Friday, February 27, 2009

Format An M2 Sony Memory Card

Format an M2 Sony Memory Card

Sony M2 memory cards are a fraction of the size of other memory cards and are necessary if using certain Sony products. Just like with any memory card, they are fragile and susceptible to errors after constant use. Sometimes you need to just wipe off the old information and do a clean install. The Sony product you use the M2 memory card with is your best bet for formatting, though a computer format can be used as a backup plan.


1. Save any information off the M2 memory card before proceeding. Formatting a card will permanently erase all the information off of it. To save files to a computer, you will need a Sony Memory Stick Duo adapter. The M2 memory card fits in the adaptor, which then can be inserted into a media reader. If the computer has a media reader, you can plug it in directly. If not, you will need a USB media reader and plug it into the USB port. Once inserted into the computer you can access the M2 memory card like a hard drive and save any files.

2. Determine the device you wish to use for the M2 memory card. Different devices have different ideal formats.

3. Insert the memory card into your device (Camera, PSP, etc.). Go to the option menu and find the option labeled "format." All Sony devices should be able to format the memory card themselves. If you have trouble finding the menu option, look in the device's manual for the exact location.

4. Choose to format M2 memory card. You will be asked if you are sure if you want to proceed; select "yes" or "ok." Give the device ample time to complete the format.

5. If the memory card cannot be read by your device and thus is not able to be formatted, then you can format using your computer. Be advised that you only want to do this to get the M2 to be readable again. Plug in the M2 card to your computer and right-click on the drive. Scroll down and select "Format." Choose the Fat32 option and select "start" at the pop-up screen.

6. Remove the M2 card from the computer and reinsert the formatted M2 card into your Sony device. Format it again.

Tags: memory card, format memory, format memory card, media reader, memory card, memory card

Thursday, February 26, 2009

A300 Polaroid Camera Specs

The Polaroid a300 is a digital camera that Polaroid describes as a great digital camera for beginner photographers. The a300 uses an SD memory card to hold the photos you capture. It is PC compatible and you can transfer images directly off of the camera and onto your computer via a USB cable. It features an LED flash, an auto white balance setting, it compresses images into JPEG format and has the ability to capture QVGA video at a rate of 15 frames per second, according to Polaroid.


The a300 camera has a 3.0 megapixel enahnced resolution. The more megapixels a camera has the higher resolution an image will be have in regards to clarity. If the camera has higher pixels it adds more detail into the photograph, which can help in the editing process of images because you have more to work with and image size can be increased or cropped as you see fit. 3.0 megapixels is nearing the low end of resolutions for market digital cameras as of 2010. With the advance in technology newer camera's are being released with between 10 and 12 megapixels. Professional digital cameras can be found with higher resolutions as well.


The a300 has a 2x digital zoom. When purchasing a digital camera you should be aware that there are two types of zoom available, some camera's only have one while others might come equipped with both. The first type is digital zoom, the second is optical zoom, which this camera does not have. Optical zoom has ben around since before the invention of digital cameras and is used to get a closer image of a subject. Digital zoom enlarges an area in the photograph digitally. With optical zoom you will not lose any image quality, however with digital zoom you will lose photo quality.


Digital cameras come equipped with both a viewfinder---like a standard film camera---as well as a digital screen that shows the image you are capturing. The a300 comes equipped with a 1.4 inch bright color Liquid Crystal Display, LCD screen. You will want to experiment with your LCD screen because they have a tendency to make your image appear brighter on the display than it actually is, so if you find your images coming out slightly dark you will want to adjust your brightness settings and keep that in mind when looking at your image from the screen.

Tags: digital camera, digital zoom, equipped with, zoom will lose, a300 digital, camera higher

Choose A Scanner

Scanners digitize a physical document or photo, allowing you to store the scan file on another device. Scanners also allow you to edit the scanned document or photo, depending on the type of software the scanner comes with. Choosing a scanner is like choosing any other electronic device because you must consider many factors to find the scanner that best suits your situation.


1. Choose a location where you wish to keep the scanner. The size of the location and its proximity to a computer or network connection will help determine the size scanner and whether it connects wirelessly.

2. Develop your budget for buying a scanner. Flatbed scanners in general are the least expensive, while sheet-fed scanners on average cost more. You could buy an all-in-one printer with a scanner if you are also in the market for a new printer.

3. Read the specifications for different scanners, which you can find on manufacturers' websites, online stores or at your electronics store. Pay attention to the resolution or the clarity of the scans and the color resolution or the scanner's capability of scanning different color shades.

4. Check your computer for correct ports to connect to the scanner. Some scanners use only a USB connection or an Ethernet cable, with others connect wirelessly. If you will be scanning many-page documents that come in single sheets, look for scanners with an ADF or automatic document feeder, which will pull the different pages through the scanner for you.

5. Read scanner specifications for information about editing software that comes with the scanner. Different editing software allows you to do different things with the scanned documents or images. Purchasing a scanner without software that allows you to edit the scans as needed keeps you from fully using the scanner.

Tags: comes with, document photo, editing software, software that, with scanner

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Find The Imei Number On A Mobile Phone

IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) numbers are used to help mobile phone companies and you keep track of mobile phone usage. If your phone is lost or stolen, the phone company can enter the IMEI number into the database and permanently deactivate the phone. Even if the SIM card is changed, the mobile phone will not work. There are a few things you can do to find the IMEI number on a mobile phone.


1. Open the battery cover on your mobile phone and remove the battery. The IMEI number should be located on the white label under the battery. It will be 15 to 17 digits long with no letters or slashes. You only need the first 15 numbers.

2. Replace the battery and power the phone on. If the IMEI number is not located under the battery, there are other ways to find it. Wait for the phone to initialize before continuing.

3. Enter *#06# on your phone's key pad. When the final # is entered, a 15-digit number with the title "IMEI number" will appear. Copy the number down and keep it for future reference.

4. If that didn't work you have still more options. If your phone is made by Motorola, you need to press #,*, (menu) and then press the right arrow very quickly. Do not pause when pressing the keys. The IMEI number will appear on the screen.

5. Check the phone's menu if you have a SIM card. Scroll through the menu until you find IMEI or SIM ID. Press enter to display the phone's IMEI number.

6. If you have an older phone with a SIM card, you can press the right arrow until you see IMEI. Press the Enter key to see the IMEI number. If there are only seven digits shown, you can hit the Menu key and then the Next key to see the remaining digits.

Tags: IMEI number, mobile phone, your phone, find IMEI, IMEI number will

How Does Pip Tv Work

Picture in Picture (PiP) is a now commonplace technology that was once a highly advanced, almost luxurious feature in television sets. PiP works by providing a smaller picture inside the main picture on a television set. Often, the sound for the main picture is still played through the television's speakers, while the in-picture display is silent. This can be switched up, however, and headphones have been used to achieve sound from the in-picture display while sound from the main picture continues to play through the main television screen.

The technology now works by using two signal sources, or independent tuners, to provide for both the main display and the smaller, in-picture display. Each tuner accounts for one of the displays. Some televisions have two built-in PiP tuners, but others only have one and instead rely on an external tuner or other source that can provide for the second picture.

PiP was first seen by the public during the 1976 Montreal Olympics. During the Olympics, to provide coverage of two different angles of an event that was happening at the same time, a Quantel digital framestore unit was used to focus in on the Olympic flame during the opening ceremony. The picture in picture, created via the digital framestore, provided a close up of the Olympic flame as the rest of the opening Olympic ceremonies were displayed in typical form through the main picture.

It took only 4 years for the technology--or at least, a related version of it--to appear and become available in a consumer electronics device. 1980 brought NEC's attempt to successfully introduce the Popvision television, which was the first consumer television to feature PiP. However, this PiP was not the PiP of modern days. The main 20-inch set was complemented by a 6-inch set and tuner, to provide for the two separate sources. The television didn't really catch on, owing to the pricey technology involved and the two separate screens, which ran for about $1,200.

