Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Dvrs That Can Capture From A Camcorder

Make DVDs of your home videos with a DVR.

Transferring the video you've recorded with your camcorder onto DVD so that you can play it back to friends and family is very easy, provided you have a DVD recorder that has the right inputs for your camcorder. Your camcorder will usually use either a Universal Serial Bus (USB) or Digital Video (DV) connection, or both. As technology improves, brands now offer high quality DVD recording and high definition images for the consumer market. Before deciding which model to buy, read product reviews from other consumers online to see which one is right for you. DVRs that have won awards or have been the subject of positive reviews in specialist magazines are also worth considering.

Samsung DVD-R120

The Samsung DVD-R120 is a video player, DVD player and recorder rolled into one. It has DV and jack inputs for connection to a camcorder. Video can be captured from the camcorder and recorded onto DVD by loading a blank DVD into the machine, pressing "Record" and pressing the "Input" button until DV is selected. Press "Play" on the camcorder and "Record" on the Samsung and the recording will begin. Sequences can be named and deleted as required. There is no hard disk with this model therefore footage must be recorded straight onto DVD, as opposed to stored in the memory. Samsung has a reputation for reliability and is geared towards the consumer market.

Sony RDR-HXD890

This Sony DVD recorder has a hard disk recorder, making it easy to capture video, edit and delete without burning DVDs. It has a memory of 160 Gigabytes (GB), which is the equivalent of 455 hours of video or 50,000 songs. There are two standard SCART video sockets as well as two USB inputs so that the DVR can be connected to your camcorder and computer. Once connected, select your recording mode from the menu and then press "Record." This model comes with a remote control.

Panasonic DMR-XS350

This high definition Panasonic DVR has USB slots and a DV input to connect to a camcorder as well as an SD card slot. This device has 250 GB of memory. To capture footage, connect the camera to he DVR and select either "DVD" or "HDD," then press "Start". Its ease of use and high quality HD images have resulted in this model winning various awards since its release, including the Which? DVD Recorder Best Buy Award in November 2009.


LG's affordable range of consumer electronics includes this DVD recorder which can capture moving images from a camcorder, and playback in HD, using Div X. Recording footage is as simple as loading the recorder with a blank DVD and pressing "Record" on the remote control or the DVD recorder itself. Connection is via a USB port and the DVR can be connected to a television for playback thanks to the SCART socket. the memory of this machine is 160 GB. This DVR can also be used to play standard CD media.

Tags: your camcorder, consumer market, hard disk, high definition, high quality, pressing Record

Use An Ultraviolet Camera Lens

Ultraviolet light is something we can't see. However, your camera can see it. From an optical standpoint, a digital camera is not as vulnerable to ultraviolet light as film, but a UV filter can cut down on "purple fringing" and/or blue hues that occur in film and some digital cameras. Also, the use of an ultraviolet filter can protect your camera lens.


1. Write down the diameter of your camera lenses or take your camera and lenses with you to buy the filter.

2. Purchase an ultraviolet filter for each of your camera lenses or opt for a filter system. In this case, you buy a filter-holder for the camera and interchangeable rings that fit your lenses. This is good for people who change filters often.

3. Screw the ultraviolet filter onto your camera lens.

4. Protect your camera lens from breakage, scratches, dust and moisture by leaving an ultraviolet filter on your camera lens whenever you're not using a different filter, even when storing it.

5. Use a blower brush to remove dust and sand from your camera lens and filter.

6. Breathe on the filter or lens, and carefully wipe away any fingerprints or smudges with a lens tissue.

7. Take your photos as you normally would. The filter blocks the ultraviolet light.

Tags: your camera, your camera lens, ultraviolet filter, camera lens, camera lenses, your camera lenses

Create Garmin Maps

GPS maps allow you to plan trips in advance for export to your Garmin GPS device or for printing. Maps include waypoints (start, turn and end points), tracks (turn-by-turn paths) and routes (direct lines between waypoints). Garmin devices typically include Garmin Trip & Waypoint Manager software for creating on-the-road and trail maps and/or Garmin BaseCamp software (offering geocaching tools) for trail maps. Garmin devices also typically include basic maps. Additional maps, such as detailed topographical maps, can be purchased from Garmin's website or other retailers.


1. To locate a map section, open Garmin Trip & Waypoint Manager or Garmin BaseCamp. Display the desired map area on the screen by selecting the zoom level, then clicking the "Pan (Hand)" tool and dragging it across the screen to reposition the map.

2. Set waypoints (points of interest) where you start your trip and where you end your trip. Set as many additional waypoints as needed, particularly at turns and other areas that may be difficult to navigate. To add waypoints to your map, click the "Waypoint (Flag)" button and click the desired locations on the map. In the Properties window, modify the waypoint properties, if you wish, and click "OK." Continue to add waypoints as needed.

3. Select the "Waypoints" window/tab. Press and hold the "Ctrl" key and left-mouse-click to select the desired waypoints. To create a map route in Garmin BaseCamp, select "File," "New" and "Route Using Selected Waypoints." To create a map route in Garmin Trip & Waypoint Manager, select "Edit" and "New Route Using Selected Waypoint(s)." Change the waypoint order as needed in the Route Properties pop-up window by selecting a waypoint and pressing the "up" or "down" arrow. Click "OK."

4. To save your map, waypoints and routes in Garmin BaseCamp, select "File," "Export" and "Export Selection." Name the file and save it as Garmin GPS Database Files (*.gdb). To save your map, waypoints and routes in Garmin Trip & Waypoint Manager, select "File" and "Save." Name the file and save it as Garmin GPS Database Files (*.gdb).

5. To send your map, waypoints and routes to your Garmin GPS using Garmin BaseCamp, select "Edit," "Send to" and select your device. To send your map, waypoints and routes to your Garmin GPS using Garmin Trip & Waypoint Manager, select "Transfer," "Send to Device" and select your device.

6. To print your map, select "File" and "Print Preview" to preview the printed map. Adjust "Page Settings" and "Print Options" if needed. Click "Print" to print your map.

Tags: Garmin BaseCamp, Garmin Trip, Garmin Trip Waypoint, Trip Waypoint, Trip Waypoint Manager, Waypoint Manager

Monday, March 30, 2009

Use Nonsony Laptop Batteries

Laptops from Sony and other manufacturers eventually need new batteries.

Sony's well-known line of VAIO laptops is available in a wide variety of models and configurations that are powered by an equally widely-varying array of laptop batteries. The company recommends using only Sony replacement batteries in its laptop computers, but many manufacturers offer VAIO-compatible batteries that they claim are equally good. You can find non-Sony laptop batteries available on the Internet.


1. Visit an online supplier of replacement batteries for Sony VAIO notebooks, such as laptopbattery.net or laptopbatterydepot.com.

2. Use the site tools to specify your laptop's model number or your original battery's part number. Most battery sites provide both a general search box as well as "drill down" menus that allow you to select your computer's manufacturer, the type of product and the model number.

3. Use the correct replacement battery to power your laptop.

Double-check the image and the specifications of the non-Sony battery recommended as a replacement to make sure that it looks like the original battery and provides the same voltage and power.

4. Follow the instructions in your laptop manual for replacing the battery. This usually involves shutting down the laptop, unplugging it, opening the battery compartment on the bottom or side of the computer, removing the old battery and plugging in the new one.

Tags: your laptop, batteries Sony, laptop batteries, model number, original battery, replacement batteries

Clear My Searches Of An Iphone 3g

Apple's iPhone is a multimedia smartphone used for making phone calls, accessing email, listening to music, playing games and browsing the Internet. If you share your iPhone with other people, or want to make your browsing more secure, you might want to erase your search and browsing history. The iPhone uses the Safari Web browser. Safari's search history can be cleared from the "Settings" menu on your phone.


1. Tap "Settings" on your home screen, then tap "Safari."

2. Change the "Search engine" by tapping it from Google to Yahoo. This action clears the search history. Switch it back to keep it clear and use your preferred search engine. Press the "Home" button to save these settings.

