail. Nikon's FX format was the world's first full-frame digital sensor that eliminates the crop factor created by APS-C sensors. Canon uses full-frame sensors in their 5D and 1D series cameras. Sony released the A850 with full-frame capabilities. Full frame senors give photographers the true focal length of their lenses. Some full-frame digital cameras, such as Nikon's D3, automatically adjust for digital (DX) lenses.


A roll of 35mm film.

Digital lenses provide consumers with a way of getting the most out of an APS-C sensor. For those looking to continue using the APS-C format, digital lenses will provide true focal lengths and compatibility. With regards to the format's survival, columnist Bob Atkins says, "if 24 x 36mm sensors had been available for the same price as 22 x 15mm sensors do you think anyone would have made a camera with the smaller sensor?"

Tags: 35mm film, digital cameras, focal length, crop factor, Nikon format

Tv Antenna Guide

In an age when television can be easily obtained by most people via cable, satellite dishes and fiber-optic connections, an estimated 10 percent of U.S. viewers still receive TV signals the old-fashioned way: over the air. Maybe they're onto something. Broadcast television is, of course, free, and some experts say over-the-air signals offer the best pictures via the recently implemented high-definition digital transmission format. But finding the right antenna for your situation could take a bit of research.

Getting Started

Sometimes, the simplest solutions are fine. Attic antennas and set-top antennas -- even those traditional "rabbit ear," "loop" and "bow-tie" antennas -- might be enough to catch a digital signal if conditions are right and you don't live too far from the transmission tower.

But, chances are, it won't be that easy. Your home's walls could block 30 percent or more of the incoming signal. And if you have aluminum siding, the signal could be blocked entirely. Add to that the interference from household appliances, and an indoor antenna might leave you looking at nothing but a blank screen.

That is when it is time to consider an outdoor antenna. An outdoor antenna is necessary if you are trying to receive distant stations. There will be less interference, and there will be fewer obstructions between your antenna and the tower.

The antenna should be mounted at least four feet above your roof's peak, or at least 10 feet up if you have a flat metal roof.

Right Choice

It's important you pick the right antenna for the job. If you're shopping for an outdoor antenna, you'll be able to choose among small, medium and large, and directional and multidirectional.

To help make your decision easier, the website will give you a tailor-made recommendation for your location. Once you have entered your information, the website will return a list of stations in your area, tell you how far away their towers are, and tell you the best type of antenna for each channel. For instance, the website might tell you that a small multidirectional antenna will be fine for a station only a few miles away, but that a large directional antenna will be needed for a weak signal coming from the next county.

Television installation and repair technicians also are good sources of information for choosing the right antenna for your needs. Some websites that help you locate local TV experts are and

Helping Hand

You do, in fact, have one more option for capturing those distant signals: a signal amplifier. Many indoor antennas come with an amplifier already built in, and you can use an amplifier with an outdoor antenna. Amplifiers can also help if there is a long cable between your antenna and your TV set, or if you have signal splitters on your line. But remember, you don't want too much of a good thing. In certain circumstances, using an amplifier can result in signal overload, and that can harm your reception.


If you do select an outdoor antenna, your next decision will be on install it. Many people mount their antennas on their chimneys, but that's not always the ideal solution. Smoke from your chimney could damage your antenna. Plus, you could find out the hard way if your chimney is not in good shape. If your antenna mast is more than 10 feet tall and not properly guyed, a strong wind could knock down your antenna --- and your chimney.

If using your chimney isn't an option, you can always attach the antenna directly to your roof using a tripod or a base mount. Or you can erect a tower, either stand-alone or bracketed to the side of your home.

Be sure to take safety precautions, especially if you are on the roof, and don't install your antenna near a power line. The distance between your antenna and the power line should be at least double the combined length of your antenna and mast.

And if you'd rather not tackle the job yourself, professionals would be willing to install the antenna for you.

Tags: your antenna, antenna your, outdoor antenna, your chimney, between your, between your antenna, right antenna

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Take A Helicopter Lesson

Flying in a helicopter is a thrilling adventure and can lead to a career of helicopter pilot. If you think you're interested in learning to fly a helicopter, take a helicopter lesson to find out. These lessons can cost a lot of money, and it takes a good amount of time to become a pilot, so trying one lesson at first is a good idea.


1. Think about how much you're willing to spend on an introductory lesson. Helicopter lessons can be expensive. Your first lesson can set you back less than $100 or over $200. If you don't want to commit to an entire program, make sure this first lesson does not obligate you to complete the rest of the program.