These days, PiP technology continues to be relevant and continues to evolve. High-definition video player technologies (HD-DVD and Blu-Ray) make use of PiP technology in high-definition on most of the HD video discs. These can be used to play actor or other commentaries in a separate window during the actual film itself, or for a variety of other purposes.

Tags: main picture, in-picture display, digital framestore, Olympic flame, sound from, through main

Fx Vs Dx Format

In film photography, all 35 mm cameras use film that measures 24 mm by 36 mm. During the photography industry's switch to digital, camera manufacturers developed camera sensors varying in size to replace film. Nikon developed two digital SLR sensor types, the DX and the FX. The DX sensor is smaller than a 35 mm frame, measuring 23.6 mm by 15.8 mm. The FX full-frame sensor maintains the full-frame dimensions that were on 35 mm film cameras. Both sensor types have their advantages and disadvantages.

DX Cropping

DX sensors have a smaller area than FX sensors, therefore the outside edges of the picture are cut out as they enter the camera. This causes the zoom range of the lens to increase by 1.5 times. A 50 mm lens on a DX camera is the equivalent of a 75 mm lens on a full-frame FX camera.

Detail Quality

Full-frame Nikon cameras record higher-quality images because of their superior ability to capture detail. The FX sensors take in higher amounts of color and light information. SLRs with FX sensors also perform better in low-light environments. DX sensors record high-quality images but lack the heightened level of detail that a full-frame sensor records.


Full-frame Nikon cameras are substantially more expensive than Nikon D-SLRs with DX sensors. Nikon cameras with FX sensors include the Nikon D3x, the D3s and the D700. As of November 2010, the full-frame cameras range in price from $3,369.95 to $7,499.95. Nikon cameras with DX sensors range in price from to $545.95 to $1,199.95.

Tags: Nikon cameras, with sensors, cameras with, cameras with sensors, Full-frame Nikon, Full-frame Nikon cameras

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Nokia N95 Gps Faq

The Nokia N95 is a 3G GPS enabled cellphone. It is designed for those who want cellular, multimedia and navigation functions all in a single hand-held device.

Form Factor

The N95 is for all its features, quite compact. It measures 3.8 inches long by 2.1 inches wide by 0.8 inches thick and weighs just 4.2 oz.

Notable Feature: GPS

The most notable feature of the N95 is its built-in GPS unit. Along with GPS, you also get full color interactive maps.

True GPS

Unlike the cellular assisted GPS that is common on many phones, the N95 features true real time satellite provided GPS. As such the N95 is perfectly suited for use as real-time navigation device, such as when traveling.

GPS Tips

NaviGadget reports that the GPS antenna is housed in the numeric keypad of the phone. Therefore the best GPS reception occurs when the N95's movable screen is slid up to reveal the keypad.

GPS Performance

Both CNET labs and NaviGadget confirm that the GPS unit works quite well. However, it seems to be a common occurrence that the initial GPS lock takes some time. Although, this generally happens within five minutes.

Other Features

The N95 also features full multimedia support. This includes playback of AAC, WMA and MP3 audio formats among others. The phone also features a 5 megapixel camera with video recording capabilities and a TV out jack for outputting your videos and pictures direct to TV.

Tags: also features

Use An External Flash On A Canon Eos Rebel K2

Canon EOS Digital Rebel cameras are compatible with external flash units.

The EOS Digital Rebel series is Canon's line of high-end digital cameras that is compatible with several types of attachments, including lens and external flash units. External flash units can be larger and more powerful than the built-in flash, letting the photographer take well-lit photographs in overly backlit or very dark areas. External flash units also are much more customizable than the built-in units and allow the photographer to redirect light as needed as well as change flash brightness levels.


1. Align the flash unit's mounting panel with the camera's hot shoe and press in firmly.

2. Push the flash unit's locking lever closed. On Canon-manufactured Speedlite flash units, the locking lever slides to the right. Other flash units may have a screw-based or key-based locking mechanism.

3. Turn on the flash unit by pressing the power button or switching it to "On," depending on the flash unit's specifications.

4. Wait until the flash has fully charged. Flash units typically have an indication light that will show charge level.

5. Set the camera's shooting mode to either "Automatic" or "Program" to activate automatic flash.

Tags: flash units, flash unit, compatible with, Digital Rebel, external flash

Best Way To Remove Contact Lenses

In 1971 the first commercial soft contact lenses were introduced in the United States. Since that time more and more people have chosen contact lenses over glasses to correct their vision. Before changing to contact lenses, patients are sometimes apprehensive over the insertion and removal procedure. The following steps explain easily remove soft contact lenses.


1. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and warm water. Do not use a soap with heavy perfume and rinse well to remove all the residue.

2. Stand in front of the mirror and drop your head down then look upwards into the mirror without moving your head. The white of your eyes should be prominent below the lens.

3. Use the tip of a finger to slide the lens downward into the white of the eye. Do not take your finger off the lens.

4. Gently pick up the lens, off the white of your eye, using your finger and thumb.

5. Clean and store the lens as prescribed by your eye doctor.

6. Repeat the above steps to remove the contact lens in the other eye.

Tags: contact lenses, soft contact, soft contact lenses, white your, your finger, your head

Friday, February 20, 2009

Stop Satellite Rain Fade

Battling rain fade

It can be very frustrating when you are watching your favorite television show and the signal is suddenly interrupted by the weather. Rain fade is what happens when rain gets in the way of the dish receiving a strong enough signal from the satellites. As a result, digital distortion is all you get on your TV set. It is not possible to completely stop rain fade from affecting your dish, but there are steps you can take that will help in eliminate rain fade.


1. Go into the set-up menu and access the dish pointing option. Select the signal strength meter and check your signal strength. If it is under 90, adjust your dish by moving it right or left to get the best signal possible. If you can't get a signal strength of 90 or higher at your location, adjust your dish to the strongest signal possible.

2. Purchase a satellite dish rain cover at your local electronics store, and install it on your dish. This will keep the rain from interfering with the satellite's signal.

3. Purchase a can of satellite rain fade solution and apply it to your satellite dish. This will repel the rain from your dish and help eliminate rain fade.

4. Install a larger satellite dish with more surface area to gather a stronger satellite signal. If you are in a location where rain fade is very common, you can purchase a rain fade dish that is treated for rain fade.

Tags: rain fade, your dish, satellite dish, signal strength, adjust your

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Cell Phone Battery Technology

Cell phone batteries use the same technology and follow the same principles used in traditional battery cells but face more challenges due to the constant and widespread use of cellular devices.

Chemical Types

Cell phone batteries are made from nickel-cadmium, nickel-metal hydride or the most advanced lithium-ion.

Quick Charging

A team of MIT scientists have invented a lithium-ion battery capable of being charged in 10 seconds. It does not require any radical changes to manufacturer's current processes, and widespread production is being explored.

Memory Effect

New cell phone batteries will try to eliminate the memory effect, which diminishes battery life and eventually leads to complete discharge. This is caused by overcharging or recharging a battery before the life is fully exhausted.

Long-term Life

Current cell phone battery technology allows it to be recharged 200 to 400 times before being permanently discharged. New technology is being worked on to extend battery life, possibly infinitely, as well as cut down on battery waste.

Green Batteries

Technological advances in cell phone batteries will continue to use even more environmentally friendly materials. Lithium-ion batteries were already a major upgrade from the heavy metals previously used in nickel-based batteries, but it is likely this trend will continue as volume grows.

Tags: phone batteries, batteries will, battery life, cell phone, phone batteries will, will continue

Plasma Tv Pros & Cons

Plasma television technology has been in development since the 1960's, though only recently has it made it to the commercial realm. Now it is not uncommon to see a sleek plasma television in the homes of everyday people. The benefits of these television sets may be obvious to some, but they do not go without their downfalls. The following are the pros and cons of plasma TV sets, all of which should be taken into account before purchasing this product.