3. Tap "Settings," then "Safari."

4. Tap "Clear History," then "Remove all Cookies," then "Clear Searches." Tap "Remove saved names and passwords" and "Remove other autofill form text" if you want to clear passwords and saved form data. Finally, tap "Close all Safari Windows."

5. Press the "Home" button to return to your home screen. Your search history has been cleared.

Tags: search history, Clear Searches, Home button, home screen, Press Home

Turn On The Light Meter On A Pentax K1000

The Pentax K1000 was often used by beginner photographers.

The K1000 by Pentax is a manual 35mm film camera. The camera was first released by Pentax in 1976 and was in production until 1997. The camera is fully manual and with the battery only used to power the light meter. The camera was often used by students and beginner photographers who wanted to learn the basics of photography before advancing to a camera that offered more automatic features. The K1000 features a built-in light meter.


1. Hold the Pentax K1000 in your hand and lift the ring that surrounds the shutter speed dial. Rotate the dial to set the camera to match the film speed of the film that is loaded into the camera.

2. Turn the camera upside down, use a coin to unscrew the battery compartment and install fresh batteries into the compartment. Replace the battery holder and tighten the battery compartment.

3. Remove the lens cap, hold the camera up to your eye and you will see the light meter needle on the right side of the viewfinder will adjust to the changes in light. There is no "On/off" switch for the light meter, it is on and active all the time.

Tags: light meter, Pentax K1000, battery compartment, beginner photographers, often used

Friday, March 27, 2009

Edit Kml Files For A Magellan Maestro 4350/4370

The Magellan Maestro 4350 and 4370 are global positioning system (GPS) navigation units for your car. The units will calculate a route to your destination and provide detailed, turn-by-turn driving directions. Magellan Content Manager, software designed to work with Maestro 4350 and 4370, allows you to edit KML or KMZ files for use on your Magellan. KML and KMZ files hold geographical information. By using Content Manager, you can export routes or points of interest to edit and then import them again.


Export KML Files from Maestro

1. Charge your Magellan Maestro completely. Connect one end of a USB cord to the Magellan Maestro and the other end to your computer.

2. Open the Magellan Content Manager software

3. Click on the link "Transfer Trip Plans." Highlight a trip from the list of possible choices and then choose "Export To PC." Choose a location for the exported file and modify the file name as needed.

4. Click "Save." The file will download to the PC.

5. Click "OK" when the file has completed the download. Do not interrupt the process until after the download is complete. Click "Close."

Edit KML Files

6. Open the software program you plan on using to edit your KML file. Google Earth is the main program used with KML files, but there are now a few others you can use.

7. Complete the edits you desire.

8. Save the KML file.

Import into Maestro

9. Charge your Magellan Maestro completely. Connect one end of a USB cord to the Magellan Maestro and the other end to your computer.

10. Open the Magellan Content Manager software. Click on the link "Transfer Trip Plans."

11. Click on "Import as Route" or "Import as POI."

12. Click the location to store the trip plan on Maestro. On your PC, click the trip plan you wish to import.

13. Click "Open" and the trip plan will be imported to the Magellan Maestro.

Tags: Magellan Maestro, Content Manager, 4350 4370, Content Manager software, Maestro 4350, Maestro 4350 4370

Email Digital Pictures To Wolf Camera For Processing

A Camera Lens

Wolf Camera is part of an electronics company chain that specializes in the sale of cameras, camcorders and related equipment. It is part of the Ritz Camera company, which has chains throughout the United States.

In addition to selling camera equipment, they also process digital photos and give customers the ability to order professional-quality prints via their partner company, RitzPix Interactive--a web-based company that owns and operates WolfCamera.com and RitzPix.com. Once printed, the photos can be picked up within an hour at a Ritz Camera location or mailed to the customer's address.


1. Go to RitzPix.com and register for a free online membership. Once a member, you'll be able to upload photos, select photos for printing and choose options such as the size and finish of the photos. To become a member, click on the "Join Now!" link on the right-hand side of the page.

2. Click on "Email us Your Photos" at the bottom of the Ritz Camera homepage underneath the Online Processing heading. Here you will be prompted to log in to your account and create a four-digit identification number. This number will be used as the subject for any emails sent to Ritz Camera for processing.

3. Send an email from your cell phone or computer to add@lifepics.com to send the photos to your online account. Once emailed, these photos will immediately appear in your online photo folders. On many cellphones, you can select photos to email by opening your photo library, choosing a photo and selecting the "email photo" option. This will insert the image into a new email message and allow you to send it to RitzPix.com.

4. Select the digital pictures that you want to have printed by clicking on the "Order Prints and Enlargements" tab and clicking on your online album(s). These albums will contain all of the photos that you have emailed to RitzPix.com for processing. After you select the photos that you want to have printed, you'll be prompted to choose whether you will pick up your order at the store or have it shipped. You can then choose photo sizes, finish preference and whether you would like a border added to the printed photos.

5. Click through each screen and fill in the required information to complete your photo processing order. You will need to supply your address and payment information to complete your order.

Tags: Ritz Camera, select photos, your online, complete your, have printed

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Get Time Warner Digital Cable At My Address

Time Warner is a media and entertainment conglomerate that is also a provider of cable television, high-speed Internet and telephone services to houses and business throughout the United States. Like other cable providers, Time Warner offers digital cable with a number of channels, including HBO, Showtime and Cinemax, as well as pay-per-view movies and events. Determining if you can subscribe to Timer Warner digital cable is easy: You just have to visit the company's digital cable website and enter your address or select your region.

Checking Your Address for Availability

To check to see if you can get Time Warner digital cable, visit www.timewarnercable.com, scroll to the bottom of the screen and enter your address in the box labeled "See what's available in your area." Then click "Go." You can also search by state/region by clicking on "Search by State/Region instead." A screen will appear and you click on the down arrow by "Select your state..." or click by "Select Region..." Then click "Go." Also you can search by zip code: Click on "Search by Zip Code instead." Then enter your zip code in the box and click "Go." The website will then process your request and let you know if Time Warner digital cable is available in your area.

Selecting a Digital Cable Package

If Time Warner digital cable is available in your area, you will be given a screen specific to your city or area offering any specials currently available. You will also see options on sign up for digital cable service, digital cable "bundle plans" and upcoming pay-per-view specials. You will also see an option for "Support" if after subscribing, you need help with your digital cable service.

Signing Up for the Digital Cable Service

To sign up for Time Warner digital cable, click on the "Order Online" icon on the right side of the Time Warner website specific to your area. You will then see the current special for your area. To select it, click on "Order now" or click on "Explore more great options" to customize a package for your home. Follow the screens to select what type of service you want, channels and what type of cable box you want---digital recorder, HDTV box or regular digital cable box.

Tags: Time Warner, digital cable, your area, Warner digital, available your, available your area

Tips On Lowlight Indoor Photography

Low-light photography is best accomplished by adjusting the camera settings and steadying the camera.

Daylight is a photographer's best friend. However, in indoor situations or low-light night events, natural light is limited. You can alter a variety of many camera settings to help increase your camera's ability to shoot in low-light situations, and you can also position yourself and your camera in ways that optimize the available light. If it comes down to it, manipulated flash can be an option.

Bump up the ISO

ISO is a film-speed measurement system; even a digital camera that doesn't use film has an ISO setting. The rule about film speed is that the faster the speed (or the higher the ISO number) the less light is necessary. A faster ISO will also let you capture movement better with less blur. However, although increasing film speed has advantages in low-light situations, these are counterbalanced by the increase in grain. Grain, sometimes referred to as "noise," is the visual appearance of small textural dots on an image. However, in the case of capturing an image in low light, most photographs accept grain as a preferable trade-off for an underexposed photograph.