2. Check out helicopter flight schools in your area. Helicopter School Info's website has a comprehensive list of helicopter schools in every U.S. state (see Resources). Look at the reputation of the schools, especially any you have heard of. Depending on your area, you could have many schools to choose from or only one or two.

3. Look at the credentials of each school and find the most impressive, with a program that fits your schedule. Call the school if you can't find this information online. Ask how long the school has been around and how well-trained the instructors are. Use a school you can trust. Also check out their lesson schedule. Some may offer more classes than others.

4. Decide which kind of first lesson you want to take. An introductory lesson will show you all the parts of the helicopter and explain fly one and then give you a short amount of flight time, where you will fly the helicopter with an instructor next to you. You can also get an introductory lesson that comes with a longer flight time. This package will cost you more. See what each school offers.

5. Make sure you sign up for class during a time that works for you. A class lesson is usually 30 minutes to an hour, with additional flight time being a half hour to an hour. Pay your money and show up to your lesson a little early with any materials requested from the school.

Tags: first lesson, flight time, introductory lesson, each school, school find

Replace Turntable Belts

Despite the technological advancements in digital audio, turntables and vinyl still provide some of the richest and warmest sounds. And when something goes wrong with your turntable, you are often able to fix it yourself. The most common maintenance to perform on a turntable is installing a new belt. Read on to learn replace turntable belts.


Getting Started

1. Remove the rubber platter mat if your turntable uses one. Set it aside.

2. Lift the platter straight up and off the center spindle to expose the turntable belt.

3. Remove the original belt and check it for wear. Generally, a turntable belt doesn't slip unless it's damaged. If it is damaged, purchase a new one. You can buy replacement belts online at Turntable Basics.

For a Two-Piece Platter Turntable

4. Loop the replacement turntable belt around the cylinder located underneath the platter.

5. Check that the belt is working properly by turning the platter clockwise two or three rotations. It should smoothly move along the motor pulley. If it doesn't, adjust it and turn it again.

6. Replace the platter, and then carefully lay the rubber platter mat over it.

7. Turn on the turntable and check it for correct movement. If it looks like it's working, play a record to make sure all is in order.

For a One-Piece Platter Turntable

8. Loop the replacement belt around the cylinder located underneath the platter.

9. Replace the platter carefully. One-piece platter turntables are delicate, and if you force the platter down or push it at an angle, you might damage the platter or spindle.

10. Turn the platter so the hole in it lines up with the motor pulley.

11. Pull the turntable belt and loop it over the motor pulley. Position it on the pulley groove to make sure it won't slip.

12. Rotate the platter clockwise to make sure the belt is firmly in the pulley grove. Moving it two or three times ensures that it's in place.

13. Put the rubber turntable mat back on the platter.

14. Turn on the turntable. Play a record if it looks like everything is working to check the speed.

Tags: turntable belt, make sure, motor pulley, around cylinder, around cylinder located, belt around

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Set Up Photography Lighting

Photography lighting is best set up using the three-point lighting system. This system will give you the best results for most types of photography, including portrait photography, glamour photography, as well as film and video.


1. Set your subject where you would like him to be. Set the camera directly in front of your subject.

2. Set a key light on your subject. If your subject is a person, the key light should be at a 45 degree angle from that person and illuminate one side of his face. Generally speaking, the key light should be between 500 and 1000 watts. There are several different types of key lights. Soft key light is diffuse, whereas hard key light creates sharp shadows on the subject. High key light is bright, whereas low key light is dim and dark. Make sure that they type of key light you select is appropriate to the type of effect you wish to create. For example, soft key light is usually the best choice for glamour photography.

3. Set a fill light on your subject. The fill light should be dimmer and more diffuse than your key light. The general rule of thumb is to use a fill light which is half as bright as your key light. For example, if your key light is 1000 watts, your fill light should be 500 watts. You can place a diffuser on your fill light, or use a reflector board to create a diffuse fill light. If you're on a tight budget, you can use a piece of poster-board or a silver car shade as a reflector. Your fill light should be placed on the opposite side of your subject from the key light. So if your key light is illuminating the right side of your subject's face, the fill light should be on the left.

4. Set a back light on your subject. Typically the back light should be directly behind your subject and just a little higher than the camera. The goal is to create a halo of light around the subject's hair which will help to make him stand out against the background. The back light should be a dimmer light than your key light, and should also be placed at a lower angle. Take care, though, that they back light is not too low or it will show up on camera, spoiling your shot.