Pro: Size

The plasma television's thin frame works to its advantage. Because it is not as bulky as traditional television sets, it is easier to place in the home and takes up less space.

Pro: Glare

Plasma television can be seen in almost any setting with almost any amount of light. Even sunlight that would normally cause glare on a television screen will not interrupt the viewing of a plasma TV.

Pro: Aspect Ratio

Nearly all plasma TV's are manufactured in a widescreen format (16x9 aspect ratio). This allows movies to be seen in the way they would be shown in a movie theater, without cutting the picture at the ends.

Con: Fragile

The thin frame of the plasma television also works against it. It makes the TV fragile, which causes problems in shipping and allows it to be easily damaged in the home.

Con: Power

It takes high voltage power to activate the plasma receptors inside the plasma TV. This makes it one of the more power-hungry types of TV sets out there.

Tags: plasma television, Plasma television, television sets, thin frame

What Is The Difference Between The Furuno 1712 & 1715 Radar

Furuno radar models 1712 and 1715 are used as maritime radar units.

Furuno USA was established in 1948. Furuno USA is a global producer of marine electronics. Among other maritime electronics, Furuno offers various radar models for a broad range of uses. Furuno radar reaches from 16 to over 120 nautical miles.

Similar Features

The Furuno 1712 and 1715 share many features. Both offer a 7-inch LCD monitor. Both models have a 10-meter cable assembly. The 1712 and 1715 also share a range of up to 24 nautical miles.

Furuno 1712

The Furuno 1712 has the capability of interconnecting with other navigation equipment through two input ports. The 1712 has an 18-inch radome with a 2.2 kW transceiver. The Furuno 1712 is no longer available for purchase from Furuno USA.

Furuno 1715

The Furuno 1715 has an 18.1-inch radome with a 2.2kW transceiver. The 1715 offers a guard zone alarm. This means that if the radar is in watchman mode and an object enters the guard area an alarm is sounded and the radar goes into active mode. The 1715 also has a rain control that enhances target detection in the rain.

Tags: Furuno 1712, 1712 1715, 1715 also, Furuno 1712 1715, Furuno 1715

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Choose A Mini Stereo System

If you enjoy taking your music on the go or just need to the ability to share your music with others using a small and portable package, then a mini stereo is the perfect choice for the job. There are a considerable amount of mini stereo systems available to choose from with features and prices to suit all needs and budgets. This guide will explain choose a mini stereo system.


1. Decide how much sound quality you are willing to sacrifice. Smaller systems inevitably have smaller speakers and lower powered amplifiers. With this decrease in size comes a decrease in sound quality. If you are using the system for casual listening only, then you may decide to choose an ultra portable mini stereo. If you desire a slightly higher sound quality, then choose a system with the largest speakers possible that still meets your portability needs.

2. Think about the connectivity that you require. Will the mini stereo need to work with an iPod? Do you need satellite radio or other HD radio options? Would you like to have the option of connecting the mini stereo to your computer or other device? If so, factor these choices into your selection process and choose a unit that offers the kinds of connectivity options that you will most often be using.

3. Examine your portability needs. Will you be using the mini stereo primarily at home or in places where 120 volt AC power is readily available? Or will you require alternate power such as battery for activities such as camping? Alternatively, if you intend to use the mini stereo for tailgating and other vehicular activities, select a unit that has the ability to use the 12 volt DC vehicle power outlets by means of an adapter.

4. Put together a total budget. After you have decided on your needs, decide how much money you have to spend and price systems with the combination of features that you require. If the mini stereos with the features that you want are within your budget, then select a quality unit from a major audio equipment manufacturer. If you find that you are under budgeted, then eliminate the features that you can live without in a mini stereo until you reach the price and quality level that is affordable to you.

Tags: mini stereo, mini stereo, features that, sound quality, portability needs, that require

A Comparison Of Tomtom One Xl To Garmin Nuvi 255w

Though TomTom GPS units do not generally receive the same accolades as Garmin's similar products, the ONE XL features a distinct advantage over the Garmin Nuvi 255W. Otherwise, the products are nearly identical, save for appearance and pricing.

Bluetooth Connectivity

The TomTom ONE XL includes Bluetooth connectivity. While other Garmin Nuvi models include this feature, this is not the case for the 255W.

Physical Appearance

The screen sizes of the ONE XL and the 255W are identical; each has a diagonal measure of 4.3 inches. The ONE XL's finish is silver, whereas the 255W has black accents and a pure black finish. Both models include a windshield mount.


Many similarities exist between the 255W and the ONE XL. The list includes, but is not limited to, preloaded maps, points of interest (POIs) and multiple routing options.


Unless Bluetooth connectivity is worth over $200 to a consumer, they are better off purchasing the 255W. It costs $180 in comparison to the ONE XL's $400 price tag. Prices are as of September 2010.

Tags: Garmin Nuvi, Bluetooth connectivity, models include

Build An Actual Laser Pointer

Lasers were once the stuff of science fiction, but today it is possible to build a laser that, while functioning on a much lesser scale, works exactly like the one NASA used to bounce a beam off of the moon. Building your own laser is a weekend project that will give you a great sense of accomplishment. Knowledge of lasers or electronics is not required in order to build an actual laser pointer.


1. Put the cloth down on the work surface. Take the LED flashlight and remove the battery cap and the batteries and put them down on the cloth.

Unscrew the reflector from the front of the LED flashlight and remove the plastic lens from inside of the reflector. Put the plastic lens and reflector down on the cloth.

2. Reach into the flashlight and pull out the LED bulb and mechanism using the needle-nosed pliers. Discard the LED bulb and mechanism.

3. Unscrew the AixiZ laser housing and separate the two halves. Put the front half down on the cloth

Heat up the soldering iron.

4. Hold the back half of the AixiZ laser housing with the exposed laser diode. Solder a conductive pin each to the positive and the negative contacts on the laser diode. Let the solder cool.

5. Take the front half of the AixiZ laser housing and hold it against the glass or plastic lens. Draw a circle around the AixiZ laser housing using the permanent ink pen.

Cut out the circle in the plastic lens using a utility knife. Return the plastic lens to the inside of the reflector.

6. Insert the half of the AixiZ laser housing conductive pins first into the LED flashlight casing. Put the reflector back onto the LED flashlight. Apply bonding glue around the reflector and the AixiZ laser housing. Let the bonding glue dry.

7. Insert the batteries into the flashlight. Put the battery cap back on. Aim the flashlight at a building across the street and press the button to project a laser beam from the actual laser pointer that you have made.

Tags: AixiZ laser, AixiZ laser housing, laser housing, plastic lens, down cloth, half AixiZ

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Audiovox Express Xm Radio Specifications

The Audiovox Express (or Xpress) boasts of being the smallest XM unit available that displays five lines of text on the screen. Audiovox was founded in 1965 and has been creating home and portable audio solutions for decades. The Audiovox Xpress is a good solution for the user who wants to carry XM radio into his home, automobile or workplace.


The Audiovox Xpress is the most compact and lightest XM radio unit available. The small design allows the user to carry it wherever she goes for docking in an automobile or home audio system.


The Audiovox Xpress has a plug and play design that ensures easy connectivity in home and automobile units alike. It comes packaged with a deluxe automobile kit with antenna and a direct line-out to connect via a1/8-inch stereo line directly to your car stereo. It also has a built-in 100 channel FM transmitter to connect wirelessly to any car stereo straight out of the box. This unit also has an optional home kit available to connect to any home stereo.


The five-line display makes viewing your XM station and other information easily readable in the car or at home. The Audiovox Xpress has built-in stock and sports score tickers, allowing you to scroll the information across the bottom of your display. The display also shows the channel number, artist and song that is currently playing.