Adjust the Aperture

The aperture is the camera's equivalent to your own eye's iris. The camera aperture regulates how much light enters the camera by expanding or retracting the aperture opening: The greater the opening, the more light is let in. In low-light situations, opening the aperture as wide as possible (that is, setting it to the lowest f-stop number) allows as much light as possible to enter the camera while not completely sacrificing the shutter speed. (Shutter speed is the length of time the shutter is open to expose the sensor to the light; the slower the shutter speed, the more light is allowed in.) However, a slower shutter speed also increases the possibility for blur due to movement. Opening the aperture as wide as possible allows for a faster shutter speed while also allowing for more light.

Using Flash

If all else fails, use your camera's flash component or an attachable flash when you're shooting indoors in low light. Flash lighting usually produces an undesirable effect in most photographs. However, if you find that flash is necessary, use a flash diffuser or flash cover to help soften the bright light. You can purchase flash diffusers and covers at photography equipment and supply stores. You can also make your own flash diffuser out of any white plastic, foam or thick matte material that will surround the flash and diffuse its light.

Steady the Camera

In most low-light situations, shooting at a slow shutter speed is unavoidable even with a high ISO and low f-stop. To offset a slow shutter speed, try using a tripod to steady the camera and eliminate additional movement you inadvertently cause when you hold the camera. (Even your pulse can cause enough movement to affect a photograph.) If a tripod isn't available, steady yourself against a wall or prop your arm on a table or chair. Anything you can do to increase the balance of your camera will help create sharpness and prevent blur.

Keep It RAW

If your digital camera supports RAW mode, Shooting in RAW rather than JPEG will allow for greater post-production manipulation of your images. That is, shooting in RAW will let you fix lighting problems with a photo-editing program more easily than you can if you shoot in a condensed format such as JPEG.

Tags: shutter speed, low-light situations, your camera, more light, aperture wide

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Specs For A Panasonic Cf45 Laptop

The Panasonic CF-45 was a laptop that Japanese consumer electronics manufacturer Panasonic Corp. released under its ToughBook brand in 1998. The ToughBook is a family of Panasonic laptops characterized by its rugged design thanks to its magnesium alloy case. As one of the older ToughBooks, the Panasonic CF-45 is less advanced than later entries.

Operating System, Processor and System Memory

Each Panasonic ToughBook runs on the Microsoft Windows 95 operating system. The processor was from the first generation of Intel Corp.'s Pentium processors: a P55C, or Pentium MMX, with 200- or 233-megahertz processing speed. On the computer chip are two memory banks: a 32-kilobyte Level 1 cache and 256-KB Level 2 cache. The pre-installed system memory is 32 megabytes installed on its single 144-pin small dual in-line memory module (SO-DIMM) slot, although customers can expand it to 96 MB.

Disk Drives and Audio/Video

The hard disk drive of the Panasonic ToughBook CF-45 is 2 GB or 4 GB, while the floppy disk drive is a two-mode 720-KB/1.44-MB drive. The optical drive plays CDs at a 20x speed, although it lacked recording capabilities. The audio accommodations of the CF-45 consists of a motherboard-integrated Sound Blaster PRO-compatible sound driver providing 16-bit audio and 44.1-kilohertz frequency, built-in mono speaker, and headphone and microphone jacks. The video/graphics controller -- also motherboard-integrated -- takes up to 2 MB of the computer's system memory.

Physical Specs and Display

Weighing approximately 6.4 lbs., the Panasonic CF-45 laptop has a 11.7-inch width, 1.9-inch height and 9.1-inch depth. Besides its audio jacks, the computer's external interfaces consist of external monitor, serial and parallel connectors; an infrared communications port with a peak data transmission speed of 4 megabits per second; 6-pin keyboard/mouse and 100-pin expansion bus inputs; and USB port. Its 12.1-inch TFT screen supports a native resolution of 640 by 480 pixels, and up to 262,144 colors.


Each Panasonic ToughBook CF-45 comes with a power adapter and a 10.8-volt 2,300-milliampere-hour lithium-ion battery. The adapter has a power input range of 100 to 240 V with a 50/60-Hz frequency and a power output of 15.6 V with 3.2/3.85 amps. With the laptop's power off, the adapter can charge the battery to full capacity in two hours; with the power on, it takes longer at three and a half hours. The battery life is listed at one to two and a half hours.

Tags: Panasonic CF-45, Panasonic ToughBook, CF-45 laptop, disk drive, Each Panasonic, Each Panasonic ToughBook

Install Far Infrared Light Bulbs In A Bathroom

A far infrared light bulb provides light that penetrates the skin of a person to stimulate the circulation and soothe muscle soreness. Installing a far infrared light in a bathroom offers a practical way to benefit from the bulb's abilities upon exiting a shower or while spending time using the facilities. To install a far infrared light bulb in a bathroom, replace the bulb in the overhead light fixture with the far infrared bulb. The procedure is straightforward since the far infrared bulb uses the same type of bulb socket as does an incandescent bulb.


1. Press or flip the light switch in the bathroom to turn off the overhead light. Let the incandescent bulb or bulbs in the overhead light fixture cool for a half hour before proceeding.

2. Place a step ladder beneath the light fixture overhead. Unscrew the center cap from the dome covering the lighting fixture with your hands. If side screws are used around the dome instead of a center cap, loosen the side screws by turning them counter-clockwise. Pull the dome off the lighting fixture and place it away for safekeeping.

3. Unscrew the light bulb or bulbs from the lighting fixture. Place the light bulb or bulbs away for safekeeping.

4. Put on a kitchen glove so that damaging oils from your hand will not contaminate the far infrared bulb. Screw the bulb into the socket, or one of the sockets, of the lighting fixture.

5. Place the step ladder away. Press or flip the light switch to illuminate the bathroom using the far infrared light bulb.

Tags: light bulb, lighting fixture, bulb bulbs, infrared bulb, infrared light bulb, light fixture, overhead light

Travel With Photo Equipment

A camera bag with foam dividers keeps equipment safe during travel.

Photographers must be able to bring their camera equipment everywhere, whether for casual pictures of friends and family or their work in new locations. All it takes is a little advance planning and a sturdy camera bag.

When deciding what equipment to bring along, consider the type of pictures you'll take at your destination, how much other luggage you'll carry and how you'll get around. If you're traveling by car, for example, you likely can carry more equipment than if traveling by plane.


1. Cover any expensive equipment under your home or rental insurance policy. Airlines won't replace any personal items that are damaged during flights. Check with your insurance agent for details.

2. Register your camera equipment with U.S. Customs if you're traveling abroad, especially newer equipment. You will need the serial numbers. Ask for a "Certificate of Registration for Personal Effects Taken Abroad." This will help you return through Customs, when you must pay a tax on items purchased abroad.

3. Pack your camera equipment in a sturdy bag. Plan to carry your equipment with you to avoid having it lost, stolen or damaged in checked luggage. The Transportation Security Administration allows one bag of camera or video equipment, in addition to the one carry-on and one personal item allowed per passenger. The camera bag must meet airline requirements for size and weight.

4. Use an air case if you have a lot of equipment and must use checked baggage. Such cases are designed to be jostled, and are made with plastic and foam designed to absorb shock. Secure the case using a lock approved by the Transportation Security Administration.

5. Pack spare lithium batteries separately and in your carry-on bag. As of Jan. 1, 2008, loose lithium batteries are not allowed in checked luggage.

6. Put all digital camera equipment through the scanner at the airport's security checkpoint. Don't put unexposed film that's 800 speed or higher through the X-ray machine, which can damage it. Ask an agent to hand-check your high-speed film.

7. Stow camera equipment under the airplane seat in front of you. Your equipment might be damaged in a cramped overhead compartment.

Tags: camera equipment, checked luggage, equipment under, equipment with, lithium batteries, Security Administration, Transportation Security

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Clean A Print Head

Cleaning the print head on your inkjet printer regularly will produce cleaner copies and prolong the life of your hardware. Most printers and scanners have a self-cleaning feature that can resolve some problems, although your intervention with a few simple cleaning techniques occasionally will remove any gunk and ensure nice, clean output.