Tags: light should, your subject, fill light, your light, back light, fill light should, light your

Digital Vs Analog Tv Rf Frequency

The broadcast television frequency band isn't as broad as it used to be since the transition to digital TV. With digital TV there are fewer RF channels but more virtual channels on TV.


RF stands for radio frequency. The broadcast television frequency band is divvied up into RF channels. Each RF channel spans a range of six megahertz. For instance, RF channel 11 is assigned to the 204 to 210 megahertz range.


With both digital and analog TV, there are two television bands on the broadcast frequency spectrum: the VHF (very high frequency) band and UHF (ultra high frequency) band. VHF radio frequency channels run from 2 to 13, occupying most of the 54 to 216 megahertz range. During analog TV broadcasting, UHF radio frequency channels ran from 14 to 69, occupying the 470 to 806 megahertz range.


Now that the transition to digital TV is complete, the UHF television band has been reduced. The UHF band now runs from channels 14 to 51 (470 to 698 megahertz). The 52 to 69 RF channels have been reassigned for other broadcast uses.


Since digital TV signals are more "economical" than analog TV signals, digital signals are able to carry more information while taking up less space as compared to analog signals. With DTV, television broadcasters have the ability to offer more features and more programming (more virtual channels) on their assigned radio frequency channel.


A television broadcast station's "radio frequency channel" is not the same thing as the "virtual channel" you tune into on your television set when you watch TV. With DTV, a TV station could be assigned to RF channel 19, for instance, but you might know it as channels 2-1 and 2-2 on your television set.

Tags: radio frequency, frequency band, megahertz range, analog signals, broadcast television

Install Xm Radio In A Car

Install XM Radio in a Car

XM Radio is the original satellite radio service in North America. It offers over 100 channels of radio programming that are uncensored and uncut, with relatively few commercials. You can install an XM Radio in a car on your own by buying an add-on receiver and antenna, or you can opt for a more professional installation using a receiver that replaces your existing audio system.


Install XM Radio in a Car

1. Select the type of XM Radio satellite receiver you want to install in your car. You can choose an add-on modular unit that can be easily installed onto your dashboard or center console using suction cups or Velcro strips. You can also pick from a variety of integrated units that are designed to replace your existing radio, although this would require either some experience with car stereo installation or the services of a professional.

2. Find a location on the exterior of the car where you can mount the magnetic antenna. Generally, the highest surface of the vehicle, such as the roof, will yield the best reception.

3. Place the antenna near a window, door or hatch, so that you can route the thin wire that connects to the receiver into the interior of the vehicle. From there, you can hide the wire by dressing it along the doors or under the carpeting.

4. Log onto the official website of XM Radio to find out about its subscription plans, services, programming guides and installation tips (see Resources below). You will be required to enter a code on the back of the satellite unit to make billing arrangements with XM Radio.

5. Call the toll-free number on the installation guide or owner's manual that came with your XM Radio receiver. You will be able to activate your subscription to XM Radio by entering a code that is located on the back of the satellite receiver.

6. Wait for the LED display on your XM Radio car receiver to acknowledge that your subscription has been processed and that you are now ready to enjoy satellite radio. This will usually take less than 20 minutes.

Tags: back satellite, Install Radio, Radio receiver, satellite radio, satellite receiver, your existing, your Radio

Monday, May 18, 2009

Price Used Equipment

When you get ready to sell a piece of used equipment, you need to know the market value of the item. Knowing the market value lets you decide price your used equipment. Demand and supply are what drives market price, which means it can change at any time. Whether you are selling used farm equipment or other used equipment, determine a good price for the item in the same manner.


1. Inspect your equipment to look for any damage that lowers value. If there is damage that can be fixed, consider making repairs.

2. Use a value guide, if one exists for your specific equipment. For instance, if you have musical instruments or computer equipment, use the website. For farm equipment, use or

3. Look for similar equipment listed for sale in your area by browsing local newspaper classified ads or checking online at Craigslist or eBay. The prices you see others selling for is a good indicator of how you can price your used equipment.

Tags: used equipment, your used equipment, damage that, farm equipment, market value

Friday, May 15, 2009

Clean A Canon I960 Print Head

Clean a Canon i960 Print Head

The print heads on Canon i960 InkJet printers can become clogged for several reasons. The most common issues are ink buildup over time, print heads that dry out because of infrequent use or ink cartridges that dry out. You can use several methods to clean the Canon i960 print head, both diagnostically and manually.