Extra Features

The Audiovox Xpress also comes with a remote control to allow hands-free operation at home or in the car. The unit also has a built-in clock, alarm and sleep timer.

Tags: Audiovox Xpress, also built-in, Audiovox Express, home automobile, unit also, unit available

Monday, February 16, 2009

At&T Calling Card Instructions

AT&T provides a wide array of telecommunication products and services to its customers. The company's products include local and long distance phone service, Internet connectivity, wireless products such as cell phones and PDAs, and calling card and prepaid services. The calling cards are competitively priced and come in four options.

AT&T Prepaid Phone Card

AT&T offers four calling card options. Each card is designed to meet your calling needs without attacking your budget. The AT&T Prepaid Phone Card provides lower state-to-state calling rates within the U.S. and competitive rates to more than 200 countries. The cards are rechargeable and the minutes never expire. To use the card, call the toll-free access number on the card. Press 1 to hear prompts in English and then enter your PIN. Dial 1+ the area code and phone number.

The CALL ATT Calling Card

The CALL ATT Calling Card provides local, long distance and international calling options that are charged directly to your AT&T phone bill. Obtaining a card is free and requires no additional monthly fee. To place a call using this card, dial 1-800-CALL-ATT and then press 1. Dial the area code and phone number and then enter your calling card number and PIN.

The AT&T One Rate Calling Card

The AT&T One Rate Calling Card Plan is designed for frequent calling-card users. The card does not apply a per-call service charge but does include a monthly fee of $1.95. This service provides AT&T quality and reliability, and the calling card number is based on your telephone number for easy recall. Simply dial 1-800-CALL-ATT to use the service. Press 1, then dial the area code and phone number. When prompted, enter your calling card number and PIN.

The AT&T Universal Card

The AT&T Universal Card is a credit card calling card that offers a point benefit system and cash-back services rewards. The program allows you to earn up to 10 percent on eligible AT&T products and services for the first 12 months and 5 percent thereafter. The Universal Card is a MasterCard that comes with all the rewards of a standard MasterCard. It also provides you with 30 prepaid phone minutes per month and two directory assistance calls per month. The use of the card is outlined at the time of credit acceptance.

Tags: area code, area code phone, calling card, calling card number, card number, code phone

Manual Camera Tips

Despite modern "do-everything-for-you" cameras, the old manual film camera still has a place in the world, particularly with photographers who want to retain complete control over their art. And because few people want these old manuals, they are inexpensive to buy and fun to master. You also have the advantage of doing unusual things without the camera's computer brain "thinking" it's smarter than you.


Manual cameras are heavier than modern plastic digital cameras and, in general, they were built to last. For example, the Hasselblad 500 C/M was once the choice of pros because it had superb lenses and produced a 2.25-by-2.25-inch negative or slide, which yielded sharper prints than were possible from 35 mm film. At its peak, this camera body---without a lens---cost $3,000. Now that they're out of favor, Hasselblad body prices have dropped to around $100, making this once lofty camera accessible to most photographers. If you buy a 500 C/M and its standard 80mm lens, add a couple of film backs. Film backs hold the film in either 120 or 220 size for either 12 or 24 exposures, respectively. This is a complex piece of equipment, so get to know it. A common mistake, for example, is to forget to remove the dark slide from the film back before trying to take a photo. The film slide protects the film from exposure while switching film backs, and it prevents the camera shutter from working when in place.


Take a camera out for a test drive and experiment with all the controls. Move in close for portraits or nature studies, farther back for landscapes. Use bracketing--taking at least three shots of the same photo at different shutter speed and aperture settings to learn which exposure combination works best. You won't see the results right away as you would in a digital camera, but you won't ever have to miss a shot because of a dead battery; the camera doesn't have any. Everything is mechanical. Don't plan on shooting fast, because manual cameras aren't built for speed. Use that to your advantage to carefully compose your photos.

Light and Film

The Hasselblad 500 C/M and other medium-format manual cameras don't have a built-in light meter. There are several solutions to this. You could buy a metered prism viewfinder that provides through-the-lens light readings; you could buy a hand-held meter; or you could guess. If you enough photographic experience, guessing can work, but it's risky if you're on an important photo shoot. The hand-held meter is the tried-and-true method. A separate meter may not be as accurate as the through-the-lens variety, but it's generally less expensive and doesn't weigh the camera down. Another tip with a Hasselblad or similar camera is to get a lot of film backs and pre-load them, especially for professional shoots. It takes time to load a film back, and that slows down the shoot. If you have many film backs already loaded with different types of film, you will be ready to keep shooting, and you won't miss the special moment.

Tags: film backs, film back, from film, hand-held meter, manual cameras

Repair Nicd Batteries

Repair Nicd Batteries.

Repairing the memory in a Nickel Cadmium (NICD) battery will revive dead rechargeable NICD batteries. As NICD rechargeable batteries are used and recharged, crystals build up within the battery blocking the ability of the battery to hold a charge. Resetting the memory in NICD batteries is a process in which NICD rechargeable batteries are "jumped" similar to that of a car battery to remove the crystal build up, allowing the battery to work like new.


Repair Nicd Batteries.

1. Check the NICD rechargeable batteries using the battery tester to determine if they have been fully discharged. If there is some life in the NICD rechargeable battery, continue to use it until the charge has been fully depleted.

2. Determine the negative end and positive end of the NICD rechargeable battery. The positive end will be raised and the negative end is flat.

3. Connect the black alligator clamp on the 12 volt battery charger to the negative end of the dead NICD rechargeable battery.

4. Bring the red alligator clamp up to the positive end of the battery and tap it lightly two or three times. As the battery is repaired, it may emit some sparks.

5. Complete the repair by holding both the black and red alligator clamps on the negative and positive ends of the NICD battery for a maximum of 2 to 3 seconds.

6. Release the clamps and retest the NICD battery with the battery tester. If the battery memory has not been fully reset, repeat the repair process.

Tags: NICD rechargeable, been fully, Nicd Batteries, NICD battery, NICD rechargeable batteries, NICD rechargeable battery, rechargeable batteries

Friday, February 13, 2009

Get A Cell Phone Battery

The chief benefit of cell phones is their portability. Yet this benefit is only as good as its power source: once the cell phone's battery wears out, so does your ability to communicate wirelessly. Use the following guide to assist you in finding a cell-phone battery.


Get a New Cell-Phone Battery

1. Determine the type of battery your cell phone requires. Use either the handset owner’s manual, found inside the original box, or remove the battery itself from the cell phone. All cell phones are equipped with one of three types of batteries: the older, bulky nickel-cadmium (NiCad) battery, the nickel-metal-hydride (NiMH) battery or the newer, lightweight, and smaller lithium-ion or lithium-polymer (LiIon) battery.

2. Contact a local cell-phone retailer that supports your service carrier (i.e. T-Mobile, ATT or Verizon). Have your phone’s make and model handy. Inquire about the battery and obtain information regarding battery features (i.e. power capacity), availability and prices. Contact other local wireless retail stores to compare information.

3. Contact mass-merchant and big-box retailers, such as Best Buy, Target, or Wal-Mart stores. These stores carry a sizable amount of cell phones and accessories and generally do not discriminate between brands: They feature most cell-phone carriers and their merchandise. Ask about battery features, availability and prices.

4. Search online retailers using your battery type (Lithium-Ion or "LiIon") as the main keyword. Include the cell phone's make and model (Motorola RAZR V3) for additional search results.

5. Check out any available battery outlet store, either locally or online. These stores feature batteries and battery accessories from all major manufacturers, as well as custom-application and hard-to-find batteries. The merchandise is usually at a discounted price.

6. Compare all the information to decide which retailer will prove the most advantageous when purchasing the cell-phone battery and purchase the battery.