1. Turn on the printer and press the cleaning button. On some models, it may be necessary to press a certain button two or more times to launch the cleaning feature. Check your owner's manual for instructions specific to your model. If your printer does not have a cleaning button on the control panel, go to Printers and Faxes in the Control Panel menu on your computer and double-click.

2. Select the cleaning mode from the list of options under Printers and Faxes in the Control Panel menu, then follow the screen prompts.

3. Open the printer cover and wait for the printer head to stop moving in order to begin a more thorough cleaning.

4. Remove the printer ink cartridges. On most printers and scanners, this will involve either tipping the cartridge forward to unlock and then lift it out of the compartment, or opening a compartment door and lifting the cartridge straight up.

5. Look for the nozzles in the printer cartridge that feed ink to the printer. These will be small holes less than the diameter of a pencil tip.

6. Clean around the nozzles with a cotton swab dipped lightly in rubbing alcohol. Repeat until the swabs are no longer stained from cleaning around the nozzles.

7. Allow the alcohol to evaporate completely.

8. Blow short bursts of compressed air around the nozzles to dislodge any remaining particles.

9. Replace the ink cartridges, close the cover and print a test page.

Tags: around nozzles, cleaning button, Control Panel, Control Panel menu, Faxes Control, Faxes Control Panel, Panel menu

Monday, March 23, 2009

Diy Led Ring Flash

Close-up photography requires even and omnidirectional lighting. A do-it-yourself LED ring flash can be assembled to surround the lens and provide just such a light. The LED light will also be bereft of any heat which could affect the object being shot, such as a delicate flower. Supplies from an electronics store and a photo store are needed, as are tools from around the house.


1. Place a sheet of newspaper on a table. Place the circular LED ring lamp face down on the newspaper. Unscrew the screws from the back with a Phillips screwdriver. Pull the back section off the front. Place the back section on the table with the LEDs facing up.

2. Locate the "+" and "-" labeled contacts on the circuit board inside the back section. Heat up a soldering iron for six minutes. Apply a drop of solder to the ends of the black and red wires attached to the battery clip. Let the solder cool for a minute.

3. Place the end of the black wire against the "-" labeled contact on the circuit board. Touch the tip of the soldering iron to the end of the wire for three seconds. Let the solder cool for a minute. Repeat this procedure, only with the end of the red wire and the "+" labeled contact. Unplug the soldering iron.

4. Place the lens hood adapter face down in the hole in the middle of the back section. Wad pieces of newspaper and place the wadded pieces of newspaper around the adapter so that the hole is now completely covered.

5. Apply bonding glue to the newspaper and around the adapter. Continue applying bonding glue until all the wadded newspaper is saturated with the glue. Let the glue set overnight.

6. Turn the back section over. Apply bonding glue around the adapter. Let the glue set overnight.

7. Turn the back section over. Cut a notch in a side of the back section with a utility knife. Press the wires from the battery clip into the notch. Place the back section on the front and reattach the screws. Screw the adapter onto the front of the camera. Attach a battery to the battery clip to illuminate the ring flash.

Tags: back section, around adapter, battery clip, bonding glue, soldering iron

Charge A Kodak Easyshare Camera

Charge a Kodak EasyShare Camera

Kodak EasyShare cameras have been designed with the user in mind. The controls are clear and intuitive and the user interface is easy to understand. Certain models of EasyShare cameras allow charging via USB or a standard A/C adapter. This function allows you to charge the camera without having to change batteries. Charging a Kodak EasyShare camera is a simple process that does not require great technical knowledge or experience.


Charging Via USB

1. Update your camera with the latest firmware by going to Kodak.com. Click on the Help Center link, then select Software, Driver & Firmware Downloads. Choose your model from the drop-down menu to start the firmware download. Download instructions will vary based on your camera's model number.

2. Connect the camera to the computer using the USB to A/V cable. Make sure your camera is turned off.

3. Turn on your camera to begin charging. This will open the EasyShare software automatically; it is not necessary and can be closed. The Ready/Battery light on the camera will blink while the camera is charging.

4. Turn the camera off when you see that the Ready/Battery light remains on steadily. Charging is complete.

Charging Using the A/C Adapter

5. Turn your camera off and verify that the battery has been installed correctly. Close the battery door and make sure it is closed completely.

6. Plug the A/C adapter into a standard wall socket, then connect the A/C adapter to the USB to A/V camera cable. This will provide a connection from the A/C adapter to the camera.

7. Connect the camera to the USB to A/V camera cable, then begin charging. The Ready/Battery light will blink while charging, then glow steadily after charging is complete.

Tags: your camera, Battery light, Kodak EasyShare, Ready Battery, Ready Battery light

Transfer Photos On A Keychain Digital Photo Frame

Transfer Photos on a Keychain Digital Photo Frame

You no longer have to carry around a bulky miniature photo album or fill your wallet with small photos, so that you can brag about your kids, grandchildren or prized pet. You can now load digital photos onto a digital photo frame keychain that will allow you to show off pictures of your loved ones whenever you want. The best part is a digital photo frame keychain takes up the same amount of space in your purse or pocket as a typical keychain.


1. Run and install any software that came with your digital photo frame keychain by following the prompts.

2. Stick the small end of the USB cable that came with your digital photo frame keychain into the keychain's USB jack and the large end of the cable into your computer's USB jack.

3. Use the software for your digital photo frame keychain to select the pictures that you want on the keychain from your computer. Wait for the software to finish uploading your pictures to your keychain.

4. Leave the keychain attached to the USB cable until it is fully charged. Then, remove the USB cable from the keychain and the computer.

5. Turn your digital photo frame keychain on and open the options menu. Select whether you would like the keychain to work manually, as in pressing a button to switch from picture to picture, or in slide show mode, in which the keychain will automatically run through all your pictures for you. Select how fast or slow you want the slide srun if you select this option.

6. Turn the keychain off until you are ready to show off your photos.

Tags: frame keychain, photo frame keychain, digital photo frame, photo frame, digital photo

Buy A Vocopro Karaoke Machine

If you host a lot of events at your house, consider purchasing a karaoke machine to get visitors occupied with a fun activity. A very highly recommended brand for karaoke machines is VocoPro. By following these steps, you can learn buy a VocoPro karaoke machine.


1. Go to the official VocoPro website (see Resources below). From the homepage, click on the "Products" link to view all of their products. On the following page, you can view all of their karaoke machines and accessories.

2. Read the product descriptions to figure out which products you wish to buy from VocoPro. If many people will be using the machine, consider buying extra microphones and speakers. If just a couple of people will use it, you can buy the cheapest model.

3. Understand the return policies and the qualifications for any money-back guarantees VocoPro has to offer. To find this information, click on the "Warranty" link from the homepage of the website.

4. Place your order at the VocoPro website by filling out your shipping, billing and payment information. After you place your order, your karaoke equipment should arrive within 15 business days. Carefully inspect what you receive to ensure that you got everything you ordered.

Tags: karaoke machine, karaoke machines, people will, view their, VocoPro website

Friday, March 20, 2009

Download Ringtones To A Helio

Helio is a mobile virtual network operator, or MVNO, that uses wireless technology to give its users a great service with built-in features designed to attract users who keep their mobile phone devices at the center of their lives. Downloading ringtones to your Helio is easy to do, so read on for some suggestions.


1. Go to the official Helio Ocean website and click on "Downloads" and "Rings." Search for the kind of music you want as a ringtone, listen to the sample and then purchase it by clicking the "Get It" button to get your ringtones (see Resources below).

2. Rename MP3 or MIDI files from your computer to the MMF format by right-clicking the MP3 or MIDI file and selecting "Rename" and changing the file extension to MMF. Send the file to your Helio device as an attachment and then open the email and highlight the attachment which changes the "Compose" option to "Download." Press the "Flame" key to begin downloading your attachment, then highlight the downloaded attachment and click the "Flame" key again and then select "Save to Rings" to finish uploading new music files to your Helio.