Before attempting to remove the print head and cleaning it manually, try the printer's self-cleaning diagnostic utility. Usually, a clogged print head on the Canon i960 can be resolved by using the printer's self-cleaning diagnostic tools.

Cleaning with Alcohol

If the self-cleaning utility doesn't clear the print head nozzles, soak a cotton swab in either isopropyl alcohol or a household solvent, such as Windex. Rub the cotton swab gently over the print head surface. The alcohol or solvent should dissolve the clogged ink. Wipe a clean, dry cotton swab across the print head surface. Run the printer's self-cleaning function once again. In most cases, this process will solve the problem.

Hot Water

If the print head remains clogged, remove the print head assembly. Fill a shallow bowl with scalding hot water. Immerse the print head and let soak for several hours or overnight. Rinse the print head in hot water until the running water is clear and clean. This process should flush out all clogged ink. Dry off the assembly carefully with a paper towel. Reinstall the print head.

Cleaning Kits

Obtain a print head cleaning kit. Several varieties are available, either from Canon or independent print head cleaning kit manufacturers. The kits usually consist of a bottle of solvent and a syringe to facilitate cleaning.

Tags: print head, Canon i960, cotton swab, head cleaning, print head, print head cleaning, printer self-cleaning

Delete Data From A Memory Stick

A memory stick is a type of storage device. It holds different types of data, such as documents, pictures and music files, and can be shared between computers. Memory Stick also refers to a brand name, and can be found under such manufacturers as Sony and SanDisk. They range in capacity, and are about an inch and a half to two inches long. Once you transfer the data to your computer, you can delete it from your memory stick.


1. Connect the data transfer cable to your device. One end will have a connector that fits into a plug on your device. Sometimes it takes trial and error to find the right plug.

2. Plug the USB end of the cable into an empty slot on your computer. USB stands for Universal Serial Bus and is a way for your device to talk to your computer. The location of the USB port differs from computer to computer. Some are on the front, some are on the back and some have both.

3. Turn on your device if it is not already. Once you give power to your device, or once the computer detects the USB device has been plugged in, you will get a popup. The popup will ask you what you want to do with the memory stick. For this, we will choose the option that says to view the folder in which the files are. Double-click to open.

4. Choose a file within the folder by clicking on it. If you do not want to save this file to your computer, you can click "Delete" on your keyboard. It will ask if you are sure you want to delete; if you are, click "Yes."

If you want to save the file to your computer, minimize the window you are currently in and create a new folder on your desktop. Right-click on a blank space on the desktop, go to "New," then click "Folder." Name your folder. Go back to the window you were just in, and click the file again if you clicked off it. Resize the window so you can see it and the desktop at the same time. Click and drag the file into the folder you just created. This copies the file over. Once you have copied it, you can now delete it. Be sure to delete it from your memory stick, and not the folder you just copied it to.

5. Disconnect the cable from your device by turning the device off. You can then remove the cable from your computer and from your device.

Tags: your device, your computer, from your, your memory stick, cable from

Troubleshoot A Philco Tv

Philco TVs should be troubleshot for cable connections.

Philco provides audio and video electronic entertainment devices, such as TVs, CD players, and DVD players. Troubleshooting a Philco TV is much the same as with other brands in that most of the repair involves making sure the connections are firmly and correctly installed. Philco TV connections are inserted into the wall outlet, as well as a cable box or stereo and DVD player. So many connections can cause confusion for the user setting them up for the first time.


1. Check the connections and make sure the AC power cord is firmly inserted into the TV and the wall outlet if there is no power. If they appear to be, unplug the outlet and wait for 10 seconds before plugging it in again. Press the "Power" button on your TV to see if it is working.

2. Make sure the Video/Audio cable is connected to the TV ports if there is no sound coming from the TV but the TV still powers on. Adjust the volume knob to turn the volume up or down.

3. Connect the TV to DVD player with Audio/Video cables and ensure the Audio In and Video In cables are connected to the Audio Out and Video Out if you aren't receiving an audio/video output.

4. Replace the remote control with two AA batteries if the remote control is not functioning properly.

Tags: Audio Video cables, inserted into, inserted into wall, into wall, into wall outlet, remote control, Video cables

Connect A Dvd Recorder To Hdtv

DVD recorders make it easy to record your favorite TV programs for viewing at a later time. You can connect a DVD recorder to an HDTV (high-definition television) with a simple audio/video cable available at most electronics stores. Although DVD recorders cannot capture the resolution of high-definition television programs, your recordings will look and sound better than standard-definition TV. Just follow these steps to make the connection.