Tags: cell phone, cell phones, about battery, availability prices, battery features, make model

Turn On A Pioneer Turntable

The PL-990 Pioneer turntable is an automatic turntable used to play vinyl record albums. The PL-990 has two speed settings, 33.3 rpm and 45 rpm, for use with both full-sized vinyl albums and single-song records. The PL-990 includes a built-in equalizer and a spindle with diamond stylus. The PL-990 outputs audio in stereo through a line-out connector plug on the back of the stereo. You use simple control buttons to turn on the Pioneer turntable.


1. Lift the plastic dust cover on the top of the PL-990 and set it upright on its hinges at the back of the turntable.

2. Place a vinyl record on the turntable, aligning the hole in the center of the record with the nub in the center of the turntable.

3. Press the "On/Off" button on the left side of the front of the turntable. This turns on the turntable.

4. Set the turntable speed according to the size of the vinyl record on the turntable.

5. Place the spindle on the outer edge of the vinyl record at the point where the grooves begin.

Tags: vinyl record, Pioneer turntable, record turntable, turntable Place, vinyl record turntable

Set Up Directv With A Tivo Box

DirecTV is one of several satellite providers who provides a view alternative to cable. Tivo allows you to recover shows and content directly from the television without a VCR or other tape recorder. Unlike an ordinary DVR system that records shows it is instructed to, a Tivo will record shows you may like but don't know are scheduled. For instance, if you like crime dramas but aren't aware of one which airs while you aren't around, the Tivo box will record the show for you to watch and enjoy later.


1. Power down the DirecTV receiver, the Tivo box and the television.

2. Connect a coaxial cable to the DirecTV receiver's "Out" port. Attach the other end of the cable to the Tivo's "In" port. This will make sure all content from the DirecTV receiver runs through the Tivo box so it can be recorded.

3. Connect another coaxial cable to the Tivo's "Out" port and route the other end to the television's coaxial "In" port.

4. Power on all three devices, then adjust the television's channel to three. This is the default station for content being viewed through the coaxial cable "In" port. When you adjust the television stations make sure to use the DirecTV receiver's remote. The television's remote will change the stations of the television, instead of the satellite dish.

Tags: DirecTV receiver, cable Tivo, coaxial cable, adjust television, cable Tivo port

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Alternatives For Lens Solution

Saline solution can help to keep your contact lenses bacteria free.

Although there are times when commercial contact lens solution is not available, using the wrong alternative solution can cause serious eye infection and possible loss of vision. Two alternatives to avoid are saliva and tap water. Both can carry large amounts of eye-irritating bacteria. You can protect your contact lenses and your eyes by following a few good common-sense lens solution alternatives.

Commercial Saline Solution With Preservatives

Commercial saline solutions with preservatives provide the best alternative to lens solution. The preservatives will slow the growth of bacteria in the saline solution. Be careful, however, not to exceed the expiration date.

Preservative-Free Commercial Saline Solution

Preservative-free commercial saline solution is a good alternative for contact wearers who are sensitive to preservatives. Sensitivity symptoms may include redness, itching and eye irritation. Once opened, preservative-free saline solution can become contaminated quickly. Choose one-time-use preservative-free solutions or solutions that are tightly sealed. Spray-can solution is good for short-term use, however, bacteria and oils from your skin may cause the applicator tip to become contaminated if touched.

Homemade Saline Solution

Use table salt and distilled water to create homemade saline solution.

Homemade saline solution should only be used for temporary emergency situations. Use 1 cup of distilled water mixed with a pinch of table salt to create a cleaning solution. Although bacteria is found in some distilled water, the amounts are at far lower levels than normal tap water. Adding salt to the mixture will help to kill some of the bacteria. Place your contact lenses into your commercial lens solution as soon as possible to avoid bacteria build-up.

Tags: saline solution, lens solution, contact lenses, distilled water, Saline Solution, your contact

Homemade Backdrops For Photography

Photography can be a fun way to express your creativity. Almost everybody has a digital camera, and even novice photographers are capable of taking professional quality photos. Adding backdrops to your studio is a great way to create variety and add a professional element to your images.


For a basic solid backdrop, purchase a few yards of muslin fabric. It is available in several colors and widths. Buy from the widest bolt possible. These are an inexpensive and portable option that you will use over and over again.


To add even more options to your color palette, paint or dye muslin any color you want. You can match skin tones or clothing choices to each new client.

To create a simple backdrop for professional head shots, purchase various shades of slate blue and gray spray paint. Paint your muslin in a mottling fashion, varying the amounts of each color throughout the fabric.

Painted Scenes

Get really creative and paint a scenic backdrop. Airbrush is a good technique to use. If you don't know operate an airbrush, use acrylics and trace your image onto the fabric using a projector. The choices are endless, and you can be as creative as your abilities allow: a wintry scene for Christmas portraits or a flowery meadow for spring pictures. Enhance your newly created backdrops with coordinating props.


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

R59 Coaxial Cable Connection

R59 coaxial cable is a type of data transfer cable used in a wide variety of applications. Coaxial cable presents a highly efficient, durable way to transmit both audio and video signals, as well as general computer signals, across a specific distance. Devices that commonly use coaxial cables include television antennas, cable television providers and other types of electronics. Connecting a coaxial cable to two devices will take no more than a minute.


1. Straighten out your R59 coaxial cable and lay it flat on a table or other flat surface.

2. Locate the R59 cable inputs on the two devices you are connecting. These inputs will be silver-colored and metal with metal threading circling the actual input. On the inside of the input, you'll find a small circular hole.

3. Line up the pin on the inside of your R59 cable with the hole on the inside of the R59 input on your first device. Push the pin into the hole. Twist the connector on the end of your R59 cable clockwise. Like a screw, it will use the threading on the exterior of the input to guide the cable into the input, securing it in place.

4. Repeat Step 3 to connect the other side of the cable to your second device. Line up the pin on the inside of the R59 cable with the hole on the inside of the R59 input on your second device. Push the pin into the hole. Twist the connector on the end of the R59 cable clockwise.

Tags: inside input, your second device, cable clockwise, cable with, cable with hole

Unlock A Cingular Razr V3

Cingular Wireless, before becoming AT&T, offered the Motorola RAZR V3. The phone was offered in different colors, such as pink, silver and black. The Motorola RAZR V3 is a GSM phone that used SIM-card technology. The phone can be unlocked so that it can be used on any network that also made use of the SIM-card technology.


1. Find your device IMEI. You will need to give the customer service representative the phone's IMEI number to obtain the unlock code for your phone. The IMEI number is located under the battery on a white sticker. You can also get your phone's IMEI by dialing *#06# on the keypad. The IMEI will display on the screen.

2. Call your service provider. Since Cingular is now AT&T, you need to call AT&T. Request an unlock code for your Cingular Motorola RAZR V3 and give the representative the IMEI number.

3. Place in your phone the SIM card for the wireless company that you want to use. The SIM card slot is under the battery in the phone. For example, if you plan to use your Cingular phone on the T-Mobile network, place the T-Mobile SIM card in the phone. The phone will request that you enter the unlock code, which is also called a subsidiary code.

4. Enter in the unlock code using the phone keypad. The phone will now be unlocked and you can begin using it with the new wireless network.

Tags: unlock code, IMEI number, Motorola RAZR, phone IMEI, your phone, code your

Airline Ticket Types

Air travel has become more affordable for many passengers.

Air travel has become a much more widely used method of travel in the period since deregulation in 1978 and the emergence of many more airlines. Airline tickets are the documents used by passenger to obtain their seats on flights. Tickets are classified among the various airline classes and whether the fare has any restrictions on it, which can further affect the price.

Restricted and Non Restricted Fares

A fare that is restricted has limits on what changes you can make to the ticket. For example, you might not be able to change ticket dates, or have any refund in the event of a cancellation. These tickets are generally the cheapest of any class range. Unrestricted tickets allow more changes to them with longer time periods over which the ticket can be changed. An unrestricted ticket will bring the price of the same seat as a restricted ticket up.