3. Purchase ringtones online. Some websites will already support Helio, so you can instantly download the ringtones to your phone. For websites that don't support Helio, download the ringtones to your computer, change the extension to MMF and follow the rest of the directions mentioned in Step 2 (see Resources below).

Tags: ringtones your, your Helio, attachment then, download ringtones, download ringtones your

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Recover Files On Digital Cameras

When a photo is deleted by accident, a still image of a memory has been erased. Luckily, the pictures you deleted by mistake might not be lost. There are tools available from several software developers that can scan the memory on your digital camera and attempt to recover photos that have been deleted.


1. Download Recover My Photos (See Resources). This application will help you save digital photos you've taken that might not have been completely erased from your camera. Plug your digital camera into your PC, start the application and click "Scan" to search for partially deleted pictures.

2. Install ZAR (See Resources). ZAR, which stands for Zero Assumption Recovery, can perform a scan on your digital camera's storage drive to search for photos you've deleted. While you might have pressed "Delete," not all photos are completely wiped out, so you might save the ones you cherish most. Connect your digital camera to your computer, run the ZAR application and select "Image Recovery."

3. Scan your digital camera using Disk Doctors Photo Recovery (See Resources). This software package can help you recover partially deleted photos that have not been completely wiped off of your digital camera's internal storage. Plug your digital camera into your PC using your USB cable and run a photo recovery scan using the Disk Doctors application.

Tags: digital camera, your digital, your digital camera, have been, been completely, camera into, camera into your

Change The Battery In A Polaroid Camera

The beauty of Polaroid instant cameras is instant gratification. This instant gratification also extends to the battery. One of the great misnomers of this product is that you have to change the battery just like you would any other kind of camera, but all you have to do is reload the film pack because the power source is in the film cartridge itself in the new generation Polaroid Instant cameras.


1. Purchase a film cartridge appropriate for your Polaroid Instant Camera. Consult the manufacturer's website for valid types of film for your make and model.

2. Remove the film pack from the packaging carefully. Do not touch the film cover, and hold the film by the edges. Do not remove the tab on the film pack.

3. Open the film door by pressing the film door release button on the front of the camera. This button may be located in a different location on your particular make and model.

4. Hold the film by the edges and insert the film pack with the film cover facing up, according to the symbols on the pack itself. Follow the arrows or consult the consult the instructions that came with your camera.

5. Close the film door, and remove the film cover. The film cover should eject automatically.

6. Repeat these steps when you want to load a new pack of film. Each time you load new film you will be reloading the battery as well. The battery life in the cartridge should be appropriate for the amount of pictures you can take with one film pack, but if you still have film left and your battery runs out, just load a new pack of film into the camera.

Tags: film pack, film cover, film door, film cartridge, film edges

Car Cassette Adapter Problems

Car stereos have evolved with technology just as home stereo equipment has--from 8-track tapes to cassettes to CD's and now MP3 players. For older car stereos with only a cassette deck, cassette adapters are available to insert and connect to a portable CD player or other auxiliary device. But, these adapters may not always work the way you want them to, especially after a long period of use.

Cassette Player

Though the cassette adapter is shaped like and performs like a regular cassette, some car stereos do not want to accept certain adapters. Whether the adapter doesn't have enough weight or has other issues, some stereos will keep automatically ejecting it or reversing the playback side back and forth as it attempts to read the adapter as a normal cassette.


Cassette adapter cords have a tendency to develop problems over time, especially if the cord becomes twisted or if the ends get bent or stretched, which can happen when the cord is wrapped around the adapter for storage. When this happens, static can be heard, one side of the stereo sound may cut out or it can loose the connection altogether.

Broken Tape

The adapter can also stop working if the tape itself gets twisted, broken or caught in the heads of the player, just as with a regular cassette. This will mean replacing the adapter unless you can repair the tape by taping the broken ends together in a manner that will still allow it to be run through the stereo's tape heads.

Sound Quality

Because the adapter is taking sound from a digital source (CD, DVD or MP3 player) and converting it to the analog medium of a cassette player, the sound quality will suffer some loss and not sound as dynamic as when played directly from the source. This will be the case regardless of the brand or price of the adapter.


Car stereos with cassette decks have become more scarce each year for the past decade, to where now only older models will have one. Therefore, finding new adapters to replace old or broken ones can be harder than it used to be, with fewer stores carrying them.

Tags: regular cassette, some stereos, stereos with, This will

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Get A Usb Cable For My Hitachi Camcorder

Replace your Hitachi camcorder USB cable.

The Hitachi line of cameras can connect to a computer through universal serial bus (USB) cable connection. Although all Hitachi cameras come with the USB cable, it is easy to misplace this accessory. If you have lost your Hitachi USB cable, you need to replace it if you want to upload any of the content from your video camcorder to a computer.


1. Visit the Hitachi website and select the video camera model you own.

2. Look through the available components option and find the USB cable that is compatible with your camera. Order the USB cable directly from the Hitachi company site.

3. Another option is to visit DCables.com, which has cables for just about any camcorder (even older models). Select "Hitachi Cameras" on the site, then click your model name. Select the USB cable and follow the purchase steps on the site.

4. If you prefer not to shop online, visit a local electronics store after you have looked up your product online. Most Hitachi camcorders use a five-pin mini B USB cable. Most stores sell this cable connection, and it might cost less to buy locally (especially since you won't have to pay for shipping).

Tags: cable connection, your Hitachi

Change Languages On A Toshiba Portege G900

The Toshiba Portégé G900, a Windows-based mobile phone, has Wi-Fi, 3G, a touch screen and QWERTY keyboard among its features. Its readouts are available in multiple languages, which you can change; however, to do so, first re-flash the ROM.


1. Download the flashing software (see Resources for link). Choose to save the software when prompted to either run or save it.

2. Install the software by double-clicking the icon in the folder where you saved it. Follow the on-screen installation directions.

3. Launch the application by double-clicking the Icon from the desktop or by going to the "Start" menu and looking in the "Programs" folder.

4. Select the radial button next to "OS" on the top left side of the program and select the "Browse" button to find the latest ROM file for your model. Press "Update Target."

5. Turn off the cell phone and wait a minute. Press the power button until the cellular powers on, and continue pressing it until it goes to USB mode. The display reads, "Awaiting USB connection."

6. Connect the USB cable first to the computer and then to the cell phone. The ROM file starts uploading automatically; you can see the update progress on both your computer and phone screen.

7. Avoid disconnecting the phone during the update process, as it may harm the device. Wait for the task completion message, which may take up to three minutes to appear.

Tags: cell phone

Nikon D5000 Features

The Nikon D5000 has built-in GPS that helps you determine exactly where a picture was taken.

The Nikon D5000, 12.3 megapixel camera, is full of useful features for both the casual picture taker and the professional photographer. The features on this camera range from 19 scene modes to retouch options and direct printing. The Nikon D5000 is the second DSLR camera from Nikon to include a movie mode.


The D5000 is a DX format, F-mount camera with a 2.7-inch tilt and swivel 230,000-dot resolution LCD monitor. This 123.3 megapixel camera is also equipped with a CMOS sensor, built-in sensor cleaning system, EXPEED image processor and auto lens distortion. This camera also offers a 3D tracking multi-cam 1000 with autofocus sensor. The auto focus uses 11 AF points. The ISO sensitivity of this model is 200 to 3200. The flash exposure system is an i-TTL system with SU-800 wireless support. This flash system is also compatible with SB-400, SB-600, R1C1, SB-800 and SB-900. The shuttle on this camera is rated to 100,000 cycles. The Nikon D5000 comes with an EN-EL9a Lithium-ion Battery. The battery life is approximately 510 shots per charge.

Camera Mode

The camera mode on the D5000 has a live view shooting mode. The live view mode has subject tracking and contrast detection. A 3D color matrix is also included on this model. The auto scene recognition feature uses 19 pre-programmed scenes. The picture files save as .JPG files. The settings will remain the same until changed, even if the scene mode is changed. The pictures from this camera can be directly printed on a wireless printer or USB printer.