1. Turn off all equipment.

2. Plug one end of the HDMI cable into the back of the HDMI jack on your HDTV.

3. Plug the other end of the cable into the HDMI jack on the DVD recorder.

4. Turn on the equipment and adjust the input setting on the DVD recorder to the jack connecting the recorder to the TV. For example, from the input setting on the remote control, select L1, L2 or L3, which correspond to the different jacks on the DVD recorder.

5. Set the TV to the video input for the jack connecting it to the DVD recorder. For example, Input 1 or Input 2.

Tags: cable into, connecting recorder, connecting recorder example, HDMI jack, high-definition television, input setting

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Transfer Camcorder Tape To Dvd

Camcorder video can be transferred to DVD.

Some camcorders record audio and video images to tapes. To convert the tape images to DVD, you need to use two types of computer program: one to capture video images from your camcorder and another to convert the resulting video file to DVD. A number of programs, such as Exsate VideoExpress, DVD Burning Xpress and AVS software, are available to capture video and burn to DVD, and the procedure is similar for all of them.


Capture Video

1. Download and install the AVS Video Recorder Program. Connect your camcorder to your computer using a Firewire cable, or a USB cable if your camera does not support Firewire. Set your video camera to play back the tape and wind to the point where you want to begin your video capture.

2. Open the AVS Recorder program. The AVS Recorder has a display previewing what is playing on your camera. In the "Output" section of the program window, click "Browse" and select a location to store the file created by the capture process.

3. Start playing the tape in the camcorder, then click the "Start Capture" button to begin capturing the video from the tape. Click "Stop Capture" when you have come to the end of the video you want to transfer to DVD.

Convert to DVD

4. Download and install the AVS Video Converter program. Open the program when installation is complete.

5. Place a blank DVD in your DVD burner. In the AVS Video Converter window, click the "To DVD" button from the selection of buttons at the top of the window.

6. Click the "Browse" Button to the right of the "Input File Name" box and select the file you created when you captured your video from the camcorder tape.

7. Click the "Browse" button next to the "Output File" field, and select your DVD burner.

8. Select a profile of pre-configured settings, used to convert your video file and burn the result to a DVD. Click the "Advanced" button, if required, to customize some options used in the conversion process, such as bit-rate and the pixel size of the image. Click "Convert Now" to burn your video file to DVD.

Tags: your video, video file, Click Browse, Download install, Download install Video, file created, install Video

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Troubleshoot A Canon Powershot Sd630

The Canon PowerShot SD630 is a digital point-and-shoot camera aiming to simplify the photography process so you can take holiday photographs or capture moments with friends. Despite the simple point-and-shoot nature of the Canon PowerShot SD630, you might still find some problems with your camera. Before contacting customer support, you can try a few troubleshooting techniques yourself.


1. Check to make sure the memory card and battery are slotted in and the cover is closed if your camera won't turn on. Try charging the battery if it still doesn't turn on, as the battery might have depleted.

2. Slide the tab on the SD memory card upwards if "Card locked!" is displayed when you try and take a photograph with your Canon PowerShot SD630.

3. Switch to the camera icon on the mode selector, if you cannot take a picture because you are on playback mode. Wait for the orange LED to disappear, this represents the flashbulb charging.

4. Format the memory card if you receive errors about writing to a memory card or about the formatting of the memory card. Select "Menu," on the camera, then select "Format," and choose "OK." Wait for the formatting process to finish and you should then be able to start taking photographs with your camera.

Tags: memory card, Canon PowerShot SD630, PowerShot SD630, with your, your camera, Canon PowerShot, with your camera

Make Your Own Copy Stand

A digital camera on a copy stand works much like a camera on a tripod.

Make your own copy stand, a useful and inexpensive tool for creating electronic images of books, documents and photographs. Electronic scanners for copying documents can cost hundreds or even thousands of dollars -- and, unlike your copy stand, scanners can't be easily disassembled and stored away to save space. If you already own a digital camera, you can use it on the copy stand and then take it off when needed for other photography pursuits.


1. Place the baseboard on the piece of scrap lumber. Measure and mark 1 inch from each corner of the baseboard on the edges, a total of eight marks. Connect the dots with straight lines horizontally and vertically across the board. Drill four 1/4-inch holes where the lines intersect, stopping when you hit the scrap lumber underneath your board. Dispose of the scrap lumber, or save it for your next drilling project.