Economy is the cheapest travel class on a flight. An economy ticket gives the passenger a seat in the economy cabin of an aircraft. They will have an ample seat, access to the economy entertainment features, in-flight services and bathrooms in the economy section. Economy tickets can be the easiest to get due to the fact that there are more economy seats on the plane than any other class.

Premium Economy

An innovation by a number of airlines in recent years, Premium Economy has been introduced to fill the gap between economy and business class. Passengers purchasing a premium economy ticket will have access to the premium economy cabin, which is a small cabin in front of the economy section. Premium economy seats are slightly bigger than economy with more legroom and less passengers in the cabin. Passengers will also have access to the premium economy entertainment features, in-flight services and bathrooms.


Business class is designed for the frequent traveler, who needs to arrive at their destination as refreshed as possible. Business class tickets are significantly more expensive than the economy and premium economy tickets, but give the passenger a large seat, which on many airlines folds out into a bed, The passenger also has a private area in which to work in many cases, or a significant amount of space compared to those in the lower-class cabins. There are more options for food and drink in the business class cabin and more variety on the entertainment systems. Business class passengers also receive with their ticket a significantly higher baggage weight allowance and priority boarding over economy passengers.

First Class

First class is for the wealthier traveler who wants to have the maximum comfort available on their flight. First-class tickets cost several thousand dollars, depending on the destination but entitle the passenger to large baggage allowances, priority boarding and a large space in the first class cabin --on some airlines this is now a private cabin. First class seats are large, transforming into beds for the passenger to have a comfortable flight. The service in first class is personal with top-quality entertainment features and the maximum amount of privacy you can have on the flight.

Tags: Business class, entertainment features, premium economy, access premium, access premium economy, class cabin, economy cabin

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Advantages & Disadvantages Of Telesales

Telesales offers a variety of advantages--and disadvantages, too.

Telesales, also known as telemarketing, is a common method used by direct-sales companies and entrepreneurs to approach prospects. Telesales also is used by non-profit organizations and political campaigns as a way to raise money. Telesales offers some advantages to the salesperson, but it also contains certain barriers that can make the sales process more difficult.

More Contacts

Telesales allows a salesperson to contact more prospects in a shorter amount of time. Unlike door-to-door sales or seeing prospects by appointment, the telesales person can quickly move from one prospect to the next simply by dialing the telephone.

Less Expense

Telesales also can involve less expense than other forms of sales. Telesales people do not need to put excessive miles on their vehicles since they are driving only back and forth to an office or working out of their homes. This saves on car expenses, such as gasoline and maintenance. Since their prospects do not see them, there is no need to spend money on expensive wardrobes or sales tools, such as flip charts. Although there is the expense of the telephone use, this often can be mitigated with the use of a money-saving calling plan.

Intrusive Nature

Telesales can be viewed as highly intrusive by those receiving the phone calls. The calls often are made on evenings and Saturdays, when prospects are more likely to be home, and that can cause disruption of family activities or meals. The National Do Not Call Registry was established in 2004 to allow United States residents the opportunity to prevent telesales people from calling them, which limits the number of prospects.

Rejection and Making Contact

All types of sales contains an element of rejection, and telesales is no exception. Since the prospects aren't dealing with marketers in person, it can be easier to get rid of them simply by hanging up the phone. Modern phone systems contain Caller ID features that allow prospects to screen calls from unknown sources, making contact with prospects much more difficult.

No Face-to-Face Interaction

Since telesales people do not see their prospects in person, they are limited in the types of sales presentations they can make. They are unable to use sales aids such as laptop computers or charts, and prospective customers cannot handle product samples. It also can be more difficult to develop rapport with prospects over the telephone because it is more of an impersonal approach than meeting face-to-face.

Tags: more difficult, Telesales also, Telesales offers, their prospects, types sales, with prospects

The Specifications Of A Toshiba A205s5000

The Toshiba A205-S5000 is a type of laptop computer.

The Toshiba Satellite A205-S5000 laptop was introduced in 2008 as a mid-range option. Boasting a large screen and light weight, the A205-S5000 offers competitive features compared to similar laptops.


The A205-S5000 comes standard with an Intel Celeron 540 processor, running at 1.86 gigahertz with one megabyte L2 cache and 533 megahertz front-side bus.

Hard Drive

The A205-S5000 base model offers a 120 gigabyte, 5400 RPM serial ATA hard drive. The amount of hard drive space may be upgraded for a fee.


The A205-S5000 also includes ,2048 megabytes of PC5300 DDR2 SDRAM, in two sticks of 1024 megabytes each. The A205-S5000 can support a maximum of 2,048 megabytes of RAM.

Optical Drive

The A205-S5000 has an integrated DVD SuperMulti optical drive supporting 11 formats. This drive may be used to read and write CDs and DVDs in multiple formats.


The A205-S5000 screen is 15.4 widescreen inches of TFT LCD display. The native screen resolution is 1280-by-800 pixels and supports native 720p technology.

Tags: Drive A205-S5000, hard drive

Monday, February 9, 2009

Use A Canon Powershot S5

Use a Canon Powershot S5

The Canon Powershot S5 is an 8-megapixel consumer digital camera with a huge 12x optical zoom lens for getting close to all the action. The camera is slightly larger than traditional consumer digital cameras and packed with tons of features that make it easy to take great pictures, as well as manual options that give you the flexibility to manipulate your pictures the way you want.


1. Turn the wheel on the top of the camera to select a particular scene mode. Scene modes will automatically compensate for the typical lighting and motion in a particular situation. For instance the sports setting (designated by a running man icon) will increase your shutter speed so you can capture things such as moving people and balls.

2. Press the function button to access menu change the file size of the pictures you are taking. The camera defaults to taking high-resolution 8-megapixel pictures which will take up a lot of space on your memory card. If you plan on just putting your pictures on the web or making small prints you can reduce the file size to get more pictures on your card. The file size will be at the bottom of the screen on the left and designated originally by a "L" for "Large" file size.

3. Press the ISO button on the back of the camera to charge the ISO setting of your camera. ISO is essentially the film speed in your digital camera. For very bright situations you will want to use a low ISO, for darker situations you will want to use a high one. Experiment to get to the perfect ISO for each situation. In auto mode the camera will automatically pick the right ISO with no need for you to manipulate it.

4. Press the "Disp" button to the right of the bottom of the LCD screen to turn off the camera's LCD screen. LCD screens take up a lot of battery power, so, to maximize your battery life, try to keep the LCD screen off and turn it on only when you need to review pictures or charge settings in the camera.

5. Press the menu button to access things such as the self-timer, to turn off the digital zoom, and turn the time stamp on or off on your pictures.

Tags: file size, Canon Powershot, your pictures, bottom screen, button access, consumer digital, digital camera

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Refinish Cds

Compact discs, commonly known as CDs, are delicate objects. A drop or misguided touch can put a scratch on your favorite band's disc and a damper on the playback. Scratches on the backside of a CD can cause skipping, damage information on a data disc or even ruin a CD altogether if not fixed immediately. The immediate fix to a scratch is an expensive repair kit or new CD. But with a few products found at home and a little care and concentration, you can refinish your CD without breaking the bank.


1. Locate the scratches on the back of the disc while disc is lying on a flat surface. The process should not be done on spots that do not require it.

2. Apply a small amount of the metal polish to a microfiber cloth or eyeglass wipe.

3. Gently wipe the polish onto the scratch in a radial pattern, starting at the innermost point of the scratch and ending at the outermost. Continue this motion for about five to 10 minutes, until the scratch begins to disappear, adding more polish as necessary, applying minimal pressure to the disc.

4. Wipe off excess polish with a clean cloth and let dry for about five minutes. Wipe off again with a clean cloth to assure that you've remove the product.

5. Apply a drop Vaseline to a clean cloth and apply to the disc in the same radial method as the metal polish for two minutes or less.