Movie Mode

The D-movie mode records 24 fps video with 22 KHz sound. A variety of screen sizes are available in movie mode. These sizes are 320 X 216 pixels, 640 X 424 pixels and 1,280 X 720 pixels. This model also has active D-lighting with four lighting options. The movie mode has 3D color as well and a scene recognition system. A HDMI video output is also built in to this camera. The .AVI format is used to save movie files.

Retouch Options

The D5000 allows users to retouch pictures right on the camera. The trim feature lets you crop your pictures from the LCD screen. You can save a new copy on the camera, so that the original picture is not changed. Some other useful retouch options are monochrome, straighten, fisheye, perspective control, stop motion and red-eye correction. The delete option on this camera allows users to remove pictures or videos they do not want to keep.

Tags: Nikon D5000, this camera, movie mode, allows users, camera also

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Canon Zr900 Video Camera Specifications

The Canon ZR900 has a built-in lens shield.

Canon introduced the entry-level ZR900 video camera to its lineup in 2008 and designed it to include advanced technology to ensure the recording of excellent-quality video. The camcorder records in standard definition and is compact and inexpensive when compared to the cost of similar models. The touchscreen display and joystick control makes navigating through the menus simple and non-stressful.


The ZR900 has a Genuine Canon Video lens with advanced zoom up to 41X. It is compatible with Windows Vista and Mac OS. The Canon ZR900 uses a Mini DV and it records in LP and SP. The camcorder has a built-in microphone that uses electret condenser technology and operates in stereo mode. The microphone has wind noise reduction. Other features include image stabilizer, self-timer and night mode. The display screen allows users to access the brightness controls.

Viewfinder and LCD

The viewfinder has a color display and it rotates. It measures 0.35 inches diagonally and has a resolution of 114,000 pixels. The image aspect ratio is 16 to 9 on the LCD display, which makes it widescreen. The color LCD display is 2.7 inches and has a resolution of 112,000 pixels.

Dimensions and Battery

The physical measurements for the video camcorder are 2.2 inches wide, 4.7 inches deep and 3.6 inches high. The Canon ZR900 weighs 13.4 ounces and it uses a Canon BP-2L5 battery that is a Li-ion rechargeable battery.

Accessories and Connections

The Canon ZR900 comes with an external power adapter and A/V cable. The connections available include one microphone, one IEEE 1394 (FireWire/i.LINK) and one composite video/audio output.

Lens and Zoom

The lens system on the camcorder has a focus length of 2.6 mm to 96.2 mm. The optical zoom is 37X and has a built-in lens shield. The lens system auto-focuses by using through-the-lens contrast detection. Focus adjustments are both manual and automatic, whereas a motorized drive handles the zoom adjustments.

Tags: Canon ZR900, built-in lens, built-in lens shield, color display, lens shield, lens system

Canon Vs Nikon Dslr A Comparison

Canon and Nikon are two of the oldest camera manufacturers in Japan. In fact, the two have a shared history; the first Canon camera, the Hansa Canon, released in 1936, was packaged with a Nikon lens, since Canon had no way to make lenses on its own at the time. Both companies make a full range of DSLR (digital single lens reflex) cameras.

Entry-level Canon Models

The entry level line of Canon DSLRs is the Rebel line, all of which use SD cards. There are currently three Rebels: the XS, the XSi and the T1i. The XS is sold as a kit only with an 18-55mm zoom lens. The XS has a 10-megapixel sensor and a 7-point autofocus system. The XSi has a 12-megapixel sensor and a 9-point autofocus. The T1i has a 15-megapixel sensor and the ability to shoot high-definition (HD) video.

Entry-level Nikon

In 2009, Nikon finally introduced the D3000 and D5000. These two cameras, and the D90, use SD cards. One of the primary differences between the entry-level Nikons and more advanced ones is the entry-level DSLR bodies lack an autofocus motor, so only lenses that have their own integral autofocus motor will autofocus. For photographers with older Nikon lenses, this is a serious limitation. The D3000 has an 11-point autofocus and can shoot three frames per second. The D5000 has a 12-megapixel sensor, can shoot HD video and has 19 auto-exposure scene modes.

Nikon D90

The Nikon D90 is unique, and Canon has no comparable model. The D90 borrows a lot of the more advanced features from the professional-level D300s, including dual-control dials and excellent low-light capability to ISO 3200.

Entry-level Professional

Professional bodies have more advanced features, such as a magnesium-alloy construction that is more dust- and weather-resistant, and use the faster Compact Flash cards. Canon's entry-level professional models are the 50D and 7D. The 50D has a 15-megapixel sensor and can shoot six frames per second. The 7D has an 18-megapixel sensor, a 19-point autofocus system, and can shoot HD video. In 2009, Nikon replaced its D300 with the D300S, offering HD video capability and dual memory card slots for Compact Flash and SD. The camera keeps the same 12-megapixel sensor and astonishing 51-point autofocus system.

Full-frame and Flagship

A full-frame sensor camera has a digital sensor that is the same size as 35mm film---about 24 by 36mm. The pixels are larger, so there is less noise. With its full-frame and flagship models, Canon pursues high resolution as opposed to speed. The 5D Mark II and 1Ds Mark III have a stunning 21-megapixel sensor, while the 1D Mark III, which has an APS-C sensor instead of a full-frame one, has a 10-megapixel sensor and shoots at 10 frames per second. Nikon's D700 and D3 both have a 12-megapixel sensor; the D700 shoots at five frames per second and the D3 at nine. The D3X offers a 24.5-megapixel sensor and shoots five frames per second.


Nikon and Canon differ slightly in their flagship models, though none of them have a built-in flash, assuming pros will be using external flash units. Nikon offers the D3 and D3x. Both are full-frame models. The D3 ($4,000 body only) is similar to the D700, but can shoot nine frames per second and uses a heavier, longer lasting battery. The D3 and D3X also have a built-in battery grip, making it simple to use the camera in vertical or horizontal modes. The D3X ($8,000 body only) offers a 24.5-megapixel sensor, and can shoot up to five frames per second. Canon's first flagship model, the 1D Mark III ($4,000 body only), differs from the D3 in that it has an APS-C sized sensor, not a full-frame sensor. The 1D Mark III has a 45-point autofocus system and can shoot 10 frames per second. The 1Ds Mark III ($7,000 body only) upgrades from its counterpart to a 21-megapixel sensor, but has similar features otherwise.

Tags: frames second, 12-megapixel sensor, autofocus system, body only, five frames

Monday, March 16, 2009

What Is The Difference Between A Macro Lens & A Micro Lens

Macro lenses attach to SLR cameras.

One advantage of digital SLR cameras is the ability to change out the lenses for different situations. Macro lenses enable you to photograph very small objects and capture textures and other details.

Macro Lens

A macro lens makes small objects look much larger. A true macro lens can take pictures that feature at least 1:1 magnification. This means that the object appears life-sized on the lens' sensor. A lens with a 2:1 magnification ratio makes objects appear twice as big as life size.

Micro Lenses

Some camera manufacturers, such as Nikon, name their macro lenses micro. One example is the Nikon 60mm f/2.8 Micro-Nikkor Lens. Nikon calls this a micro lens even though it serves the same purpose as a macro lens. True micro cameras and lenses are often designed for security purposes.

Micro Four Thirds

Some camera manufacturers such as Olympus feature a micro four-thirds system that includes a point-and-shoot camera with interchangeable lenses. This is a smaller version of the four-thirds lens system used by these manufacturers.

Tags: camera manufacturers, camera manufacturers such, macro lens, Macro Lens, Macro lenses

Biochemical Protocols

Biochemistry is the study of the chemical processes that happen in the cells of humans, animals, plants and other living creatures. Biochemical protocols refers to procedures used in a biochemical laboratory, which can be involved in the production of new drugs, scientific research or medical analysis of samples, such as blood and urine. Biochemical protocols include cell staining, antiprotozoal activity, lymphocyte migration and electrophoresis.