2. Measure 2 inches from each end of the angle bracket. Draw straight lines at those points across one flange, or face, of the angle bracket, making the lines perpendicular to the joint of the flange. Mark the center points of the lines. Drill one hole at one center point at one end of the flange, then repeat the process on the center point of the line at the other end of the same flange. Measure the midpoint on the face of the other flange, then draw a line perpendicular to the joint of the flange. Measure the midpoint of this line, mark the center point and drill a hole.

3. Thread a washer and nut onto one end of each of the two long threaded rods. Spin the nuts about 2 inches onto the rods. Feed the rods through two holes on a long side, or 18-inch side, of the baseboard, so that the nuts and washers on the two rods are under the baseboard.

4. Thread the bolts through the two other holes on the long side of the baseboard from the bottom. Attach the bolts from the top side of the baseboard using nuts and washers. Using the level, which you place on the baseboard, adjust the height of the rods and the squarehead bolts until the board is true; then thread washers and nuts onto the long rods from the top. Tighten all nuts using the open-end wrench.

5. Thread nuts and washers onto the long rods from the top, spinning the nuts and washers down about 2 inches. Place the angle bracket on the rods through the two holes in one face of the flange, and adjust the nuts under the flange so the flange is 14 inches above the baseboard. Using the level, which you place on the flange face, adjust the nuts under the flange so the flange is true. Thread nuts and washers onto the flange from above, tightening the nuts by hand. Recheck the flange for level, then tighten down the nuts with the wrench.

6. Thread a nut and washer halfway onto the short rod. Insert an end of the short rod into the tripod mount on your digital camera and gently tighten the rod clockwise. Slide the other end of the rod, the one without a camera attached to it, about 2 inches into the center hole on the flange, pointing the camera at the baseboard. Thread another washer and nut onto the end of the short rod protruding through the flange, and tighten the nuts against the flange on both sides of the flange to hold the camera in place.

Tags: nuts washers, copy stand, about inches, angle bracket, center point

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Dry Out A Wet Cell Phone And Save It

If you have dropped your cell phone in the pool it's probably a goner, however if you have merely splashed water on it you may be able to save it. Even if you have dunked your phone this procedure is worth a try.


1. If you have a wet cell phone here is dry it out.

First immediately remove the battery. Water causes short circuits and removing the battery can prevent further damage.

Give the phone some brisk taps, with it flipped open, against the palm of your hand.

Dry off outside water with a paper towel. Unscrew the antenna if it has one.

2. Get out your vacuum cleaner and detach the hose and put it up against the keyboard and all around any cracks and try to pull out what water you can.

Then, if you have canned air spray it all in the phone, starting at the back where the battery was. Make sure all removable face plates and clips are off.

3. Once you have dried and vacuumed out all the water you can place it it a container of dry white rice overnight. This will pull moisture from the phone.

You can get an indication of how wet the phone got from the small dot often found in the battery compartment. It it has changed from white to red or blue the phone has seen a lot of water and you have voided your warranty.

It may work fine even if this dot has changed color though.

If your cell phone was splashed with salt water, use some fresh water to rinse the phone. Saltwater dries and leaves salt behind which causes circuits to short so you can't hurt your wet cell phone any further by splashing fresh water on it.

Remember not to use alcohol. Alcohol will loosen the glues that hold the phone together.

Avoid the temptation to power up your phone. You will cause further damage if any circuit is the least bit wet. Let it dry overnight before trying to put the battery in and power it up.

Tags: cell phone, your cell, your cell phone, fresh water, further damage, your phone

Make Polarizing Filters

Making homemade filters can provide different light than conventional filters.

Making a polarizing filter from scratch will not only save a few dollars, but will allow you to create unique photos. Handmade polarizing filters use light in a way that can't be found in conventional lens polarizers, making it appealing for all types of photography. Create polarizing filters for point-and-shoot cameras and SLR lens that have small glass rings, like most standard 50mm lens.


1. Cut 1.5 inches off the top of the tin can using the hacksaw. Cut the can gently; the can cannot be used if it is warped. If warping occurs, discard the can, and try again with a new can.

2. Cover the inside of the tin can with black electrical tape. Ensure no tin is visible and that there are no folds in the tape. Fold the tape over the end of the tin can that was cut with the hacksaw to cover any sharp edges.