6. Remove excess Vaseline with a clean cloth. Let dry for about five minutes.

Tags: clean cloth, about five, about five minutes, five minutes, with clean

Friday, February 6, 2009

Get Passport Photos

Get Passport Photos

After the 9/11 attacks it was nearly impossible to get a passport in a short amount of time. Today it usually takes less than two weeks from the time you submit your application to the time your passport arrives in the mail. U.S passports are valid for 10 years, so it's important to look nice in your passport photo. There are lots of options for passport applicants to acquire pictures of themselves. Here are just a few ideas.


Easy Process

1. Certain branches of the U.S. Postal Service offer passport photo services. It usually costs a bit more to get your photo taken at the post office, about $15, but not all post offices participate. They often have long lines, and for the high cost it doesn't seem worth the trouble to get your picture taken here.

2. For a small fee, usually less than $10, you can have your passport photo taken at any Walgreens, CVS, Wal-Mart, Target, Kinkos and more. Just about every retailer with a photo center is taking passport photos these days.

3. Passport photos are free for members of the AAA Auto Club. Call the local number printed on the back of your membership card and they'll tell you where you can find the closest branch location.

Making Your Own Passport Photo

4. If you're crafty and a little bit tech savvy, you can make your own passport photos. Be familiar with the government requirements for passport photo dimensions and specifications then do the following: Sit in front of a white colored wall. Remove any hats or non-prescription glasses. Look directly into the camera. Don't smile. Check that there are no shadows behind you on the image.

5. Upload your image to the ePassportPhoto website. Crop the image to government specifications. Either print your color photo at home on high quality photo paper or upload it to the photo center at your local Walgreens, CVS, Wal-Mart or Target and pick it up there.

6. Know that ePassportPhoto will ship your picture to you for a fee if you are unable to print it yourself.

Tags: passport photo, your passport, less than, photo center, photo taken

Do An Amateur Photo Shoot By Yourself

Invest in a quality camera to take professional-looking photographs.

Photo shoots are one way to express yourself or to showcase your modeling and photography skills. They can also be useful in helping you get ahead in the modeling or acting industry or entertaining to post on a social networking site to share with friends and family members. You can complete all the steps of a photo shoot by yourself if you have the proper equipment and if you employ some creativity.


1. Find an ideal location to do your photo shoot. Outdoor settings can create beautiful backdrops. Use the beach for a summer look or the mountains, forests or near streams for a natural look. If you choose an indoor setting, use a solid-colored background for professional photos, while colorful backgrounds make for a light-hearted one. A sheet can double as an inexpensive backdrop.

2. Prepare yourself for the photo shoot. Determine the look you are going for, and plan accordingly. For example, if you are doing a beach photo shoot, wear a swimsuit and sunglasses, use natural makeup and give your hair a beachy look with waves. If you are taking a professional photo, wear neutral-colored clothing, and keep makeup at a minimum; hair should be neatly brushed. For a more creative photo, wear bright colored clothing, bright eyeshadow and a crazy up-do. Men can dress in colorful shirts and spike their hair or wear hats. Alternately, create romantic photos with a light-colored shirt, soft makeup and loose curls.

3. Set up a tripod to hold your camera. Aim it at the background of your choice, and take a few pictures to ensure you like the lighting and background. Adjust the lighting according to the photo. For dark backgrounds and clothing, turn all light sources off, and do your photo shoot at night. Use the flash on your camera as your only light source. For bright, fun photos, use a lot of light. For outdoor photos, you can experiment with lighting. For example, wooded areas tend to photograph best when the sun is high up in the sky and the light is trickling through the branches and leaves. A sunset adds a nice effect to beach photographs.

4. Change the settings on your camera. Locate the timer, and set it so there is a delay when you take a picture. This gives you time to position yourself before the photo is taken.

5. Add props to the photo shoot that suit your theme. For example, if you are doing an informal photo shoot, add bright colored objects to the set. Romantic photos can include flowers.

6. Take a lot of photos using different angles. Find the angle that shows you at your best. A camera aiming down at people and slightly at an angle is flattering for overweight and bigger builds. This angle can also make tall people appear shorter. Cameras aiming up at people make smaller frames and underweight people appear larger. This angle can also make shorter people look taller.

7. Take pictures of your reflection in a bathroom mirror for head shots. Angle your body to the mirror, and snap the picture while you are holding the camera out with your hand. Head shots work best if you choose to accentuate your best feature. For example, if you have beautiful eyes, position yourself below the camera, and angle it down to make your eyes appear larger. To accentuate lips, the camera should be face-level. If you have a full face, angle the camera to the side. If you have a double chin, make it disappear by aiming the camera down at your face.

Tags: photo shoot, your camera, also make, angle also, angle also make, appear larger

Determine The Size Of A Camera Lens Cap

Determining the size of your lens cap is as easy as finding the information on your lens.

The excitement and rush of a fast-paced photo shoot can cause photographers to make a common mistake -- lose their lens cap. Lens caps are small and can fall out of camera bag pockets, get stuck under partitions and find themselves anywhere else you can think of. It isn't difficult to replace your lost lens caps as most camera stores sell loose lens caps. Back lens caps are brand and type specific, but front lens caps aren't simply determined by the size of the lens.


1. Locate the number beside "mm" on your lens filter. Your front lens cap will be the same number in "mm." If you don't have a lens filter, look for an "O" with a backslash through it. The number beside it will be the size of your front lens cap.

2. Find the brand and type for your camera. This will determine which back lens cap to get.

3. Go to a camera store and purchase your lens caps. You can also find many online camera stores that will carry what you need.

Tags: lens caps, your lens, front lens, brand type, camera stores, lens filter

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Develop 120 Roll Negative Film

Learn to develop 120 film.

120 roll film developing requires the same basic procedures as 35mm film developing, with only slight variations in film handling and development times. Many photographers find 120 film cumbersome to handle, but, with a bit of practice, you can learn to be just as comfortable with 120 film as with 35mm film. You may also find that you like the larger, square negatives of 120 film better than the smaller, rectangular negatives of 35mm film.



1. Take out your film developer, stop bath and fixer and follow the directions on each chemical's container about prepare the chemicals. You'll need to dilute each chemical with a certain proportion of water.

2. Measure each chemical's temperature using the thermometer.

3. Look inside the box the 120 roll film came in for a guide to the ideal processing temperature for the film, and then heat or cool your chemicals, particularly the developer, to reach that temperature. Place the chemicals in a container and then inside a cooler, and add warm or cool water to the cooler until the chemicals reach the ideal temperature.

Loading the Film for Processing

4. Take your exposed 120 roll film into a light-tight room such as a closet or bathroom. Stuff towels under the door to prevent any light from entering the room.

5. Break the seal that holds the film tightly together, and begin unwrapping the protective paper until you come to the place where it connects to the film.

6. Cut the paper away from the film carefully.

7. Feed one end of the film into the steel or plastic reel and continue feeding the roll as the film slides into the reel. You'll want to practice this step in the light with a spare roll of film until you feel comfortable enough to do it in the dark.

8. Load the reel in the light-tight tank and secure the lid on top.


9. Fill the loaded tank with water at the correct temperature to wet the film, and then pour the water out. Then immediately pour the film developer into the tank and start the timer for the amount of time designated on the 120 roll film package. Agitate the container every 20 or 30 seconds during development. This ensures that the developer will reach all areas of the film. When the timer goes off, pour the film developer back into your storage container.

10. Pour the stop bath into the tank and start the timer for the amount of time designated on the 120 roll film package. Agitate the container constantly during the stop bath segment. When the timer goes off, pour the stop bath back into your stop bath storage container. You can reuse the stop bath for future film developing.

11. Pour the fixer into the tank and start the timer for the amount of time designated on the 120 roll film package. Agitate every 20 or 30 seconds. When the timer goes off, pour the fixer back into your fixer storage container. You can reuse the fixer for future film developing.