Cell Staining Protocol

The use of dyes helps in the identification of internal cellular structures, when observing samples under a microscope. Trypan blue is an acidic dye only used to analyze dead cells, because when still functioning, cells do not absorb the substance. During this protocol, technicians wash the sample with PBS or phosphate buffer solution before adding trypan blue.

Antiprotozoal Activity Protocol

Protists are microscopic organisms, some of which are related to serious diseases, such as malaria and trypanosomiasis. Phenethyl-4-aminopiperidine is a group of chemical compounds that present antiprotozoal activity. In this protocol, technicians cultivate protists in a medium containing horse blood serum, amino acids and glucose, as well as the chemical compounds 2-mercaptoethanol and sodium pyruvate. Later, phenethyl-4-aminopiperidines are added to samples to test the protists' resistance to the drug.

Lymphocyte Migration Protocol

Lymphocytes are immunodefense cells that form the blood. These cells can move out of the blood stream, to capture bacteria and other pathogens. Scientists can study these cells by using a fluorescent dye called r CFSE or carboxyfluorescein succinimidyl ester.First, scientists prepare a cell suspension with 20 million cells per-milliliter in FBS or fetal bovine serum and PBS buffer. Then, CFSE is added. The suspension rests for eight minutes, before warmed FBS is also added. Cells are incubated in a 98.6 degrees-Fahrenheit water bath for 10 minutes, before being finally centrifuged and washed three consecutive times in a solution of FBS/PBS.

Tris-tricine Electrophoresis Protocol

Tris-tricine is a chemical compound used as buffer solution to balance the pH of a solution. It is also used as a gel in electrophoresis protocols, which refer to the analysis of proteins and other cellular components by their movement in an electric field. To prepare tris-tricine gel for electrophoresis protocols, scientists make a mixture of double distilled water, acrylamide, chlorine, tris-tricine and sodium lauryl sulfate (SDS). Later, glycerol, ammonium persulfate and tetramethylethylenediamine are added.

Tags: Biochemical protocols, buffer solution, chemical compounds, electrophoresis protocols, minutes before, protocol technicians, this protocol

Friday, March 13, 2009

Canon Rebel Flash Controls Tutorial

The Canon Rebel's flash feature allows its user to photograph subjects in indoor environments, environments with low light, and when backlighting is problematic. Part of correctly knowing use the flash feature is knowing when to use the flash. It is also important to understand that the flash has a limited range so that its user can compensate for distance. Finally, red-eye produced by the flash can be effectively minimized with the Canon Rebel's red-eye reduction feature.

Using the Flash

The flash should be used indoors, in low light, or when faced with backlight conditions. "Backlight" occurs when the source of light is behind the object to be photographed. Backlighting will cause the camera to reduce its exposure time, thereby rendering the desired object into a near-silhouette. Using the flash in backlit situations will illuminate the desired object, making it clear. To use the flash, first open it by pressing the flash button on the face of the camera next to the lens. The flash button is designated by a lightning bolt symbol. Press the shutter button down halfway, then wait for the lighting bolt symbol in the viewfinder to illuminate. Press the shutter button down completely. The flash will fire and the camera will take the picture.

Flash's Range

The camera's flash is only effective for a limited distance. The effectiveness is determined by the "film's" ISO speed and the distance between the camera and the object to be photographed. ISO speed refers to the amount of time which light must strike the film for the image to be captured. Although the Rebel is a digital camera, and therefore does not use film, ISO speed is still used by Canon as a reference. Common ISO speeds include 200, 400 and 800. The lower the ISO speed, the lower the flash's effectiveness. If the Rebel is equipped with a wide-angle lens (18 mm), the flash will only be effective for 17 feet with an ISO speed of 200, and 34 feet with an ISO speed of 800. If a telephoto lens is used (55 mm), the flash's effectiveness diminishes because the lens does not allow as much light to reach the "film" as with a wide angle lens. For example, with an ISO speed of 200, the flash will only be effective for 11 feet with the telephoto lens. With an ISO speed of 800, the flash will only be effective for 22 feet.

Reducing Red-Eye

"Red-eye" is used to describe a condition in which the pupils of people and animals in a photograph are red. Red-eye occurs if the flash is too close to the subject; the light produced by the flash enters the eyes and is then reflected into the camera's lens. The Canon Rebel has a red-eye reduction feature that can minimize and sometimes eliminate red-eye. To activate red-eye reduction, first press the "Menu" button above the LCD display. Use the arrow buttons to the right of the LCD display to move the cursor to the "Red-eye On/Off" tab which appears on the display. Press the "Set" button in the middle of the arrow buttons to turn the red-eye reduction feature on, then use the flash as you normally would.

Tags: Canon Rebel, flash will, only effective, red-eye reduction, effective feet, feet with

Nikon Coolpix L3 Instructions

In 2006, Nikon released the 5.1 megapixel Coolpix L3 digital camera. With 3x optical zoom and a 2-inch LCD screen, the L3 is an ideal camera choice for casual photographers. Photographers who have used digital cameras in the past will have no problem picking up and shooting, while photographers new to digital cameras will find the L3 easy to learn and use.

Batteries and Memory Cards

The L3 can be run using two different types of batteries, the rechargeable Nikon EN-MH1 NiMH batteries or 2 AA alkaline batteries. If you are using the EN-MH1 batteries, be sure they are fully charged by using the included charger. To insert the batteries, hold the camera upside down and push the battery cover latch to "Open." Slide the battery cover toward the back of the camera and pull out. Insert the batteries with the positive side of the left battery facing up and the positive side of the right battery facing down. Close the cover and push the latch closed to lock the cover and secure the batteries.

The memory card is inserted in a slot on the right side of the camera when the back of the camera is facing you. Open the memory card cover by pulling it out. Slide the card into the slot with the contacts facing the front of the camera. When you feel a click the memory card is locked in place. Close the cover and press the "Power" button located on top of the camera. The LCD screen will prompt you to format the memory card so it can record your pictures. Using the arrow buttons of the multi-selector located on the back of the camera, highlight "Format" and press "Ok." The L3 will format the memory card.


To start taking pictures, slide the mode switch on the back of the camera all the way to the left under the camera symbol. This places the camera in "Auto" mode, which allows the camera to adjust the settings of the camera according to the shooting conditions. Press the "Power" button to turn on the camera. Frame the subject of the picture and press the shutter button halfway to enable auto focus. When the camera is focused on the subject of the picture the "AF" indicator light will turn green. Press the shutter button fully to take the picture. You will notice a rectangular icon blinking on the LCD screen after the picture is taken. This indicates the photograph is storing to memory. Do not remove the memory card or batteries at this time as it could harm the memory card or the camera, and you will lose your picture.

Playback and Deleting Images

You can review all of the pictures on your memory card by pressing the "Play" button located on the back of the camera. The LCD screen will display the most recent picture. To scroll through the pictures, press the right or left arrow buttons on the multi-selector. You can quickly scroll through the shots by holding down the buttons.

If you find an image you want to delete, press the button with the trashcan symbol. You will be asked to confirm the deletion of the picture, which you can do by highlighting "Yes" and pressing "Ok."

Tags: memory card, back camera, arrow buttons, arrow buttons multi-selector, battery cover, battery facing

Hack Your Blackjack 2

Hacking, or unlocking, a Blackjack II from Samsung is the only way for many users who have the phone but no AT&T service to use the device, as Samsung and AT&T have an exclusivity deal for the Blackjack II in the United States, as of 2009. Hacking the Blackjack II to run on other networks is not difficult and takes a few minutes to complete.


1. Contact AT&T and ask for the network control key for your Blackjack II. If you purchased this phone without an AT&T contract, contact a cell phone unlocking service, instead. These services cost about $20, as of 2009, to acquire the control key for your phone, but you cannot hack the Blackjack II without it.