3. Cut a small strip of foam cushion with the utility knife. The cushion is going to be glued inside the tin can so it should be long enough to wrap around the whole can. The cushion should be a quarter of an inch wide, and thick enough so that once it is glued to the can, the can will sit snugly on the camera lens.

4. Glue the foam inside the can, on the end that was cut with the hacksaw. Using the hot glue gun, put a bead of glue on the back of the foam. Attach the foam around the inside of the can. Keep the foam near one end of the can.

5. Attach a lens. Pop a lens out of the sunglasses. Fit the lens against the end of the tin can that does not have the cushion glued to it. The lens should be slightly larger than the can. Put a bead of glue around the outside of the can where it meets the lens. Hold the lens and can firmly until the glue has cooled. Let the completed filter sit for six hours before using to ensure the glue has complete set.

Tags: bead glue, polarizing filters, that with, that with hacksaw, with hacksaw

Transfer Documents From A Palm Centro To A Pc

Among the many features available on the Palm Centro smartphone is the ability to connect directly to your desktop computer. On top of making it easy to transfer media back and forth from your PC to your phone, you can also back up important documents stored on your Palm Centro.


Transferring Documents from Palm Centro to Computer

1. Connect the Palm Centro to your computer with the USB cable that came with your Centro. The sync software that came with your Centro must be installed onto your desktop. If you have not done that, insert the software disc into your computer's CD drive and follow the prompts to install.

2. Press the button marked "Sync" when the computer recognizes the Centro and prompts you to do so. Your computer will now be in sync with your Palm Centro.

3. Select the files you wish to transfer. A screen should pop up on your PC with a detailed list of all the files on your Palm Centro. You can choose individual files, entire folders, or all of the contents in your Centro, depending on your needs.

4. Click "Transfer," and after a few moments, the files you have selected will be transferred to your PC.

Tags: Palm Centro, with your, your Centro, your Palm, your Palm Centro, came with, came with your

Monday, May 11, 2009

Make A Crystal Radio

A crystal radio is the simplest form of a radio. It has simple, common components found at any electronics store and around the house and is easy to assemble. It has no power source and yet is sensitive to radio transmissions. Build your own crystal radio as a project for a science fair or a rainy Saturday afternoon.


1. Use an icepick and make two holes 1/2 inch apart near the top of the bottle. Make two holes the same way near the bottom of the bottle. Try to make the holes only slightly larger than the wire.

2. Insert the wire and thread it through the bottom holes. Pull about 8 inches of wire out. Use the long end of the wire and wrap it around the bottle five times keeping each round close to the previous one. Stop and wrap the wire around a pencil to make a loop. Leave the pencil in place temporarily.

3. Wind the wire another five times and make another loop. Keep wrapping the bottle five turns at a time making a loop around the pencil every five turns until the bottle is completely wrapped in wire down to the second set of holes at the bottom. Trim the end of the wire to 8 inches and thread it through the two bottom holes.

4. Remove the pencil once the bottle is completely wrapped in wire. Use sandpaper to strip the insulation from the tips of the enameled wire and from the small loops or "taps" made around the pencil. Use a sharp knife to remove the insulation from vinyl-coated wire.

5. Solder the germanium diode to the bottom wire. Twist the wires and tape them, or use alligator jumpers instead of soldering, though soldering is best.

6. Cut the end off the telephone handset cord. Remove one of the modular connectors and find four wires inside. Solder either the yellow or black wire to the Germanium diode. Use the remaining wire (yellow or black) and solder it to the wire at the top of the bottle.

7. Clip an alligator jumper to one of the taps on the coil and clip the other end of the antenna. Join a second alligator clip to the wire at the top of the bottle (the ground wire.) Listen to different radio stations on the telephone handset by clipping the alligator to the other taps on the coil.

Tags: around pencil, bottle completely, bottle completely wrapped, bottle five, bottom holes, completely wrapped

Garmin C550 Tips & Tricks

Garmin Ltd. is the largest producer of global positioning systems (GPS) in the world, with over $350 million in sales in 2007. Garmin manufactures and distributes a wide range of aviation and consumer devices including portable and car GPS systems. Garmin is the GPS maker most used by the largest auto manufacturers in the world. The Garmin StreetPilot is an aftermarket GPS that mounts to the dashboard or windshield of your car.