12. Pour water into the tank and agitate for one minute before pouring it out again. Repeat this water wash at least five times and then take the loaded reel out of the tank and dip it in a cleaning agent.

13. Remove the film from the reel carefully, using two fingers to gently squeegee excess liquid off of the negatives. Hang the film to dry.

Tags: roll film, stop bath, film developing, into tank, 35mm film, amount time

Purchase A Radar Detector

Many who travel the highways and byways of this country would like to have help avoiding speeding tickets. That assistance comes in a package known as a radar detector.


1. Figure out your budget so that you will get a detector you can afford. There are many varieties of radar detectors with a lot of bells and whistles, with prices ranging from roughly $80 to more than $350.

2. Decide if you want to install the detector or whether you want a professional installer to do it. This will help determine what kind of store you buy the unit from. Specialty car audio shops have technicians on hand who can install the units for you. If you buy from a store like Kmart, you will probably have to install the unit yourself.

3. Consider brand-name devices. Leading manufacturers of radar detectors include Cobra, Uniden, Whistler and Bel-Tronics.

4. Choose a unit that can sense wideband. The unit should be able to pick up the entire Ka band as well as K, X and laser.

5. Note the unit's sensitivity. Manufacturers sometimes publish lab-test results. Look for at least 110 dB.

6. Think about getting a unit with memory. This will avoid the need to keep resetting the adjustments every time you start up.

7. Look carefully at the display. Make sure you can see it even in bright sunlight.

8. Select a unit that has an adjustable volume. Consider getting a unit with a "Mute" function. If there is a police car cruising behind you, you can silence the detector so it won't drive you batty.

Tags: getting unit, getting unit with, radar detectors, This will, unit that

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Watch One Channel And Record Another With A Single Tuner Dvr Cable Box And Vcr

You can watch one channel while recording another simultaneously using a single tuner DVR, a cable box and a VCR. Follow the simple steps given below to accomplish this.


Connect the Cables

1. Purchase an RF splitter from your local electronics store (under $10).

2. Connect the RF splitter to the RF coaxial cable that comes out of the wall. If the RF coaxial cable is connected to any device after it comes out of the wall, remove the connection.

3. Attach one of the RF cables projecting from the splitter to the RF In point on the cable box.

4. Connect the other RF cable to the Antenna In point located at the back of the TV.

5. Connect the composite Audio/Video cable coming from the Audio/Video Out points on the back of the cable box to the INPUT connectors on the DVR.

6. Ensure that the IR cable (used to transmit signals from the TiVo DVR to the cable box) is properly attached to the IR connector present on the back of the DVR.

7. Connect a composite Audio/Video cable from the DVR Audio/Video OUTPUT to the Audio/Video INPUT on the VCR.

8. Connect a composite Audio/Video cable from the Audio/Video Out on the VCR to the Audio/Video INPUT on the TV.

Set Up a Connection From the DVR to the TiVo Service

9. Set up a wired connection on your broadband system. Purchase a wired USB network adapter and an Ethernet cable. Connect the network adapter to one of the USB ports on the DVR. Connect one end of an Ethernet cable to the Ethernet connector on the adapter, and the other end to a port on the network hub or router.

10. Set up a wireless connection on the broadband system. Purchase a wireless USB network adapter and attach the same to any USB port on the back of the DVR.

11. Set up a phone connection by using a standard phone line in working condition and using the phone cable to link the DVR to a nearby wall jack. If the jack is shared by a phone and DVR, use the phone line splitter provided with the DVR.

Watch One Channel and Record Another Using a Single Tuner DVR and a Cable Box

12. Connect the power cord from a power outlet located on the wall to the port at the back of the DVR.

13. Switch on the TV. "Welcome! Powering up" will be displayed on the screen. If not, press the TV/Video button on the remote control of the TV and VCR to locate the right input program.

14. Use the TV remote control to change channels, while the recording of programs from another channel is in progress.

15. Watch the recorded video from your DVR by pressing the TiVo button on your TiVo remote, followed by the TV/Video button on the TV remote until you get the TiVo Central on the screen.

Tags: Audio Video, Audio Video cable, composite Audio, composite Audio Video, Connect composite, Connect composite Audio


About Umbrellas

Umbrellas are canopies designed to protect against precipitation. The word originated from the Latin "umbra," which means shade or shadow. In Britain, New Zealand and Australia, an umbrella is often called by the slang name "brolly." "Gamp" is another name for the umbrella used in Britain. It derived from the umbrella-toting character, Mrs. Gamp, in the Charles Dickens novel "Martin Chuzzlewit." In the late nineteenth century, Americans gave umbrellas the nickname "bumbershoot."


Umbrellas can be traced to over 3,000 years ago. At this time, the umbrella was a religious symbol used by Egyptians to denote citizens with higher planes of authority. In the sixteenth century, umbrellas gained popularity as fashion accessories as well as religious symbols throughout Portugal, England and France. In the seventeenth century, waterproof umbrellas came into popular use in England. Umbrellas slowly evolved from these early times into the household objects we know today.


The main function of umbrellas is to protect from rain. They may also be used to shield the user from the sun, although this is normally a job for the cousin of the umbrella, the parasol. Umbrellas are even used in photography as light reflectors. They can also be used as fashion accessories for men or women.


Umbrellas are hand-held portable objects. They are internally supported and collapsible. Umbrellas consist of a handle, often J-shaped, a bottom and top spring for opening and closing, waterproof canopy and a tube and metal ribs that support the canopy.


There are many types of umbrellas available, although many of these could be correctly termed parasols. Collapsible personal umbrellas are the most common. Beach and patio umbrellas are designed to protect from the sun. Photographic umbrellas are used to control light during a photo shoot. Bubble umbrellas have recently gained popularity. They are transparent or translucent with a canopy that surrounds the body, offering more rain protection than traditional types.


Many people mistake parasols for umbrellas. The difference between the two is the material. All parasols are not waterproof as are umbrellas. Parasols are generally fixed to one place and used as outdoor shelter. Umbrellas are almost always hand-held.

Tags: also used, designed protect, fashion accessories, gained popularity, protect from, They also, They also used

Buy Ipad Weather Apps

A number of iPad weather apps are available through the App Store. The good news is plenty of them are free or reasonably priced. The iPad doesn't ship with a built-in weather app, and you're going to want one sooner or later. Read online reviews of the weather apps ahead of time or go to the App Store and start browsing.


1. Turn on your iPad. Tap the "App Store" icon on the home screen.

2. Tap "Categories" at the bottom of the screen. Scroll through the categories and tap the "Weather" icon when you come to it.

3. Browse the weather apps in the section. Tap an icon or app name once to read additional information about the app and customer ratings from people who have already tried it out.

4. Tap the button that contains the price for the app or the word "Free" to select it. Enter your Apple ID and password when prompted. If you don't yet have an Apple ID, follow the iPad instructions to acquire one.

5. Locate the downloaded app on your iPad home screen. Tap it once to open it.

Tags: weather apps, home screen, your iPad

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Install The Dial Pad For An Evo 4g

The HTC EVO comes with a dial pad application. You can change this application to a new dial pad, or install new skins for the existing dial pad to give it a fresh look. In addition to changing the look of the dial pad, you can establish specific dial pad features and configuration options to customize the EVO.


1. Tap "All Programs." Touch "Market" to access the Android Market to search for a dial pad application. Tap "Apps."

2. Touch "Categories." Tap "Communication." Dial pad applications, such as Dialer One, will appear.

3. Tap the dial pad application you select. Tap "Download." Review the application's details and permission requirements. Touch "Agree & Download." Wait for the dial pad application to load onto your EVO.

4. Open the "Applications" page. Launch the dial pad application. You can use this application to dial out on your phone, edit your contacts and use any special features included with the app.

Tags: dial application, application dial, this application, this application dial