2. Turn off your phone and remove the SIM card from the Blackjack II.

3. Turn the phone back on with the SIM card removed and enter the following code: #7465625*638*

4. Enter your network control key.

5. Press the "OK" soft key. This is not the "Send" button or the "OK" button on your Blackjack II. It is the button that your phone's screen indicates as "OK."

6. Power off your phone and reinsert your SIM card. Power your phone back on to complete the unlocking, or hacking, process.

Tags: your phone, control your, network control, phone back, Power your, Power your phone

Thursday, March 12, 2009

What Is A Camera Shoe Mount

When your camera's built-in flash isn't enough, you can use your camera's shoe mount to work with a compatible external flash.


A shoe mount is located on top of the camera.

Camera shoe mounts are metal brackets found on the top of most single-lens reflex (SLR) and some point-and-shoot cameras. Their main use is for mounting external flash units, but these mounts can also act as an electronic bridge to several external (slave) strobes for multiple lighting effects. Compatible flash and remote units communicate with the camera through pins located in the camera shoe.


With a compatible flash, your camera can talk through the shoe mount.

With a compatible flash, your camera shoe mount can communicate a wealth of information. Some flash units can zoom with your camera's lens in order to provide the right amount of light coverage. If the flash provides autofocus (AF) illumination, it will offer assistance to help your camera focus in particularly dark situations.


According to Digital Photo magazine, more professional and amateur photographers can improve their flash photography by utilizing the camera shoe mount with an external flash.


The camera shoe mount can also act as a universal adapter. Not limited to SLR and still cameras, the shoe mount can be found on some video cameras as well. With the proper adapter, you can use the camera shoe mount to house both an external light and a microphone.


Compatibility is the key to making the best of your external components. Choose the accessories that work best with you camera's shoe mount.

Tags: your camera, shoe mount, camera shoe, camera shoe mount, shoe mount

Build A 3g Directional Antenna

The antenna inside a cell phone receives the cellular signal so calls can be made. Add an external antenna, or "booster," that will amplify the cellular signal from a 3G cellular network. A few supplies are needed, but no electrical skills. The cell phone will not be physically modified in any way.


1. Stand a fruit juice can on a table. Open the top with a can opener. Pour the contents into a plastic container. Wash the can with dishwashing liquid in the kitchen sink. Dry the can with a paper towel.

2. Place the can on a table with the open end facing up. Measure the width of the cell phone that will be used. Make a dot on an edge at the top of the can with a grease pencil. Measure across the top of the can with the measurement that was just taken. Make another dot at the end of the measurement.

3. Cut a vertical line down the side of the can at the two dots with a utility knife; wear work gloves to protect your hands in case the blade slips during the cutting. Cut across the bottom of the can from one end of the vertical line cut to the other.

4. Pull the cut out piece of metal from the can; a pliers gripping the top of the can may help to bend the bottom back and forth until it breaks loose. Dispose of the cut-out piece of metal in the trash.

5. Place strips of masking tape against the vertical cuts and bottom cut on the can. Stand the cell phone inside your 3G directional antenna. Rotate the antenna so that the cell phone is facing toward a window or glass door facing the outside (for example, a backyard patio).

6. Place a call on the cell phone. Press the icon to activate the speakerphone function. Talk and listen to your caller, thanks to the improved cellular signal that the cell phone is now getting from the 3G directional antenna you have made.

Tags: cell phone, cellular signal, directional antenna, piece metal, that cell, that cell phone, that will

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Do Canadian Cell Phones Work In The United States

Do Canadian Cell Phones Work in the United States?

You can make calls, send text messages and surf the internet from your mobile device while you are visiting the United States from Canada. However, roaming charges do apply when making phone calls from the US; fees for text messages are based on the plan you purchased. You will also be charged an extra fee billable per minute of usage when you access the internet via your mobile device.

International Dialing

You can make international calls from any cell phone. No special, additional equipment is required for you to place international calls while you travel outside of Canada. Just as you would dial on a land line to make an international call, dial the number 1, followed by the country code, followed by the phone number for the person you want to call.

International Calling Plans

Plans and fees are based on the individual or bundle services you signed up for when you purchased your cell phone. If your plan includes international calling, basic international fees are already included on your bill. Otherwise, you will be charged per call you make, which is calculated based on the length of your call and the country you called. Some carriers also provide you with a separate cell phone for your use in the United States, if you plan on making numerous calls within the US. These phones only work while you are in the US.


When you travel outside of Canada, your cell phone automatically goes into roaming. Roaming fees are calculated based on used airtime minutes and are added to your phone bill on a per usage basis. Exact fees and charges will differ with plan and cell phone carrier.

Text Messaging

Even if you purchased your cell phone and plan in Canada, you can send and receive text messages while in the United States. Fees will vary by cell phone providers, as some will charge per message sent only. Others will charge per message sent and received, separately.

Internet Usage

Internet usage is generally charged per minute. These charges are added to your monthly internet usage fee for the plan you purchased. Files--including ringtones--downloaded from the internet to your phone may also incur an additional data charge.

Tags: cell phone, United States, text messages, your cell, your cell phone, added your

Find Someone To Repair Your Dvd Player

If you've tried to fix your DVD player and aren't having any luck, your next option is to find someone who can fix it for you. There are many different ways to find someone to repair your DVD player, and below are a few suggestions.


1. Call the store where you purchased the DVD player. They might have a service department that will be able to fix your DVD player, or they may have a recommendation for a repair shop.

2. Look in the phone book. You would need to look under electronics repair, and see if there are any certified repair shops in your area.

3. Ask around. It's likely that friends or family will have a recommendation for a repair shop.

4. Look on the Internet. There are Web sites that are devoted to technical assistance and can refer you to recommended shops in your area. One site is Repairhelper.com, which will give you a list of repair shops in your area.

5. Contact the maker of the DVD player. The manufacturer may have links to authorized companies that repair your type of DVD player. They may also be able to suggest someone right in your area, so you won't have to ship the machine out for service.

Tags: your area, shops your, shops your area, find someone, have recommendation

1972 El Camino Specs

The 1972 El Camino is a car with a truck-style bed and V-8 engine. It made its debut in 1959 by Chevrolet and ran until 1987. The El Camino body style was based from the Chevelle. These are now considered classic cars and are collected by muscle car enthusiasts.

Body Style

The El Camino's front end is identical to the Chevrolet Chevelle. With the long hood and wrap around turn signals to the bow-tie grill design. It had a Chevelle station wagon wheelbase. These were large to be able to accommodate larger engines. The exterior and interior styling designs were derived from the Impala.

Engine Options

The El Camino was equipped for four different sizes of V-8 engines. These were: a 165 horsepower producing 350 cubic inch engine, the 175 horsepower producing 350 cubic inch motor, the 240 horsepower producing 402 cubic inch engine and the 270 horsepower producing 454 cubic inch engine. There was the option of a four-speed manual shift or the turbo-hydromatic automatic transmission.


The 1972 El Camino had the same size 116-inch wheelbase as the Chevelle sedan. It measured 201 inches in length and 75.4 inches wide. It was also 53.3 inches in height. The El Camino weighed 3,220 lb.

Torque Performance

The L65 350 V-8 engine with a bhp of 165 at 4,000 rpm produces 240 foot-pounds of torque at 2,400 rpm. The regular 350 V-8 engine with 175 bhp at 4,000 rpm produces 240 foot-pounds of torque at 2.400 rpm. The LS3 402 V-8 engine with 240 bhp at 4,400 rpm puts out 345 foot-pounds per 3,200 rpm. And the LS5 454 size V-8 engine with a bhp of 270 at 4,000 rpm produces a powerful 390 foot-pounds at 3,200 rpm. In 1972 the brake horsepower dropped for each of the engine sizes compared to previous years of the El Camino because of increasing government regulations on vehicle emissions.

Tags: cubic inch, engine with, horsepower producing, horsepower producing cubic, producing cubic, producing cubic inch, 1972 Camino