The c550 StreetPilot comes equipped with proprietary City Navigator street maps as well as a large database of points of interest (POI) such as motels, gas stations, movie theatres and more. You also have the option of setting alarms with custom POIs such as for traffic cameras, speed traps or construction areas. The c550 features a touch screen as well as multiple voice recordings (languages and accents) to choose from. The c550 also has an access port for a standard SD memory card for map updates. Updates require either a yearly subscription or annual update that costs approximately $60.


When you buy a Garmin product, register it immediately. Registration will get you a free update within 3 months of a new update, or a discount coupon (50 percent off) within 6 months. There is also the option of purchasing a lifetime map update for approximately $200 dollars for as long as your GPS device is supported. You can also export custom maps from Google or Yahoo into the proper text format and then use the SD card to load them. Custom maps only work with firmware updates 4.0 and higher.


The Garmin c550 GPS also comes with Garmin Lock, an anti-theft feature that will track your car if stolen. You can also fully configure vehicle icons for your c550 using your SD card. This lets you select car-shaped graphics to show your location on the map. The SD card slot can also be used to load music (MP3), pictures (JPEG) and custom points of interest that you set from your home computer. There is a limited amount of available memory on the c550, so you can plug your GPS directly to your computer with a universal serial bus (USB) cable for the same effect. The c550 also integrates a frequency modulation (FM) receiver that will give live traffic updates to your Garmin screen.

Tags: c550 also, points interest, that will, within months

Charge The Battery In A Jvc Everio

How do I Charge the Battery in a JVC Everio?

The JVC Everio is a digital camcorder with a rechargeable battery pack that attaches to the back of the unit. The Everio battery supplied with the camcorder delivers an average one hour and 20 minutes of power on a full charge, according to the camcorder instruction manual. Battery upgrades with longer run times are also available for the Everio. Standard recharging of the original battery that comes with the Everio takes about two hours and 40 minutes, according to JVC. All equipment for recharging the battery comes with the camcorder.


1. Turn off the Everio by twisting the power knob clockwise while pressing the unlock button on the edge of the knob.

2. Slide the battery pack straight down onto the back of the Everio until the battery pack clicks in the locked position.

3. Insert the AC power adapter into the port on the back of the Everio in the lower right corner.

4. Plug the other end of the adapter into an electrical outlet. The LED charging light illuminates. The battery is fully charged when the LED light turns off.

Tags: battery pack, adapter into, back Everio, Battery Everio, Charge Battery

Friday, May 8, 2009

Difference Between Telephoto & Zoom Lenses


Most digital cameras these days come with a zoom lens of some kind, a lens that can go from seeing the whole scene to "zooming in" on a person's face or a specific detail. Professional cameras offer a variety of zoom lenses but also have what is called a Telephoto lens. The difference between the two types is marginal but important for the aspiring photographer.

Zoom Lenses

A zoom lens

A point and shoot digital camera comes with a zoom lens. It allows you to get that closeup of your friends or your dog. The amount of zoom is measured in "times"; for instance, a digital point and shoot camera has a "4x" zoom that allows you to make the image four times bigger and closer. More professional cameras measure this magnification in millimeters; a lens that zooms to 300 millimeters is a large magnification.

Telephoto Lenses

A telephoto lens

A telephoto lens typically does not "zoom" in and is measured in the more professional sounding millimeters. Eight-five millimeters is the standard measurement for a telephoto lens, and they are produced in 90 millimeters, 105 millimeters, 120 millimeters, 200 millimeters, 300 millimeters, 400 millimeters and beyond. Lenses that do not zoom are referred to as "prime lenses," though this title is not solely for the telephotos but also for lenses with shorter measurements. Telephoto lenses are usually priced much higher because of the quality of the optics, explained in the next section.


The glass and optics in most zoom lenses are typically of a lower quality than those in a telephoto lens. This is because the glass in a zoom lens moves and will experience more wear than a telephoto lens. There are higher end, higher quality zoom lenses, but most professionals prefer the quality glass and optics of a telephoto lens.


Professionally, telephoto lenses typically are used in more formal settings. Making portraits, shooting ads and generally controlled environments are best for telephoto lenses. Zoom lenses are used where there is less control. Photojournalism, nature photography, wedding photography are all examples of when a photographer will have to act quickly to get the shot. So rather than running closer to the subject, the photographer simply can zoom in.


Depending on what kind of photography you wish to do will have an impact on your decision. Many photographers have both telephoto and zoom lenses, so they can be prepared to shoot in any situation. In the end it all comes down to what you are comfortable and confident with.

Tags: millimeters millimeters, telephoto lens, millimeters millimeters millimeters, zoom lens, glass optics, lens that